What do you think is the top issue in our country today that the next Philippine president should address? (2025)


What do you think is the top issue in our country today that the next Philippine president should address?


2010-02-07 22:38:01 UTC

We are months away from the 2010 May Elections and as presidential candidates discuss their platforms and plans if they get elected, what do you think should be the priority of the next Philippine president? Is it healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security, job growth, or stopping graft and corruption? Share your views now and let's do our part in making sure Pinoys are well-informed and ready for the upcoming elections.

305 answers:


2010-02-14 12:35:03 UTC

Jobs, jobs, jobs! The people need jobs to earn a living and make our best and brightest less tempted to moving to different countries. Economics should be first and foremost so we can create a vibrant and powerful middle class to battle poverty and corruption.

The "Anti-Corruption" platform has not done anything for the country. It is becoming a baseless campaign ploy, meant to trap the politically inexperienced into emotional fever. Remember, GMA battled corruption when she became president. Erap is corrupt therefore GMA is the solution. Before that, President Garica's administration is corrupt therefore Diosdado Macapagal is answer and then President Marcos is corrupt therefore Cory is the one. Now, it's GMA is corrupt therefore Noynoy is the solution. The country has been corrupt since Spain ruled our country.

Although I want good governance and no corruption in the government, I'm tired of all the dogs barking. Instead, I want to hear ideas on improving the country. Look forward instead of backwards.

It is very easy to criticize but hard to find solutions!


2010-02-08 00:46:37 UTC

a clear economic development program. The country's economy is greatly dependent on export of human labor. The next President should focus on agricultural production to reduce the cost of food which takes up more than 60% of the income of ordinary Filipinos, not leaving enough for education. medical care, housing etc. A Majority of Filipinos are underpaid and underemployed. How about the next President embarking on a local business led industrialization, so thousands of Filipinos who do not have call center skills can find meaningful employment. Our economy is 60% services based. We are not producing enough goods for our internal and export needs. Another concern for the next President is corruption. Filipinos are good planners but problems in implementation always arise because many people in position of power are overcome by self-interest. The church should be also take responsibility over this. Their teachings are not being internalized by the people. The result? Government officials who throw ethics and morals out of the window when given the opportunity to enrich themselves.


2010-02-07 23:48:42 UTC

The top issue that should be addressed should be job growth because if there are lot of unemployed Filipinos, crime, poverty and others also rises. If most Filipinos have work, there will be enough foods to feed the family that will reduce health problems and out-of school youth.

Piranha dad

2010-02-22 15:50:20 UTC

As I understand it the Philippines has an alarming threat of terrorism. The people of the Philippines need security and that's really the government's main function. In America government has tried to come up with goods and services that have led to our financial problems. If the government keeps you secure then you can take care of your finances yourself. Learn from our successes and our mistakes in America. The Philippines is a great country. They've been great friends to America. Good luck.

manicar m

2010-02-15 06:08:08 UTC



2010-02-10 05:37:43 UTC

Graft and corruption... How can the country stay on its two feet if our "politico" abuse their power to enrich themselves? Poverty alleviation depends on funds available. If those in power do not use their position to administer the wealth of the nation appropriately, honestly, according to law and with the welfare of their countrymen in mind, who will? Health and education are also important but with leaders who cheat and allow others to cheat in the exercise of their power all of other important issues will not be solved. Graft and corruption is simply cheating and it is done in the dark. Where is the honor of a true Filipino leader?


2010-02-09 17:10:02 UTC

Corruption and abuse of power!


2010-02-08 18:08:13 UTC

It is the graft and corruption. We need a righteous leader who has a passionate love for God and country. Wake up my fellow Filipinos its time to rise up. Sama-sama tayo para sa tunay na pagbabago. EDDIE TAYO! BANGON PILIPINAS!


2010-02-08 15:27:48 UTC

"The priority of the next President should be focusing on giving solutions to the current problems/issue's that our country is facing.He must first be "CLEAN" and no background of corruption!.never been tied into scandals either he must not have families who are repeatedly claiming their lands which was if they have conscience must be given to the tillers.For a president with no stain of bloodshed or scandal can be focus on what the country needs.We must not ask questions like these for everything that affects the people must be prioritize hence we must ASK these candidate the question WHO ARE THEY? and WHERE THEY COME FROM? for these questions shall effect greatly the things that they shall do...


2010-02-08 12:07:44 UTC

stoping graft and corruption ( at least slowly) then PROVIDING BETTER public services for the filipino people coz we deserve it BADLY!

and all well follow....

neil lazo

2010-02-15 23:13:43 UTC

We are months away from the 2010 May Elections and as presidential candidates discuss their platforms and plans if they get elected, what do you think should be the priority of the next Philippine president? Is it healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security, job growth, or stopping graft and corruption? Share your views now and let's do our part in making sure Pinoys are well-informed and ready for the upcoming elections.


2010-02-11 00:54:58 UTC

There should be no priorities if it can be helped. What I think is that, they should focus on corruption instead. If there would be no corrupt officials, then, there would be no problem regarding the other issues.

About healthcare, if only budget would really go to insurance for the Filipino people, we would no longer think twice about going to a public hospital and get snapped at by nasty nurses. We could have better health centers and hospitals instead.

About education, if only the budget for education would not be slipped inside the pockets of those people behind the desks, there would be state colleges where the students could really compete with other students who graduate from a private school. Today, only students from the University of the Philippines are included in the top priorities in hiring graduates for a certain position.

About poverty, if only people would not insist in staying in the city and leave their more secure and healthy life in the province, they would not be forced to stay and make residences in the squaters area.

About job growth, if only we could produce better graduates, getting a job would not at all be a problem. What we have now is a mismatch in the graduates and the jobs available.

The Philippines is a country which is rich in natural resources. There are just some problems in mishandling these resources. If we could only be more aware of our responsibilities as citizens, then we would not suffer from these things that makes some of us ashamed of being a FILIPINO.


2010-03-23 11:56:07 UTC

It would be really good if ALL of them are satisfied. But anyway, the priority should be education and SOCIAL REFORMS that assures the filipino people's involvement, needs and perhaps, interests.

Education: Filipino education had always been, well, not good. The people's consciousness on society is too low, they don't even know the construction of the Philippine Government. The students, speaking mainly on elementary level schools, are graduating but are not learning. Why don't you try to ask an high school graduate what did he learn in his school? What happened in the filipino current history (generally means from the present up to the history 50 years back)? Ask them who is Beowulf? Or Charles Dickens? How to solve a mathematical equation? What are the novels of Dr. Jose Rizal and their true function why they were wrote? I'm sure many teachers still tell their students that 'universe is an infinite space'. Or Pluto is one of the planets in the solar system. There are lots of limits on filipino education methods.

Health care: The problem about this section is that there aren't too much 'healers' that are staying in the country. Plus the government cannot afford a sufficient public clinics.

Poverty: Reasons could be learnt and be justified through history; it is not just 'corruption' - an inevitable filipino event - but it is also the lack of people's consciousness of reality. Summarizing the causes of poverty, I should say 'Great number of population under great shortage of resources'.

National security: We can't stop crime. It grows hand in hand with poverty! They have miserable lives. So what should they do? Commit a suicide or hurt themselves? Why would they choose to suffer while they can let others suffer instead, to take advantage?

Job Growth: Reforms in this section might change nothing. Increasing the workers' salaries would mean increasing the percentage of unemployment. I think there should be a government intervention (like the in the American 'New Deal') that would more public occupation and economic controll. It is useless to say this but perhaps it may turn good: protectionism. I know this economic system is almost impossible to practise since of the international agreements made in the Philippines in the past few years but, it might be one of the best solution.

Graft: the Philippine graft condition is incredible yet the people don't gain much. Good thing there are lots of filipinos working well abroad (positive side).

As my deduction, the filipino social consciousness don't increase much. And I think it is getting worse! If we just try to analise filipino minds, they are more interested on watching and talking about the next 'teleserye' and won't even try to hear the latest news or a political debate (which are really few in the Philippines), right? I'm saying this particularly because there is a coming election. The teenagers are frequently in computer shops, not to a total research dedication, but to play LAN games for hours?!

I would want to say more but I think I already used too much time here, but anyway, hope you liked my opinion. ;-)

2010-03-02 05:53:10 UTC

The top issue that goes in our country today when the Philippine president should address is the platform or the projects of the president to have a proper country. And it is about the good projects where we can be in a good condition (healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security, job growth, or stopping graft and corruption.)


2010-03-18 10:01:14 UTC

The key to a transfer of power is smooth transition. While the newly-elected president will have his own program agenda, key projects of the past administration should be continued and not left behind. For instance, in the infrastructure - the expansion of roads and highways like the SLEX, MRT, among others. There are surely other noteworthy projects in other fields such as education and healthcare. The good ones must be continued so that the resources that were already invested in the first stages will not be wasted. BUT, here is the most important thing - along the continuation of these projects, financial mismanagement will be discovered and the new administration should be transparent about it and provide the people with its concrete plan of eliminating graft/corruption.

While doing this transition, the new administration should quickly implement its own programs. The key to regain the people's trust is to be TRANSPARENT.

I personally hope that this time, we Filipinos will vote the right person to lead us - not to doom but to salvation.


2010-02-08 18:56:33 UTC

I believe that our next president should give precedence to the issues that involve graft and corruption.

The resources intended to finance our national security, education and other Government projects, has been diverted to several corrupt government officials. it could have help a lot of individuals but instead, only a handful has benefited from it. Take for example the private armies in Mindanao.their arms cache which cost millions, The fertilizer scam, No doubt, it's government money that they're spending. These amount could have been used to build classrooms. or buy medicines, learning materials. students chairs and tables, or communication system for our soldiers, or fertilizers to improve the production of our farmers.

Graft and corruption among the government ranks has become alarmingly rampant. it has become more difficult to find an honest government official than a corrupt one. they would steal anything from office funds to office supplies. I'm afraid that there might come a time that this practice might become acceptable to the filipinos and stealing will become our national past time.

So much of our resources has gone down the drain, wasted by the corrupt practices of our leaders and government officals. If this looting with the government funds continues, Then how can we expect an improvement in our education, job growth, national security and others???


2010-02-08 12:39:44 UTC

The top issue that the next president should address first is stopping graft and corruption. 2nd is poverty reduction. they should all demolish all squatter area and build a centre or compound or a hall for poor people. This will reduce bad public image of the philippines, will also be environmentally helpful when there is a climate change(typhoons).3rd i think education, without this no matter how many job opennings or opportunities filipino cannot compete. President should also have at least travel to other countries to have an idea how other government around the world manage their country. Example Japan(education&daily transportation), singapore(national securities), canada(health care & environment) & paris(tourist).


2010-02-08 07:59:59 UTC

I think they should have a self-check first. If they are capable of being honest to the country. And then proceed to stopping graft and corruption. If you stop graft and corruption, then I guess everything else follows. The next Philippine president should serve as a role model to his/her subordinates. About poverty, I don't think poverty is the government's fault anymore. The less fortunate should get their butts off the couch and start looking for jobs/anything to eliminate poverty. The role of the government is just to give them the basics-like housing/give them jobs that do not require an educational level-cleaning ladies/cleaners in the highway, and pay them a minimum wage. That's a start. Don't you think? Besides, it's like hitting 2 birds at the same time. You give jobs to the less fortunate and clean the society-thus preventing global warming. It's all connected. I wish someone hears me out!


2010-03-08 18:45:17 UTC

The top issue of our country that needs to be address by the upcoming President is National Terrorism and Educational System.. It is a mere fact that our country is being wrapped with so much violence.Our country will not be able to achieve unity if all government officials will dwell on their personal interest for power and fame. It is been a trend for them to deceived the public with their sweet words when election comes.And yet most of the public especially those who are uneducated will go for vote buying not thinking the worst effect in the long run.Lack of information and education is the simplest answer.Very Poor Education System. If all Filipinos will get proper education , we wont be dealing with IGNORANCE for the rest of our lives.On the other hand Terrorism should be address, as it invites investors to venture, thus it will provide more jobs, growth and opportunities to everyone. Philippines is a very rich country in nature.We have everything we need to gain a better living. Unfortunately our fellow men tend to work abroad and be slave by foreign countries as they cant get refuge and security in our country.It is a big shame.. a big slap to all Filipinos. These scenarios only implies that we Filipinos should be more sensitive and erudite in choosing our leaders. Millions of promises has been made but few were realized.We need to be more sensitive and erudite in choosing our leaders.Do not be deceived with their sweet words and promises.Be RESPONSIBLE enough!


2010-03-01 19:55:22 UTC

Job Security/Security of Tenure :

the next president should make sure that there will be enough and permanent (regular) employment, not only on a contractual basis.

what good is it for a man or a woman who can only support a family for less than (6) six months and would have to a find a new job again. granting that they will be re-hired, their salaries stay the same, they don't get salary increases, and other benefits that a regular employee enjoys.

where's is the logic by dismissing an employee w/o any due cause who was already trained and capable of doing the job efficiently and then hiring a new and incompetent employee for the same position.

the present government reflects a pro-capitalist type of government. just like the ones in the position right now. all they know is how to protect their own interests.


2010-02-28 20:02:45 UTC

Personal view, time and again our leaders have dreamed of having a robust economy that will finally lift us from the throes of poverty. Sadly, it has remained one of the critical issue being tackled at venues and fora where every ideals salivate to address the problem once elected into office. Its only a matter of time when we will again realized that we have just gotten another ride not better off the last time around. A bludgeoning population for me is a top issue that has to be addressed by the incoming dispensation. Food security would only be attainable where there are less habitat to feed given the limited and dwindling agricultural lands to plant our crops. Since the church is always at a loggerhead with the state looking at this sensitive issue, there must be a "will" a sincere effort to pursue this campaign when the national interest is of prime consideration. Bottom line: a lesser population to feed will revitalize all other priority programs of the government.


2010-02-11 01:13:32 UTC

I agree that graft and corruption should be addressed first. It is vital to properly handling other problems regarding healthcare, education, job growth and, subsequently, reduction of poverty among Filipinos. Once trust in the public officials is restored, every thing else will fall into place. The citizenry will be more productive and cooperative, contributing to a healthier and stronger nation, if they know what they are doing is helping our country and not just going to the pockets of the politicians who have amassed wealth from our own pay checks. Right now I can say our society is sick with all the wrong morals.

The voting citizenry holds the key to the cure of our ailing nation. We should not uphold this kind of politicking any longer if we want our country to rise up. We choose who we vote for, we also choose who we ignore. It is all in our hands.


2010-02-10 05:24:32 UTC

1. Elimination of Graft and Corruption

2. Offer incentives to create a business environment that will foster foreign investment to create good paying jobs in the Republic rather than service positions created by the tourism industry. This may slow or stop the brain drain. Our brightest and most ambitious are now forced to go abroad to find work or worse, to migrate to countries where the jobs are.

3. Establish a comprehensive family planing/birth control program. All public/social services are already overwhelmed by the existing population. If the population increases by the projected 20% in the next five years as projected, how will the government cope? How will the cycle of poverty generation after generation be broken?

One of the presidential candidates has characterized the masses as lazy and stupid. I for one do not believe this is true of the vast majority. If Employment was available, they would gladly work.

The educational system, especially in the provinces, with few exceptions, has failed their students. A lot of these students with High school or four years of collage aspire to nothing better than to work in call centers. I personally find it appalling that this is the limit of their ambition, But I understand that unless they can, and are willing, to go abroad there is not a lot to choose from..

2010-02-08 19:00:39 UTC

I don't think there should be a top priority. All matters concerning the country are now equally important. Everything about the country should be addressed with the same urgency as the rest, which is why selecting the best among all candidates is very important. He must be capable to work on everything all at once, utilizing all government sectors as extra hands through efficient leadership. Past accomplishments cannot be disregarded: it will display the ability of the candidate to work under great pressure and stress. Taking the highest government seat is not like anything they've experienced before, but it cannot serve as training grounds! The elected president must know what to do from day one!



2010-02-08 18:44:15 UTC

Graft and Corruption is a perennial problem in the Philippines, not only in politics, but in other areas, the church itself has been spared. Corruption is the mother of all problems, since it breeds poverty, poor education, National Insecurity, poor Health Care programs, etc.

Therefore the next President should BE first and foremost honest, straightforward, uncompromising, one that cannot be bought by money...for then and only then Can and Will he be able to solve these issues hounding our country.

The question is, is there someone among these who running for the highest office in the land who can impersonate the qualities and values mentioned above. God help us identify the man otherwise we can only expect the worst to come.

Graft and Corruption should be the number priority of the next President of the Philippines.


2010-02-08 08:43:39 UTC

I don't agree with people saying that graft and corruption should be addressed first. Graft and corruption is a structural problem caused by poverty. Therefore, if poverty is reduced and eliminated, graft and corruption will soon follow. The rich countries now such as South Korea and China also had been corrupt at a certain point in their history. What makes them rich countries are their good economic policies that bring foreign direct investment that as a result spur employment. So for me, the president should fix the economy first- focus on agricultural policies. With good economic policies, we will be on our way to the top. Economists also predict the Philippines as one of the top 20 emerging markets by 2020 because of our huge population which is a perfect environment for cheap labor. Therefore, RH bill is a no-no. So my say on this, FIX THE ECONOMY FIRST and fight corruption alongside.


2010-02-08 02:31:36 UTC

From a high school student's point of view, I think education should be one of the top priorities our next President should be focusing. We gain more than just mere knowledge if we receive proper education. It makes us more competent and wiser, and in consequence, we may be able to find good jobs that will suffice our needs. Jose Rizal says the youth is the future of the nation. And I truly believe in what he said. Thus, I believe education is a good investment for the future, and though the effect may be seen as long term, the chances of producing good results is high. The Filipinos have high potential to excel in different fields ranging from the sciences, mathematics, and the humanities. The only problem is that only few are recognized, and even fewer are fortunate enough to have the resources to improve on their talents. I hope the upcoming government will realize how much potential there is to the Filipinos, and that they set funds for the honing of talents we have.

Also, if by chance any one of the presidentiables happen to read this, I would want to say something else to them. If they really want to serve the country, as they often say in their public speeches and debates, then I think nothing would be a hindrance to their goal. Whether they become a president or not, they can still serve the people. There is no law in the Constitution saying that only people elected in power can serve. There are many non-government organizations that are of a good cause. If they are truly empathic with their countrymen, then they can join these. I'm sure the fact that they were able to run as president means they have enough resources to use if they decide to help out in these NGOs.

I also believe that the change we have long been seeking can truly happen if we start with our selves. Trite as it may seem, it is true that real change do start in ourselves. Let us do good not just to look good, but let us do good for everyone.


2010-03-23 11:52:35 UTC

believe that our next president should give precedence to the issues that involve graft and corruption.

The resources intended to finance our national security, education and other Government projects, has been diverted to several corrupt government officials. it could have help a lot of individuals but instead, only a handful has benefited from it. Take for example the private armies in Mindanao.their arms cache which cost millions, The fertilizer scam, No doubt, it's government money that they're spending. These amount could have been used to build classrooms. or buy medicines, learning materials. students chairs and tables, or communication system for our soldiers, or fertilizers to improve the production of our farmers.

Graft and corruption among the government ranks has become alarmingly rampant. it has become more difficult to find an honest government official than a corrupt one. they would steal anything from office funds to office supplies. I'm afraid that there might come a time that this practice might become acceptable to the filipinos and stealing will become our national past time.

So much of our resources has gone down the drain, wasted by the corrupt practices of our leaders and government officals. If this looting with the government funds continues, Then how can we expect an improvement in our education, job growth, national security and others???


2010-03-15 06:29:59 UTC

The most crucial problem that the country faces is "CORRUPTION" a problem that is the mother and

originates the rest of the problems. All the candidates so far failed to address this issue why are we so blind and keep on voting for "more of the same" candidates that do not address the issues or have no platform and relay simply on the media exposure that they obtained via movies,sports or TV.

There should be a limit in the age of the candidates. There should be a national debate as to how to

eliminate corruption, we must find the origin of the problem in order to find solutions.

my opinion

2010-03-05 09:58:00 UTC

I think the top issue that the next President should address is to strengthen the justice implementation program in the country by creating a law to overcome the Civil Service Code in order to remove scalawags from our Police, NBI, and Justice systems. Then increasing the salaries of the Government employees to that of the Private Sector level just like what the Singaporeans are doing to minimize Corruption and creating pride in their work. There should also be a law to protect investigating Policemen from any adverse influence they may get from investigating politically sensitive crimes so that the investigation will never be hampered. The same protection should go to NBI investigators and Justice judges.

I believe that when the Government performs it's job well whether it's popular or not, the people will benefit from it alot. In Singapore, their Government isn't very popular because it is very strict, but people fear and respect it because they know that their Government will implement the rules even if they are not popular (Ex: it's illegal to chew gum and spit in the streets there), but in the end the Singaporeans benefited because they know that their Government can be trusted to perform for the best interest of the their country and its people as a whole.


2010-02-10 19:21:23 UTC

The nation is more inclined to see what the president will do to the corruption done by the Arroyo government. An independent court that the president will give full authority to investigate and prosecute with a tough steel nerved judge who is not afraid and can not be bribed. Order all agencies in the government to provide all the necessary papers as evidence, order the police to follow the courts instructions - no ifs no buts. To give warning to anybody, those who will not follow the order of the court will be charged with criminal offense. Nobody should be spared. This will include the killings of media practitioners by the police and the military. Impeachment of the umbudsman for negligence. Replacing all heads of government and agencies. Putting umbudsman in all government institutions to immediately investigate and prosecute erring government officials. The president must show that he means business.

After that, the president can now look into the meeting of the needs of the people. Lead the nation for prayer of repentance to God for all the sins committed by the people and the past leaders of the nation.

Even now at this busy campaign period - he should now be very prayerful - asking God for directions. He should now put God in His rightful place - He is the Lord of this Nation.


2010-02-10 10:56:13 UTC

The priority is moral change, a driving force. Poverty is like "kuto" already the real truth is that we can't rid off it easily. Less corruption, a positive outlook on poor life and work, and a good habit for our students and workers is what I believe we needed.

---more here-----

1. Less corruption - no projects, no corruption. more projects, more corruption opportunities. more "political" ties, more corruption obligations. Prefer which kind.

2. A positive outlook in poor life and work. - Let us remember that we really have a tight economic budget, and that we have a bad work reputation in general. So how can we provide opportunities, knowing that we don't have money for investment and we don't have that many people trusting our flag?

Blame? Indeed, blaming is our favorite answer. The cry of ousting someone in seat sounds really cool. But you can't blame a person you assigned to clean a Mt. Apo of still life garbage.

We still need to work and do our part, with a leader that we can trust to point us exactly where to go. And he must be contagiously positive about it.

3. A good habit - wake up, eat, bath, stare at life, go home, sleep - these are habits. Collectively, this would represent what Philippine economy we could attain. We need someone to pinch our cheeks; someone to wake us up from this zombie kind of life.


2010-02-08 13:55:15 UTC

I think the problem with the gov't is consistencies.Due to politics many presidents stop the good programs started by the late president and start from scratch draining our resources again and again.Govt act should be long term goal and practical not just theoretical and gimmickry.I think the first thing that the next president should do is to rally the people behind a genuine cause.no matter what party and social class we belong.Filipinos should be teach to become optimistic and unselfish servant. This can be done thru education rising the tide of Filipino nationalism,being a moral example.and be a front liner in every govt programs.He/ She must review the past programs of the past president and continue what is good for our country.Development cannot achieve in six years.And since in our the president is only allowed to serve in1 term.Consistency in programs no matter who started it will be productive in our part.When there is consistency. Govt can focus and probably solve problems one by one creating a chain reaction from national to barangay level.After all progress is not an instant coffee or noodles..We have to all work hard not just for our generation but for the next generation.With optimism, nationalism and consistencies.What ever the Americans and other progressive countries have done is not possible for us.History proved that progress is product of hardwork and turning point,We should all contribute to this turning point by doing our citizens duties.On the part of the president .He/She should set a positive example of what Ive mention above.The problems with jobs ,crimes and health etc is just the skin.We should dug up deeper to cure it and never let it happen and haunt us.But for the mean time we should take time.and just do our job in attaining the goal we are dreaming of,


2010-02-22 14:06:02 UTC

I believe that the top issue that the next president should address is how to start a moral revolution and overhaul the broken system in government agencies. The next president must be able to provide a system where there is not much hierarchy and more of transparency so people can participate; a system where there is less bureaucracy and more of analysis of which sectors should have a say in the matter. Hierarchy and bureaucracy made our systems susceptible to corruption and bribery. The root cause of our poverty and every other issue is not corruption since it is merely an outgrowth from the broken and violated system therefore the next president should be able to fix these before he can lead the country to progress.

James D

2010-02-10 01:41:47 UTC

Of all the mentioned priorities without doubt graft and corruption is the at least should be the main concern as most if not all of the others failures are a direct result of the same. put an end to corruption here in the philippines and your on the road to curing the other ills on the other hand as long as the corruption continues the chance of improving the others is as the chance of a snowball surviving in hell


2010-02-09 17:03:26 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption should be the first priority of the next philippine president since healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security and job growth will follow if every Filipino will his/her own money wisely in business, investment, and other means of living. People from all walks of life wonder how and why that person, this person, became rich instead of making himsef/herself useful to some other means. Aside from graft and corruption, instill in every Filipino values that make hiimself/herself worth in all their undertakings. Surely all good fate follows.

Don S

2010-02-09 15:35:06 UTC

Overpopulation. Filipinos breed like mink. Nothing else to do, no food, no money so when it gets dark the only thing left to do is have sex. While the Catholic Church steadfastly impose their doctrine against birth control, the population continue to expand exponentially. For a country that can't feed its masses coupled with corruption and total disregard for the poor by the top ten percent comprising the rich and powerful elite, none of the claimed programs by the politicians will ever get off the ground. Further, there is this culture of rampant excuses, moaning and groaning, complaining every which way, and blaming one another instead finding ways to help out . Filipinos are well know for their lack of commitment claiming "bahala na" and when things go wrong their excuse is "alam mo na tayo". Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, they rely on God to do things for them.

My point to the whole matter is that it does not matter who gets elected in 2010, nothing significant is going to change. There will always be the ten percent elite who don't give a damn about the ninety percent poor.


2010-02-08 16:46:50 UTC

Stopping Graft and Corruption...the elected President should give priority to this issue. Why? because if people in the government are well paid, they will definitely be motivated to do their job correctly and they will be hesitant to entertain indecent proposals from the private sectors and making clear to these government employees the percussion if they violated the rules pertaining to graft & corruption, giving them a very strong penalty or punishment that they won't forget in their mind.Giving them counseling also that government employees should help in motivating private sector to create jobs in the Philippines, because I believe this is one way to solve other issues like job growth, poverty, education and health care.Friendly and Supportive Government means More Investors means More Jobs!!!

2010-02-08 00:54:05 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption is impossible.Every person in a position will corrupt no matter what. That's why EDUCATION should be the priority of the next president. With proper EDUCATION in our country it will lower illiteracy rate in the Philippines. It will lower crime rate in our country because people will know what's right and wrong. The Philippines will be competitive with other countries especially all Filipinos are well educated. When education will be the priority of the next president, population will not be a bother anymore because if a person is educated and can live a good life there will never be a case of poverty in our country. Last of all dapat may GALING AT TALINO!

ralph avila

2010-02-12 03:26:38 UTC

It is not a question of what is the top issue to be addressed by the next president after the election. The real issue here is weather the next president is capable of uniting our country after being torn apart by politics. We know for a fact how dirty our politicians work before and during election time.The first thing that the next president should do is initiate the healing process, to reach out to the other parties, to settle differences, and make a common ground to start rebuilding our nation from the ravages of politics. The next president should also be accountable only to the people and not to the party he belongs. After all he is the president. When this is done, then everything will fall into place...I hope...


2010-02-08 17:48:03 UTC

IMHO education will solve everything.. great education will solve poverty, right education will solve corruption.. you cannot solve something without first checking for the root of the problem.. and that's what most people fail to see..

for example, a poor kid would learn that his life is hard, and would learn that doing things wrongly would make his life a little easier and thus most of them would do so.. this is where corruption starts.. and no or little education would promote times when the individual will give up on expanding his knowledge to create a good living, is where poverty starts.. just think if we have a good and "free" education can do..

one cannot solve graft and corruption by paying them good salaries.. its like cutting grass without killing the roots.. it will just literally grow back again as people become greedy for more, as how they knew growing up..

we are considered to be one of the best work force in the world (except in our own), think of what more can we offer if everyone was more educated.. think of our potential to be great..

and oh, infrastructure would really help too..

that was my 2cents on the subject.. (¬¬,)b


2010-02-08 17:14:29 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption should be the top issue the next president should address. No matter how good collection of revenue is or even foreign or domestic borrowings, it will just result to nothing due to graft and corruption. How could you fund healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security, or any project to help our economy rise in the absence of funds due to graft and corruption. Stop graft and corruption first, then attend to the projects intended to alleviate the suffering Filipino people.


2010-02-08 04:38:37 UTC

Stop Graft and corruptions and get all the money plundered by the past government officials.Its the only way we can get the money to energize our economic growth, thereby supporting infrastructure development, which generate more jobs. Consequently, poverty level will drop, as more people will have a steady source of livelihood. Peace and order will just come down, to our community. Health care will not be much of a problem, because we will have a healthy population.

2016-02-28 03:10:52 UTC

Who elected you spokesperson for "all decent and moral Americans?" While I vigorously opposed the candidacy of Barack Obama, and would like to see nothing better than his agenda come crashing down in 2010, I do not currently support the nomination of Sarah Palin for president. Don't get me wrong, I think there's a lot to be said for Sarah Palin. She's been a very popular governor, is appealing, is by many measures an iconic figure for feminism (which drives the feminists insane, because she's a REAL one and not a martyr or victim), and lives by the morals and ethics she espouses. But I don't think she's ready for the presidency. I think if she were to run in 2012 she would get hammered and defeated. For one, anyone who opposes Obama in 2012 is going to get labeled with the 'racist' tag. For another, just because Obama has demonstrated one does not need experience to be president, a few years on the national scene would do wonders for Sarah Palin. If Sarah runs for the U.S. Senate from Alaska, I think she stands a very good chance of winning. Once in Congress, there is no doubt in my mind that she would do more than vote "present." It's likely she would become a forceful figure on the national stage, and perhaps be a viable candidate in 2016. After all, she will only be 52. Even if she has to wait until 2020, she'll only be 56. Ronald Reagan was 70 when he took office.

2014-11-01 15:43:11 UTC

The "Anti-Corruption" platform has not done anything for the country. It is becoming a baseless campaign ploy, meant to trap the politically inexperienced into emotional fever. Remember, GMA battled corruption when she became president. Erap is corrupt therefore GMA is the solution. Before that, President Garica's administration is corrupt therefore Diosdado Macapagal is answer and then President Marcos is corrupt therefore Cory is the one. Now, it's GMA is corrupt therefore Noynoy is the solution. The country has been corrupt since Spain ruled our country.

Although I want good governance and no corruption in the government, I'm tired of all the dogs barking. Instead, I want to hear ideas on improving the country. Look forward instead of backwards.

It is very easy to criticize but hard to find sol


2010-03-22 03:34:26 UTC

The next President is DOOMED already.., I see Nothing.., because.., .., ... ... ... impossible to ..,

A genuine transition to honest to goodness.., will not work on FILIPINOS who are sick of corruption & brivery(The LAGAY system - a filipino culture of sickness chivalry which is now like cancer among the filipino citizenry,.. From the PRESIDENT down to the ordinary filipinos are sick.., no RIGHTEOUS ? ? ? YES ! ! ! Where in the world you can find dishonesty from the PRESIDENT of a nation down to the a mere policeman or tanod-bayan where has a PRICE for their dishonest services; For a mere FILIPINO and to the PROFESSIONAL Filipinos who prefer to work abroad(OFW) as a NURSE from a DOCTOR, a Domestic Helper from a Teacher, An Engineer to a Technician, as a Accountants-Commerces-NURSES & TEACHERS(Graduate) to a mere CAREGIVER; the worst is the ordinary FILIPINOS recruited as PROSTITUTES; and many many others,.. ... these are ONLY in the PHILIPPINES;

YES ! ! ! There is no chance for the PHILIPPINES.., at ALL as I see it.., this is possible of the IMPOSSIBLE.., for FIFTY (50) YEARS(From 20 million to 180 million filipinos - population explosion).., there is NOT a changes to the majority of the poor of the POOR filipinos (78 % of the population) who LIVES then and NOW except MORE Higher Taxes, sufferings, HUNGER, and EVEN DEATH.., only the government officials who has power & the resources will LIVE and survive ! The only change,... I recall these Glutonic Politicians who don' t give a dam stealing,.. is their FACES who will do corruption, thievery, lies, continously,.. enriching themselves & their families. Every Election I have observed.., NO body Losses.., if they do.., they protest as they had been CHEATED ? ? ? YES ! I am afraid that time is like a BOMB ticking just waiting to explode to a civil war.., when finally realised.., when all hope is not an option.., but to fight to a mere survival.., ... I am a registered voter since.., but I never seen a qualified candidates.., my ballot.., I usually cast .., empty.., ! ! ?

Cancerous society is it ? Filipinos are undisciplined nation, Thick-Heads, like for example the MILITARY who always do coup d' etat ? Filipinos are lazy ? 78 % of Filipinos are poor.,, of the poor.., lives in terrible poverty, some lives on alms and more or less a US $ Dollar a day ? Poor Filipinos can live anywhere, under the bridges, along railroad, in the streets, parks, and others which is not for a human ? Can a Honest, and a good man do it or CHANGE these ?

Noy Noy Aquino is leading.., in the survey.., but I don' t think he can do it.., " It will take a MIRACLE.., I say,.. ... ?"


2010-03-01 08:32:25 UTC

I would suggest that the next president should focus more on good governance with that there will be an assurance of no corruption, then he that's the time he will fully elaborate his Education plans which leads to Job Empowerment and making Philippines Globally Competent. That will end the Poverty of the Philippines. We can't solve poverty without concrete plans and actions that will solved the economies predicament.

i am JC

2010-02-11 19:20:21 UTC

The top most priority is first, Financial Stabitlity. Our next leaders should create more ways on how to attract investors. If many businesses will open in our country, it will therefor create more jobs, the people will start spending (which is good for our economy) and somehow poverty will be alleviated since there will be more food in the people's table. Next is education, our country is rich in manpower however it is not utilized because people are not educated enough to be functional, and our literacy rate is going down which is indicative of our staus. Ofcourse, change. We should not leave it all to the government. We have our responsibilities to our country. If we want change, it should start from us. No matter how good leader we have if we don't cooperate, then its useless. Change should start from us. After all, success is a collaborative effort and it is not solely in the hands of those chosenfew. This is our country, love it. And if we have the same goals, then success is not far from our reach.

Jose Rizal II

2010-02-10 00:21:16 UTC

The next president should focus on the following issues;

1. National Security : Solve first the major insurgencies (i.e. NPA, Muslims rebels, etc)

2. Graft & Corruption: remove red tapes in all government agencies.

Penalize (not pardon) government officials found guilty of graft & corruptions

3. Focus on international investors (this will creates jobs and economic growth)

4. Remove indirect taxes imposed against its people

eming g

2010-02-08 15:05:04 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption should be the first priority. It will be a domino effect when this will be stopped. The health care, education, poverty reduction, national security and job growth will just follow once the graft and corruption be stopped.


2010-02-08 06:07:52 UTC

Education should be given a top priority. Equal access to QUALITY education for EVERYONE.

How did the U.S beat Russia in the space race? How did India and China catch up with the rest of the developed world and be as successful as they are now. Education.

Give education a priority and you put an end to poverty and crime, you create jobs and infrastructure, and solve a whole lot of other problems. This will benefit the country in the long term, starting say 15 to 20 years. We need to start having children dream of becoming scientists, engineers, doctors.

2010-03-17 04:40:17 UTC

Corruption, Morality, Quality Education. Our Government should be an example down to the local citizens rather than leading the country with a motivation for power and money, corrupt politician have 'ham and apple' on their table that they don't mind people starving,living on the streets, begging money etc. Morality now is declining, sad to observe we have a lot teen pregnancies and broken families now. Quality Education in provinces not just in cities,and also to those out of school youth who don't really have money to go college not just scholarship but also counseling. Good to know we have Moral and Spiritual Recovery Program here in Compostela Valley. I hope it would be the whole country doing the MSRP. May the next President have a passion for God and compassion to people.


2010-03-16 07:51:13 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption is a must as priority and everything will be in place as i said, because nothing can be done properly if those in the government assigned on their task are thinking to get money so easily for their own interest rather than to serve. I don't see any reason why we can not follow other country like Japan who was destructed by the war and yet,they were able to recover so easily because they are not corrupt like as.


2010-02-12 13:19:25 UTC

Education, poverty, graft and corruption, infrastructures, job growth are all big issues to be addressed immediately. These are mostly all presidentiables have mentioned on their electoral platforms and these should not fall as electoral promises only. Corruption should be least reduced since I believed it could not be stopped as there always be corruption exist on whoever our next president would be. I don't believe with one presidential candidate that he's going to stop corruption as one of their platforms in governance. Claiming that he's not one, is one big deception voters should likely to consider. Tough on decision making to addressed big issues, not by making decision based on what he's closest kin would say is also a great character our next president should have to be...


2010-02-11 17:44:31 UTC

It should be job growth, our jobless rate is increasing significantly. If the next President will solve this job growth the rest of the problem will be solve such as healthcare, education, and poverty reduction. If everyone has money in the pocket, they won't think evil things so, we also solve the national security. The graft and corruption..........................well sorry to say, it will always be there..............only God could touch the conscience of the leaders no to do so.


2010-02-09 14:41:20 UTC

education will always be the top on the list.. with education, companies will invest in the country and many Filipinos will have a job, thus reduce poverty.. and once there are more educated Filipinos, less crime and corruption because we know what's right from wrong -> it will just be a matter of integrity

next will be national security, can't we just give out the land in Mindanao claimed by the rebels? because we're just wasting our resources over them.. if not, eliminate them.. they have killed and caused a lot of terror for how many years now.. cruel as it may sound, but think of the future killings and problem they will create.. it's for the common good!

family planning! stop the poor in having more than 4 children..

Rommel Moraño

2010-02-08 23:23:01 UTC

Health care, education, national security, these things have all have one thing in common, Money,

may i ask, where will the next President would get the funds for these? your guess is as good as mine. The World Bank. The first thing the next leader should do, is to ask Congress to pass a law to

make every Filipino to pay their income taxes, no exemptions, regardless how much he or she earning. Only those who are retired are should be exempted. If the next President and Congress has the political will to implement this, Our debt will surely a less problem to tackle.As long as no one is convicted to graft and corruption, this will never cease, weather he or she the President or just a lowly employee lets put them to jail. Again, it's about political will.


2010-02-08 20:48:26 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption should prioritized by the next president of the Philippines. For this, problems arises in all corners of the archipelago, this the main avenue of all the problems that rotten the administration in all sectors of the government. This is the main cause of all the partisan system that creates into non solid foundation of governance and divides into different arrays of conflicts.If this will be eradicated totally by the next president all plans and platforms that they want to be achieve will be realized succesfully. If this will be done so by the next president Philippines will be following as one of the progressing country in Asia as well as in the universe.

2015-06-23 09:17:32 UTC

About education, if only the budget for education would not be slipped inside the pockets of those people behind the desks, there would be state colleges where the students could really compete with other students who graduate from a private school. Today, only students from the University of the Philippines are included in the top priorities in hiring graduates for a certain position.


2010-03-03 05:48:00 UTC

I think the first and big challenge for the next president if being elected is how He will abolish corruption in the Philippines. Corruption is the main root why Philippines is still on the top as one of the corrupt country worldwide.


2010-02-24 04:00:31 UTC

The next President should focus on Agriculture, developing the countryside and providing incentives to our farmers, our Education system and enforcing the rule of law. that is equall to all.

They should tap the resources of this nation that is abundant but neglected for a century, due to wrong economic decision. He must remove unnecessary budget allocation that is appropiated to the office of the President.

The following suggestion that the next President must do:

1. Remove Pork Barell - The amount of money that is allocated for each congressman should be transfered to National government agency. It shouldnt be used as bargaining tool to get the support of the lawmakers to fastrack any priority bill of the President.

2. Land Reform- The President should invest more on food scurity to combat the price increase of basic needs of the people. Those who produce and till the soil is not the owner of his own farmland.

Stop building Golf facilities as this is not the needs of the Filipino people.

3. Education

4. Peace and Order

This will only be possible if the next President have the Political will and true love for the Filipino people, I urge those who are in the Philippines to not vote to those who spent alot to their political ad campaign as this will be eventually be taken back We must choose a leader that carry the plight and the interests of the nation.


2010-02-22 20:31:51 UTC

The economy should be the number one priority. Our economy is in shambles, we are lagging behind the rest of our ASEAN neighbors, Indonesia has passed us and Vietnam is poised to do the same. Let us do away with the parochial sentiments and loyalties of our leaders and let direct foreign investments (DFI) come in. Forget our sari-sari mentality and open the retail industry to foreign investors or companies; moreover, we should put in place the rules and regulations that shall govern these foreign investments and, by gad, learn to stick to those rules and regulations. So many big ticket projects have gone sour because one party or another have gone to the courts to question the constitutionality of a project or whatever. In fact, most investors are leery of investing here because of our fickle-minded bureaucracy and the threat of incessant RTOs coming their way, certainly, does not assure them any.

Its about time we join the global economy in earnest and with the right mind-set. Let me assure you, once we get our economy in order all the rest like; health care, education, poverty reduction, job growth and etc. will follow. One last note - stopping graft and corruption is a pipe dream, reducing it might, perhaps, be a more realistic and achievable goal.

Gut shot Dak

2010-02-09 15:04:23 UTC

The issue of "pork barrel" is the root of all evils and corruption, stop giving this money to incumbent politicians then you will lessen the corruption. If you take this out i'am 100% sure no one will like to run as local or national officials.This money is not being audited, not being accounted for. In the western countries like the U.S. There is no "pork barrel" so corruption is less visible. The money for any infrascture and social services is coming from the OMB office of the management and Budget and the U.S. treasury, it is tax money collected from citizenry..Congressman and Senators there makes at least $200,000 a year. The Philippines can adopt this model, make the salaries of Senators and congressmen to at least One million peso a year.Government service is suppose to be " Service", and not making money by way of getting those "pork barrel" and having authority to approve government contracts.The room for corruption is always there if you dont take out this perks from government elected officials.

Green Monkey

2010-02-09 04:23:14 UTC

I'd like to request the next president to fight corruption in our country... It kills a lot of us while it thrives on our government...

Seek for what is needed on every Filipinos and know why they lack the strength to be part of our countries growth...

Bring poverty to an end and give nourishment to those who needed it... Nourishments should be sustained physically, emotionally, religiously and by all means necessary...

Make every Filipino happy not by just giving money but performing well on the task that had been given to you...

I believe that no one else could do what is right at the moment but if we all contribute what we can and what we have our country would be a better place to live...


2010-02-08 16:25:34 UTC

First is graft and corruption. Government taxes that is corrupted by some of our leaders that can be benefited for the infrastructure, services for education, healthcare and others. Second is the Education, when we are educated, it will generates job opportunity and it battle for poverty. We, Filipinos are all hardworking and perseverance but we don't have the discipline. It is not our leaders but we Filipinos can make a change. It will started to ourselves.


2010-02-08 01:20:57 UTC

Education should be the top priority. I disagree that it's corruption or unemployment: you cannot teach old buwayas new tricks. The top priority should be the fundamental problem: ignorance and apathy. Education is the cure to ignorance, and awareness MAY (or may not) replace apathy with action. Removing corruption or unemployment does not guarantee prosperity (for everyone). One notices that these are both money-related. Is lack of money the real problem? One can remember that the richest presidential aspirant spends more money on his advertisements a month than his salary for six years as president. If he really wants to help the poor people as he says, why can't he use the money to help them? Why wait for Malacañang?

A good education is what a person needs (at least, whats he needs more than money) because an educated man does not need be rich to be happy, and indeed, he can use his education to achieve his dreams. Nor does he need a good deal of money to help others (Efren Peñaflorida, anyone?). Education is not the fast track solution, but it will surely solve all other problems of the country.


2010-03-22 20:41:25 UTC

Corruption is the root of all problems in the country today. And the presidentiable who could address this issue must not have only with high integrity but must be winnable. He's no other than Noynoy Aquino. Friends, don't waste your vote for a losing candidate, otherwise Villarroyo will get the seat. Let's go solid for Aquino-Roxas tandem. Thank you.


2010-03-08 07:38:24 UTC

there are so many issues to tackle for the next president. but everything is a cycle.. poverty requires new jobs, new jobs means more business, more businesses means more income/tax which in return be used in our countries development, education, healthcare, national security and so on. to stop graft and corruption the next president has to be firm and hunt down the corrupt politicians as in put them in jail confiscate their properties and used it for the peoples benefit. that mindanao is not for sale and is an important part of the philippine country.all these issues the next president has to tackle everything is the priority.but what is the most important issue is discipline. everything can be done as long as the people are being discipline no kumpares kumares or utang na loob. put his people in their places and make them work for the country and not for only themselves and if he can remove those old cronies then remove them and put those young ones in charge with guidance from him


2010-02-16 18:31:27 UTC

For me,being a concerned filipino voter,i would say that the priority of the next president should be to stop graft and corruption because lets all admit it that the poverty we experience today was originated from the corrupt politicians.if the budget goes to where it should be,then things will be alright.the education,the health care,the national security,and other agencies can work peacefully and it will open more job opportunities...if we put a president who is not selfish,not corrupt not just the president but from top to the bottom politicians ,we could have a peaceful and progressive country.it would be difficult at first but for now,we will start to the top politicians,choose wisely..Our future and our children's future and children"s children depends on our vote.sana wala nang magnanakaw nang pundo puro naman makarating sa dapat ang perang nakalaan,.ang kawawa ang mga mahihirap nating kababayan....We pray and be watchful sana walang dayaan sa election...Mabuhay ang Pilipino and My God Bless Us All


2010-02-10 13:22:18 UTC

The next President should address the problem on unemployment and poverty reduction. You cannot eliminate corruption overnight since corruption starts during the election.

gina marcelino

2010-02-08 11:48:02 UTC

Population control must be his priority.It is the root cause of almost all the problems filipinos encounter. In India, only people with two or fewer children are eligible for election to a Gram panchayat, or local government. A good example of mandated population control is China's one-child policy. Iran is the only country thar requires mandatory contraceptive courses for both males and females before a marriage license can be obtained and has been successful in doing, In the US , the government has goals of developing healthy families by helping individuals and couples decide whether to have children and funding family planning and reproductive health care services.


2010-03-22 10:33:52 UTC

Corruption is the top issue of the next Philippine president should address.Co'z we all know that if we elliminate corruption we can build our nations stability and reduces poverty and attracts a lot of foreign investors because they know that the investment they put in our country is safe and secured.And the incoming President's good governance plays a important role in nation building.

Hidalgo Santiago Salazar

2010-03-17 03:20:35 UTC

Next President should focus on appropriation of funds to different government agency especially in Education, Health and Agriculture. Because this departments is the key to our progress. He must also create a special body to study and monitor the use of funds by all cabinet members, under sec, and all govt agencies. What I mean is an independent body comprise of private citizens. Whoever is the next President which I think cannot stop corruption since by walking in the streets everyday corruption is rampant mostly in ordinary & poor people. If we are to correct this system it must begin with us ordinary people. We can cannot eliminate corruption but we can lessen it and gradually it may disappear in the future. But like I've said it must begin with us ordinary people.

2010-02-11 16:36:57 UTC

Graft and corruption, if we have clean government then everything will be arranged accordingly. There will be more investors to come as a result economy rise and more job opening and poverty problem will be resolved. So choose the righteous leader that fear God.

No other way to clean our country rather to ask God to help us. Let us then be united to preserve this country. The Philippines is for Christ.

2010-02-10 23:01:52 UTC

Prior to answering any query, first and foremost, candidates must have a realization and reflection if they are running as public servants or having the public as servants. Is it for their personal interests or for the welfare of the entire nation? We have been under the regime of different politicians, after the invasion of Spaniards, Japanese government ans the intrusion of the USA and up to the present, we still can't help but to complain for corruption and poverty. The question is: Why most of us voted for them? If we knew that we have prevalence of political dynasties and nepotism, why are we still becoming ignorant and just don't mind the situation. Now, election time is near and we are probably having our own bets, we are attending various rallies and being moved and deceived by jingles and traditional political ads. After may 2010, what then, Philippines?

We have already experienced these consistent frailties brought by inconsistent principles and inabilities of our leaders to execute their duties and tasks. If we are exposed to a certain issue that attacks the executive, we are still becoming reactive and do express our biases. After the EDSA 2 revolution, wherein we put PGMA to the pedestal as our next president, now, why are we so blatant in criticizing her administration? It is because we are easily moved by our intuitions, we don't think for the next possible outcomes of our convictions. maybe because we do really have a sense of nationalism but we are not trying to utilize it in the proper order or maybe we gave our loyalty to someone who will just betray the Filipinos. In the end, we encounter a national suffrage and starvation.

Issues are inevitable and they will always remain in the cyclical politics. It is the spice in our lives and a challenge for us to be rational in all aspects. First things first, let us know and be able to analyze, evaluate the next president of this democratic yet oppressed archipelago. We do have economic growth as the present government would say but why we do have a high percentage of crimes, poverty and many hindrances that become companions of our daily living. We cannot seldom consider them as problems because they have been persistent in dealing with us, enabling us to reconsider that our future lies in our capacity to balance things and express our thoughts with rationale.

We have the future in our own hands.


2010-02-10 07:58:32 UTC

Corruption and peace & order. If these two are present, basic services to the people cannot be implemented and deliberated properly, foreign investors will not put in their money. The only time we can achieve a prosperous country is when we have an honest to goodness president that will dedicate to enrich the country, not himself. A president that sits Malacanang with P1 million asset and exit Malacanang at the end of the term with still P1 million asset.


2010-02-08 18:49:44 UTC

job growth, will be the main issue to be address by the next president, if only all filipino has their decent and good paying jobs with sure and equal benefits we can now reduce poverty, and every children can now be send to school by their parents... and as job grows we also increases the number of tax payers, and from this taxes we can now address healthcare problems and improve road and other infrastructure development... and we all should remember that there is a loop on every thing ( development to job, job to salary, salary to expenditure, expenditure to tax, tax to development )... graft and corruption can be lessen by properly supervising our elected official (in addition graft and corruption starts on our own home and office, see for your self)... and for most of this, "THEY" (im talking about all the candidates) must first resolve is the political wars... after election they all should accept the result and support our president...

juan dela cruz

2010-02-08 18:09:37 UTC

The top issue of the next president should address are the population explosion and the growing rate of out of school youth that sums up the growing ignorancy of the filipino people and growing rate of crime nationwide because of poverty. Corruption is another thing and corruption is as old as prostitution but worse is, corruption can not be controlled nor be legalized like prostitution in other countries controlled, legalized and taxable.

Pena F

2010-02-08 00:31:51 UTC

The next president's priority should be the creation of jobs. When jobs are created, individual and family economy improves and eventually the other issues such as poverty reduction, healthcare and education are addressed. When the basic needs are met, the higher needs in the forms of security and reduced graft and corruption will then be next sought....


2010-02-11 17:22:09 UTC

The Philippines has finally got to establish a government agency including national/provincial/and

local branches to mandate child support payments from deadbeat fathers whether single or from

annulled marriages to pay mothers of children in need every single month until the child is at least eighteen years of age. Their paychecks should be garnished to withdraw the monthly payment or as

a percentage of the deadbeat Dad's paycheck. This would greatly help minimize poverty in RP and

make the father responsible in raising up a child/children that he helped create.

This undertaking must be aggressively enforced by law enforcement at the appropriate level.

Failure by deadbeat dads to comply and be responsible would include jail time or significant

incarceration until the child/children are cared for and not become orphans or beggars.

Jun V

2010-02-10 02:11:10 UTC

This is my answer from top to bottom importance:

1. Infrastracture and Power - to entice people to invest. This would create jobs eventually.

2. Nationwide peace (police) and Military strenght build-up - to bring back the nation's dignity when it comes to keeping the peace of the land from internal and external agressors. This would ensure that whatever business comes in, it would be protected from the menace of society.

3. Employment - solid, robust, better salary, and do away with the contractualization. Only the lazy people would be sad if majority of the people have jobs.

4. Education - uplifting the way our people think, we must make a big-make-over with our education system FAST! Those sly-employers and rotten government officials and employees would think twice before they make illegal things against the people when most people are not ignorant.

5. Padrino-system - do i need to say more about this?


2010-02-09 05:27:03 UTC

It is all of the above. But foremost is the "crab mentality" of Filipinos which is personified by our politicians today. Let us all support whoever becomes president. If we have critisisms on the incumbent let us do it in a constructive way and not to let down. In my assisment, the GMA administration is far better than the Cory, Ramos and Erap's administrations. Yet, the popularity of GMA is below that of Marcos. For example, on the alleged scams why haven't they prosecuted the main-man of the alleged scams? Garcillano on the Hello Garci, Bolante on the the Fertilizer scam, Abalos on the ZTE deal. Why still have to wait for GMA to step down, start from these persons who are directly involved. GMA would be much more difficult to prosecute in a court of law becuase she is not directly involved, if ever she has any involvement. All this brohaha of the opposition, specially the camp of noynoy, who is a mediocre, is actually a waste of their saliva. It would be better for them talk about the progressive outlook for our country. Noynoy's camp wanted to make it appear that the counry is at a terrible situation and he can save it. For one thing, her mother hasn't been able to prosecute those who persecuted and murdered his father. How much more on GMA who has done nothing extremely evil? The Aquino's just wanted to redeem the shame Cory did together with the Hyatt ten when she called for GMAs resignation but did not succeed becuase the people did not rally behind that call. Cory does not have the monopoly of what is right and what is wrong.

So, again let us erase that Filipino "Crab Mentality" character. Let us all support whoever wins as president, may it Noynoy or else, as long as he is still in his right mind not crooked, like edsa2.

2010-02-08 17:53:59 UTC

I think the top Issue would be, Graft and Corruption, If they would prioritize the stopping of Graft and Corruption, everything will follow, like, if government could spend well the budget that is allowed to a certain project,and government employee be given enough salary to focus on to their particular task. Law enforcer will be focused on what they do(instead of thinking how to raise money for their family) enforcing the law. If these is so, people will have respect and will be forced to follow the Law, so, higher official will also be focused on how econmy will grow and job for everybody will follow, and so on and so on.

Emilio T.

2010-02-08 16:32:35 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption will give the new government enough money for health care, education, poverty reduction, national security and job growth. Efficient collection of taxes will do its share in funding our economy. Strict penalties for government officials who violate their own rules.


2010-02-08 12:51:18 UTC

Eradication of graft and corruption should be the top priority of the next president in order to bring back respect and dignity to our country, bigger tax collection and slimmer budget deficits, and confidence to our foreign investors, which will lead to more jobs and the consequent effect on unemployment and poverty. We will never get moving, much less catch up with our Asian neighbors until this general malaise is finally "de-institutionalized".


2010-02-08 11:02:12 UTC

Changing regulations to make the Philippines more "business friendly". There are too many requirements and different permits from different departments, which makes starting a business almost impossible for the average citizen. The Philippines is known all over the world as not being "business friendly" which stiffles foreign investments. By eleminating these impediments to doing business here, you attack poverty and add job growth.

aliphyk l

2010-02-08 08:06:07 UTC

None of those choices above! why? because the real problem is "too much politics" too much politics is the main reason for graft and corruption and poverty! Philippine politics is not matured enough, i believe all those candidates are capable of giving our nations a good future, but because of too much politics we cannot move forward, let us support who ever candidates win the election! and for those who lost, wait for the next election, prove yourself first, dont waste your time and money making noise! dont use the masses and all those poor people for your ambition! it wont help our country! Stop crab mentality! Have discipline!

Arnel B

2010-03-21 04:45:03 UTC

The next President of our country should prioritize the national security and peace and order in our country.Secondly is the graft and corruption,I still remember my early ages when a lots of tourist coming In to our place ,Paete Laguna buying our crafts that is the time that we cannot occupied the load of our job order coming.You know why because of trust ,trusting they are safe to stay in our country. The next President should have a courage to set and impose the real peace and order in our country.Lots of cruise ship are avoiding to come to the Philippines for this reason. I wish that the next President has the heart to solved our problem, good luck....

2014-11-01 16:58:54 UTC

The "Anti-Corruption" platform has not done anything for the country. It is becoming a baseless campaign ploy, meant to trap the politically inexperienced into emotional fever. Remember, GMA battled corruption when she became president. Erap is corrupt therefore GMA is the solution. Before that, President Garica's administration is corrupt therefore Diosdado Macapagal is answer and then President Marcos is corrupt therefore Cory is the one. Now, it's GMA is corrupt therefore Noynoy is the solution. The country has been corrupt since Spain ruled our country.

2014-10-31 15:39:59 UTC

The "Anti-Corruption" platform has not done anything for the country. It is becoming a baseless campaign ploy, meant to trap the politically inexperienced into emotional fever. Remember, GMA battled corruption when she became president. Erap is corrupt therefore GMA is the solution. Before that, President Garica's administration is corrupt therefore Diosdado Macapagal is answer and then President Marcos is corrupt therefore Cory is the one. Now, it's GMA is corrupt therefore Noynoy is the solution. The country has been corrupt since Spain ruled our country.

2010-02-28 18:16:49 UTC

Wells in my opinion the most important thing is our education because without the proper education we wouldn't have the chance to have complex jobs that demands well educated people which will reduce poverty and gives more people a better living standard! With better education we will be more aware of our own corrupted government! Which gives the people a better chance to make our country more self sufficient, self reliant, and hopefully gives this country a better and stable economy that will gradually improve this country!


2010-02-21 21:09:33 UTC

EDUCATION is my answer. This will certainly help our people find jobs to provide the basic necessities of life which is food, clothing and shelter. Having these basic need will result to poverty reduction. Poverty alleviation is a big concern and this starts with quality education especially government schools which have for many years been neglected due to corruption by people who were tasked to head the Dept, of Education. We need someone who can improve the sorry state of this dept.


2010-02-15 14:04:36 UTC

In my opinion, not only the next President but all of congressmen and senators avoid CRAB MENTALITY between them in the first place. Continuing FREE EDUCATION programs from elementary until high school must be implemented in all barangays. NOT ONE OF THE THESE PEOPLE IN CONGRESS MUST OPPOSE THE PROGRAM. They must cooperate with each other. Another issue that the next President must address is how WE CAN AVOID TOO MUCH IMPORTATIONS. Instead, a subsidy towards more EXPORTS like food crops must be given attention. Don't anyone of us realize that we are giving more jobs to farmers of other countries if we keep importing even rice, sugar and other crops. I think GLOBALIZATION would not address poverty reduction. Besides, it is all the root of corruption and too much COMMISSIONS.


2010-02-14 23:46:23 UTC

i guess all issues given above should be addressed by anyone who would be the next president because those issues are the essences of a good governance. they should however address these one at a time, nothing to be left behind since those are interrelated with each other. why i said interrelated? well, its because to improve health care/education or any other basic services, you need funds, where will you get funds? through effective tax collection campaigns. to reduce poverty, you got to provide more jobs so that people could eat nutritious diet, that would eventually led to good health/education or any other people empowerment. how will you increase job growth? through effective policies including better national security measures-so that businessmen would be confident in their investments that eventually increase job opportunities. to address graft & corruption issues, you need to promote higher compensation packages to gov't workers-how? again increase funds through tax campaigns. fears in prosecuting corrupt officials maybe minimized if the national security measures are effective (workers in the judiciary might feel good if they are fully secured through good security programs).

the next president must consider a little bit of everything, just like in a state of "equilibrium"- a balanced management of the government...i dont know what else, basta yun na yun, hehe


2010-02-12 03:31:27 UTC

For me the top issue that the next Philippine president should address is education.

We must start from where we should start, if the educational system will not be prioritized, there will be less and less college graduates, less jobs and eventually more poverty. The public school system must perform its duty to the fullest like in our neighbour countries so that there will be no more drop-outs,and out of school youth.


2010-02-11 23:35:53 UTC

The next president should focus on stopping graft and corruption. Taxes instead of going to the pocket of the government official can be used to build more schools, roads and bridges, improve the health care etc.


2010-02-10 22:36:49 UTC

for me national security must be the priority of the new elected pres.to maintain the survival of the nation state,if this will be the priority i think we will have no problem with graft and corruption, job growth, education, health care and poverty


2010-02-08 13:28:10 UTC

First thing first, STOP CORRUPTION, or else all the plans and good efforts will come into waste. As per World Bank report 30% of our national budget goes to corruptions not to mention the SOP in every government institutions. Is this possible? Why not, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia did it why not here? Second, the economy, we need a healthy economy to support all government undertakings.


2010-02-08 11:02:52 UTC

What should be taken care of in a country is education, because it is the root of progress, however not just education in schools but also in environmental protection, population control. Because these are the main causes of poverty. Next is the eradication of corruption, just imagine in the Philippines, in most cases, you cannot process a government related transaction without coming across a fixer.

Finally, I will give my life to anyone who will promise to remove the pork barrel.


2010-03-15 16:51:18 UTC

We have always talking about issues like poverty, graft, education, infra and environment. It is about time the next leader unite this country and leave the punishment of erring officials to the courts. This is the reason we are not moving forward - too much negative vibes. People in government are too busy running after perceived enemies and then preparing to protect themselves while in office forgetting they have a country to run. It is very easy to make promises but it takes a real leader to solidify his people and move forward!

Anne H

2010-02-26 20:58:19 UTC

My number one issue would be to change the ideology of the Filipino. I find we blame too many things on others and do not take responsibility for our own actions. Which then, mostly out of guilt makes us accept things we should not. We need to change who we are in order to progress as a whole. None of our other problems will be resolved unless we as individuals change. We are a part of the problem and we need a president who is not only brave enough to admit this but also to bring about the change. If the people change, the future will change. This will not happen through martial law or religious manipulation.

There is a great book called "12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do to Change the Country", it is by Alex Lacson and only 150 pages. Most every thing in that book takes strength of character, not money. Read it weekly to maintain focus.

It is one thing for us to expect our politicians to fix things but a totally different thing for us to be willing to make the change through our own actions every day. This is what others see, how we as a society handle things everyday. We elect the officials and them blame them or worse set them up. There are many great people in this country but we must be willing to do the right thing ourselves or no one can save us.


2010-02-08 05:41:26 UTC

Clearly stopping graft and corruption must be the top priority since it affects everything else. Candidates should provide concrete proposals on how to ensure that there will be complete transparency in all government bidding and vigorous prosecution (i.e., significant jail time) of any government officials found to be corrupt.


2010-03-18 06:07:40 UTC

I think the issue of renewing national pride should be foremost in the next president's agenda. If the next president could do his part in instilling among filipinos a sense of ownership for this country, then that would go a long way. If we have a sense of ownership for our country, we'll naturally take care of it. We won't throw garbage just anywhere. Who throws garbage in the middle of one's living room? We won't commit graft or corruption to mar our reputation.We will help the poor. We will all help build this nation.

A shot of inspiration coming from national pride, that's what i think we need.


2010-02-10 22:45:50 UTC

to be a man of GOD not just a man of political swing.The ideology of true democracy must prevail in the Philippines otherwise, the freedom for expressing the truth,and justice will be destroyed by the deceiving communists parties in the politics.Even there is a crisis, democracy is a vital factor for the recovery program in all aspects.If there is crisis in morality and in truth, what will be the scenarios in our country after experiencing financial bankruptcy? The promise of deceitfulness will never heal the suffering of the people but somehow the prevalence of democracy with truth and justice will ease the negative turmoils of world crisis!The promise for economic recovery will never be attained if the leaders are in crisis of high ethics and moral values!How come can anyone control himself if the dictate of evil and corruptions keep on controlling the events in a nation like the Philippines?Wala sa magandang programa ang ugat ng pagbabago kundi nasa pagbabago ng diwa at isipan ng mga Tao, kaya nga ang pagkatakot sa Dios ang siyang dapat na bahagi ng magiging bagong Pangulo ng ating nalinlang na bayan!

Rolly Reyes

2010-02-08 23:51:15 UTC

Sustainable JOB for every Head of the Filipino Family for this will solve the problem of poverty that is the root cause of all the miseries we are in now. Definitely..there should be investments and these will lead to development..thus, an open minded President should be elected..like GIBO !


2010-02-08 19:12:15 UTC

His key priority is "US". Regardless of our differences in culture, beliefs and social strata, as long as we are part of this nation, we ajurisdictionss jurisdictions as president. Our needs are his utmost priority. Every Filipino should be addressed. If you ask me if basic needs are his top priorities, I'll agree with you but the question here is "To whom these basic needs should be given?". My answer is to "US". If another person would say education and jobs, I would still say that the president should strive hard to give "all of us" the education and jobs to make our lives better. Basic needs, education, jobs, healthcare and all the other good things that the country should have should be given not only to you, the poor or the rich, but to all of us.

alvin l

2010-02-08 16:20:00 UTC

with all hope,I think the first issue that should be in the priority list of our president is the ''unity of different political parties and leaders of our country".Once united, i know that every problem in healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security, job growth, and stopping graft and corruption would be easy if every leader has one common stand and goal in it.

Angel R

2010-02-08 05:08:18 UTC

Corruption can't be stopped in a blink of an eye. It's not something that you just include in your platform and have vanished after months.

Education is not the major solution to the country's problems. More than 90% of Filipino youth are literate, and compared to other countries, we actually excel in English and Science. One's knowledge is not enough to make him economically productive.

Poverty-reduction or job growth would be useless if after providing for jobs or business opportunities, people would just settle for begging and being idle because of laziness. Poverty is a result of the Filipinos' "poverty-mentality" (Ok na ko dito, ganito na lang ako habambuhay)

National security? No matter how many policemen or military you put into post, it doesn't change the fact that there are lots of crime cases everyday, every minute. Minsan nga, yung mga nasa authority pa ang gumagawa ng krimen.

"What we need is not a change of men, but a change IN men" -Gordon

A change of perspective in Filipinos which leads to a change of attitude and performance, is the key to the success of this nation :) This is a country of and for the people. The people are the assets. We should not just demand for changes in this country, but we should BE the change that we want to see. . .

Gordon is not the answer to our problems. But he wants to show us that we, ourselves, are the keys to our country's success :)

Let's go Gordon!


2010-02-08 01:37:03 UTC

Health care is almost nonexistent in the Philippines~they copy the Americans in everything

and the Philippines could not afford Universal Health Care with a 78% poverty Level

Job security? where? only in certain areas like Makita and then the don't pay the women par with

the men~~its bodacious that there is any hope for job growth...

graft and corruption will always be in the Philippines~that is all the people know and understand

"you can buy the loyalty of the average Philippine with the price of a cup of coffee" quoted Jose



2010-03-16 18:04:16 UTC

i think for all the candidates who will win in this poll they should keep their promises to the people,their platforms they should fulfill it because i notice for the past, that a candidate if they win they forget their promises to the people and they go their personal interest, they make the poor as their investment for their personal interest in this country, not only the president but also our local candidates, we must change our systems of forms of government,no change, still the corruptions will prevail in this country because politics is corruptions.It is not only for the president but to all the politicians who win in this election, all must be united because the president cannot do with his own, he needs help to run this country,if all politicians have the heart to fight corruptions, there is no reason why we suffered poverty


2010-03-15 17:32:31 UTC

when you stop graft and corruption everything(healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security, job growth) would naturally be better. Proper budgeting of the people's fund should also go with it.


2010-02-13 21:14:57 UTC

Well... is to focus out the infrastructure of the country so there be lots of jobs created and life saved in the future, 2009 unexpecting climate changes that had brought thousand of live gone.(2010 expecting the worse). Secondly our educational and it health care system must be in priority to be improve so that the next filipino generation will be in the good eyes of others (world). (To be successful) When say it mean it, believe it or not (God bless the Philippines).


2010-02-08 23:21:48 UTC

1 . C O R R U P T I O N . . . hoping that the next president have a priority plan for this, What is health care plan, education, job growth, poverty reduction . . . IF THE AGENCY CONCERNED ARE CORRUPT. We all know the our presidentiables know where the corruption start with.

2. Reform the Civil Service Law . . . The power of the Local Chief Executive to appoint, marami sa mga matagal ng empleyado ang di napropromote dahil sa hindi nya kasangga ang Appointing Officer, sana centralized na lang ang pag aapoint, para lahat ng maaappoint may challenge , means pa ng corruption ang pangkasalukuyang sestema, at ugat ng katamaran ng mga empleyado sa gobyerno, d ko naman nilalahat, pero pag malakas ang kapit ayon nagiging ABUSADO, alam ko may mag rereact, pero kung mag rereact ka d k dapat empleyado ng gobyerno dahil alam mo ang totoo meaning kasabwat k ng corruption. . .

AYON . . . CORRUPTION , CORRUPTION . . . AT CORRUPTION , di na kelangan pa ng napakaraming BATAS implementasyon na lang ang kelangan.


2010-02-08 10:51:37 UTC

The cause of poverty, unemployment, poor healthcare practices, discrimination, inequality, and population issues is THE LACK OF EDUCATION. The government spends billions on providing unnecessary but beautiful light posts, designer street railings, multi-colored bricked curbs and side streets while classrooms are scarce, teachers are underpaid, millions go to schools hungry, preschool education is not free, textbooks are limited etc. A good president will have the strong will to make sweeping reforms in the educational system. I don't think it's impossible to provide: breakfast and lunch to under-served students and schools, increase classrooms (while most cities only beautify their sports complexes and city halls), while government officials push for increase in their salaries on top of their pork barrel, our teachers are not paid and continuously trained effectively; instead of pouring money giving flowers to the dead, why not divert it to provision of textbooks and school uniforms, food for school programs and not just noodles and grains of rice. EDUCATION is key. No one can put an educated man down no matter where you put him. And even if employment opportunities maybe scarce in the country, a well-educated Filipino can and will succeed anywhere he goes.


2010-02-08 03:55:13 UTC

To Discipline the Filipinos to follow the laws and to Greatly fund Education. The teachers must be well paid and must to go back to training to ensure that what the teachers are teaching the students will help the students in the future. We need a president that will make all Filipinos work to make the country progress.


2010-03-22 04:07:42 UTC

Put an end to graft and corruption and everything else will be in order. If there's no Graft and corruption every problems of our nation will also end. There will be enough money for certain projects of government. But how will the next president stop G and C? It's up to him. That is why we need to vote for someone who has the right knowledge and wisdom.

2010-03-23 00:19:49 UTC

The priority of the next Philippine President upon his or her assumption to office is to make sure he/she brings in competent, God-fearing and committed persons who would be willing not only to work with him/her but will even challenge him/her unceasingly towards addressing the concerns mentioned above. All the concerns that have been mentioned above are priorities. They definitely have solutions. They only have to be addressed appropriately and with the competence that puts premium on justice and integrity.


2010-03-18 04:22:42 UTC

The elected president this coming election must do the country side development projects; increase the production of agriculture; intensify peace and order campaign by way of dialogue to the local populace in remote places; provide health insurance to the poor; conduct information campaign to educate the poor about basic human rights, criminal laws and procedure in the proceeding, establish complaint center in every municipality man by representative from national and local government.


2010-02-09 20:35:22 UTC

The elected president this coming election must do the country side development projects; increase the production of agriculture; intensify peace and order campaign by way of dialogue to the local populace in remote places; provide health insurance to the poor; conduct information campaign to educate the poor about basic human rights, criminal laws and procedure in the proceeding, establish complaint center in every municipality man by representative from national and local government.

2010-02-09 08:12:53 UTC

Cory Aquino had the opportunity under Freedom Constitution to enact a law against political dynasty but she failed to do so. I believe legislators and the next president should make such law and implement it to the letter so that many talented people be given the chance to serve the people. The major departments of the government particularly the Congress are full of incompetent people but they are there because of money and political clout. Once competent and responsible people become our leaders, every good things would follow.


2010-02-09 02:43:35 UTC

Nation building starts with the correct cultural foundation and a noble political agenda. The next President should be able to address both as the character of the next generation would strongly be premised on these two.


2010-02-08 04:40:06 UTC

In my opinion, it would be Peace and Order. Our country is besets by so many factions that almost divide our country. How long have we been fighting the Communist insurgents, the Muslims separatists, that hampers the developments being instituted on their areas, and added to these are the common criminal gangs/terrorists that preys on our people. Once this is controlled or eradicated, the rest could follows so easily. Developments must be espoused with moral value formation which is also at the brink of oblivion amongst our brethren.


2010-02-08 00:40:21 UTC

The top priority should be the moral values of the Filipinos! Because the Philippines is now among the worst in the world, we are allowing the immoral, cheaters, liars, stealers and evil to rule the country. The person who can do this should be the next president of the Philippines and he is no other than Bro. EDDIE VILLANUEVA of the Bangon Pilipinas movement, the true servant of God, God fearing and God-loving, and the true maka-Bayan among the candidates. no vested interest and no skeletons in the closet. When this issue is resolve, the country will be blessed again!!! God bless the Philippines! May He remove the wicked in the King's throne and let the righteous lead us so our country will be great again!!!


2010-03-22 20:20:16 UTC

Start with graft and corruption, make every system of the gov't computerized. Lets limit gov't personnel intervention on all processing. Collecting agencies, like the BIR, BoC should be the first to implement computerization. Remove all pork barrel to lawmakers, increase salaries of gov't employees.minimize govt spendings.

Second would be job growth.. jobs should be accessible to Filipino people, everyone must be productive and contribute to the wealth of the gov't. Increase basic pays and mandate employers to provide health benefits to all employees, this should be subsidized by the government. If employees will have proper compensation they will stick to their employer. Personnel turn over is prevented thus efficiency of the production can be achieved.

Education, would be the third.. we need good education to produce good citizen, good citizens make good nation. Affordable and at par with global standards. Gov't should compensate school teachers and employees so we can expect best service from them. We should enable them to be better. School and its facilities must observe standards.

National security, insurgents are sometime artificial, and most of the time are the offshoot poverty and the abused of politics in the countryside.

Healthcare, working citizens should be given access to better hospital and medical attention, gov't should allocate big chunk of budget for the rehabilitation of hospitals and improvement of the financial status their personnels. Gov't should consider, putting up of a manufacturing plant for basic medicine and for the expensive one.

Poverty reduction i know will ultimately follow if this order would be follow.

thank you


2010-02-09 22:59:36 UTC

the important thing that the President need to focus are graft and corruption, If there are no self fish here, we have a complete facilities for our education, enough salaries for teachers and other professional because today, Philippines is one of the country that has a low salary.


2010-02-08 23:23:52 UTC

These are my views about the top issues to be addressed by the Philippine next president: 1.0 - Poverty elimination, 2.0 - Eliminate corruption, 3.0 - Peace and order, 4.0 - Food security, 5.0 - Protection of environment, 6.0 - Unemploment, 7.0 - Boosting of moral values, 8.0 - Over population, 9.0 - Risk management for natural and man-made calamities, 10.0 - Strict implementation of our laws. 11.0 Upgrading of our educational system, Health care, and 12.0 - Improve our legal system.


2010-02-08 16:47:41 UTC

I go for Gibo

next president's priorities should be: 1st education, 2nd graft and corruption, 3rd job growth

2010-02-08 10:07:19 UTC

Our country's cancer had reached to a level where cure is almost impossible. However, I'm totally convinced that our nation's cancer could still be healed by utilizing the sovereign power of the Filipino people, in a way that is strong yet organized, to instigate change in our country's bureaucracy.

In a corporate point of view, our government since its emergence as a sovereign state until now, had suffered tremendous and massive loss of capital and shall we say "profit" making GRAFT AND CORRUPTION as the top priority issue. It's the primary problem that the legislative and the executive branch of our government should have to deal with. As rotten as the phrase itself, GRAFT AND CORRUPTION has been inculturated in our country's bureaucracy and social systems. From purchases of toilet paper to state of the art military equipment, GRAFT AND CORRUPTION is there. Even in the exercise of our democratic rights during elections, CORRUPTION is also there. Worst of it is that even the youth's mind had been corrupted by the CULTURE OF MONEY ELECTION. GRAFT AND CORRUPTION not only involves stealing and unofficially draining the public's treasury but it encompasses also the the unnatural alteration of the ability of a person to exercise judgment in the pursuit of his fundamental rights and duty as a civilized being.

For me, the next President's program should be to implement a system where the people's sovereign powers are utilized to fearlessly stop corruption of government monies as well as the people's mind.

As our nation's existence as a sovereign state emanates from the contract of the rights and duties made by the Filipino people, I strongly believe that there is a way maybe by means of an honest legislation, where we can make a system where the authority of the people are systematically utilized to help direct the operation of our government into the right path. Religious and civil society organizations maybe empowered to fearlessly participate and critique the operation of the government to stop GRAFT AND CORRUPTION in all its levels.

ABSENCE OF GRAFT AND CORRUPTION means more money for the government to finance all operations along its different sectors and indicates social preparedness of all citiznes for total socio-economic transformation. If GRAFT AND CORRUPTION is stopped, total socio-economic development as we mean it will surely follow.

I suggest the organization through a REPUBLIC ACT, of a nationwide ANTI- GRAFT AND CORRUPTION MOVEMENT composed of government employees, students, religious leaders, civil society groups, women and representatives from non-government sectors, which shall be totally independent from the central and local government units and agencies.

It may however be supervised by CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS created under the 1987 Philippine Constitution namely, the Commission on Human Rights, Commission on Audit, Commission on Election and even the Civil Service Commission.

If our existence as a sovereign nation was forged through a contract of the people's individual rights and duties, then, there is no reason that we can't tap this free source of sovereign power to direct our nation into the right path of development....FOR ME, IT IS THE BEST SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM...





Jan Alfred

2010-02-08 06:36:59 UTC

stopping graft and corruption.. the rest will follow.. even if the next president would prioritized health care, education, poverty reduction, etc it would still be nothing if the money would go to his/her pocket.. web search "corrupt" in yahoo philippines or yahoo homepage and "corruption in the philippines" will appear in the first list of the search assist..

Tito R

2010-02-08 03:55:38 UTC

The next president in his first 100 days must focus on education. . .total education for all his cabinet members, elected officials, government offices and all its staff & employees on the ill effect of corruptions. Lets stop corruption of all sorts. Let everyone be aware that he himself as president is not excempted, and to this effect, he must be warned and be stopped if ever there will be signs of any sort of corruption. He must start from himself. There must be integrity and self respect in the system of governance.

2014-10-26 20:14:35 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption should be the first priority of the next philippine president since healthcare, education, poverty reduction, national security and job growth will follow if every Filipino will his/her own money wisely in business, investment, and other means of living. People from all walks of life wonder how and why that person, this person, became rich instead of making himsef/herself useful to some other means. Aside from graft and corruption, instill in every Filipino values that make hiimself/herself worth in all their undertakings. Surely all good fate follows.

2014-06-18 18:04:32 UTC

I believe that when the Government performs it's job well whether it's popular or not, the people will benefit from it alot. In Singapore, their Government isn't very popular because it is very strict, but people fear and respect it because they know that their Government will implement the rules even if they are not popular (Ex: it's illegal to chew gum and spit in the streets there), but in the end the Singaporeans benefited because they know that their Government can be trusted to perform for the best interest of the their country and its people as a whole.


2010-02-23 23:28:01 UTC

I think it should be graft and corruption, because this is the root of most problems of our country. if the corruption will be addressed, funds will go to where is due, no more shortage of classrooms, health care will be improved, we will attract investors that will generate jobs, also our national security will be strong as well because our armed forces will be equipped with sophisticated weapons.


2010-02-16 05:55:13 UTC

Our Country's main problem is graft and corruption that leads to poverty, poor healthcare, poor national security and less job opportunities.


2010-02-08 03:53:11 UTC

The problem of our country cannot be address by the president alone. Any candidate that would serve as president will just be another failure for most of us, we will blame him/her for low economy, poverty, corruptions and etc.. Why? because we should take actions each one of us filipinos, our country doesn't rely alone on one man but for every community and family of filipinos not only in our country but around the world.

Being responsible for each on us is a major step to our country. Most of us filipinos doesn't care for what could be good for our country, the election is just a way of earning for poor family, people that give campaign flyers, go for a rally, post campaign ads...they do get paid for doing it. After the elections they won' t even bother if the one they supported will give them a bright future, sadly to say "they're already paid and have thier shares". What about saying NO! to these kind of actions, a simple step to reform our next president and we can tell them that we dont owe anything from them and they owe us.

I believe we can make the Philippines a proud country again. It's us. Inside our family and community that can address the problems.


2010-02-08 03:28:07 UTC

CORRUPTION... It is the huge issue right now and as we can see not most but ALMOST of our government officials having an attitude of being corrupt. Why said so? It just because our country is not heading anywhere because the one always leading us is not aiming for a goal of improving our lifestyles but improving their own interest. Being optimistic for their own benefit not for the sake of many. Even a non corrupt candidate can have this even when they are advertising they will not do that or somebody will raise us up to poverty. When they are already on the seat, nothing of their promises will be done. Just only a reminder. Choose your Candidate wisely. We are not born to be FOOL forever.


2010-03-08 13:57:46 UTC

Our presidential candidates seem to be vociferous about reducing poverty ~ which is i think an excellent bait for the Filipino people since majority of them want to get out from poverty, but what about about the issue on hweteng? It appears that none of the presidential aspirants has mentioned of stopping or reducing it. Why?


2010-03-01 01:01:55 UTC

For me the top issue in our country that the next president should address is that to educate the Filipino people of all the laws before implementing it to the public. Because there is a big possibility that most of the people don't know what is the outcome of that certain law. what I mean is that passing the bill 4 reproductive health like condoms. most Filipino people lives in provinces don't actually know how to use it and yet they use without proper knowledge of how to do it.That's all and take care

2010-03-01 00:23:13 UTC



2010-02-09 17:38:33 UTC

I think what is best is to maximize the resources we have in the country to support the ever growing population. Focus on the things that the country will benefit more for a longer period of time that is for education and health related projects rather than road widening or increasing the number of local legislators.


2010-02-08 19:41:15 UTC

The choices you gave did not include "Climate change" which is to me a very urgent priority. Undeniably , our country the Philippines, and many other countries suffered so much in lives lost and property damages because of the storms and flooding that befall us last year. It is fact and I believe the world is faced now with this challenge of how to address this problem.

Anthony John T

2010-02-08 05:32:52 UTC

my answer for this question is education. why? because if people were educated, they would know who the phoney corrupt political candidates are, analyze the situation our country is in, and decide which one to vote, and these educated people won't be fooled by catchy baloney campaign songs, excessive advertising, misleading words, and famous endorsers. they can also weed out the stupid ones who are running, especially those who have nothing to show for or those whom have proven their idiocy and stupidity in the past. if people were smart enough, they would vote the one who can do the least amount of damage and still give a certain amount of hope to this totally hypocritical piece of government that rules our country. educaed people can analyze and discern the scoundrels, the corrupt, and the imbecillic from the rest. if people are left to be ignorant, then those who are wise and knowledgeable , especially in this country, will take advantage of you. this can be proven by the upcoming results of this election. if those obvious candidates win, then this proves that there are a lot of people out there gullible enough to fall for their campaign speeches and so-called promises. read these candidate's histories, their condtributions to society, their lawsuits, their crimes proven innocent. they wouldnt be caught in it if they werent involved in the first place.

Archie A

2010-02-08 03:46:43 UTC

Stop Graft and Corruption!

30 % of the national budget is reportedly lost to graft and corruption every year. Imagine the cumulative effect it could help to health care, education, and poverty reduction if we can save this 30% in the 6 year term of a President?


2010-02-27 13:44:33 UTC

The top issue that the next president should address is the recalcitrant Mindanao problem - peace and socio-economic development of Mindanao . As in chess , if one piece is in a bad position , the whole position is bad . For our country to fully and completely progress , Mindanao , which is neglected , should be given priority .


2010-02-12 06:31:35 UTC

I would choose education; pre-elementary level specifically and elementary level to some extent. In this level, a whole generation can be changed for the better using the best, sincere and dedicated teachers. The american strategy using the thomasites' (american teachers in the 1900's) in capturing the minds of the Filipinos is a proven approach. Until now we are still mentally colonized by the US of A. Thanks and no thanks to this strategy. The Philippines can innovate to adapt the american system of revolutionizing the minds of our future generation. The outcome will be the foundation of the solutions to all our illnesses.

Gray Matters

2010-02-09 21:12:18 UTC

To bring back righteousness - for rightesouness exalts a nation (quoted from the bible)

The Philippines is a largely christian nation..(i believe that, too) if only the filipinos are christians by heart, that would address the nest issue which is on morality... where even in the recessess of his mind he would not think of doing corrupt, illegal, immoral acts...

With these main things addressed or placed back, everything else follows, righteousness and morality is surely within the realms of the "kingdom of God" .... seek ye first the kingdom of God... and all these things shall be added unto you!.... all these! name it, peace, prosperity,etc...


2010-02-09 02:35:48 UTC

The top issue is the corruption. From small municipality up to the higher level, corruption is there. Our country needs a president of good governance, good moral and dedicated to work, not pure promises.


2010-02-08 20:10:53 UTC

national responsibility - that everyone needs to contribute for the betterment of our country. It doesn't always follow that a good president will make the country great - but a responsible and loyal community will drive this country to greatness. This is where the president steps in, to guide his countrymen towards a bountiful and prosperous goal. After this, everything else falls into place.


2010-02-08 06:59:02 UTC

job creation.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

the government constantly feeding the poor will not help the raise from poverty.

of course most crimes are made due to poverty.

this may sound funny but, those who have jobs will have less time to make babies.

Korea and Japan is a proof for that statement. though they have become too career oriented that their shortage of population is becoming a problem also.

if we can handle our selves with little reliance to the government. then the government can focus in wiping out corruption.


2010-03-08 04:56:36 UTC

In my opinion he should focused:

1. Security - modernization on our armed forces

2. Energy- build more power plants

3 Agriculture- support farmers and give more budget

4. Population control-Filipinos are 90M (correct me if im wrong)

5. Lethal injection for charged of graft and corruption


2010-02-08 08:00:12 UTC

There is one simple answer. The next President should take the lead in reforming our country by benchmarking neighboring ASEAN nations. There is no need for so much complicated answer. A leader who cares about its people and their dignity as a Filipino race. A leader who's heart breaks every time neighboring country push forward while we push deeper and deeper in poverty and willing to lead for a nationwide redemption of our lost glory in South East Asia and beyond. As my Japanese boss once said, "The problem of your country is very simple, if you learn to love your own passionately and patriotically, then what will be your problem..? In Japan if Japanese loves their country, they are called PATRIOTIC, in my country if you love Philippines you will be called COMMUNIST. God save the Philippines.


2010-02-08 01:53:34 UTC

All of the issues above are to be the top priority the next president should address. Filipinos are getting more and more poorer without education. Because without education people are become ignorant, a lack of knowledge means people doesn't know what is good and evil. An evil doings means a lot o things.....

gen c

2010-02-08 01:51:04 UTC

Boosting of our economy reserves, corruption, education, health & services & justice system,, tourism & environment.. Boosting our economy reserves means making us independent of our needs from other nation. We mustn't be an importing nation but rather an exporting nation. Look and tap our natural resources and give importance to our own inventions. Tap our agricultural economy by tapping vast idle land in the provinces, In short, tap all ou rnatural resources in which we have plenty that we might be a self producing nation. Eradicate all these items made in china & taiwan but instead produce our own so that jobs will be generated for production. Let us stop importation.

Limit if not check all these illegal immigrants of vietnamese, indian, taiwanese, chinese who are having businesses illegally here and flooding the small scale businesses in provinces and other key cities thereby killing our small local businessmen .Aside that they don't pay taxes honestly, if not at all fpr most of them, these people become masters and make our people servants and underpaid. Even our own needle nowadays is made in China. Look around, made in the Philippines are diminishig - then everybody would wonder why there are so many jobless? For most part it is because of that. We import too much, we don't anymore produce our own like it was in the days of old, We buy everything. We also politicize too much. We never try to become independent like the rest of our neighboring countries. I hope the next President could think of that if he wants jobs for his contituents. Not sending our people to work abroad and be exploited and slave as a solution to our dollar depletion. China's economy boosted because they are a self producing nation.


2010-03-17 04:19:58 UTC

CORRUPTION. That's where the bad system of our country principally comes from. Sana naman matanggal na yan. Nakakahiya na kasi garapalan na talaga. After all the controversies na nangyari: hello garci, zte, fertilizer re:jocjoc bolante, at marami pang iba, WALA LANG. Paano na yan? and things like these will happen again pag hindi naging seryoso ang next president sa pagaddress ng problemang ito.


2010-02-08 03:57:09 UTC

I think education should be the first priority of our next Philippine pres. It is in education that could bring awareness to our people so that all of us could make better choices in our life, which in turn could help us progress towards a better nation and society.


2010-03-22 00:06:44 UTC

CORRUPTION is so pervasive that it infects every nook and corner of ojur society. It makes the governement inefficient and renders honest civil servants ineffective. Those vying for the posts must address this issue - and the electorate must gauge their integrity.

When politicians say they will address the issue on corruption - we must determine if there is consistency with WHAT they SAY, DO, FEEL and THINK.


2010-03-16 19:42:26 UTC

It is the poverty, CORRUPTION and the evaluation of the performance of the government officials who are ineffectively and inefficiently holding office. A total revamp in the following offices such as Customs/ Immigration, B.I.R.,Education, G.S.I.S., S.S.S., and National Defense.


2010-02-08 11:07:30 UTC

Education and Economy should be the priority, graft and corruption can never be eliminated as long as long as we Filipinos possesses free will but it can be minimized through proper accountability and awareness, Japan and South Korea has its share of corrupt politicians and yet they are prosperous. Why? because most of our elected officials abuse their position without doing their job while Japan and South Korea's politician make sure that they do their job as elected officials before they steal (if they will), Improved Education will allow our younger generation to spot and prevent (checks and balance if you will) these flaws or malpractices in the government thus corrupt officials will think twice before participating in such corrupt activity, one way to boost our economy is by allowing foreign investors to invest in our free land, now these might seem anti-national but let us look at our current policy towards foreign investment:

Currently, our policy favors Filipino over foreign investors, the problem with this policy is that MOST Filipinos have no capital to invest or utilize our unused land, the tendency then is that only a few rich Filipino businessmen can utilize our unused land,and not all of these businessmen use these unused land for providing jobs for our unemployed, with this, the few privileged will be the only one who will benefit from this system, the main problem why legal foreign investors shy away from our country is that our policy is too restrictive and biased therefore they see no opportunity for extending their business in our country, if we loosen our policy then foreign investors will be interested in extending their business towards here in the Philippines, the advantage of this would be increased dollar inflow as these foreign investors will bring their capital here in the Philippines, this also has the added benefit of providing jobs for our citizens and by using our land we can charge a reasonable rent to these foreign investors thus providing more dollar for our economy, with the provided jobs our unemployed will be able to provide for their families thus improving the overall quality of life. Our local businessmen will also benefit in the long run, with the boost in our dollar inflow we can use this to provide capital and secure our local businessmen therefore providing them with larger opportunities.

Bear in mind that any improvement in our country can be achieved by a president who is not swayed by the influences of the Oligarchic families here in the Philippines, we need a president who is aware of this. I apologize to people who might be offended by my opinions but what we really need is a president who is astute and dedicated in his/her role as leader of a country, we do not necessarily need a kind or a religious president and most definitely we do not need a president who practices cronyism and patronage, remember that during the early years of the Marcos regime Ferdinand Marcos was able to turn Philippines into a prosperous country with a good law implementation system and solid infrastructures, unfortunately however his latter years proved disastrous. The point is that we need a president who can provide a good, solid administration without the influence of elitist families and the will to implement it.


2010-03-23 04:12:27 UTC


Remember folks that the Office of the President is not just the Person of the President but all the rest of the people who shall be working behind the Person of the President...so be careful of who you vote because you also vote for them who supported him or her...

....but simply put, I just hope the next president at first be TRUE and HONEST to HIMSELF, his GOD and his PEOPLE. If this is his case, he shall be able to prove how he shall be able to do everything he claims to be able to do...even without having to say anything because there is evident and undeniable proof that he or she have the GUTS, the CONSCIENCE, the MEANS and WAYS then SHOW the PEOPLE how everybody and everything within the Philippine soil shall benefit from his TRANSPARENT, CONSCIENTIOUS and DEVOTED SERVICE.

Hindi rin kasi pwede puro si Kababayan at kalimutan si Kalikasan dahil sinisingil din sa huli ni Kalikasan si Kababayan tulad ng bagyong Ondoy at Peping. Di rin pwedeng puro Kalikasan dahil paano naman din si Kababayan....


2010-03-06 20:36:35 UTC

For me their are three top issue in our country.First the education in our country that can be able to reach even the poorest one .this will be the stepping stone to success.Second is health and the third is job,the government should protect the job of every people not what we experience now a contractual basis that's create more jobless people.


2010-02-13 22:19:19 UTC

Creation of Jobs! It would especially beneficial if jobs are to be created immediate oustside of Metro Manila, example: Antipolo City, the rest of high places of Rizal. In Visayas, jobs must be created immediate outside Metro Cebu, Ilo-ilo and the likes. In Mindanao, immediate outside Davao City and the likes. Government agencies pertaining to business requirements must be spread nationwide. Officials are expected to attract businesses, corporations to make this priority a reality.

Heil Hillel

2010-02-11 21:56:59 UTC

There are four things which I would like him/her to address...


The next president should create a lot more jobs for the us so that we should no go abroad anymore to find greener pastures. And we will have good futures in our own country. And our families and our next generation will be stronger. Because 70% of the OFWs are women = many of them are mothers! Yes, their kids will have good education, clothes, and all the material things. But what about their moral values?!


A Japanese living in Mindanao once said, "Give me MINDANAO and I will feed the whole world!" MINDANAO PALANG YON PEOPLE! PANO PA KAYA KUNG BUONG LUZVIMINDA! The Philippines indeed has a very fertile land if not the most fertile land in the world! Kina-iingitan tayo ng ibang mga bansa dahil sa ating lupa! Alagaan naman natin! Having said that, then why are we importing rice from thailand and vietnam? Eh lahat naman yan nag aral sa IRRI. And now Thailand is 15 years ahead of us and Vietnam is closing in fast. And what is their secret??? AGRICULTURE!!!


40% of the Philippine population are made up of the YOUTH. Having said that, the Philippines has a VERY VERY BIG asset to develop. If not, it will all go to waste. We need to have good education! Hindi lang puro UP, ATENEO, LA SALLE! Eh ang UP(I think pang top 500 na and UP sa world rankings.)! That every school to the last barrio will have the assurance that they have good education. So that our future leaders can compete internationally. And then we can be sure to have a leader that we can be proud of. DAHIL SA SARILING LUPA NATIN IPINAG-ARAL. DI NA KAILANGAN PUMUNTA SA IBANG BANSA.



Before He/she should do all those things, They should develop a love for country that is embedded in his/her heart. ANG DAMI-DAMI NATING PINUNO WALANG PAKI-ALAM SA BANSA, PARA LANG SAKANILANG DEVELOPMENT. UHAW NA UHAW NA TAYONG MGA PILIPINO NA MAGKAPINUNO NA MAGMAMAHAL AT MAGMAMALASAKIT SA ATING BANSA AT MAMAMAYAN! And that is my prayer for our next leader. That he/she may have the burden of the filipino people! ^^,


2010-02-08 05:40:39 UTC

healthcare, education, poverty reduction, job growth, stopping graft n corruption

mataripis a ugnay

2015-12-29 10:08:55 UTC

To make the Philippines as one of the best port in the world.The moves of China is one hint of the significance of Philippine seas in world trades.

mario t. reoyan

2010-03-03 02:24:07 UTC

all issue must be tackled or we missed and jump into the limbo for another six year, its likely to be happen in the future, the philippine politics is not fully matured as will as the voting public they looked the persona and the wealth of the candidates not the ideals and work records right address to the recent problems and issues, so please vote rightly to a person that seeking to serve the people not humbug.


2010-02-16 01:37:31 UTC

One of the top issues in our country is the way we dispose our garbage. Most of the rivers and streams including here in Sta. Rosa are almost dirty. Fishes can't live on that kind of place. However, as a president, if he focused on that matter, many of his people will definitely follow him not only as a president of this country, but also as a role model. That's it.

ana z

2010-02-12 00:26:39 UTC

Improve our educational curriculum so that our graduates can meet the requirements needed to get a job. Focus on math, science and English. I think we've got to realize that the universal language is English,put our cultural identity issues behind us and move forward. I am wishfully thinking that people will realize that it's what we contribute to our country that makes us patriotic/nationalistic and not the language we choose to speak.


2010-02-11 18:43:55 UTC

First: prosecute the whole Arroyo clan and all of her allies and recoup the $Billions they have stolen!

Second; begin REAL infrastructure projects like better power plants, roads and Schools!

Third; do what Gloria couldnt do in her 9 year term but has promised every year to do, and that is to finally defeat the NPA (and MILF if necessary).

2010-02-11 01:13:50 UTC

im looking for a president with a Pure Ideology of Nationalism

that emphasizes Our National Culture and Unify our Cultures

and to educate the people about love of country, Self Dedication to the country

may tumakbong presidente na ba na hatid ang hinahanap ko??

so far wala pa!!


2010-02-09 15:15:12 UTC

1. Genral lack of discipline, patriotism, identity as a nation

2. Culture of corruption and opportunism, especially in government

3. The Economy

4. Peace and Order

mark c.

2010-02-28 03:38:57 UTC

i think the 1st priority of the next President is should be our environment 1st we must learn how to give attention and care of this id observed it there's a lot of environment calamity if the mother nature will set us up in a enormous tragedy we cant escaped it then we blame the officials ,and government but we must know and we really denying what we did. the next President cant fix all this problems

without the cooperation of the one of us.

OPEN OUR MIND the world may ruin if we don't pay this enough attention!

hopefully i encouraged you to cooperate!!


2010-02-12 20:52:36 UTC

for me, priority should be ranked as follows

1. job growth (or income generating opportunities for those who cannot have job)

2. stopping graft and corruption

3. education

4. healthcare

5. poverty reduction

6. national security

2010-02-11 22:31:32 UTC

The top issue in our country today that the next Philippine president should address;



2010-02-08 06:54:40 UTC

i think job growth is more probable.. the country needed more job opportunities and the president is relying on the investment in the country... stopping graft and corruption would probably end up the least.. it is always the scenario anyhow...


2010-02-08 02:28:14 UTC

for me, the top most priority of our next president would be limiting our population by educating fellow Filipino's of using birth control techniques and limiting the child per family in the Philippines. If we could limit our population, we can address the poverty issues, the squatter issues that has been our problem for a long time now and the job issues that is haunting us for awhile now. second, would be paying our DEBT to the WORLD BANK, little by little. therefore if we paid our DEBT to the WORLD BANK, we can lower our taxes a little and the costs of goods would be a little cheaper. i think that is all that i can say at the moment...


2010-02-26 06:54:28 UTC

the Top issue in our country today as the aspirant candidate of presidency would be addresses corruption. I believe if this problem will fully abolish the life of many Filipino will be substantial

2010-02-11 23:48:24 UTC



2010-02-10 19:36:34 UTC

Do away with graft and corruption. Not only in the government, but in the police and military as well.


2010-02-08 14:13:28 UTC

Top priority should be given to EDUCATION. Education for everyone. One example is: Educate the road users on traffic rules and regulations to ease traffic and have order in our streets. Educate pedestrians for safety. Educate traffic regulators and enforcers according to global traffic standards. Hindi yun "kanya-kanya" bawat bayan. Educate road builders so that everyone will get equivalent benefits to the cost the taxpayers paid Educate the local government units to follow submit to higher government body's directives .... di tulad sa coding na meron LGUs na di sumusunod. Educate our Barangay, Municipal, City, Provincial, and National Officials and all Government Employees about their roles and functions so that service to the people will be maximize. Educate the general public about their roles and responsibilities towards the government and their communities. Education should not start only in schools .... Education should start at home and everywhere. Let us not wait for the next president to prioritize EDUCATION. Let us start now educating him! Let us help that every presidential candidate get educated about our real concerns particularly respect for laws. Is every candidate following COMELEC Rules?? Let us educate them by not voting candidates who violate basic rules. --- EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE. HINDI LAMANG MGA BATA AT MANGMANG, even the learned needs to update and be re-educated. Am educated philippines will eventually take care of other concerns.

ten ten

2010-03-20 11:14:49 UTC

they should focus in education, job growth, education, health and environment..

because those are the main issues that is stopping Philippines from growing...

better education means more jobs to decrease poverty..

better environment and health care means healthier people..

besides if those issues were improved, it could not only help the poor people, but also the middle class, which is the majority of the society...



2010-02-09 23:17:48 UTC

Poverty alleviation by providing job opportunities to the Filipinos and creating a climate of economic progress.Where hunger reign, there will criminality and insurrection prevails.


2010-02-12 02:49:08 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption should be the main priority!


2010-02-11 02:15:28 UTC

I agree with Gladys, We really need to solve CORRUPTION. A leader who believes in transparency & persecute the guilty person. Kung may sinasabing pagbabago, eto muna baguhin at kailangan gawin. Kahit simple tao mag ganitong problema, anu pa kaya sa mga taong maykapangyarihan. Sabi ng lahat ng kumakandidato e puksain ang kurapsyon, pero halos lahat sila, hindi maayos at masunod ang simpleng batas sa eleksyon tulad ng pagdikit sa lansangan at TV campaign sa media,very obvious na milyon ang gatos nyan at saan babawiin? Pag nanalo sila...?


2010-02-08 22:32:07 UTC

I think what makes Filipino people suffer from all of what we are suffering today is because people installed in their position are corrupt and no heart in serving our country. If only laws and bills are properly revised, reviewed and voted honestly the next big step is the strict and right implementation of it no red tape and "palakasan" system.


2010-02-08 13:59:59 UTC

since the beginning of my observations and experiences, many great leaders in our country passed but the greatest and top issue in our country today that the next president should and must settle is the rampant of GRAFT AND CORRUPTION..


2010-02-08 01:46:44 UTC

The priority of the next President is to ensure security of jobs for many Filipinos, to have formal and decent occupations to those Filipino graduates here in our shores; and to open many opportunities as well to those Filipino business men who wanted to start or enlarge their businesses.

The Government should lead the way with guidance of apt and capable leadership, optimism and courage to fight corruption. Leader that could and must set as an example, so that his cabinets and subordinates would do away from being corrupted; and cleansing of governmental bureaucracy would easily be achieved. Culture of corruption is not innate in our history. We have to change our perspective that looking the presidency and position in the government as sources of indecent income and malevolent opportunity, rather as position of public service and catalyst of economic-national development. The President in 2010 and onward should have clear and vibrating vision of where we will be going, armored with strong will and standpoint of what to achieve. In other words, "learned leader". We have no time to loss, every minute of that 6-year term is important, we can not accept to be last in our region and before the World. The advocacy of corruption buster is not lips service, this criteria should be en shined from within; "A good tree bears good fruits". A leader whose parents were patriotic, would be patriotic. He can not gamble the names of his parents, so "Trusted name, trusted brand", as we said. We have to be vigilant this election of 2010.

jay from makati

2010-02-08 00:43:40 UTC

The search is still not over... many filipinos are still hopeless and loosing there hope of a better future for their family, many president passed by but life still the same with most filipono people... we need to see a good leader to show and lead us from their the right path... the next president should forward and review the existing problem taht we have at present... all should be prioritize and not one of them should be neglected... i cannot rate this issue base on their importance or base on priority there should be good planning governance inorder to maintain a good Healthcare to all filipinos, a good quality of education to all ,each filipino family deserve a good shelter connects to povety reduction,every filipino are secured interms of violence and peace of orders connects to national security , filipinos deserve a well paid job to sustain their family needs connects to job growth, and Good , clean governance to all elected official of govenments to stopping graft and corruption. The Truth is long search will be over base on hand of each filipino people... vote wisely, be a searcher of truth and be part of new battle of life , it will begins with you , your family and to all filipinos...


2010-03-05 16:42:44 UTC

National Health care should be put into law like what Mr. Obama and the congress trying to do in america.and Job creation.

Yesu Ben

2010-02-11 03:50:27 UTC

Gloria is a great president but she failed in one aspect - that is to unite the country. I think unification is of prime importance, after that poverty and therefore crime and rebellion can be easily fixed. Economiically, we are ready to fly (thanks to Glo) - I believe Gibo - so long as we dont allow Kris Aquino to sit, Jamby to smile like sheeet, or Erap to fool us again. Gibo and Villar - they are the last two sane doors that we can enter.


2010-02-09 05:15:27 UTC



2010-02-08 21:38:55 UTC

First and foremost, it should be be conflict within himself that the next President should resolve. He must see to it that he's free of any "obligation" that he owes to the people who contributed to make him win. He must see to it and accept that the campaign expenditures are part and parcel of his running, and that that would be the last thing in his mind: to get back all campaign expenses.

Summing it up, he must clear his mind of evil deeds: This would be the simplest but hardest thing to do.


2010-02-08 10:52:35 UTC

Education but something that will make the students learn more about practical means to survive. more specifically, financial education.

"If a person is poor in mind and financial education, no matter how much money he has now, he will become poor after all."

Norman Albert

2010-03-18 20:31:01 UTC

i believe internal security (peace and order) should be the issue the next president should address. foreign investors are discouraged to invest in our country because of this. peace and order will promote better environment for investors to invest in our country. in that way, there will be more jobs for those jobless which in turn will give us enough money to support education, and of course the economy shall follow.


2010-02-11 17:39:19 UTC

corruption..it is the root of almost all the problems our country is facing. without corruption, there would be enough budget to allocate on our education, infrastructure, etc. just like on our roads and highways.. only 20% goes to the road project, 80% goes to the those dirty political hands..


2010-02-08 16:04:08 UTC

i think its how the next president would unite the Filipino people to believe and trust the system that he is going to put up, we Filipinos should remember that a lot of laws had been written (to prosecute corrupt practices), a lot of projects proposed (for job creations) but no implementation. and also we Filipino Citizens should also think what CAN WE DO for our country.


2010-03-03 18:04:45 UTC

the next president should focus how to stop the grawft and corruption in our government...then he/she should focus how bring the education to a higher level so that our people well easy learn from many things...after that he/she would focus on what are happening to the health of our people because many poor people are dying in sickness and malnutrition


2010-02-11 18:37:46 UTC

JOB GROWTH.... trabaho po para sa lahat ng walang deskriminasyon marami po kasi ang kompanya na kahit qualified ang isang aplekante pag pangit inirereject.. at para na rin po mabawasan ang kremin sa pilipinas dahil kung lahat kumikita ng pera hindi makapag isip gumawa ng masama..

sana ang susunod na presidente maging totoo sa mga pangako at hindi mapako...

being a president is not a position but its an obligation...

thank you


2010-02-08 15:25:26 UTC

For me CORRUPTION that is the root of all... we need President that can do everything just to stop corruption... Why don't we try to look and study the Singapore Government...


2010-02-08 15:05:10 UTC

Re-etablish peace and order, discipline, and stop corruption! Better education for teachers and studends! School is a must for all children! Do more for senior citizens!


2010-02-12 03:14:07 UTC

Stopping graft and corruption


2015-06-29 08:40:42 UTC

About healthcare, if only budget would really go to insurance for the Filipino people, we would no longer think twice about going to a public hospital and get snapped at by nasty nurses. We could have better health centers and hospitals instead.


2010-02-13 17:01:49 UTC

1. GRAFT & CORRUPTION, from the presidency down to Kabataan Barangay chairman, CORRUPTION has already engulf in our government system ;

if this will be eradicated everything follows and this country is worth living for......


2010-03-06 22:44:58 UTC

It is corruption that is always been expected to be addressed by each newly elected president. But, until now never solved. I think what we should expect now is HOW, WHEN AND WHO can solve corruption. dmai na kasi nasasayang na pera....


2010-02-23 19:53:28 UTC

Bad Parenting.

Kenneth 竟立

2010-02-11 22:38:40 UTC

Continuous migration out of the country, resulting to brain drain. And it all boils down to eradicating corruption.


2010-02-08 18:48:34 UTC

healthcare,education,poverty reduction,national security,jobgrowth priority ba talaga kaya ng next president yan siguro ang tama graft n corruption ang priority kasi sa mga TRAPO syempre nagpakadalubhasa yan para makapag nakaw din pag presidente na sya kasi tagal nila sinator wla naman sila nagawa at napatunayan palitan na natin lumang pulitiko sa bago tayo magbakasakali baka di pa masyado makapal ang mukha at makonsensya na magnakaw pakiusap mga botante mag isip nman muna kyo bago bumuto napansin nyo ba infomercial at pangangapanya pa lang impostor na sila kasi sabi nila makamahirap


2010-02-08 16:50:29 UTC

syempre graft and corruption... evetyhing follows na eh! if the next president can stop graft & corruption in our country.. all of the above mentioned will follow... syempre may budget na for those other problems...


2010-02-08 03:30:36 UTC

The next President will be facing a very tough responsibility in building this ruined county. For me, the Government should prioritize the education because if everybody has enough knowledge and will be provided by the education they need, everything will follow. The Filipino people should be wise enough to vote for candidates, a candidate who has a heart to serve the people not to earn from the people. The change starts from us, to rebuild this country starts by whom among this candidates we chose. VOTE wisely!


2010-02-08 00:36:34 UTC

I think it would be corruption first and foremost so that the taxes that we pay can finally be put to good use. This, I find, would be the hardest part for the president because corruption in our country has been around for ages. It's practically part of our culture.

2010-03-23 14:33:59 UTC

Corruption! Yan ang sobrang nagpapahirap sa bansa! Kahit saang ahensya ka halos pumunta anak ng pusa e may korapsyon! Grabe! Kung masasawata yan kahit kalahati man lang napakalaki ng improvement na maibibigay sa bansa at napakaraming tao ang makikinabang! Napakaraming pulitiko na puro kurakot ang ginagawa, BIR, CUSTOMS, IMMIGRATION, LAHAT NA HALOS!


2010-03-22 08:30:48 UTC

CHANGE. Create change by changing the things that we as people do not like such as corruption and politicking, deteriorating education, lawlessness and crime, homelessness, the collapse of family values, and the lack of basic service including the power of special interests of most government actions.


2010-02-08 01:02:27 UTC

CORRUPTION---if the next president solves corruption problems, everything will follow because our supposedly rich country becomes poor due to its riches going only to some and not utilized for the benefit of the people...if only these riches were used efficiently, then there would be no poverty..SANA MAKONSENSYA NAMAN MGA CORRUPT NA PULITIKO DYAN...

lalaine b

2010-02-25 00:34:10 UTC

i think its the corruption kasi jan naman nag uumpisa kaya tayo naghihirap. Yong taxes that the taxpayer pays ay hindi talaga napupunta sa taong bayan mas higit ang napupunta sa bulsa ng nasa posisyon.


2010-02-24 21:22:13 UTC

Yong kredebilidad niya na ganyakin o i-motivate ang ang bayan upang kumilos at makiisa sa kanyang adhikain.

First He must have a VISION.

2nd- He must know how to reach or make that Vision workable.

3rd - He must know how to motivate the people to join him to his Vision.

Ang ibang suliranin ay isa-isa ng masusulusyunan. and the rest will be history.

Huwag nating iatang sa ating pinuno ang lahat ng suliranin ng ating bansa dahil kapag ginawa niya iyon, siya na rin ang huhukay ng kanyang sariling libingan.

A good leader leads. at kung may magandang kredebilidad na magpasunod, madali na para sa sambayanan ang makiisa at kumilos para sa ikabubuti ng bayan.

Maiiwasan ang kanya-kanya at magsisimula ang tayu-tayo


2010-03-08 22:52:15 UTC

it should be how to increse the job rate of a common filipino, when we say corruption it will be a big challenge to the next president, even if he/she will not do it, mauubusan siya ng oras para tapusin ito, that's why i don't think magagawa tong supilin ng isang nagppresidente. trabaho para may maasahan ang tao at hindi ang ibinoto niyang politiko. self-reliance ba dahil may trabaho...


2010-02-25 22:12:16 UTC

The problem on Food, primarily agriculture. Scarcity leads to importation (the best source for corruption). If we have stability on our food supply, we can minimize all other problems.


2010-02-25 04:44:15 UTC

well i think 1st the corruption 2nd poverty 3rd education 4th crime 5th pabahay 6th prostitution lastly to make everything perfect...

if all of that our solved what a great community would be...

Nothin But Hot Air

2010-02-10 22:33:47 UTC

Jobs, peace and order and education. I mentioned peace and order to attract foreign investors. It is a dream but I hope education can be free up to high school.

2010-02-08 18:20:44 UTC

well for me, all this problems that are listed should be address to the next president..coz this will serve as his/her responsibility as a newly elected pres of this country.he/she should look in to consideration of this things..he/she should have a plan how to eliminate all this or maybe not to eliminate but to prevent coz we all know that this is a long time problem of our country.and to those people that will elect a pres, plz plz!see to it that he/she is responsible enough to be a leader, not a puppet of anyone.he/she knows what is best for us and is willing to stand on his/her decisions hnd ung oo lng ng oo, a president should have a heart and conscience for him.her not to commit sins to his people...children let's face it, the only person that can/will save our country is TAYO at WALA ng IBA pa...be a RESPONSIBLE VOTER...ung perang ibbigay sa inyo para iboto sila,hnd yan sapat kailangan ntin ung pnghabangbuhay na pera...hnd ung panandalian lng....godbless us:)


2010-02-08 06:27:57 UTC

i don't have the exact answer best to give for our next president but i really hope he will see to it that the corruption will be eliminated, he will make sure that he will make all who found guilty in abusing their position in the gov''t ofc will be punished, he will immediately & prioritize education esp. for the less fortunate & there will be transparency from every transactions in the gov't ofc.

2010-02-07 23:06:30 UTC


Pareng Meng

2010-02-11 05:09:21 UTC

As enshrine in our Phil Constitution it is Education should have the highest priority and budgetary allotment.

dennis s

2010-03-20 06:14:00 UTC

hindi kaya ng presidente lang magisa maayos ang buong pilipinas! kahit gano kaeffective ng platforms nila pero hindi niya kaya mandohan mga ibang officials na sumunod walang mangyayari parin. its gonna take a miracle for our country to move forward coz of our current political, social situation. madali magsabi ng platforms pero ang tanong do you have the balls to implement it and make it happen. madaming malalakas mangbraso sa politika and kung mahina loob mo eventually bibigay ka sa kanila!

2010-02-08 14:33:16 UTC

corruption , provide more jobs , promote tourism , promote foreign investment , raise the education level in Philippines . . .

bong b

2010-02-08 10:22:17 UTC

TOPMOST issue in our country that needs to be addressed is MORAL DECLINE. For YOU Philippines is drowned in Idolatry and enjoyed the lust of the flesh and the abomination unto the Lord: The TRUE and the Living God - The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You did not seek His righteousness and His TRUTH ever instead, you continue to worship your idols that cannot see, nor hear or nor walk and worse thing is that you say it (your little "po-ons") is He.

Thus the LORD turned His face away from you and did not hear your cry and He did not prevent the Devil to rule, to play and to rejoice over you and afflict your people in violence, calamities, corruption and in poverty.

Therefore REPENT!, REPENT! and REPENT! you people for you, your children and your children's children sake. For His mercy, blessings, protection, peace, healing, contentment and provision awaits to people who will humble himself unto the LORD and seek Him earnestly in his heart and obey Him.

But If you will not repent instead choose to continue in your doings and will not turn your ways unto the Lord - in His truth and His righteousness; For you who laugh in this wisdom and exalt yourself and said in your heart that there is NO God, For you who refuse to know and seek the truth and choose to remain in deceit, For you who are stiffed-neck upon the call of repentance, For you who choose to rebel against God - CURSE is upon you. The LION in sheep's clothing (the Devil) shall deceive you more and devour you quickly.

On the next election, it is either a blessing or a curse.

May the Lord my God who was, who is, and who is to come will do His will with compassion and mercy unto anyone who shall read this - whosoever He will. May God bless you and quicken your soul.

In the service of the King who shall be revealed and shall reign forever and ever.

Bong B.

aaron p

2010-03-23 00:25:37 UTC

Don’t mean to get off subject.

Great new channel on YouTube

We’ve recently got over 450 clips uploaded,full movies

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Thanx to all the patriots who I have got to know because of this,

I know we will win this because of great people like yourselves.

nick d

2010-02-08 00:32:05 UTC

Stop graft and corruption and reduce poverty in the process.


2010-03-22 16:20:01 UTC

very simple question, and addressing the issue is a lot easier, not to involve himself in CORRUPTION. it makes himself a virtual thief president!, that is easier campaigned now than done.


2010-02-09 13:00:12 UTC

I would have to say family education, because I believe that there are many Filipinos who are not really capable of becoming responsible parents.

2010-02-24 18:31:16 UTC

Id say not paying are dets this country ows soooo much many to china their gona come and start a war here!!

Jessica T

2010-02-11 00:35:13 UTC

self-evaluation for all politicians....

before anything else, the president assess himself and his fellow public servants whether they chosen the field where their hearts really belong....

we don't need their unrealistic promises, rather CHANGE!

from selfishness to self-giving

from corruption to development

from papers to products

Let's work hand in hand to change the course of history!

2010-02-10 05:46:00 UTC

Poverty reduction. When there are lesser people who are experiencing poverty all problems will be solved.

grace d

2010-02-12 00:03:46 UTC

Education for all., Education can solve alot of problems that even poor ones can survive thier dilemas.


2010-02-23 01:58:52 UTC

i still think it's the economy... it encompasses many other areas of concern like peace and order, corruption, employment and poverty, agriculture, tourism - all these things affect the economy and vice-versa. how we live as filipinos is dependent on how our economy works

2010-02-09 10:16:10 UTC

The same as every other election, Pinky, try to redistribute the land.

2010-02-09 08:43:58 UTC

Corruption. because it causes almost all the problems of our country


2010-02-08 00:52:40 UTC

the next President should prioritize funding the small and medium Enterprise creating loans with minimal interest so that this businesses will create jobs.

And kung pwede lang po, please help those CE board examiner last Nov. 2007 seeking justice against PRC.( this was an issue of retake of the said examination)


2010-02-08 15:49:21 UTC


Nilo F

2010-02-08 07:44:06 UTC

corruption in the government we can not move forward because of those goverment official sucking all the money of the tax payer


2010-02-08 04:35:56 UTC

energycrisis ito lang yung tanging bagay na ipinamana sa atin mula noong 90s hangang ngayon pasan pasan ni juan de la cruz,,, may mga pulitico na nakabalik sa pwesto na nag sasabing pabababain ko ang singil ng kuryente pero ng nakaupo may amnesia na


2010-02-08 03:57:02 UTC

stopping borrowing to international institution! more jobs,education,healthcare services,housing for poor peoples.Search our national resources so that, will not dependent to other country


2010-03-16 10:10:21 UTC

whoever may win in the May 2010 election must prioritize "GRAFT & CORRUPTION"


2010-03-05 14:06:22 UTC

a large percentage of the philippines best brains are moving to other countries. reducing this brain drain would help considerably.


2010-02-08 17:05:06 UTC

..try to handle this two, ..job growth, or stopping graft and corruption ..and the rest will follow..


2010-03-09 13:08:49 UTC

Problems in Mindanao.


2010-02-11 02:31:00 UTC

Discipline among legislators especially those in the Senate. They waste so much time and money cosmeticizing themselves!


2010-02-10 00:38:11 UTC

sa tingin ko ang lahat ng iyan ay may kinalaman sa pagdami ng populasyon. kaya tingin ko un ang dpat pagtuunan ng pansin,ito ang ugat ng lahat lahat, kailangang seryosuhin ang pagtingin sa carrying capacity over total land area ng bawat syudad o municipalidad,but in any rate sa lahat ng nasa taas laht yan dapat i-prioritize kaya nga may gabinete eh di pagtrabahuhin


2010-02-08 00:28:21 UTC

First of all its Corruption, second Poverty and third Education. Our Streets can tell you why.


2010-03-23 00:06:54 UTC

well... in my opinion... he/she should address the educational problems in our country... i think that our country is loosing its competitiveness... in order for our country to change... the youth should be given a quality and better education in order for them to have knowledge on how to take part on making our country a better place.... i also believe that if the youth have prior knowledge... they would be able to become better officials someday.


2010-02-11 19:49:22 UTC

Corruption needs to be eradicated


2010-02-08 17:08:15 UTC

stop graft and corruption and job growth. then everything follows.


2010-02-08 01:52:27 UTC

people of the philippines needs a kind of leader not a corrupt..all much be priority..and honest to the people...and i am very sad beacause i cannot exercise my rights to vote for this coming election..hopefully we could vote via absentte voting here in malaysia...for my participation now i'm asking for who"s who vote during election ...........pls vote as per the leader you know..thaks...god bless philippines....

2010-02-08 02:30:52 UTC

education and national security... look at japan .. safe at highly literate ang tao kahit na wala sila masyadong natural resources, they've used what natural resource they only posseses.. people!! tapos niyan domino effect na yan large foreign investment papasok dito, sisigla economy , more investment, more jobs, more tax collection, bigger government budget, more government expenditure, etc... .. plus di madaling linlangin ang matatalinong tao so marereduce ang corruption .they can also select righteous leaders dahil di sila madadala sa mapanlinlang na endorsements at ads . and a safe and peaceful country is a happy country.. pinoy have high potentials .. un lng vote wisely =)


2010-03-01 09:04:54 UTC

the top issue that our presidentiables need to address is them selves on how less they would be corrupt!


2010-02-08 23:00:27 UTC

stopping graft & corruption


2010-02-08 01:49:13 UTC

Corruption and poverty


2010-03-20 03:58:34 UTC

pag walang kurap walang mahirap. palitan lahat ang namumuno sa mga agencies, bigyang pagkakataon 'yung iba to prove thier worth!


2010-02-09 22:03:22 UTC

Ang pilipinas most educated asian country kaya hindi problema ang trabaho kung hindi iyong nanungkulan sa ating governo kung mayroon bang silang commitment na maglingkod para sa mamamayan pilipino hindi sa kapanan ng kanilang self interest o sakim sa kayamanan ay hindi sana tayong naghihirap ngayon.mayroon na tayong magagandang proyekto na ginagawa ngayon sa kasalukuyang governo ni madam Arroyo only implementation o mga tamang taong maglilingkod sa ating bayan.Mayaman tayo sa lahat lalong-lalo na sa kalusugan,education,maraming magagaling na doctors,engeneers,scientist,educators,lawyers,artist,players etc...ngunit hindi ginagamit kabutihang pagunlad ng ating bansa kundi pangsaliri lamang.Kailangan natin isang lider na committed or sacrifice all of his/her self interest kaya iboto natin ang nararapat maglingkod sa atin bansa...thank you mabuhay tayong lahat...


2010-02-09 21:54:34 UTC

poverty, and also the corruption from the police and government


2010-02-11 13:20:54 UTC

walang pwede piliin! comelec palang palpak na. wala kasing word of honor ang comelec, sabi kz ng comelec, maaari daw ikulong ang lumabag sa batas. bakit sa dami dami ng kandidato wala bang lumabag sa batas? bakit walang nakulong?


2010-02-08 19:15:25 UTC

1. corruption

2. education


2010-02-08 00:45:02 UTC

HIMSELF!!! ...if he could make himself tough, proud and GOD FEARING...he could address every top issues in our country!!! because as always after elections the very BIG QUESTIONS for the elected president is HOW HE WIN? and HE IS NOT OUR PRESIDENT!!!

cool as ice 25

2010-02-20 20:59:52 UTC

poverty, corruption, a synchronize crime orchestrated by the ill mannered police,, .


2010-02-08 21:14:55 UTC

i think the first priority of our next president is how to collect his/her expenses...so corruption again...


2010-02-08 15:14:01 UTC

CORRUPTION should be the TOP PRIORITY because it is the root of our problems.

2010-02-18 21:55:18 UTC



2010-02-08 00:16:45 UTC

Infrastructure development, roads, bridges, railways, power infrastructures, massive exploration of oil and natural gas reserves. With that in place all other concerns will be addressed.


2010-02-10 21:49:21 UTC

education, values and ethics of people, corruption...that all will stop poverty!


2010-02-08 18:51:41 UTC

If you believe that the only solution to our country’s problem is God, then please read this:

The Absolute solution for our country’s problem is to turn ourselves back to God’s way. Only God can heal our land. For decades we’ve been ignoring God’s Word in (2 Chronicles 7:14) that says “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” This particular verse in the Holy Bible is actually addressing a nation, a country, or a government not just an individual. The line in the said verse that says ‘their wicked ways’ is the very sin that our country is committing continually for ages. God hates idols (Exodus 20:4-5) "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them” and yet most of our country still worship idols which is the majority in our country. The proper way according to God’s Word is to remove all idols (Mother Mary, and all kinds of saints, including the figure of Jesus on the cross (because Jesus has already risen and not supposed to be displayed in a way that He is still nailed on the cross!), and we should simply display a cross with nothing on it, plain, simple, and Biblical (John 4:24) “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." History has already proven which kind of Christianity is the Truth. First let us understand how the Roman Catholic came about. The teachings of Roman Catholic was never originated from Jesus Christ, the original teachings was handed over to the first twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ during the Pentecost, they are known as Pentecostal Christians who mainly teaches the original teachings of Christ, but gradually as Priests, Popes, and the Vatican came to power and abuses its authority because of greed and hunger for power, the original teachings of the Bible was distorted up to this day. The early Pentecostal Christians attempted to correct and rebuke the wrong teachings of the early Roman Catholic Church, but since the Catholic Church is rich and powerful, they control the government, and began to see the Pentecostal Christians as a threat to their society. That is why, according to history, the Roman Catholic Church have killed and tortured millions of Pentecostal Christians. Since then, the Pentecostals with the original teachings of Jesus Christ became an underground society to hide from the persecutions of the Catholic Church. If you study the Bible well enough, you will see that the true disciples of Jesus Christ and His Church have always been persecuted, jailed, and is always hidden in houses to conduct fellowships and worship services. Here we can see what kind of spirit the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church has that causes them to persecute Pentecostal Christians; it is the spirit of ‘greed and power’ which is the main spirit of ‘Democracy’. Now let us compare the colonial results of both Roman Catholic Christians and Pentecostal Christians. As the Roman Catholic’s power grew in Rome, so as their colony. The kingdom of Spain became Roman Catholic and was under the influence of Rome, except for the kingdom of Britain where the majority of Pentecostal Christians survived and flourished. The kingdom of Britain remains a believer of the teachings of the Pentecostal Christians. Spain and Britain both have the most advanced ships during their conquest for new colony as ordered by their Kings and Queens; at the same time wherever they colonize they bring in religion too. Spain colonizes and converts people to Roman Catholic, while Britain colonizes and converts people to Pentecostal Christians. Now the moment of truth, hundreds of years later, the colonies and former colonies of the kingdom of Spain are: (to name a few) Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, and more. People in these countries grew up by the kind of government and religion the Spanish have introduced. Hence, these countries are third world countries filled with poor, violence, and corruptions in all walks of life (the spirit of greed for money and power); all these because of the wrong spirit or distorted teachings taught by the Spanish colonizers which originated from the Roman Catholic teachings. On the other hand, the colonies and former colonies of the kingdom of Great Britain are: Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Columbia, British Guiana, Canada, Honduras, Hong Kong, New Guinea, New Zealand, Singapore, and more. These countries however, are prosperous countries filled with wealthy families, less violence, and less corruption. See the difference? It all boils down to the kind of spirit we’re all living in.

noel o pan

2010-03-23 22:47:44 UTC

make a bigger non-aircon room in manila city jail to accommodate the 5 people...

alex t

2010-02-23 17:22:36 UTC

Catalyst for Change.. A servant leader


2010-02-11 06:58:05 UTC

no.1 is corruption'

2. quality of education

3. crime


2010-02-17 13:56:38 UTC

simple!!! CORRUPTION lang ang problema tama si NOYNOY pag walang corrupt lahat ng pera ay nasa bayan!!


2010-03-22 05:07:35 UTC

the corruption is the first thing needed to address.


2010-03-01 02:48:39 UTC

VALUES and EDUCATION, with the right values and best education, we Filipinos will succeed.


2010-02-09 05:00:47 UTC



2010-02-26 19:46:10 UTC


Do not allow journalist killing

Do not become corrupt


2010-02-09 14:40:54 UTC

a larger share of the stimulus.

$3,000.00 for locally built

2010-03-23 07:43:31 UTC

make sure there's money left to be corrupted

Jasmine Jane Langub

2015-06-16 03:02:14 UTC

who can give the solution of our country today??


2010-02-08 05:41:59 UTC

cleaning the mess(es) done by the outgoing administration.


2010-03-03 12:47:47 UTC

ang unang-unang dapat na gawin ng maswerteng mahahalal na pangulo ay agaran niyang masolusyunan ang walang patumangga at lantarang KORUPSYON sa walang buto at bulag na gobyerno natin. ang napakalalang korupsyon sa ating gobyerno ang syang tunay na ugat na tuloy-tuloy na nagpapahirap sa ating mga mamamayan. ngunit sa takbo ng kasalukuyang mga kandidato, ay malamang wala na nmang patutunguhan ang napipintong eleksyon. Wala kang pwedeng itulak o kabigin. Lahat ay nagpapaligsahan sa paggastos ng nakakalulang halaga upang makapagpakilala lamang at makapagpahayag ng isa na nmang pangakong panghahawakan ng isang umaasang juan dela cruz. sa eleksyon pa lamang ay mababanaagan mo na ang muling pagsibol ng panibagong korupsyon sa gobyerno. umasa na lang tayong mga Pilipino na magkaroon ng isang matinding himala mula sa maykapal at bigyang linaw ng isip at direksyon ang mapalad na mahahalal na pangulo ng ating naghihikahos na bansa. nais ko lang n idagdag na ang isa pang nakakatakot na sitwasyon sa darating na eleksyon ay ang malamang na pagkakaroon ng "failure of election" bunga ng automated election. sa tingin ko ay hindi pa handa ang mga Pilipino sa hakbanging ito ng gobyerno at kung sakaling ito ay magtagumpay ay malamang na may panibagong sistema na naman ang dayaan.


2010-02-09 20:13:09 UTC

Probably, it's all about economic and political crises.


2010-02-09 01:47:35 UTC


vigilant angel

2010-03-18 21:49:15 UTC

renewable sources of energy

2010-02-14 08:37:25 UTC


2010-02-10 22:58:49 UTC

the people hear in the us needs more help


2010-03-22 22:26:44 UTC

all the above on your question but priority curroption


2010-03-22 19:56:45 UTC

Patriotism!! Sometime ago, i dont know what year it was under Arroyo admin they started this one but.. ningas kugon lang!! Kasi wala sa puso nila ang pagmamahal sa inang bayan.. kasi di kaya ng konsensya at bulsa nila ang pag iwas sa pangungurakot!!! 300YEARS NA tayong ginugulangan mula pa Espanyol Hapon at Amerikano..tapos sa panahon ng kapwa Filipino e ganun parin?!!!!

Kung ang bawat isa sating mga kababayang Filipino ay mag PAGMAMAHAL SA SARILING BAYAN, pano tayo mag hahalal ng KAWATAN AT BUWAYA sa gobyerno. Kasi tayo rin ang may kasalanan e.. Happy tayo basta may pangako at lagay!!! ganyan tayo nabubuhay sa ngayon kasi ang dahilan ng iba e MABUBUHAY BA KAMI SA PAGMAMAHAL SA INANG BAYAN? at di nila naiisip na katulad ng mga nagpapautang e lalo lang tayong nababaon sa utang kapag tangap lang tayo ng tangap!!! San ba babawiin ng mga buwaya yung mga lagay nila at pangako? OO TATANGAP KAYO NG LAGAY NGAUN...PERO PAG SILA NA NGA ANG NAKAUPO E KAYO NAMAN ANG MAGLALAGAY PARA SA MGA KAILANGAN NIYO!!!! Walang kwenta ang eleksyon natin kung di natin gagamitin ng TAMA ang ating pagkakataon!! Tayo ang tatamaan ng mga lintik nayan!!! IBOTO ANG TAMA KONSENSYA NYO NA YAN...PARA SA ATING BAYAN!!


2010-02-08 02:04:51 UTC

The issue about JUSTICE. and STOP any EDSA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10..... we're being childish with that... we VOTE because we SUPPORT and any consequence that will happen it is our FAULT. so for the NEXT president DON'T CHANGE THE PHILIPPINES YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT... BUT... PROVIDE IMPROVEMENTS.... SUPPORT WHO EVER WINS.... BECAUSE THE MASS VOTED HIM...


2010-03-11 07:00:45 UTC




2010-02-15 22:29:34 UTC



2010-02-08 15:03:35 UTC

Righteousness! and everything will be solved.


2010-03-23 23:44:48 UTC

poverty reduction should be the top priority

2010-02-08 01:28:05 UTC

high crime rate and violations of human rights


2010-03-07 21:53:14 UTC

For me should be CORRUPTION!


2010-02-11 22:28:26 UTC

HE should look up to our population...


2010-02-22 12:58:53 UTC



2010-02-08 15:52:12 UTC

all of d above


2010-02-10 20:24:42 UTC



2010-03-06 08:51:30 UTC



2010-02-11 17:12:21 UTC



2010-03-21 15:33:11 UTC



2010-03-22 19:47:19 UTC


Hawk J

2010-03-15 07:51:47 UTC


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.

What do you think is the top issue in our country today that the next Philippine president should address? (2025)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.