The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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the Metropolitan THUR RI SAT RESCUED LIERS ARRIVE AT HUB 35 $S8 $24 $29 and up to Items £or Pair of Beds Shaped 9x11 RUGS Spinet Desks Solid Walnut HEATERS Springs Cedar Chest 10 Hundreds of Other Hems Not 100 Pc Shown Oil Burner Convex Mirror Sinner Set Here! SMOKERS tie Early! pr nrs can't Complete with Tubes Inner Spring Mattresses 5 Pc Breakfast Set Chair tiudgd EARTH SHOCKS RECORDED sl 1126 MAIN STREET One Block Below State 1 un mo His study mainly will particular reference to ft it amous Velvets Different Styles in Chintz and Damask COEE TABLES Walnut Maple or Mahogany Colonial Style Guaranteed Moth Proof BOUDOIR CKAIRS Circular Type A Good Heater Attractive Patterns With Chair It is Powers's the penitentiary when a mob of redemption Interest tor ordinary 27 Different Types to Choose rom Also Colonial and Ladies' Desks Olean Herald evening newspapers was announced today effective Jan uary 1 The combined publication will continue as an evening newspaper un tier tne mnstneaa or the Olean Times Herald itzpatrick for 20 years pub lisher of the Times is to be publisher of the consolidated newspaper which will be a unit in the Gannett group of newspapers me rteraid has beender Gannett management GATELEG TABLE Stylish with Turned leafs Telephone Set BABSON EXPLODES PRESIDENTIAL YEAR IDEA morninc until 9 During that time four near the fliers but failed distress signals As the passed the men burned St Louis Dec (AP) An earth quake which shook sections of four dates in the Midsouth last night was recorded on the St Louis university seismograph which indicated the cen of intensity was approximately300 miles south of St Louis The tre mors occurred at ft 35 central time and did slight damage Boston Dec 17 Two avia tors who drifted to sea in a fuellcss flying boat reached Boston today on the steamship rieda which picked them up off the Delaware coast last Tuesday night They were Paul Zim merman 42 of Keyport and Ed mund Moodie 29 of Brooklyn The ship also brought along their dam aged flying boat The men started out from College point morning on a flight to San Juan Porto Rico where Zimmer man's mother is living and where the fliers intended to spend the winter The gasoline tank of their craft has a capacity of 29 gallons which they fig ured would last through three flying hours The planned to stop at Chin coteague Va an island off the Vir ginia coast for fuel but after 111 hours of flying they were forced down on the ocean between Capt May and Cape Henlopen Del The craft tossed about on the waves from 1130 Tuesday that night ships passed to see their fourth shin their underwear in an attempt to at tract attention The watch on the rieda saw the flashlight and picked them up Their plane was shipped to the East Boston airport for repairs and both men said they would start again as soon as possible for Porto Rico by easy jumps Group of LAMPS Open Every Evening Until 9 the following day This Zimmerman and Moodic Were orced Down on Trip to Porto Rico Will Try it second journey to Last September several thousand threatened to lynch him Powers was taken to Moundsville for safekeeping POWERS UNDER HEAVY GUARD ON PRISON TRIP Clarksburg AV Va Dec 17 Harry Powers convicted of murder in the death of Mrs Dorothy Prhssler Lemke Worcester Mass was taken to the West Virginia penitentiary in Moundsville today where he is under sentence to be hanged March IS Sheriff Grimm and several state policemen placed Powers in an automobile and guarded him on the trip to the penitentiary When asked if he had anything to say as he left tne county jail Multi Mu Pentode Screen Grid Tone Control tz un inion uni Super Dynamic Speaker luc a Day to live Business and in One of the sorest the railroads in thy do the banks insur hundreds of Hence here Powers said politics shape up by the Babsonchart now per cent below normal or below a year ago 1931 Publishers' inancial Bureau) CONTINUANCE GIVEN IN CONTEMPT CASE Special Dispatch to The Republican Worcester Dec After a hearin in probate court here Judge red erick Chamberlain ordered a con tinuance in the contempt proceedings brought by Leah Baumis of Pitts neid and Boston against her former husband rank Baumis of Towns end She claims her former husband owes her more than $2000 in alimony for her support and that of their two children She was granted a divorce in December 1928 for desertion Mr Baumis formerly received a of $30000 from a ite' burg concern but said he has been out of employment ana nas been unable to pay the $350 a month ordered by the court He testified his savings have been wiped out by investments which' did not turn out well He said he is now trying to sell a certain type of equipment for an automobile and his income depends on the amount of business he does The testimony shoned that he has remarried since the divorce was granted Coxwell Choice tapestry cov erings roll back padded arms Queen Anne legs hardwood frames A sensational value for Christmas shoppers ully guaranteed I Quick Economical op 10c a Day eration APPOINTED TO PROBE SALVADOR UPRISING Washington Dec 17 (AP) Secre tary Stimson today appointed Jeffer son Coftery American minister to Co lumbia now on leave in the United States to inquire into the recent coup etat in Salvador The minister will leave immediately tor Salvador mndp with the question of recognition by the United States He will cooperate at San Salvador with American Minister Curtis Occasional Tables ABANDON GOLD IT IS EXPLAINED Washington Dec Ad ministration officials today belittled suggestionse that the United States might abandon the gold standard This country could not do so even if it wanted to it was emphasized in one high source Nearly all securities and govern ment obligations are payable in gold dollars with the fineness of the gold specified The United States adopted its pres ent standard in 1900 after the hectic days of the free silver campaigns in the late nineties While there are sev eral hundred million silver dollars in circulation and held by the treasury their value is set by legislation and the government at present does not buy silver except when it comes mixed with gold orc THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: RIDAY DECEMBER 18 1931 in Genuine Burled Walnut dropleaf table rn four chairs legs shaped TREASURY DEICIT SOARS TO RECORD HIGH Washington Dec 17 Reaching a new peacetime record the treasury's deficit December 15 amounted to $1252031000 about $950000000 great er than on the same date a year ago The treasury was forced to borrow $300000000 from the ederal Reserve banks for one day pending receipts of the mid December securities is sues the latter having amounted to over 81300000000 On the other hand the cash balance leaped from $40021000 December 14 to 841432000 money will' be paid out as seeurit'es come in tor ments and costs SPA PE IIS CO 0 1 1 A Two Olean (X Y) Evening Sliceb Brought Into Gannett Chain Olean Dec 1 7 Con solidation of the Olean Times and the Chaw government any sell private corpo vestors lose faith the corporation It will do us ad good to get down to brass tacks and face conditions as they arc The administration pro poses cutting out all unnecessary gov ernment expenditures raising taxes and balancing the national budget oilier worus trying again within the federal income houses banks rnilronlc dividuals must do the sanie thin oeneve we are a last learning this lesson and that is on? rertson whv I expect to see financial confidence re siuioi anu ousiness improve less ot now Business registers 33 13 per cent (Copyright A real good quality mattress covered in durable ticking with hundreds of tiny wl coils embedded in pure white layer felt BE Be An exceptional value at Says Business Will Be Better Next Year Regardless of Which Party Wins at Polls in November By ROGER BABSON Babson Park Dec 18 It is not my purpose to make any political forecast or to take sides in any political cam paign but simply to say that regard less of whether a Democrat or Repub lican is elected next November funda mental business conditions should im prove during 1932 Many people are blue about conditions next year be cause of the old belief that business is always bad in an election year Moreover they think that fears of a Democratic victory and threats of radical legislation will keep business and stock prices down On the con trary it is entirely possible that indi cations of a Democratic victory with an able Democratic President might be accompanied by higher stock prices and perhaps the beginning of a bull market History shows that business and securities are governed by funda mental factors chief of which is the law of action and reaction not by the chances are for a Repub lican or Democrat as President The old bogey that a presidential year is necessarily a bad business year is exploded by the facts of history We have seen good election years and bad ones about equally divided ov the past century True the stock i market sometimes has a case ot nerves in the preelection period but this is never enough to offset the fundament al' economic trend which in 1932 should be toward improvement Pres ident Hoover in all probability will te renominated Great efforts are being made also to have the Democrats nominate a "safe" man acceptable both to the labor and financial inter ests Even though the Democrats Congress may talk radical they will in the main vote conservative Real radicals never go fishing in troubled waters and surely the business and financial waters today are troubled enough to make radical fishing a very unpopular sport Business Makes Presidents Politics today are very uncertain and any forecast can be based only on immediate conditions However statistics clearly show that business conditions make Presidents Presidents do not make business conditions We have periods of prosperity under Democratic administrations and we have had the same thing under Re publican administrations Also we have seen business depressions under both Ot the five major depressions Ince 1889 three have occurred under Republican administrations and two tinder Democratic Of the four major booms two have occurred under Re publicans and two under Democrats It is like putting the cart before the horse to say that the outcome of the nominations and elections in 1932 will determine whether we have business prosperity for the next four years More fundamental things than politics determine it The tact that thia area ot depres sion is now more than half over as measured bi comparison with the preceding prosperity period means far more for business improvement than whether Hoover or Baker or Roosevelt or some Democratic dark horse becomes our next President The fact that production has for months been juaning below consump tion in many basic lines of industry far outweighs tlie influence of hot air blasts from congressmen The fact that commodity prices are gradually stabilizing and that wheat core and other commodities have had a sub stantial advance is of much more significance than congressional wrangles over tariff debts or taxes The fact that bank failures have fallen off that real relief is being ex tended to frozen banks that hoarding of currency is being stopped these things should be given much more weight in judging the business out look than should political threats against the public utilities or the stock exchange or other financial and business Railroads AV11I He Helped Of course President Hoover's chances of reelection depend on whether business and financial condi tions improve sufficiently between now and next Aovemoe spots at present is volvin ance companies and thousands of private investor every effort will be made to save the roads from an epidemic of receiver ships In this effort I believe the Democrats will cooperate even though they might like to wait till later and use the railroads for campaign ma terial It would however be po litically risky for Democrats or It publicans to obstruct measures to save the roads Hence I hope for an ultimate favorable outcome of the Interstate Commerce negotiations on rates and the nego tiations on wages President Hoovers program for loans to the railroads through his proposed reconstruction finance corporation may develop into favorable legislation Back On Economy Program The courageous action ot President Hoover in his budget message advo cating higher taxes and strict econ omy will find real support throughout the country no matter how much he may be bombarded on it from Con gress However distasteful taxes may be everybody recognizes that preser vation of government credit is funda mental Without a budget in which he ceipts bear a close relationship to ex top credit of the government 'Hili fall Some want in re bk' bond issue to cover tin 10 07 TcrnPcrcd Jit anci Metal Bound deficit and meas nas They fail 16 inch with Eagle Top lOl Alt Typcs xA Shades and Bases 8 Solid Walnut JbiL Separate Trays 15 mw I I I a 9 o'EVii is jH wl R7 sbs I iMLjrTir a riS rft i duu onr nff mmreeQ mmm a or wwv naw a inree pieces tor the Hgn wwwi ijwiy a la ni Ann tv nittm oa finished metal bed 8 i JU BBL I guaranteed link I jgSSsgBgS CSaM! Ma i I spring comfortable mSI KMtwk 1 mattress is HI believe this the lowest price ever I I waa Beautiful cretonne ull box spring bis cuit tufted cotton ESI A mattress Three matching pillows May be had at a sliodit aHditinnot A An: I 4 I I I A wk Jlk Mr1 Biwmake upiSSSSwISl mi is 4 I x' AZy im A Wga'MWR IM I 1 1 Bl li ML JJ 7 JX i no i I I i Club Chair Cushion ull Divan Wine Chaw OwESsW Deep comfortable Club Roomy Divan Covered Wor Wing Chair zr mm i Chan Re sted Mohair Well built on snug inely i Rnri fill 1 constructed IE Iji ouiiui xaaJHZ ana a real MW cushion nary Value value i ATTTTVTTT IW17QQPD 1 I id 4 JL LA i 1 kk7 a a Handsome dresser with gen TT 1 erous size mirror of plate 8 biM h' Miis 3 I 5 I ULL SIZE BED I f3SiS Excellent workmanship Two 1 3 I SrllBa tone finish Exact matching 00 Wr I piece for other items MV 1 gM CHEST DRAWERS 1 Character is built int'8 this dj 2 beautiful chest of drawers An i excellent value ij SI ATTRACTIVE VANITY Ample drawer space Exact a a matching for other pieces it 4 if i SSao tsSRS uu Ji pii im 'i 18 M0 1 WjBi tt is I olSMS 11 'i I flu ft i I I 1 1 i 'A ultii ill IM 1 ACT! JI M' filf' KM 1 1 '1 ft "i WW kJ Em I tbf ti Er tyV a I i Ycl 1 1 S' fr jr if i 'M I I I 5 I 1 fib IU 1 i Jg Jh 1 1 I 4 i A LI for vast relief to see that you bonds if in finances of the than you cann bonds in th finances of 4 i tefte I I 1 I I I I 1 i 1 i 9 I i 1 I I I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 5713

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.