Teil in the Jungle - iwritestories3 (2024)

“The Amaru Mayu, are you kidding me?!” Rang out amongst the vast scape of flora and fauna. Standing in the middle of a slight clearing was Teil. “It has to be the Amaru Mayu; no place looks like this,” she said to no one in particular, not that anyone could hear her besides the cuenifrank plants and the buzzing Maybel flies. Her brain finally caught up to her mouth, and she realized that being quiet would be more advantageous than rampant vocal annoyances.

First, Teil looked around. The magic circle was nowhere to be seen, meaning it was a one-way transport out of the ruins she had just been in. Being isolated in the middle of the Amaru Mayu jungle definitely means it was a trap. The good news is that for her to be transported out of the ruins implies that someone must have made it to where she is and back to set this trap for the poor souls scouring the ruins. Since it looked like no one was following her from her party, Teil decided to take stock and devise a plan to get out of this alive. While it was not unheard of to exit the Amaru Mayu, it was also not unheard of to die tying. There were well-known dangers in the jungle and a good chance of unknown dangers. It would not be easy to assess the situation without knowing where she was exactly.

She was taking stock. Not much. Teil had herself—her robe and underclothes. Staff, thank the gods, and a few necessities for ruin exploration: a potion or two, mana recovery, and flint. The staff was the biggest boon. Teil was a magus by birth, one born with a predisposition towards magic. While Teil was primarily versed in support magic, she did have some offensive skills she could use. She didn’t have a propensity towards being an offensive magus. A fact that confused many people at first glance. Teil was big. Like big, big, especially for a magus. Most people conjure the image of a wise appearing man, on the small side with little to no muscle mass when they think of a support magus. Not Teil. Just over six feet on a good day and with hair over fifteen stone, she looked nothing like the ‘normal’ support magus. She did not look like any magus, really, since most offensive magus had the same height and weight but in muscle. Teil had it distributed….elsewhere. Evenly split above the waist and below, Teil was well-liked by every male she met. With breasts bigger than some people's heads and thighs that would suffocate a lesser man, she was not without her share of propositions. All this to say, Teil was not built for the jungle.

“Should have listened to them back at Rockport. ‘Become a barmaid Teil’ and ‘You’ll be able to live off tips alone Teil’” Her regrets not choosing a less dangerous course in life. But she wanted to be out there. Not sure where, but not in the same pub every day getting harassed by the same drunks every night. With her lingering regrets being forcefully shunted to the back of her mind, Teil looked up to understand her location better. This was made difficult for a few reasons. First is that the dense foliage made it neigh impossible to see above the tree canopy; second is that it was daytime, so there were no stars to follow; and third is that she wasn’t sure she could read the stars even if she could see them. But she knew one thing: the city closest to Amaru Mayu was on the western edge of the jungle, and the west was easy to discern from the sun's location. So Teil started to walk.

Using her staff more like a cane than the symbol of her heritage and hard work, Teil trekked through the jungle on foot. She was careful to watch where she stepped so as not to trip or step on something deadly. Thankfully, the biggest creature she had seen thus far was the Maybel flies buzzing everywhere. However, the foliage was nothing like she had ever seen before. Trees, vines, ferns, and flowers were all standard. It was a jungle. But some were unlike anything she had ever seen or been told about by others who had braved the Amaru Mayu. She had some knowledge about the jungle, some common edible plants, some poisonous ones, and even some fun cases of carnivorous plants. None could handle Teil’s well-endowed frame but made a quick snack of the Maybel flies. Purple flowers with black stems and a white fringe? Velentina argenosa, a common benign flower. Looping, seemingly slick, mottled green and brown vines? Lucidious ropa is a familiar vine harvested and fabricated into ropes, hence its prudent name. But what were these orange flowers? Twice as big as her hand and having a unique pistil-to-stamen ratio and coloration. They could be a variant of reginilia rex, a royal flower with various colors available. But these were nearly twice the standard size. However, if they were reginilias, they could be consumed as an emergency meal; at least part of them could be. Teil had to get a closer look to make sure one of the worst things one could do was eat the wrong plant and get sick in the jungle. That was a surefire way to become something else’s meal. But forgoing food when it was readily available could be just as disastrous.

Teil approached the flower, not carefully; it was just a flower, after all. But curiosity got the better of her, and she tried to open the petals a bit wider to look and see if the tell-tale ovule was present for a reginilia. But before she could get a good look, the whole flower enveloped her hand and part of her wrist. She managed to jerk back fast enough to free up to the heel of her hand, but most of her palm and fingers were decidedly encapsulated within the flower’s body. No pain yet, no burning or tingling sensations. Was it more of a suction? Licking? Obviously, flowers couldn’t do either, and Teil was more focused on the fact that no apparent poison was ravishing her hand. And as suddenly as it had closed, the flower opened again. Her hand felt fine. Flexing her fingers and examining both sides, Teil realized that the only oddity was that her hand was dry. And in the jungle, nothing is dry. She had been sweating since she got erroneously transported here but had little concern since she knew the elemental spells of creating water, fire, earth, etc. But make no mistake, this flower cleaned her hand of all dampness. Why? Water was in no short supply in the humid jungle, not for plants. The ground was moist, and the air was thick. There didn’t seem to be any punctures where blood and other vitals could have been removed. Teil was curious by nature, but this did not make sense.

“Salt?” Teil asked the plant and herself simultaneously, not expecting to receive an answer from either. That had to be it. Salt was a rare commodity in an environment like this, where water was plentiful. Constantly expelled and diluted, it was necessary to replenish regularly. And it seems this mystery flower found a novel way to do so. “Fascinating,” Teil murmured to herself. She was tempted to return with a flower to categorize a new plant species. But that was not her main objective at this point. Taking one last look at the flower to catalog it in her mind for future information, Teil set off again.

The robe didn’t last long, which was no surprise. It was already hot, and the most significant advantage of the robe was its protection from the elements. But she had full sleeves and pants as underclothes. Usually, Teil would never venture out in these underclothes alone, wearing something so uncomfortable, but it was just her, and this was a survival situation. Not uncomfortable as itchy or restraining. But awkward as a fit. They were tight. It is far too tight for Teil to wear unadorned around other people. But the robe kept snagging and getting caught, and she was hot as is. Ergo, the robe was shed and left to become one with the jungle. Maybe a little cape bear would find it and make it part of their nest. Or a slider monkey would wear it, pretending to be human. It was gone, and Teil’s first venture into exhibitionism was starting.

As she walked, she saw more and more of the orange salt sucker flowers. She preoccupied her mind by tracing their growth and attempting to deduce their anatomy. From what she could tell, many flowers were intertwined with one another and connected via dark green vines. Dark enough that they would appear black in dimmer lighting. She couldn’t tell where one flower began and another ended; every vine and flower seemed part of a single plant. That couldn’t be the case as she had walked for a reasonable distance yet couldn’t find a breaking point. One thing was clear: the flowers reacted to her. As she walked by, the face of the flower seemed to turn and follow her. At first, Teil assumed it was the breeze she created blowing the large petals as she walked by. But as she went along, it became apparent that there was no wind; they were moving on their own accord. She shouldn’t be surprised, these were flowers that sucked the salt off her hand, anything was possible.

Given a better time and situation, Teil would have loved to experiment more. See what would trigger an envelope. Was it the presence of salt? Was it any contact with the flower, like how the carnivorous plants operated? Was the salt distributed among



Teil had gotten too lost in her thought experiments with the salt suckers and overlooked the raised root her foot got caught in. Staff clattered in front of her, underclothes now soaked in the mire of the jungle floor, annoyance pulsating through Teil’s mind. She sat back on her knees to look at her hands and legs. While dirty and frustrating, it's not bad. One small rip in her pants on top of her thigh and minor scuffing on the palms of her hands. It could have been worse. She could have fallen right into a necomaker nest. Teil leaned forward to grab her staff before she got up, but just as she reached out, something tugged at her leg. Looking back, one of the vines had entangled itself around her leg. She reached back and started to unwrap the snarl from her ankle when she realized the vine wasn’t mottled green and brown of the ropa, but a deeper green. As the realization dawned on her that her foot didn’t entangle the vine, but the vine was actively wrapping her leg. She felt something across her midsection. Another vine. Deep green. Moving much faster than any plant should. Not lightning fast, but disconcerting enough that Teil removed the vine more frantically around her foot. To her chagrin, while freeing her first leg, her second started to be enveloped and constricted. Before she could free either leg, a vine started around her wrist. But there was a sharp change when the vine hit her exposed hand. Once it landed on her skin, the vine rapidly enveloped her hand and produced the same sensation the flower had earlier. If Teil had not been in such a compromising position, she would have been fascinated that the vines acted just like the flowers.

Teil desperately attempted to free her hand with her other but made a crucial mistake; skin contact with the vine, especially the end of the vine, elicited a rapid enveloping process. Now nearly immobilized, Teil tried in vain to calm her thinking. She could still move a bit, but both hands were encased in vines, both legs were secured, and a single vine was around her abdomen, not doing much. She was being pulled in different directions, enough that it initially spun her around to face the opposite direction but not so taunt that it caused discomfort. She could quickly free herself if she had her staff, but that was impossible without a hand to grab it, and it was a reasonable distance away. Quickly coming to no good options, Teil remembered that after the salt sucker flower had ‘cleaned’ her hand, she was released. Maybe the best option was to let the vines imbibe their fill and hope she would be released.

As Teil resigned to this awkward and somewhat humiliating situation, she tried to relax. That changed when the vine around her abdomen found a slight tear on her pants. Exploring across her body, blindly flowing along her curves, the benign vine around her waist found access to Teil’s skin. And Teil was drenched in sweat by this point. The vine rapidly pushed through the hole in the pants and encompassed her thigh. It was quick and surprising enough that Teil managed to let out a yelp as it coiled around her thick thigh. She could feel the sensation of the sweat being removed from her skin. It might even be a pleasant sensation if it wasn’t for many other reasons. However, this was anything but enjoyable as the vine continued to coil down around her leg. She could feel her underclothes strain under the increased volume. Not only did they have to hold in everything soft and voluptuous that was Teil, but now they had moving vines to contend with. She felt the seams start to disintegrate, and the panic set in as the vines around her hand found they could venture up her sleeve. At this point, Teil noticed that the orange flowers had also started gathering around her. Whether brought along by the ever-increasing volume of vines or their fruition, the flowers were just as present as the vines slowly taking over her body.

Teil was now definitively panicking. At this rate, the vines would wholly envelop her, leaving her unable to breathe. Half of both arms and almost the entirety of one leg were consumed with no end to the vines in sight. However, that is when things changed for Teil. The panic became different after her leg vine had taken over her leg to her foot and was now working its way back up. She felt the tip of the vine slide across something that no plant should ever touch. Her first reaction was a slight jump at the new presence running across her pubic area; the second was a reaction of dismay. It’s not like any part of her was dry at this point. Whether it was due to the heat of the jungle or the sensation running up and down her body was anyone’s guess. All Teil hoped was that the vine would consume the salt around her vagin* and butt and move on to the other leg. But there was no hope for Teil in the depths of Amaru Mayu.

She felt the vine slide between her lips and over her cl*t. It had no idea of the implied notions of its actions; it was just a vine. A plant searching out the precious resource of salt. It slid through her lips, cleaning her of all the valuable nutrients. Although she would deny it, a slight gasp and moan did escape from Teil’s other lips with this motion. But the vine had not found the veritable treasure trove of salt and other delicious nourishments. Just as Teil was accepting her new and odd position, a vine encircled the opening of her vagin*. It encircled again and again. It was as if the vine was purposefully teasing her, but she knew full well that she kept producing more liquid for the vine to receive readily. Circling repeatedly, sliding back and forth, Teil could barely contain her newfound ecstasy. She let her head roll back and sigh, a futile attempt to regain composure in this desperate situation. That was when she felt the ripping. With nothing more than the rolling of the head and the arching of the back, she felt her top rip along the side seam and the whole of her torso explode out of her top while enveloped in the vine. Now more exposed than she had ever been in public, her heavy breasts swayed back and forth. A ready invite for more vines to find their salt. Her ass was now more than half out, and a vine was tracing her curves back there, meaning it was only a matter of time before they found the other orifice to explore. The mixture of panic and pleasure that become too familiar in recent times washed over her again and again.

Panic was suddenly suppressed and replaced with undeniable pleasure as sensation after sensation waved over her. The vine had decided to stop toying with her and fully plunge deep inside of her sopping-wet puss*. The feeling was indescribable. Teil had lain with a man before. Maybe more than one man. But this was unlike anything she had experienced or imagined. Probing deep inside her puss*, the vine seemed to test every wall it encountered. Searching, feeling, exploring her wet hole, all while providing that alluring sucking licking sensation of it taking in the salt it found. The feeling was so intense that Teil barely registered the vines exploring the rest of her body. Before she knew it, both of her breasts were wrapped in vines, leaving only the nipples exposed. The vines would tighten and retract at regular intervals, absorbing every iota of salt that could be found. Then, it seemed that vines were pulling her breasts out. Teil hated how much she enjoyed this. When she spent the night with Molicer, she spent a significant amount of time asking him to massage, pull, and abuse her engorged breasts. Teil felt like she was going to hit her breakpoint of abuse with her chest when it became apparent what she was being pulled towards: the flowers. Just as it registered in her lascivious mind, two flowers clamped around her breasts, one for each nipple. She was so sensitive due to the fantastic pleasure running through her body that she couldn’t help the moan that came deep from inside of her. As she moaned and started to dive fully into the ecstasy that was enveloping her, it seemed the vine enjoying her wet hole found new fervor.

She would like to think the vine wanted to pleasure her, but she would later realize that the sensation of her breasts being restrained and abused let forth a tidal wave of juice between her legs that the vine eagerly soaked up. And with every drop the vine consumed, the vine grew. Not by much, but it swelled with the newfound liquid it had been exposed to. It was noticeable enough with the constant feeling of Teil’s soaking wet puss*.

Teil started to lose herself in the situation—the absurdity of being transported to Amaru Mayu. The focus is on survival. Even the will to escape became a distant memory as the vines and flowers pushed her over the edge of pleasure. She could feel it coming. There was no denying that she was going to org*sm at this rate. Just a few seconds longer, just a few more sucks on her nipples, a few more constrictions around her breasts, a few more pulses in her aching puss*. A few more. A couple more. One more, just one more, please. She felt it start in her toes and run like electricity up her legs back, culminating with an explosion of pleasure in her head while waves raced back down and up again.

Knowing full well that this released a whole other wave of juices from her pulsating puss*, she felt the vine zealously soak up everything it could. Each sensation seemed to rip through her anew. Head thrown back to the heavens and mouth agape in a silent scream of org*smic pleasure, Teil let the feelings overtake her fully.

Before she knew it, the vines had traveled. Snaking up her body, around her neck, and eventually to her cheek. Reflexively, Teil clamped her mouth shut. The mouth would be an opening. Teil did not want to provide that opening for a plant that gains nutrients from the moister off other organisms' bodies. While she was worried about breathing, a rush of emotions and endorphins filled her body. Still grappling with the pleasure that was finally subsiding, Teil noticed that the vines showed no intent of stopping. Her spent gasping through clenched lips, mind racing, trying to figure out some way out of this. The panic starts to rise again. What she has gone through was fun, exposing her to something she never thought possible. But there was no slowing down. The vine deep in her throbbing puss* is beginning to become engorged on her overflowing juices. She feels another vine slide from behind, probing and searching for more precious salt as it slides over her ass. There is enough skin there; it should be satiated for at least now.

The genuine concern was her mouth. No matter what happens, breathing is not optional. Fortunately, it did not seem the vines were constricting her neck now. But they were still moving slowly across her face, getting closer to her lips. The sensation quickly went from one of pleasure to one of fear. The light-sucking motion was much more acute when it was happening on the nape of your neck or cheek. Exhaling forcefully through her nose, Teil became lightheaded due to panicked hyperventilation. She could hold it just a bit longer, enough time for the vine to redirect away from her chin and back down to her neck. Just a bit longer. She can hold it. She had been in worse positions than this. In and out through the nose. Please, just last a bit longer.

“GASP!” Teil’s mouth was forced open with the forceful inhalation of the much-needed oxygen that her burning lungs craved. The vine needed no further provocation as it sensed both the movement and the moisture escaping Teil’s lips. It quickly changed direction and slid itself over her lips, soaking, sucking, and licking as it passed over one of the most sensitive parts of the body. She could feel it now so much more clearly. It felt like thousands of tiny suctions covering every inch of the vine. The licking sensation came from a rolling motion and suction made in unison. As she felt the vine creep closer to the inside of her lip, Teil tried vainly to clamp her lips shut. It easily separated her lips, just as it had done on her lips on the lower half of her body. Just like last time, the vine started to explore slowly. Teil kept her teeth clamped shut, but the vine didn’t mind. It was finding what it wanted on the inside of her lips, around her gums, and teeth. She could feel it push against her teeth, looking for an opening. She did not want that in her mouth.

Teil, so focused on her need for oxygen, started to block out every other area the vines had invaded. She still had the one deep in her puss*, constantly moving and soaking up everything it could find. It was becoming engorged to the point where the only movement it could manage was a slight back and forth. It had filled her up completely. It seemed to want deeper, knowing on an instinctual level that Teil was concealing more precious nutrients within her body. She wished that she didn’t find this penetration still somewhat pleasurable; she could feel the bulge inside of her continue to grow. Had her waist not been wrapped in vines, she was sure it would have been visible from the outside. There were still the vines restricting her breasts and the flowers sucking consistently on her nipples. She feared that if this continued, her body would automatically start lactating at the overstimulation. But their hunger seemed to have diminished, slightly at least. The plants had realized that while there was not much left for them to imbibe on her chest, keeping her wrapped up kept Teil immobile. But the vine that Teil had also forgotten about was the one exploring her ass. Teil’s ass was almost as voluminous as her breasts; great debates would have been had if she had only chosen a life working in a pub. But the vine had cleared the totality of her ass and was not looking deeper. It had found its way between her round cheeks and was dangerously close to an opening Teil did not want to be explored.

She first felt it press against her asshole, and she clenched down, attempting to ward off unwanted insertions. But the vine was persistent. And it slowly pushed, pulled back, and seemingly adjusted only to repeat the process. Push, pull back, adjust. This happened several times before it seemingly found what it was looking for. This time, it pushed. Slowly but with force. Teil could feel her resistance start to give. Her tight asshole opening up to be violated by some sick sad*stic joke of a plant. There was no way she wanted this to happen. There was no way she would let it happen. She clenched down again, tightening both her virgin asshole and her teeth against the unwanted invaders. But, just like with the breathing, someone would have to break, and it wasn’t the vines.

Teil felt the last bit of resistance give way, and the vine slowly entered her awaiting asshole. It was so unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It pushed deeper, past her tight hole and into an area that had never been touched before. This feeling of fullness was undeniable; with a thick vine still ravaging her puss* and now one in her ass, she felt an enrapturing new sensation that caused a gasp to come from her mouth. This opening was all the vine needed to move past her teeth and into her soft, wet mouth. Saliva poured out of her mouth with all restrictions lifted from her prudish holes.

Now, she was only a set of holes; that was what ran through her head. A vessel for salt and other nutrients for other things to feed from. She tried, uselessly, to fight back. To bite down, struggle, move, rotate, and do anything to escape this situation. Anything to get her out of this condition. But each attempt was met with more force, deeper penetration, and more restrictions. Therefore, each attempt was feebler than the last. She could feel herself start to give in. Start to give up the fight. She knew it was only a matter of time before the vine in her mouth explored far enough down her throat that her oxygen supply would be cut off. Maybe it would eventually meet the vine in her ass after it had worked through her.

One last attempt. She jerked her head forward and then back, moving the vine out of her mouth just the slightest, and then bit down. The vine reacted, withdrawing slightly, only for Teil to feel another wrap itself around her neck and the one in her mouth dive deep into her throat. Her wet throat was the perfect environment for the vine. Soaking up every molecule of moisture it could find. It began to become engorged, just like the vine feasting on her puss*. But Teil’s throat did not have as much give as her other holes. It could not take the consistent punishment and expansion that the vines provided. With her head forced backward, the vine pumped her throat, looking for any nutrients it might have missed. It began to become thicker and harder with each thrust. She could feel the vines around her neck move while her neck bulged with the invader, forcing itself in and out of her throat. The constant bulge in her sopping wet throat. It was a wonder the vines around her neck did not snap under their continuous strain.

Teil could feel her consciousness slipping, the sweet escape to the blackness that comes from oxygen deprivation. What little air she was getting to her lungs through her nose between each thrust was not enough to feed the whole of her body. She started to accept it. When the brain gets less and less oxygen, an astounding thing happens. Some processes start to degrade, and a calming euphoria starts to develop. This is much different than the quick blackout, unconsciousness, and eventually death that is consistent strangulation. A slow taper of oxygen puts one into a relaxed state when comprehension becomes nearly impossible. Teil felt her brain start to go fuzzy and her higher order of thinking degrade in front of her. Soon, all she could comprehend was the overwhelming physical sensations occurring. She could not process them all, but her mind slowly drifted from spot to spot, trying to make sense of a situation that seemed infeasible only days ago.

Her face, there was something in her mouth. Deep in her mouth, she felt it moving. It seemed it would retreat every few seconds, and she could partake in some of the oxygen she desperately needed. But as soon as she felt that relief flow into her lungs, the path was blocked again by something long and thick. Something that needed her throat. It seemed insatiable, constantly searching, and delving deeper down her awaiting gullet. She wanted to help it; it was obviously desperate. She relaxed her throat and opened her mouth as wide as she could. Maybe it just needed to go a bit further. No hesitation was felt from her desperate antagonizer as it plunged deeper than it had gone before. As it filled her, she felt the binding around her neck loosen, responding to her submission and acceptance. It was as if it knew she would allow them to garnish anything they needed from her.

Allowing her mouth and throat to be used provided the slightest relief as she fell into a steady rhythm of breathing between thrusts. It became a consistent pattern, and her hazy consciousness started to wander again. She pushed her awareness lower. Her chest. The chest that had been nothing but a burden in the past and the envy of all her friends in her youth. She had become used to the binding pressure encompassing her ample breasts. The pressure had changed since she last remembered. Maybe. Memory was not a function of the brain operating at a lower capacity. Rather than binding, the sensation was more of movement, like letting a rope slide through your hands. Not so fast as to cause burns but constant enough to send chills down the spine. This ever-present sensation of sliding was punctuated by the unique sensation surrounding her nipples. Like something she had never felt before. A massaging, rolling, sucking motion enveloped each of them, moving independently. It was such a foreign but pleasurable feeling. She could feel herself move her body into the sensation; she would arch her back and press her breasts out as the rolling sensation came around her waiting nipple. She would want this again; she didn’t know how she would ever experience this again, but she knew what she wanted.

Teil’s body, falling into another mindless rhythm of presenting her nipples to the assailant, allowed her mind to continue. She kept her previous path and moved downwards. This was the sensation she had never been able to ignore. Her most personal area, her spent puss*. She could feel the pressure, the pulsation of something profound and adamant. She tried to understand what was happening, but her brain would not cooperate with her confusion. She attempted to trace the sensation to decipher what was happening. It started at the top of her thigh; she felt the constriction coiling around her upper thigh. From there, it moved up and spread her plump lips apart. She could feel her lips expand and accept this sensation, a regular spreading of lips to allow entry to her wet hole. She felt the intruder slide past her lips or maybe pulse. She couldn’t tell. All she knew was a consistent opening, broader, and relaxing motion. The reason for the motion was the feeling deep inside of her. Something more filling than she had ever experienced. She could feel the presence of something hard and profound in her vagin*, pressing hard enough to try and reach her womb. It would thrust and pulse, expand and contract, probe, and delve, constantly exploring all of her. She could feel it against her walls, against the barrier at the top of her vagin*, attempting to get past the obstacle that barred entry from her fertile womb. She was wetter than she ever knew possible; it was a wonder that her juices were not flowing out of her, creating a messy puddle at her feet. It seems as if the thing inside of her lasciviously devoured all the wetness she produced. Every time she could feel herself relax into the pleasure, and a wave of fresh puss* juice was released, the intruder would engorge and expand. Filling her past her limits. She could feel the sensation of it pushing out of her belly. The skin on her stomach contorted as her insides were repeatedly ravished and devoured. She began to expect this; it was a single consistency she could grasp in her dubious consciousness. An anchor for her oxygen-deprived mind. Pulsing, thrusting, probing. Over and over again until the sensation started in her feet. Her toes would curl, her legs would shake, and electricity would run up her back. She could feel the release of another wave of wetness flow from her aching puss*. Only to be met with a filling sensation as what was inside of her would grow and push and take everything she had to offer. Then, the cycle would repeat.

The filling sensation came not only from her puss*; she was aware of her ass being the focus of another entity. As difficult as it was to move her cloudy mind from the grounding repetition that was her puss* being used, she shifted her mind back only inches behind her more willing and wet hole. Her ass had given her just as much trouble as her exceptional tit* had. Round and vast, it was soft and the subject of many people’s fantasies. Now, it was being used in a way she had never dared to think of. She felt her cheeks spread, exposing her virgin asshole to sunlight for the first time. She felt her tight sphincter abused and spread around something not unlike what was in her other holes. Whatever was using her elsewhere was not satiated with only two openings; it needed all three of hers. She felt it push in more profoundly and give a rolling sensation as if a bulge was being pushed through a tube. The bulge would spread her tight asshole even further, to its absolute max, before her delicate skin started to tear and then enter her. She could feel it travel up her, inside of her, past the other entity inside her. She could feel the thin strip of skin separating her ass and puss* move and shift between the two things using her openings. The bulge would roll up and fill her deep, deeper than any sensation she had ever had. Nothing had ever been in Teil’s ass, and she had never wanted anything in her ass. Her ass was nothing more than something she used to entice would-be suiters and something they could hold onto as they took her throughout the night. Never had she thought that her body could be used in this fashion. Her asshole is another hole to be used. She began to accept it. The sensation of her asshole expanding and allowing the girth to move up her insides was not comfortable but not displeasing. Like every other hole being used, a steady rhythm was associated with it. It was rolling, expanding, filling her all the way deep inside. She began to move with it. Coordinate it with the arching of the back and the waves of pleasure coming from elsewhere. As the bulge would close in on her expectant hole, Teil would press back, helping it get past her stubborn sphincter, forcing it wide in acceptance. Then she would allow it to travel through her, feeling it as it moved.

She had found a rhythm, steady and consistent movements, and sensations that became predictable. Thankfully, this was done before her mind went completely dark. It allowed her to relax into the use and drift away into nothingness. She was vaguely aware of the sensations around her as she slipped from this world. Her throat is being used, her puss* filling, and her ass accepting its spreading. But other sensations came to her. She heard sounds that she had not noticed before. All she had heard previously was the wet sliding sounds that came from constant penetration. But then she heard things like ‘kii’ and ‘awa kii’. They were not unpleasant sounds but still foreign. She felt flying, floating above the ground, and moving through the dense jungle. Teil couldn’t be bothered with it now. If she were to fly, it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen to her today.

Teil awoke suddenly in an unfamiliar place. It was inside a dwelling, a single room, one exit. Maybe a tent. And she was on a makeshift bed. She first did a mental check of anything she could remember. Her body was sore. But the most painful part of her was her throat and between her legs. In a rush of embarrassment, awe, and bewilderment, her memories of what she experienced flooded back. The complicated feelings were overwhelming and nearly overpowering. She did not have time to deal with it yet. She had to figure out where she was, who she was with, and what she could do. She was under a blanket, which was unnecessary for a jungle, and her clothes had been changed. She wore rough-hewn clothing that was nowhere near as comfortable as her previous clothing. But remembering the last events, she knew her clothes were beyond saving. She didn’t have her supplies with her, which was no surprise. Quickly, she looks around the room and sees it, her staff. Thank gods it was there. As Teil exhaled in relief, the tent flap opened, and a young woman entered. Looking to be about Teil’s age, she smiled and asked, “Makal ti, commonton?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” Teil replied nervously. While it was apparent that the girl meant to harm, Teil was nervous after what happened. Her response caused the girl to nod and reach for something. A brown bag, seemingly made of the clothing she and the girl were wearing. The girl opened the bag and removed a pinch of a seemingly chalk-like substance. Teil tilted her head in curiosity when she noticed the girl lock eyes and look at Teil as if to say, ‘You ready?’ Then, without warning, the girl blew the chalk stuff in Teil’s face. Being unprepared caused Teil to inhale the dust and start coughing.

“What the actual hell was that?” Teil exclaimed after finishing her coughing fit.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” The girl responded with a smile.
“Better than wh-“ Teil cut herself off at the realization. She understood the girl. Her stop mid-sentence elicited a bigger smile from the girl.
“I am sure you have questions; that is okay, Basin. This is dust produced by my people; it allows us to understand others. My name is Fragril, and you are with my people now; you are safe.
“All right, a few things. Why did you call me basin? My name is Teil. How does that powder work? And how did I get here?” Teil retorted in confusion.

“I called you Basin because you are Basin. Provided by the great Mayu, delivered to us to help our people continue on. I cannot explain the powder; I do not understand, and if I did, I would not tell you. And the last question is easy; we carried you.” Fragril answered with her constant smile. The basin thing doesn’t make sense, but Teil figured it was due to a mistranslation or error in the powder. The most confusing part of that answer was the carry. Teil looked Fragril up and down. She was not a small girl, maybe a head below herself, which would make her above average in height. But there was no way anyone carried her any distance. Teil had never been carried anywhere past the age of ten. Her comrades would drag her to safety in dire situations since no one was large enough to heft her large frame. Before Teil could ask more follow-up questions, the flap opened again and stepped in a woman unlike any other.

Towering above the now puny Fragril, this woman’s height made Teil feel small. She looked up at her golden brown skin and darker hair flowing over her shoulders. Her ample bust swung freely, decorated only by a unique necklace with three strands at different lengths. Continuing the assessment of this giantess that entered the room, Teil looked lower and could not believe her eyes. This woman had the most enormous co*ck Teil had ever seen. She had not seen many penises in her life, but she knew enough about the world to see this one was abnormal. The length of half of Teil’s forearm and about half as thick as her wrist was astounding. Teil realized she was staring and quickly averted her eyes. This caused the large woman to give a hearty laugh.

“Have you not seen one before?” The large woman asked.

“I have. I mean, not like yours. Not from someone like you. I mean, it’s not bad, just surprising. Why are you nude?” Teil managed to respond in a less-than-dignified manner.

“We are all nude! What is the point of clothing? The jungle is hot, and clothing is restrictive,” she responds jubilantly.

“But I am wearing clothes. And so is Fragril.” Teil asks, still stealing glances at the bountiful co*ck sways before her.

“Ah, yes, it is because you are youths. As you two age, you will adapt our way of life and spend your days without restrictions.”

“But I am not a youth? And am I stuck here? I would like to get back to civilization,” Teil asks. Maybe this tribe was long-lived, so they would continue growing to such immense sizes and think of her as a youth. However, she was considered an adult by all known people. What was more concerning was the implication that she would ‘age’ here with them.

“You are small? So, you must be close to Fragril in years. Fragril has recently completed her seventh trip through the seasons. And you are the Basin; it is your destiny to stay with us and guarantee the continuation of our people.” The large woman explained, some of her joyfulness turning to confusion.

“No, ok. First, I am not a child. I have completed more than twenty trips through the seasons. Second, what is going on with basin? What is a basin, and why am I one? And how do I continue your people? I have never even heard of your people before.” Teil retorts, somewhat annoyed.

“Over twenty? Have you had the moon blood, then?” the large woman asks in a low, awed tone.

“A period? Yes, I have had a period. Every damn month, not that it is your business.” Teil replies without thinking of the repercussions. As soon as the large woman hears that, she quickly exits. Confused, she looks to Fragril for any sense of what is happening. As Teil grows curious, a dawning realization starts to bloom within her. There is only one reason a person would want to know if she had her period. And continuing a people sounds an awful lot like having children. The tent opened again as the weight of her answers began to stir dread in her heart. This time another large woman enters, just as nude as the previous, just as impressive of a co*ck hanging between thick thighs. The only difference is her necklace has five strands rather than three.

“You’ve awakened. Hello, I am Damier. I am the highest leader of our people. My mid-leader told me we have had some misconceptions about you, our sweet Basin.” Damier speaks more softly to Teil. “You are our Basin. The one delivered to us by the great Mayu to see the continuation of our people. You will hold our future children inside of you and usher in the next generation. This is a monumental time and a cause for celebration; tonight, we start the Quintecnoct. Basin, you are safe and one of us now; please proceed to remove your clothing.”

Teil is left with more questions than answers. But the tone of Damier’s last comment implies that it was not a request that her clothes be removed. Teil fumbles with the unfamiliar clothing as she thinks about how to escape. “W-what is the Quintecnoct?” Teil manages to speak as her clothes slowly fall to the floor. After her previous experience in the jungle, she is surprised she has any shame left.

“It is the initial celebration of the arrival of the Basin. Our people are governed by fifteen; I am the highest leader; there are two right below me, three below them, including Bouchan, whom you already met, four again lower, and then five at the lowest rung. You, Basin, will spend the night with all of us. Me first, followed by the two, and so on in hierarchal order. By the night's end, there will be no doubt you will carry a successor to our people. And they will be the next highest leader as they will be born of all of us.” Damier explains as if it is the most normal thing in the world. How can this be fine? Teil did not know any of these people, but she was supposed to not have sex with fifteen of them. All in one night? No, absolutely not. Teil had already been traumatized by her previous experience. And it would take a long time and a lot of ale before she could have a physical relationship again. But she could not ignore the tickle in the back of her mind that was intrigued by the swing co*ck on the woman before her. No rough skin, soft, inviting legs, and chest that would be so nice to… Teil snapped herself out of that thought and back to reality.

“How can you say something so outrageous so plainly?” Teil exclaimed while trembling, forgetting for a moment that most of her body was on display before these people. “I don’t even know any of you, and you expect me to have sex with all of you in one night?”

“All of us? No, just those who lead. After the Quintecnoct, you can choose who you want each night.” Damier responds, missing Teil’s main concern completely.

“But I’m not having sex with all of you!” Teil managed to shout.

“Why not? You are the Basin, which is why you were delivered to us. And is sex, not fun? Giving and receiving pleasure between two physical beings? Is there nothing more fun and exhilarating? I enjoy having sex with all my people; we bring each carnal joy every night; what could be better?” Damier explains her philosophy. Teil had no argument. Sex was fun, and her reluctance only reflected her upbringing and culture. As Teil pondered significant cultural questions, Damier continued, “What none of us can do, that only you can do, is produce the next generation. You not only get to experience the pleasure of our bodies but experience the joy of creation. You are the Basin; nothing will be denied to you for the rest of your days here.” Damier finished her speech with a smile.

Teil’s mind was swimming at the implications. She looked at the one person she had known the longest, Fragril. She noticed Fragril was transfixed on Teil’s body, specifically between her legs. Fragril must have a co*ck hidden under her clothes as well. This could very well be the first time she had ever seen a body that did not have a penis swinging freely. Her stare made Teil uncomfortable, and no one had ever looked at her body with such reverence before. Teil shifted uneasily on her feet as she felt her body respond to the attention.

“Rest, Basin. You will get no sleep tonight, and we want you to be ready.” Damier said calmingly. How could Teil rest, let alone sleep, knowing what was coming later that night? Before she could protest the absurdity of resting, Fragril blew another powder towards her. No questions or protests could be mounted before Teil slipped deep into unconsciousness.

Teil awoke to the lulling sensation of hands traveling over her back. Working her spent and abused muscles, revitalizing them with every firm stroke. Before returning fully to consciousness, she let loose an ‘mmmmmm’ of pleasure as the strong hands worked over her broad back. But then consciousness came flooding back to Teil, and she popped up on her knees to look at who or what was touching her. A familiar face was smiling gently before her, Damier.

“Good awakenings, Basin; it is my time with you,” she stated as she looked over Teil’s dwarfed frame. “You were not waking, and I know the jungle is perilous; I thought your muscles could use some reenergizing.” Teil looked around, only half listening to Damier’s words. Listening to what she said meant nothing anymore; no one would change her position except her. She couldn’t believe this was real. Teil looked around at a bigger tent filled with blankets, pillows, and other soft things. Even chairs and a large bed, much more ornate than the one she had initially woken up on. The last thing she noticed was the candles emitting a soft light surrounding the room and large containers with cups placed at regular intervals. It must be water or something more substantial, Teil thought. Finally, Teil looked back over and met Damier's eyes. A frame that was much larger than her own; Teil had never been made to feel small before. Both kneeling, Damier was still a head and a half above hers. Teil started to look at Damier, the color of her skin, the features of her face, and the shape of her body. She didn’t look old, but her eyes showed knowledge that didn’t match her youthful looks. Her skin was smooth and clean, which Teil had not expected from living in a jungle. She had a pair of heavy breasts. Compared to Teil, they were not as significant for her larger frame. A stark difference from Teil was that Damier had a smooth, flat tummy where she carried her pooch, which she had always tried to hide. But the most obvious difference was the flaccid penis draped over Damier’s silky thighs. Resting there in plain view, Teil could not pull her eyes away.

“Is my body not to your liking?” Damier inquired.

“No, it's not that. I have never seen a woman with a penis before. And I have never seen a penis so out in the open before, either.” Teil responded truthfully.

“Yes, we know there must be something different about us. Otherwise, Mayu would not have to provide us with a Basin. We see the animals; some have penises, and others do not. But we all have penises, and thank Mayu for allowing us to continue.” Damier says this with a slight sadness in her voice. Teil could not imagine the constant fear of going extinct and not leaving anything behind. “I get the great pleasure of having you first and to myself. I have always wanted to know how the Basin looks between their legs. Please, let me see,” Damier finishes while moving closer to Teil. As she approaches, Damier places one hand on Teil’s shoulder and gently pushes her back into the pile of blankets and pillows.

Teil did not resist. She couldn’t. This couldn’t be happening. Maybe it was the powder, and she was still asleep or hallucinating. Perhaps she died with the plants, which was some form of purgatory. Maybe she was still in the ruins, and the magic circle put her in a coma. It had to be anything other than a giantess with a co*ck pushing her over to see her puss*. As these thoughts ran through her head, she felt her legs spread wide for Damier. She put her mind elsewhere, trying to separate reality from whatever this was. Her mind snapped back to the here and now as she felt Damier touch the top of her puss*, at the start of her slit. Damier traced a finger down, splitting her lips apart, running a single finger over her cl*t and eventually ending at her hole. Teil watched as Damier looked at her with fascination and curiosity. She watched as Damier placed the finger that had just slid between her lips in her mouth. Damier tasted Teil on her finger and looked up and into Teil’s eyes. Wordlessly, Damier moved her head forward and split Teil’s puss* again, but with her tongue this time. A gasp leaped from Teil’s mouth at the gentile sensation. She couldn’t be here; this couldn’t be real, but this was not such a bad experience.

“W-w-w-what are you dooooooooing,” Teil managed to get out as Damier took another long lick of Teil’s ever wettening puss*.

“Here, we use all of our bodies for pleasure. Every part has a use and sensitivity that can bring or receive pleasure. It seems my mouth is good at delivering pleasure to you.” With that, Damier refocused back on Teil’s waiting puss*. Licking again and again, exploring different parts each time. Once, she would lick around Teil’s hole; another time, she would force her tongue deep inside of Teil; other times, she would focus on Teil’s pulsing cl*t. Each was a different sensation that Teil would react to. Eventually, Damier licked lower and circled Teil’s tight asshole with her tongue. Teil shot upright with the foreign sensation and reactively moved her hips away from Damier.

Puzzled, Damier looked up at Teil, “You enjoy your other opening licked; why not the common hole?”

“Common hole? My asshole? No one has ever licked me there,” Teil tried to explain.

“But you did enjoy it?” Damier said, raising an eyebrow.

“No, well, maybe? No, I did not,” Teil responded unconvincingly. Sitting upright over Damier, Teil watched as she rolled off her belly onto her side. Exposing her breasts and semi-hard co*ck.

“Do you want to touch me? Bring pleasure to my body as well?” Damier asks when she notices Teil transfixed on her co*ck. She makes it twitch and slightly move under Teil’s piercing gaze. Without answering, Teil bends forward towards Damier. She leans over, getting closer and closer to Damier’s ever-hardening co*ck. Teil watches as it grows before her eyes, starting to straighten and rise to meet her. “I think it likes you,” Damier jokes. With no response, Teil reaches out to Damier’s co*ck, transfixed on what is before her. She lightly grazes it with her fingers and then wraps her hand around it to feel its girth. It is prominent in her hand, but Teil can still wrap her hand fully around it. Teil’s touch elicits a moan from Damier, “The Basin is touching me,” she mutters between moans. Teil lets go of Damier’s now throbbing hard co*ck and moves to touch more. She runs her hand over Damier’s flat tummy and to her hanging breasts; while doing so, she positions herself so that she is lying next to Damier on her side. Teil’s hand cups Damier’s heavy breast, feeling its weight in her palm. She lets it back down and looks down at Damier’s hard nipple. Teil doesn’t know what comes over her, but she suddenly leans down and takes the nipple in her mouth—feeling the smooth bumps with her tongue. Teil starts to suck lightly and bites softly at the nipple in her mouth. She has never been with a woman physically but knows well what she likes a man to do to her. Damier releases another moan and arches her back, pushing her nipple further into Teil’s mouth. She greedily accepts it, not even noticing that Damier has gently rolled Teil to her back.

Teil looks up and sees nothing but Damier over her, two abundant breasts swinging above her face. Teil leans up and buries her face between them, taking in the softness that engulfed her head. While taking in the sensation of Damier’s breasts, Teil feels a new sensation. She immediately knows Damier’s co*ck is resting on her. What Damier wants next is apparent when she lies across Teil’s mound and touches her tummy pooch. Teil emerges from between Damier’s bosom and looks up while Damier shifts her weight and brings her eyes to Teil’s. Teil cannot help but notice that in her repositioning, her co*ck is now pressing on Teil’s wet puss*.

“It is time we enjoyed each other,” Damier says while sliding inside Teil. Teil cannot believe the sensation that washes over her. So different from anything previously experienced. Her lips spread to accept Damier’s fantastic girlco*ck. Teil could feel her slide into her accepting puss*, and her back arched into Damier. Teil could feel her breasts pushing back into her chest, the two pairs of tit* coming together and moving past one another. Damier’s co*ck kept sliding into her, seemingly never-ending. Pushing deeper and deeper into Teil’s accepting puss*. Finally, Teil felt Damier’s soft skin come into contact with her own; she had taken all of Damier’s co*ck inside with one push. Eyes opened wide in astonishment; Teil looked up at Damier. What met her eyes was one of the most erotic things Teil had ever seen. Damier’s face was contorted with such pleasure. Her eyes half closed as if trying to understand everything she was feeling. Instinctually, Teil reached up and cupped Damier’s face. Damier’s eyes opened at her touch. She leaned down into a kiss. Damier’s lips were soft and alluring, begging Teil to return the kiss. Teil slightly parted her lips and felt Damier’s tongue enter her mouth. Before Teil could even register this new sensation, she felt the co*ck slide out of her and back in. Short, slow strokes, as if to feel its new surroundings. Each time the base of Damier’s girlco*ck met Teil’s plump lips, Teil would let out a little moan. This encouraged Damier to move faster and deeper. Lengthening her strokes so that Teil could feel their full length each time.

As Teil started to get her puss* filled, their kiss ended. Damier rose and repositioned her body to get a better angle and pushed herself back into the wet puss* before her. Teil greedily accepted Damier’s co*ck, arching her back into the thrust, making sure it penetrated deep every time. Teil watched, hypnotized by Damier’s body above her. Watching her breasts bounce with each thrust, her tummy flexed each time she pulled out—the look of lust on her face. Teil was enamored with Damier at this moment. She greedily wanted Damier’s cum.

Teil couldn’t stop her hips from moving in conjunction with Damier’s thrusts. It seemed like the willing participation from Teil caused Damier to snap back to reality. She looked down at Teil and smiled possessively at her. Reaching one hand up, Damier cupped Teil’s breast. Then, she slid her hand over and pinched her nipple between her finger and thumb. Teil’s mouth opened in pleasure, which only caused Damier to pinch and play with Teil’s hard nipples more vigorously. Soon, both of her hands were supporting Damier’s weight while she pushed and toyed with Teil’s sensitive nipples.

Teil could feel Damier’s co*ck start to throb inside of her. She wanted so badly for that to mean that her puss* was about to get filled with girlcum. She wanted Damier’s cum inside of her. Teil could not dismiss how much she enjoyed being filled. Teil started to be more purposeful with her hip motions, hoping to milk Damier’s girlco*ck of its sweet fluid. Damier noticed this and began to thrust faster. Teil could feel Damier shake and lose her rhythm; it would not last long. Teil answered by moving her hips more, gyrating up and down. Teil could feel the end coming; she knew that Damier was about to explode inside of her. At the last moment, Teil wrapped her legs around Damier’s waist and pulled her deeper. Damier let out a shout of pleasure as she emptied her load deep inside of Teil. Shuddering and spasming, Damier collapsed upon Teil, crushing her with her immense weight. Teil was engulfed in Damier’s heaving breasts. Basking in post-coital bliss, Teil didn’t mind being suffocated under this weight. She could feel Damier’s spent co*ck spasming inside of her, releasing every last drop of her cum.

“Thank you, Basin, for accepting my seed,” Damier whispers over Teil. She starts to get up, and Teil moans under the pressure of being removed from her body. Damier gets to her knees, her co*ck sliding fully out of Teil’s puss*. With it releases a flow of sticky white girlcum. It starts to flow out and down, drenching Teil’s asshole and then the blankets and pillows. Damier rises and walks over to the container, her co*ck swaying and spreading droplets of cum and Teil’s juices with every step. Damier takes a long drink and turns back to Teil, who is still lying on the ground, trying to understand what has just happened to her.

“I will notify the two that it is their turn with the Basin,” Damier says softly. Teil wishes she could stay the whole night with Damier. But wordlessly watches her leave, admiring her rotund ass as it leaves the tent. Replacing her enters two women Teil doesn’t recognize. Unlike Damier, they seem more muscular and have a harder appearance. The most significant difference is that they entered the tent with their girl co*cks already erect and ready for Teil.

Apprehension and fear flowed through Teil, replacing all the endorphins Damier left her with. The two silently walk up to Teil, their smaller, tighter breasts bouncing with each step, their two-tiered necklaces bouncing with them. They kneeled before Teil reached down, and took a breast in their hands. They pull up and place one nipple in each mouth. Teil cannot fathom what she is feeling, two women sucking her sensitive nipples. She can feel their hard co*cks pressing against her body, aching to be let into Teil’s body. She reaches down; it is unfair to these two that they only give pleasure to Teil. She wraps her hand around each of their co*cks and starts to move her hand up and down, stroking their hard girlco*cks. They must be enjoying this because their sucking intensifies, and Teil can hear their soft moans escape between breaths. As she is stroking and being sucked, the two start to reposition themselves, one moving below Teil and the other moving above. Teil can feel their co*cks move and twitch; she doesn’t want to let go of this beautiful pair of girlco*cks. But the one below her moves out of her reach. She can feel the other move above her, lying just above her face. Teil strokes more firmly as she feels her heavy girlballs start to rest on her face. Teil leans her head back and opens her mouth, taking one of the monstrous girlballs between her lips. As she is sucking and stroking the fabulous girlco*ck and balls above her, she feels the other girlco*ck slide inside her wet puss*. Slick from Damier’s cum and renewed wetness, they have no resistance sliding deep into Teil. The shock of the sensation causes Teil’s mouth to open wide in ecstasy; the other girlball easily slides into Teil’s awaiting mouth. This must have been what they wanted because Teil heard a moan, and they sat down, forcing the girlballs deeper into Teil's mouth. Teil felt the fantastic co*ck twitch above her, and she felt a bit of precum lube her fervent strokes.

Teil wanted nothing more than to keep stroking the co*ck resting right above her face, enticing her with its sweet sticky fluid. But she knew better; there was no chance that they would allow her to take that load anywhere except her aching puss*. And currently, her puss* was occupied by the other thick girlco*ck present in the room. Teil slowed her strokes, making each more purposeful in nature. Making sure her hand went all the way to the base and tip for every stroke, taking her time to feel the curvature, the veins, and the little difference in skin texture. The shaft was stiff, but the head was soft and sensitive. She slowed down with the balls in her mouth as well. She was pushing one out so that Teil could focus on pleasing each one at a time. Rolling her tongue around each ball, sucking and feeling the skin stretch to her mouth, the ball twitched under the pressure. She kept the slow, deliberate motions constant; she did not want to waste and cum too early.

Teil then focused more on the giantess between her legs. She was sliding her co*ck in and out of Teil slowly, almost gently, as if she was afraid of hurting this foreign hole. Teil had none of that. She had been penetrated enough recently that she no longer wanted gentle; she got that from Damier. This time she wanted to be taken by two luscious women with fantastic co*cks. She wanted to be filled up to the brim by both. Teil started to lift her hips with each thrust, matching the speed that she set. Then Teil began to take over, trying to speed up the co*ck sliding in and out of her. Her needy puss* was aching to be filled, and she wanted to feel the other pair of girlballs slam into her round ass; she tried to touch them resting over her tight asshole and feel them twitch and jump as they emptied every last bit of cum deep inside of her. As Teil started working into the co*ck being given to her, she couldn’t help her back from arching and head being pulled back. This caused the fat girlballs above her face repeatedly pop in and out of her awaiting mouth.

Teil had a fantastic idea. She kept working the ball in and out of her mouth, giving it a quick suck each time. Then she lined up her strokes, and as the ball popped out of her mouth again, she reached up and took the waiting co*ck into her mouth. Reflexively, she relaxed her back again and forced the co*ck deep down her throat. Teil could feel an immediate response. The co*ck jumped and twitched in her mouth. As Teil kept working her hips into the co*ck buried in her puss*, she worked the co*ck in her mouth. Taking one in and letting the other slide out so that one hole was always filled. The co*ck in her mouth was so inviting and warm. She could taste the sweet cum that she had used to lube her strokes. Try as she might, Teil could not get her lips to the base of the co*ck. It was far too big for her to take all the way. She tried so desperately with each thrust, relaxing her throat, swallowing, pushing herself to try and take a bit more every time. The fat girlballs resting on her eyes and nose, wet with Teil's saliva. She felt them start to jump and bounce on her. Each thrust down her throat caused another twitch. She heard someone talking but could not distinguish who it was over the muffling from soft thighs around her head.

Suddenly, Teil was empty. Both co*cks slid out of her without warning. Teil was momentarily sad, thinking she must have done something wrong. She looked and watched the two beautiful women switch places. The one she had taken into her mouth suddenly grabbed her hips and lifted Teil’s vacant puss* onto her girlco*ck, sparing no time and thrusting it deep inside. She was not as gentle and began mercilessly pound away at Teil’s opening. Before Teil could respond and encourage the rough treatment, her mouth was filled with the head of the other girlco*ck before her. Teil took it in graciously. She was savoring the unique taste that flooded her mouth. Her juices mixed with Damier’s cum mixed with the distinctive flavor of a hard co*ck in heat. Teil ran her tongue all around the head of the co*ck, making sure to clean it thoroughly. She reached her head back, trying to get more of the marvelous shaft into her mouth for more of the taste. But the co*ck seemed to want to tease her, make her work for it, make her beg for more. Teil was in no position to beg at the moment. Her puss* was gripping onto the co*ck, forcing itself in and out of her at an ever-increasing rate. She was finally feeling the slapping of fat balls against her waiting ass. They made the best wet slapping noise as the mixture of fluids leaked out of Teil’s puss* combined with the saliva that Teil had carefully coated each ball with. She could feel the strokes becoming more erratic as the woman grabbing her pushed her fingers into her hips deeper. Teil met the thrusts with her hips, coaxing the heavy load that was about to be unleashed inside of her.

She could feel it start, a bit of warmth that was not present before. Teil did everything she could to coax the cum out of the thick girlco*ck. She began to squeeze her puss*, wanting to milk the cum into her womb. All it took was one last thrust, penetrating deep inside of her Teil felt the load erupt out of the co*ck and slam into her walls. She felt the balls lying against her tight asshole, twitching and jumping with every thick rope fired deep inside of her. Teil could feel her body react, asshole puckering at the sensation, insides feeling warm with the fresh fluid filling them. She made sure to take every bit that was offered, greedily accepting the load inside of her. After constant twitching and pulsing, Teil felt the co*ck slide out of her. Spent and going limp, it was the other’s turn.

Teil flipped around to her belly, resting on her elbows; she faced the second co*ck and, this time, took control of the situation. She took it in her mouth, finally getting all the sweet taste she had been denied. She could feel the cum dripping out of her puss* as she slurped the hard co*ck in front of her. Again, it was taken away from her. Teil denied what she wanted most, and it was beginning to frustrate her. Teil felt the co*ck come up behind her. Instinctually, Teil wiggled her fat ass, sending ripples up and down to entice the girlco*ck. It must have worked because Teil felt her hips being pulled up to all fours and a co*ck push deep into her again. No matter how many times Teil would get f*cked, she would never get used to the sensation of that initial penetration. It was enough to drive her wild and throw inhibition away. As Teil started to get f*cked again, she looked around she saw the other woman at the table, drinking whatever was available. Teil could barely manage to get out a ‘you’ between thrusts. But it got the other’s attention. Teil motioned shakily for her to come over and sit before Teil. As the woman sat down, Teil got to cleaning the soft girlco*ck before her. She wanted to taste the unique mixture again. As she started to slowly lick every part of the spent co*ck before her, she could taste the fresh mix of fluids. She felt her ass being played with behind her. The co*ck ramming into her, no longer gentle, Teil felt her ass get grabbed and squeezed and have her cheeks pulled apart. She took the manhandling with each thrust. Her body reverberated with every impact. Her breasts are so large that her nipples brush the ground with each sway, her tummy jiggling with the impact, the satisfying smacking sound that is skin impacting skin. She must have been a sight to be seen, or her mouth was just that good because she could feel the soft co*ck start to harden under her tongue and lips. Teil twisted her head to get a better look at the owner of this insatiable co*ck. Characteristically dark smooth skin, long hair, breasts rising and falling quickly with each breath. Teil enjoyed the sight of pleasure she was giving.

As she was fixated on the beauty before her, she felt the hands behind her grab harder and pull her back with a force that Teil had yet to experience. Suddenly Teil felt that familiar sensation of her puss* getting filled to the brim with fresh hot cum. Teil backed her ass up into the co*ck, making sure she got all of it inside. Soon, Teil felt the now spent co*ck slide out of her once more. She knew what came next, they would leave, and Teil would be greeted by more ravenous women with co*cks that needed pleasing. But she needed one last thing before that happened. Quickly Teil flipped around and, in one motion, took the softening co*ck into her mouth. Bringing her head down, she took it down to the base. Teil had begun craving that taste of cum mixed with her wetness. This must have surprised the woman to have her co*ck suddenly engulfed by a wanting mouth. But as Teil wrapped and rolled her tongue around, making sure to get every bit clean, she felt a sudden small load shoot down her throat. Teil graciously accepted it, swallowing and moaning in pleasure. She had been able to get a co*ck to cum twice in a row, something that seemed never to happen. Once she was sure the co*ck had nothing left for her to take, Teil let it slip from her mouth.

Teil sat up to her knees, head getting dizzy from the exertion. She could feel the multiple loads start to escape her puss* and flow between her legs under the influence of gravity. It did not worry her; she knew she had many more to come. Sitting there, she watched the two stand up shakily and leave silently. Teil wished she could have had at least some words with them, some acknowledgment of their intimacy. She knew she did not have that much time as it was a busy night. But she still wanted to be doted on after getting used to it like she had. She watched them leave, a bit disappointed. Quickly, as if they were waiting right outside, three new women entered the tent. All hard already, all looking down at Teil with lascivious eyes. Teil looked up at them and then down to their stiff co*cks. One woman was familiar, Bouchan, from when Teil awakened. Her familiar co*ck was swaying and ready to be pleased. But one co*ck was not like the rest. While each had been much larger than Teil was used to, that was to be expected due to the women’s size. But one co*ck was thick. Not longer or bigger, but thick, maybe twice as thick as the others. Teil knew she was about to have a problem with that one, and her holes would need to be well lubricated to make that fit inside of her. She felt herself get wet with anticipation.

On her knees already, Teil thought she was in a prime position to greet these three new members. Silently, Teil just opened her awaiting mouth and stuck her tongue out, giving an open invitation to the three newcomers. They wasted no time and walked up to her inviting mouth. Bouchan was the first to get to Teil’s mouth and slid her co*ck inside. The other two had to settle for Teil's hands; she graciously grabbed and started to stroke the two co*cks. With them in her hand, Teil could feel the difference in girth. She could not close her fingers around its massiveness. Teil had to improvise and took to stroking in a circular motion so that she could feel the entire co*ck in her hands.

Bouchan was using her mouth much more than the others did. The more members were added, the more authoritative and assertive they became. But Teil was used to this by now; she knew how to open her throat and relax her airway to get the best penetration deep down to her gullet. With Bouchan taking charge of her wet and willing mouth, Teil could focus on the other two co*cks before her. She hoped that the bigger of the two would be last so she could be more warmed up before she tried its size. Bouchan let go of Teil’s mouth and slid back out. She caught her breath for a second and then turned her head to another co*ck next to her, not the monster yet. Trading hands for mouths, Teil opened up for the other co*ck. She felt the engorged head slide past her lips, past her tongue, and into her throat. She felt that slight resistance when it got to a certain point in her throat, and she felt the merciless woman push her co*ck through it, giving the satisfying throat pop. Bouchan’s thick girlco*ck was coated in Teil’s saliva and made stroking her all that much easier. Teil looked up at her three suiters and watched in amazement as they were playing with each other.

Bouchan was in the middle and deeply kissing the woman with the massively thick co*ck in Teil’s hand. She was playing with her nipples as she did so while the other played with her ass. Teil couldn’t see for sure, but it seemed like the woman’s hands would disappear, and Bouchan’s body would react. Teil wanted to know if Bouchan’s tight asshole was being fingered and toyed with. Looking over to the woman whose co*ck was in her mouth, Teil noticed that she had Bouchan’s nipple in her mouth. Teil felt flattered that when she would become more intense with her mouth, the woman would intensify her nipple play. Teil started a chain reaction.

Seemingly knowing what each wanted without speaking, the co*ck slid out of Teil’s throat again. She steeled herself and turned to the massive co*ck on her other side. But before she could prepare to take it, Bouchan laid down on the ground before Teil. Her co*ck was standing straight up. Teil knew what she wanted and wanted it as well. She got to her feet shakily and straddled Bouchan; slowly and deliberately, she lowered herself onto the waiting girlco*ck. She felt the head slip between her lips, and Bouchan rolled her head back because of the sensation. Teil lowered herself to her knees and leaned forward before taking the rest of the co*ck to its base. Bouchan started to move her hips slowly, surprising Teil and causing her to fall forward onto her chest. Bouchan seemed to enjoy the sudden attention to her breasts, so Teil rose back up but kept her hands on the fantastic pair before her. Cupping, playing, pinching, squeezing, groping. Teil enjoyed the sensation of breasts in her hands as a co*ck started to fill her insides.

As she looked up, Teil came face to face with the massively thick co*ck. Mouth watering, Teil opened slowly. The head of the co*ck slid in quickly, but that was the last time this would be easy. Teil felt a body behind her and a guiding hand on her head. The third woman was helping Teil with this monumental task. Teil could feel her co*ck pinned against her back, the woman kissing Teil’s neck and shoulder and guiding her mouth deeper on the co*ck before her. Teil kept trying to open wider and wider, wanting to allow more of it to slip further into her. Teil took it bit by bit, often reacting involuntarily, which just caused her to back down harder on the co*ck underneath her. No matter where she went, a co*ck would slide further into her. The one holding her head did not let any bit of the thick co*ck slide out once it was pushed further into her throat. Teil wasn’t even halfway to the base, and she had already taken to swallowing to inch it down bit by bit.

Bouchan was having fun watching Teil try to force the co*ck in her mouth above her. Since Teil was focused entirely on not suffocating on the thick member before her, Bouchan took some control of the situation. She wanted to f*ck Teil since they found her lying out in the forest. She wanted that body since the first time she saw her nude on the ground with parts that looked so soft and inviting. She could hardly hold it in and started to thrust with abandon into Teil’s waiting puss*. It was so unlike any sensation Bouchan had felt before, warm and wet, not as tight at the base as the anal sex that the tribe practiced, but it enveloped her co*ck wonderfully from base to tip. Teil could feel Bouchan speed up and want to release her seed deep into Teil’s puss*. But Teil couldn’t be forced to concentrate on that right now. She had made it halfway down the co*ck in her mouth. She was meeting a lot of resistance, and it would take a bit more to pop it past than in the past.

Then, everything seemed to line up perfectly. Bouchan thrusts up with her twitching, pulsing co*ck just as Teil receives a kiss and push on her head as the co*ck in her mouth gives it one hard shove. In one instance, Teil had her throat engorged by a thick co*ck. She couldn’t be sure, but her jaw may have dislocated from the width it had to open. Hand in her hair, Teil felt the woman guide her head back and forth on the thick co*ck, from midpoint to base. She wasn’t sure if she would ever get it back down all the way once it left her stretched throat. The sensation of her throat being abused and pushed far past her limits must have caused other physical responses. Her hands had left the breasts below her and placed them on the thighs below the co*ck in her mouth. She tried to push back to give her some relief, but she was held in place firmly by the hand behind her. Clenching down every orifice, Teil just made her puss* tighter for Bouchan. This caused Bouchan to finally let loose and cum repeatedly in Teil’s puss*. But Teil could not register its warm, filling sensation over the abuse inflicted above. Finally, as Bouchan finished her load inside of Teil, her mouth was set free.

Gasping and coughing, Teil fell over and tried to gather herself after the assault that had just been inflicted upon her. Someone grabbed her limp body and positioned her over an awaiting co*ck. With no warning or prelude, Teil was sat down on a hard girlco*ck, her back straightened with the sensation. She realized she was straddling the woman who had been behind her. It had to be; Bouchan was spent, having already dumped her load into Teil, and Teil was not in pain from being stretched past her limits. The woman did not look familiar. But this was the fifth co*ck she had in her puss* by this point. Every woman and co*ck was starting to look the same, her brain not being able to process much critical thinking anymore. She was being bounced up and down on the co*ck, having a difficult time staying upright. Teil eventually gave in and collapsed forward into the inviting breasts under her. They were soft and comforting. Burying her face between them, Teil let herself get used by the girlco*ck in her puss*. She felt her ass jiggle and her face push forward with every thrust.

Teil regained some composure when she felt her ass being played with. Groped, spread, and squished, hands were feeling her all over. Teil was used to being touched, and nothing seemed to phase her. That was until she felt the co*ck slide through her cheeks. It could not be Bouchan; it had to be the thick monster that took her mouth. She felt the co*ck slide between her cheeks, lubed by the countless fluids that surrounded the area. Teil started to become afraid. She hoped all they wanted was to feel her ass wrapped around that thick co*ck, not to penetrate her tight asshole. There was nowhere for Teil to go; she was impaled by the co*ck below her, holding her in place. Teil’s worst fears started to be realized as she felt the thick co*ck slide back and then forward again. But not up, between her cheeks, but focused on her tight hole. Teil had a decision to make. She could clamp down, try to deny entry and protect herself from what would inevitably be a painful experience. Or she could do her best to relax and ease into it, maybe dictate the pace and power.

Teil was too tired to fight back. She was too sore and abused to put up any semblance of a fight. All she could remember was the plants; no matter how hard she fought and resisted, they took what they wanted. She realized that a part of her was broken at this point. She didn’t want to be used like this, but she had started to accept it. Maybe it was easier being the Basin and producing child after child for these people. It wouldn’t be a bad life; she would be pampered. As Teil’s mind began to disassociate from the present situation, the head of the thickest girlco*ck pushed into her closed asshole. She was spreading it open to accept the width that would come. Teil came back to reality and braced herself for the ensuing pain. She put her head between the breasts below her and tried to relax her hole for penetration.

She felt the tip slide in, followed by the narrowing just below the head. What came next, Teil could not have envisioned. She felt the co*ck slide inside of her. Very slowly, very deliberately. She felt it stretch her hole and insides. Felt it rub against the other co*ck separated by a thin layer of skin. It seemed as if the woman below her had stopped her thrusting and was just enjoying soaking in Teil's puss*, maybe enjoying the sensation of another co*ck rubbing hers while both were inside of her. Teil felt the thick co*ck continue to advance through her tight asshole. Teil felt little to no pain, some discomfort, a slight tightness, but what she felt more than anything was fullness. She felt so full. Not in a ‘ate too much’ way, but in a pleasing way that spread warmth throughout her body. As she leaned into this sensation, she felt her ass gape and take the thick co*ck to its base. She felt the heavy girlballs rest against her, mingling with the balls below her. She basked in the sensation, both of her holes filled to the brim with girlco*ck. She was accepting both of them to the fullest.

She couldn’t bask that long. She felt the hips under her start to move, sliding the co*ck out of her puss*. The sensation of both inside her gave Teil a shiver. As the co*ck nearly popped out of her puss*, it started to slide back in. Then the thick member began to slide out of her ass. They were alternating, one sliding in, one sliding out. Both co*cks worked her holes in unison, pumping and thrusting into her two holes. Face still buried between the soft breasts, Teil felt her hair pulled, and her head emerged from the soft warmth. Mouth naturally agape, her head rose to see Bouchan standing over her. Her limp co*ck swaying just above eye level.

“That’s better,” she said, “I want to watch your face as you get filled by these two.” Bouchan then sat on a seat that she must have pulled over. Teil didn’t know what came over her, but she locked eyes with her, watching so Bouchan could see what she wanted. Never questioning it or showing any resistance, Teil accepted being viewed for pleasure. As saliva dripped from her agape mouth and fell to the rocking chest below, Teil felt her insides tingle and warm. Without even realizing it, the woman under her had erupted and let loose a torrent of girlcum into her puss*. Teil let a wet moan escape her open mouth as she accepted the new load dropped into her. She had to be pregnant by now. If she looked down, Teil guessed she would see her stomach expanded with the countless loads thrust deep into her.

Before she could enjoy the warm, filling feeling, Teil felt hands wrap under her thighs and lift her off the girlco*ck that was in her puss*. The woman behind her picked up Teil, her co*ck never leaving Teil’s ass. Nearly folded in half, her puss* was on display for the other two. Cum was dripping from her spent puss*, falling onto the woman below. Bouchan got up from her seat and approached the woman panting on the ground. Slowly and methodically, Bouchan cleaned the cum off the other woman. Licking the pools being formed and sucking the remnants off the just-used co*ck. Cum kept dripping from Teil, seeming to be forced out with every thrust into her ass. She was hanging, impaled by a co*ck, and open for everyone to see. Teil couldn’t take her eyes off the scene below her, watching a soft tongue lick and clean smooth skin. As she was watching, she shifted her eyesight up and realized that Bouchan was looking right at her while licking the leaked cum. She hurried up and finished cleaning her partner, who was still enthralled in post-org*sm bliss and turned her attention back to Teil.

Sitting up on her knees, Bouchan approached Teil and cleaned her up. Licking around her gaping puss*. There were fluids everywhere, leaking out of her hole, running down her butt and legs, causing everything around her to be soaked. Bouchan was enjoying that, trying to lick up every last bit and make Teil nice and clean again for the next round. She had already taken five loads in her puss*, and it seemed that one was going to be put into her ass. Teil enjoyed being licked. It was such a different sensation than the penetration and f*cking she had been receiving up until now. A tongue traced her lips and cl*t, her wet hole and thigh. It caused a sensation deep inside, eliciting a wiggle and shiver of pleasure. This drove the woman behind her over the edge, and Teil began to bounce up and down on the thick co*ck buried deep in her ass. Her whole body moved under the strong hands holding her up. Up and down, her ass was f*cked without abandon. Teil could sense that she wouldn’t last much longer. She would have to switch to her puss* soon so that the Basin could receive their seed. But that didn’t happen. Moving faster up and down, Teil felt the thick co*ck begin to twitch; she felt it get even thicker, spreading her hole wide. And then Teil felt it, the warm, sticky fluid being shot deep into her ass. It felt like it traveled all the way to her stomach. Pump after pump of warm, wet fluid escaped from the thick girlco*ck. Too soon, it was over, and Teil was lifted off her third co*ck. Her hole was destroyed beyond comprehension, gaping and open, cum flooded out of her spasming asshole. Bouchan was right there with her mouth to catch and clean up the escaping cum. Soon Teil felt lips around her open asshole, sucking out the remnants of cum deep inside of her. A tongue running around the edge of her spent sphincter, nursing it back to close. Teil just leaned into it. There was nowhere for her to go, being held up by one and orally pleasured by another.

Teil went limp in the woman’s arms, head resting against her bosom. She felt herself lowered to the floor and placed carefully in a pile of blankets. She heard footsteps and murmurs distantly, the sounds of drinking and relaxing. Teil couldn’t get the energy to look up and around. She was curled on her side, partially covered with a blanket. Just a moment to rest, she knew more women would be entering her tent, co*cks at attention, ready to be pleased. She just needed a moment. Just a bit of rest. Anything, a break from constant use.

Teil heard nothing, noticed nothing, and was seemingly unaware. She didn’t think she had fallen asleep but couldn’t be sure. All she knew was that there was a co*ck in her puss* without her realization. Teil hoped that she would come back to reality instantly with that penetration, but she was not sure of anything at this point. She just accepted it for what it was at this point. She was being used, over and over, by all these women. There should be four this time, right? She only felt the one co*ck inside her puss*. She let it do what it wanted with Teil’s holes, and she was free to use it for all who came in here anyway.

Teil rolled over, making the co*ck that was inside of her pop out and brushed against her leg. Lying on her back, Teil tried to look around as the woman above her inserted her co*ck again. She would have never guessed what she saw. There was the one woman between her legs, pumping away at her puss* with her girlco*ck. But then there were three others standing above Teil; each woman was fully erect and stroking a co*ck while looking down on her. Teil had never felt so put on display. All around her were co*cks being stroked while they watched her relatively small body get f*cked on her back. Like with so many situations recently, Teil had a choice. And she hadn’t chosen to fight in a long time.

She started by wrapping her arms under her ample chest, squeezing her breasts together. She opened her mouth and had her tongue roll out of her mouth. She started to arch her back and move her hips with each thrust. If she were to be watched, she would give them a show. She began to moan over the top and loudly. Her throat was still abused from the last co*ck that forced its thickness down there. But she managed to start talking again, saying like ‘yes’ and ‘f*ck me harder.’ It seemed this group needed little encouragement to get excited as Teil watched them all stroke their co*cks faster and harder. Teil watched as precum started to drip from the tips. With a single finger, she reached up and took it off the end of the nearest co*ck and stuck it back in her mouth. Teil moaned as she sucked the precum off her finger.

She would regret leaning into the display, encouraging their behavior. The one whom she had teased by tasting their cum took her demonstration as an invitation and lowered her co*ck into Teil’s mouth. With that, the dam broke, and the other two joined in, each taking one of Teil’s hands as their own. They had stroked their co*cks long enough; now it was time for Teil to pleasure them. Teil kept getting pounded by the girlco*ck between her legs, but she was used to that by now. It was like her puss* wasn’t even her own anymore; it belonged to all who wanted it. But she had other things to worry about. Like pleasing three co*cks at once. Teil did not have the energy or the brain power to multitask. She sloppily stroked the two co*cks in her hand. Forgetting often what she was doing until the owner would thrust, and Teil would remember to keep stroking the gorgeous girlco*ck in her hand. She just as sloppily used her mouth to please the third or fourth co*ck. Not that the count mattered anymore. She knew the drill: relax throat, open wide, no teeth. But she couldn’t seem to get to that point. Her mind would be taken somewhere different, focusing on another use of her body, another sensation, and her throat would tighten reflexively. Then the woman would have to correct her, placing her hands around her throat, thumbs under Teil’s chin, and force the long co*ck back to its rightful place. Teil should do a better job of remembering her place; she is the Basin, after all. Did she just refer to herself as the Basin? When did she accept that role that was placed upon her? Grab, place, choke. Remember your place Teil; please put this co*ck in your mouth and stroke the co*cks in your right and left hands. Open your legs and let her thrust into you; receive her seed, take it deep, and have it fill up your womb. That is your job.

Teil wanted to focus; she wanted to do anything. Fight back, enjoy the pleasure, speak, breathe. Anything. But she was nothing more than a plaything for those around her. She was using her increasingly limp body. She felt herself start to slip away again, just like in the jungle. That time, she had been rescued by the very group that was assaulting her now. She started to give in and relax into the creeping darkness. If she could give in and succumb to sweet nothingness, it would be like none of this happened. Teil convinced herself of this lie and tried to concentrate on the darkness, beckoning it to wash over her. Just as she felt the last of her consciousness slip away, she felt the familiar sensation of her womb being filled. The woman had enough of Teil’s puss* and decided to fill her like so many others had. It seemed to invigorate Teil, bringing her back from the brink.

She took the load that was inside of her and sat up on the now-spent co*ck. She wrapped her arms around the woman’s neck and reached for a kiss. The woman was surprised but seemed to enjoy the newfound enthusiasm that was lacking before. Teil was kissed back forcefully as only a person who had just org*smed could. With the co*ck slipping from her puss*, Teil surprised the woman again and got up suddenly. Against all odds, her legs held her up. With no plan, she ran to the one thing she knew: the container with the drinks. She picked up the first glass and downed the remaining liquid inside of it. It wasn’t water. It didn’t matter. She spun around, holding the cup up, threatening to throw it at whoever assailed her. But no one came. As she spun around, she noticed nothing but confused faces staring back at her, blanking, looking at her actions.

She felt foolish holding the cup aloft. She slowly lowered it and stared back at the group assembled for her. co*cks still out, but no one stroking or seeming to care. I was more enthralled by the unique situation that just took place. The magic had worn off, and Teil’s legs started to give out from under her. She leaned back on the table for support, cup still in hand. She realized that what she drank wasn’t water. She knew that when she drank it. But she was now questioning what it was.

“You needed more?” One woman asked, confused, “Normally, one drink will last the whole night.”

“Needed more what?” Teil asked, exhausted.

“Of drink, didn’t you have any at the beginning? Its effects should not be wearing off this soon.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Teil shouted, “This is my first drink, and I love it.” What? What was that last part? What did she say? She loved it? It was fine, I guess, but nothing special.

“Ooooh, she has not had any yet,” Another woman reasoned, “Dear Basin, that drink. It is special. It sees what you want and removes all inhibitions that might interfere.” At the explanation, Teil’s mind goes a bit fuzzy. She still seems to control some of her motions, but not all of them. Everything in her body tells her to bolt out of the tent and take her chances in the jungle. At night. With the plants. Her body stays stock still, still being propped up by the table. Maybe that is why she is not moving or running; she knows deep down that it would be akin to suicide.

Still grappling with the no-win situation she is faced with, Teil starts to walk forward. Shakily at first, but gaining confidence with each step. Her mind quickly switches from plotting an escape to trying not to fall into curiosity about how she is moving on her own. She is no longer walking but striding to one of the kneeling women. On her knees, round ass sitting firmly on her feet, co*ck hard and ready. Hair cascading down her back and looking at Teil with curiosity. Teil strides up and bends over to kiss her firmly on the mouth. As their lips are connected, Teil positions herself and then starts to lower on the waiting girlco*ck. Teil can feel the woman’s mouth go wide and gasp at the sensation of Teil’s puss* sliding down, taking it all in.

This commanding desire is diametrically opposed to Teil's inner voice. She is screaming at her body to stop. She wants to take the chance outside the tent, not to encourage and give in to this situation. Her voice gets smaller and sequestered in a dark corner of her mind. It is as if all her reason and thoughts are trapped in a glass cage where no one can hear her, but she can watch as her body takes over and makes decisions, seemingly on its own. It is such a hopeless and frustrating situation. She feels everything and sees everything but cannot do anything. She feels her hand reach out, blindly searching. Teil knows what she is searching for. Deep down, she can sense it. She doesn’t want it, but that doesn’t stop her hand from grasping the next woman’s hard co*ck next to her. She starts to stroke it deliberately and slowly. She leans back from the kiss, looks to her other side, and makes eye contact with the woman. She is rubbing her co*ck, watching Teil seemingly overcoming her reluctance and taking charge of the situation. Teil bites her lip and then opens her mouth as an invitation. The woman needed no more and quickly stood up, bringing her co*ck to Teil’s mouth.

Teil accepted it fully, opening wide and relaxing her throat. In one motion, she took the co*ck to its base. Though she had to lean a bit at the end, causing her to let go of the co*ck in her other hand. Suddenly, she felt the woman’s co*ck thrust further into her mouth, pushing her back a bit. Easing her head back to see what happened, it seemed as if the woman Teil was straddling was playing with the other’s asshole. Teil saw a hand behind her and felt a slight pushing sensation like someone was toying with her tight hole. Teil’s body had an idea that wasn’t from Teil’s rational mind. She grabbed the hips of the woman standing above her and swung her leg in front of Teil. Now faced with the underside of her co*ck, the woman was standing awkwardly between Teil and the woman who was buried deep in her puss*. Teil reached around and spread her ass wide while slipping the co*ck down her throat again. This caused the standing woman to react and back her hips up, pushing her asshole right into the mouth of the sitting woman. Teil felt the instant reaction. The woman was enjoying having both ends pleasured almost as much as the woman below her liked licking an eager asshole.

Teil could feel both moving with the new stimulation. She felt the woman’s head working hard between the other’s cheeks. Teil let go of the firm ass and reached further to her head, pushing it forward, causing the co*ck to slide deeper into Teil’s mouth. Teil held her head there, and in retaliation, the woman grabbed her hips and started to thrust harder into her. Teil accepted her punishment gladly, wanting her puss* to be filled to overflowing again. ‘No!’ screamed somewhere deep in her mind. Somewhere small and distant. Somewhere so far away that it could barely be heard. Her body moved on its own, coaxing the cum out of the co*ck nestled deep inside of her. She felt the one in her throat start to move and twitch, that sensation that Teil had gotten so used to. Teil knew she was about to cum. The woman began to pull her co*ck out, probably hoping to save herself for Teil’s puss*; that was the point of all this. Teil’s body was having none of that. She reached around and forced the head into the ass it was currently in, making sure that the co*ck was firmly down Teil’s throat. Teil started to swallow, trying to urge the cum out of the fantastic girlco*ck. She took her tongue out and sloppily began to lick the heavy girlballs in front of her. Her forcefulness was met with enthusiasm. Both started to pump furiously into her holes. Teil tried to work in rhythm with both but couldn’t find the right pace. She felt the co*ck in her mouth start to engorge, and she knew a load was about to be shot deep into her stomach. Soon, she thought it; with her mouth to the base, Teil felt the load shoot down her throat, coating her insides. She tried to swallow as much as she could but started to cough and gag on the voluminous amount of cum being forced into her stomach. The woman who was still f*cking Teil’s puss* enjoyed this sensation because she started to cum at the same time, filling both ends of Teil. Warmth invaded Teil’s body as she was filled with shot after shot of sticky cum.

Teil took every bit they had to offer and eventually collapsed backward onto her back. Gasping and heaving breath, she tried to lie there and compose herself. She didn’t have long because as Teil opened her eyes, she was met with the last woman. The one that was left out of their group fun. Sitting over Teil’s collapsed body while stroking her hard co*ck, she looked down at Teil, waiting for a reaction. Teil reached up and gently pulled the co*ck down to kiss it on the tip. She didn’t know what she was doing. Her body was moving on its own. Internally, Teil could only watch and feel herself get violated repeatedly while this other part of her took over and encouraged the behavior. She just wanted it to be done and over with; how could her body move in such an enticing way? She had to let it happen; there wasn’t a thing she could do. No amount of protest or internal dialogue would change this, and there would be no overpowering of the current situation.

Teil watched as her body kissed the tip of the co*ck above her. Felt the pillows and blankets adjust as her body swung around on all fours and presented her round ass to the last woman to be satisfied. She needed no invitation, and before Teil could even internally voice an objection, a co*ck pummeled her waiting puss*. It took her by such a force that her hands went out from underneath her, landing on her face. She twisted her head to the side to breathe but decided to help the woman who was filling her from behind. Teil reached back and spread herself wide for the woman’s viewing pleasure. She could feel her used asshole being exposed to open air, clenching and constricting with the rough f*cking she was receiving. Teil’s body liked the sensation of her cheeks and lips spread wide, giving easy access to the insatiable co*ck behind her.

In reality, Teil’s consciousness felt violated. Used. Broken and played with. She could not get that sentiment across to anyone but felt it deeply. She felt her body get used by each person and had to feel the revoltion of encouraging the behavior. She tried to drown out the sensation with thoughts, screams, songs, and anything to dampen the violation. But each thrust was a shock to her core that she felt reverberate through her body. She felt a presence beside her. She did not know who it was; it did not matter. It was someone who was going to touch her when she didn’t want to be touched. She felt them next to her hips, hand on her ass, feeling the bouncing with each thrust. Teil then felt the soft hand travel inwards and brush against her asshole. It was still wet, leaking cum from its previous use. She felt the slender finger ring her wet hole and felt her body react with constrictions. That was all the invitation the woman needed to slide a single finger into Teil’s used ass. She heard herself moan in pleasure and shifted her hips to draw the finger in deeper.

Teil couldn’t look, but she was sure she could hear kissing and moaning from the couple behind her. She was just holes to be played with and deposited in. She knew her place, her fertile womb receiving as much seed as possible to produce a litter of offspring. Nothing was for her pleasure. Nothing was for her. She was just there to get f*cked repeatedly. And she was helping them, giving them access, and positioning herself for easier use. Teil just lay there and took the punishment. She knew that it would end with a puss* full of cum eventually. She hoped that her spreading would cause the woman to cum faster, but she was enjoying the new sensation of a puss*. Teil lost track of time and surprisingly was unaware they were close when she felt her puss* get filled with another load of hot cum. Had her wet hole been used so much that she couldn’t tell when a co*ck was going to explode into her? She felt the load spill out as the co*ck slipped out of her puss*. She felt her asshole pucker and grip the finger that removed itself as well. Teil went limp in the soft pile below her. Not a dry spot to be found; she didn’t care that she was lying in unknown wet spots. She just needed to catch her breath.

Just let it be over, Teil whimpered in her caged mind. Just a short pause and praying for the night to end. That is all she wanted was for this to end. But she knew there was one more round tonight. One more set of five girlco*cks all needing to be pleasured and milked. She heard them enter the room and felt herself rise from the mess she was lying in. Getting to her shaky feet, dripping and coated in a layer of cum, sweat, and who knows what else, she strode over to the newest five members of the room. She was drawn to one in the middle, left middle. She had two braids for her hair, falling over her shoulders and down to her more petite breasts. Teil was curious at first, trying to distract herself from her body’s uncontrollable movements. This set of five was built differently. Not bad, just different. Every other member of the tribe, aside from the ‘youth,’ has been buxom and toned, large assed and large co*cked. But less so here. Yes, their co*cks were all still massive for Teil, but they were becoming more regular. But their bodies differed. Some had smaller chests; some had more of a tummy pooch. Some were shorter, although short for them they still dwarfed Teil. Teil enjoyed this diversity—something to distinguish members who all started to blend together.

While thinking all of this, Teil strode up to the braided woman, grabbed both braids in one hand, and pulled her head down in a kiss. While holding her firmly in place, Teil used her free hand to stroke and tease the already hard girlco*ck before her lightly. As Teil released her captive from the most sultry kiss she had ever had, mouth open and tongue out, she looked up into her eyes. Saying nothing, Teil led the woman to a waiting piece of furniture by the co*ck. It was unlike any furniture Teil had ever known. She had few doubts it had been crafted specifically for intercourse. It was like a chair, but lower and more space so one could lie out, thinner so that if one straddled it, they would not have to spread their legs too far. Teil pushed the braided woman down onto the lounger so that her legs were off the end and she was lying down. Teil turned around and spread her ass wide. She shifted her hips back and forth, giving the woman a good view of her gaping asshole before Teil lowered herself slowly on the stiffened girlco*ck. In one smooth motion, Teil took the entire length and girth into her used asshole. She was settling in and taking a full seat on the woman’s lap. Teil heard her moan as her co*ck slid inside Teil. And in response, Teil circled her hips slowly. Teil opened her legs and announced forcefully to the remaining four members,

“I am the Basin; you will please me tonight. I have already taken ten other of your members, pleased them, and taken their seed. I am likely already pregnant with the next generation. So tonight, you five will not worry about creating new life, only about our pleasure.” Teil could not comprehend these words that flowed so naturally from her. ‘You will please me tonight’? Where did that come from? She was far too timid ever to have even thought of those things. But it didn’t matter; Teil could see the four other women get harder. There was only a moment of hesitation before they approached her, co*cks ready. Teil took them in order, the first she guided down into her vacant puss*. The feeling of both her holes being filled was becoming commonplace and even pleasurable at moments. Teil did not care that the poor woman had to squat to reach Teil’s wet hole awkwardly, and it seemed that she did not mind either as she plunged her hard girlco*ck deep inside Teil. Quickly the two co*cks inside of Teil started to find rhythm, one sliding out as the other pushed deeper, a recurring penetration that left Teil weak.

The other three approached, and Teil quickly started to care for the throbbing girlco*cks. The first one she took in her hand and began to stroke to the same rhythm she was being f*cked by. The second girlco*ck came to her twitching and already leaking precum. Teil took it in her mouth instantly, swallowing as much of the fat co*ck as she could. Teil worked her tongue around the head and shaft as she tried to gulp down another few inches. She could feel the co*ck continue to twitch in her mouth, pushing itself deeper and trying to expand her throat. Teil gave in and forced her head forward to help the struggling woman. Teil could feel her start to lose her inhibitions and use Teil’s throat for her pleasure. Teil mindlessly groped her one free hand out to the side until it encountered the last girlco*ck. Instinctively, Teil started to stroke. Her mind was pacing internally. She was trying her best to please and pleasure five co*cks at once. She couldn’t help but feel disgusted and revolted by her actions. She couldn’t believe how naturally her body was moving and directing this. Teil had a moment of clarity. An abnormal moment of clarity in the most absurd situation. All she wanted was for this to be over. She wanted to be done with the abuse and use. And the drink made her inhibitions disappear. And she wanted to be done. This had to be her body’s way of speeding up the process. No point in fighting or resisting; she was going to be f*cked and used. She might as well be in charge of helping it along. She could please five co*cks at once, and hopefully, that would get all five to completion quicker. No longer having to wait for her puss* to be free so another load could be shot inside of her, she could get them all off quickly and be done.

That had to be it, right? Teil thought to herself as her three holes and two hands were assaulted. This new thought that had flooded her brain renewed her self-image. Maybe she wasn’t secretly enjoying this, defying all reason. Perhaps this was a path to the end. A way to finish this night and all its horrors. She only wanted to finish this night and forget how she had been violated repeatedly, raped beyond thought, and made into an animal fit only for breeding. Teil pondered all these thoughts, but it did not change her situation. She was still sitting there, a co*ck in her ass, one in her puss*, one in each hand, and one about to unleash a torrent of cum into her already full belly. Teil’s wandering mind was snapped back to the present, her vacation far from this abuse cut short by her asshole stretching even further by the girthy co*ck shoved deep inside of her. She did not know why the co*ck started to flex and pulse inside of her. Maybe she was getting too excited using the Basin’s ‘common hole.’ Perhaps it was the sensation of the other girlco*ck rubbing against her, separated only by a thin layer of flesh. Whatever it may be, Teil felt her ass open and constrict against the pulsing co*ck. Not a moment too soon either, as she pulled her head back and felt the co*ck in her mouth slide out with a satisfying pop. She looked down at the co*ck coated with her saliva, Teil’s chest heaving, trying to catch her breath. Her circulating and hips were also slowing—a quick moment to recenter herself after being lost in thought.

Not that she ever got the chance. As she was composing herself, she felt the co*ck slide from her puss* and her body be lifted off the co*ck that was in her ass. Roughly, she was lifted in the air and brought down harshly to her knees. Before she could rebalance, Teil felt her hair grabbed, her head pulled back, and a girlco*ck shoved deep in her mouth and down her throat. Teil gagged and violently reacted to the sudden insertion. She lifted her butt off her knees and arched her back, trying to wrench herself away from the co*ck in her throat. But she was held firmly in place by the strong hand of the woman above her. By the taste, this had to be the co*ck that was in her puss* only moments ago. She recognized the all too familiar taste of her juices mixed with old cum and the poignant taste of girlco*ck. Her head was finally released as Teil fell back on her knees, coughing and sputtering. A hot load suddenly coated her face, getting in her coughing mouth, on her tongue, and in her eyes. Her face quickly became a sticky mess of girl cum from the same woman who had used her throat. As Teil started to wipe it from her eyes, she felt her hair grabbed again, and another girlco*ck slid down her throat. Teil’s hands flailed and looked for something to hold onto. But all she was met with was several sets of legs. She realized that she was surrounded by the five now. All are towering over her and waiting for their turn. Her flailing hands were grabbed and brought to two different girlco*cks and forced to stroke. Teil tried to open her eyes and felt a hand reach down to her. It wiped away the cum from her eyes and allowed her to see her current situation better. Looking straight up at one woman, whose co*ck was currently pushing deep past Teil’s mouth, a woman to the left and to the right that she was stroking. Teil let herself go a bit limp and let the woman holding her hair f*ck her face with all the force she wanted. Just opening wide and letting the co*ck slide in and out while her hands were moved in, stroking fashions for two other waiting co*cks. Soon, it was this woman’s turn as well. She pulled Teil’s head back and, just like before, unleashed a hot load of cum all over Teil’s face. Gasping for air, Teil got it in her mouth and dripped off her face down to her breasts.

Quickly she had another co*ck forced between her reluctant lips. This was one that she had been forced to stroke. Her now free hand quickly grabbed and placed on the last girlco*ck that had not been pleasured. Teil could tell by the taste that this was the co*ck that had been in her ass. She hated the fact that she knew what her ass tasted like. Again, she let herself go limp, a piece of meat to be used and abused by another fat co*ck ramming itself down her throat. Teil’s ass must have been too much of a tease, too pleasurable for this woman, because she did not last long in Teil’s mouth. Much sooner than the others, Teil was released and promptly covered in cum. She knew what would happen next and swiftly opened her mouth like the good little piece of meat she was.

Without warning, another co*ck was shoved in, not that she needed warning anymore. This was the fourth time, and with each passing thrust, she got more used to the sensation of her mouth being abused. She couldn’t even concentrate on the last co*ck in her hands. Her wrist was going limp, and her grip lacked strength. Not that it mattered to her abusers. She was nothing but a receptacle for them. A toy will be used and passed along to the next person. She hated herself, her body, that drink. She hated this tribe, this jungle, everything. But Teil didn’t even have the energy to hate anymore as her mouth was constantly stuffed with girlco*ck. She felt the co*ck jump as she swallowed reflexively against the pool of liquid in her mouth. This was all the co*ck needed to coax out the heavy load from the set of girlballs resting on her chin. Head back, mouth open and coughing, chest heaving for air, cum all over face. Fourth time in quick succession. It seemed to phase her less and less. She let herself go limp, ready for her hair to be grabbed again and forced upon the last girlco*ck.

But that did not happen. Instead, her limp, lifeless body was picked up and heaved onto a bed. Bench? Some furniture that Teil could not care about. Lying on her back, her head lolled off the edge. Before Teil’s waning brain power could decipher what was happening, a co*ck slid into her mouth. Unfettered by the natural bend of a neck and throat, the co*ck slid in with ease. The heavy girlballs resting on Teil’s nose and eyes. Short thrusts back and forth, Teil’s mouth got used. Her arms dangling off the edges of the furniture, and her legs askew. She felt her body be touched and groped by her hands. Numerous hands. More than just the pair that belonged to the woman using her throat currently. She couldn’t see, her vision obscured by the balls on her face, and when they would shift, all Teil saw was the woman’s asshole floating above her. She didn’t move; she couldn’t move. Each small thrust shifted and moved her body as if she were a lifeless doll. Soon enough, Teil felt the knowing twitch and pulse. She didn’t care. She didn’t move. She let the co*ck slide from her throat and shoot its load all over her body. Her lifeless head hung unceremoniously off the table, and she couldn’t react anymore.

Soon, she was left there. All alone, she thought. Still unmoving, coated in more fluids than she could imagine. Every part of her hurt. Her holes, obviously, but her hands, back, feet, and hair also hurt. She started to disassociate, levitate above her body, or maybe fall deep within. Like a dream, she was aware of what was happening around her. She felt someone close start to clean her up. Wiping her spent body down. She felt another sit her up. It was daylight. Had she fallen asleep? For how long? It could not have been that long; she still hurt. But she was clean now. Still nude, but clean. Her hair has been brushed and redone. She slept. She must have slept because sometimes it was night and sometimes day. She had to have done other things as well. Like eat, drink, or use the bathroom. But none of it registered in her broken, absent mind. She was aware that there was life and commotion around her. She didn’t care. She wasn’t there anymore. She was far, far away.

She knew she was moving and being carried. Maybe. It didn’t matter. She didn’t care where she was going. She saw the trees and sunlight, and it must be day again. But then it was dark. Dark and cold. Nighttime? No, she was sure it was just daytime. But she did not trust her mind anymore. She felt the cool ground rise to meet her and the sounds of commotion surrounding her. She felt her limbs move and be placed in specific positions. And soon she heard less, was aware of less. Teil felt fewer and fewer presences around her. She enjoyed it, the peace, being alone. If she was alone, no one could hurt her. She lay there, somewhere, just happy to finally be alone.

Teil groggily regained consciousness at some point. It could have been hours or days. All she knew was that she was back among the world of the living. Or she assumed. It didn’t feel like death or what she assumed death felt like. She hazily tried to get her bearings and figure out what was happening. She had no idea how long it had been since that night. Quintecnoct or whatever they called it. Her body didn’t feel as sore as it had, but she did not feel fully rejuvenated. But it was time for her assessment, that process that had been burned into her since the early training days. Something all magus are taught. This time, it was easy. No clothes, she had cast off her robe, and her underclothes were ruined in the jungle. No bag of items; those were long gone. And most deleterious, no staff. She missed her staff so much. It was like a safety net; she was never the most powerful or capable, but she could handle whatever was thrown at her thus far.

Looking around, she was in a cave, a structure, but she wasn’t sure. It was cool and damp, and it seemed as if everything was made of stone. It was a nice change from the hot and oppressive jungle. Looking closer, it was not a cave. The stones were cut and placed well, showing that this was manufactured. She was on the ground, but it seemed to be a designated spot; carvings surrounded her. Circles and intricate designs all converged on the place where she lay.

“It seems they found another one,” a voice called from the darkness in the distance. The silence being broken sent shivers up Teil’s spine reflexively. It was far from the best choice, but Teil froze in the spot, hoping against all odds the voice was not referring to her.

“Don’t be shy, child; who are you?” The voice asked, gentler as if it could sense the trepidation emanating from Teil’s body. The voice seemed calmer than at first. And did not sound like any normal voice. It was almost too overpowering. If a voice could have a presence, this would be commanding. Teil still did not want to respond, not that she was afraid. She was considerably changed due to her time in the jungle. It was not apathy, it was not strength, it was absence. Teil was devoid of feelings. Like she had her entire self scrapped from her body, all that was left was a vessel—a Basin.

“Basin, I am the Basin,” Teil responded to the voice. Teil’s voice surprised her; she could not remember the last time she spoke. Surprisingly, her voice was not dry and cracked or weak. It was just flat. Devoid of inflection and strength.

“Basin? They must have found you; that makes more sense. Why are you here?” the voice answered knowingly, “I don’t often get visitors, but when I do, it is normally from them.” Teil realized that they must be referring to the…. Actually, Teil did not know the name of the tribe. In all of their dealings, she never knew what they called themselves. Not that it mattered. “Basin,” the voice said again, almost condescendingly, “They still do not have a word for mother. I have tried to teach them, but it never seems to work.”

“Wait, what does Basin mean then? Why did they call me that?” Teil hoped to finally get an answer to why they referred to her by such a weird name or title.

“Because they have no better word for a person to carry their children. Unsurprisingly, none of the tribes can carry children, so they use the next closest thing, the basin. An object used to carry precious things.” The voice answered soothingly. It was not a bad voice to listen to. It seemed to overtake Teil’s body, causing her to feel the voice around her.

“Then who are you?” Teil finally asked the question that needed to be answered, the one she struggled with since waking.

“Me? I am Mayu,” the voice responded, almost laughing. The lightness in the voice put Teil at ease, even though such a preposterous claim was made.

“Mayu? Like the jungle we are in? Amaru Mayu? You are the jungle?” Teil fired off questions in quick succession.

“Mmmmm, more like the jungle is me, or it is my jungle. This is difficult to explain to you. But this is my temple. This is my land. I created all this as a place to live out my days in peace and tranquility.”

“But how? And what are you? How can I hear you? I don’t understand,” Teil answered truthfully.

“Oh, child, you are not hearing me. Not with your ears. I am speaking to you, and only you. I am Mayu. I am the jungle; the jungle is me. In terms you are familiar with, I am a God. A force. An entity that is older than your people or civilization. This is my temple, and you are my offering.” The voice soothingly answered. They were trying their best to be calming, but the realization and gravity of those words caused Teil to panic slightly. Gods were known, prayed to, and worshiped but never met. They were supposed to be long gone from this world. Teil felt the anxiety start to rise through her when she noticed movement to her side. Turning quickly, she saw a vine begin to move near her. Coiled in it was a container made of wrapped leaves and fibers filled with water. “I can feel your emotions, sense your thoughts. Here, drink. It is water, nothing else. Drink and calm your nervous mind.” Teil listened and took the earthen cup. Once she started drinking, she realized how parched she was. How much her body craved the water. As she finished, she looked down, and a new shiver ran through her body. The vine. It was the same that she encountered before. The same that nearly stripped her of all her nutrients and violated every part of her body. Reflexively, she backed away, dropping the cup.

“Do not fear child, Teil. The vines will not touch you here. Salt is a precious commodity out in the jungle, and sometimes I get carried away.” Teil was reeling from the shock and confession that had just been implied. If they knew her name and why Teil was afraid, then she knew what had happened to her.

“That was you? You did that to me?” Teil asked, a cross between indignation and fear.

“Yes, and no. I am the jungle; this is all me. But I am not constantly everywhere. I am aware of what happened to you. I remember your taste just as the jungle remembers your taste. But do not fear; here, in this place, I am in control. Nothing will happen without my express permission.” Teil decided to drop the hope of understanding; Gods were above what mortals could comprehend then.

“Alright, Mayu, then what is next? What is to become of me?” Teil no longer had a reason to be coy. She wanted to cut straight to the point and discover her life. She could have died in the jungle. But then she would be kept as breeding stock for a tribe, and now she was an offering to a God. She deserved to know what was in store for her life. However, much of it remained.

“Oh, sweet child, fear not. I have had numerous offerings in the past. I often leave them be, and they are taken away after my ‘approval.’ But you, Teil, your mind is different. Your body is different. I already know your taste. And it has been far too long since I have been selfish enough to keep an offering.” As the severity of these words washed over Teil’s body, she noticed movement from the darkness. Vines, leaves, flowers, and fauna were converging into a mass. Forming a shape is vaguely human. The shape of a woman is slender and tall, just over Teil’s height. It started to walk towards Teil as it finished forming, cutting ties with all the plants that created it. It walked lightly, gracefully, and confidently. Its blank face is uncanny to behold. Devoid of all typical features, it seemed to look upon Teil. Suddenly, two leaves formed eyebrows on the featureless face as if due to a realization. “I always forget that you express through your eyebrows. It is a concept that is still humorous to me.” Mayu added as an afterthought.

Teil was stunned, a walking sentient plant before her. A God? A vessel? Her mind started to warp, and she could feel the seams of her conscience begin to pull and fray. “Shhh, stop that worry, stop that thinking, stop right now, and let’s get you taken care of.” As the voice comforted Teil, she saw the form reach out to her and try to touch her. Teil backed away reflexively and tried to move, but exhaustion and mental overload caused her to stumble. She started to tip back and was caught by more plants, forming a soft landing. They lifted her and held her steady, then began to move her.

“Wh-where am I going?” Teil asked cautiously, still not trusting plants, this figure, or Mayu.

“To rejuvenate and calm you child, Teil,” Mayu added as an afterthought. Her plant form was striding alongside Teil’s carried body. Teil did not fight; there was no point; she learned that long ago. But it did not help calm her fears about what would come next. But where they ended up was not what she expected. A pool of green liquid, light emanating from deep within. Not the only source of light in this dark temple. The walls and ceilings were coated in plants that emitted a soft blue light. Calm and tranquil, it gave Teil enough light to see her surroundings. This was its room, separated from the rest of the temple. The plants softly put her beside the pool, and Teil got a better look at the liquid. It seemed to move on its own and to be thicker than water. Mayu strode beside Teil and asked gently, “Care to get in?”

“Why, what is it?” Teil answered hesitantly. She had no desire to drown in this temple. But despite her trepidation, she slowly slipped one foot into the pool. It felt warm, body temperature, and it tingled her skin as she sunk her leg in,

“This is one of my creations. It does not have a name. But it is a cleanser. Not quite aware; I control it. Think of it as a bath where I control the water.” Mayu answered softly, walking around to the edge of the pool. Teil felt her trepidation fade slightly, and she lowered herself into the pool more. The sensation on her skin was curious but not awful, like fantastic sandpaper brushing around her. She could feel the grime that seemed to embed itself into her skin be sloughed away. Even though she had been bathed and cleaned, she never truly felt clean. Teil lowered her body entirely. She was submersing it in the cleansing goo. There was a ledge for her to sit upon; if she leaned back, she could submerge herself to her neck. She rested her head back on the stone, attempting to relax, when she felt movement behind her. With a jump, she sat upright and looked back. “Calm, Child, no harm will come to you here; I only wish to make you more comfortable,” Mayu reassured. Sure enough, Teil looked back, and a web of fauna formed a headrest for her against the stone. Teil leaned back again and relaxed into the pool up to her neck again. She felt more sensations up her head and in her hair. Tensing and aware, she tried to decipher what was happening. She felt her hair gathered and pulled together, then bound above her head.

“Just getting it out of the way, child. Your hair is beautiful and dark. I wouldn’t want it to get in the way of your cleansing.” Mayu answered Teil’s thoughts. She started to relax in the pool, nearly overwhelmed with the sensation over her body. It was not constant but seemed to roll in waves over her, stripping her grime and stress. Teil felt a touch on the back of her neck. Something warm for the first time, something soft. “I remember this skin. I remember your body, Teil.” Mayu said as Teil accepted the touch. “I remember thinking how nice it was to find all your sensitive areas. And I seem to remember some things you enjoyed.” At this last sentence, Teil felt more pressure around her nipples. Different than the tingling cleaning sensation. More force and attention. Almost as if they were being massaged. The pressure radiated out, engulfing both of her breasts. Like solid hands, they kneaded and worked over her. Teil stiffened at the sudden change but could not keep herself from moaning.

“Relax, child. I know what you like. I know what you desire. I am in your mind.” With soft encouragement, Teil leaned into the sensation. It was gentle and reassuring. She felt her body relax in the pool. As she did, the massaging sensation started to spread. Away from just her sore breasts but to her legs and back. Stomach and feet. It was as if hundreds of hands were running over her in all directions. It was a sensation that Teil did not know could exist. She felt her muscles work and move. She did not realize the stress she had held so deeply within them. The goo seemed to pull it out of her slowly and through force. At this rate, Teil would become one with the goo as the tension was worked out of her. As she leaned back into the goo and fully accepted its relaxing nature, Mayu started to speak to Teil. Softly.

“I want to keep you, Teil. But I will not force you. I do not take many beings such as yourself as my own. I have little to no need to. I have the jungle, all its inhabitants and creatures. All the life teeming from the floor to the canopy. I sense them all and can be with any number of them. But you, Teil, I like. I like what I see in your mind. I like the taste of your skin, how you nourished me in the middle of the jungle. I see through you and see a being that I can have as my own, that I can claim, mold, and shape. It has been far too long since I have cared for a being personally.”

As all this was being said, Teil let her mind wander. Allow herself to wonder if she would be alright with this. To be cared for by a God. What would that entail? Would she be a priestess, a companion, a pet? She started to believe that it did not matter. She was enraptured by the sensation over her skin. The deep manipulation of her body provided relief that she was not even aware she needed. Teil settled in and began to accept fully the sensation that consumed her when Mayu added one last bit to her explanation.

“It has been too long since I have pleasured a body.” And with that, the goo started to move differently. It began to focus on her lips. Not the ones above the surface, but the ones below. The same gentle massaging started. Soft and firm, pulling the tension from her body like a sponge. She moved her hips slightly, rolling the sensation over her body. It tracked and traced her movements as if it was stuck to her. Teil felt some of the most relaxing pleasure she had ever experienced. She felt her mound massaged and rubbed, her lips parted, and each provided its own attention. Carefully caressed and kneaded, it was overwhelming for a moment. Teil felt her hips rise into the ethereal force providing the needed stimulation. She thought it traced up and down her, pushing between her lips and to the sides. Cupping and squeezing every inch of her sore puss*. She felt her lips part again, and in addition to the kneading sensation, she felt the force start to be applied to her cl*t. Direct attention to her most sensitive area. Soft and light at first, but present. Teil leaned her head against the woven mat and breathed heavier. With no one else in front of her, it was hard to focus on anything, so she closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensations.

She felt the pressure continue around her increasingly yearning cl*t while the lips between her legs were stimulated and rubbed. She felt her hole start to get explored. She had to be wet by now, and there was no way for her not to be. But it was difficult to tell with the goo encompassing her body. It was slight pressure, just at the opening. It was tracing in circles her entrance. Feeling every part, the subtle differences in her skin texture. She moaned at the sensation, like being teased by a force you cannot comprehend. Teil soaked it all in and allowed the goo to have its with her. To let Mayu have its way with her. She started to release her inhibitions and let the desire take its place. Soon, more and more spots began to get the same treatment. Slowly at first, her nipples, her ass, her tummy, her neck. It was like a hundred hands were replaced with just as many lips. She was kissing and caressing her.

It was difficult not to succumb to the pleasure right there. She felt herself get close, that tingling that started in her toes, making it known that she would be in the full grips of an org*sm soon. Just as that tingling began to spread, the sensations died down. It was as if the lips all parted from her body at once. It was difficult not to cry out and question what had just happened. Teil’s eyes opened, and she looked at the featureless figure of Mayu. Or at least what used to be featureless. In its place, Mayu had added all things familiar to a face. She now had the same eyebrows as before. But also some of the glowing plants for eyes. A slimly shaped nose and the red petals of a flower for lips. Her figure also seems more defined, as if Mayu had revamped and resculpted herself into a more divine form. A definitively female form. Teil looked up into the glowing eyes, forgetting the injustice that had just occurred. Mesmerized with the art of crafting plants into a figure, her mind went blank.

“Worry not, child. You will experience all the pleasure you desire soon. I simply wanted your attention for a second before we dove in,” Mayu said softly with unmoving lips. She reached her slender hand out to Teil’s face, her long, graceful, green fingers touching her cheek softly.

“Yes, Goddess,” Teil answered without thinking. With that simple acknowledgment, the lips returned. Teil’s head arched back in an open mouth moan at the sudden return. The forces restarted right where they left off—massaging her body and focusing on her most sensitive areas. It felt as if someone was sucking on each of her nipples gently. Then, with increasing intensity. As they nearly got to the point of pain or discomfort, they would restart and become gentle again. Her swollen puss* lips were kneaded and rubbed by invisible fingers. The attention on her engorged cl*t. Pressure rounding circles around the edge and then lightly presses it directly. It was a soft up-and-down motion to begin, but as time passed, it changed to a squeezing pressure, much like a mouth, but more intense. She could feel her hips start to move with the sensation and work with the goo surrounding her body. It also resumed exploring her little hole. Again, it wanted to tease her. It was rimming the edge of her opening, pushing lightly on the outside, showing that it could plunge into her at any moment but holding back. Teil felt as hundreds of kisses coated her body. It was a surreal sensation and one that she could never tire of.

The tingling started again at her toes. She felt the sensation start to rise through her. Teil opened her eyes and looked at Mayu's glowing eyes. Her hand touching Teil’s face still. Teil reached up and put her hand on top of Mayu’s. With that slight acknowledgment, Teil started to org*sm. The sensations around her body grew more intense and powerful as she began to org*sm. The circling of her cl*t became direct stimulation, forceful and dynamic. The teasing of her hole culminated in a filling sensation. She knew the goo was filling her puss*, and she wanted more; she wanted to be filled more. As those thoughts ran through Teil’s mind, more goo filled inside of her, reaching every crevice and part of her. She gripped Mayu’s hand as she started to tremble and shake under the immense pressure. Teil’s mouth opened and closed randomly as if she had lost control of her muscles.

As Teil’s back arched and whimpery moans escaped her lips, Mayu started to speak to Teil. “Yes, child, let go, child. Let me please you. Relax with me and let the pleasure wash over you. You have had a hard time in the jungle; let me take care of you. Just give into the sensations.” With the soft words and affirmation, Teil finally crested over the edge and began to shake violently as the org*sm shot through her body. Whimpers turned into screams of pleasure. Movements of the hips became unrestrained bucking. And soft sensations became intense pressure. Teil came and kept cumming, over and over again. Just as one org*sm would start to fade, another would rise and take its place. Teil soon lost count and then feared losing consciousness. As her eyes closed to try to focus on staying present, she finally felt the sensations subside.

The sensation of lips morphed back to hands and started to work on her back. Starting at her spine and kneading outwards, her body began to receive an entire rub down. Teil looked up at Mayu’s face breathlessly, “Wh-what am I to you? What do you want from me?” Worried that pleasure like that came at a price. Because nothing that good was ever free.

“Nothing, my dear sweet child. You are to be my companion. I will watch over you and make sure you are well taken care of.” Was the answer that filled Teil’s mind. It was unbelievable, literally. Nothing like this came for free. Surely, she was meant to be a sacrifice or a breeding stock. Some awful punishment awaited her. “No.” The voice tenderly answered her thoughts, “Dismiss those ideations. I want nothing more than to spend time with you.” Mayu reassured Teil.

“How do you do that?” Teil asked, “Answer my thoughts?” Mayu chucked at the question, spoken aloud as if it was apparent.

“Sweet child, I am beyond your comprehension. I am all around and inside of you. You know this form is not me, correct?” Mayu asked, gesturing to the plant-based form. “This is just a physical representation for your comfort. I built this form for you to put you at ease.” The realization of the situation dawned over Teil as she came to grips with who or what this was. What Mayu was. With her muddled post-org*sm brain, it was difficult to reconcile the reality, but it was slowly starting to come together. She decided to accept it for now. She had always been aware of things beyond her comprehension, and they never bothered her before. Just because one was with her now should not change that attitude. Teil’s response to the explanation was to lean into the form’s, Mayu’s, hand and think how grateful she was for the form. Teil could feel a tender laughter course through her body at her acceptance.

They shared that moment as Teil’s body recuperated. She continued to be massaged as she sat there, reclining in the living pool. As she let her mind drift, Teil started to contemplate what this meant, what was possible. She wondered if it was possible for the goo to—“Yes.” Mayu answered suddenly. “I know what you desire.” And with that simple response, the pleasurable sensations started again, enveloping Teil’s body.

Teil started to realize what this new connection meant. If Mayu knew her thoughts and feelings, there was no reason to talk, ask, or say anything. And Mayu had just demonstrated that they knew what Teil thought before she finished thinking it. And what Teil wanted was to feel good. She wanted to be in control, to be pleasured. She was tired of being used by others and fearing for her life. She did not want the slow build-up, she did not want the teasing, and she wanted to be filled. With that realization, she felt the goo spread to her lips and start to pour inside of her. Forcefully, it entered her and emptied back out, then reentered. Each time a bit more filled her needy puss*. She craved that sensation, that stretching of her puss* to its maximum. As she started to get f*cked in her puss*, she felt the goo circle her ass. Testing to see how much should enter her other tight hole. She felt the sensation of something thin enter her ass and slowly expand. With every passing moment, both of her holes were getting stretched and used. Her puss* took the ever-increasing volume with each thrust while her ass started to expand slowly, stretching, and being pulled apart.

Teil reveled the sensation of her holes being stretched. She started to moan and move with the thrusts. She felt the rest of her body begin to get played with. Her breasts were lifted, her nipples pinched, her back kissed, and a caressing sensation on her inner thighs. She wanted more; she wanted the feeling of being f*cked in both of her holes. As this thought crossed her mind, it started. Suddenly the filling sensation of her puss* and stretching of her ass was no more. Instead, it was as if two thick rods formed and took each entrance as their own. They would alternate at first, one sliding in and the other sliding out. Then in tandem, both of her holes are getting f*cked by this goo. By Mayu. Teil started to lose herself in the sensations. The attention her body was receiving was unlike anything else. It was as if she was a queen being served by countless loyal subjects. The power and control was intoxicating. She could experience anything sitting here. She laid her head back and started to enjoy the worship.

Soon, a new sensation began, not from the pool. Two hands started to rub her head and trace down her face. Slender fingers playing with Teil’s lips. She did not need to open her eyes to know it was Mayu or Mayu’s from touching her. Soon, her voice rippled through Teil’s mind.

“I have always loved the moral form. Lips: I could never make perfect lips and always wanted a pair. I want to know what having something so soft and sensitive is like. Something so versatile and malleable.” Mayu said all this while tracing Teil’s lips with her fingers. The sensation, paired with the constant thrusting deep inside her ass and puss* started to bring Teil to the edge again, far too quickly. Teil didn’t know if she would slow down and have these sensations last longer or give in the pleasure. “Give in,” Mayu resounded through Teil’s body as everything suddenly intensified.

The rods pounding both of Teil’s willing holes increased in girth substantially, stretching her already used holes to new bounds. Teil gasped luxuriously at her widening. She wanted more, to be filled more, to feel more, to take more. At those thoughts, her holes stretched with each thrust inside of her, taking her to her max. She could hardly take it anymore and began panting wildly, not able to catch her breath. Each thrust brought her closer to bliss, closer to that rumbling pleasure that she had grown addicted to. She could not deny it anymore; she was addicted to having her holes filled, and right now, she needed Mayu to fill them. She would do anything to keep getting her fix of sexual release. She needed it more than she needed air now. There was only one thing she needed to climax, one last sensation that she had grown accustomed to; she needed the warm flooding of her insides; she needed to be cum in. Her brain was no longer acting rationally; if given one second of logical thought, she would realize that there was no cum for her to have.

That did not matter; Teil was getting f*cked by a God. And Gods make anything happen. Teil had her holes pumped faster and harder, and just when she was getting close, both rods plunged deep inside of her. She could feel their pulse and twitch as they unleashed the largest load Teil had ever felt. She felt the hot sensation of her womb being filled to the brim and the overflow leaking out. She felt the pressure rise inside her belly as her ass was filled more and more with each passing moment. Throwing her head back and screaming at the intense pleasure that wrapped her body, she took every drop like the good little pet she was. As she slowly came down, she could feel her insides empty, and her holes started to return to their natural state. Teil was sure that she would never be the same after that. With ragged breaths, she looked up at Mayu and asked, “How. What was that?”

“Nothing is impossible for you, child,” Was the answer that resounded around her. Teil wanted to curl around that resounding voice, to be comforted and consumed by it. To bask in the post-org*sm bliss and lie unmoving for hours. For all Teil knew, she did. The next thing she knew, she was lying in a bed of fauna. Carefully knitted together and formed to be as comfortable as possible for her. It was the first time she had slept well in ages. It was the first time that she fell asleep rather than passed out. The difference was staggering. She must have been in that pool for a while because she had never felt cleaner.

Clean, well-rested, and refreshed, she stood up from her bed. The floor, despite being stonework, was not cold and damp. The whole area felt much more than a dark and gloomy temple. She would have expected it to be wet and stale, the air heavy and suffocating. But it was rather pleasant. Whole areas were lit by the soft blue glow of the bioluminescent plant life, the gloom kept at bay by the copious plant life. The air is fresh and inviting for the same reason.

Teil decided to search out Mayu and learn more about her future. It dawned on her the naivete of that thought when Teil heard her voice echo through her, “What is it that you are curious about? I assume you slept well, my child?”

When Teil heard the voice, she realized the error in her thoughts. She allowed herself to relax and give in to the lack of privacy within this dynamic. Dozens of questions began to race through Teil’s mind. Who was she to Mayu, how long would she be here, could she ever go back home, could she ever come back if she did, what would happen with the tribe, would they come looking for her, what would happen next? As each new question sprang forth in her mind, she was filled with more anxiety and trepidation.

The laughter grew within Teil with each passing question, as did Mayu's. “Stop worrying, child. You are no slave. You are not beholden to anything here. If you wish, you can return to your lands, but returning after will be more difficult. The easiest way to return after leaving would be the same way you came here originally, through one of my magic circles. If you ever step foot in this forest again, I will find you quickly. You are my companion for as long as you please. I will care for you and ensure your needs are met. You might be closer to a pet in that regard. The natives here will not bother us, and I am sure they will get another ‘basin’ before long. I will make sure they survive. And as for what is next, that is up to you, child.”

Each line spoken to Teil abated her worries and doubts. She started to lean into the comfort, accepting this as a new role in life. Teil had never imagined this for herself and never wondered what she may want. But she could start now. This jungle had forever changed her, and she wasn’t sure it was for the better. Her thoughts had dramatically changed and became more sexual. She had experienced far more forms of pleasure and violation than she could have previously comprehended. Things that she had felt, done, and withstood were unrivaled. Some experiences she was eternally grateful for, and others she wished could be stripped from her memory.

“Mayu,” Teil spoke aloud for no reason; Teil knew she was in her mind, “I want to be with you, and I want…..more of you,” she finished meekly. The genial laughter started again, and Teil watched as a form grew and molded before her. Teil knew what she wanted and what form she wanted Mayu to take and create. But what was coming together before her was better than she could have imagined. She had grown to love that fantastic girlco*ck. The soft feminine form but with the best part of a man. She craved it now. It was something she had never dreamed of, but after her time with the tribe, it was the only thing that could satisfy her. Teil watched it form, the co*ck before her. Every time she thought it could not get any larger, it did. Bit by bit, it was created, almost as if Mayu was teasing her. Transfixed on the co*ck that would soon use her holes, Teil forgot to watch the rest of the body get made. She noticed a hand reach down and gesture to Teil, directing her to look up. Teil raised her eyes, scanning the new body.

A beautiful mixture of greens, blues, and reds formed the new body. No longer slender and slim. But heavy in the right areas. Her legs were long and smooth, smoother than any plant should be. But Teil should no longer be amazed by what Mayu could do. The legs widened and widened, leading up to the roundest, fattest, juiciest ass Teil had ever seen. Teil’s mouth was watering at its sight. She forced her eyes to move up the small of her back, her waist tiny compared to what lay above and below. Mayu’s chest was massive, bigger than Teil’s by far. Bigger than any of the tribeswomen. Where nipples should be were two flowers that she had encountered in the forest. The ones that had cleaned Teil’s skin of all nutrients. Mayu’s head had changed as well. She had created a mouth and lips, a change from the previous iteration. These lips were full, soft, and seemed to move like actual lips. Again, her eyes were the soft glowing blue. But all of that paled in comparison to what Teil was initially and finally drawn to, the heavy, swinging, girthy co*ck between her legs.

As big as Teil’s forearm easily, it was massive. As girthy as the co*ck that destroyed Teil’s ass before, but much longer as well. And it was not hard yet. Slowly, Mayu started to approach Teil, the co*ck swaying with every step like a heavy pendulum. Teil could feel herself begin to get wet in both her puss* and mouth. Mayu started to speak, but Teil could no longer hear. Her mind had stopped functioning while watching that co*ck come closer and closer. Suddenly, Teil dropped to her knees and opened her mouth. Mayu walked up and adjusted so the tip of the enormous co*ck rested on Teil’s tongue. Gently, as if transfixed, Teil started to roll the head around her mouth. She was closing her eyes and savoring the unique taste. It's almost sweet and a bit earthy. Teil reveled in the flavor. It dawned on her as she rolled her head around, making sure to get each last taste. Mayu was talking. Not a voice in her head but from the lips. She was speaking. Her eyes popped open, and she looked up as she wrapped her lips around the co*ck.

“Surprised pet? I thought this was more of what you would like. Something more familiar and comfortable to please you. I did make all this for you.” Mayu answered Teil’s unspoken question. “Awww, you look so cute on your knees and wanting this in your mouth.” At Mayu’s last comment, Teil went back to taking as much of that thick girlco*ck as she could. Opening as wide as possible, Teil managed to get just about a third into her mouth. She could feel the corners of her mouth stretch and start to tear. It was just too big. Teil started swirling her tongue around its massiveness, bobbing her head back and forth and trying to coat it in slick saliva so it would go further into her wanting mouth. Teil needed this co*ck, as much as possible, all of it, deep inside of her. She wanted to taste every bit of the shaft and see if it would reach her stomach when she finally took it to the base. But as Teil tried everything she knew how, she realized that it would be impossible. She could not get it all into her mouth.

Teil tried everything she could to get that co*ck deep in her. She started to twist her head with the bobbing, hoping that the circular motion would soon spiral that co*ck down her throat. She was swallowing with each thrust to get that extra little bit deeper inside her throat. Getting her throat to stretch that extra bit to accommodate the thick co*ck before her. She struggled and worked to get it inside of her. She needed it. One good push of her head down on the co*ck forced it a bit further, and then she felt something new. Her head was forced down even more. She was able to finally get to the halfway point, half of that glorious co*ck down her eager wet throat. As she returned to the air, she looked behind her and saw that vines and plants had come to her aid. Wrapping her hair up and out of the way, they helped guide her down that co*ck, and provided the much-needed force to take even more.

Inspired by the assistance, Teil attacked the co*ck with her mouth with a new vengeance. She opened wide and slammed her head against it, taking it halfway to her gullet. The vines quickly came to her aid and pushed her head down, allowing her to take more each time. Repeatedly, this would happen, Teil taking as much as she could and the vines pushing until she had to return for air. Each time she would get a bit closer to her goal, each time the co*ck went a bit further down her throat. Teil didn’t know why she needed this and did not understand the passion that drove her to complete this Sisyphean task. But she powered on, resolved and determined to take it all.

Her mouth weakened when she was about her limit, and her determination turned to frustration. She felt the vines wrap around her legs and waist. She was lifted and placed on a raised bed. Lying on her back, her head rolled off the edge. She saw the co*ck, Mayu, moving to greet her. Opening her mouth, getting ready for the beautiful face f*cking she was about to receive, Teil greeted the co*ck happily. Teil straightened her throat and relaxed her jaw. She felt the tip slide in and start its dive deep inside of her. Happy and content moans began to escape from deep within her. She felt the tip slide down and into her throat. She felt resistance as it became too big for her. The corners of her mouth stretched wide and to their limit. Her throat was screaming in protest, and it expanded to its maximum. Just as Teil thought she could take no more, she felt a hand on her neck and another. Mayu was holding her neck in place, bracing. She felt as if the co*ck was then forced in, pushed farther and quicker than Teil imagined. Her body reacted violently, legs flailing in the air and hips bucking with the sensation. Her arms started to protest and swing wildly, but vines soon restrained her. All her protest did was delay the inevitable.

Slowly and with great care, Mayu forced the co*ck down Teil’s willing throat. Taking her to her limits, Mayu used Teil like she so desperately wanted. And with enough work, Teil finally took it to the base. Mayu held it there momentarily, savoring the feeling of Teil’s body. And she then slid it back out of her. Teil gasped and coughed and wretched, and as soon as she had recovered, she shakily said, “More.”

Mayu wasted no time and grabbed her neck again and thrust the co*ck back into Teil’s willing hole. Teil took it all, letting each bit in, excited at the feeling of being used and stretched. She took it to the base again, this time easier and faster. The co*ck slid back out of her mouth, and Teil caught her breath. She did not have to ask again. The co*ck plunged back into her mouth without hesitation and pushed deep as always. Soon, Mayu started to find a good rhythm, and Teil got more accustomed to the sensation of her throat stretching. Mayu started to properly f*ck Teil’s throat. Using her has the depraved little fleshlight she was. Pumping back and forth without giving a chance to come up for air, Mayu worked her co*ck inside Teil. No longer having to hold on to her neck, Teil accepted the co*ck well. Teil could feel it reach deep. So deep she was sure it was right at her stomach. She wanted her stomach filled with Mayu’s thick seed or whatever was unloaded by this fantastic co*ck.

She got her wish, and soon Teil felt the co*ck start to pulse and spasm against her throat. She began to swallow repeatedly, coaxing the hot load from the tip. She wanted to feel what it was like to have it crash into her belly, filling her stomach. Swallowing repeatedly, she milked the load from Mayu and got her wish. She felt the warm, wet liquid fill her belly. Her stomach expanded and took everything that was offered. After Teil was sure she was filled to the brim, the co*ck started to slide out of her throat. It left a trail of sticky fluid as it popped out of her mouth. Coughing up the excess, Teil finally regained her breath. Sitting up, she felt the liquid slosh in her belly. She turned and looked at the figure, standing there with that giant co*ck still dripping from the tip.

Panting and trying to regain some rational thought, Teil sat momentarily. Her brain was not working, or it was working differently. There was a hunger, a desire burning inside of her that she could not explain. She repeated her last word but with a different meaning, “More.”

Mayu needed no further encouragement and stepped forward and picked Teil up from the makeshift bed. Teil wrapped her legs around Mayu’s form and positioned herself over that magnificent co*ck of hers. Her hole was wet and ready, and she shimmied her hips down to get it inside of her. Mayu obliged her need and sat Teil right down on the thick co*ck. Electricity ripped through Teil’s body as the co*ck slid deep inside of her. Her hole was experienced to this abuse by now, and it stretched and pulled to accommodate the large shaft. Teil moaned in ecstasy as she was impaled on the co*ck. Again, not able to take it all in one thrust, Teil bounced on the shaft with her legs wrapped around Mayu.

Teil was not accustomed to the sensation of having her puss* filled before she started to have more sensations run across her body. Looking down, she did not even notice that their chests were smashed together. But Teil could feel her nipples start to get played with, toyed and sucked. It had to be those flowers that Mayu had on her body. Teil relished the sensation. She liked it when more than one part of her was pleased. Her nipples were so greedy they wanted as much attention as they could get. She enjoyed the slow progression. The working up to more intense pleasure. It was light at first; she wasn’t even sure she noticed it. But it got more and more prominent. She could feel the touching turn to rolling turn to sucking. But soon, it went past that. She could feel the hints of pain as it felt like her nipples were getting bitten, harder and harder. All this did was make Teil move more franticly, working her hips down to take that co*ck deeper and deeper inside of her.

She tried so hard to get the co*ck deep inside of her puss*. Bouncing up and down to force it, twisting and gyrating her hips to push it deeper. Anything to take more of this fantastic co*ck created for her. She started to whimper and whine at the lack of being filled past her limits. She wanted it all. She needed it all. And nothing would stop her from getting it all. Her mind lost focus, and she lost a sense of reason or filter. She started to talk and moan, thinking somehow that words might help her greedy puss* take more of this thick girlco*ck.

“f*ck me. f*ck me, Mayu. f*ck me with this co*ck, this thick co*ck. I need it, give it to me. Give it all to me. f*ck me deep and hard. f*ck this puss* like you own it. You own my puss*. f*ck me like the little pet I am for you. Give it to me. Give it all to me. Shoot that load deep in me. I want to feel you shoot it deep inside of me. Fill my womb up with your thick fluid. Fill me to the breaking point. Breed me.” And at those last two words, something broke in Teil.

Something changed inside of her. But those rational thoughts that had been banished due to crazed lust were not dispersed forever. Teil had finally come to the end of Mayu’s corruption. The process was nearly complete, and Teil became Mayu’s personal breeding stock. The laughter that was once so gentle and kind now turned dark and ruthless. Teil did not notice or did not care, not that it would matter anyway. She was now of singular thought, to be bred. Whimpering, whining, and begging to be bred, Mayu took advantage of her newfound slu*t and put her on her feet. Teil immediately protested without ever forming a coherent thought. Spun around and bent over the bed, Teil instinctively reached back and spread her ass for Mayu.

“Good girl,” Mayu encouraged. “You want to be bred, right? Then let’s breed you. Take my seed deep; it needs a willing host to grow. You will look so beautiful filled with my offspring. But know this: I don’t take over your womb; I take your whole body.” And with that statement, Mayu plunged her co*ck deep into Teil’s ass. Teil only screamed in pain and pleasure, unsure of which feeling was more intense. It did not matter that the co*ck violating her tight ass was too big for her. Without proper build-up, her asshole stretched and finally failed, ripping in thousands of microscopic tears. Teil took every inch grateful to be of use to her new master. She was Thankful to be used, bred, and filled with her new master’s seed. She wanted nothing more than to be her master’s best toy and breeding stock. She gleefully took the tick co*ck in her ass over and over again. Each time, its girth ripped her a bit more. Teil could barely remember how to breathe, and all that escaped her lips was the constant “Yes” with each deep thrust into her gut. She could feel her insides shift and move with the rod destroying her body. She did not care; she loved it and reveled in the joy of being a good piece of f*ck meat for her master. She started to push back into the giant co*ck, trying to coerce the seed out and into her willing body.

She started to feel it again. The hot, wet feeling of being filled. She backed up as far as she could go to make sure she got the load deep inside her, as deep as possible. She was delighted that she finally got what she wanted, to be filled with master’s seed. She felt it shoot deep inside of her. It was coating her insides and claiming her body as her master’s. Teil tried to milk the co*ck of its juices, but her ass was too destroyed to control. She took the load deep. It started as she expected, the warm, filling feeling of something foreign penetrating her body. But then it kept going. The warm sensation moved away from her gut. It spread to her limbs and appendages. She felt it climb her neck. And soon, she felt it enter her mind. The world changed before her eyes. Everything started to look different. Her whole perception altered. Her eyes opened to her new role as Mayu’s breeding stock. It was her only purpose, the only thing she craved, the only thing she needed. And she knew she had accomplished her goal.

Weeks went by, and Teil never returned to the tribe. This had been far longer than any other time in history that Mayu had taken to return a vessel. Cautiously and reverently, they returned to the temple. To see if Mayu was angry and what had become of the girl who was supposed to carry on their tribe. They entered the temple warily and went to the main area they knew of. As they entered, what greeted them caused them to gasp in horror. On Mayu’s throne was a being, not human. And sitting at its feet was Teil. Both nude, Teil’s belly was swollen, and plants seemed to grow from between her legs. She did not even notice them as they approached, focused solely on licking the thick co*ck that hung between the figure’s legs. The figure let out a deep, resounding laugh at the shocked expressions that were painted on their faces.

“Leave this place. This one is mine. And mine alone.”

Teil in the Jungle - iwritestories3 (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.