Puritas Springs Software - Law Office Computing - [PDF Document] (2024)

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page

Call us at (330) 989-3165 or (330) 485-3165; Visit us at www.puritas-springs.com

Windows tips are readily avail-able on the Internet, but you can waste quite a bit of time rooting them out. They’re not much fun to track down be-cause you need to crack twen-ty oysters to find one pearl. Our purpose is to make your life easier. That’s why from hundreds of tips that we re-viewed, we selected ten for their unique value to law of-fices. What’s more, they’re not commonly known, so you’ll be joining the ranks of the elite when you start using them.

1. Desktop Shake Down

If your desktop is cluttered with running applications and you’d like to clear the deck so you can focus on the work at hand, try this. Click your left mouse button on the title bar of the window you are currently work-ing with, and while holding the mouse button down, shake the mouse. All the other open apps will minimize and the desired application will have your full attention.

(Continued on page 24)

10 Windows Secrets You Might Not Know

Puritas Springs Software

Law Office Computing V O L U M E 2 0 2 1 , N O . 1

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

10 Windows Secrets 1

2021’s Best Free App 1

Wi-Fi Router Ratings 2

5-Star Amazon Fakes 3

Digital Inklings 4-5

Quick Assist 6-7

5 Top-Rated All-In-Ones 7

Child Support Guidelines 8

Spousal Support 10

Uniform Domestic Forms 12

Working From Home Video 13

5 Things To Avoid 14

Probate Forms 14

5 Handy Windows Tricks 16

U.S. Estate Tax (706) 17

U.S. Income Tax (1041) 18

Scams 19

Ohio Adoption Forms 20

OH Guardianship Forms 21

OH Wrongful Death 22

Loan Amortizer 23

10 Tricks You Didn’t Know 25

Deed & Document Pro 25

Bankruptcy Forms 26

Law Office Management 28

OH Business Forms 30

Living Trust/Estate Plan 32

HUD/CFPB Forms 33

Ernie’s Inbox 34

Technical Support 38

YouTube Index 41

The Social Dilemma 44

Chrome vs. Edge 45

About Puritas Springs 46

$ 7 . 9 9

We’re always looking for a free utility application that makes law office computing a better experience or easier to manage. That’s why Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop, CRD for short, is our pick for the second year in a row as the Best Free Law Office App for 2021.

If you aren’t familiar with re-mote connection software, get ready to be enlightened. If you

are familiar, you know that it allows you to sit at one computer and work on a second computer at some other location, for example, operating the office computer from your home.

(Continued on page 36)

2021’s Best Free Law Office App

Page 2 www.puritas-springs.com Volume 2021, No. 1

Call us at (330) 989-3165 or (330) 485-3165; visit us at www.puritas-springs.com

Almost every computer, tablet, and mobile phone manufactured in the last decade have Wi-Fi capabilities. Whether at home or in the office, your router is the piece of equipment responsible for connecting your devices to the Internet. Before giving you the test results of the leading routers, here is some standard advice about router placement. First, try to centrally locate your router instead of putting it in some corner of the office or the basem*nt of your home. Sec-ond, try to place your wireless

router away from large metal objects like refrigerators or file cabinets. Microwaves have a way of messing with your Wi-Fi signal, so try to stay away from them as well. With that all-too-brief introduc-tion, what follows are the latest laboratory test results of wireless routers performed by a nationally respected, non-profit consumer organization. What does a top-notch router cost? As you’ll soon see, prices range from $150 to $395. By the way, here’s one that missed the top ten performers by one point, but note the price: ASUS OnHub AC1900 - $120.

Below are the router manufactur-ers, model numbers, laboratory test scores, and prices: Synology RT2600ac Overall Score—91 $200 TP-Link Archer C3150 V2 Overall Score—87 $160 Netgear Nighthawk X10 (AD7200) Overall Score—86 $395 Asus AC2900 (RT-AC86U) Overall Score—86 $160 Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 (R7000) Overall Score—79 $150 TP-Link Archer AC5400 Overall Score—79 $235 Asus AX6000 (RT-AX88U) Overall Score—78 $290 Netgear Nighthawk X6S (AC4000) Overall Score—78 $300 Asus AC3100 (RT-AC88U) Overall Score—77 $225 Linksys AC3200 (WRT3200ACM) Overall Score—76 $250


Do you click on a browser link and go for a cup of coffee while the new page loads? Do you need a new router? Are there things you could do to improve your speed? Is what you tried working? This article won’t answer any of those questions, but it will pro-vide you with your first step in the information gathering pro-cess. Google “how fast is my internet.” Near the top of the results you should see a button labeled Run Speed Test. Click it and the application will tell you what your download and upload speeds are. Note that your Internet connection speed may change at different times of the day. To give you an idea of what an acceptable speed is, experts claim you need a down-load speed of 25 Mbps to stream Netflix. And be aware that if you and someone else are both streaming at the same time, your requirements will double. Here are some example read-ings at our lab. On a Sunday at 10 am at Puritas Springs Soft-ware, our cable connection measured: 94.1 Mbps down-load, and 23.2 Mbps upload. On a Friday several months later, at 2 pm, we measured 101.8 Mbps download and 13.1 Mbps upload. On a Wednesday after-noon, as we write this, we measured 400+ Mbps download and 23.5 Mbps upload. We think you’ll find Speed Test a useful free tool for detecting Internet connection issues.

How Fast Is Your Connection?


Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 3

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In the past, we’ve extolled Ama-zon as a resource for doing con-sumer research. In particular, we’ve mentioned that product reviews were especially useful. We also assumed—reasonably we thought—that a product with thousands of positive reviews was inherently more reliable than a product with twenty-five. We’re not alone in that regard, and in support of that proposi-tion, online surveys found that: • 65% trust online reviews,


• 82% check product reviews

before making a purchase.

Just when we thought we had a dependable scheme for evaluat-ing prospective purchases, along comes author Zachary Crockett to shake our faith with some engaging undercover journalism. Here’s an excerpt from his email exchange with an online vendor:

“Isn’t this illegal?” I found myself typing one Tuesday night at 1:15 AM.

I was chatting with Lien Xi, an Ama-zon seller from Guangzhou, China, I’d met several minutes before in a

private Facebook group. She’d courted me with an offer: If I gave her phone charger a 5-star review,

she would refund the purchase via PayPal and send me a $10 “commission.”

“No,” she responded, with a smiley face emoji. “You will love.”

I looked up her product on Amazon: It was one of the highest-ranked iPhone chargers, touting 3,971 5-star reviews and a trusted

“Amazon’s Choice” label.

Crockett’s article goes on to say that the number of fraudulent reviews is higher than we might expect and seems to have in-creased when Amazon experi-enced an influx of foreign sellers in 2015/2016. Presuming Crock-ett’s claims to be accurate, if you can’t trust a product with almost 4,000 5-star reviews, are re-views a reliable measure of product worth anymore? The answer is that reviews are still a valuable resource, but you need to—as the sign says—proceed with caution. Here are a few tips that will help you avoid being misled. Don’t only decide by the number of stars; read some of the re-views. Gushing reviews are easy to come by. Pay particular attention to negative reviews, they may disclose deal-breakers, or they may be without merit, like a re-view that criticizes delivery ra-ther than the product. At least you can be sure they’re unsolicit-ed. No one pays for negative reviews. https://reviewmeta.com/blog/how-it-works. This website is espe-cially interesting. It analyzes reviews for a particular Amazon product and rates their authen-ticity. All you do is paste the URL and press the Report button. It helps to know that most fake reviews are related to inexpen-sive electronic products like phone chargers, headphones, cables, and the like.

5-Star Amazon Fakes Ohio Revised Code Section

157.08, Paragraph A Many typists use citations like the one above in their legal doc-uments. There’s nothing wrong with that, except that’s not the way we’re used to seeing cites printed. In professional legal publications, it’s usually: Ohio Revised Code §157.08, ¶A Because these symbols are not on your keyboard, how do you get your cites to look like that? If you’re in Microsoft Word, you may use the Symbol command on the Insert menu. Then, click the desired symbol or locate it by clicking on More Symbols. There’s a faster and even better way. It works when you’re not in your word processor—use Char-acter Map to look up the symbol and, in the future, enter the sym-bol code directly from the key-board’s numeric keypad. It works the same in all versions of Windows. Access Character Map by typing “character map” in the Start menu’s Search box. The Character Map app should appear as the sole search result. Character Map shows you all the characters in a particular font, but more importantly, it also shows you how to generate a

character by using the a key and the numeric keypad. Here are four characters that we frequently use in legal docu-ments. The key sequence you see for the section symbol di-

rects you to hold adown

(Continued on page 12)

4 Special Characters §


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Technical Support In Reverse Hi Ernie, I’m reaching out to you regarding your recent article in which you discuss laptops and, specifically, passwords. My concern is that your entry titled "Password Particulars" is not in line with best practices when it comes to online security. It is not advised that passwords be saved in a spreadsheet or copied and pasted from a visible document as this presents a high-security risk. Instead, a best practice would be to use an en-crypted password manager app or a browser’s default password saver, which is also encrypted.


————— Good Morning AY, You’ve made me feel like an old fuddy-duddy who keeps his sav-ings stuffed in his mattress. Of course, you’re right to caution against practices that would expose passwords to security breaches. For my benefit as well as those who read Law Office Computing, I’m modifying my advice: Now that you’ve called it to my attention, I noted that Excel al-lows you to set a password and encrypt a spreadsheet file. I’m not sure I see the harm in tem-porarily copying and pasting a complicated and lengthy pass-word so long as there are no prying eyes. In the home or

small office, I don’t think that’s a consideration. If the computer is publicly-used, I’d advise clearing the Windows clipboard by per-forming a quick copy of unrelat-ed material and refrain from using public computers for confi-dential matters.


————— Hi Ernie, Sorry for my delay on this. I did touch base with our Director of Information Technology and our Chief IT Officer regarding your questions. In sum, their concern with spreadsheets is not just prying eyes but rather, hackers who can use a variety of means to gain access to a computer. Here is their response and ad-vice on best practices: "Excel spreadsheets should never be used for password storage. Even password protect-ed spreadsheets are easily hacked, so they will only slow down a novice. A third-party password app or your browser (or operating system) built-in password capabilities are more attractive because of the level of professional encryption used by the third-party apps, browsers and OSs. As a hacker, once you have access to a system, the best thing that can happen next is to locate a file containing other passwords. If that file is not en-crypted, it makes it easy to hack further. If that file is encrypted, it’s often a simple task to break


Two Overlooked Forums For Consumer Complaints Instead of social media web sites using your data to promote their interests, how about using social media to promote the interests of you and your clients? Here are some ideas on how you may be able to get the atten-tion of a vendor by using two of the biggies—Facebook and Twitter.


You may be able to go directly to a company’s Facebook page and post your complaint. Posts will appear to your friends and may appear on the company’s timeline. If you already have an active Facebook account, you’ve got nothing to lose. To maximize visibility, one experi-enced consumer recommends posting your complaint as a comment to an advertisem*nt. The last thing a company wants from an ad is negative publicity.


Many companies have a Twitter page that you can locate using the Search function. You may tweet a message of up to 280 characters to state your claim. What’s nice from the consumer’s standpoint is that because com-panies can’t delete tweets (only their own), your tweets are more persistent than Facebook com-ments.



Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 5

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the security of a single file that uses light encryption. There are plenty of utilities out there, for instance, that can hack the older password-protected Excel files quickly. There are a few good options: 1. Whenever possible, use multi-factor authentication. What this proves is that the user has con-trol of at least two ways to prove their identity. For example, two factor authentication might use an email address and mobile phone for validation. If you’re trying to reset your password, the site might send a text to you with a code. This proves that you have control of both your email and mobile device. 2. Use a password vault with strong encryption. This is the best method for securing user names and passwords. That way, you can generate random passwords that are very strong, and you only have to remember one strong password." I hope this helps! Stay safe out there,


————— AY, I appreciate the feedback, and please relay my thanks to your Director for taking the time to explain his concerns. However, I have two concerns of my own, the first of which is how secure are Excel spreadsheets, and does the Director’s caution only

apply to older spreadsheets as his comment implies? I looked into the issue a bit more, and here’s what I discov-ered. Of the various encryption schemes, four of the most com-mon are: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), Triple Date Encryption Standard (TripleDES), and Twofish. I’ve referred to them as schemes, but you might more appropriately call them algo-rithms or logic that software uses. During my web wander-ings, I came across PC Maga-zine Laboratory’s list of eleven picks for the best password managers of 2021. When I visit-ed the individual company web-sites, I learned that ten of them used AES-256. That made me curious about Excel. I use the latest version included in Office 365, so I fired it up, clicked on the File menu, then the Info link, and that presented me with a series of choices, one of which was Protect Work-book. Clicking on Protect Workbook displays an Encrypt with password submenu item. What type of encryption are we talking about here? In Mi-crosoft’s own words: Office 2013 (Access, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, Project, and Word) uses 128-bit AES, again with hash algorithm SHA-1 by default. Office 2016 (Access, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, Project,

INKLINGS and Word) uses 256-bit AES, the SHA-1 hash algorithm, and CBC by default. This supports the Director’s ref-erence to earlier versions of Excel spreadsheets; however, does this mean that current ver-sions are unsafe? I hope to fol-low up with the Director for an update. The research I’ve been able to do so far says that Excel 2016 password-protected encrypted files are as safe as some of the touted managers, so long as you take care to resave old Excel files and convert them from ".xls" to ".xlsx" file type. My under-standing is that if you couple this with choosing a "strong" (unique, random, complex) password, you’re safe. Why am I making such a big deal about Excel spreadsheets when I can just use LastPass or Chrome? The main reason is that I’m nev-er entirely comfortable putting myself (or my passwords) at the complete mercy of a third party stored in a location unknown to me by a company about which I may know little. That’s my per-sonal opinion, but the reticence should be even greater when I’m handling the confidential infor-mation of my clients. It’s not hard to imagine arguing it’s negligent to manage clients’ confidential information without a failsafe backup over which one

(Continued on page 44)

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GIVING YOUR STAFF No, consumers needn’t take their complaints to the gentle-man pictured above. Still, a re-spected, non-profit consumer organization reported that re-wards awaited those consumers who took their complaints to the top. Here are two examples: "After discovering that my new Lenovo laptop’s RAM was inade-quate, the company recom-mended incorrect upgrade speci-fications. Doubly aggravated, I emailed the CEO. The next day, a rep called and promised to send the proper upgrade, free of charge. I was astonished by this immediate response and further amazed to receive two 16-gigabyte RAMs, which octupled the laptop’s original power." Shirley Glade, N Manchester, IN Another consumer wrote: "An old-fashioned option when all else fails: Write a letter. If you address it to the CEO, you will almost always get a response. I have used this method, mostly successfully." David Perl, Berke-ley Heights, NJ We’d be interested in trying that technique when a particularly vexing consumer issue arises that fits just right—too small for litigation, too big to ignore. Writ-ing emails and letters take up a significant part of a sole practi-tioner’s time already. Why not profit more from what you’re already doing? It could have personal rewards or be a source of billable hours for the skillful writing of a non-threatening but persuasive email or letter.

Quick Assist is a Windows 10 application that allows you to log in to someone else’s computer to help them through some prob-lem. This type of remote connec-tion software is considered criti-cal for many busi-nesses. With so many law offices having one or more staff per-sons working from home, it’s more important than ever. The more astute might ask why, if Quick Assist is as good as we’re saying it is, we didn’t include it in the “10 Windows Tricks …” article on page 1. There are several reasons. The first being that we had completed the tricks article when we discovered Quick Assist—quite by accident. We also contem-plated making Quick Assist the best free app of 2021 and bump-ing Chrome Re-mote Desktop from the number one spot. A third considera-tion was that Quick Assist de-served more attention than we could provide in a quick tips

article so you can better judge its usefulness. With more law office personnel working from home, did a situa-tion ever arise where you need-

ed to help a staff person in a way that could only be satisfied by see-ing what’s on their computer? Maybe you want to answer a docu-ment drafting question, guide the completion of a probate form, or assist with a tech-nical configura-tion issue. When staff work from home, the chanc-es increase ten-fold. Well, we’ve got excellent news for you. Windows 10 has that capability built right in. The name of the app is Quick Assist, and this is how it works. First, the person giving assis-tance—let’s as-sume it’s you— types “quick as-sist” in the Search field next to the Start but-ton. Quick As-sist should be the

primary result of that search. Click on the link to start it up. After a few seconds, the dialog



Figure 1

Figure 2

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 7

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will appear that you see on page 6 as Figure 1. Now, the person receiving assis-tance does the same thing and sees the same dialog (Figure 1) on their comput-er screen. Next, you click the Assist an-other person button and Win-dows asks you to log in to your Microsoft ac-count—enter the associated email address. After you do that, you must enter your pass-word. In case you need help, those are the two pieces of information you used when you installed Win-dows 10 on your computer the first time. You wrote that down didn’t you? I was going to say you entered that in your password spreadsheet didn’t you? But I won’t go there because that’s another story. (See page 4 of this issue). When you log in, you’ll see the second of the screens depicted on the preced-ing page as Figure 2. This one

gives you a 6-digit code that you will provide to the receiver (presuming you’re talking to them on the phone), and they enter it in their Code from as-sistant box and click on Share

screen. (seen in Figure 1). Next, you see the top screen on this page labeled Figure 3. Leave the Take full control option selected and you, as the giver, click on the Continue button. When you do, the receiver sees the lower screen on this page (Figure 4) and clicks on the Allow button. That establishes the connection and the receiver’s screen appears on your comput-er. What do you think of that? It’s like magic! Now you can use the receiver’s computer as if you were sitting at it. Of course, we also like Quick Assist because it’s free, making it a fan-tastic alternative to similar apps or

services that have a substantial cost.


On more than one occasion, we’ve mentioned that all-in-one desktops are our personal choice in desktop computers—no wires hanging around, no box to kick under the desk, no crawl-ing around to insert disks or USB sticks. What all-in-ones do have is a responsive mouse (instead of a temperamental scratchpad like our laptops) and a large screen for better document viewing or browsing. They may also have a typewriter-sized keyboard with full-travel, sculpted keys, al-though we know the iMacs listed below have chiclet-style key-boards. That’s probably the norm. Asus advertisem*nts do not show the keyboard, and Lenovo’s looks somewhere be-tween the iMac chiclet and an IBM Selectric—closer to the iMac than a touch typist would prefer. Recent lab testing by a non-profit consumer advocacy organ-ization picked these as the top five. 1. Apple 27-inch iMac 5K Dis-play (2019, MRQY2LL/A); Score—88; $1,800. 2. Apple 21.5-inch iMac With 4K Display (MNDY2LL/A); Score—86; $1,500. 3. Apple 21.5-inch iMac (MMQA2LL/A); Score 83; $1,100. 4. Asus Zen AiO (ZN242GDT-08); Score—79; $1,100.

(Continued on page 12)

5 Top-Rated Desktops

Figure 3

Figure 4


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Cited by the American Bar Association as the best soft-ware for family lawyers. First in Ohio child support calculation software. 200+ You’re in good company when you use Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines (ROCSG). Since 1994, our users have in-cluded more than 200 courts and agencies, including domestic relations courts, juvenile courts, probate courts, child support enforcement agencies, Depart-ment of Human Services, De-partment of Job & Family Ser-vices, prosecutor’s offices, and other government, education and non-profit organizations. Child Care Credit If you find the support worksheet puzzling, child care expenses (line 21) likely had something to do with it. It has ten subparts and twelve subparts to those subparts. No worries, when line 21 is most tedious (i.e., cost maximums, tax liabilities, etc.), ROCSG is an unbeatable tool. The Software Advantage You wouldn’t prepare an income tax return without software, so don’t think the child support worksheet is any different. The ability to try alternate calcula-tions in seconds is a tremendous asset. ROCSG makes this effort-less, and you avoid wasting time manually recalculating or, worse, ignoring your options. Help The current worksheets have something that prior versions

never had—the ODJFS instruc-tion manual. ROCSG puts the line-by-line instructions a click away. A Tale of Two Orders Remember the old worksheets? They produced two support or-ders— one when the children had health insurance and one when they didn’t. That’s out now. There are still two orders: one for child support and one for cash medical support. ROCSG has options for calculating and deviating these amounts. Self-Sufficiency Reserve (SSR) For families with income limita-tions, the new worksheets incor-porate a SSR that protects obli-gors from oppressive orders that would interfere with their ability to be self-supportive. ROCSG handles it all automatically. Leave The Driving To Us Let us put our 30+ years of ex-perience at your disposal by preparing your child support worksheets quickly and correct-ly. In addition to assuring you precision calculations, ROCSG will save you many hours of research and preparation time. If you’d like to visit our web site’s product information page for more details about this product, scan this QR code with your cell phone camera or other scanning device.


Feature Summary

• Automatic free updates for the life of the app. No annu-al subscription or update

fees. See page 46 for details.

• Intuitivity—zero learning


• Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur. Mi-crosoft Word required for

Mac version only).

• Short-form worksheets—

everything on one page.

• Detailed error checking and


• Shared Parenting Devia-tion—with suggested adjust-

ment algorithms.

• Three statutory table lookup


• Annotated, ODJFS and

short-form worksheets.

• Integrated instruction vid-eo—QR scan codes on the facing page—and ODJFS


• Configurable calculation for

incomes over $336,000.

• Income Annualizer—go easi-ly from paystub to annual


• Performs Line 3c 6.2% self-employment income adjust-

ment automatically.

• Exports all worksheets to your word processor for review, printing, emailing, faxing, pdf-making, and



Product Information

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 9

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See For Yourself Demonstration Videos

FAQ Videos

Scan the QR codes above with your cell phone camera or other scanning device to view our YouTube videos.

Name—Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines,

Demonstration Video, Part I

Time—15 minutes, 20 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/Pn-qk23y4pg

Name—Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines,

Demonstration Video, Part II

Time—17 minutes, 20 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/dnqn-6Jv8co

Name—Comparing the Old & New Child Support

Worksheet, FAQ Video, Part I

Time—7 minutes, 1 second

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/Aq7Ll2e4JXk

Name—Comparing the Old & New Child Support

Worksheet, FAQ Video, Part II

Time—13 minutes, 39 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/_MDi75hwbVg

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Another Puritas Springs Soft-ware application that the American Bar Association cited as the best software for family lawyers. Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina & Big Sur; Microsoft Word re-quired for Mac version only). We like to think of this applica-tion as a pretrial/trial preparation tool because it does a lot more than calculate spousal support. Spousal Support/Alimony Following ORC §3105.18(B), Ohio Spousal Support Calcu-lator (OSSC) provides a range of possible spousal support amounts, including tax analy-sis and income equalization considerations. OSSC also performs a complete child sup-port calculation and a needs-based assessment of ability to pay and sufficiency. You can review the facts, results, and rationale by viewing 40+ pages of forms and reports. 1. Income, Taxes, Support, and Expenses (ITSE) This report compares the parties’ incomes and their personal and living expenses (essential and non-essential), presenting both before-tax and after-tax data. You can also set a specific/agreed spousal support amount, and OSSC will give you the same analysis to back it up. OSSC performs an analysis that can be accurate to 1/100 of a percent.

2. Support v. Lifestyle This report summarizes the ITSE form’s information across a range of 28 different spousal support amounts! We call it the Lifestyle form because it pro-vides an instructive comparison of each party’s ability to meet essential and non-essential liv-ing expenses at various levels of spousal support. The analysis is critical in cases where spenda-ble income doesn’t meet living expenses. That’s because the divided family imposes financial hardships inherent when sup-

porting two households on the income that had supported one. In those cases, categorizing expenses as essential or non-essential assumes increased importance. The purpose of this report is to answer two obvious questions: Does the support order allow the recipient to meet his or her daily living expenses? Does it leave the obligor with enough income to meet his or her personal expenses? 3. Statutory Considerations More like a legal brief than an accounting spreadsheet, this report sets forth the ORC §3105.18(B) criteria and relates the case’s particular facts and

circ*mstances to each consider-ation. If you’re looking for a fac-tual basis to support or argue against the court or opposing counsel’s position, this is the place to look. 4. Set Spousal Support This screen lets you deviate from formulas and algorithms and set the spousal support amount in accordance with your own analysis. You’re in control of the calculation, not the oth-er way around. 5. Child Support and Taxes Included in OSSC is a child sup-port calculator based on our popular Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines (see page 8 of this issue). It’s fully integrat-ed, so while you calculate sup-port, it evaluates the impact on spousal support and incorpo-rates it into OSSC’s reports, i.e., the ITSE and Lifestyle forms. Other Resources If you’d like to visit the product information page of our web-site for more details about OSSC together with sample printouts, scan this QR code with your cell phone camera or other scanning device.


Product Information

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 11

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Seeing Is Believing Demonstration Videos

FAQ Videos

Scan the QR codes above with your cell phone camera or other scanning device to view our YouTube videos.

Ohio Spousal Support Calculator

Part I

Demonstration Video

Puritas Springs Software

Name—Ohio Spousal Support Calculator, Demon-

stration Video, Part I

Time—11 minutes, 27 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/Uh_8vT-cj0E

Name—Ohio Spousal Support Calculator, Demon-

stration Video, Part II

Time—13 minutes, 55 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/xkw-8xhfDV0

Name—Ohio Spousal Support Calculator, Over-

view, The New Tax Law

Time—11 minutes, 32 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/iE7-

Name—Ohio Spousal Support Calculator, Changing

the Allocation Ratio

Time—5 minutes, 12 seconds

YouTube Address—https://youtu.be/B2Uo2LYtbs4

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Cited by the American Bar Association as the best soft-ware for family lawyers. In July 2010, the Ohio Supreme Court published a set of affida-vits referred to as “uniform do-mestic relations forms.” These five affidavits enabled judges and attorneys to enjoy statewide uniformity for recording and re-porting basic financial infor-mation, health insurance, and other relevant facts. In 2013, the uniform set was expanded to include more of the commonly used forms. Finally, in 2020 the entire set of forms was overhauled and expand-ed. You’ll find a com-plete list of forms at the Product Information page of our website (see the QR code on the facing page). When it comes to drafting do-mestic relations forms and docu-ments, Uniform Domestic Rela-tions Forms (UDRF) is way ahead of whatever’s in second place. From a practical stand-point, not every domestic case requires high maintenance. More often than not, a client is primari-ly interested in resolving their private family issues with a mini-mum of anxiety and cost. In uncontested cases, this usually means completing a case expe-ditiously while maintaining the highest level of quality and pro-fessionalism.

Better Looking Forms Faster Would you prepare a 40-page brief on your typewriter instead of your word processor? Of course not. One of the primary advantages of word processors is the ease with which you can make revisions. If clients were perfect and brought all the cor-rect information you needed in the first appointment, and never exaggerated or omitted any facts, you could probably plod through with a typewriter. How-ever, even on TV shows clients aren’t like that. It’s important to be able to make immediate changes that dynamically update related fields and forms.

That’s the major ad-vantage of UDRF. You make modi-fications quickly and easily, with-out messy

white out, or mismatched typewriter fonts. With UDRF you click and go. That saves time for you to focus on what’s most important to your client. Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur. Microsoft Word required for Mac version only.) Uniform Domestic Relations Forms puts all the revised do-mestic relations forms at your fingertips—about 300 pages of them. They’re so much easier to use than the Court’s web forms or your word processor tem-plates that once you try UDRF,

UNIFORM DOMESTIC while you type 0 - 1 - 6 - 7 on the numeric keypad.


The section symbol

a+ 0167


The degree symbol

a+ 0176

¶ The paragraph symbol

a+ 0182

The long dash

a+ 0151

(Continued from page 3)

§ 4 Special Characters

5. Lenovo Ideacentre (520-24ARR); Score—75; $550. The top-ranked Apple is a fan-tastic computer. We’ve got two of them; however, if you’ve set up your office using Windows computers and all your experi-ence (or lack of it) is with Win-dows computers, you’re proba-bly best off sticking with a Win-dows computer. You’d have a hard time beating the available deals because you can buy three Lenovos for the leading Mac price. Apparently, our Acers didn’t make the cut, but we are pleased with them (Aspire Z3-715 & Aspire C24-865) and even more so with the price ($750).

(Continued from page 7)

5 Top-Rated Desktops



Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 13

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you’ll never prepare family law pleadings any other way. UDRF vs. Internet Forms Worksheets. We designed worksheets to avoid the pitfalls of retyping thousands of fields of repetitive information. These worksheets are your key to sav-ing time and eliminating errors. File Management. You must complete and save the Internet web forms individually and you end up with a dozen or more unconnected files. UDRF saves all the fields on all the forms in one convenient client file. Automatic Continuation Pag-es. If your client has more than a few debts or vehicles or ac-counts, you’ll need to create continuation pages, but not if you’re using UDRF. It has more than 50 custom continuation schedules integrated into the forms and affidavits both textual-ly and mathematically. Quick & Easy Revisions. Try correcting or changing an Inter-net form that you’ve already completed and printed. You’ll discover that you need to either retype the entire form or use white out to paint out the old and slop in the new. With UDRF, you’ll simply key in the change and hit the Print button. Memorable Memo Fields. Ev-ery multiline field—and there are hundreds of them—appears on your screen like mini-word pro-cessors. UDRF handles line breaks automatically and lets you avoid fussing over how

much text will fit on a single line. Shrink-to-Fit. If there’s a field that will only accept a limited amount of text and you’ve got a bit too much, UDRF will shrink the text’s size until it fits nicely in the desired field. The Default File. UDRF allows you to preset any field on any form with a default answer that automatically populates every new client file without you having to do a thing. Word Processor Compatibility. Finally, UDRF sends all of its affidavits and forms to your word processor so you can preview, edit, print, save as a PDF, and do anything else to the forms that your word processor is ca-pable of. We have a video that vividly demonstrates all these points. You can view it by scanning this QR code with your cell phone camera or other scanning device

If you’d like to visit the product information page of our web site for more details, scan this QR code.

RELATIONS FORMS There are many reasons—aside from the obvious—for working from home. A typical summer can provide quite a few. That’s why we’ve prepared a short YouTube video that demon-strates a few different ways you can do just that. In terms of cost, the sky’s the limit with some work-from-home solutions, but what’s particularly appealing is that the alternatives we describe are all low cost and don’t require technical expertise. Visit our website for a YouTube index. The Work from Home video is #24 in the Frequently Asked Question series. You can also scan the QR Code below.

☺ Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one dies.

☺ It looks like my get-rich-

painfully-slow scheme isn’t working either.

☺ The only way that raising chil-

dren could be any harder is if they unionized.

☺ I saved a lot of money on my

car insurance by switching … my car into reverse and driv-ing away from the accident.


Funny Things

Product Information

Working from Home


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Five Good Reasons Callers sometimes ask why they should use a probate app when the court’s Internet/Web forms are readily available. The an-swer is the same reason we prepare 40-page briefs with a word processor instead of a typewriter—speed and precision. Tax preparers learned this a decade or two ago. That’s why successful probate offices, large and small, use software to pre-pare their forms. 1. Making changes to complet-ed Internet forms is a time-consuming, clumsy process. Client information is sometimes inaccurate and needs to be cor-rected. At other times it trails in late and must be added. If you need to make changes with the Internet forms, you have two choices: either do it over or white it out and correct it on a typewrit-er. We think of Basic Ohio Pro-bate Forms (BOPF) as a word processor for probate forms. Change it and print it. Changes and corrections are global. You make one correction, and every-where that information reap-pears, it is auto-updated. 2. Web forms don’t update dynamically. When you change an inventory or accounting amount, you must recalculate the dependent subtotals and totals. If you use the Internet forms, you’ll need to either re-type and reprint the PDF form or paint it out with correction fluid. With BOPF, when you change a value, all relevant subtotals and totals update instantly.

3. Using Internet forms is slow and mistake-prone. Every pro-bate form requires similar infor-mation, like the case number, the case name, and hundreds of other repetitions. BOPF takes your basic information and trans-fers it to over a hundred pages of forms. When you make a change, you make it once. Eve-rything else is automatic. 4. Continuation pages. Try doing a multipage inventory or account using the same web page over and over. It makes an uncomplicated job slow and error-prone. You end up doing the math that the computer should be doing. With BOPF, you only enter assets and ex-penses once. Relevant continua-tion pages and totals are updat-ed automatically. 5. You can’t always save com-pleted PDF forms. Not all web sites allow you to save complet-ed PDF forms; you can only print them. And even in those in-stances where you can, you can only save individual forms. So, at the end of the case, you have your confidential client infor-mation scattered in dozens of different files! BOPF keeps eve-rything together. All your forms are in one file, and you may save, copy, and transport it con-veniently. Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur; Microsoft Word required for Mac version only).

BASIC OHIO 1. A Too Powerful Processor There’s a variety of available processors for computers, each one more powerful—and more costly—than the next, Intel Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, and Core i9. Considering that we do all of our coding on an old Intel Core i3, even though our latest Mac i27 desktop ($2,400) is an Intel Core i5, do you need more power if most of your work is Web brows-ing and word processing? The answer is no. You don’t need to pay for the latest, most powerful processor. 2. High-End Graphics Cards If you are a hard-core gamer, a high-end graphics card is a must; however, they have no place in a law office machine—unless you moonlight as a pro-fessional film editor. By the way, until recently, our YouTube vide-os were all recorded and pro-cessed on that same old 2012 Windows 7 machine referred to in item 1. 3. Monster Hard Drives Today’s hard drives are enor-mous. Terabyte size drives are replacing gigabyte drives just as gigabyte drives replaced mega-byte drives only a few years before. Think about this, howev-er. We have a 90-page Microsoft Word document that takes up 187 KiloBytes. That means roughly five of these large docu-ments will take up one Mega-Byte. Ergo, five thousand of these 90-page doc files will fit in

(Continued on page 30)


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• Main Window. The Main Win-

dow provides one-click access to all the probate forms, letters, and worksheets. It also guides you through the process—start at the top of the tree view and work your way down.

• Next of Kin & Legatees. Over

half the standard forms repeat the name of the spouse, kin, and legatees. Enter a name and address once on the Kin Work-sheet. BOPF will complete all the necessary notices, consents, and waivers automatically. If you have 40 beneficiaries, BOPF completes the appropriate notic-es, consents, and waivers with a few mouse clicks and no retyp-ing.

• Previewing & Printing. BOPF

exports forms to your word pro-cessor for review, formatting, printing, spell-checking, gram-mar-checking, emailing, faxing, making PDFs, etc. The function-ality of your word processor is the only limitation.

• Quality Not Quantity. Instead

of paying for hundreds of forms you don’t use or that are incor-rect, BOPF gives you the com-plete set of “Standard Probate Forms” as published in Rules 51 and 52 of the Supreme Court’s Rules for the Superintendence of Common Pleas Courts. Every standard decedent’s probate form is included.

• Form 706. BOPF exports

probate files to the most recent U.S. Estate Tax app—a conven-

ient single-entry system. Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton The last time we checked, about 22,000 of Ohio’s 38,000 active attorneys were practicing in the big three. All three county-specific apps work like BOPF. The main difference is the addi-tion of county-specific forms. Included are forms that are not part of the standard collection but still useful, i.e., enclosure letters, transfer documents, etc. If you’d like a complete list of the included forms, visit our website, go to the BOPF page, and then the desired county (hyperlinks are near the top). We’ve got a YouTube demon-stration video that you can view by scanning this QR code with your cell phone or other scan-ning device. You may visit our website’s Product Information page for more details by scanning this QR code with your cell phone or other scanning device.



For years we’ve claimed that manufacturers should give print-ers away because the real profit over the years of ownership comes from the sale of toner and ink. Although companies like Hewlett Packard don’t make the information public, analysts estimate that the profit margin on ink is at least 60%! All-in-one printers have become a staple of law offices, and al-though on rare occasions we come across free ones, the free ones typically require a contract to purchase ink/toner for a speci-fied period of time. One can guess what the outcome of that arrangement will be. The bottom line is we pay for printers, and the cost of ink hasn’t changed much over the years. Being cost conscious means know-ing which printers have con-servative toner and ink costs over the printer’s life. Here are the results of one consumer lab’s tests. Of 129 all-in-one models test-ed, these excelled in print quality and ink/toner consumption. Canon ImageClass MF267dw, $250 (plus $40 per year for ton-er) Canon Pixma G4210, $280 (plus $6 per year for ink) Brother MFC J491DW, $95 (plus $78 per year for ink) The lab noted that cheaper inkjet printers typically had the worst ink consumption

(Continued on page 17)

Economical Printers

Product Information

Demonstration Video

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er. You can also eliminate the PIN on this same screen. Close the Settings window, and in the search box, type netplwiz. When the command appears in the search results at the top, click it. In the User Accounts dialog, remove the check in the box labeled: Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. Then click Apply. When prompted for your Win-dows password, click OK, then click OK once more. Reboot your computer, and it should breeze through the startup process without requiring you to enter a password. 3. Dragging URLs Here’s the URL of the web site we’re currently visiting to draft this issue of Law Office Compu-ting: https://em-ui.constantcontact.com/em-ui/em/page/em-ui/email#edit/activity/9f747462-5cf8-45ab-8653-178da4b37fcb/adopter/calendar Obviously, it would be a bear to retype if we wanted to make it a desktop icon because it was a website we visited frequently. Although you can copy and paste it, there’s an even quicker way. Just click the URL in the browser’s address line so that it’s highlighted and drag the URL to the desktop. The result is a

shortcut that will take us to the desired web page. 4. ScreenShots I’ve written about this trick be-fore, and users we talk with on the phone tell me they use it almost every day. I also talk to enough people that don’t know the trick to make me think it’s worth repeating. If you want to send a screenshot of your com-puter screen to Windows’ clip-board, use i. If you’re going to send a shot of the active win-dow or dialog, use a+i. We seem to find more uses for the second key combination than the first. 5. Clear the Deck This is a handy trick that we’ve been using since Windows 7 days. Look for the button in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Click it and everything on your desktop minimizes giv-ing you a clean work space. If you don’t see it, you’re probably using a new Windows OS, but you should still find a barely visible sliver. There’s also an option to have your computer do this when you hover your mouse over this but-ton instead of clicking. Select Settings on the Start menu, then click Personalization in the Settings windows and Taskbar in the slide pane. Finally, click the switch labeled Use peek to preview the desktop.

5 Handy Windows Tricks 1. Control Key Plus Anything Have you ever found your finger resting on a key like a hen hatching an egg? Maybe you were deleting a long line of text or cursoring forward or back-ward. Did you know you could do the same thing while holding down b? Instead of moving, deleting, or backspacing on a character-by-character basis, it works on a word-by-word basis. If you do much word processing or text editing, you’ll get used to using b quite easily. You’ll wonder how you ever got along without it. It saves time, and better yet, it works in many dif-ferent apps, not just word pro-cessors. 2. Passing On Passwords—Avoid Signing In On Win10 Security is a necessary evil, and no one in their right mind likes managing passwords. We take and endure security measures only because we must. But there are times when formally logging in is more of a nuisance than a necessity. Let’s assume you live alone, and no one uses your computer but you. You might justifiably feel the risk of a home security breach is low or nonex-istent, and therefore you might try this tip for bypassing the Win-dows 10 login screen. Click the Settings icon on your Start menu. It looks like a gear. Click the Accounts item in the Settings window. In the slide pane, click Sign-in options. In the Require sign-in field at the top of the page, select Nev-


Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 17

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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur; Microsoft Word required for Mac version only.) With U.S. Estate Tax (P706), we followed the Puritas Springs Software philosophy—create an easy-to-use, reasonably priced application for small- and medium-size offices. P706 is a component of our popular Pro-bate Combo #2. Together, these two apps let you import information from our probate program into P706, and this allows you to complete your probate forms and estate tax return from a single set of en-tries! See the products and pric-es listed on the inside back cov-er for the discounted combo price. Here’s what you can expect: Print-shop-perfect forms. Automatic, dynamic calcula-tions.

Form 8971 for reporting distribu-tions to beneficiaries. Schedules A through R-1, worksheets (Line 9 & Taxable Gift), and 20 custom continua-tion pages. Worksheets for beneficiaries, assets, and debts. Each work-sheet allows you to work with centrally located information that you can effortlessly enter and manage. Check Return reviews nearly 100 IRS rules and reminders for testing a tax return before filing. Visit our web site’s Product Information page for more de-tails, scan this QR code with your cell phone camera or other scanning device.


☺ If you watch an Apple store get robbed, are you an iWit-ness?

☺ The secret to our marriage is

chemistry. She’s on Valium and I’m on Prozac.

☺ Just be yourself. All the good

personalities are taken. ☺ These days, my happy hour is

a nap.

☺ Why do they call it multiple choice when you only get to pick one?

☺ I have manners. They’re just

all bad. ☺ I surveyed 100 women and

asked them what shampoo they used when showering. Ninety-eight of them said, “How did you get in here?”


rates. For example, the Epson WorkForce WF-2830 printer can use up to $300 of ink per year. Surprisingly, the two inkjets listed had lower yearly supply costs than the laser printer—toner’s cheaper than ink. Re-gardless, our preference for law offices is the laser printer, which is usually faster and more de-pendable. The final printed prod-uct is also more durable (i.e., better resistance to smearing and moisture). Nevertheless, if you must have an inkjet, you can’t go wrong with either the Canon Pixma or the Brother.

(Continued from page 15)


Illegal One-Liners

☺ Some people say I’m a dreamer. Others say, “If you fall asleep at work again, we’re going to let you go.”

☺ Why don’t we ever see this

headline: Psychic Wins Lot-tery?

☺ All I really want is to be under-

stood. That’s why I’m yelling. ☺ A Buddhist goes up to a

hotdog stall and say, “Make me one with everything.”

☺ If it weren’t for law enforce-

ment and physics, I’d be un-stoppable.

☺ Compromise: an agreement

whereby both parties get what neither of them wanted.



Economical Printers

Product Information

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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher. Call or visit our web site for Catalina compatibility details. Microsoft Word required for Mac version

only). Designed specifically for small- to medium-size estates and trusts, U.S. Income Tax for Estates & Trusts (P1041) is perfect for the types of returns that law offices and non-professionals typically prepare. P1041 lets you prepare great looking forms and minimizes your preparation costs. The reality for most law offices is that complicated returns are referred to accountants anyway, so why spend more than you need for an app designed to handle those types of returns? For the other 99% of commonly-filed returns, P1041 is perfect! Required to File Electronically?

The IRS rule is that for purposes

of the ten-return limit, a return is considered filed by a tax return preparer if the preparer “submits” the return. The rule: The act of submission includes the preparer dropping the return in the mailbox for the taxpayer but does NOT include acts such as providing filing or delivery instructions, an addressed envelope, postage estimates, stamps, or similar acts designed to assist the taxpayer in the taxpayer’s efforts to correctly mail or otherwise deliver an individ-ual income tax return to the IRS.

The essential point is that you are not considered to be filing a return for a taxpayer and the 10-return filing limit does not apply to you so long as you observe the guidelines quoted above. If you’d like to visit the product information page of our web site for more details, scan this QR code with your cell phone cam-era or other scanning device.


Keyboards In the early days of computing, nary a thought was given to ergonomics when manufacturers designed keyboards. In time, probably as a result of workplace injuries, that’s changed. You can now find any number of ergo-nomic keyboards designed to be more comfortable to type on and reduce stress on your wrist, shoulders, and back. In a recent consumer study, these eight keyboards were lab-tested with ergonomics in mind, and we present the test results below. The three numbers ac-companying each keyboard represent their scores (range of 1 through 5—5 being the best score) in three categories, re-spectively: learning curve, er-gonomics, and adjustability. We listed the keyboards in order from best to worst. Based on its price and performance, we lean toward the Logitech MK550 as worth a closer look. • Kinesis Freestyle2 ($89)


• Logitech Ergo K860 ($130)


• Microsoft Sculpt ($130) 4/4/3

• Kinesis Advantage2 Quiet

LF ($360) 2/5/2

• Logitech MK550 ($50) 5/3/2

• Microsoft Comfort Desktop

5050 ($60) 4/3/1

• Adesso PCK-208B Tru-Form

Media ($40) 4/2/1

(Continued on page 19)

INCLUDED FORMS & SCHEDULES Forms & Schedules Worksheets

Form 1041 U.S. Estate & Trust—Page 1 Form 1041-ES Estimated Tax

U.S. Estate & Trust—Page 2 Schedule D Unrecaptured Sec 1250 Gain

Schedule A Charitable Deduction Schedule D Tax Worksheet

Schedule B Income Distribution Deduction Schedule D Qualified 5-Year Gain

Schedule G Tax Computation Schedule D Capital Loss Carryover

Schedule I Alternative Minimum Tax Schedule D 28% Rate Gain

Schedule J Accumulation Distribution ...

Schedule K-1 Beneficiary’s Share Continuation Schedules

Form 1041-A Informational Return Form 1041 Line 1 Interest Income

Form 1041-ES Estimated Tax Vouchers Form 1041 Line 2a Dividend Income

Form 1041-QFT Qualified Funeral Trusts Form 1041 Line 15a Other Deductions

Form 1041-T Allocation of Estimated Payments Form 1041 Line 15b Subject to 2%

Form 8949 Sales & Other Dispositions ... Form 8949 Sales & Other Dispositions ...


Product Information

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 19

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One scam email we encounter with some regularity comes from a person or business in whose address book we reside. In al-most all cases, the sender is either family, friend, or business associate. When there is a sus-picious-looking link in the email, you can bet that their address book was hacked, and their email account is being used to send a spurious email to every-one in their address book. A recent variation of the spurious email is more innocent-looking than ever. To us as the recipient, it looks very much like a legiti-mate document review request, like the ones insur-ance compa-nies, banks, and other legiti-mate businesses use to deliver and sign documents. These emails look authentic, but clicking on the Review Docu-ment link causes bad things to happen. In some instances, the link you clicked takes you to a bogus website that solicits your personal information in the hope that you’ll be trusting enough to give it. In other cases, clicking on the email causes your com-puter to be the malware recipi-ent, possibly raiding your ad-dress book and forwarding a new round of bogus emails. How do these infections occur in the first place? We’re not sure,

and when we telephone the infected party—which you should always do as a courte-sy—in most cases they’re not sure themselves how it hap-pened. We might see this hap-pen six times a year. It’s an em-barrassing, and possibly reputation-damaging, occur-rence to a business entrusted with confidential information. Coincidentally, to illustrate how insidious these emails are, while we prepared this article, we re-ceived a legitimate Review Doc-ument email, and it was indistin-guishable from a fake one we received a month earlier. The

only way we knew it was real was that the bank alerted us that we

would receive it, so we were expecting it.

From A Friend?


• Fellowes Microban Split

($48) 3/2/1

Mice The same consumer lab graded the eight mice listed below based on their ergonomics. The grading criteria was a bit differ-ent. The three numbers accom-panying each mouse represent their scores (range of 1 through 5—5 being the best score) in three categories, respectively: ergonomics, efficiency, and accuracy. We list the mice from best to worst. Note that five of the eight mice had perfect scores, making any of them a good choice. Our personal opinion is that the Adesso IMouse E1 is an ap-pealing combination of price and performance. • Logitech MX 910 Advanced

($100) 5/5/5

• Adesso IMouse E1 ($35)


• Adesso IMouse E3 ($50)


• ZLot Vertical Gaming Mouse

($30) 5/5/5

• Microsoft Sculpt ($60) 5/5/5

• Adesso IMouse M20B ($30)


• Logitech MX Ergo ($100)


• Logitech M570 ($30) 4/2/4

(Continued from page 18)



DEFINERS ☺ Kinstipation: The sometimes

painful inability to get visiting relatives to leave.

☺ Hope: The feeling you have

that the feeling you have is temporary.

☺ Efficiency: A highly developed

form of laziness that wins admiration.

Page 20 www.puritas-springs.com Volume 2021, No. 1

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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur; Microsoft Word required for Mac version only). FEATURES Adult Adoption Forms Includ-ed—in addition to the standard probate adoption forms. See the complete list of included forms below. General Information Worksheet—for managing, assembling, and automati-cally populat-ing standard general infor-mation to the adoption form set. Accounting Worksheet—for tracking and reporting related financial records. Auto-Text-Fit—when you have more information than will fit on

a given line, Ohio Adoption Forms (Adopt) automatically shrinks it to fit. Exports to your word proces-sor—for printing, faxing, email-ing, spell-checking, grammar-checking, or making PDFs. For the distinct advantages of OAF’s smart forms compared to the Internet/web forms, see page

14 of this issue of Law Office Com-puting. Visit our web-site’s product information page for more details; scan this QR code with your cell

phone or other scanning device.

OHIO ADOPTION FORMS Working remotely is the new employment model for many office workers. Under the cir-c*mstances, having an extra computer around can be more than just a convenience, and a good laptop may fit the bill quite nicely due to its portability. The laptops listed here are all decent laptops. They’re not top-of-the-line; they’re not super slim; they’re not for game play. They are affordable machines capable of taking on routine office tasks such as browsing the Internet, word processing, conducting Zoom calls, and streaming vid-eo. Best Performance— Acer Nitro 5 $670. Biggest Storage— Asus VivoBook 15-X512DA $670 Touchscreen— HP 15-DY1023DX $695 Most Portable/Least RAM—Microsoft Surface Go 2 $530.

Included Forms & Schedules General Information Worksheet Form 18.9 Petitioner’s Account Con’t Pg

Form 18.0 Petition for Adoption of Minor Form 19.0 Petition for Adoption of Adult

Form 18.1 Judgment Entry Setting Hearing Form 19.01 Judgment Entry ...

Form 18.2 Notice of Hearing Form 19.1 Final Order of Adult Adoption

Form 18.3 Consent to Adoption Form 19.2 Petition for Foreign Adoption

Form 18.4 Judgment Entry Finding ... Form 19.3 Order for Ohio Birth Record

Form 18.5 Interlocutory Order of Adoption Consent to Name Change

Form 18.6 Final Decree of Adoption … Affidavit of Adopted Person

Form 18.7 Final Decree of Adoption … HEA 2757 Certificate of Adoption

Form 18.8 Adoption Certificate for Parents Adoption Expense Worksheet

Form 18.9 Petitioner’s Account


Product Information

ONE-LINERS ☺ I don’t call it lying down. I call

it landscape mode. ☺ If they gave medals for lazi-

ness, my do-nothing kid would have me go to the podium and accept it for him.

☺ I’m a workaholic but I’ve been

in recovery for years.

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 21

Call us at (330) 989-3165 or (330) 485-3165; Visit us at www.puritas-springs.com

Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur. Microsoft Word re-quired for Mac version only).

Years of Free Upgrades? Historically, Ohio Guardianship Forms (OGF) give you excellent value for your dollar. Owners of prior versions received as many as six years of free updates! See page 46 for details about our update policy. Features Adult guardianship forms in-cluded (Forms 27.0-27.12). For the advantages of our smart forms vs. the court’s web forms, see page 14. Attorney Fees. Keeps track of your time; prepares Application for Attorney Fees. Conservatorships. Includes Forms 20.0 through 20.2. Auto-Text-Fit. Shrinks text to fit in the allotted space. Exports to your word proces-sor for printing, faxing, emailing, spell-checking, grammar-checking, and making PDFs. The Single Entry System. One of the main benefits of using OGF is that you enter basic in-formation once. OGF automati-cally completes the forms based on your entries (i.e., guardian and ward’s name, address, case number, etc.). Enter assets and expenses once, and send the

entries to the desired forms by pointing and clicking. Accounts are completed automatically. Copies & Continuation Sched-ules. Complete, display, and print nearly limitless multiples of most waivers, notices, bank certificates, etc. The same goes for the continuation pages of the inventory and accounting forms. Discount? Purchase OGF as part of our Probate Combo #1 and receive an additional dis-count. See page 47 for price information. Additional Resources If you’d like to visit the product information page of our web site for more details, scan this QR code with your cell phone camera or other scanning de-vice.

If you’d like to see a demonstra-tion video, scan this QR code.

GUARDIANSHIP FORMS Windows: Please enter your new password.

User: cabbage

Windows: Sorry, the password must be at least eight characters long.

User: boiled cabbage

Windows: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.

User: 50damnboiledcabbages

Windows: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.

User: 50DAMNboiledcabbages

Windows: Sorry, the password cannot contain more than one consecutive upper case charac-ter.

User: 50DamnBoiledCabbagesI-



Windows: Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.

User: Really-



Windows: Sorry, that password is already in use.

☺ With the price of gold this

high, I’m starting to seriously consider wishing I had some.


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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher. Visit our website for Catalina/Big Sur compatibility details. Micro-soft Word re-quired for Mac version only). Here’s a short list of features that make Wrongful Death & Minor’s Claims (Minor) an ex-cellent choice for preparing your probate forms. FEATURES Export forms to your word processor for spell-checking, grammar-checking, printing, faxing, emailing, editing, or mak-ing PDFs. For the advantages of our smart probate forms vs. the court web forms, see page 14. Automated form completion– you complete the worksheets

and Minor completes the forms and does the math. Time & Services Worksheet—prepare a computation of attor-ney fees with itemized state-ment, Application, and Judgment Entry. Auto-Text-Fit. If you have more information than will fit in a form’s given space, Minor auto-matically shrinks the font size to fit. If you’d like to visit our website’s Product Information page for more details, scan this QR code with your cell phone or other scanning device.


Targeting the 2020 presidential election, digital literacy expert—whatever that is—Mike Caulfield of Washington State University Vancouver published a guide for spotting misinformation on the Internet. We think Mr. Caulfield’s advice is applicable to more than just spotting election-related misrepresentations. It’s germane to the everyday business of a law office. Mr. Caulfield warns that people who think they can spot misinfor-mation by merely looking at it are in danger of being misled like the witness who doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. Mr. Caulfield summarizes the meth-od he advocates for vetting what you read online in the acronym SIFT. Here’s his ad-vice. Stop. If what you read sparks a strong emotional response, i.e., surprise, anger, sadness, there’s a strong possibility it was published for that very reason. Stopping to recognize that is the first step. Investigate. Check out the in-formation’s source. A quick Google search should turn up relevant information about the source’s reputation. If you can’t find anything at all, consider it a warning sign. Find Better Coverage. In addi-tion to checking the source, search for other sources that cover that same information. News media typically report notable news and events

(Continued on page 23)

FORMS & SCHEDULES Wrongful Death Form 22.1 Waiver & Consent

Form 14.0 Application to Approve … Entry Approving Settlement

Form 14.0 Kin Continuation Page Verification of Receipt …

Form 14.0 Claimant Continuation Page Verification Continuation Page

Form 14.01 Entry Setting Hearing Report of Distribution

Form 14.1 Waiver and Consent Miscellaneous

Form 14.1 Continuation Page General Information Wrksht

Form 14.2 Entry Approving Settlement Settlement Accounting Wrksht

Form 14.3 Report of Distribution Time & Services Wrksht

Form 14.3 Net Proceeds Continuation List of Medical Expenses

Form 14.4 Entry Approving Report … List of Suit Expenses

Fiduciary List of Time & Services

Form 15.7 Application for Authority … Retainer Agreement

Application for Attorney Fees Minor’s Claims

Form 22.0 Application to Settle … Judgment Entry …

Form 22.01 Entry Setting Hearing


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Everything you want and need in loan amortizing software Previewing/Printing If you’re preparing real estate documents and want to amortize a loan to obtain the monthly payment amount, you can de-pend on Loan Amortizer (Amortizer). You won’t just get the bottom line numbers like some calculators provide. Amor-tizer gives you a spreadsheet view of the payment schedule, itemizing each payment with a running balance. You can pre-view the complete printed report in your word processor, where you can incorporate it into other documents, reformat it, email it, fax it, paste it, PDF it, and more. Length of Service Owners of earlier versions enjoyed nine years of free upgrades with no annual up-date or maintenance fees—the effective cost of ownership: under $5 per year.

Balloon Payments Amortizer handles balloon pay-ments better than most similar amortization programs. Instead of scanning page after page of hard copy to determine the bal-ance on a specific date, Amor-tizer has the balloon amount up top where you can see it. Consumer Friendliness Click the Impact of making addi-tional mortgage payments but-ton, and you’ll see a dialog like the one below. Enter the amount of extra payments, and Amortiz-er tells you how much you’ll save over the life of the loan.

LOAN AMORTIZER through more than one outlet. If you can’t validate the claims, you should have some doubts. Trace. Follow up on claims and quotes by tracing them to the source. The most deceptive form of misinformation takes items out of context for the express pur-pose of misleading you. Election year 2020 was jam-packed with "news" items of this sort coming from all points along the political spectrum. Which platforms are the worst at allowing false information? Con-sumer Reports Digital Labs lists: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and

WhatsApp. Is there a major social media platform missing from the list? If you’re wonder-ing why CNN isn’t on the list, it’s because they’re not con-sidered social media.

(Continued from page 22)




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it used to be, you may find your-self struggling to see the location of your cursor. If so, try this: Go to the Start menu, click Set-tings, then Ease of Access. In the left pane, select Cursor & pointer. Now you can use the Change pointer size and color controls to make your cursor larger so you can see it better.

6. Clipboarding Images

Until now, if you wanted to cut and paste screen-bits to the Clipboard, you needed to buy a Mac or use third-party software. Windows 10 addresses that issue with a much more flexible tool for clipping sections of the

screen to your Clipboard. Press

[Win]+j+S, and at the top of the screen, you’ll see a few choices: freestyle and rectan-gular are two. Pick one and then point, click and drag to select a portion of the screen. When you let go of your mouse, the area you selected copies to your Clip-board.

7. Background Apps

Notifications and background apps can be distracting and they slow down your computer. Click the Start menu, then select Set-tings, and then Privacy. In the left pane, click on Background apps. You’ll have four options you can turn on or off to reduce

the number of interruptions you receive from apps running in the background.

8. Quick Switching

Windows recognizes pinned and running apps on the taskbar by their position from left to right. Pressing the Windows key and the number from 1 to 9 will quickly restore the desired app.

9. Calculator

Everyone knows Windows has a built-in calculator, but the one in Windows 10 has some new functions. Type “calculator” in the Type here to search box.

Then click the Calculator app search result. When the Calculator appears, click the menu in the upper left and see your choice of several different types as well as over a dozen other converters. 10. Ransomware

Type “security” in the search box. Then select Virus & threat protection in the left pane. On the right, you can click Manage ransomware protection. In the resulting window, turn on Con-trolled folder access and follow along. You’ll need to pay atten-tion to the after-effects because some of your applications may not work correctly or may not work at all. The reason is that Windows locks many of the com-mon folders, like Documents. If it’s too intrusive, you may need to turn it back off. We did, but be your own judge.

2. Dictation

In prior versions of Windows, the speech-to-text capability was pretty lame. In Windows 10, it’s much better in recent updates. If you are using your word proces-sor (or other text entry app),

merely press [Win]+H to start

dictating. You’ll smile when you see how well it works.

3. Classic Start Menu

It’s not exactly a duplicate of the old Start menu from prior ver-sions of Windows. Still, it pro-vides quick access to many use-ful utilities such as Set-tings, Task Manager, File Explorer, Device Manag-er, and much more. This trick requires that you in-stall Classic Shell. Search “classic shell” in the Win-dows 10 search bar and follow the yellow brick road.

4. Cloud Clipboard

The Windows clipboard is very, very handy, but it doesn’t work between different computers. The cloud clipboard solves this problem by allowing you to copy and paste from a cloud clipboard that is accessible from any com-puter. Activate it by going to the Start menu and clicking Set-tings, then System. In the left pane, select Clipboard and Turn on Sync across devices.

5. Cursory Changes

If you have a less than stellar monitor or your vision is not what

(Continued from page 1)

10 Tricks You Probably Don’t Know


Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 25

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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur). Both Windows and Mac computers require Microsoft Word. Cost of Ownership You’ll use this app for years with no update fees. An earlier ver-sion lasted through six years of free updates. Not bad for 150 pages of deeds and other essen-tial documents, hand-picked for sole practitioners and small firms. See page 46 for details about our consumer-friendly update policy. Updated Forms We reviewed, updated, and reformatted the entire col-lection of deeds and documents, including es-tate planning documents like a power of attor-ney, living will declaration, dura-ble power of attorney for health care, wills, trusts, and more. A comprehensive list of forms is too long to include here, but you’ll find a complete index on our website’s Product Infor-mation page. Easy Template Modifications Make it “your” Deed & Docu-ment Pro by customizing any of the internal templates. Changes you make become a permanent part of the application.

YouTube If you’d like to see Deed & Doc-ument Pro in action, there’s a short, 10-minute video showing what it can do and how it can help you generate deeds and other legal documents more precisely and efficiently.

Word Compatibility We designed Deed & Docu-

ment Pro to work seam-lessly with Microsoft Word. Be-cause that’s where you do all your final editing, format-ting, and print-ing, you’ll feel right at home

in the app you know best—your word processor. The best learn-ing curve is no learning curve. Visit our website’s Product In-formation page for more details by scanning this QR code with your cell phone or other device.


Between a laser and an inkjet printer, you can always count on the laser for crisper, more dura-ble and professional results, and if you want the biggest bang for your buck, you’ll choose a black and white laser over color. When we decided on a black and white laser printer, we fig-ured that none of the legal work we did involved color. On those rare occasions when we wanted to print in color—usually unrelat-ed to the law—we used an old color inkjet that we had lying around. If, on the other hand, you do a bit of color printing in your law office and you want the crisp, professional look of a laser, there’s one below. It received a lower score than the two black and white lasers, but we suspect the score reduction resulted from color printers being much slower than black-and-white. A national-ly respected consumer laborato-ry recently tested laser printers and here are their recommenda-tions. Brother HL-L2395DW All-in-one printer, scanner, fax Overall Score—80 $180 Lexmark B2338dw Overall Score—80 $150 HP Color Laserject Pro M255dw Overall Score—67 $300

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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina & Big Sur.) Both Windows and Mac versions require Mi-crosoft Word. The Main Window of Official Bankruptcy Forms (Bank) is your MapQuest roadmap for processing an individual bank-ruptcy petition. From top to bot-tom, from beginning to end, the outline or tree view—the shaded panel on the left side of the screen—facilitates the data entry process by building on previous-ly entered information. Ten Steps 1. Voluntary Peti-tion— This link provides access to the Vol-untary Petition. Information re-peated on other schedules and forms (i.e., the debtor’s name(s), the bankruptcy court, and additional standard information) automatically popu-lates the remaining forms. 2. Name and Save File— This step is a friendly reminder to save and name your file. After naming your file, use the Save button to save changes. 3. Select Exemption File— Before you start on the sched-ules, it’s best to select an ex-emption file for completing the remaining forms, especially Schedule C.

4. Schedules— The schedules set out all the debtor’s property, claimed ex-emptions, and outstanding debts. You select the schedule (A through J) and enter the infor-mation where you want it to ap-pear. Bank performs the math automatically, and you have direct access to exemption law and the master creditor data-base. Page totals, subtotals, and summaries update dynamically. 5. Statement of Affairs— Access any page of the State-ment of Affairs (Form 107). Point, click, and complete!

6. Statement of Intentions— Like the Statement of Affairs, you make your entries directly on Form 108. Bank does

the rest. 7. Means Test— Your gateway to means test Forms 122A-1 through C-2. Sta-tistical and census data update automatically. 8. Miscellaneous Forms— This step gives you access to all the other forms you’ll need to include when you file your peti-tion, i.e., Form 101A & B regard-ing pending evictions. For a complete list of included forms, visit our website or scan the QR code on the facing page.

There are two new Mac laptops available that differ from all the Mac laptops that came before. Since 2006, all Apple computers, like most other personal comput-ers, have run on Intel proces-sors. With the introduction of two new Mac laptops—the Mac Pro and the Mac Air, that has changed. The new laptops are powered by an M1 processor that was developed by Apple. Apple touts it as a giant step forward in power and speed. The two new laptops both have 13” screens and similar specifica-tions and both sit at the top of laptop rankings as Mac laptops usually do. The both have excel-lent displays. The two laptops were graded on portability, performance, display, ergonomics, versatility and bat-tery weight. Test results from a consumer testing laboratory found the main difference be-tween the two computers to be in battery life. The Pro was able to outlast the Air by a significant 5 hours. Apple MacBook Pro 13-Inch (M1) $1,300 Overall Score—81 Apple MacBook Air 13-Inch (2021 M1) $1,000 Overall Score—80




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☺ Actions speak louder than words, but talk is cheap and you have to consider that in this economy.

☺ I try to avoid trouble, but I think it likes me. ☺ My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed, I didn’t

think they worked. ☺ Here in America, any child can grow up to be President. I guess

that’s just a risk they have to take. ☺ I decided to write a joke about restraining orders. This is the clos-

est I could get. ☺ I’m not lying. I’m PhotoShopping the truth. ☺ Delusions are simply the ability to remember things exactly as

they never happened.

9. Select Any Form— Regardless of how organized you and your client are, you’ll inevitably need to change some-thing. This link allows you to jump to any form in the collection to perform reviewing or editing chores. 10. Electronic Filing— This final step lets you save your PDF file (assuming you have Microsoft Word), create the cred-itor matrix, and, if required, the ECF file. Visit our website’s Product In-formation page for more details by scanning the following QR code with your cell phone cam-era or other scanning devices.

If you’d like to see two short demonstration videos, scan these QR codes.

Do you need a password man-ager? If you’re like us and have over 300 usernames and pass-words, the answer is a definite yes. Some of the available man-agers can be somewhat costly, and finding a reasonably priced one that can do the job may not be easy. Until now, that is. Recently, PC Magazine published a list of the top 10 free password managers. 1. LastPass—the free edition matches the capabilities of some paid password managers. It scored points for being easy to use, and once you start using it, you won’t have much incentive to purchase the Premium ver-sion at its premium price. LastPass was PC Magazine’s Editor’s Choice. 2. Myki—The free version stores passwords on your smartphone instead of the cloud. Its interface and features also garnered PC Magazine’s Editor’s Choice designation. 3. LogMeOnce—The free ver-sion claims more features than any of its competitors. The ques-tion the testers asked is whether all the bells and whistles were necessary. 4. BitWarden—This manager is referred to as open-source be-cause it is developed through independent programmers’ con-tributions. It handles all routine password-handling tasks and adds features such as secure sharing and two-factor authenti-cation.

(Continued on page 33)


Product Information

Demonstration Video Part 1

Demonstration Video Part 2

Top 10 Free Password Managers

Illegal One-Liners

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Finally, BillB5 prepares monthly/periodic billing: • Prints your letterhead on plain

paper bill; no preprinted sta-

tionery needed;

• Transfers the balance forward

from the prior bill;

• Prints client’s full name and address positioned for stand-

ard window envelope;

• Lists client payments and

expenses since the last bill;

• Includes up to 10 optional,

user-defined fields;

• Subtotals any “attached” item-

ized time/service statements;

• Calculates a balance due;

• Posts a new balance forward

for next month’s bill; and

• Prints the entire bill and item-

ized time/service statements.

Visit our website’s Product in-formation page for more details by scanning the QR code below with your cell phone or other device. The web page also has downloadable PDF files, screen views, and sample bills.

Law Office Management (for Windows only) is made up of three components: 1. ClientBase5 (CBase5) 2. BookBase5 (BBase5) 3. BillBase5 (BillB5) Component Overview CBase5 is a name and address database that stores client names, addresses, telephone numbers, and similar infor-mation. BBase5 is a financial database that manages client receipts and disbursem*nts as well as cus-tomary office expenses.


CLIENTBASE CBase5 is your entryway into Law Office Management’s suite of apps. Of the available name and address apps, what sets CBase5 apart is its integra-

tion with BBase5 and BillB5.

Here are some highlights. Visit

our website for more info.

List View/Table View. Use one or both windows for viewing

clients in customizable ways.

Sorting. Standard Windows behavior allows you to alphabet-ize or reverse-alphabetize by

clicking a column header.

Hiding Columns. Too much

info? Hide any of the 16 fields.

Copy/Paste. A unique, custom copy/paste function works like any other Windows program—except that CBase5 formats client info as a complete mailing address for insertion in a letter,


Labels. Addresses in two stand-

ard Avery label formats.

Fast Find. Zero in on a record in just a few keystrokes. No compli-cated searches or filters. Just hit


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Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 29

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BBase5 logs all office receipts and disbursem*nts. Zero Complexity. Two win-dows—the Income Window for income and receipts; the Ex-pense Window for expenses and disbursem*nts. That’s it. Sorting. Both the Income Win-dow and Expense Window allow you to sort your transac-tions on any field by clicking the column title as you do in many other Windows apps. Show/Hide Columns. Is the display too busy? Hide any col-umns you don’t want to see. Intelliguessing. BBase5 has Quicken-style incremental searching that speeds up data entry considerably.

Filters/Exporting. One of the most powerful tools included in BBase5. Using filters and ex-porting data are the ways BBase5 extends its capabilities, i.e., sending data to Excel.

Check Printing. BBase5 can print checks in a standard con-figuration. Customizable. BBase5 comes with income/expense categories tailored for law offices, but you can add your own. Fast Find. Zero in on a record in just a few keystrokes.

ly. You may attach these state-ments to the monthly bill. Calendar. BillB5 has an acces-sory calendar. You can assign any calendar item a client num-ber, and the itemized statement can import that item. Personalized Billing. Brief memos remind your clients about upcoming events or pay-ment reminders. Interest. Charging interest on overdue balances adds an in-centive to timely payment. Do it with one click of your mouse.


BILLBASE BillB5 is a billing module that integrates with CBase5 and BBase5 to form an automated billing utility. When you use BillB5, the monthly billing takes only seconds. It also includes an itemized statement function for adding itemizations to your monthly billing statements. In-cluded is a calendar that can produce various basic reports. Client Histories. Assemble complete and precise billing histories quickly and easily. Autopilot Billing. Once you set up your monthly billing, BillB5 creates next month’s file auto-

matically. After that, you only add new bills and update the monthly set.

Printing/Previewing. One at a time or in monthly/periodic sets. Itemized Statements. Flat fees don’t apply to all clients. For time based bills, there’s an itemized statement function. Items auto-matically arrange chronological-


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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher. Visit our web site for Catalina/Big Sur compati-bility details. Microsoft Word required for Mac version only). Ohio Business Forms (OBF3) can be thought of as the Secre-tary of State’s business forms on steroids. These super forms have two substantial ad-vantages: (1) They eliminate redundant typing like retyping the name of the corporation a dozen times per form; and (2) they allow for clean, easy chang-es and corrections. No messy

white out or retyping.

Included Forms

For Profit Corporation:

532A Initial Articles of Incorporation

521 Statutory Agent Update 540 Certificate of Amendment by

Directors 541 Certificate of Amendment by

Shareholders 561 Certificate of Dissolution

525A Application for Reinstatement

Not For Profit Corporation:

532B Initial Articles of Incorporation 521 Statutory Agent Update 541 Certificate of Amendment by

Shareholders 522 Continued Existence Certifi-

cate 560 Certificate of Dissolution by


525B Application for Reinstatement


521 Statutory Agent Update

567 Statement of Denial/


Professional Associations:

532C Initial Articles of Incorporation 540 Certificate of Amendment 521 Statutory Agent Update 561 Certificate of Dissolution 525A Reinstatement & Appoint-

ment of Agent 525B Reinstatement 520 Biennial Report

561 Certificate of Dissolution

Limited Liability Company:

533A Organization/Reorganization 543A Certificate of Amendment 521 Statutory Agent Update 525 Reinstatement

562 Certificate of Dissolution

Limited Partnerships:

531A Application for Registration 542 Certificate of Amendment 521 Statutory Agent Update 525 Reinstatement

563 Certificate of Cancellation

Limited Liability Partnerships:

520 Biennial Report 525B Reinstatement 567 Statement of Denial/


Name Reservation:

534 Name Registration

524 Name Registration Update

Trademark/Service Mark:

555 Trademark/Service Mark Application

523B Renewal 558 Change of Ownership of

Name 524B Registration Update


one GigaByte. If you’re storing lots of videos and music files, you may want a drive sized in terabytes. To give you an idea, referring again to our old Win7 workhorse, that machine stored all the mp4 files of our 70-odd YouTube videos, thousands of documents, and the code for compiling about 25 applications. Yet, it has only used about 400 GB, and most of that is for media files that you wouldn’t find on a law office computer. In this con-text, note that streaming doesn’t count because you’re not storing those files.

4. High-Priced Adapters

You sometimes need a special adapter to connect a standard USB plug (like from your printer) to the new USB-C connectors you find on new super-thin lap-tops. You may even need more than one. Even though they don’t cost a lot, prices can vary. Best Buy has them for $10.

5. 4K Monitors

Ultra high definition monitors look fabulous. If you’re playing games or streaming 4K videos, they’re worth the extra dollars they cost but note that regular Netflix videos are 1080p, which they call Full High Definition. So, if your video experience is lim-ited to browsing or watching Netflix or YouTube, you’d be wasting your money if you bought an overpowered monitor.

(Continued from page 14)


Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 31

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It Just Doesn’t Look Right— Childcare Expenses Dear Puritas, We discovered an error in our child support program over child-care costs. When the obligor is paying childcare, they are not getting a credit for the share the obligee is paying. We had to add a childcare expense to an exist-ing worksheet today, and the child support final figure didn’t change from the original work-sheet. We re-ran a brand new worksheet and still got the exact same number. Please email or call and let us know what we need to do to remedy.

KMC Legal Assistant

Good Morning KMC, It’s not an immutable tech sup-port law. A new app may have a program glitch that went unno-ticed by testers and early users. However, the likelihood decreas-es exponentially over time. When there are thousands of daily users, it’s improbable that users will find an error (other than their own). Still, it can and does happen, and that makes finding one all the more chal-lenging. At the time of your email, the child support app was almost two years old, so let’s investigate. These are your facts: Two chil-dren; shared parenting; Parent A, the obligor, has $200,000 income; Parent B has $60,000. That’s it with the exception that

Parent A incurred child care expenses. Your question is uniquely char-acterized by not pointing to any specific line that is incorrect. Instead, you are relying on a gut feeling that things don’t look right, which, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Essentially you’re asking why the addition of child care expenses doesn’t cause the obligor’s obligation to decrease. Your instincts are good, especially since that’s precisely what happens if we use the old worksheet. To understand what’s happen-ing, we’ll follow Line 21 from the beginning (21a) to the end (21j). Line 21a is the allowable ex-penses, the lower of actual costs (21d), and age-based maxi-mums (21c). Line 21f is the total of allowable expenses. From that total, we subtract the child care tax credit(s)(21g)—that gives us the Line 21h amount. Next, multiply Line 21h by the parent’s line 17 income percent-age (actually the lower of the line 17 percentage or 50%). All good so far, but watch what happens at Line 21—the bottom-line adjustment to child support. The worksheet tells us to sub-tract the allowable expenses (21a) from the parent’s pro-rata obligation (21i). It’s the opposite of what one expects. Instead of subtracting Line 21h from Line 21a (typical tax form math), Line 21j instructs us to subtract line 21a from Line 21h! There’s the rub. We are taking Parent A’s

child care expenses and sub-tracting them from the allowable expenses. The result is $0. Why does the worksheet do this? The Line 21j ODJFS manu-al note reads: “Take the amount in Line 21i and subtract the amount in Line 21a. If this re-sults in a negative amount, enter ‘0.’ This removes the actual child care cost that the party is al-ready paying out of pocket for the children of this order, from their income share on line 21i.” Emphasis added. After reading this instruction a dozen times, I’m still not clear on what it means. Nevertheless, the operation of Line 21j is straightforward. No amount that Parent A spends on child care will ever change A’s obligation. It increases Parent B’s obligation, but be-cause Parent A is the obligor, it is of no consequence to either parent. In other words, if Parent B were the obligor, Parent A’s child care expenses would in-crease, but never otherwise. KMC, you have an excellent question, and although I hope I’ve answered it from a technical standpoint, I haven’t explained why Line 21 works the way it does. The truth is I don’t know, so I forwarded your question to some of my contacts to see if they can explain it. Postscript: KMC, I was dissatis-fied with my answer to your question and welcomed some feedback from a friend of mine

(Continued on page 32)

Child Support—Unsolved Mystery

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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher including Catalina and Big Sur). Microsoft Word required for both Windows and Mac versions. One of Living Trust & Estate Planner’s advantages is that it analyzes hundreds of places in a document where there are nouns, pronouns, verbs, ad-verbs, etc., and makes sure that every insertion is grammatically correct. A common problem with lengthy documents is you’ve worked with them for so long, and so often, you’re anesthe-tized. They’re immune to proof-reading. Spellcheckers aren’t perfect either, so it’s easy to miss errors. Living Trust & Estate Planner gives you a document you can trust and saves you embarrassment or worse when a client finds mis-takes. Word Processor Compatibility You perform all previewing and printing from your word proces-sor—the app you know best. What could be better than that? Breaking the Code You can customize documents in Living Trust & Estate Plan-ner. If, for example, you use specially drafted language in your revocable living trusts, you have access to the trust tem-plate. By modifying the template, you can insert your handcrafted clauses. Every new document based on that template will in-clude your customizations.

Setting the Defaults Templates are handy, but it also helps to seed document fields with default information that usually does not change from document to document, i.e., the attorney/preparer’s name and address. Setting defaults is simi-lar to modifying the template; instead, you’re presetting specif-ic fields. Another big time-saver. The Problem & Solution If you’re looking for software for your small- to medium-size law office, you’ll find Living Trust & Estate Planner, an extraordi-nary application designed for ordinary estates. Visit our website’s Product In-formation page for more details, or scan this QR code with your cell phone or other device. If you’d like to see Living Trust & Estate Planner, in action, use the QR Code below for a short demonstration video.


from the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services. I described the issue, and we were both at a loss to explain Line 21j. In 25 words or less, Line 21j’s opera-tion is as follows: When an obligor incurs child care expenses, he or she will never get a credit adjustment to their obligation. That’s be-cause mathematically, Line 21h can never be greater than Line 21a; and that’s because line 21h is the amount on line 21a less the federal tax credit and re-duced by the obligor’s Line 17 income share. Hence, your intui-tion is good. It doesn’t seem right, but technically it is right. So what was the result of my queries? Unfortunately, nothing that answers the “why” question. I did, however, have a thought about how to make the calcula-tion “seem” right. The thing you might consider is taking the Line 21i amount and using it as a deviation on Line 25a. Unsolved Mysteries. Why isn’t this done on Line 21 where it makes sense? Is a legislative correction to the worksheet war-ranted? Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think?


(Continued from page 31)

Product Information

Demonstration Video


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Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 & Mac OS X (10.8 or higher. Visit our website for up-to-date Catalina/Big Sur compatibility details). Both Windows and Mac versions require Microsoft Word. This application helps you pre-pare the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure forms pub-lished by the Consumer Finan-cial Protection Bureau and their predecessors, Housing and Urban Development Settle-ment Statements (Forms 1 & 1A). Features: The screens are as easy to look at as they are to work in. The tree view keeps all forms one mouse-click away. When the screens duplicate the paper forms, a zero learning curve is the result. Included forms—HUD Settle-ment Statements Forms 1 & 1A, HUD Good Faith Estimate, CFPB Loan Estimate, CFPB Closing Disclosure, Settlement Check, Tax Proration Table. Addendum forms—available for adding entries that won’t fit on the official government-published ones. Infinitely modifiable—because you preview in Word, and you can view, edit or format as you could with any other document. Fields for “paid outside clos-ing” (POC) amounts. Ghost Prompts—-if you need

help determining what goes where, many fields have sugges-tions in gray text. Once you begin typing, the ghost prompt disappears. They are invisible when printing. Quick Help—Wondering where answers are originating? Right-click, and you can receive help. Flexible Data Entry—Some applications, as a form of error-trapping, make you enter a num-ber in a dollar field. Sounds good, but if you want to enter a note, it can cause problems or require a clumsy workaround. HUD/CFPB permits non-numeric entries in fields normally contain-ing numbers. Print-Shop-Perfect Forms—all previewing and printing is done via Microsoft Word for professional-looking forms on any paper size, unlimited format-ting, and the ability to access special print functions. PDF File Conversion, Email-ing, Spell-Checking—once you preview your documents in Word, all these functions and more are readily available and easily accessible. Visit our website’s Product In-formation page for more details and screen illustrations. Scan this QR code with your cell phone or other device.


5. PassHub—This cloud-based manager works on Windows and Mac computers. PassHub is said to excel in security; however, it lacks the other managers’ con-venience by not automatically recording and recalling pass-words. 6. NordPass—NordPass en-crypts and stores your pass-words in the cloud so you won’t lose them even if your device breaks down. 7. Norton Password Manag-er—a capable password manag-er from a company that can’t seem to decide whether to offer a free version. Shades of Log-MeIn. 8. Avira—It does the job but lacks the features of some oth-ers, i.e., form completion. 9. EnPass—Stores your pass-words locally or uses third-party cloud storage. It handles the basics, but lacks intuitive two-factor authentication options, account inheritance, and other advanced features. 10. KeePass—Capable but feature-starved except through the addition of third-party plug-ins.

(Continued from page 27)


Product Information



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• Use the manual method to enter a deviation that would

result in no support.


Deed & Document Pro— Old vs. New Notary Clause Ernie, I filed a quit-claim deed after 9/20/19 using an earlier version of the deed program. Do you know what the consequences of that are?

J.B.S., Attorney at Law

Good Morning J.B.S., You’re okay. In our earlier ver-sion of Deed & Document Pro, the notary clause complied with the statutory short form of ac-knowledgment that one finds in the new O.R.C. §147.55. Here’s the new statutory short form: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name of person ac-knowledging).

Here’s the language we used in the prior version of Deed Pro: BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the above named Grantor and acknowl-edged that he did sign this in-

strument and the same is his free act and deed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and offi-cial seal this ____ day of _______, _____.

One thing the new statutory provision did was to clarify the difference between the acknowl-edgment one finds in deeds and the jurat, which involves admin-istering an oath or affirmation to the signer. The jurat is typically found in affidavits where the signer is testifying to the truth of the allegations. Whereas the acknowledgment merely affirms the identity and genuineness of the signature. Our old version of Deed Pro used the magic word "acknowledgment" and therefore complied with the new statutory requisites. Of course, the new version of Deed Pro expressly addresses the 9/2019 modifica-tions, so I recommend updating your app.


All Programs— Resolving Resolution Issues Good morning, I’m with IT Consultants, and I’ve got a user of your probate pro-gram whose screen text is run-ning into the adjacent input box-es. In other areas, the text might be clipped on the right side or overlap other text to the right. I

Child Support— Deviating to Zero Ernie, how can we override the minimum order? It is automati-cally putting in $80.00, but we need to override this.

B.S., Ohio Department of Job

& Family Services Good Morning B.S., For annual incomes below $8,400, ROCSG11—as per the Basic Child Support Schedule—applies a statutorily-mandated yearly minimum order of $960 or $80 per month. Regardless, I still receive regular inquiries where a magistrate or judge has approved a lesser amount or no child support. Overriding isn’t necessary in this situation. Over the years, it aris-es often enough—even in the context of prior worksheets ex-tending back to 1987—that the deviation line has an option for this. That’s the benefit of Puritas Springs Software having pub-lished the worksheets for over thirty-one years. We’ve "been there and done that" for every conceivable aspect of the child support calculation. Here are three different paths to the desired result. • Use the 4th option in the Devi-

ation dialog—Erase obligation.

• Use Option 5 to force support

to a specific amount.


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just performed an update. Any ideas?

AW, IT Consultant

Good Morning AW, I don’t think the problem is the update. I’ve seen this before when someone changes the font magnification setting to a value larger than 100%. Here’s how you can check. Right-click your mouse on any vacant area of the Windows desktop and select Screen Resolution. In the win-dow that appears, click on the link labeled: Make text and other items larger or smaller. I’m bet-ting that the user has magnified everything by moving the slider to more than 100%. While that has definite benefits for visual challenges or specific software, it’s destructive to our probate form layouts. There are many benefits to leaving it set to 100%, but we can’t forget that comfortable viewing is the prima-ry consideration. Once you know this trick, it only takes a second or two to switch between normal and enlarged, so that may be an option as well. Let me know what you think.


Probate Programs— User Gets Bad Wrap Ernie, I’m using Basic Ohio Probate Forms, and I’ve attached a scan

of an account I’m working on. It doesn’t look right. There are lines of text missing, and on some lines, words are cut off on the right side of the Item descrip-tion column. What’s wrong? This program worked in the past.

J.K., Attorney at Law

Good Morning JK, Thanks for the scan. I see what you mean. Here’s what’s hap-pening. The RTF form you see when you print Form 13.1 Re-ceipts and Disbursem*nts is composed of invisible cells ar-ranged in rows. Each cell con-tains two lines of text. Based on your monitor size and resolution, BOPF8 calculates the amount of text that will fit in a cell, and when that happens correctly, all is well. My guess is that something, perhaps a video driver update or some other configuration setting, changed the way BOPF8 calcu-lates the amount of text that will fit in a given space. As a result, it allocates too much text per cell, and right-side clipping is the result. I’ve also seen situations where text is word wrapping to a second line and beyond the visible boundary of the cell. Er-go, the missing text. All is not lost. I’m routinely made aware of the fact that the combi-nations of graphic cards, drivers, monitors, and CPUs are infinite, and sometimes, for specific sys-tems, special adjustments are necessary. I have a suggestion

for you that I believe will fix your problem. Follow these steps:

• Start BOPF8

• Click the Options menu and

select Adjust Memo Font

• Move the slider from the 75%

position to the left. Try 65%.

• Click Ok and print Form 13.1. That’s it. You can fine-tune it by moving the slider in small incre-ments right or left until you get the look you want. The sweet spot is the number closest to 75% that alleviates the prob-lem. BOPF8 will memorize your setting, and you won’t need to adjust that setting again.



ILL-HUMOR ☺ Hindsight shows you how a

mistake looks from the rear. ☺ Why do couples hold hands

on their wedding day? It’s just a formality, like two boxers shaking hands before a fight.

☺ Due to circ*mstances beyond

my control, I will no longer be controlling any circ*mstances.

☺ The shinbone is a device for

finding furniture in a dark room.

☺ Is it too much to hope that my

good cholesterol will have a positive influence on my bad cholesterol?


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building, there’s no climbing steps for us. We remote connect to the library computer. The only downside is that we’re com-pelled to buy jeans with elastic waistbands to accommodate the calories we’re no longer burning. When we wrote about CRD last year, it was pre-COVID. It’s a year later and remote connection software is more important than ever because increasing num-

bers of law office staff are doing their work remotely. Consequently, CRD well deserves the title of 2021’s Best Free Law Office App. If you want to know more about CRD, you can google “chrome remote desktop.” Google will be more than happy to tell you all about it. CRD Variations Since we wrote the initial article a year ago, we discovered some useful things about CRD that we didn’t know until recently when we contemplated

the “Best” award for 2021. 1. iOS & Android Devices This is our favorite. It’s an Apple App Store app that allows us to connect remotely from our iPad. It took us only minutes to install (we already had a CRD account for our desktops), and it worked like a charm.

(Continued on page 37)

used daily weren’t compatible, i.e., Constant Contact—although at the time of this writ-ing, the Constant Contact web-site claims that it is compatible with certain versions of Edge. One benefit of CRD was that whereas the $100 TeamViewer license supported only one ses-sion at a time, Google Chrome permitted more than one simul-taneous session so long as the

users weren’t accessing the same computer. In other words, one person, i.e., Ernie, could remote into his lab computer from home, and another staff person, i.e. Brandy, could re-motely connect to her lab com-puter from her home at the same time. The laziness this encouraged in our lab is that now when we want to access a computer in the library on a different floor in the

We’ve tried several remote con-nection products in the past. LogMeIn was good, but they terminated their free version some time ago. After LogMeIn, we tried TeamViewer. Again, our experience was good, but once we purchased and used the commercial version for a year, the free version wouldn’t work when we no longer needed the commercial version. Remote connection soft-ware isn’t exactly cheap, and of course, that’s what makes a free ver-sion so attractive. A ver-sion of TeamViewer that supports multiple seats—but only one at a time—costs $100 a month. After the TeamViewer debacle, the quest for free remote connection software continued, and that’s when we discovered Google’s CRD. We used it for a few days and concluded that it did everything we asked of it—everything we asked of TeamViewer and LogMeIn. Besides being free, it’s backed by Google, so you can be rea-sonably sure it will be around for a while. CRD installed seamless-ly as an add-in to our Google Chrome browser. Fortunately, this was not a problem for us because Chrome was already our browser of choice anyway. We had favored Internet Ex-plorer and its successor, Edge, in the past, but websites we

(Continued from page 1)

2021’s Best Free

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 37

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Android device users, i.e., Sam-sung, need not despair. There’s an Android version of CRD avail-able from the Google Play store, and it installs as quickly and works as well as the Apple iOS version. One reason we think this is an attractive feature is that we may not always have a portable com-puter around, but we usually have our iPad within reach. In a pinch, this can be super conven-ient. If you don’t have your tablet at hand, check out the next item. 2) CRD For Your Phone As a general rule, if your phone’s not an Apple phone, it’s an An-droid device. We found apps for both phones in the correspond-ing app store, so as long as you have a smartphone, you’re good to go. Like the tablet versions of this app, the smartphone coun-terpart also downloads and in-stalls in minutes. You can’t carry your desktop, and you may not have your tab-let with you in the car, but you always have your phone with you. Sad but true. On the other hand, you’re never out of the loop, because CRD for your phone does everything the tablet and desktop versions do. Sure, it’s challenging to work from your phone’s tiny screen, but in a pinch, the smartphone app does the job, and the price is right. With CRD able to do what it does, is there anything lacking? Here’s a list of “cons” we found on the Internet, together with our defenses.

No built-in chat. This is a non-issue because when we remote in, there’s no one at the other end anyway. That’s why we’re remoting. This capability would be more critical if we were providing tech support to some-one on the other end. When that’s necessary, we prefer a

telephone connection for that purpose anyway. If you’re inter-ested in that aspect of remote connecting, check out page 6 of this issue for information about Microsoft Quick Assist. Very interesting, very appealing, and it’s explicitly designed for provid-ing assistance. Chrome browser is required. No big deal. Everyone probably has the Chrome browser in-stalled on their computer wheth-er they know it or not (and whether they use it or not). No drag and drop file transfer. This could be potentially incon-venient if you want to copy files from one computer to another; however, we discovered a pair of file transfer commands on CRD’s Session Options panel (it slides in from the right) screen. It’s not drag and drop, but it accomplishes the same thing, and it’s as easy as manag-ing a file using Windows’ stand-ard Open and Save As file dia-logs.

LAW OFFICE APP Can’t automatically connect after reboot. Usually, this is only important if you’re providing technical support to the remote computer (which we don’t do nearly as often). Don’t be misled by this criticism. Using CRD you can still reboot the remote com-puter and reconnect; it’s just not automatic. You need to enter the password. No multimonitor support. No big deal for us because we don’t have multiple monitors, and chances are you don’t either. No simultaneous multi-device connections. That means you can’t connect to two office com-puters at the same time. This is another non-issue that we won’t even elevate to inconvenient status.



☺ Respect your elders. They made it through school with-out Google or Wikipedia.

☺ I love the look on people’s

faces, standing soaked in the rain at the bus stop as I drive past. That’s part of the reason I became a bus driver.

☺ Being popular on Twitter is

like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hos-pital.

☺ I’m not saying my spouse is

fat, but I got on top in bed last night and my ears popped.

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an amount from that parent’s

gross income that equals the

number of such minor children

times the federal income tax

exemption for such children less

child support received for them

for the year, not exceeding the

federal income tax exemption.

New Line 9: The court or agency shall adjust

the amount of child support

paid by a parent to give credit

for children not included in the

current calculation. When calcu-

lating the adjusted amount, the

court or agency shall use the

schedule and do the following:


You can see that whether a par-ent receives child support pay-ments for “other” children is rele-vant in the old worksheet. The parent with “other” children re-ceived an adjustment to income in an amount equal to the federal tax exemption. HOWEVER, child support payments received by the parent seeking the adjust-ment reduced the adjustment amount. Presumably, the reduc-tion was a safeguard against the parent getting a favorable adjust-ment on their current child sup-port calculation while at the same time collecting child sup-port from the “other” parent. The new “other” children line (now line 9) is different. Child support received from the “other” biological, non-party-parent is irrelevant. The missing three paragraphs that the ellipsis above represents—omitted to conserve space—are alternate methods of calculating the ad-

justment. Instead of using the federal dependency exemption as a yardstick for the adjust-ment, Line 9 plugs all the chil-dren into the support table and then subtracts the amount corre-sponding to the “other” children. Under the old worksheet, a party receiving child support for “other” children received no adjustment because the amount of support received likely equaled or ex-ceeded the exemption. That same parent now receives an adjustment under the new line 9, and the result is an increase in the child support obligation. Note that, under the old line 8, if the parent of “other” children is not receiving child support from the non-party obligor parent, that parent will receive an adjustment as they would under the new line 9, although probably of a differ-ent amount. Relating to your question, that means that the non-parent-party ends up with an increased obli-gation because the “other” child adjustment increased their pro-rata share of gross income and therefore increased the child support obligation. That’s an explanation of what’s happening, but the gist of your question is: why? If you’re think-ing this answer is developing like the child support mystery on page 31, you’ve got good in-stincts. It just doesn’t seem right. It’s counterintuitive to make the non-parent party’s obligation increase based on children that he or she has no obligation to support. I agree, but that’s exact-

TO: TECH Child Support— She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son I have a question about how the child support program calculates line 9 of the worksheet. Here’s the situation: Parent A makes $30K, Parent B makes $80K. The parties have a shared par-enting arrangement, and Parent B is the obligor. Parent B’s monthly obligation is $715.88. Now add that Parent A maintains house for two additional children from a prior marriage. My ques-tion is, why is Parent B’s monthly obligation increasing even though Parent A is receiving child support for the two “other” children. Parent B’s child support obligation is increasing based on children that are not his or her biological children.

K.S., Attorney at Law

Hello K.S., Your excellent question under-scores a difference between the old worksheet and the new in the handling of children from a prior marriage. For comparison, here’s the old and new provi-sions (FYI, the old Line 8 is the new Line 9): Old Line 8: If other minor children who

were born to the parent and a

person other than the other

parent who is involved in the

immediate child support deter-

mination live with the parent,

the court or agency shall deduct

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 39

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ly the way the new worksheet pans out. I probed a bit deeper into the question and found five related paragraphs in the manual titled 2017 Child Support Guidelines (in a section subtitled, “Calculation of Multiple Family Obligations,” p. 16). Unfortunate-ly, they deal with the mechanics of the calculation without ad-dressing why an adjustment is appropriate. Here’s something interesting. When you performed the calcu-lation, you placed the number of “other” children in the biological parent’s column. Under the old Line 8 (and arguably under the new Line 9), that’s the way it should be. However, look at the language of the 2017 Child Sup-port Guidelines on page 7: Calculation of Multiple Family Obligations Each parent should be given a deduction from gross income that reflects a standardized methodology for estimating ex-penditures based on their duty of support to children other than those who are the subject of the calculation at hand. This same paragraph repeats on page 16. Initially, the part that got my attention was the words: “Each parent.” Could you make an argument that the number of “other” children be placed in “each” (meaning both) parent’s column? It’s easy to jump to conclusions: “My Gosh! Could he be right? It

does say each parent should receive a deduction!” At least two factors mitigate against this interpretation. First, the quoted language goes on to say that the adjustment is “based on their duty of support” to the “other” children, and, of course, Parent B in our example has no duty to support the “other” children. Second, and right on point, the ODJFS Manual on page 8: [“Other children”] includes bio-

logical or adopted children in

the parent’s home or outside

the home that the parent has

legal responsibility for.

Of course, this does not include


In the end, I’m afraid I can only say that ROCSG11 is performing the calculation correctly, but I’m not clear on the legislative rea-soning. I’ll close by thanking you for a fascinating question.


What’s Hawaiian For Oops? May I have the download link and instructions for the gift tax software?

WI, Preparer, Honolulu, HI

Aloha WI, I regret that my earlier email contained the password for the incorrect program. We inadvert-ently sent you the password for

NICAL SUPPORT for Form 1041 and not Form 709 as you requested in your order. The correct password is at-tached.

Embarrassingly yours, Ernie

Ernie, Thanks for the prompt response. It’s a balmy 72 degrees here this morning, around 5 hours behind Ohio. Just rubbing it in, local humor.

WI You provoked us to decide that the next time you need a pass-word, we’re delivering it to you in person. Do you have extra bed-rooms? By the way, I would have guessed there was a larger time difference between Ohio and Hawaii. I double-checked, and, of course, you’re right. As for local humor, you’re a swell guy, and that’s no joke. Thanks for being our customer.


The More Things Change … Hello Ernie, I ran the same facts through Version 10 and Version 11 of your child support program, and you seem to have changed the way that it calculates deviation

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different from the adjusted obli-gation used by Version 11. Un-der those circ*mstances, Ver-sion 11’s deviation would be less than that of Version 10. Perhaps that is what you’re referring to, but there wasn’t enough infor-mation in your question to say for sure. Going one step further with this, I believe that Version 11’s meth-od is fairer because it awards deviation based on the “actual” obligation instead of the table amount, which may not be equal to the “adjusted” obligation. That amount is more in keeping with the parties’ financial reality. That was a great question. Thanks for reaching out to me.


Ernie Makes Camper Happy On A Sunday Hello! My laptop crashed, and I am unable to use it. I have moved on to a new laptop in order to continue serving my clients. I need to re-install my Puritas software on the new laptop. Are my licenses still valid as it would be if my laptop had not crashed when I updated my Windows operating system? Please say yes.


Good Afternoon LP, My condolences on the death of your laptop. Are your licenses still valid? The answer is yes. Your replacement passwords are attached. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Ernie Ernie, And you respond on a Sunday!!! Thank you! I needed to draft a deed TODAY because the client’s ex asked to review it before signing. I am a happy camper!

LP LP, Happy campers are the best kind. Have a great weekend—what’s left of it, that is.


Good morning, I have your spousal support application and I have a question about the Personal & Living Expense form. I enter $111 on the annual screen, press the month button and the amount becomes $9. That’s correct. It’s $111 / 12. However, when I press the button a second time,

when you choose the offset method. Why did you change this?

MB, Attorney Hi MB, I’m not sure what you’re refer-ring to. I ran these arbitrary facts through both programs: 3 children, shared parenting, Par-ent A/Father is obligor, income: A = $65,000; B= $35,000. I skipped to the deviation line and chose the offset method. Ver-sion 11 yielded an annual devia-tion of $6,366. Version 10 devi-ated $6,785. The $419 differ-ence is attributable to the differ-ence between the old and new child support tables at the $100,000 combined income level, not a change in deviation calculation. I peeked at the program code for each version to double-check, and this is what I found. In the Deviation dialog, if you check the offset checkbox: Version 10 takes the obligee-parent’s annual support obliga-tion (Line 18) and uses that as the deviation amount. Version 11 takes the obligee-parent’s monthly child support obligation (Line 24) and uses that as the deviation. The only way I could see the apps treating deviation different-ly would be if the obligee parent had adjustments that made the annual obligation from the table

(Continued from page 39)


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the annual amount changed to $108. What’s happening?

P.G., Attorney at Law

Good morning P.G., Like you, this took me by sur-prise the first time I saw it. Here’s what’s happening. The $111 you entered on the annual screen is divided by 12 when you switch to the monthly screen. The monthly amount is $9, which rounds $9.25. When you switch back to the annual screen, the program multiplies the rounded $9 monthly amount by 12 to get $108—a $3 differ-ence. The difference is the result of rounding. For simplicity’s sake, like many tax applications, the spousal support calculator rounds dollar amounts. Of course, what happened here is you lost $0.25 times 12 months. Understand that the monthly screen is convenient for entering expenses provided to you in monthly amounts. The point is to save you needing to do the con-version to annual amounts. In that regard, I have two observa-tions. First, the impact on the calculat-ed amount of spousal support is probably negligible because a single item on the worksheet will never be more than $6 off, and amounts rounded down will likely be balanced by amounts round-ed up.

(Continued on page 42)

Here’s a list of Puritas Springs Software YouTube videos related to law office technical questions in general. Contact us if you’d like to see a video on a subject you’re interested in. 1 The ROCSG10 Checkboxes - 2:54 - https://youtu.be/6Vu8nKvnZfQ

2 Platooning a Probate Form - 3:46 - https://youtu.be/wVeAL2M5q2g

3 The Default File - 5:19 - https://youtu.be/2OUR_FGYCAg

4 Pretty Printing - 6:32 - https://youtu.be/ip04bXeSK2s

5 706 Schedules J-M - 4:35 - https://youtu.be/AhaUgEq4i8c

6 Networking - 7:19 - https://youtu.be/VgKJ2KoAYi0

7 Child Support - 10:47 - https://youtu.be/pmXiJE-GG-c

8 Spousal Support - 11:32 - https://youtu.be/iE7-MgY5fQc

9 Bank10’s Master Creditor Database - 7:20 - https://youtu.be/7kzAR8-mo00

10 Relief from Administration - 12:04 - https://youtu.be/GOO165nS5J4

11 Spousal Support/Changing the Allocation Ratio - 5:12 - https://youtu.be/B2Uo2LYtbs4

12 Printing Issues - 14:30 - https://youtu.be/5w2_YAa1TMg

13 The Two Second Backup - 6:42 - https://youtu.be/-HoUvRG9fsA

14 Comparing the Old & New Child Support Worksheet (I) - 7:01 - https://youtu.be/Aq7Ll2e4JXk

15 Comparing the Old & New Child Support Worksheet (II) - 13:39 - https://youtu.be/_MDi75hwbVg

16 The Specified File Was Not Found - 6:16 - https://youtu.be/_wfIDRVvlm8

17 Modifying Templates - 9:55 - https://youtu.be/uP-OS9wIfI0

18 10 Law Office Computing Tips - 16:30 - https://youtu.be/EAYEqWQ0ppw

19 Saving Your Files in The Cloud - 9:43 - https://youtu.be/Ka9K2tFqo48

20 DIY Docking Station for Laptops - 14:00 - https://youtu.be/CjYC_60XBWc

21 Installing Mac Apps - 14:25 - https://youtu.be/mDUGS7aFRgU

22 Basic Ohio Probate Forms—Tips & Tricks 13:29 - https://youtu.be/o8odhRogyoM

23 Gift Tax - 7:48 - https://youtu.be/okacM0xJHl4

24 Working from Home - 16:13 - https://youtu.be/jNsFmjHMm8w

25 Mapping a Network Drive - 8:31 - https://youtu.be/jbGfIxLgUbs

26 Mail Merging & the Str2Float Error - 9:45 - https://youtu.be/9LGpkAUCYYU

27 All My Files Are Gone! - 7:24 - https://youtu.be/ae4m5b_eqsE

28 Child Care Expenses & Line 21 - 10:28 - https://youtu.be/aU-TNgl5eK0

29 When All Else Fails ... Delete the INI file - 6:10 - https://youtu.be/5qY1Y12h7BA


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Every month another application joins our growing collection of apps that have been converted to Apple’s 64-bit format. For Apple comput-er owners, this means that once an application is converted it is com-patible with the Mac OSX 64-bit operating system. At the time of this writing that includes the Catalina and Big Sur versions. The conver-sion procedure is a bit more work than we had hoped, and that’s why we are only able to reprogram one application a month. Finally, our intended conversion schedule assumes that there are no intervening emergencies which is not always true. Here’s a complete list of apps we’ve converted so far:

Ohio Adoption Forms (Adopt4)

Basic Ohio Probate Forms (BOPF8)

Deed & Document Pro (Deed6)

HUD Settlement Statements/ Closing Disclosure & Loan Estimate (HUD4)

Living Trust & Estate Planner (Trust3) Official Bankruptcy Forms (Bank10) Ohio Corporate/LLC Record Book (CorpLLC) Ohio Guardianship Forms (OGF6) Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines (ROCSG11) Ohio Spousal Support Calculator (OSSC) U.S. Income Tax For Estates & Trusts (P1041) U.S. Gift Tax (P709) U.S. Estate Tax (P706) Uniform Domestic Relations Forms (UDRF4)

The applications listed above are most of our top sellers. Unless you tell us differently, we’ll be converting the rest of the apps in alphabeti-cal order.



Second, if you prefer to avoid this issue, don’t flip back and forth between the monthly and annual screens, and the spousal support calculation won’t round at all.


Hi Ernie – In the asset worksheet, is it pos-sible to sort the “Send To” col-umn so that Form 8971 puts assets in order of schedules (i.e., Schedule B, Schedule C, Schedule F, etc.)

S.M.B., Paralegal

Hi S.M.B., It is possible to sort the Send To column by clicking on the Send To column header of the Asset Worksheet. That may produce the desired result. If it doesn’t, it’s possible to rearrange the order of items in the table by using the Copy Row/Paste Row group of buttons at the top of the screen. The drawback is that you can only operate on one row at a time, so for small- to mid-size estates with smaller tables, cutting, copying, and pasting should easily achieve the de-sired result. Nevertheless, on a large table, this technique would be tedious. Let me know if that works for you.


(Continued from page 41)

Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 43

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I get an error when I download programs from the Internet. It also happens with some Puritas Springs Software apps. It says, "Windows protected your PC," and it won’t let me continue with the installation. Can you help? Windows Defender is responsi-ble. It’s a built-in Windows 10 security application. A quick Google search indicates this is the usual message displayed when you download some Inter-net applications. While it’s good that Windows tries to protect your PC, it’s difficult to under-stand why Windows Defender balks at Puritas Springs Soft-ware apps that are officially code-signed and authenticated. It makes one wonder why com-panies pay an annual fee and go through a vetting process to earn the right to certify and e-sign the application. To get around this roadblock, you must jump through a few hoops depending on the browser you use. Here are the steps using two league-leading brows-ers—Google Chrome and Mi-crosoft Edge. Google Chrome When we did some routine de-tective work, this is what we found. First, you say that Win-dows won’t let you continue with the installation. We suspect that it only looks that way, and you probably may continue. Most of the time, it’s not that Windows won’t let you; it’s that the steps to continue are not apparent. You need to look for a More info link in the message part of the

dialog. Beware. The link was difficult to see on our system, displayed in a color that blended well with the background. When you click on the More info link, a Run anyway button appears. Click Run anyway, and away you go. If there is no More info link, it’s because someone set Windows Defender to be extra-vigilant. In

virus-prevention terms, it’s like wearing an air-filtering helmet in place of a simple mask. For most of us, it’s more nuisance than the protection is worth. To fix the problem, open Windows Defender, click App & Browser, and under Check apps and files, select the Warn option. If it’s set to Block, that’s likely the source of your problem. That’s the workaround, and here’s why it’s necessary. In Windows 10, when you try to run an app downloaded from the Internet, if it has no "reputation," even if it’s code signed, the intru-sive warning appears. Microsoft defines reputation to mean that a significant number of users downloaded and accepted the app. Next definition. Significant number. We never found a relia-

ble number, but even 10,000 is more than specialized apps, i.e., Ohio Adoption Forms, will ever exceed. Microsoft Edge In the lower-left corner of your screen, you’ll see the message: [Filename] was blocked be-cause it could harm your de-vice. To the right is an ellipsis (…) button. Click it to display your options and choose Keep. Take heart—you’re almost there. A web page will appear grayed out with a dialog superimposed in the middle of the screen. An-other warning: This app might harm your device. You’ll see a link that reads Show more. Click on it, and then select Keep any-way. The previously grayed-out screen in the background is activated, and you should see the name of the downloaded file. Click on it. Six clicks later, you are nearer the finish line, but you’re not there yet. Only two more clicks. You should now be looking at another warning: Windows pro-tected your PC. Is it any wonder we prefer Chrome? Somewhere in the window, you’ll see a More Info link. Click it, and then Run anyway. You’re finally on your way.



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THE SOCIAL DILEMMA what will get your attention and keep it. So what do The Social Dilemma’s critics advise?

• Turn off notifications.

• Never accept a recommended video on YouTube; always make your own selection.

• Uninstall unnecessary apps from your phone.

• Use a search engine that doesn’t store your search history—Qwant or DuckDuckGo.

• Install Chrome extensions that remove notifications.

• Reduce or eliminate your use of social media apps.

For parents, The Social Dilemma offers these three more suggestions.

• All devices must be out of the bedroom by a fixed time.

• No social media until high school.

• Work out a time budget that limits the amount of time a child spends using social media.

If you have access to Netflix, check out The Social Dilemma and see what you think. As always, don’t hesitate to let us know. You can email us using the following email address: [emailprotected]. FYI. A survey from staffing firm Office Team found the average office employee spends 56 minutes per day using their cell phone at work for non-work activi-ty.

has full control and physical possession. Paranoia? I recall a 2015 investi-gation revealing that LastPass account email addresses, pass-word reminders, server per user salts, and authentication hashes were compromised. Even if en-crypted user vault data had not been affected, still … My personal experience with LastPass was not memorable , and even if the fault was mine, what difference does it make when my passwords are lost? AY, I’m not at odds with yours and the Director’s advice. We all agree that a secure password manager is the best solution. The beauty of that solution is that it gives you the best of both worlds. It creates complex, ran-domly-generated passwords, and you don’t need to memorize and retype them. There’s no question that having a manager lookup and insert your pass-words as needed is preferable to looking them up in an Excel spreadsheet every time you log in to a new website. Incidentally, I think it was men-tioned that Google’s Chrome browser has an acceptably se-cure password manager. The encrypting scheme it employs, is a Data Protection API which uses AES-256. Based on what I know so far, the obvious solution for me is a dedi-cated password manager like Chrome’s. In addition, I’ll also keep an encrypted, password-protected file for failsafe purpos-es. What else is there—storing a hard-copy in a safe?

(Continued from page 5)

We recently watched a Netflix video titled The Social Dilemma. The video’s gist was that mega-companies like Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter accumulate unimaginable amounts of data—data not being used for our benefit. The claim is that whereas the infant technology industry initially con-cerned itself with hardware and software development, the goal shifted to data accumulation over the last few decades. In other words, that’s where the money is. The data being referring to con-sists, in large part, of recording everything you do online. That means recording your search histo-ry, website visits, likes, dislikes, friends, photo tagging, and every-thing else you do online. In the quest to get your attention, there are two designer-recognized truths:

• You vote with your clicks.

• If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the prod-uct.

We learn from The Social Dilemma that teams of highly paid special-ists—trained in psychology rather than computers—make it their job to figure out how to get your attention and keep it. They are very good at what they do. Here’s an example: If you Google search "climate change is," Google’s autocompleting feature will vary according to your geographic location and perceived opinion. One person may see: Inevitable, getting better, not real, a hoax A different person might see: disrupting the planet, real, not weather, changing our economy What you’re seeing is what Google thinks you want to see, as well as


Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 45

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BROWSER WARS—CHROME VS. EDGE Even with our technical back-ground, we’ve had little reason to test browsers. We are primari-ly a software development lab, and our use of browsers is the same as yours. We use a brows-er to connect with the World Wide Web, and we don’t spend time comparing one to the other. Our experience with browsers began with Internet Explorer. As time wore on, IE grew long in the tooth. Websites that we often used, i.e., Constant Contact, worked better with Chrome and didn’t work with Edge (that may have changed recently). It’s all about convenience, and IE’s inconvenience was enough to move us to Google, where we have been happy ever since. A few years later, Chrome Re-mote Desktop (see page 1) cemented Chrome’s number one position in our eyes. Now, a few more years later, circ*mstances had us trying both again to see which one we liked the best. Here’s our scorecard. Ease of Use We were surprised to learn that both Chrome and Edge use the same code base—Chromium. It’s a web browser initially devel-oped by Google but now sup-ported by an association that includes Google, Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, LG Electronics, and others. The result is that the user interfaces of both are functional-ly, if not cosmetically, similar. No winner in this category.

Features Chrome has support for Google Drive and Google Docs built-in. Edge has Tracking Prevention, Reading Mode, and Collections. Google Drive is cloud storage and Google Docs is a capable free online word processor. What’s Tracking Prevention? Here’s an example of what it tries to prevent. You’re visiting a pizza oven web-site because you’ve dreamed about owning one. Next, you switch gears and visit a fitness site; lo and behold, an ad for the pizza oven is there. Later, you go to YouTube to see about building a pizza oven, but first, you sit through an ad about—you guessed it—that same pizza oven. Check Instagram on your phone, and there it is again, as a sponsored post in your feed. Edge has a feature, Tracking Prevention, that blocks third-party trackers and, depending on the configuration, ads. It’s an attractive feature that you’ll nev-er see in Chrome. That’s be-cause about one of every four pop-ups comes from Google. What do you think about that? Honestly, it sours us a bit on Google. Edge also has Reading Mode, which allows you to see or print a web page without the ads and other visual clutter. The down-side is that the page you’re view-ing must support reading mode, and we haven’t found many that do.

Edge’s other exciting feature is the Collection pane that sticks to the right side of the browser window and can be used to drag and drop Internet content. Another toss up. Performance We don’t have the resources for testing the relative speed of the browsers, but here is what Digi-talTrends.com had to say: These are both very fast browsers.

Granted, Chrome narrowly beats Edge in the Kraken and Jetstream

benchmarks, but it’s not enough to

recognize in day-to-day use. Actu-

ally, Edge has an advantage over

Chrome due to the way it uses

memory. Edge consumes fewer

computer resources.

Privacy & Security We surveyed the opinion of several reputable sources, and each gave Edge the edge in terms of privacy and security. We’re going to leave it at that, so there’s enough room left to provide you with our opinion. Here it is. We’re going to use Edge a lot more than we have in the past. That doesn’t mean we won’t be using Chrome. We use Chrome Remote Desktop all day long, so there’s no danger of us jettisoning Chrome any time soon. However, we’ll be using Edge and testing whether it provides a less intrusive browsing experience for all other browsing we do. Watch for our monthly email issue of Law Office Computing for further details.

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Product Information

There’s a substantial amount of information about our products on our website. Each application has a separate web page. These Product Information pages usually contain complete lists of included forms. There are also screenshots and printouts as PDFs that you can view and examine. For most applications, there is a corresponding YouTube demonstration video that you can view. Trial versions

are also usually available.

Price Information

Price information is always one click away. Be suspicious of websites that hide the price or

insist on a sales call.

Technical Support

In our Support section, you have access to back issues and tech support logs containing technical information in hundreds of areas. Our telephone support is unpar-


Monthly Issues of Law Office Computing

We can’t emphasize enough the importance and benefits of get-

ting on our email list.

Some special discounts and deals are only made available to

our email subscribers.

Get advance notice of updates and new releases, including changes in related areas of the


How To Subscribe

You can join our email subscrib-er list by visiting any page of our website and click on the Sign up for our Email Newsletter link on the right side of the browser screen. There is no registration or personal information required. Enter your email address in the text input field and click the Sub-mit button. Don’t forget that you may need to add us to your white list if you have security or

spam prevention software.

Product Upgrade Info

We no longer print current ver-sion lists. Instead, for access to the most recent information, visit the Current Version page of our




It’s updated daily, and there is much more information than we

could fit on a printed page.

Automatic Upgrades

On the issue of updates, note that Puritas Springs Software applications download and install

updates automatically.

YouTube Videos

Please take advantage of our demonstration, training, and instructional videos. They’re

there for you.

ABOUT Except for annually released tax applications*, our software in-cludes free updates for the application’s life. There are no monthly or annual subscription fees, update costs, technical support charges, or hidden ex-penses during the application’s lifetime. Updates and support are free for the life of a major** version. How long is that? It depends on a variety of factors beyond our control, but historically, over the last 35 years, it works out to between 4 and 6 years!*** Think about this when you’re comparing a program’s total lifetime cost of ownership.

* Because it is in substantial part a tax application, there is a small annual update fee for Ohio Spousal Support Calculator. Other tax applications that are upgraded annually for a fee are U.S. Income Tax for Estates & Trusts (Form 1041), U.S. Es-tate Tax (Form 706), and U.S. Gift Tax (Form 709). **A major update can usually, but not always, be recognized as an increase in the version num-ber to the left of the decimal. *** This is not a guarantee. The timing of major releases is pre-cipitated by changes in the law or changes in the computer op-erating system or other factors which in our opinion, warrant substantial programming modifi-cations.



Volume 2021, No. 1 Law Office Computing Page 47

Call us at (330) 989-3165 or (330) 485-3165; Visit us at www.puritas-springs.com

Puritas Springs Software The Cleveland Trust Bldg.

645 McKee Trail Hinckley, Ohio 44233-9202


Order Form Purchaser Information



City, State ZIP:


Card No. & Exp Date:

Card Security Code:

Email Address:

Quantity Software Title Price Total

Federal Official Bankruptcy Forms (Bank) Mac version $199.99

U.S. Estate Tax (P706) Mac version $169.99

U.S. Gift Tax (P709) Mac version $49.99

U.S. Income Tax for Estates & Trusts (P1041) Mac version $49.99

HUD Settlement Statement Forms (HUD4) Mac version $99.99

Living Trust & Estate Planner (Trust) Mac version $129.99

Loan Amortizer (PSSLA) No Mac version available $49.99

Law Office Management Pack (OffMgt) No Mac version $129.99


Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines (ROCSG) Mac version $129.99

Ohio Spousal Support Calculator (MA) Mac version $199.99

Uniform Domestic Relations Forms (UDRF) Mac version $99.99

Basic Ohio Probate Forms (BOPF) Mac version $269.99

Cuyahoga County Probate Forms ($99 with purchase of BOPF) Mac $269.99

Franklin County Probate Forms ($99 with purchase of BOPF) Mac $269.99

Hamilton County Probate Forms ($99 with purchase of BOPF) Mac $269.99

Ohio Guardianship Forms (OGF) Mac version $169.99

Ohio Wrongful Death & Minor’s Claims (Minor) Mac version $79.99

Ohio Adoption Forms (Adopt) Mac version $69.99

Deed & Document Pro (Deed) Mac version $89.99

Ohio Corp., Prof. Assoc. & LLC Record Book (CorpLLC) Mac version $129.99

Ohio Business Forms (OBF) Mac version $69.99

Ohio Business Dissolution Kit (OBDK) Mac version $69.99

Combination Discount Packs

Family Law Combo 1 (ROCSG & MA) Mac version $248.98

Family Law Combo 2 (ROCSG & UDRF) Mac version $248.98

Family Law Triple Pack (ROCSG, MA & UDRF) Mac version $439.88

Probate Combo 1 (BOPF & OGF) Mac version $327.99

Probate Combo 2 (BOPF & P706) Mac version $327.99

Practitioner’s Legal Suite (Every program in our library) $999.99

Ohio residents and businesses must include sales tax for their county. Prices assume a single-user license. Call for multi-user/multi-machine licensing and price information.

All prices are subject to change due to modifications that may occur between newsletter/catalog production and distribution.

All applications are Windows 10 compatible and available in Mac versions except as specifically noted above.


Sales Tax

S/H $8.00


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10 Windows Secrets for Law Offices— These are not just handy tips; they’re also ones you probably don’t already know. 2021’s Best New Free Application for Law Offices— Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop has proven itself to be a worthy candidate for offices that work from home. We discovered some very handy accessories you may not be familiar with. Digital Inklings— Ernie does some venting about his 300+ user names and passwords. There is some insight about pass-word managers and investigation into whether password-protected/encrypted Excel files are really secure. Giving Your Staff A Quick Assist— We discovered this extremely handy application accidentally. Another remote connection necessity for law offices that have home workers. Did we mention that it’s free? The Social Dilemma— Alarmist? Perhaps, but there are definitely things to think about when you, your employees or your children participate in social media.

Puritas Springs Software - Law Office Computing - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.