Re:Zero Lust IF - Butterfly Dream - Chapter 1 - AprendizDK - Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 (2024)

Chapter Text

Throwing his arms up as a way of stretching, Subaru finally opens his eyes, albeit with a little difficulty. His vision is still blurred but, little by little, everything around him seems to take shape again, starting with the ceiling, which isn't just a blurry image.

Subaru then slowly gets up, still sitting on the bed. His eyes move around the room, past the wooden furniture, such as the closet and desk, and the light that is reflected on the floor... apparently, the day has just begun.

Letting out a yawn to finally activate his body's senses, Subaru then turns his eyes to the figure lying right next to him... even though this person is on his back, the small curves of his shoulders can be seen outside the blanket.

Her peach-colored hair, even if it was messy and the ends slightly loose, was still lovely. As you might imagine, her hair was still short, with the same cut as always.

Even though this person was still on her back and with few changes to her aesthetic, something was very easy to see from Subaru's vantage point. As well as being able to see a very small portion of her breasts that were exposed outside the blanket, large spots on her neck could also be seen.

These spots were reminiscent of small "hickeys", since the size of the purple spots on her neck was the same size as Subaru's mouth. In addition, there were other types of marks, such as a small wound on her ear, as if someone had bitten it.

After analyzing this person's body a little more, Subaru lets out a weak sigh.

His appearance is a little worn and there are deep dark circles under his eyes, as if he had done something last night for a long time. There are no body aches, but there is a little difficulty moving his arms and head. Testing the fatigue in his muscles, Subaru moves his hand to the shoulder of the figure lying next to him.

Then, slowly licking his lips, Subaru finally opens his mouth to speak, in a quiet voice.

“It's morning already, nee-sama…”

Gently shaking the girl's shoulder, Subaru let out a weak smile. Even though he tried to wake her up with this little effort, nothing happened, and only the low sound of his breathing could be heard.

Then, pausing for a few seconds to think, Subaru finally brought his face close to the figure, leaving his mouth next to her ear...

“Ram, wake up…”

Speaking a little more imperatively, Subaru finished by pulling away from the girl.

As he said these words into Ram's ear, Subaru noticed that her body ended up shaking slightly, as if she had finally understood what he had said and had, in a way, finally woken up.

Subaru then calmly waited for Ram to wake up. Her movements were lovely and slow, starting with her hand, which went straight to her face, brushing away the bangs that were in front of her eyes. She then made the same movement that Subaru had made when he woke up and Ram also ended up sitting on the bed.

When her posture became upright, the blanket that was still over her body finally fell away, revealing her back and her pale skin. It was a truly incredible sight, and the first things you could see when Subaru moved his eyes to Ram were the small marks his bones made on his small, thin body.

In addition, her small breasts were finally revealed, now exposing exactly what their size and characteristics were. As you'd expect from a small breast, the skin around it was quite flat, and her nipples, which were pinker in color than her hair, were very reminiscent of small flowers that had just blossomed.

Then, turning his face towards Subaru, Ram tilted his head, letting the lock of hair that had previously been over his ear come back in front of his eye, showing that, no matter how long it was, his haircut and aesthetics really were the same.

Her eyes also had the same characteristics as Subaru's, but with smaller dark circles. As she was a beautiful woman, rather than making her face look ugly, this gave Ram an extra charm. In addition, a rosy color was gradually appearing on her cheeks, showing that Ram had finally woken up and realized the situation she was in

She quickly picked up the blanket that had fallen and covered his small body, leaving only part of his neck and head sticking out.

Then her tongue gently licked her red lips and she finally began to speak...

“You should have woken me up a bit earlier, Barusu.” Responding coldly, Ram continued. “By the way, don't talk in other people's ears without telling them, that's…”

Stopping mid-sentence, Ram looked away, biting his teeth slightly, showing that he wasn't going to speak anymore. Even though Subaru had known Ram for a long time, it was still difficult to understand what was going on in her head, especially in these situations.

“I had no choice...! You wouldn't wake up at all.” Crossing his arms, Subaru tilted his head to the side. “What did you want me to do?”

Looking directly into Ram eyes, Subaru patiently waited for Ram to return to the conversation with him... it only took a few seconds before she finally gave in and let out a forced sigh.

“Right, right. I don't want to hear you complaining to me anymore, I need to get ready…” As she said this, Ram gathered up the blanket in his hands and got off the bed.

Then, when she got off the mattress and touched her feet to the cold floor, it was finally revealed that, as well as Ram being naked, Subaru wasn't wearing anything else either.

With a quick movement, Subaru crossed his legs and hid his private parts. Ram, on the other hand, just kept walking towards the large closet in the room and, opening it quickly, Ram began to slide the hangers aside, trying to find a specific item of clothing.

In the meantime, Subaru continued to stare at Ram's pale back, which was exposed even with the blanket on... in a way, it made Subaru a little excited. Ram's small body had a great charm, which was one of the reasons why she also looked like a delicate, unattainable woman. But there was something that Ram herself criticized about herself, and it went beyond just the size of her breasts... it also went into the question of her body, which, as well as being very thin, was marked by small folds caused by the bones in her chest and back.

In addition, her personality caused a little difficulty and, consequently, added to her air of being an unattainable woman.

However, even with these characteristics, Ram was still a beautiful woman... and Subaru knew exactly what Ram was like, from her real personality to every part of her body.

And thinking about it now, Subaru made a decision...

Stepping out of bed, his feet were greeted with a chill from the floor, but that didn't stop Subaru from getting out of bed.

He then walked slowly towards Ram, who had stopped moving his hands along the hangers and was finally going to pick up an item of clothing...

Then, approaching Ram, Subaru slipped his arms around the girl's body with extreme ease, embracing her small body. On his face, there was a smile that mixed enthusiasm and malice...

“Ram... are you sure you have to work today...?”

“...Don't say nonsense, Barusu.” Then, shaking his body a little to try and get out of the embrace, Ram took his hand off the hanger and placed it on Subaru's right arm. “I won't fall for your tricks…”

“...” Then, responding only with silence, Subaru brought his mouth close to the back of Ram's neck.

Even though it was a bit awkward, Subaru put his face against that spot and inhaled slowly, making Ram shiver. Then his arms, which were still wrapped around Ram's small body, moved slowly up his slim body until they reached the end of the blanket, which covered the rest of Ram's body.

And in one swift movement, Subaru removed the hold of the blanket, finally revealing Ram's naked body...

Even from the back, it was still possible to feel a little arousal from Ram's body. In addition to the perfect lines from his neck to his shoulder, his collarbone, which was very prominent because of his slim body, also gave him an extra charm, and there was also a certain love for his hands, which, although small, had delicate, long fingers. Her breasts, too, were now erect, revealing that it wasn't just Subaru who had a bit of libido stored up. Of course, that could just be because of the cold, but Subaru didn't want to know.

So, continuing to wrap his arms around Ram and with his face still in the crook of her neck, Subaru brought Ram's small body closer, finally feeling her pale back rest against his belly. Given the size difference, it was a little difficult for Subaru to stay in this position, but he didn't care either.

“Barusu, we can't... not now.” Speaking in a whisper, Ram placed his hands one last time on Subaru's large arms, which wrapped around her tightly.

“Just leave the rest to me..." Speaking seductively, Subaru finally moved his hands to Ram's small breasts.

In one slow movement, his fingers easily grasped that flat skin. As he did so, a low grunt from Ram could be heard in the room.

There was no sound in the room apart from the wind, which came lightly into the room, making a high-pitched sound, along with the leaves of the trees outside...

Subaru then brought his mouth down to Ram's neck and gently bit it, making a muffled sound.

At the same moment, another grunt could be heard from Ram, who continued to do nothing to get out of the situation... it was as if she, while not wanting to, was also craving it.

Then, covering practically her entire breast with his hands and fingers, Subaru finally began the procedures. First, he used his index and middle fingers to make simple movements over her nipples. Then he began to make non-synchronized movements with his hands, making her small breasts little balloons, which Subaru played with at will.

These movements continued for a few seconds, until the speed at which they were being done increased. Now, in addition to being faster, Subaru was gripping Ram's breasts more tightly, making the little skin on her breasts slightly marked by the fingers that wrapped around her.

In the meantime, Ram had given up trying to get loose, just letting the little moans come out of her mouth, even if with difficulty, as she kept her mouth shut, completely muffling the obscene sounds.

Subaru was no longer controlling himself either, leaving his mind blank to continue with the preparations.

After a while, Subaru let go of Ram's right breast and moved his hand downwards. At this, Ram ended up bending a little, throwing his waist back, causing Subaru's erect member to finally touch over Ram's body.

Ram shivered, but remained still. Subaru, on the other hand, felt that his penis was already ready for it. Just on impulse, while his hand was still down, Subaru began to slowly move his hips back and forth, causing his member to rub against Ram's tailbone, which was getting hotter by the second.

“” Speaking with difficulty, Ram continued. “Are you... rubbing... against me...?”

In silence, Subaru continued his movements... perhaps this was the answer Subaru had thought of giving Ram?

Reaching down as far as he could with his hand, Subaru felt the atmosphere getting a little warmer... apart from the drops of sweat that appeared, the area where his hand was was also a very intimate place...

Forcing his fingers forward just a little, Subaru felt his middle finger touch something small... it was the cl*tor*s, which was hidden above Ram's intimacy.

Even though he found it adorable and exciting, Subaru remained silent. Then he felt the rest of his fingers touch Ram's intimacy. In a gentle movement, Subaru began to lightly stroke the area, gradually feeling his fingers stick together with the fluids that were emerging from inside Ram.

“Ram…” Speaking in a kind of whisper, Subaru continued to speak into Ram's ear. “Ask nicely…”

Still gently massaging her breasts, Subaru finally stopped, giving her nipple just a little squeeze with his fingers before finally switching places. Now, his hand slowly moved up to find Ram's neck. Subaru's fingers slowly tightened around her throat, pulling her head back a little...

The scene was very arousing, even if it wasn't in a very suitable place for it. Even though the two of them were alone in the bedroom in the morning, they were both still standing in front of the open cupboard. What's more, the door seemed to be unlocked and the window was open (the bedroom is on the second floor). Anyone could open it or see what was going on in there, but Subaru was too horny to think about these kinds of problems. Now, the focus was solely on how to make Ram horny...

And, having completed the procedures, Subaru finally felt that Ram's intimacy was lubricated after making the movements with his fingers. When he removed his hand from between her legs, Subaru could already feel the fluids leaking too much from her intimate area, which, as well as making the place wet, also caused the transparent liquid to run down between Ram's legs, leaving her leg and the floor dirty...

“Barusu…” Trying not to let out a soft moan, Ram put his hand on his thigh for balance, while his other hand went to his face, covering the red expression he had. “I told you…”

Again, not listening to Ram, Subaru acted in his own way:

Using the strength in his hands, he made Ram take a few steps to the side, bringing her close to the wall next to the door. When she got close, Ram, on impulse, put both his hands on the wall. However, Subaru turned his small body towards her, bringing their faces close together...

Subaru and Ram were facing each other, both feeling each other's sighs and heartbeats. All around them, everything seemed static, as they concentrated on a kiss so intense that it seemed to last an eternity...!

Initially, Ram was a little hesitant before kissing Subaru. But as he got closer and their lips touched, an immense spark appeared between them. She feels as if his very existence is what was missing to complete her, as if he is the very definition of perfection in a person. The feeling is so much more intense than she expected that Ram almost loses control and tries to walk away from him. But instead, she does just the opposite. She gets even closer to him, as if the only way to make up for this lack within herself is to become completely immersed in him.

Throughout the kiss, they both feel such a strong connection that it seems as if they've known each other for much longer than would be logical. They don't care that they're there, in the moment, and just enjoy every second of the passion. They don't know what it would be like if someone saw them like this first thing in the morning, but they don't care either, because they know that whatever happens, they have this moment of pure love and affection that they will never forget.

And so the moment passes and they part, both with their hearts racing and their breaths panting. They look at each other with a smile on their faces, as if they both understood what had happened and knew that it was something special.

But even after the passionate kiss, Subaru and Ram decide to move on and go deeper into their connection. Subaru's hands began to explore Ram's small body, drawing curves everywhere they could. At the same time, Ram was also doing the same for him, with a little more difficulty because of the size difference.

With the intensity of the moment, they realize that they are completely in a different world, where only they exist and nothing else matters. As if they were immersed in a sea of desire and affection, where all their senses were in total euphoria because of that moment.

They both feel so connected, as one, that it seems they will never want to part again. The connection between them is so strong that they can't even describe what it was they were feeling. As if each other's existence was all that was worthwhile in this world.

As the intensity only grew, they decided to move on and started kissing again. This time, with an even greater intensity than before, as if they were both searching for something even deeper and more intense. The intensity of the moment was such that they both seemed to be in a trance.

A few moments later, both their hearts were beating a thousand beats, and the intensity kept growing until it became unbearable. But even so, they decided to keep going in search of even more intensity. The connection between them was so intense that it was as if they were both sharing the same body.

They both decided they were ready to go even further. So, with their hearts beating a thousand times faster and the connection between them getting deeper and deeper, they give themselves completely to the intensity of the moment and finally decide to go further.

With their legs trembling, their hearts racing and their senses totally intense, they let themselves be carried away by the pleasure they didn't want to end. And so they reach the most intense moment of all. Everything that existed was forgotten, the two of them were connected by something even deeper than love or desire, the two of them were connected by the pleasure and intensity of a moment so profound that it's impossible to describe...

At that moment, completely breaking the mood, Subaru stopped the hot kiss and threw Ram back against the wall, causing her to lean quickly against it. They were both breathing heavily, while Ram was shaking badly, feeling his whole body was boiling over...

“Ram... ask nicely. “

Then, repeating the words again, Subaru pulled his hand back from Ram's neck and brought it to the girl's waist. His other hand went elsewhere... to Subaru's member, specifically to its base.

"I..." Biting his lip before finishing, Ram waited for his heart to calm down.

Falling silent soon after, Subaru closed his eyes slightly and began to act slowly: The position Ram was in was totally vulnerable, and the sight Subaru had of his pale back and intimacy was simply incredible...

Subaru put his hand on his member and made just one simple movement... he lightly rubbed the tip of his glans over the entrance to Ram's intimacy.

When Subaru did this, Ram shuddered, letting out a high-pitched, fluffy moan in the process. Ram's eyes remained closed and his expression, even if it couldn't be seen, was certainly red...

Then, continuing this movement a few more times, Ram finally gave in... and in an almost inaudible voice, she said:

“P-Please, master... stick it in me right away…”

“With pleasure..." Responding immediately, Subaru let out a smile.

Stopping to move the glans over his intimacy, Subaru now gripped Ram's waist tightly, using both hands to do so... In the process, Subaru rubbed his erect member a few more times over the spaces between Ram's ass, until he finally began the final stages.

Throwing his hips back, Subaru thrust back with all his strength and speed. And at the exact moment, Subaru's penis penetrated Ram's puss*, feeling the glans hit her uterus at the end...

It was possible to hear a moan, which could have sounded a lot like a scream, being muffled immediately afterwards. Ram put a hand over his mouth to stop himself from screaming and, in a way, it worked, even if it only muffled the obscene sounds.

Continuing with Subaru's member: His glans had pushed Ram's uterus backwards, feeling like his penis had finally entered all the way inside. Even though his member was only 15 centimeters long, which would be average, Ram's vagin*l canal, because she was small, was only 7 centimeters long. Subaru had to leave a few centimeters out for a few reasons, apart from not wanting to hurt Ram completely.

Then, amidst Ram's muffled moans, Subaru began to move his hips, starting the penetration quickly.

Sweat dripped from his hair and fell onto Ram's back, which was also gradually becoming sweaty from the non-stop movements. It was possible to hear the moans that could no longer be muffled by Ram, who began to just rest his hands on the wall, while his eyes remained closed and his mouth open.

On her pink lips, small drops of saliva were falling out, wetting the floor... in her puss*, in addition to the speed and force with which Subaru was thrusting, always hitting the wall of her uterus, the transparent fluids were not only lubricating Ram's vagin* even more, but were also, little by little, sliding down Ram's thighs and falling to the floor.

The movement was a bit brutal, mainly because of the force Subaru was putting not only on his hips to penetrate, but also to pull Ram's waist back and forth. Even where their hands were, there were old finger marks, suggesting that it wasn't the first time Subaru and Ram had done this.

After a while in the same position, Subaru grabbed Ram's right leg and lifted it up, so that his private parts were finally exposed, showing exactly when Subaru's member entered Ram's insides and made a mark on his lean belly.

In fact, because Ram's body was small, Subaru's member was easily seen through the few layers of fat Ram had, making it easier to see when he penetrated her...

“Baru... Subaru...!” No longer able to organize his speech, Ram cast his eyes upwards, trembling violently as his legs went limp...


At the same moment, Ram's hold on the wall gave way, causing her to fall to the floor... but before she could do so, Subaru grabbed Ram's small body with his hands, still holding his member inside her puss*.

In silence, Subaru already understood what had happened to Ram: she had come, or rather had an org*sm, with just the first stage.

Subaru then grabbed both of Ram's legs and put them up, leaving his hands on Ram's head, making a kind of support for little Ram not to fall and, without rest, continuing the penetration, even after Ram had had an org*sm.

At the moment, Ram was sensitive, and this was visible from his arms and legs, which didn't move except when Subaru penetrated Ram. Apart from that, only her mouth moved as she moaned...

Ram's hair no longer looked the same. Her bangs had now split into several, leaving both her eyes exposed. What's more, his tongue was now sticking out, spewing little lines of saliva.

Then, gritting his teeth, Subaru spoke with difficulty...

“Ram...! It's coming!”

Then, with the last thrust, and the deepest of all, Subaru broke into Ram's womb, ejacul*ting inside... even though her intimacy had molded itself to Subaru's member, the place was still too tight for the sperm, which ended up escaping and leaking out, even though Ram's womb was now completely full...

Then Subaru finally withdrew his member from Ram, who could no longer even speak, except to let heavy breathing dominate her mouth... the white liquid oozed out of her intimacy and fell to the floor. Ram's womb was now filled with all of Subaru's seeds...

“Ram... thank you for today and yesterday…”

Saying this, Subaru gently carried Ram to the bed, where he left her, placing a blanket over her naked body. Just as Subaru was turning to go to the closet, a tired, cold voice came on.

“Don't think you're too... perverted…” Speaking quietly, Ram coughed a little and closed his eyes, resting.

Subaru, looking at that, just sighed, as he looked at the clothes he would now be wearing in the morning, which were his usual modified butler's outfit.

Re:Zero Lust IF - Butterfly Dream - Chapter 1 - AprendizDK - Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.