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of Natural Sciences

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EDITORIAL BOARDJanusz Falkowski (Editor-in-chief), Eugeniusz Biesiadka, Jan Glogowski,

Ryszard Zadernowski, Hans Harms (Germany), Vaclav Matousek (Czech Republic),Juraj Mlynek (Slovak Republic)

Executive editor Agnieszka Orłowska-Rachwał

The Polish Journal of Natural Sciences is indexed and abstractedin Biological Abstracts and Biosis Previews

The Journal is also available (from volume 22) in electronic form. The online editionis hosted by MetaPress (www.metapress.com) in partnership with Versita


PL ISSN 1643-9953

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-MazurskiegoOlsztyn 2010


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B. BOGUCKA, B. CWALINA-AMBROZIAK, T. ZIĘBA – The Effects of Varied Soil andFoliar Mineral Fertilization Levels in the Production of High-Starch Potatoes 215

K. GÓRSKA-KOPLIŃSKA, A. ŹRÓBEK-SOKOLNIK, R.J. GÓRECKI, D.J. MICHALCZYK –The Effect of Explant Type on Somatic Embryogenesis Induction in PisumSativum L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

M. RACZKOWSKI – Energy Expenditure in Triticale Cultivation with DifferentMicroelements Ferlilization Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

Animal Breeding and Husbandry

A. FARUGA, R. PIETRZAK-FIEĆKO, S.S. SMOCZYŃSKI – Chlorinated Hydrocarbonsin Feed and Tissues of Turkey Hens From a Breeding Flock and Their Contentin EGG Yolks and Blood of Poults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Environmental Protection

D. DOMSKA, K. WOJTKOWIAK – Influence of Pollution Sources of Points and ArealsDifferentiation on the Concentration of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Compoundsin Water of Mały Jeziorak Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

M. GRZYBOWSKI, J. SZAREK, K.A. SKIBNIEWSKA, J. GUZIUR, J. DURIASZ – Evaluationof the Ecological Status and Diversity of Macrophytes of Drainage DitchesThreatened by a Pesticide Tomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259


A. HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA, K. KUPREN, K. TURKOWSKI, K. TARGOŃSKA, D. ŻARSKI,D. KUCHARCZYK – A Comparison of the Economic Effectiveness of VariousSpawning Agents for Stimulating the Reproduction of the Cultured and WildForms of the Common Barbel Barbus Barbus (L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

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– Osmolality of Seminal Plasma as an Indicator of Milt Contamination withUrine Based on the Example of the Tench Tinca Tinca (L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

K. KUPREN, A. MAMCARZ, D. KUCHARCZYK – Effects of Temperature on Survival,Deformations Rate and Selected Parameters of Newly Hatched Larvae of ThreeRheophilic Cyprinids (Genus Leuciscus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299



B. BOGUCKA, B. CWALINA-AMBROZIAK, T. ZIĘBA – Efekty zróżnicowanego nawożeniamineralnego aplikowanego doglebowo i dolistnie w uprawie ziemniakaskrobiowego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

K. GÓRSKA-KOPLIŃSKA, A. ŹRÓBEK-SOKOLNIK, R.J. GÓRECKI, D.J. MICHALCZYK –Wpływ rodzaju eksplantatu na indukcję somatycznej embriogenezy u PisumSativum L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

M. RACZKOWSKI – Energochłonność produkcji pszenżyta w warunkach zróżnic-owanej techniki nawożenia mikroelementami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

Chów i Hodowla Zwierząt

A. FARUGA, R. PIETRZAK-FIEĆKO, S.S. SMOCZYŃSKI – Chlorowane węglowodoryw paszy i tkankach indyczek stada reprodukcyjnego oraz ich zawartośćw żółtkach jaj i krwi piskląt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Kształtowanie Środowiska

D. DOMSKA, K. WOJTKOWIAK – Oddziaływanie zróżnicowania punktowych i ob-szarowych źródeł zanieczyszczeń na zawartość związków fosforu i azotu w wod-zie jeziora Mały Jeziorak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

M. GRZYBOWSKI, J. SZAREK, K.A. SKIBNIEWSKA, J. GUZIUR, J. DURIASZ – Ocena stanuekologicznego oraz różnorodności gatunkowej roślinności rowów melioracyj-nych położonych w sąsiedztwie mogilnika pestycydowego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

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A. HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA, K. KUPREN, K. TURKOWSKI, K. TARGOŃSKA, D. ŻARSKI,D. KUCHARCZYK – Porównanie opłacalności zastosowania różnych preparatówhormonalnych do stymulacji rozrodu brzany Barbus barbus (L.) – formy hodow-lanej i dzikiej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272


– Osmolalność plazmy nasienia jako wskaźnik zanieczyszczenia mlecza moczemna przykładzie lina Tinca Tinca (L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

K. KUPREN, A. MAMCARZ, D. KUCHARCZYK – Wpływ temperatury wody naprzeżywalność, odsetek deformacji rozwojowych oraz wybrane parametry larwtrzech gatunków karpiowatych ryb reofilnych z rodzaju Leuciscus . . . . . . . . 299

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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 215–228, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0019-5



Bożena Bogucka1, Bożena Cwalina-Ambroziak2,Tomasz Zięba3

1 Department of Agricultural Technology and Plant Production Management2 Department of Phytopathology and Entomology

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn3 Department of Agricultural Technology and Food Storage

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

K e y w o r d s: qualitative traits, soil fertilization, foliar fertilization, yield, high-starch potatoes.

A b s t r a c t

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of varied (280 and 420 kg NPK ha–1) soiland foliar application of mineral fertilizers (Basfoliar 12-4-6, ADOB Mn, Solubor DF) on the yield andqualitative traits of late-maturing potato variety Jasia. An exact, two-factorial field experiment wasconducted by the randomized split-plot method, in four replications, in the years 2004–2006 in theMasurian Lakeland. The total yield of potato tubers, the content and yield of starch, and the grainsize fractions of starch were determined in the study. The applied fertilizers, regardless of their rates,had no significant effect on the total yield of potato tubers and starch yield. The starch contentof potatoes was affected by soil fertilization. An increase in the rate of mineral fertilizers from 280 to420 kg NPK ha–1 caused a decrease in starch content. Large starch grains (> 40 μm in diameter),which enable to reduce the overall loss during the removal of starch from the potato pulp, dominatedin the experimental material.


Bożena Bogucka1, Bożena Cwalina-Ambroziak2, Tomasz Zięba3

1 Katedra Agrotechnologii i Zarządzania Produkcją Roślinną2 Katedra Fitopatologii i Entomologii

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie3 Katedra Technologii Rolnej i Przechowalnictwa

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: cechy jakościowe, nawożenie doglebowe, nawożenie dolistne, plon, ziemniakskrobiowy.

Address: Bożena Bogucka, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, ul. Oczapowskiego 8, 10-719Olsztyn, Poland phone: +48 (89) 523 34 65, e-mail: [emailprotected]

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A b s t r a k t

Eksperyment, którego celem było przetestowanie wpływu zróżnicowanego nawożenia doglebowego280 i 420 kg NPK ha–1 oraz dolistnego nawozami Basfoliar 12-4-6, ADOB Mn i Solubor DF naplonowanie i cechy jakościowe późnej odmiany Jasia, przeprowadzono w latach 2004–2006 naPojezierzu Mazurskim. Ścisłe doświadczenie polowe dwuczynnikowe założono metodą losowanychpodbloków w 4 powtórzeniach. Zakres badań obejmował ocenę plonu ogólnego bulw ziemniaka,określenie zawartości i plonu skrobi oraz ziarnistości skrobi. Zastosowane dawki, jak i nawozy niewpłynęły istotnie na plon ogólny bulw ziemniaka i plon skrobi. Zawartość skrobi natomiast byłauzależniona od nawożenia doglebowego. Wzrost dawki nawożenia mineralnego z 280 do 420 kg NPK ha–1

spowodował obniżenie zawartości skrobi. W przebadanym materiale przeważały duże ziarna skrobio średnicy >40 μm co powodowało, że podczas wymywania skrobi z miazgi ziemniaczanej straty byłymniejsze.


Each year 2.5 million tons of starch, i.e. approximately 6% of global starchsupplies, are obtained from potatoes (LESZCZYŃSKI 2005). According to SZNAJ-

DER and TARANT (2002), potato starch is characterized by a higher quality thanwheat and maize starches. For years Poland has been a leading producer ofboth potatoes and potato starch (SZCZEPANIAK 2005, REMBEZA 2009).

Potatoes used in the starch industry have to supply high amountsof superior-quality starch. The quality of starch is dependent on the geneticcharacteristics of potatoes and the applied agricultural practices (LESZCZYŃSKI

2002, STYSZKO 2002, GOPAL, KHURANA 2006). The starch content of potatoesis considerably affected by soil mineral fertilization (LESZCZYŃSKI 1994,GĄSIOR, PAŚKO 1998, CIEĆKO et al. 2004). As demonstrated by JABŁOŃSKI

(2005a), potatoes use approximately 50 kg ha–1 of 30 t ha–1 organic fertilizersapplied in the fall, while the other required nutrients are supplied bymineral fertilizers. The N:P:K ratio in fertilizers applied to the soil inwhich commercial potatoes are grown should be 1:1:1.5 at a nitrogen ratebelow 100 kg ha–1, and 1:1.2:1.3 at a nitrogen rate above 100 kg ha–1.The Polish potato variety Jasia has higher nutrient and nitrogen requirements(140–160 kg N ha–1) (JABŁOŃSKI 2005a). The foliar application of fertilizersseems promising, due to lower total nutrient loss. Potatoes take up largequantities of micronutrients, including manganese and boron. A boronand manganese deficiency is common in alkaline soils, boron availabilityis additionally limited in dry periods. Boron has a beneficial influenceon root system development and stem growth, and manganese enhancesthe rate of photosynthesis. Boron has a beneficial influence on root systemdevelopment, stem growth and starch accumulation, while manganese en-hances the rate of photosynthesis (GRZEŚKIEWICZ, TRAWCZYŃSKI 1998, HAB-


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The objective of this study was to determine the response of potatoes cv.Jasia to different levels of soil and foliar fertilization. The response wasevaluated in view of the interactions between fertilizers and changing tem-perature and moisture conditions.

Materials and Methods

Field investigations were conducted in the years 2004–2006, at the Produc-tion and Experimental Station „Bałcyny” Ltd. in Bałcyny (N = 53o35’49’’,E = 19o51’20.3’’). A long-term two-factorial experiment was carried out by therandomized split-plot method, in four replications, on grey-brown podsolic soildeveloped from boulder clay (GRUŻEWSKA, MALICKI 2002). The soil, of qualityclass IIIa and very good rye complex, was characterized by a high abundanceof phosphorus, a high to medium abundance of potassium, a medium abundanceof magnesium, and a slightly acidic reaction (Table 1). Potatoes cv. Jasia

Table 1Selected chemical properties of topsoil before the establishment of the experiment in successive years

of the study

Acidity Available nutrients, mg 100 g–1 soil

pH in 1NKCL

reaction P2O5 K2O MgYear

2004 5.62 slightlyacidic 16.6 20.0 5.6

2005 6.17 slightlyacidic 18.0 23.0 6.7

2006 6.06 slightlyacidic 19.5 18.5 6.2

(a Polish, late-maturing, high-starch cultivar) were grown in the experiment.The experimental factors were as follows:I. Soil NPK fertilization at two rates:

A – 280 kg ha–1 (80 N, 80 P, 120 K);B – 420 kg ha–1 (120 N, 144 P, 156 K), 120 kg N ha–1 was applied

at a divided dose: before planting (80 kg N ha–1) and before the closureof inter-rows (80 kg N ha–1).II. Foliar application of the following fertilizers:

a – Basfoliar 2-4-6 (8 dm ha–1)b – ADOB Mn (4 dm ha–1)c – Solubor DF (2 dm ha–1)

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d – ADOB Mn + Solubor DF (2 + 1 dm ha–1)e – ADOB Mn + Basfoliar 12-4-6 (2 + 4 dm ha–1)f – Basfoliar 12-4-6 + Solubor DF(4 + 1 dm ha–1)g – Basfoliar 12-4-6 + ADOB Mn + Solubor DF (2.7 + 1.3 + 0.7 dm ha–1)h – control treatment – no foliar fertilization.Soil fertilizers applied before planting had the form of potash salt

(60%) and granulated triple superphosphate (46%). Nitrogen applied beforeplanting and inter-row closure (variant B above) had the form of urea(46%). Foliar fertilizers were applied once, at the stage of complete cropcover (BBCH-scale 309).

Potatoes were grown after cereals, following manure application at a rateof 25 t ha–1. Planting was carried out from the middle of April to the firstweek of May. Potatoes (certified material, class CA) were planted 40 cm apart,at row spacing of 62.5 cm and the density of 40 000 plants per ha.

Appropriate agricultural management practices were applied, paying par-ticular attention to adequate protection of potatoes against diseases and pests.Cultivation measures included hilling and the application, once during thegrowing season, of a systemic fungicide (Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG at a dose of2 kg ha–1), contact fungicides (Penncozeb 80 WP at a dose of 2 kg ha–1, Gwarant500 SC at a dose of 2 dm–3 ha–1), a translaminar fungicide (Pyton 60 WG ata dose of 1.5 kg ha–1) and insecticides (Mospilan 20 SP 80 g ha–1 and Actara 25WG at a dose of 80g ha–1). Dicotyledonous and selected monocotyledonousweeds were controlled with the herbicide Aphalon 450 SC, applied at a dose of2 dm–3 ha–1.

The growing season lasted from 146 days in 2006 to 161 days in 2005. Theduration of flowering was similar in all three experimental years: from 17 daysin 2006 to 23 days in 2004. Potatoes were harvested in the last week ofSeptember or in the first week of October.

The Sielianinow coefficient was determined based on average temperaturesand precipitation totals, indicating the dry spells that affected potato yields(BAC et al. 1998). The growing seasons of 2004 and 2006 were humid, with noextreme air temperatures. The year 2005 was characterized by a too lowmoisture content of soil.

The total yield of potato tubers, the content and yield of starch weredetermined in the study. Starch content was determined by the gravimetricmethod proposed by Reimann and Parow. This value, together with the potatotuber yield, provided a basis for calculating starch yield (CZERKO et al. 1999).The grain size fractions of starch were determined in 2006, with the use ofa laser particle size analyzer, in cooperation with the Department of Agricul-tural Technology and Food Storage, Wrocław University of Environmental andLife Sciences (LIN et al. 2005, CHANG et al. 2006, LU et al. 2008).

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The obtained results were verified statistically by an analysis of variance.The significance of the effect of the experimental factors on potato yield, thecontent and yield of starch was estimated by an analysis of variance forlong-term two-factorial experiments, and their effect on the grain size fractionsof starch was evaluated by an analysis of variance for short-time two-factorialexperiments (limited to the year 2006). Differences between mean values intreatments were determined by Duncan’s T test, at a significance level ofp = 0.05. The partial correlation between starch yield and potato yield and thestarch content of potato tubers was calculated using linear regression equa-tions, according to the formula:

y = a + b · x,

where:x – independent variable (explanatory variable: potato yield and starch con-

tent, respectively),y – dependent variable (explained variable) corresponding to value x (starch

yield),a – regression constant (free term) – indicating the intercept point of the

regression line and the y axis,b – slope of the regression line indicating the change in dependent variable

y for each unit change in independent variable x.The degree of determination (explanation) of variable y by variables x was

expressed as the coefficient of determination (R2) (FILIPIAK, WILKOS 1998).The effect of weather factors on potato yield has been widely discussed in

literature. The yield of potato tubers is significantly affected by temperatureand precipitation, in both quantitative and qualitative terms (LESZCZYŃSKI

1994, BOMBIK et al. 1999, KALBARCZYK 1999). In wet years potato tubers havea lower starch content, whereas in dry years they accumulate more starch andare less susceptible to flesh darkening (ZGÓRSKA, FRYDECKA-MAZURCZYK 1981,BOLIGŁOWA, TRĘTOWSKI 1986, ROZTROPOWCZ, WIERZEJSKA 1986, GĄSIOR,PAŚKO 1998, GRZEŚKIEWICZ, TRAWCZYŃSKI 2002).

The growing seasons of 2004 and 2006 were humid, with no extreme airtemperatures (Table 2, Table 3). The year 2004 offered optimal conditions forpotato growth and development, except in September – which was too dry, andin May – when precipitation was by 51% higher than the long-term average.This resulted in the highest potato yield over the entire experimental period. In2006, the only extremely dry month was July, while precipitation in May,August and September exceeded the long-term average by 51%, 88% and 79%respectively. Late potato cultivars show the highest water demand in July,August and September, when the yield levels increase. The year 2005 year was

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least favorable to potato growing due to soil moisture deficiency in April, June,August (dry spell) and September (extreme dry spell). Rainfall total during thegrowing season of 2005 reached 267 mm, and it was by 29% lower than thelong-term average.

Table 2Meteorological data for the growing seasons 2004–2006 and means of the years 1961–2000


Apr May Jun Jul Aug SeptSpecification Year

2004 8.9 11.8 15.3 17.0 19.2 14.2Air temperature [oC] 2005 8.2 11.6 14.2 19.7 16.9 18.1

2006 7.6 14.0 14.4 22.5 18.9 16.4

1961–2000 – 7.0 12.5 15.8 17.2 16.8 12.6

2004 51.5 87.1 90.6 78.8 89.3 41.9Rainfall total [mm] 2005 22.0 68.2 35.4 83.9 39.6 17.9

2006 24.2 87.2 83.5 27.1 141.7 105.6

1961–2000 – 35.4 57.6 69.5 81.6 75.2 59.0

Table 3Values of the Sielianinow coefficient (K)


Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept

EntireYear growing


2004 1.93 2.38 1.97 1.50 1.50 0.98 1.71

2005 0.89 1.90 0.83 1.37 0.76 0.33 1.01

2006 1.06 2.00 1.93 0.39 2.50 2.14 1.67

K: 0–0.5 – extreme dry spell0.6–1.0 – dry spell1.0–2.0 – humid spell>2.1 – wet spell

Results and Discussion

The highest potato yield, at 58.12 t ha–1 (Table 3), was noted in the year2004 which was found to be optimal for potato growing due to, among others,the most favorable weather conditions (Table 4). The year 2005 was extremelyunfavorable, which resulted in a substantially lower potato yield (by 25%, i.e.14.66 t ha–1) compared with 2004. In 2006 potato yield reached 48.50 t ha–1.

The present experiment showed no correlation between the total yield ofpotato tubers and the varied levels of soil and foliar fertilization. An increasein the rates of soil fertilizers, from 280 kg to 420 kg NPK ha–1, resulted

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Table 4Effect of varied soil and foliar mineral fertilization levels on potato yield in the experimental period

Total yield of potatoExperimental factors tubers


Starch content Starch yield[%] [t ha–1]

Soil fertilization A 49.66 18.78 9.26B 50.40 18.50 9.29

A 49.68 18.63 9.20B 49.73 18.44 9.12

Foliar fertilization C 49.70 18.76 9.24D 49.77 18.65 9.23E 49.68 18.57 9.16f 50.42 18.93 9.52g 50.12 18.62 9.27

h (control) 51.14 18.53 9.43

Mean 50.03 18.64 9.27

2004 58.12 18.23 10.61Year of study 2005 43.46 21.07 9.15

2006 48.50 16.61 8.06

LSD (α = 0.05) for years 1.37 0.19 0.29soil fertilization n.s. 0.15 n.s.foliar fertilization n.s. n.s. n.s.

I. Soil mineral fertilization NPK: A – 280 kg ha–1; B – 420 kg ha–1;II. Foliar mineral fertilization: a – Basfoliar 2-4-6, b – ADOB Mn, c – Solubor DF, d – ADOB Mn+ Solubor DF, e – ADOB Mn + Basfoliar 12-4-6, f – Basfoliar 12-4-6 + Solubor DF, g – Basfoliar12-4-6 + ADOB Mn + Solubor DF, h – control treatment – no foliar fertilizationn.s. – non-significant difference

in an insignificant yield increment of 0.74 t ha–1, i.e. 1.5% (Table 4). Thehighest potato tuber yield (51.14 t ha–1) was attained in the control treatment,where no foliar fertilizers were applied. In a study by JABŁOŃSKI (2009 b), totalpotato yield increased by 3.6 t ha–1 as a result of an increase in soil fertilizationlevels by 179 kg NPK ha–1, to 385 kg NPK ha–1. GĄSIOR, PAŚKO (1998), BERNAT

(2002), and JABŁOŃSKI (2005b) reported a significant increase in total potatoyield as the rates of soil-applied nitrogen fertilizers were increased from 50 to150–200 kg N ha–1, at constant rates of phosphorus and potassium. In a seriesof experiments, CIEĆKO et al. (2004) demonstrated a correlation betweenhigher NPK rates and an increase in total potato yield. On the other hand,SŁOWIŃSKI et al. (1995) reported that potassium and phosphorus fertilizers hadno effect on the total yield of potato tubers.

The combination of two foliar fertilizers, Basfoliar 12-4-6 and Solubor DF (f),was found to be most effective, and the potato yield of 50.42 t ha–1 recordedin this treatment was higher than the yields noted for the remaining variantsof foliar fertilization. However, the noted effect was statistically non-signifi-cant. An increment in total potato tuber yield of 5.7% to 19%, in comparison

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with treatments with no foliar fertilization, have been reported by manyauthors (BOLIGŁOWA 1995, GRZEŚKIEWICZ, TRAWCZYŃSKI 1998, JABŁOŃSKI,DRYJAŃSKA 1998, JABŁOŃSKI 1999, 2003, 2006a,b, 2008b, 2009b, HABERLAND


During the three-year experimental period, potatoes cv. Jasia accumulated18.64% starch on average. The growing season of 2005 did not support thedevelopment of potato tubers, but it contributed to starch accumulation. Theaverage starch content of potatoes cv. Jasia was 21.07%. The lowest starchcontent, at 16.61%, was recorded in the growing season of 2006; it was by 4.5%lower than in 2005. The starch content of potatoes in 2004 was higher than in2006, but significantly lower than in 2005 (characterized by insufficient soilmoisture content).

Different soil fertilization levels had a statistically significant effect on thestarch content of potato tubers. An increase in mineral fertilizer rates, from280 to 420 kg NPK ha–1, caused an average decrease in starch content of 0.28%.However, the negative impact of NPK soil fertilization was noted only in 2005and 2006, and it was caused by weather conditions (Table 5). The decrease instarch accumulation resulting from the increase in NPK rates reached 0.61%in 2005 and 0.37% in 2006. The above is consistent with the findings of BERNAT

(2002) and JABŁOŃSKI (2005b), who also observed a decrease in the starchcontent of potatoes following the soil application of increasing nitrogen rates.

Table 5Effect of the interaction between the year of study and mineral soil and foliar fertilization on the

starch content (%) of potato tubers

Year of study

2004 2005 2006Experimental factors Mean

Soil fertilization

*A 18.16 21.38 16.80 18.78B 18.31 20.77 16.43 18.50

LSD (α = 0.05) = 0.26

Foliar fertilization

*a 18.69 20.80 16.39 16.63B 18.38 20.81 16.13 18.44C 18.06 21.69 16.54 18.76D 18.19 21.08 16.68 18.65E 17.50 21.16 17.05 18.57F 19.13 20.86 16.79 18.93G 18.06 21.33 16.48 18.62

h (control) 17.88 20.84 16.86 18.53

LSD (α = 0.05) = 0.52

* – legend as in Table 4

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Similar observations were made by CIEĆKO et al. (2004) for increasing NPKrates. In a series of experiments conducted in 2003–2006, JABŁOŃSKI (2009b)noted no effect of increased rates of soil mineral fertilizers (from 206 to 385 kgNPK ha–1) on starch accumulation.

Foliar fertilization had no significant effect on starch accumulation. Thecombination of Basfoliar 12-4-6 and Solubor DF (f) contributed to an insignifi-cant increase in the starch content of potatoes, compared with the controltreatment (Table 4). However, there was an interaction between the years ofstudy and foliar fertilization (Table 5). In 2004, the highest starch content (by1.25% higher than in the control treatment) was determined in potatoesfertilized with Basfoliar 12-4-6 + Solubor DF (f). In 2005, the highest starchaccumulation (by 0.85% higher than in the control treatment) was observed inthe treatment with Solubor DF (c). In 2006, the highest starch content wasnoted in potatoes fertilized with ADOB Mn+ Basfoliar 12-4-6 (e), but thedifference between this treatment and control was non-significant. A decreasein starch content was reported for treatment (b), with ADOB Mn.

The results of numerous research studies indicated a beneficial influenceof selected foliar fertilizers on starch accumulation in potatoes. GRZEŚKIEWICZ

and TRAWCZYŃSKI (1998), BOLIGŁOWA (1995, 2003), and JABŁOŃSKI (2006a,b;2008a,b) found that the starch content of potato tubers increased significantly(by 0.7% to 2.5%) in comparison with the control treatment as a result of theapplication of various foliar fertilizers. JACOBSEN et al. (1998), HABERLAND

(2000), JABŁOŃSKI and BERNAT (2001), JABŁOŃSKI (2003), TRAWCZYŃSKI andKOPENEC (2007) reported that foliar fertilizers had no effect on the starchcontent of potatoes. In experiments by JABŁOŃSKI and DRYJAŃSKA (1998), andJABŁOŃSKI (1999, 2009b), foliar fertilization contributed to a significant de-crease in the starch content of potatoes.

During the entire experimental period, weather conditions had the greatestinfluence on the total yield of potato tubers and starch yield. Starch yield is theoutcome of total potato yield and starch content. The highest starch yield(10.61 t ha–1) was attained in 2004, while lowest (8.06 t ha–1) – in 2006 (Table 4).An insignificant increase in starch yield was noted in the treatment withBasfoliar 12-4-6 + Solubor DF (f), compared with the control treatment with nofoliar fertilization.

JABŁOŃSKI (2006 a, b; 2008 b) performed a series of experiment with a newgeneration of fertilizers (ENTEC perfekt, Basfoliar 36 E, Nitrophoska 12specjal, Nitrophoska 15 perfekt) and reported an increase in starch yield ashigh as 35%, compared with treatments without foliar fertilization. In a studyby Jabłoński and Bernat (2001), the application of the foliar fertilizer ADOBMn allowed to increase starch yield by 9.6%. Gąsiorowska (2010) observed anincrease in starch yield by 1 t ha–1 in treatments fertilized with Ekosol K.

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Jabłoński (2009 a) demonstrated that starch yield increased by 0.5 t ha–1 asa result of the application of Nutrifol, in comparison with the control treat-ment with no foliar fertilization.

Starch yield was significantly correlated with the total yield of potatotubers (Figure 1). The value of the determination coefficient (100 R2)shows that total potato yield explained the variation in starch yield in59%. The correlation between starch yield and the percentage contentof starch in tubers was weaker, but also significant (Figure 2). This traitdetermined starch yield in 9%.

The grain size fractions of starch were determined in potato tubersharvested in 2006. Starch grains with a diameter > 40 μm are considered mostdesirable, since too small granules (< 20 μm) cannot be used for industrial

y x= 0.142 + 2.144

R2 = 0.587*










30 40 50 60 70

total yield of potato tubers [t ha ]-1






Fig. 1. Partial correlation between starch yield [t ha–1] (y) and the total yield of potato tubers [t ha–1](x) (R2 – coefficient of determination, * significant at p = 0.05)















starch content [%]

y x= 0.209 + 5.370

R2 = 0.094*

14 16 18 20 22 24

Fig. 2. Partial correlation between starch yield [t ha–1] (y) and the starch content (%) (x) of potatotubers (R2 – coefficient of determination, * significant at p = 0.05)

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purposes. Soil mineral fertilization had a significant effect on starch grain size.Large starch grains (> 40 μm) dominated in the treatment fertilized with280 kg NKP ha–1, accounting for 58.25% of all grains, while small starchglobules (<20 μm in diameter) accounted for only 9.91% (Table 6). Starch in thetreatment fertilized with 420 kg NPK ha–1 was characterized by a higher shareof 20–40 μm and <20 μm fractions. The applied foliar fertilizers had no effect onthe size of starch granules. According to HASSE and PLATE (1996), and HAASE

(2000), the content of large starch grains is a varietal property.

Table 6Effect of varied soil and foliar fertilization levels on the grain size fractions of starch

Grain size fractions [%]

<20 μm 20–40 μm >40 μmExperimental factors

*A a 9.80 31.04 59.15B 10.21 31.25 58.54C 10.14 32.08 57.78D 10.66 33.28 56.06e 11.02 33.39 55.60f 10.18 32.89 56.93g 11.02 32.72 56.26

h (control) 9.91 31.84 58.25

Mean 10.37 32.31 57.32

*B a 12.67 33.84 53.49b 11.50 34.67 53.83c 10.83 34.33 54.83d 11.22 34.62 54.16e 10.83 33.20 55.97f 11.53 34.12 54.35g 10.75 33.83 55.42

h (control) 12.86 34.57 52.57

Mean 11.52 34.15 54.33

LSD (α = 0.05) for:soil fertilizationFoliar fertilization

0.72 0.78 1.28n.s. n.s. n.s.

* – legend as in Table 4


1. An increase in NPK rates from 280 to 420 kg ha–1 not only did notimprove the total yield of potatoes cv. Jasia, but it decreased their starchcontent and deteriorated starch grain size distribution.

2. The foliar fertilizers applied in the study had no effect on the yield andqualitative traits of potatoes.

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3. Supplemental fertilization with NPK rates higher than 280 kg ha–1

seems unnecessary if potatoes are grown in compact and nutrient-abundantsoil fertilized with manure at a dose of 25 t ha–1.

4. Weather conditions had a more significant effect on the total yieldof potato tubers, the starch content of potatoes and starch yield than mineralfertilization.


Accepted for print 23.06.2010


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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 229–235, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0020-z


Kamilla Górska-Koplińska1, Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik2,Ryszard J. Górecki1, Dariusz J. Michalczyk1

1 Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology2 Department of Botany and Nature ProtectionUniversity of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: pea (Pisum sativum L.), somatic embryogenesis, somatic embryos.

Abbreviation: DAF – Days after flowering.

A b s t r a c t

The effect of explant type on somatic embryogenesis induction in Pisum sativum (cv. Oskar andan unregistered line HM-6) was studied. Shoot apices, leaf primordia, and epicotyl fragmentsof axenically grown, etiolated seedlings, as well as embryonic axes and cotyledon fragments isolatedfrom zygotic embryos at different stages of development, were used as explants. Somatic embryogen-esis was induced essentially as described by Griga in 1998 – MS salts and sucrose, B5 Gamborgvitamins, picloram (2.5 μM). After induction period (14 days) all cultures were transferred to thedifferentiation medium (basal medium as above, auxin omitted). Both in Oskar and HM-6, only shootapices developed somatic embryos and (with significantly lower frequency) adventitious shoots.


Kamilla Górska-Koplińska1, Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik2, Ryszard J. Górecki1,Dariusz J. Michalczyk1

1 Katedra Fizjologii i Biotechnologii Roślin2 Katedra Botaniki i Ochrony Przyrody

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: groch, somatyczna embriogeneza, somatyczne zarodki.

Skróty: DPK – dzień po kwitnieniu.

Address: Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik, University of Warmia and Mazury, pl. Łódzki 1, 10-719 Olsztyn,Poland, phone: +48 (89) 523 49 27, e-mail: [emailprotected]

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A b s t r a k t

W pracy zbadano zdolność wybranych rodzajów eksplantatów grochu odmiany Oskar oraz liniiHM-6 do indukowania somatycznej embriogenezy. Jako eksplantaty zastosowano wierzchołki pędu,zawiązki liści i fragmenty epikotyli izolowane z aksenicznie hodowanych, etiolowanych siewek, jakrównież osie zarodkowe i fragmenty liścieni pobierane z zarodków zygotycznych na różnych etapachich rozwoju. Somatyczną embriogenezę pobudzano w zasadzie wg procedury opisanej w 1998 r. przezGrigę, tj. na pożywce zawierającej sole i sacharozę jak w zestawie MS, witaminy zestawu B5Gamborga oraz pikloram (2.5 μM). Po okresie indukcji (14 dni) wszystkie hodowle przenoszono napożywkę różnicującą (podłoże podstawowe jak wyżej, ale bez auksyny). Zarówno u odmiany Oskar,jak i linii HM-6 zarodki somatyczne oraz (z istotnie niższą wydajnością) pędy przybyszowe uzys-kiwano jedynie z wierzchołków pędów młodych siewek.


Somatic embryos have been obtained from in vitro cultures of virtually alleconomically important plant species. However, various species, as well ascultivars (PODWYSZYŃSKA et al. 1997) and lines (GAIN et al. 1998) differ widelyin embryogenic potential and requirements. The choice of explant (and nutri-ent medium, as well) is a critical factor determining the success of SEinduction. Fragments of young seedlings and immature zygotic embryos aregenerally considered the most suitable explant sources (LAKSHMANAN and TAJI

2000, HITA et al. 2003, BELMONTE et al. 2007). Fragments of flowers can also bevery embryogenic (PINTO-SINTRA 2007, SINGH et al. 2007, STEINMACHERA et al.2007) and in bulbiferous plants somatic embryogenesis can be induced onfragments of bulb scales (eg. DUQUENNE et al. 2006).

Somatic embryogenesis in Pisum sativum L., unlike other legumes, isdifficult to induce (LAKSHMANAN and TAJI 2000). With this in mind, we testedthe effect of explant type on somatic embryogenesis induction in pea. Explantssuccessfully applied for SE induction in other legumes were considered.

Materials And Methods

Plant Material

To obtain axenically growing seedlings, seeds were surface sterilized in 5%water solution of Chloramine B for 15 minutes followed by three washes withsterile distilled water. Disinfected seeds were placed in sterile tubes (25 dm–3

capacity) containing moist cotton wool. After germination (in darkness at25–26oC for 4 days): shoot apices, leaf primordia and epicotyl fragments(0.1 cm long) were excised from seedlings, using a dissecting microscope, andplaced on induction medium.

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To obtain zygotic embryos, seeds were placed in pots filled with compostsoil and sand (4:1, v/v). Seeds were regularly watered with tap water. Thehumidity of substrate was kept at 60–70%. Florovit fertilizer was applied threetimes: at the stage of five leaves, at the beginning of flowering and fruiting.Pods were collected 14, 18 or 22 days after flowering. Unopened pods weresurface sterilized in 5% water solution of Chloramine B for 10–12 minutesfollowed by several washes with sterile distilled water. Embryonic axes andfragments of cotyledons (0.1 cm long) were isolated from zygotic embryos andplaced on induction medium.

Seeds of P. sativum cv. Oskar and line HM-6 were kindly provided byAGRITECH Ltd. Czech Republic.

In vitro cultures

The explants were subjected to 14-days induction on basal medium de-scribed by GRIGA (1998), which contained MS salts (MURASHIGE and SKOOG

1962), Gamborg B5 vitamins (GAMBORG et al. 1968), 3% sucrose and 2.5 μMpicloram. During the induction period cultures were kept in growth roomunder 16/8 hours (light/darkness) photoperiod at temperatures of 23–24oC atday and 19–20oC at night.

After induction all cultures were transferred to the differentiation medium(basal medium without phytohormones) and incubated in growth room atlight/temperature conditions as given above. Three weeks later the physiologi-cal state of explants, morphogenetic responses of cultures and the efficiencyof somatic embryogenesis were evaluated. Observations were repeated every7–10 days. The efficiency of somatic embryogenesis was defined as numberof somatic embryos per explant (expressed as per cent).

Statistical Analysis

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied. The values analyzedwere means of five series with four replicates within each series. Standarderrors (± SE) were also determined. The obtained average values were separ-ated using Duncan’s multiple range test P ≤ 0.05. The Microsoft Excel 2007and STATISTICA 8.0 computer programs were used.

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Results And Discussion

Among nine types/developmental stages of explants only one kind ofexplant, that is shoot apices, formed somatic embryos during differentiationculture. This is valid for both Oskar and HM-6, although these genotypesdiffered quite distinctly in the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis induction(Table 1) and the rate of embryo formation. In Oskar cultivar most embryoidsappeared on explants after 25 days of culture, whereas in cultures of HM-6line, somatic embryos appeared later, 35–45 days after explant isolation.Rather unexpectedly, no structures resembling somatic embryos developed onembryonic axes, although elongation and rooting of these explants could easilybe observed (Table 2).

Table 1The frequency of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis on explants isolated from pea zygotic

embryos or seedlings (mean ± S.E)

Somatic embryogenesis and regeneration efficiency[%]

somatic embryos shoots rootsCultivar Explant

Oskar shoot apex 53.3 ±12.0a 6.7 ± 3.3c 20.0 ± 5.8d

leaf 0.0 0.0 36.7 ± 18.6e

epicotyle 0.0 0.0 16.7 ± 3.3df

embryonic axis 14 DAF 0.0 0.0 10.0 ± 5.8f

embryonic axis 18 DAF 0.0 0.0 0.0embryonic axis 22 DAF 0.0 0.0 26.7 ± 3.3d

cotyledon 14 DAF 0.0 0.0 0.0cotyledon 18 DAF 0.0 0.0 0.0cotyledon 22 DAF 0.0 0.0 0.0

HM-6 shoot apex 36.7 ± 6.7b 6.7 ± 3.3c 16.7 ± 6.7df

leaf 0.0 0.0 6.7 ± 3.3epicotyle 0.0 0.0 20.0 ± 5.8d

embryonic axis 14 DAF 0.0 0.0 20.0 ± 15.3d

embryonic axis 18 DAF 0.0 0.0 43.3± 12.0e

embryonic axis 22 DAF 0.0 0.0 36.7 ± 6.7e

cotyledon 14 DAF 0.0 0.0 23.3 ± 3.3d

cotyledon 18 DAF 0.0 0.0 0.0cotyledon 22 DAF 0.0 0.0 0.0

Values followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at 5% level (data in columnswere compared).

Callus tissue developed on all explants, most rapidly during the first 30days of culture, and covered about 10 to 100% of explants surface. The size andcompactness of callus depended on explant type (Table 2). Embryonic axesformed soft callus, while on cotyledons it was compact with ragged surface andit was rigid and nodular on epicotyls. When embryonic axes of 18 or 22-days-

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Table 2Morphogenetic responses of explants after 60 days of in vitro culture


OSKAR HM-6Explant

Seedling shoot apical somatic embryogenesis,shoots, roots

somatic embryogenesis,shoots, roots

leaf roots roots

epicotyle explant elongation, roots,green-white callus

explant elongation, roots,green callus


embryo axis 14 DAF bright-green callus, roots bright-green or cream--yellow callus on hypocotyl

and root, roots

embryo axis 18 DAF green callus axis germination, rootcovered by callus

embryo axis 22 DAF roots roots, necrosis

cotyledon 14 DAF cream-green calluson whole explant


cotyledon 18 DAF cream-green calluscovering whole explant

explants decay

cotyledon 22 DAF green callus cream-green callus

-old seedling were used as explants, callus growth was very intense and itresulted in a four-fold increase of explant size. In case of embryonic axesisolated from 14-days-old seedlings callus proliferation increased approximate-ly twice the explant size. The weakest morphogenetic reactions were observedon cotyledons isolated from 18-days-old zygotic embryos. Most of these ex-plants formed only minute callus on the edges, and at 35 day of culture callustissue started decaying. Necrosis was observed also on other explants, but lessit covered less than 15% of their surface.

Rhizogenesis was observed on all types of explants, except cotyledonsof immature zygotic embryos (18 and 22 DAF) – Table 2. In cultures ofembryonic axes, roots developed from preexisting shoot apices, from the cellssurrounding vascular bundles. Some adventitious roots were also formed onapical parts of explants. They reached 30–35 mm length and were covered by softcream-bronze callus. In cultures of shoot apices roots developed in basal partof explants or in apical part of explant closely to developing shoot primordium.Adventitious roots were also formed by epidermal cells of epicotyles andcotyledons (14 DAF), as well as cells of leaf vascular bundles.

Various species, cultivars and genetic lines of legumes may differ widely inefficiency of somatic embryogenesis induction. Cultivar and genotype of ex-plants cells affect both embryo formation but also its potential for vigorousgrowth (NADOLSKA-ORCZYK 1992, BRODA and TORZ 1997, GRIGA 1998, WALTER

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and PARROT 2001, TOMLIN et al. 2002). The choice of explant, type of tissue andage of seedling used as explant source are considered critical factors thatdetermine the success of somatic embryogenesis in legumes (GRIGA 1998,NADOLSKA-ORCZYK et al. 1994).

In our experiments with pea only shoot apices proved embryogenic.The suitability of this type of explant for somatic embryogenesis inductionin pea was previously reported by LOISEAU et al. (1995) and GRIGA (1998).Leaves have not been used very often as explants in legumes, howeverthey were suitable for Cicer arietinum (DINESHKUMAR et al. 1995), Medicagoarborea (HITA et al. 2003) and Medicago sativa (MCKERSIE and BROWN

1996, RUDUŚ et al. 2000). Zygotic embryos or their fragments (especiallycotyledons) have been successfully used as explant source by several authorsstudying legumes (HITA et al. 2003, BRODA and TORZ 1997, NADOLSKA-ORCZYK

2000, TOMLIN et al. 2002, GOGATE and NADGAUDA 2003). The stage ofembryo development is considered an important factor for efficient SEinduction (LOISEAU et al. 1996, RASHID 2001).


In our experiments, somatic embryogenesis could not be obtained eitherfrom axes or cotyledons of zygotic embryos at three stages of develop-ment/maturity (14, 18 and 22 DAF – Table 1). However, this does not seem tobe a limitation typical for all Pisum sativum cultivars. Somatic embryogenesisinduction on embryonic axes and cotyledons of Pisum sativum was achieved byNADOLSKA-ORCZYK et al. (1994) and LOISEAU et al. (1996).


Accepted for print 20.06.2010.


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BRODA Z., TORZ L. 1997. Zdolności regeneracyjne lucerny mieszańcowej (Medicago media Pers.) poprzezembriogenezę somatyczną. Zeszyty Naukowe AR w Krakowie, 318: 235–238.

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GOGATE S.S., NADGAUDA R.S. 2003. Direct induction of somatic embryogenesis from immature zygoticembryo of cashewnut (Anacardium occidentale L.). Sci. Hort., 97: 75–82.

GRIGA M. 1998. Direct somatic embryogenesis from shoot apical meristems of pea, and thidiazuron-induced high conversion rate of somatic embryos. Biologia Plantarum, 41: 481–495.

HITA O., GALLEGO P., VILLALOBOS N., LANAS I., BLAZQUEZ A., MARTIN J.P., FERNANDEZ J., MARTIN L.,GUERRA H. 2003. Improvement of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago arborea. Plant Cell Tiss.Organ Cult., 72: 13–18.

LAKSHMANAN P., TAJI A. 2000. Somatic embryogenesis in leguminous plants. Plant Biology, 2: 136–148.LOISEAU J., MARCHE C., DEUNFF LE Y. 1995. Effects of auxins, cytokinins, carbohydrates and amino

acids on somatic embryogenesis induction from shoot apices of pea. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult.,41: 267–275.

LOISEAU J., MARCHE C., DEUNFF LE Y. 1996. Variability of somatic embryogenic ability in the genusPisum L: effects of genotype, explant source and culture condition. Agronomie, 16: 299–308.

MCKERSIE B.D., BROWN D.C.W. 1996. Somatic embryogenesis and artificial seeds in forage legumes.Seed Sci. Res., 6: 109–126.

MURASHIGE T., SKOOG F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissueculture. Physiol. Plant., 15: 437–497.

NADOLSKA-ORCZYK A. 1992. Somatic embryogenesis of agriculturally important lupinus species (Lu-pinus angustifolius, L. albus, L. mutabilis). Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 28: 19–25.

NADOLSKA-ORCZYK A. 2000. Regeneracja in vitro i transformacja genetyczna roślin motylkowychgrubonasiennych. Monografie i Rozprawy Naukowe Ihar, 6.

NADOLSKA-ORCZYK A., MIŁKOWSKA L., ORCZYK W. 1994. Two ways of plant regeneration from immaturecotyledons in pea. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 63: 153–157.

PINTO-SINTRA A.L. 2007. Establishment of embryogenic cultures and plant regeneration in thePortuguese cultivar “Touriga Nacional” of Vitis vinifera L. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 88:253–265.

PODWYSZYŃSKA M., MARASEK A., GABRYSZEWSKA E. 1997. Indukcja tworzenia pędów przybyszowychi zarodków somatycznych w kulturach in vitro tulipana. Zesz. Nauk. AR w Krakowie, 318:195–199.

RASHID V.A. 2001. Comparative study of somatic embryogenesis from immature and mature embryosand organogenesis from leaf-base of Triticale. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 64: 33–38.

RUDUŚ I., KĘPCZYŃSKI J., KĘPCZYŃSKA E. 2001. The influence of the jasmonates and abscisic acid oncallus growth and somatic embryogenesis in Medicago sativa L. tissue culture. Acta Physiol.Plant., 23: 103–107.

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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 236–243, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0021-y



Marek RaczkowskiDepartament of Technical Science

Chair of Foundation of SafetyUniversity of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: triticale, ferlilization, microelements, energy expenditure.

A b s t r a c t

The purpose of study was determination the energetic expenditure of triticale cultivationat different fertilization technique. There were calculated expenditure of treatments, naturalresources, materials, durable means and equivalent of real work. It was showed, that thesum of the total energy expenditure in triticale cultivation was from 16723.2 to 21864.8 MJ ha–1.The lower expenditures were with soil fertilization technique without objects with higher manganesedose (10.0 kg ha–1) and with copper, zinc and manganese applied together at nitrogen dose80 and 120 kg ha–1 independent with microelement dose. The higher sum of total energyexpenditure was with all microelements applied together before triticale sawing (to soil) dependon ferlilization before sawing with copper, zinc or manganese. There was not significant differentin the same case with spray application of studied microelements. In the energy expenditurestructure of triticale cultivation the higher participation (64.4–71.7%) was shoved with rawand materials, the lower (17.2–21.5% and 8.9–11.4%) with immediate energy carriers and exploitationexpenditure and, the lowest (2.2–2.7%) with human work.


Marek Raczkowski

Wydział Nauk TechnicznychKatedra Podstaw Bezpieczeństwa

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: pszenżyto, nawożenie, mikroelementy, energochłonność.

Address: Marek Raczkowski, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Okrzei 1a, 10-266 Olsztyn,Poland, phone: +48 (89) 526 63 80, e-mail: [emailprotected]

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A b s t r a k t

Celem badań było określenie nakładów energetycznych w uprawie pszenżyta w warunkachzróżnicowanej techniki nawożenia. Obliczono energochłonność zabiegów, surowców, materiałów,środków trwałych i ekwiwalentu pracy ludzkiej. Stwierdzono, że suma skumulowanych nakładówenergetycznych w uprawie pszenżyta wynosiła od 16 723,2 do 21 864,8 MJ ha–1. Niższe nakładywystępowały w doglebowej technice nawożenia, z wyjątkiem obiektów z większą dawką manganu(10,0 kg ha–1) oraz z równoczesnym zastosowaniem miedzi z cynkiem i manganem na tle 80 i 120 kg ha–1

azotu, niezależnie od dawki mikroelementów. Do zwiększenia sumy skumulowanych nakładówenergetycznych przyczyniło się zastosowanie łączne mikroelementów przed siewem pszenżyta (dog-lebowo) w porównaniu z nawożeniem przedsiewnym wyłącznie miedzią, cynkiem lub manganem. Niestwierdzono natomiast istotnej różnicy w takim samym przypadku po dolistnej aplikacji badanychmikroelementów. W strukturze energochłonności uprawy pszenżyta największy udział miałysurowce i materiały (64,4–71,7%), mniejszy bezpośrednie nośniki energii (17,2–21,5%) i nakładyeksploatacyjne (8,9–11,4%), a najmniejszy praca ludzka (2,2–2,7%).


In the plant production process, a lot importance is the estimation of theenergetic expenditure (WIELICKI, BŁAŻEJ 1988, PLOUFFE et al. 1995, WÓJCICKI

2000). The obtained results of the energetic materials of some agricultureyields or enterprises are different with the study methods, so there are not theclear arrangements (WIELICKI, BŁAŻEK 1988).

The study of the estimation of the material and energetic expenditureseffectiveness in the agricultural production was conducted in two levels: themacroeconomic with energetic expenditure of the all agriculture as the ener-getic balances (PAWLAK 1981) and the microeconomic with the analyses of thedifferential levels energetic expenditures of some farms (SOKOLIK 1986). In theeconomic practice was not possibility to the estimation of the agriculturalproduction effectiveness energetic expenditure without uniform method andwith applied of the different technologies. This deficit in the previous studieswith the estimation of the effectiveness energetic expenditures in the agricul-tural production was supplement by ANUSZEWSKI (1987) in the basis theestimation technological method in the wide meaning the energetic expendi-tures of the basic agricultural products.

In the paper were showed the results of six years field experiments withinfluence of different microelements applying techniques on the expenditureproduction of Maja spring triticale.

Research conditions

The field experiments were carried out in 1994–2000 years on soil with claygranulometric composition, 3 complex agricultural usefulness (unsuitable for

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wheat), low copper and medium phosphorus, potassium, zinc and manganesewealthy and light acidity reaction.

The experiments were found the random blocks method in 4 repeats. Theharvesting area was 10 m2.

Spring triticale variety Maja was cultivated after winter wheat with seedssawing in dose of 250 kg ha–1 and with 15 cm rows distance.

In the all study triticale complex were fertilized before sawing withsuperphosphate in 70 kg ha–1 dose (P2O5) and 56% potassium salt in 100 kg ha–1

dose (K2O). The fertilize objects were different with the kind and the apply wayof nitrogen and microelements (Table 1).

Table 1Fertilization techniques


A – to soil B – to soil and foliar application

Cu Zn Mn Cu Zn Mn

[kg ha–1] [kg ha–1]N N

[kg ha–1] [kg ha–1]

Object Fertilization

1 N1 – – – – – –

2 N1+Cu1 5 – – 0.2 – –

3 N1+Zn1 80(40k+40s) – 5 – – 0.2 –

4 N1+Mn1 – – 5 – – 0.2

5 N1+Cu1, Zn1, Mn1 5 5 5 0.2 0.2 0.280(40k+40sd)6 N1+Florovit1

e – – – – 0.2+0.4+0.4

7 N1+Cu2 10 – – 0.4 – –

8 N1+Zn2 80(40k+40s) – 10 – – 0.4 –

9 N1+Mn2 – – 10 – – 0.4

10 N1+Cu2, Zn2, Mn2 10 10 10 0.4 0.4 0.4

11 N2 – – – – – –

12 N2+Cu1 5 – – 0.2 – –

13 N2+Zn1 – 5 – – 0.2 –

14 N2+Mn1 – – 5 – – 0.2

15 N2+Cu1, Zn1, Mn1 120(40p+40k+40s) 5 5 5 120(40p+40k+40sd) 0.2 0.2 0.2

16 N2+Cu2 10 – – 0.4 – –

17 N2+Zn2 – 10 – – 0.4 –

18 N2+Mn2 – – 10 – – 0.4

19 N2+Cu2, Zn2, Mn2 10 10 10 0.4 0.4 0.4

20 N2+Florovit2e – – – – – 0.4+0.8+0.8

p – before sowing; k – in tillering time; s – in shooting time; d – foliar application; e – dosesof Cu+Zn+Mn.

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The triticale cultivation and harvest methods were conducted with accord-ing to the agro technological requirement typical for this plants species.

The operation production expenditures of spring triticale variety Majacultivation were calculated by MET method (ANUSZEWSKI 1987) in MJ ha–1 forthe consume some energy carries (fuel), natural resources, materials, durablemeans (tractors and accompany machines) and human work equivalent.

The results were statistically work out and significance of variations hasbeen calculated using the Tukey’s test, at the level obtained different gravity ofthe trust range α = 0.05.

Results and Discussion

It has been found out that in North-South Poland condition the total sumof the energy expenditure in spring triticale Maja cultivation was from 16 723.2to 21 864.8 MJ ha–1 (Table 2). The lower expenditures were with soil techniquefertilization, exception to objects of higher manganese dose (10.0 kg ha–1) andof copper, zinc and manganese in total dose with 80 and 120 kg ha–1 nitrogendose independently to microelements dose. The factors deciding about high ofexpenditure, like to JANKOWSKI et al. (1998) or KISIEL and DOMSKA (1994) weremachines and fertilizers kind. The higher sum the energy expenditure waswith total microelements dose fertilization before triticale sowing (to soil)depends on this fertilization only with copper, zinc or manganese. There wasnot important different at the similar techniques with study microelementsfoliar application.

In the structure of the energy expenditure of triticale cultivation withmicroelements soil fertilization (Figure 1) the most participation (65.3–71.7%)were row and materials (Emi). Considerably lower (appropriately 17.2–20.9%and 8.9–10.8%) were participations of immediate energy carries (Enpi) andexploitation expenditure (Eimi). The relatively low and not very differentvalues (2.2–2.6%) were showed in human work participation (Ezli). The mosteffectiveness cultivation objects in accident of carried energy expenditure werewith soil fertilization 80 or 120 kg ha–1 nitrogen dose and 5 kg ha–1copper orzinc dose (objects 2, 3, 12 and 13).

In the triticale technique foliar application with nitrogen and microele-ments, the energy expenditure participation mainly was more similar(Figure 2). There was lower row and materials participation (EMi) from 64.4 to68.6% depend on soil fertilization technique and, similar with immediateenergy carries (Enpi), exploitation expenditure (Eimi) and human work (Ezli),appropriately in size 18.8–21.5%, 10.2–11.4% and 2.4–2,7%. The lower row andmaterial participation were with lower nitrogen dose and some microelements

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Table 2Sum of total energetic expenditure in cultivation of spring triticale Maja cv. [MJ ha–1]


A – to soil B – to soil and spray applicationTreatment Fertilization

1 N1 16 723.2a 16 954.4a

2 N1+Cu1 16 793.2a 16 957.2a

3 N1+Zn1 16 793.2a 16 957.2a

4 N1+Mn1 16 863.2a 16 960.0a

5 N1+Cu1, Zn1, Mn1 17 563.2b 16 988.0a

6 N1+Florovit1 16 987.4a

7 N1+Cu2 16 863.2a 16 960.0a

8 N1+Zn2 16 863.2a 16 960.0a

9 N1+Mn2 17 003.2a 16 965.6a

10 N1+Cu2, Zn2, Mn2 18 403.2b 17 021.6a

11 N2 20 184.8c 20 441.3b

12 N2+Cu1 20 254.8c 20 444.1b

13 N2+Zn1 20 254.8c 20 444.1b

14 N2+Mn1 20 324.8c 20 446.9b

15 N2+Cu1, Zn1, Mn1 21 024.8d 20 474.9b

16 N2+Cu2 20 324.8c 20 446.9b

17 N2+Zn2 20 324.8c 20 446.9b

18 N2+Mn2 20 464.8c 20 452.5b

19 N2+Cu2, Zn2, Mn2 21 864.8d 20 508.5c

20 N2+Florovit2 20 474.3b

Ferlilizer doses (kg ha–1): N1 – 80 (40+40), N2 – 120 (40+40+40), Cu1, Zn1, Mn1 – 0.2 (A), 5.0 (B), Cu2,Zn2, Mn2 – 0.4 (A), 10.0 (B), Florovit1 – 0.2+0.4+0.4 (Cu+Zn+Mn), Florovit2 – 0.4+0.8+0.8(Cu+Zn+Mn), a, b, c, d – differences of value in each column marked with the same letters areissignificant at α = 0.05.

fertilization (objects 1–8) except higher dose (0.4 kg ha–1) manganese withoutand together with copper and zinc (objects 9 and 10). However, the fertilizationtechnique with 120 kg ha–1 nitrogen dose without and together with microele-ments (objects 11–30) were decreased the participation of the immediateenergy carries (fuel) and the conitant measures (durable means – tractors andmachines). KAMIŃSKI and ROSZKOWSKI (2001) were showed that one of the wayto become cheaper of the plant production is the technique of foliar nitrogenfertilization applied together with plant protection. In this case, nitrogen isabout 40% effectively used from urea solution applied to leaves depend on soilfertilization.

The structure kind of the carried energy expenditure in the experiment wasdifferent, and like as in studies of KISIEL and DOMSKA (1994), JANKOWSKI et al.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20treatment


Enpi Emi Eimi Ezli

Explanation of treatment – see Table 2, Enpi – immediate energy carries, Emi – row and materialss,Eimi – exploitation expenditure, Ezli – human work.

Fig. 1. Structure of energetic expenditure in cultivation of spring triticale with soil microelementsferlilization

(1998) and STARCZEWSKI et al. (2008), there was high the row and materialsparticipation (64.4–71.7%). The obtained results are showing on the importantsignificance of the natural sources and materials, which determined about 50%of the total expenditure. STARCZEWSKI et al. (2008) were showed that mostenergy (56.4%) is carried with fertilizers. Moreover, authors were found thatall cultivation operations carried mean 29.4% energy and, on the differential ofthis value influenced another work time and fuel consumption. While, ANU-

SZEWSKI and SOKOLIK (1985) were showed that in the study agricultural farmswere more than 60% the raw and materials in total expenditure and, immedi-ate energy carries from 20 to 40%. Moreover, there was more different humanwork participation about 10 to 15%. The lowest expenditures (3–10%) were inthe exploitation of the durable means. ANUSZEWSKI and GROTKOWSKA (1986)were analyzed the production effectiveness of some agricultural yields andshowed the most participation of the immediate energy carries (fuel andelectric energy) in the expenditure and, also were showed that with expendi-ture energetic value increase was not be the same with proportional increaseof the agricultural production. After all, the expenditure estimation and

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20treatment


Enpi Emi Eimi Ezli

Explanation of treatment – see Table 2 and Figure 1.

Fig. 2. Structure of energic expenditure in cultivation of spring triticale with microelements sprayapplication

comparison should be the base to choice of the technology variant with thelowest expenditure.

The researches with the expenditure plant production also were showed onthe quality of the plough work connected with size, shape, place of work mainsurface and ploughing speed (PLOUFFE et al. 1995, YAVUZCAN et al. 1998).


1. Based on the obtained date it has been found that the total energyexpenditure of spring triticale Maja cultivated in North-South Poland condi-tion was from 16 723.2 to 21 864.8 MJ ha–1. The lower expenditure was withthe soil fertilization technique, except objects with higher manganese dose(10 kg ha–1) and with applying together of copper, zinc and manganese incomparison with 80 and 120 kg ha–1 nitrogen dose, independent to micro-element dose.

2. The microelements applied together before triticale sowing (to soil) wereincreased the total sum of the energy expenditure depend on fertilizationbefore sowing only copper, zinc or manganese. Whereas, there was notdifferent with the same technique but microelements foliar application.

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3. In the expenditure structure of the triticale cultivation was the mostparticipation of row and materials (64.4–71.7%), the lower of immediate energycarries (17.2–21.5%) and exploitation expenditure (8.9-11.4%) and, the leastof human work (2.2–2.7%).

Translated by DANUTA DOMSKA

Accepted for print 28.06.2010


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STARCZEWSKI J., DOPKA D., KORSAK-ADAMOWICZ M. 2008. Ocena energetycznej efektywności wybranychtechnologii uprawy żyta jarego. Acta Agrophysica, 11(3): 733–739.

YAVUZCAN G., KLONOWSKI J., MAJEWSKI Z. 1998. Investigations on working resistance of model ploughbodies in the soil bin. Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University – SGGW, 33: 3–8.

WIELICKI W., BŁAŻEK M. 1988. Rozważania nad metodyką badań energochłonności produkcji rolniczej.Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, 77-C-4: 59–65.

WÓJCICKI Z. 2000. Wyposażenie techniczne i nakłady materiałowo-energetyczne w rozwojowych gos-podarstwach rolniczych. IBMER, Warszawa.

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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 244–251, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0022-x



Andrzej Faruga1, Renata Pietrzak-Fiećko2,Stefan S. Smoczyński1

1 Department of Poultry Breeding2 Department of Commodities and Food Analysis

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: turkeys, DDT, blood, egg yolk, yolk sack, abdominal fat.

A b s t r a c t

The aim of the study was to determine the content of chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT, DDE,DDD and γ-HCH) in different tissues of turkeys from a reproductive flock. Linear correlationcoefficients between the contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons in blood of the turkey hens and theirconcentrations in egg yolks; in egg yolk and their concentrations in blood of poults; in egg yolk andtheir concentrations in yolk sack of poults, in blood of the turkey hens and their concentrationsin abdominal fat of the hens were determinated. Significant correlations were determined onlybetween the contents of chlorinated carbohydrates in blood and their concentration in egg yolksof the layers. The contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the research material did not arouseserious hygienic and toxicological concerns.


Andrzej Faruga1, Renata Pietrzak-Fiećko2, Stefan S. Smoczyński1

1 Katedra Drobiarstwa2 Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Badań ŻywnościUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: indyki, DDT, krew, żółtka jaj, woreczek żółtkowy, tłuszcz sadełkowy.

Address: Stefan S. Smoczyński, University of Warmia and Mazury, pl. Cieszyński 1, 10-719 Olsztyn,Poland, phone, +48 (89) 523 39 74, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Polish - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski - [PDF Document] (36)

A b s t r a c t

Celem badań było określenie zawartości chlorowanych węglowodorów (DDT, DDE, DDDi γ-HCH) w różnych tkankach indyczych stada reprodukcyjnego. Określono liniową korelację międzyzawartością chlorowanych węglowodorów w krwi indyczek a ich zawartością w żółtkach jaj; międzyzawartością chlorowanych węglowodorów w żółtkach jaj a ich zawartością w krwi piskląt; międzyzawartością chlorowanych węglowodorów w żółtkach jaj a ich zawartością woreczkach żółtkowychpiskląt; między zawartością w krwi a zawartością w tłuszczu sadełkowym indyczek. Stwierdzonoistotne korelacje tylko między zawartością chlorowanych węglowodorów w krwi indyczek a ichzawartością w żółtkach jaj. Zawartości chlorowanych węglowodorów w badanym materiale nie budzązastrzeżeń higienicznych i toksykologicznych.


Recent studies have found that chlorinated carbohydrates and their deriva-tives still occur in the environment and in food. Circulating in the environ-ment, they are subject to bioaccumulation in particular links of the food chain.In Poland, preparations containing DDT have been withdrawn from use since1976, yet they are still used in some countries of Asia and Africa for fightinginsects that transfer malaria as well as in crops of tobacco and cotton, DDT wasused in the East Germany for forest spraying until the 1980s. By penetratinginto atmosphere, this compound is adsorbed onto molecules of liquids sus-pended in it and in that form may be transferred for long distances(STRUCIŃSKI et al. 2000).

Organic chlorine hydrocarbons are a group of xenobiotics with specialtoxicological significance which, due to considerable stability in the en-vironment and lipophilic character, pose a high risk to the health of humansand animals. This compounds affects the marrow and morphological elementsof blood as well as the immunological and nervous systems. Methyl sulfonemetabolites of DDT exert a toxic effect on adrenal glands bringing aboutdeath of the cells. The DDT influences also the hormonal system causingspontaneous miscarriages, anomalies in the reproductive systems, andshortening of lactation period in mammals (STRUCIŃSKI et al. 2000. VIDAEFF

and SEVER 2005).Presence of organochlorine hydrocarbons has been reported, among others,

in animal milk (JUSZKIEWICZ and NIEWIADOWSKA 1984, PIETRZAK-FIEĆKO et al.2000), tissues of slaughter animals (FARUGA et al. 2008b, NIEWIADOWSKA et al.1995, 2008. ULRICH and RASZYK 2002) and game (JANICKI et al. 2007, RO-

DZIEWICZ and HAJDUK 1995) as well as hen eggs (AURIGI et al. 2000.NIEWIADOWSKA et al. 1996, SMOCZYŃSKI et al. 1979). Blood as a liquid tissueof a live organism serves an important physiological function. Its multi-oriented role may be fulfilled only without the occurrence of extrinsic factorsthat make it impossible. Extrinsic substances often determined in human

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blood include chlorinated hydrocarbons (SYROWATKA et al. 1981). Many studieshave also addressed the content of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the blood ofslaughter animals (AMAROWICZ et al. 1987. SMOCZYŃSKI et al. 1984). Theirconcentration in blood may indicate contamination of other body tissues.Studies carried out on birds (GLICK 1974) demonstrated that DDT affecteda decrease in blood level of immunoglobulins G and M. Results of experimentscarried out on hens (ADAMCZYK 1971) also point to translocation of DDTthrough blood from adipose tissue to muscles. Data on the content of chlorin-ated hydrocarbons in blood and eggs of domestic fowls may also be usefulin breeding, especially in its intensive form.

The aim of the study was to determine the content of chlorinated hydrocar-bons (DDT, DDE, DDD and γ-HCH) in different tissues of turkeys froma reproductive flock and linear correlation coefficients between the contents ofthese compounds in blood of the turkey hens and their concentrations in eggyolks; in egg yolk and their concentrations in blood of poults; in egg yolk andtheir concentrations in yolk sack of poults, in blood of the turkey hens andtheir concentrations in abdominal fat.

Material and Methods

Experiments were carried out on 50 turkey hens (BUT-5) kept in individ-ual cages. All layers were provided equal and optimal environmental condi-tions. Over the entire laying period, the turkey hens were fed ad libituma complete mixture. They were inseminated every 7th day with sem*n dilutedat a ratio of 1:1. Eggs for hatching were collected 6 times a day, stored fora period of 7 days and incubated in Petersime incubators. During incubation,the hatching of poults was monitored. In addition, in the 3–4, 11–12 and19–20 week of the laying season, blood and 2 eggs were collected from eachlayer, and the contents of γ -HCH, DDE, DDD and DDT were assayed in wholeblood and egg yolk lipids. The content of chlorinated carbohydrates was alsodetermined in the complete mixture, abdominal fat of turkey hens after thereproductive period as well as in blood and yolk sacks of one-day-old poults.Chlorinated hydrocarbons from the complete mixture, abdominal fat of hens,egg yolks and yolk sacks were isolated according to the method described byAMAROWICZ et al. (1986), and those from blood of turkey hens and poults– according to SYROWATKA et al. (1979). Separation and quantitative determi-nation of chlorinated hydrocarbons were conducted by means of gaschromatography using a PU 4600 chromatograph by UNICAM with anelectron capture detector and a glass column (2.1 x 4 mm) filled withSupercoport 100/120 covered with a liquid phase of 1.5% SP-2250 + 1.95%

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SP-2401. The temperature of the detector was 250oC, the injector was 225oCand the column was 195oC. Argon was used as a carrier gas at a flow rateof 60 cm3/min.

Identification was carried out by comparing retention times of peaks ina standard mixture and experimental sample. Quantitative calculations wereperformed by means of Unicam 4880 software. To provide the quality of resultsand control of the methods applied, samples of reference material were alsoanalyzed. In addition, linear correlations were computed between the contentsof chlorinated hydrocarbons in the samples examined.

Results and Discussion

During 20 weeks of the laying season, all birds displayed good welfare andhigh reproductivity. The mean number of eggs obtained from one layer was114, the weight of eggs was 84.6 g and the brooding of poults from fertilizedeggs was 90.05%.

Table 1 presents the mean values and variability coefficients of thecontents of chlorinated carbohydrates in the complete mixture, blood of turkeyhens and poults, egg yolk, yolk sack and the abdominal fat of the hens. In thefeed mixture, the content of γ -HCH (0.0128 ng g–1) was higher than thatof DDT (0.0001 ng g–1). Analyses also demonstrated a higher concentrationof DDT metabolites (DDE-0.0117 ng g–1. DDD-0.0155 ng g–1) than DDT itself.whose content reached as little as 0.0001 ng g–1. The total content of DDT andits metabolites in the feed mixture was low and accounted for 0.0273 ng g–1.The content of HCH in blood of turkey hens (0.0002 ng g–1) was lower than thatin blood of one-day-old poults (0.0013 ng g–1). Contrary results were reportedfor the content of DDT, a higher concentration of which was noted in blood ofturkey hens (0.0021 ng g–1) than in the blood of the poults (0.0001 ng g–1).In addition, the blood of the hens was found to contain a higher concentration ofDDT than of its metabolites: DDE 2-fold and DDD 5-fold. An opposite tendencywas demonstrated in the blood of the poults, in which the concentration of DDT(0.0001 ng g–1) was lower than that of its metabolites (DDE-0.0028 ng g–1.DDD-0.0003 ng g–1).

Low percentage contribution of DDT in Σ DDT and high contributionof metabolites of DDT: DDE (to 42.8%) and DDD (to 56.8%) in completemixture testifies that they are not introduced to environment at present. Highpercentage contribution of DDT in blood of turkey hens (55.3%) and abdominalfat of the hens (84.7%) can showed that DDT is able to accumulate in tissuesof organism. Very low (amount subliminal) levels of DDT don’t activateof defensive mechanism and facilitate accumulation in organism.

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Table 1Contents of chlorinated carbohydrates in the research material (ng g–1)

Blood Abdominal Blood Yolkof turkey fat of the of sack

hens hens poults of poultsn=50 n=50 n=50 n=50

Complete Eggmixture yolkn=30 n=100

Chlorinated Statisticalcarbohydrates measures

x 0.0128 0.0002 0.0149 0.0012 0.0013 0.0354SD 0.003 0.0001 0.009 0.0003 0.0007 0.021

γ -HCH range 0.010––0.015






v 19.98 80.47 62.40 28.32 50.43 60.56

x 0.0117 0.0013 0.0068 0.0076 0.0028 0.0174SD 0.005 0.0015 0.0029 0.0018 0.0024 0.0114

DDE range 0.007––0.0167






v 42.31 115.09 43.16 23.41 86.86 65.38% 42.8 34.2 41.5 13.4 87.5 32.4

x 0.0155 0.0004 0.0063 0.0011 0.0003 0.0321SD 0.0129 0.0013 0.0029 0.0005 0.0007 0.0767

DDD range 0.0025––0.0285






v 83.75 325.47 47.04 42.17 219.45 238.87% 56.8 10.5 37.5 1.9 9.4 59.6

x 0.0001 0.0021 0.0037 0.0481 0.0001 0.0043SD 0.0001 0.0136 0.0056 0.0157 0.0006 0.0089

DDT range 0.000––0.0002






v 141.42 646.06 152.8 32.74 587.31 206.12% 0.4 55.3 21.0 84.7 3.1 8.0

x 0.0273 0.0038 0.0168 0.0568 0.0032 0.0536SD 0.0079 0.0156 0.0081 0.0162 0.0027 0.0773

Σ DDT range 0.0194––0.0353






v 29.12 410.00 48.46 28.60 84.81 144.24

x – mean values. v – variability coefficients (%), % – percentage contribution of DDT metabolitesin Σ DDT

Linear correlation coefficients between the contents of chlorinated hydro-carbons in blood of the turkey hens and their concentrations in egg yolks(Table 2), ranged from –0.036 to +0.654 and in the case of DDD (+0.534). DDT(+0.549) and sum of DDT (+0.654) were statistically significant (p < 0.05,0.01), which may suggest that the transport of these compounds proceeds viathe circulatory system to other organs. The coefficients of correlation obtainedbetween contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the egg yolk of turkey hensand blood of poults (Table 2) were statistically insignificant (ranged from–0.216 to +0.020). However, the coefficient of correlation computed for DDEof –0.400 was close to being significant. In turn, no correlation was calculatedfor the content of DDT since it occurred only in a few blood samples.

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The coefficient of correlation computed between the contents of chlorinatedcarbohydrates in egg yolk and yolk sacks (Table 2) fluctuated between –0.042and 0.442 and in all cases was statistically insignificant, which is difficultto explain and requires further investigations. It should be emphasized thatthe correlation coefficient calculated for γ -HCH was close to being significant.No statistically significant coefficients of correlation were determined betweenthe contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the blood and abdominal fatof turkey hens, in contrast to the correlation between their concentrationsin blood and egg yolks of the hens (Table 2).

Table 2Linear correlation coefficients between the contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons

in selected materials

Blood of turkey hens

γ -HCH DDE DDD DDT Σ DDTSpecification

γ -HCH 0.193DDE –0.036

Egg yolk DDD 0.534*DDT 0.549*

Σ DDT 0.654**

egg yolk


γ -HCH –0.216DDE –0.400

Blood of poults DDD 0.020DDT X

Σ DDT –0.038

egg yolk


γ -HCH 0.442DDE 0.324

Yolk sack of poults DDD 0.144DDT –0.042

Σ DDT 0.247

blood of the turkey hens


γ -HCH 0.213DDE –0.039

Abdominal fat DDD –0.115of the hens DDT 0.048

Σ DDT 0.004

Explanation: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; X – inanalysable value

No statistically significant coefficients of correlation between the contentsof chlorinated hydrocarbons in the turkey blood and egg yolk lipids andnumber of laid eggs, weight of eggs and hatchability from fertile eggs were

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determined in our earlier research (FARUGA et al. 2008a). Content ofchlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT) in blood of turkey was ranged 0.0009––0.0081 ng g–1 however in turkey egg lipids was higher 0.0122–0.0210 ng g–1

(FARUGA et al. 2008a).Aulakh et al. determined 0.91 mg kg–1 Σ DDT in feed while in chicken

muscle – 0.24 mg kg–1 and that higher residues were in eggs (0.51 mg kg–1)compared to muscle (AULAKH et al. 2006).

Furusawa research indicate that in fats from tissues of laying hens andeggs yolk DDT and DDE were transferred throughout the tissues and egg yolkwhile DDD was detected only in the liver after oral administration single doseof p.p’-(DDT) – 1 mg kg–1 body weight (FURUSAWA 2002).


The contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the samples examined weresmall and did not arouse serious hygienic or toxicological concerns. Significantcorrelations were determined only between the contents of chlorinated carbo-hydrates in blood and egg yolks of the layers. The low coefficients of correlationcomputed between contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons in egg yolks and theirconcentrations in the blood and yolk sacks of the poults as well as betweentheir contents in blood and abdominal fat of the hens. The explanation the wayof transportation of the chlorinated hydrocarbons from the blood of turkeyhens to other tissues and from egg yolks to tissues of the poults requiresfurther investigations.

Translated by JOANNA JENSEN

Accepted for print 3.08.2010


AULAKH R.S., GILL J.P.S., BEDI J.S., SHARMA J.K., JOIA B.S., OCKERMAN H.W. 2006. Organochlorinepesticide residues in poultry feed, chicken muscle and eggs at poultry farm in Punjab, India. J Sci.Food Agric., 86: 741–744.

AURIGI S., FOCARDI S., HULEA D., RENZONI A. 2000. Organochlorine contamination in bird’s eggs fromthe Danube Delta. Environ, Pollution, 109: 61–67.

ADAMCZYK E. 1971. The translocation the DDT in the hens’ organism under influence of hunger, Med.Wet., 27: 103–105.

AMAROWICZ R., SMOCZYŃSKI S., BOREJSZO Z. 1986. A rapid method of isolation of chlorinated hydrocar-bons from fat, Rocz. PZH. 37: 542–545.

AMAROWICZ R., SMOCZYŃSKI S., FARUGA A. 1987. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the blood of livingorganisms. III. DDT and its metabolites in the blood of ducks fed barley from different levelsof nitrogen fertilization. Acta Acad. Agricult. Techn. Olst. Techno. Alim., 21: 81–89.

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FARUGA A., PUDYSZAK K., BOREJSZO Z., SMOCZYŃSKI S., PIETRZAK-FIEĆKO R. 2008a. Concentrationof chlorinated hydrocarbons in turkey hens’ blood and egg yolk compared to thier reproductivitytraits. Med. Wet., 64: 1401–1403.

FARUGA A., PUDYSZAK K., BOREJSZO Z., SMOCZYŃSKI S.S., PIETRZAK-FIEĆKO R. 2008b. Studies on the effectof chlorinated hydrocarbons content in the compound animal feeding stuffs on the residues inturkey carcasses and result of slaughter turkeys rearing. Pol. J. Vet. Sci., 11: 213–218.

FURUSAWA N. 2002. Transferring and distributing profiles of p,p’-(DDT) in eggs-forming tissues andeggs of laying hens following a single oral administration. J. Vet. Med. A. 49: 334–336.

GLICK B. 1974. Antibody-mediated immunity in the presence of mirex and DDT. Poult. Sci., 53:1476–1485.

JANICKI B., BOREJSZO Z., SMOCZYŃSKI S., SUMCZYŃSKI P., OLSZEWSKA K. 2007. Chloroorganic insecticidesin the fatty tissue and liver of free-living pheasants. Med. Wet., 63: 481–483.

JUSZKIEWICZ T., NIEWIADOWSKA A. 1984. Residues of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in animaltissues, milk, eggs and environment in the light of 15-years of the own studies. Med. Wet., 40:323–327.

NIEWIADOWSKA A., ŻMUDZKI J., sem*nIUK S. 1995. Contamination of hens by chlorinated hydrocarbonresidues. Med. Wet., 51: 346–348.

NIEWIADOWSKA A., ŻMUDZKI J., sem*nIUK S. 1996. Residues of organochlorine pesticides and polich-lorinated biphenyls (PCB) in the hen eggs. Bromat. Chem. Toksykol., 29: 79–84.

NIEWIADOWSKA A., sem*nIUK S., ŻMUDZKI J. 2008. Pesticide residues in food of animal originin 1997-2006 in Poland. Med. Wet., 64: 1221–1224.

PIETRZAK-FIEĆKO R., TOMCZYŃSKI R., SMOCZYŃSKI S. 2000. Residues of chlorinated carbohydratesin animal and human milk. Med. Wet., 56: 715–717.

RODZIEWICZ L., HAJDUK A. 1995. Residues of chloroorganic pesticides in the fat of game from EasternPoland in 1990-1993. Med. Wet., 51: 199–200.

SMOCZYŃSKI S., MARKIEWICZ K., FARUGA A., TYWOŃCZUK J. 1979. DDT, DDE, DDD and HCH in spare fatand egg yolk of hen fed with different fodders. Zesz. Nauk. ART. Olsztyn Technol. Żywn., 15:195–202.

SMOCZYŃSKI S., AMAROWICZ R., FARUGA A. 1984. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the blood of livingorganisms. II. DDT, DDE, DDD and HCH in the blood of fattened ducks. Zesz. Nauk. ART OlsztynTechnol. Żywn., 20: 183–188.

STRUCIŃSKI P., LUDWICKI J.K., GÓRALCZYK K., CZAJA K. 2000. Endocrine disrupting action of persistentorganochlorine compounds – an overview. Roczn. PZH. 51: 211–228.

SYROWATKA T., GÓRSKI D., PALUT D. 1981. Residue of hydrocarbons in blood of residents of Warsawand precincts the in IV quarter 1979. Rocz. PZH, 32: 267–272.

ULRICH R., RASZYK J. 2002. Variations in environmental contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB) and chlorinated pesticides (Lindane, DDT) on pig farms in Hodonin district in 1994 to 1999.Vet. Med. – Czech. 47: 159–168.

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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 252–258, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0023-9



Danuta Domska, Katarzyna WojtkowiakChair of Foundation of Safety

Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: Mały Jeziorak Lake, water, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

A b s t r a c t

There were showed influence of the points (local and city reception basin outflow) and the areas(recreation area and wasteland) differentiation of pollution sources on the concentration of nitrogenand phosphorus compounds in water of Mały Jeziorak Lake. There were analyzed NO3

–, NO2–, NH4

+,total P and PO4

–3 content. Results of the studies were indicated that the most componentsconcentration was low in I class of water cleanliness. There was more ammonium and nitratenitrogen content near the recreation area and more nitrate nitrogen content in spring and summertime near the dairy outflow. Moreover, higher total phosphorus content but not more than in I classof water cleanliness norm were in the lake water with village rain outflow and near the recreationarea and, phosphates content in II class water cleanliness in spring time near the recreation area.



Danuta Domska, Katarzyna Wojtkowiak

Katedra Podstaw BezpieczeństwaUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: jezioro Mały Jeziorak, woda, związki azotu i fosforu.

Address: Danuta Domska, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Okrzei 1a, 10-266 Olsztyn, Poland,phone: +48 (89) 526 63 80, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Polish - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski - [PDF Document] (44)

A b s t r a k t

W pracy określono wpływ zróżnicowania źródeł zanieczyszczeń punktowych (odpływ wódburzowych i ścieków z mleczarni) oraz obszarowych (teren rekreacyjny i nieużytek) na zawartośćzwiązków azotu i fosforu w wodzie części misy jeziora Mały Jeziorak. W metodyce badańuwzględniono analizę zawartości NO3

–, NO2–, NH4

+, P ogółem i PO4–3. Na podstawie uzyskanych

wyników wykazano bezpośredni, a także zróżnicowany, wpływ punktowych źródeł zanieczyszczeńoraz obszaru przylegającego do linii brzegowej jeziora Jeziorak Mały oraz okresu wegetacyjnegona zawartość mineralnych związków azotu i fosforu, a tym samym na jakość wody badanejtafli jeziora. Stwierdzono, że zawartość większości badanych związków była przeważnie niskai mieściła się w klasie I czystości wód. W wodzie jeziora przylegającego do terenu rekreacyjnegobyło więcej azotu amonowego i azotanowego, a w miejscu odpływu ścieków z mleczarni w okresiewiosenno-letnim – więcej azotu azotanowego. Większą zawartość fosforu ogółem, nieprzekraczającąjednak norm I klasy czystości wód, zaobserwowano ponadto w wodzie jeziora, do której spływałyosiedlowe wody burzowe i przy granicy z terenem rekreacyjnym, a fosforanów (w granicachnormy II klasy czystości wód) – wiosną w okolicy terenu rekreacyjnego.


The degradation of the environment is one from the most problem. It isconnected with quality worsening of surface waters and considerable dependon phosphorus and nitrogen compounds content. These compounds havea important part in the eutrophication process of lakes when the phosphoruscontent is in norm of II class water cleanness and there is more nitratenitrogen content (SZOSZKIEWICZ and SZOSZKIEWICZ 1997). The water propertiesdepend on climate, basin kind and location and also human activity(SZCZYGIELSKI 1996, RACZKOWSKI and WARECHOWSKA 2002, DOMSKA et al. 2005,PULIKOWSKI et al. 2005, DOMSKA et al. 2006, KOC, SIDORUK 2006). The excessivephosphorus and nitrogen compounds concentration can be caused not onlywith point pollutions but also way of spatial economy connected with urbaniza-tion, industrialization, agricultural production on the basin area and tourismdevelopment without effective methods of the waters protection (RACZKOWSKI

and WARECHOWSKA 2002, BECHMANN et al. 2005, DOMSKA et al. 2005, 2006, KOC

and SIDORUK 2006, KOC at al. 2009).The purpose of this paper was the estimation of the different points

(outflow of storm waters and dairy sewerages) and area (recreation area andwaste land) pollutions on nitrogen (NO3

–, NO2– and NH4

+) and phosphorus(total P and PO4

–3) content in the some part of the lake basin of Mały Jeziorak.

Material and Metodhs

Mały Jeziorak Lake is situation in the centre of Iława town of Warmia andMazury province. The lake surface is 26.0 ha, maximum depth – 6.4 m and

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water volume – 890.9 thousand m3. Out of natural storm waters flow, there areconducted back to lake the storm waters with town interceptors. Those watersare partially cleaned from derivative petroleum substances and organic pollu-tion in the separator.

In the purpose of the points and area influence on water quality there werecollected of water samples on April, June and September 2009 year accordingto standard PN-88/C-04663/04. The sites of water samples were located in thedeepest place of lake (6.4 m) and in littoral zone near outflow place of town andstorm waters and dairy sewerages, recreation area (town park) and waste landwith shore covered with reed and bulrush (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Location of research stands: 1 – deepest place, 2 – local reception basin, 3 – city reception basin,4 – dairy sewages, 5 – recreation area, 6 – waste land

In the water samples was immediately determinated nitrogen (NO3–, NO2

and NH4+) and phosphorus (total P and PO4

–3) compounds content. In theanalytical analysis was regarded the methods universally accepted in theagricultural and chemical stations.

The obtained results was statistically calculated by Tukey test of thevariant analyse at the considerable differences of the confidence intervalp = 0.05.

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Results and Discusion

The analyzed nitrogen compounds in water was low and it was in standardof I class water cleanness (Rozporządzenie MOŚ... 2004). There was am-monium nitrogen content from 0.143 to 0.180 mg dm–3, nitrate nitrogen from0.764 to 1.30 mg dm–3 and nitrite nitrogen – from 0.002 to 0.070 mg dm–3

(Table 1). A little more ammonium nitrogen content in the lake surface wasonly in spring time and nitrate nitrogen in all study time and in the both cases

Table 1Nitrogen concentration in water of Mały Jeziorak Lake (mg dm–3)

N-NH4+ N-NO3

– N-NO2–

Research position sampling time


1 0.158 0.170 0.160 0.764 0.820 0.795 0.003 0.002 0.004

2 0.156 0.168 0.155 0.900 0.880 0.863 0.060 0.050 0.023

3 0.145 0.155 0.150 0.780 0.760 0.910 0.070 0.057 0.014

4 0.143 0.155 0.157 0.890 0.925 0.850 0.018 0.014 0.018

5 0.180 0.170 0.170 1.130 0.980 1.005 0.018 0.022 0.016

6 0.150 0.143 0.150 0.830 0.930 0.768 0.010 0.009 0.005

LSD0.05 0.015 0.060 0.003

A – spring, B – summer, C – autumn

near the recreation area. PULIKOWSKI et al. (2005) considered that differentchanges of nitrogen compounds concentration in water can be caused with bigcontent balancing of its in all year. WOJTAS and DĄBEK (2006) were showedthat nitrite and ammonium nitrogen concentration in water of Olecko WielkieLake was decreased in spring and summer time and nitrate nitrogen concen-tration was higher in summer time. In turn of SZYMCZYK and GLIŃSKA--LEWCZUK (2007) study was showed relatively high concentration N-NO3

(average 1.25 mg dm–3) in winter-spring time and low (average 0.18 mg dm–3)– in spring-summer time. The nitrite nitrogen concentration in water of MałyJeziorak was important different between deepest lake place and anotherstudied sites, at the same time, it was highest near storm outflowson spring-summer time. The different in this case were from 0.038to 0.68 mg dm–3 and, it was higher than DOMSKA et. al. (2006) showed in waterof Narie Lake as effect of agriculture area (arable soils). There was also highernitrite nitrogen content (from 0.007 to 0.020 mg dm–3) in water with outflow ofdairy sewerages, near recreation area and on spring-summer time near waste

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land. According to KRUK (1996), the lakes showed big resistance to degradationonly in case the forest nearness, while a big risk are intensive tourism and areaadaptation for the recreation necessity. Other authors (KOC et al. 1966,DOMSKA et al, 2005) are point out to direct influence of agricultural areas,particularly arable soils and also intensive tourism on some form of mineralnitrogen content in waters.

Table 2Phosforus concentration in water of Mały Jeziorak Lake (mg dm–3)

Total P PO4–3

Sampling time*



1 0.217 0.271 0.234 0.158 0.163 0.149

2 0.310 0.288 0.330 0.210 0.270 0.232

3 0.239 0.231 0.286 0.180 0.213 0.220

4 0.246 0.286 0.278 0.225 0.275 0.276

5 0.263 0.215 0.235 0.467 0.278 0.320

6 0.162 0.256 0.287 0.200 0.245 0.250

LSD0.05 0.032 0.038

* see Table 1.

There was a little difference of phosphorus content in the surface water oflake Mały Jeziorak in the study time (Table 2). Total phosphorus concentra-tion was from 0.162 to 0.330 mg dm–3, so it was not higher then standard ofI class water cleanness (Rozporządzenie MOŚ... 2004). The most phosphoruscontent was in water near the community storm outflow (site 2) in all studytime, particularly in spring and autumn time. Moreover, higher total phos-phorus content was near town storm outflow (site 3) in autumn time and insurface water lake near town park (site 5) in spring time depend on the contentof this in deepest lake place (site 1). DOMSKA et al. (2006) was showed highertotal phosphorus content in water Narie Lake in standard of III class watercleanness near arable soils in spring and summer time. In turn of GLIŃSKA--LEWCZUK (2005) was showed that P-PO4

–3 in water of Łyna river was increasedaverage from 0.26 mg dm–3 in spring time to average 0.70 mg dm–3 in summertime. But first of all, some authors (SZOSZKIEWICZ, SZOSZKIEWICZ 1997, BE-

CHMANN et al. 2005, DOMSKA et al. 2005) are point out on a big influence ofa*gricultural areas nearness on total phosphorus content in the surface waters.In the conducted studies was showed clear influence of fertilized in autumntime, the town park recreation area nearness (site 5) on phosphates content inwater lake Jeziorak Mały. In this case, there was 0.467 mg dm–3 of these

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compounds in spring time, so it was changed water cleanness from first tosecond class. The similar results were showed in studies of BARTOSZEWICZ

(2005) and DOMSKA et al. (2006) with the influence of the neighbours area onphosphates content on land of Kościańsk Plain and in water of Narie Lake.SZYMCZYK and GLIŃSKA-LEWCZUK (2007) were point out on the variabilityof P-PO4

–3 concentration in Jagiełek Lake near Olsztyn, where it was tendencyto increase from average 0.26 mg dm–3 in spring time to average 0.79 mg dm–3

in summer time. The outflows from dairy sewerage and storm were increasedphosphates content in water lake Mały Jeziorak but without change of watercleanness class. According to BARTOSZEWICZ (2005), first at all, phosphatesconcentration increased in surface waters in condition of intensive rainfalls.


1. The mineral nitrogen compounds concentration in water lake MałyJeziorak was mainly low in standard of I class water cleanness.

2. In water of lake near the recreation area was more ammonium andnitrate nitrogen content and in place of dairy sewerages inflow was morenitrate content in spring-summer time.

3. There was showed higher total phosphorus content, but not more thanstandard of I class water cleanness, in lake water with inflow of communitystorm waters and near the recreation area and, higher phosphates content instandard of II class water cleanness was in lake water near the recreation areain spring time.

Translated by DANUTA DOMSKA

Accepted for print 2.07.2010


BECHMANN M.E., BERGE D., EGGESTAD H.O., VANDSEMB S.M. 2005. Phosphorus transfer from agricul-tural areas and impact on the eutrophication of lakes-two long-term integrated studies fromNorway. J. Hydrol., 304: 238–250.

BARTOSZEWICZ A. 2005. Migracja fosforanów w glebach i wodach zlewni rolniczej na terenie równinykościańskiej. Zesz. Prob. Post. Nauk Rol., 505: 41–49.

DOMSKA D., WOJTKOWIAK K., WARECHOWSKA M., RACZKOWSKI M. 2005. Wpływ zróżnicowania ob-szarowego na zawartość niektórych związków w wodzie Jeziora Chełmżyńskiego. Zesz. Prob. Post.Nauk Rol., 505: 95–99.

DOMSKA D., WOJTKOWIAK K., WARECHOWSKA M., RACZKOWSKI M. 2006. Wpływ użytkowania rolniczego nazawartość związków azotu i fosforu wodzie Jeziora Narie. Zesz. Prob. Post. Nauk Rol., 513: 81–86.

GLIŃSKA-LEWCZUK K. 2005. Effect of land and lake presence on chemical diversity of the Łyna Riversystem. Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 15(2): 256–269.

KOC J., SIDORUK M. 2006. Wpływ użytkowania zlewni na ładunek fosforu dopływający do jeziorz wodami powierzchniowymi. Zesz. Prob. Post. Nauk Rol., 505: 159–167.

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KOC J., SIDORUK M., ROCHWERGER A. 2009. Calcium ion migration in agricultural and afforested lakecatchments. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering, A, 16(3): 201–212.

KRUK M. 1996. Ocena redukcji składników mineralnych w odpływach z zabagnionych obszarówpowierzchniowo bezodpływowych w krajobrazie rolniczym. Acta Acad. Agricultura Tech. Olsz., 22:160–169.

PULIKOWSKI K., PALUCH J., PARUCH A., KOSTRZEWA S., 2005. Okres pojawiania się maksymalnych stężeńazotanów w wodach powierzchniowych. Zesz. Prob. Post. Nauk Rol., 505: 339–345.

RACZKOWSKI M., WARECHOWSKA M. 2002. Oddziaływanie różnych obszarowych i punktowych źródełzanieczyszczeń na zawartość chlorków w wodzie jeziora Jeziorak Mały w Iławie. Zesz. Prob. Post.Nauk Rol., 484: 529–535.

Rozporządzenie MOŚ z dnia 11 lutego 2004 r. w sprawie klasyfikacji dla prezentowania stanu wódpowierzchniowych i podziemnych, sposobu prowadzenia monitoringu oraz sposobu interpretacjiwyników i prezentacji stanu tych wód. Dz.U. nr 32, poz. 284.

SZCZYGIELSKI D. 1996. Gospodarka wodą na jeziorach i zbiornikach wodnych w aspekcie zanieczyszczeńrolniczych. Wiad. Mel. i Łąk., 2: 51–53.

SZOSZKIEWICZ K., SZOSZKIEWICZ J. 1997. Symptomy eutrifizacji jeziora Wielkie Partęczyny na PojezierzuBrodnickim. Rocz. Akad. Rol. w Poznaniu, CCXCII: 116–118

SZYMCZYK S., GLIŃSKA-LEWCZUK K. 2007. Causes of loading the water of the eutrophic lake Jagiełek withnitrogen and phosphorus compounds under the meteorological conditions of Olsztyn Lakeland.J. Entomol., 12(4): 347–360.

WOJTAS A., DĄBEK M. 2006. Dynamika zawartości związków azotowych w wodzie jeziora OleckoWielkie. Zesz. Prob. Post. Nauk Rol., 513: 547–553.

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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 259–271, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0024-8



Mirosław Grzybowski1, Józef Szarek2,Krystyna A. Skibniewska3, Janusz Guziur4, Joanna Duriasz1

1 Chair of Applied Ecology2 Chair of Pathophysiology, Forensic Veterinary Medicine and Administration

3 Chair of Foundations of Safety4 Department of Fish Breeding and Rearing

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: species diversity, macrophyte, pesticide tomb, drainage ditch.

A b s t r a c t

The research was aimed at determining whether a pesticide tomb affects the ecological statusof drainage ditches located in its vicinity as well as how it affects the diversity of the flora of theditches and in which direction its effect on the surrounding environment is. In addition, the resultsof the study are a contribution to a comparative analysis of methods for macrophyte evaluationof watercourses used in Poland and to identify the possibilities of their application in investigationsof artificial watercourses under the pressure of pesticides. Values of indices of the hydromorphologicalevaluation (HQA, HMS) were similar for all drainage ditches examined. This points to a negligibleeffect of the pesticide tomb on the hydromorphological characteristics of the analyzed watercourses.The pesticide tomb was found to affect the ecological status and floral diversity of the drainageditches. The lowest values of macrophyte and diversity indices were recorded in the first and thesecond watercourse, whereas higher ones were in the third watercourse. Changes in the indices ofecological status and those of floral diversity observed in the watercourses examined show that theeffect of the pesticide tomb on the surrounding ecosystem is consistent with topographic features andproceeds in a north-easterly direction. Both methods of the macrophyte evaluation of the ecologicalstatus of watercourses (MTR, MIR) yield different numeric values, yet their results are comparable interms of the tendency of changes in the ecological status of the analyzed watercourses. In bothmethods, the highest rank was reported for the third watercourse. The MTR index diversifies theexamined watercourses to a smaller extent than the MIR index. The MIR method is better underconditions of lowland Poland for the evaluation of the ecological status of artificial watercourses, as itenables stronger diversification of the ecological status of the watercourses examined due to a highernumber of indicatory species.

Address: Mirosław Grzybowski, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Oczapowskiego 5, 10-719Olsztyn, phone: +48 (89) 523 37 42, e-mail: [emailprotected]* Research granted from scientific sources as a research project in 2006–2009 MNiSW No:N305 006 31/0326

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Mirosław Grzybowski1, Józef Szarek2, Krystyna A. Skibniewska3, Janusz Guziur4,Joanna Duriasz1

1 Katedra Ekologii Stosowanej2 Katedra Patofizjologii, Weterynarii Sądowej i Administracji

3 Katedra Podstaw Bezpieczeństwa4 Katedra Biologii i Hodowli Ryb

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: różnorodność gatunkowa, makrofity, rowy melioracyjne, mogilnik pes-tycydowy.

A b s t r a k t

Przeprowadzone badania mają na celu stwierdzenie, czy mogilnik pestycydowy wpływa na stanekologiczny rowów melioracyjnych znajdujących się w sąsiedztwie, jak również, w jaki sposób wpływana różnorodność ich flory oraz jaki jest kierunek tego oddziaływania. Wyniki badań są wkładem doanalizy porównawczej metod oceny makrofitów cieków Polski. Istnieje możliwość ich zastosowaniaw badaniach sztucznych cieków wodnych będących pod wpływem pestycydów. Wartości wskaźnikówhydromorfologicznej oceny dla rowów melioracyjnych (HQA, HMS) były zbliżone. Wskazuje to nanieznaczny wpływ mogilnika pestycydowego na hydromorfologiczne cechy badanych cieków. Stwier-dzono wpływ mogilnika pestycydowego na stan ekologiczny oraz różnorodność roślinności rowówmelioracyjnych. Niższą wartość wskaźników makrofitowych oraz wskaźników różnorodnościzanotowano w cieku pierwszym i drugim, wyższą w cieku trzecim. Na podstawie zmian wskaźnikówstanu ekologicznego oraz wskaźników różnorodności roślinności w badanych ciekach stwierdzono,że wpływ mogilnika pestycydowego na otaczające ekosystemy jest zgodny z ukształtowaniem terenui przebiega w kierunku północno-wschodnim. Obie metody makrofitowej oceny stanu ekologicznegocieków (MTR, MIR) dają liczbowo odmienne wartości. Wyniki są jednak porównywalne w zakresietendencji zmian stanu ekologicznego w badanych ciekach. W obu metodach najwyższą wartośćuzyskał ciek trzeci. Wskaźnik MTR w mniejszym stopniu różnicuje badane cieki niż wskaźnik MIR.Metoda MIR jest lepsza w warunkach Polski niżowej do oceny stanu ekologicznego cieków sztucz-nych, ponieważ pozwala silniej różnicować stan ekologiczny badanych cieków dzięki większejobecności gatunków wskaźnikowych.


Watercourses are an inseparable element of environment, they createliving space for a number of flora and fauna species and constitute a significantelement of balanced landscape persistence. Apart from tree-covered areas,permanent grasslands and natural watercourses, drainage ditches are a partof a network of biocenters, bioways and elements working together to playa protective role for soil and a gene pool of plants and animals, as well asof elevating the stability of the entire landscape system.

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Drainage ditches in Warlity Wielkie (a village at the edge of whicha pesticide tomb is located) play an important functional role by drainingexcessive water from areas around fish ponds. The drainage ditches passthrough an area located near a closed pesticide tomb (< 1 km) – Figure 1.














ponds P

Warlity Wlk




Warlity Wlk.

P – pesticid tombs10




drainage ditches1



Fig. 1. Location of the study area

Pesticide tombs are one of the most severe threats to the natural environmentin Poland. In Warlity Wielkie, near Ostróda, in the Iławski Lake District,a pesticide tomb was in operation until November 3, 2004. It was one of the 16landfill sites of non-utilized pesticides in the province Warmia and Mazury inthe years 1960–1970. The tomb was used as a landfill of 54 tones of toxicsubstances disposed of in 36 silos and 2 unprotected cavities. Since 2003,complex analyses of the edaphic and aquatic environment have been carried

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out in this area (SKIBNIEWSKA et al. 2003, GRZYBOWSKI et al. 2003, 2004, 2005,2005a,b, 2006, 2010, SAWICKA-KAPUSTA et al. 2005, SZAREK et al. 2004, 2006,2007a, 2007b, 2007c, ZAKRZEWSKA et al. 2005, ZMYSŁOWSKA et al. 2005).

The research was aimed at determining whether a pesticide tomb affectsthe ecological status of drainage ditches located in its vicinity as well as how itaffects the diversity of the flora of the ditches and in which direction its effecton the surrounding environment is. In addition, the results of the study area contribution to a comparative analysis of methods for macrophyte evaluationof watercourses used in Poland and to identify the possibilities of theirapplication in investigations of artificial watercourses under the pressure ofpesticides.

Characteristics of the study area

A site survey was carried out in the summer of 2007 on drainage ditches(Figure 1). The examined drainage ditches surrounding three ground fishponds, they are typical artificial watercourses, draining the area around theponds (Figure 1). They are located in the Iławski Lake District, in the provinceof Warmia and Mazury, in Ostróda Commune. The first and the thirdwatercourse discharge waters to Lake Szeląg Wielki, whereas the secondstream links the second and the third watercourse together. Lake SzelągWielki is a typical ribbon-like narrow and very elongated lake. Runoff from theaquifer proceeds south-west from Lake Pauzeńskie and Lake Drwęckie. Its sizeaccounts for 599 ha, its maximum depth for 35.5 m, and mean depth for 13.5 m.Until 2004 a pesticide tomb was located ca. 50 m south of the drainage ditches.It was separated from the second watercourse by a thin belt of anthropogenicforest (Sambucus nigra-Picea abies and that of Sambuco racemosi-Pieceetum).

Materials and Methods

The experimental material for analyses was collected during field work inthe period of April–July 2007. The nomenclature of vascular plants wasadopted after RUTKOWSKI (2006). The study also involved bryological analysesthat were carried out on moss collected from stones and wood in watercoursechannels. In the case of mosses determined by macroscopic characteristics,only a floristic census was made. The collected materials were assayed ina laboratory according to the following keys (SMITH 1996, NYHOLM 1960–1969,1986, 1993, 2001). The nomenclature of mosses was adopted after OCHYRA etal. (2003).

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The hydromorphological evaluation of the watercourses was conductedbased on the British method: River Habitat Survey (RHS) (RAVEN et al.1989),considering modifications introduced for Poland (SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2007).Analyses were carried out by trained staff (GRZYBOWSKI 2007). The RHS wasperformed on three representative stretches (500-metres long) of the examinedwatercourses. The following indices were calculated: Habitat Quality Assess-ment Score (HQA) and Habitat Modification Score (HMS).

The HQA evaluates the presence and diversity of natural elements of riverbed and valley, including: physical characteristics of the bed and banks,structure of flora on the slope, type of flora in the bed, land utilization ata distance of 50 m from the bed, stand density, and other characteristicsindicating the natural character.

The HMS determines the extent of modifications in the morphology ofa watercourse by means of the number and type of water structures, fortifica-tions, and profile changes.

For the macrophyte evaluation, two methods were selected, namely: theBritish method – the Mean Trophic Ranking (MTR) (HOLMES et al. 1999) andthe Polish method – the River Macrophyte Index (RMI) (SZOSZKIEWICZ et al.2006a). Both the methods assume conducting analyses on 100-metrestretches of a watercourse. Analyses were carried out on the three water-courses examined, consideration was given to all species growing permanent-ly in the water.

The MTR is based on the quantitative and qualitative assessmentof the species composition of plants, out of which a list of 128 speciesindicative of macrophytes was selected: 8 algae, 23 mosses, 7 liverworts,3 pteridophytes, 47 monocotyledonous, and 40 dicotyledonous. The MTRindex is calculated based on a nine-degree Species Cover Value (SCV)and Species Trophic Rank (STR):


· 10Σ SVC

Three degrees of watercourses degradation are distinguished in the inter-pretation of the MTR index (HOLMES et al. 1999) (Table 1).

The River Macrophyte Index for Rivers – MIR (SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2006b)is computed based on the ratio of the quotient of Species Trophic Rank fora given species (Li), weight coefficient for a given species (Wi), and SpeciesCover Value for a given species according to a 9-degree scale (Pi) (the same asfor MTR; Pi = SVC) to the quotient of weigh coefficient for a given species (Wi)and Species Cover Value for a given species (Pi). The MIR may attain values

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Table 1Boundary values of MTR index [25] and MIR index [26] and their interpretation for watercourses


degree of watercourse degradation ecological status class type of watercourse:sandy and organic

I > 65 non-eutrophicatedwatercourses very good ≥ 44.5

II 25–65 watercourses degradedas a result of eutrophicationor severely threatenedby proceeding eutrophication

good 44.5–35.0

IIa 45–65 at risk of degradation moderate 35.0–25.4

IIb 25–45 degradation as a resultof eutrophication is evident poor 25.4–15.8

III < 25 considerable degradation bad < 15.8

from 10 (the most degraded) to 100 (the best). In the case of lowland rivers, thehighest values of MIR do not exceed 60 (SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2006a).

MIR =Σ (Li Wi · Pi) · 10

Σ Wi · Pi

The MIR considers 146 species indicative of macrophytes: 9 algae, 22mosses, 10 liverworts, 3 pteridophytes, 53 monocotyledonous and 49 dicotyle-donous. According to the Framework Water Directive, five classes of theecological status of watercourses are distinguished in the interpretation ofMacrophyte Index for Rivers (SZOSZKIEWICZ at al. 2006a) – Table 1.

The diversity evaluation was carried based on the Shannon-Wiener index(SHANNON, WEAVER 1949). The distribution of species in a phytocenosis wasdescribed by means of the Pielou Evenness index [J] (MAGURRAN 1988).

In order to depict floral diversity in the examined drainage ditches, use wasmade of an ordination technique – Principal Component Analysis [PCA]. ThePCA is a method elaborated by PEARSON (1901), and adapted for plant analysisby GOODAL (1954) and especially by ORLOCI (1966). It enables determining themain directions of changes in flora along theoretical environmental gradients.

Diversity indices and PCA were computed by means of Multi VariateStatistical Package (MVSP) ver. 3.1.

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Diversity indices of aquatic and rush flora calculated for the examineddrainage ditches were the highest for the third watercourse and the lowest forthe first watercourse (Table 2).

Table 2Values of indices of diversity, hydromorphology and macrophyte evaluation for the drainage ditches

in Warlity Wielkie

Watercourse Watercourse Watercourse1 2 3

Number of species 20 22 27

Shannon-Wiener index 3.877 4.127 4.519

Pielou Evenness index 0.897 0.925 0.950

RHS HQA 27 28 29

HMS 53 61 53

MTR/MIR indices STR Li Wi SVC=Pi SVC=Pi SVC=Pi

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

AlgaeCladophora sp. 1 1 2 5 5 1Oedogonium sp. 1 1 1 – 1 1Stigeoclonium sp. 1 1 1 – 1 –Rhizoclonium* sp. – 1 1 – – 1

Mosses:Brachythecium rutabulum 3 3 2 4 3 1

Pteridophytes and horsetailsEquisetum fluviatile 5 6 2 – 4 3Equisetum palustre 5 5 2 – – 1Thelypteris palustris* 5 5 2 – 1 1

Dicotyledonous:Nasturcium officinalis 5 5 2 1 – –Veronica anagalis-aquatica 3 4 2 1 1 –Veronica beccabunga* – 4 1 – 1 1Mentha aquatica* – 5 1 – – 1Myosotis palustris* – 4 1 – – 1

Monocotyledonous:Carex acutiformis 3 4 1 3 – –Carex riparia 4 4 2 – – 1Carex vesicaria 6 6 2 – – 1Glyceria maxima – 3 1 – 1 2Iris pseudoacorus 5 6 2 1 – –Lemna minor 4 2 2 9 6 1Lemna gibba 2 1 3 – 1 –Phragmites australis** 4 – – 2 4 3Carex paniculata* – 5 1 – – 3Scirpus sylvaticus* – 5 2 1 1 5

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cont. table 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Accompanying species(not being indicators):Plagiomnium undulatum – – – 2 2 1Leptodictyum riparium – – – 2 1 –Amblystegium serpent – – – 1 1 1Dicranum scoparium – – – 1 1Orthotrichum affinae – – – – – 1Galium palustre – – – 1 – 1Salix fragilis – – – 3 – 2Juncus effuses – – – 1 – 1Cirsium oleraceum – – – 1 – –Filipendula ulmaria – – – 1 1 –Poa annua – – – 1 – –Urtica urens – – – 1 – –Lythrum salicaria – – – – – 1Alnus glutinosa – – – – 1 1Poa trivialis – – – – – 1Carex pseudocyperus – – – – – 1Epilobium hirsutum – – – – 2 –Galium aparine – – – – 2 –Urtica dioica – – – – 2 –

MTR: 31.9 31.9 37.3

MIR: 26.0 28.6 43.5

* – indicatory species only in the MIR method** – indicatory species only in the MTR method

The computed MTR indices (Table 2) were within the range of 25–45 andindicated evident eutrophication. Of all the watercourses examined, the high-est value of this index was recorded for the third watercourse. In turn, the firstand the second watercourses obtained the similar value. The MIR indexdiversifies the ecological status of the watercourses under scrutiny. Theecological status of the third watercourse was good, whereas that of water-courses 1 and 2 was moderate. The first watercourse obtained the lowest valueof the RMI index out of all streams examined.

Indices of diversity were the lowest for the first watercourse and thehighest for the third watercourse (Table 2).

Results of hydromorphological evaluation of the watercourses based on theRHS method were as follows:

– the index (HQA), amounted to based on the presence and diversity ofnatural elements of a watercourse and river bed values 27 for the firstwatercourse, 28 for the second watercourse and 29 for the third watercourse,which indicated their low naturalness (Table 2).

– the index (HMS) that determining the range of modifications in water-course morphology was higher than the HQA index in all watercourses

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examined (Table 2). The highest value of HMS was recorded in the secondwatercourse, which is due to two spillways noticed. The second watercourse isa connecting link between the first and the third watercourse, hence, thehigher number of hydrotechnical structures. All the other parameters of theHabitat Modification Score (HMS) of a watercourse evaluated in ten profilesand in the entire 500-m stretch in the synthetic perspective, such as: modifica-tion of bed and banks, were the same.


The diversity indices calculated for the examined drainage ditches demon-strated appeared to be higher in the third watercourse located east of thepesticide tomb, thus indicating higher biological diversity. This points to anoriented action of the pressure of the pesticide tomb on the surroundingecosystems, which is consistent with the results obtained in analyses ofmacrophytes of Szeląg Wielki Lake (GRZYBOWSKI et al. 2005a, 2007b) and floraof the anthropogenic forest adjoining the pesticide tomb (GRZYBOWSKI et al.2006, 2010b).

So far, drainage ditches have been a sparse subject of RHS evaluation(SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2006b). The obtained results of the hydromorphologicalassessment of the watercourses examined were typical of the artificial water-courses.

In Poland, the MTR method has been used for years in scientific research(SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2002, ZBIERSKA at al. 2002a,b, 2004, GRZYBOWSKI et al.2010a). It has proved to be useful under conditions of Poland and its draftadaptation has been postulated by SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. (2002, 2005). So far, inPoland this method has been applied in analyses of over 300 uniform waterstreams, mainly on the lowlands (SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2006a).

The MIR method is novel in Poland; to date it has been applied ininvestigations of 110 river stretches located on 76 rivers (SZOSZKIEWICZ et al.2006a), artificial watercourses have not been studied.

The analysis of watercourses assayed so far with the MTR methoddemonstrated that this method needs to be adjusted to Polish conditions(SZOSZKIEWICZ et al. 2006a, GRZYBOWSKI et al. 2010a), which has alsobeen confirmed in the reported study. The number of indicatory speciesused in the macrophyte evaluation of watercourses in the MTR methodaccounted for 16, and that used in the MIR method for 22. Owing tothe higher number of indicatory macrophytes, the MIR method enabledbetter demonstration of diversification between the watercourses examinedas compared to the MTR method.

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PCA ordination provides a picture of basic directions of diversification inthe occurrence of species in the watercourses under scrutiny. It is a multi-species extension of a multiple regression, and the environmental variable isa theoretical variable. The length of a vector reflects diversity in speciescontribution in the ordination space and is proportional to its share inwatercourses. Species observed in the first and the second watercourse arebound more strongly with environmental gradient represented by the firstordination axis (Figure 2), assuming that the I ordination axis of the PCAordination reflects the environmental factor generated by the pesticide tomb,which has been confirmed by results of hydromorphological and macrophyteevaluation and those of macrophyte diversity of the watercourses examined,then the greatest effect was observed for the first watercourse, slightly smallerone for the second and the smallest one for the third watercourse analyzed inthe study. This points to a greater pressure of the pesticide tomb exerted on thefirst and second watercourse than on the third one. It confirms the assumeddirection of pesticide distribution in the environment around the pesticidetomb (GRZYBOWSKI et al. 2010a,b).

PCA case scores











-0.6 -0.3 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5

axis 1



Lerh min

CladopBra. rutSal. fra

Pla. und


Car. acu

Phr. ausEqu. flu

Sci. syl

Car. pan

Glyc. max

Fig. 2. Principle Component Analysis [PCA] of aquatic and rush flora of the drainage ditches inWarlity Wielkie


1. Values of indices of the hydromorphological evaluation (HQA, HMS)were similar for all drainage ditches examined. This pointed to a negligibleeffect of the pesticide tomb on the hydromorphological characteristics of theanalyzed watercourses.

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2. The pesticide tomb was found to affect the ecological status and floraldiversity of the drainage ditches. The lowest values of macrophyte anddiversity indices were recorded in the first and the second watercourse,whereas higher ones were in the third watercourse.

3. Changes in the indices of ecological status and those of floral diversityobserved in the watercourses examined showed that the effect of the pesticidetomb on the surrounding ecosystem was consistent with topographic featuresand proceeds in a north-easterly direction.

4. Both methods of the macrophyte evaluation of the ecological status ofwatercourses (MTR, MIR) yield different numeric values, yet their results arecomparable in terms of the tendency of changes in the ecological status of theanalyzed watercourses. In both methods, the highest rank is reported for thethird watercourse.

5. The MTR index diversifies the examined watercourses to a smallerextent than the MIR index. The MIR method is better under conditions oflowland Poland for the evaluation of the ecological status of artificial water-courses, as it enables stronger diversification of the ecological status of thewatercourses examined due to a higher number of indicatory species.

Translated by JOANNA JENSEN

Accepted for print 2.02.2010


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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 272–286, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0025-7




Anna Hakuć-Błażowska, Krzysztof Kupren,Konrad Turkowski, Katarzyna Targońska, Daniel Żarski,

Dariusz KucharczykDepartment of Lake and River Fisheries

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: hormonal stimulation, economic effectiveness.

A b s t r a c t

The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic effectiveness of various hormonalproducts for stimulating the reproduction of the cultured and wild forms of the common barbelBarbus barbus (L.). Three hormonal products were analyzed: Ovopel, Ovaprim (cultured and wildfish) and hCG (cultured fish). The economic effectiveness of hormonal stimulants was analyzed inview of ovulation rates, the price of hormonal products and spawner mortality rates. The cost ofhormonal injection per 1000 eggs and 1000 hatchlings was adopted as an indicator of economiceffectiveness. The best results were reported for hormonal stimulation using synthetic GnRHanalogues during induced spawning of the barbel in a group of cultured fish. The above product’seffectiveness in the controlled spawning of cyprinids is demonstrated by high ovulation rates andhigh embryo survival rates.



Anna Hakuć-Błażowska, Krzysztof Kupren, Konrad Turkowski, Katarzyna Targońska,Daniel Żarski, Dariusz Kucharczyk

Katedra Rybactwa Jeziorowego i RzecznegoUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: stymulacja hormonalna, opłacalność.

Address: Anna Hakuć-Błażowska, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Michała Oczapowskiego 5,10-719 Olsztyn, Poland, phone: +48 (89) 523 44 36, e-mail: [emailprotected]

Polish - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski - [PDF Document] (64)

A b s t r a k t

Celem badań przedstawionych w pracy była ocena opłacalności zastosowania różnychpreparatów hormonalnych do stymulacji rozrodu brzany Barbus barbus (L.) zarówno jej formyhodowlanej, jak i dzikiej. Do badań przyjęto trzy środki hormonalne: Ovopel, Ovaprim (formahodowlana i dzika) i hCG (forma hodowlana). Oceniono opłacalność zastosowania tych preparatówhormonalnych do stymulacji rozrodu brzany, biorąc pod uwagę płodność ryb, cenę preparatówhormonalnych i śmiertelność tarlaków. Jako miarę opłacalności przyjęto koszt iniekcji hormonalnejw przeliczeniu na uzyskane 1000 ziaren ikry i 1000 sztuk wylęgu. Najbardziej opłacalna okazała sięstymulacja hormonalna za pomocą syntetycznych analogów GnRH w trakcie kontrolowanego rozrodubrzany w grupie ryb hodowlanych. Wynika to ze skuteczności tych środków hormonalnych w kon-trolowanym rozrodzie ryb karpiowatych, o której świadczy wysoki odsetek owulacji, jak i wysokiodsetek przeżywalności zarodków.


The progressing loss of habitats and the extinction of rheophilic fish of thefamily Cyprinidae in recent years calls for the urgent implementation ofprotection programs. The is an immense demand for adequately selectedstocking material of those valuable fish species to support stock managementin open waters (MEJZA et al. 1996, AUGUSTYN 2002, KUJAWA 2004, PENCZAK etal. 2004, WOJDA 2004, WOLNICKI 2005, BOLLAND et al. 2008). Two mainmethods are applied to produce spawners of rheophilic cyprinid fish. The firstis artificial spawning in a controlled environment (KUCHARCZYK 2002, JAMRÓZ

et al. 2008a,b, KREJSZEFF et al. 2009, 2010, ŻARSKI et al. 2008b, 2009,WOLNICKI, MYSZKOWSKI 1998, CIEŚLA et al. 2000b, MYSZKOWSKI et al. 2000),and the second involves artificial reproduction of caught wild spawners ina hatchery both with and without hormonal stimulation (KOURIL et al. 1988,CIEŚLA et al. 2000a, AUGUSTYN 2002). The production of stocking materialbased on the artificial spawning of rheophiles is gaining new significance asadvances are made in the reproduction biotechnology, thus contributing tohigher production in commercial aquaculture (KUPREN et al. 2008b, TURKOW-

SKI et al. 2008). The success of induced spawning is determined by the choice ofthe right hormonal preparation and its dose. Hormonal stimulation takes placeat the level of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the gonads (BIENIARZ

and EPLER 1991, PETER and YU 1997, ZOHAR and MYLONAS 2001, PODHOREC

and KOURIL 2009, YARON et al. 2009). Hormonal products which are mostfrequently used in the induced spawning of cyprinids include the hom*ogenateof carp and bream pituitary glands (CIEŚLA 1998, KUCHARCZYK et al. 2008),human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (KUCHARCZYK et al. 1997a,b,c, 2005),gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its analogues, often in combina-tion with a dopamine antagonist (KREJSZEFF et al. 2008, 2009, 2010, ŻARSKI etal. 2008b, 2009).

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Artificial spawning and breeding has to deliver economic advantages.There is a scarcity of publications discussing the economic aspects of rearingthe larvae of rheophilic cyprinid fish under controlled conditions (KUPREN etal. 2008b, TURKOWSKI et al. 2008). The cost of performing hormonal stimula-tions in the reproduction of rheophilic fish also receives weak coverage in therelated literature (KŁODZIŃSKA and OKONIEWSKI 1998, HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA

et al. 2009). The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic efficiencyof various hormonal products for stimulating the reproduction of wild andcultured forms of the common barbel Barbus barbus (L.).

Materials and Methods

Spawners and fish manipulation

Barbel spawners were obtained from two sources. Cultured fish (F3 gener-ation) were acquired from the Czarci Jar Fish Farm near Olsztynek (NEPoland). The stock originated from fish caught in the Vistula Basin. It waskept in tanks with a capacity of 1000 dm3 and an environment control option(KUJAWA et al. 1999). The first group of wild fish (WF-1) was caught in theNarew River in Dębe in the fall, and it was transported to the Czarci Jar FishFarm where it was kept in a flow-through earthen pond. Starting in the fall,both groups were kept in natural temperatures. The photoperiod of culturedfish was similar to the natural regime and it was controlled by a light clock.Both groups were fed the same diet comprising trout pellet and frozenchironomids in a weight ratio of 1:1 (1.5% fish biomass). In late spring whenwater temperature reached 15oC, both groups were kept under identicalconditions in fiberglass tanks with a capacity of 1 m3. Fish density did notexceed 30 kg m–3. The third experimental group (WF-2) comprised fish caughtin the Vistula Basin (dam on the Narew River in the village of Dębe) in thespring, immediately before the spawning season, when water temperature inthe river reached 15oC. The fish were transported to the Czarci Jar Fish Farmwhere they were placed in tanks and kept under the same conditions as theremaining two groups.

Prior to any manipulation, fish were anesthetized in a bath of 0.5 cm3 dm–3

2-phenoxyethanol solution (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany). Temperature in thetanks was 15oC on the day of spawner introduction. Hormonal injections wereperformed after a four-day adaptive period during which water temperaturewas gradually increased to 17oC. Fish from both hatchery groups were exposedto a constant photoperiod of 14 h (14 L : 10 D).

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The experiments were carried out within a single breeding season. The firstexperiment was performed on the group of cultured fish, and it verified theefficacy and economic effectiveness of selected hormonal products. Prior to thefirst injection, fish were marked and randomly divided into groups subject tothe applied hormonal product. Hormonal stimulation was performed usingthree products: Ovopel ([D-Ala6, Pro9-Net]-mGnRH) (Unic-trade, Hungary)(hom*ogenized in 0.9% NaCl solution and administered according to themethod described by Horvhth et al. 1997), Ovaprim ([D-Arg6, Pro9-Net]-sGnRH) (Syndel, Canada) (PETER et al. 1993) and hCG – human chorionicgonadotropin (Argent, USA). Saline solution injections (0.9% NaCl) were usedin the control group. Hormonal product doses are presented in Table 1.

Table 1Hormonal doses applied to stimulate the reproduction of the common barbel (cultured form) during

the natural spawning season

Males Females

hormonal dose preliminary dose release doseGroup

1control + + +

2 0.25 ml Ovaprim 0.1 ml Ovaprim 0.5 ml Ovaprim

3 1000 IU hCG 500 IU hCG 2000 IU hCG

4 0.5 Ovopel granules 0.1 Ovopel granules 1 Ovopel granule

+ 0.9% NaCl injections

Table 2Hormonal doses (in terms of kg BW) applied to stimulate the reproduction of the barbel (wild and

cultured forms) during the natural spawning season

Cultured fish Wild fish

1st injection 2nd injection 1st injection 2nd injection

Control + + + +

Ovopel [granule] 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0

Ovaprim [ml] 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5

+ 0.9% NaCl injections

The second experiment compared the efficacy and economic effectiveness oftwo hormonal stimulants in the induced spawning of wild (groups WF-1 andWF-2) and cultured fish (females). Similarly to the first experiment, fish weremarked and divided into groups (subject to the applied hormonal stimulant)before the first injection. The stimulation was performed using two products:

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Ovopel and Ovaprim. Saline solution injections (0.9% NaCl) were used in thecontrol group. Hormonal product doses for cultured fish and wild fish arepresented in Table 2.

hCG injections were administered intramuscularly under the dorsal fin.Ovaprim and Ovopel was injected intraperitoneally under the ventral fin. Afterthe first injection, the temperature of water was increased over a periodof 17 h to reach 18oC. The second hormonal injection was administered12 h after the first injection. Males received a single injection at the time of thesecond manipulation in females. Next, temperature was raised to 19–20oCafter the second treatment.

Gamete acquisition

Recognition of ovulation began 15 h after the second injection. Barbelfemales in every group were monitored every three hours in the course ofsuccessive 15 hours. Gametes were acquired from spawners by massaging andapplying gentle pressure to the abdomen. Eggs were collected from each femaleinto separate plastic bowls. To determine the effect of hormonal stimulants onthe biological quality of gametes, the eggs from each female (three samples of100–200 eggs each) were fertilized with mixed sem*n collected from five males.The samples were incubated separately in water at 19–20oC. Embryo survivalrates were determined upon hatching. After the experiment, spawners werekept in the pond for another 14 days to determine whether experimentalmanipulation increased fish mortality rates.

The body weight of fish in each group and the reported results (includingfertility and embryo survival rates) were evaluated by an analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Tukey’s post-hoc test at a significance level of α = 0.05. Thevalues expressed in terms of percent were subjected to arcsine transformationbefore statistical analyses.

Economic effectiveness of hormonal stimulation

The economic effectiveness of hormonal products stimulating reproductionwas analyzed in view of ovulation rates, the price of hormonal products andspawner mortality rates. The cost of hormonal injection per 1000 eggs and1000 hatchlings was adopted as an indicator of economic effectiveness. Calcula-tions were performed in view of the purchasing price of selected hormonalproducts, converted into Polish zloty in accordance with the exchange ratequoted on the day of purchasing Ovaprim and hCG stimulants. The cost of

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purchasing 10000 IU hCG was USD 33, 10 ml Ovaprim – USD 25.50, 1 Ovopelgranule – EUR 0.4. The cost of a single Ovopel, Ovaprim and hCG dose per kgBW of fish was calculated. At the next stage, the total cost of every hormonalproduct was computed based on the ovulation rates and spawner mortalityrates in every group. Fixed cost components that were not affected by the typeof the applied hormonal product (e.g. equipment depreciation, lighting, labor)were not accounted for in the calculations (HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA et al. 2009).


Efficacy and economic effectiveness of hormonal stimulationin fish cultures

Hormonal stimulation clearly affected barbel spawning (Table 3). Ovula-tion rates in experimental fish groups were significantly higher (53–77%) thanin the control group (30%). The highest percentage of ovulating females wasnoted following the administration of Ovaprim and Ovopel. The highestpercentage of hatched embryos was reported in the group stimulated withOvaprim. Embryo viability was higher in all experimental groups than in thecontrol group. Hormonal stimulation and fish manipulation did not increasespawner mortality rates.

Table 3The results of stimulating the reproduction of the common barbel (cultured form) with various

hormonal products

Fish group Control Ovaprim Ovopel HCG

Number of males 12 11 12 12

Average body weight of males 108 + 12 110 + 14 114 + 21 109 + 18

Male mortality rate [%] 0 0 0 0

Number of females 10 13 15 15

Average body weight of females 128 + 22 133 + 25 127 + 32 129 + 30

Percentage of ovulating females 30 77 73 53

Fecundity [eggs/kg] 1078 + 221b 1547 + 325a 1654 + 322a 1089 + 159b

Hatching rate [%] (± SD) 66.3 + 3.4c 83.2 + 4.1a 77.2 + 3.0b 75.0 + 2.9b

Female mortality rate [%] 0 0 0 0

Data marked by the same letters in rows do not differ statistically

The costs of applying different hormonal products to stimulate barbelreproduction in a commercial farm varied significantly. The cost of one doseper kg BW of male fish reached: Ovaprim – PLN 1.66, Ovopel – PLN 0.72 and

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hCG – PLN 8.25. As regards females, the cost of a combined product dose(preliminary dose and release dose) was: Ovaprim – PLN 3.82, Ovopel – PLN1.58 and hCG – PLN 20.63. Total Ovaprim costs and total Ovopel costs differedmore than two-fold, reaching PLN 6.60 and PLN 3.01, respectively, while totalhCG costs were significantly higher at PLN 50.71.

The costs of hormonal stimulation of the barbel in terms of 1000 eggs and1000 hatchlings are presented in Figure 1. The cost of hormonal stimulation interms of 1000 eggs was the lowest for Ovopel and Ovaprim at PLN 1.74 andPLN 4.15, respectively. hCG (PLN 45.41 per 1000 eggs) proved to be the leastcost-effective hormonal product. Similar differences in the profitability ofdifferent stimulants were produced by calculating hormonal injection costs per1000 hatchlings.








cost/1000 eggs cost/1000 fingerlings




Fig. 1. The profitability of various hormonal products in the artificial spawning of cultured barbel

Efficacy and economic effectiveness of hormonal stimulationin cultured and wild fish

Hormonal stimulants had a considerable effect on the investigated repro-duction parameters of the barbel, in particular its cultured form (Tables 4–6).In the control group, none of the wild-type females matured sexually, andmortality rates reached 50% in groups WF-1 and WF-2. The ovulation rate inthe cultured group was 30%. A comparison of the reproductive performance ofcultured fish and wild fish administered Ovopel showed much higher ovulationrates in the group of cultured fish (80%) than wild fish (0–13%) (Table 5).Significant differences in embryo hatching rates were not determined. Themortality of wild spawners was as high as 50% of the stock.

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Table 4The results of artificial spawning in the control group of wild and cultured fish

Fish group Cultured WF-1 WF-2

Number of females 10 6 6

Average body weight of females 0.324 3.874 3.587

Percentage of ovulating females 30% 0 0

Fecundity [eggs/kg] 1054 + 124 0 0

Hatching rate [%] (± SD) 64.2 + 3.8 – –

Female mortality rate [%] 0 50 50

Table 5The results of stimulating the reproduction of the common barbel (cultured and wild forms)

with Ovopel

Fish group Cultured WF-1 WF-2

Number of females 10 8 8

Average body weight of females 0.254 3.245 3.687

Percentage of ovulating females 80 13 0

Fecundity [eggs/kg] 1654 1020 0

Hatching rate [%] (± SD) 79.3 + 63.6a 80.2 + 3.0a 0

Female mortality rate [%] 0 13 50

Data marked by the same letters in rows do not differ statistically

Table 6The results of stimulating the reproduction of the common barbel (cultured and wild forms)

with Ovaprim

Fish group Cultured WF-1 WF-2

Number of females 10 8 8

Average body weight of females 0.287 3.875 3.364

Percentage of ovulating females 90 25 13

Fecundity [eggs/kg] 1875 1645 1587

Hatching rate [%] (± SD) 82.2 + 3.3b 81.1 + 3.7b 89.2 + 1.2a

Female mortality rate [%] 0 38 50

Data marked by the same letters in rows do not differ statistically

Similar results were noted following the administration of Ovaprim(Table 6). Ovulation rates were higher and embryo hatching rates wereinsignificantly higher than in the groups stimulated with Ovopel. Mortalityrates of wild-type fish also reached 50%. In general, Ovaprim produced moresatisfactory results than Ovopel.

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cost/1000 eggs cost/1000 fingerlings0






cultured stock



Fig. 2. The profitability of Ovopel in the artificial spawning of the common barbel: wild andcultured forms

cost/1000 eggs cost/1000 fingerlings0






cultured stock





Fig. 3. The profitability of Ovaprim in the artificial spawning of the common barbel: wildand cultured forms

The costs of stimulating the reproduction of cultured and wild barbel withOvopel varied significantly. The cost of a single Ovopel dose per kg BW offemale fish reached an average of PLN 1.58 for both wild and cultured forms.The total cost of administering Ovopel was significantly higher in both wildfish groups (WF-1 – PLN 41.02 and WF-2 – PLN 46.60) than in cultured fish(PLN 4.01) which resulted from the fact that the body weight of culturedfemales was several times lower. When spawner mortality rates were takeninto account, the cost of hormonal manipulation increased by PLN 13 (WF-1)and PLN 52 (WF-2).

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The costs of Ovopel stimulation in cultured and wild fish (WF-1) per 1000eggs and 1000 hatchlings are presented in Figure 2. Group WF-2 was not takeninto account due to an absence of ovulating females. The cost of hormonalstimulation per 1000 eggs was significantly lower in cultured fish (PLN 1.20)than in wild fish where it reached PLN 15.69. Ovopel injections proved to beless profitable in wild fish than in cultured fish also in terms of 1000hatchlings.


The production of stocking under controlled conditions, including ofrheophilic cyprinid fish, is becoming the predominant source of income for manyfish farms in Poland (WOJDA 2004, TURKOWSKI et al. 2008). Stocking materialis produced by artificial spawning. Under controlled conditions, selectedspecies, such as the burbot, Lota lota L., or the perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.),may reproduce with or without hormonal stimulation (KUCHARCZYK et al. 1996,1998c, SZCZERBOWSKI et al. 2009, ŻARSKI et al. 2010). Hormonal stimulation isnot required in aquarium fish and domesticated fish species (KREJSZEFF et al.2009, KUCHARCZYK et al. 2010). Yet in most cases, the production of highquality gametes and abundant stocking material may require hormonal stimu-lation (BRZUSKA et al. 2000, 2005, KUCHARCZYK et al. 2005, 2008, CEJKO et al.2008, 2010, ŻARSKI et al. 2009).

In induced spawning, the selection of the appropriate hormonal stimulantdetermines ovulation success. There are scant data on the controlled re-production of the common barbel (WOLNICKI and MYSZKOWSKI 1998, CEJKO

et al. 2009, KAMIŃSKI et al. 2009). The effect of hCG on the artificialspawning of selected fish species has been described by KUCHARCZYK etal. (1998b). Except for a small number of species, hCG proved to be ineffectivein most rheophilic cyprinid fish (KUCHARCZYK et al. 1997a,b). Satisfactoryresults were reported as regards the induced spawning of the rudd andthe chub stimulated with hCG (KUCHARCZYK et al. 1997c, KREJSZEFF etal. 2010). Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of syntheticGnRH analogues with the addition of dopamine inhibitors. Many Polishresearchers reported highly satisfactory results in stimulating the repro-duction of most rheophilic cyprinid species with the use of Ovopel (CIEŚLA


1998, KUCHARCZYK et al. 1999, TARGOŃSKA-DIETRICH et al. 2004, JAMRÓZ

et al. 2008b, KREJSZEFF et al. 2008, ŻARSKI et al. 2008b, HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA

et al. 2009) as well as Ovaprim (KUCHARCZYK et al. 2007, JAMRÓZ et al.2008a,b, ŻARSKI et al. 2008a,b, HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA et al. 2009).

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The results of the present experiment point to the high effectiveness ofOvopel and Ovaprim in the induced spawning of farmed barbel fish. hCG wasmarked by lower efficacy in comparison with GnRH analogues. Hormonalstimulation with hCG produced ovulation rates of 53%, while the administra-tion of Ovaprim and Ovopel induced ovulation in 77% and 73% of females,respectively. Other authors also noted the high effectiveness of Ovopel andOvaprim in the artificial spawning of other rheophilic cyprinids (KUCHARCZYK

2002, TARGOŃSKA-DIETRICH et al. 2004, JAMRÓZ et al. 2008b, KREJSZEFF et al.2008, 2009, ŻARSKI et al. 2008a. 2009, TARGOŃSKA et al. 2010). In comparisonwith the control group, the results of hormonal injections in wild barbel alsovalidate the efficacy of Ovopel and Ovaprim in artificial spawning. GnRHanalogues stimulated ovulation in a small percentage of females, but theabsence of hormonal stimulation resulted in zero ovulation. The above findingssuggest that GnRH analogues are highly effective in the induced spawning ofthe common barbel, and they point to the economic effectiveness of spawnerbreeding in fish farms. As suggested by a limited number of comparativestudies, hormonal stimulation delivers more satisfactory results in culturedrather than in wild fish (TARGOŃSKA-DIETRICH et al. 2004, KREJSZEFF et al.2009, 2010). Hormonal stimulation involving any of the analyzed spawningagents also contributed to higher embryo survival rates (in both cultured andwild fish groups) in comparison with the control group.

The dynamic growth of commercial fish stock production in pond andlake farms prompts research into the economic profitability of the process.To date, few studies investigating the problem have been published(KŁODZIŃSKA and OKONIEWSKI 1998, TLUSTY 2002, TURKOWSKI 2002, HAKUĆ--BŁAŻOWSKA et al. 2008, 2009, KUPREN et al. 2008b, TURKOWSKI et al.2008). In cultured fish production was significantly more profitable withthe involvement of GnRH synthetic analogues than hCG. The cost of a singledose of human chorionic gonadotropin was more than five-fold higher thanthe cost of a single Ovaprim dose and 13-fold higher than an Ovopel dose.The results of studies evaluating the economic effectiveness of hormonalstimulation in the ide Leuciscus idus (L.), the asp Aspius aspius (L.) (HAKUĆ--BŁAŻOWSKA et al. 2009) and the pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca (L.) (HAKUĆ--BŁAŻOWSKA et al. 2008, KUPREN et al. 2008a) also pointed to the higherprofitability of GnRH synthetic analogues in artificial spawning. However,smaller fertility of common barbell causes larger costs of hormonal stimulationin comparison to results of artificial reproduction of ide, or asp.

When the economic effectiveness of Ovopel and Ovaprim was compared inthe artificial reproduction of cultured and wild barbel fish, more satisfactoryresults were reported for Ovopel. Yet the most significant differences in theoverall cost of hormonal stimulation were noted when the same product was

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used in cultured fish and wild fish. The cost of hormonal stimulation withOvopel was ten-fold higher in wild-type female fish than in cultured fish.Taking into account spawner mortality rates, hormonal simulation costsincreased in the group of wild fish, compared with cultured fish. The above wasattributed mainly to the average body weight of females (wild females weremore than ten-times larger than cultured females) and spawner mortalityrates (noted only in the group of wild fish). The differences in economicprofitability should be leveled out when production costs are calculated interms of 1000 eggs and 1000 hatchlings, yet the eggs yield of both wild fishgroups did not reduce the difference in Ovopel’s profitability. There were nosexually mature females in group WF-2, and the ovulation rate in group WF-1reached 13%. Due to an absence of ovulating females, group WF-2 was nottaken into account in cost calculations. The stimulation of cultured fish withOvopel proved to be more profitable even in view of embryo survival rates inthe studied groups.

Similar differences in economic effectiveness were reported in respect ofOvaprim. In view of the body weight of fish and spawner mortality rates, theoverall cost of hormonal stimulation in wild fish groups exceeded simulationcosts in cultured fish 15-fold. Ovaprim was also a less cost-effective stimulantin wild fish due to their significantly lower ovulation rates (in particular ingroup WF-2). The low profitability of hormonal treatments in wild-type fishresulted from the low effectiveness of induced spawning in this group of fish.As regards economic profitability, the most satisfactory results were reportedin respect of GnRH synthetic analogues administered during the inducedspawning of cultured fish.


Accepted for print 23.06.2010


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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 287–298, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0026-6



Beata Irena Cejko1, Daniel Żarski2, Katarzyna Targońska2,Sławomir Krejszeff2, Dariusz Kucharczyk2, Jan Glogowski1,3

1 Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research,Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn

2 Department of Lake and River Fisheries3 Department of Ichthyology

University Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: Tinca tinca (L.), CPH, Ovopel, Ovaprim, milt, spermatozoa, seminal plasma osmoticpressure, urine.

A b s t r a c t

Milt was collected from the tench Tinca tinca (L.) following hormonal stimulation with carppituitary hom*ogenate (CPH, group I, n = 9), Ovopel (group II, n = 8) and Ovaprim (group III, n = 9).Males non-stimulated fish were used as a control (group IV, n = 6). The parameters determinedincluded the total volume of milt (TVM, ml) and the volume per kg of the males’ body weight (VOM,ml kg–1 b.w.), total number of spermatozoa produced by the males (TSP, ×109) and the numberof spermatozoa per kg of their body weight (TNS, ×109 kg–1 b.w.). Moreover, attempts were made toshow the effect of the hormone preparations on spermatozoa motility (%), their concentration in milt(×109 ml–1) and the total protein content in seminal plasma (mg ml–1). Osmotic pressure of the seminalplasma (mOsm kg–1) was determined to check if the milt samples were contaminated with urine.Pearson’s linear correlation was also determined between the osmolality, on the one hand, and thespermatozoa motility and concentration of spermatozoa in milt of the groups examined in the study,on the other. The significance of differences between the analysed parameters was checked withTukey’s test (One-way ANOVA, α = 0.05). Motility and concentration of spermatozoa in theremained relatively low, not exceeding 22% and 5.0 · 109 ml–1 in each of the groups. Using CPH,Ovopel or Ovaprim did not result in any significant increase (P > 0.05) in the amount of milt obtained(TVM, VOM) or the total amount of spermatozoa produced as compared to the control group.Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found only between the TNS values for group I (CPH), andgroup IV (control). Osmolality of the seminal plasma did not exceed 120 mOsm kg–1 in any of thegroups under examination. Its low values as well as low motility and low concentration ofspermatozoa in milt indicate that milt was contaminated with urine, which is also corroborated bya significant correlation between osmolality and motility of spermatozoa in group III (R2 = 0.828;P < 0.001) and IV (R2 = 0.983; P < 0.001) and between osmolality and concentration of spermatozoa ineach of the groups (R2 = 0.447; P < 0.05, group I; R2 = 0.964; P < 0.001, group II; R2 = 0.768;P < 0.001, group III and R2 = 0.924; P < 0.001; group IV).

Address: Beata Irena Cejko, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academyof Sciences, Olsztyn, tel: +48 (089) 539 31 33, e-mail: [emailprotected]

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Beata Irena Cejko1, Daniel Żarski2, Katarzyna Targońska2, Sławomir Krejszeff2,Dariusz Kucharczyk2, Jan Glogowski1,3

1 Zakład Biologii Gamet i ZarodkaPAN, Olsztyn

2 Katedra Rybactwa Jeziorowego i Rzecznego3 Katedra Ichtiologii

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: Tinca tinca (L.), CPH, Ovopel, Ovaprim, mlecz, plemniki, ciśnienie osmo-tyczne plazmy nasienia, mocz.

A b s t r a k t

Mlecz pozyskano od lina Tinca tinca (L.) po stymulacji hormonalnej za pomocą hom*ogenatuprzysadki mózgowej karpia (CPH, grupa I, n = 9), Ovopelu (grupa II, n = 8) oraz Ovaprimu (grupaIII, n = 9). Grupę kontrolną (IV, n = 6) stanowiły samce, których nie stymulowano. Określonocałkowitą objętość pozyskanego mlecza (TVM, ml) oraz objętość przypadającą na kg masy ciałasamców (VOM, ml kg–1 m.c.), całkowitą liczbę wyprodukowanych przez samce plemników w miliar-dach (TSP, ×109) oraz liczbę przypadającą na kg masy ich ciała (TNS, ×109 kg–1 m.c.). Dodatkowopodjęto próbę wykazania wpływu zastosowanych preparatów hormonalnych na ruchliwość plem-ników (%) ich koncentrację w mleczu (×109 ml–1) oraz stężenie białka ogólnego (mg ml–1) w plazmienasienia. W celu sprawdzenia czy pobrane próby mlecza nie zostały zanieczyszczone moczem,oznaczono ciśnienie osmotyczne plazmy nasienia (mOsm kg–1) oraz przeprowadzono prostoliniowąkorelację Pearsona między osmolalnością a ruchliwością i koncentracją plemników w mleczubadanych grup. Istotność różnic w wartościach analizowanych parametrów weryfikowano testemTukey’a (One-way ANOVA, α = 0.05). Wartości ruchliwości i koncentracji plemników w mleczuutrzymywały się na stosunkowo niskim poziomie nieprzekraczającym 22% oraz 5.0 · 109 ml–1 w każdejz badanych grup. Zastosowanie CPH, Ovopelu oraz Ovaprimu nie doprowadziło do istotnego wzrostu(P > 0.05) objętości pozyskanego mlecza (TVM, VOM) oraz całkowitej ilości pozyskanych plemników(TSP) w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Istotne różnice (P < 0.05) stwierdzono jedynie w wartościachTNS między grupą I (CPH) a grupą IV (kontrolną). Osmolalność plazmy nasienia nie przekraczała120 mOsm kg–1 w każdej z badanych grup. Niskie jej wartości jak również wartości ruchliwości orazkoncentracji plemników w mleczu wskazują na zanieczyszczenie mlecza moczem. Stwierdzonaistotna zależność między osmolalnością a ruchliwością plemników w grupie III (R2 = 0.828; P < 0.001)i IV (R2 = 0.983; P < 0.001) oraz między osmolalnością a koncentracją plemników w każdejz badanych grup (odpowiednio: R2 = 0.447; P < 0.05, grupa I; R2 = 0.964; P < 0.001, grupa II;R2 = 0.768; P < 0.001, grupa III oraz R2 = 0.924; P < 0.001; grupa IV) potwierdza ten fakt.


The tench Tinca tinca (L.) is a stenothermial species which lives in inlandwaters on all continents. In natural conditions it is frequently bred in carpponds where it spawns, which in the Polish geographical zone lasts from Juneto August (BRYLIŃSKA, BRYLIŃSKI 2000). Due to its high taste quality and an

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important role played by it in leisure activities (angling) and pond manage-ment (polyculture) (MAMCARZ, SKRZYPCZAK 2006, SKRZYPCZAK, MAMCARZ 2006),the tench is a valuable breeding fish, which is also confirmed by an increase inits production in aquaculture (FAO).

Tench reproduction under controlled conditions is relatively difficult tocarry out, especially in fish from wild populations (MAMCARZ et al. 2006,KUCHARCZYK et al. 2007, KUJAWA et al. 2010). Another serious problem is thesmall amount of milt produced in the process, and its frequent contaminationwith urine disqualifies such samples for fertilisation, short-term storage orcryopreservation (LINHART et al. 2003). In order to improve the milt quality,immobilising solutions are used while it is being extracted or soon afterwards(RODINA et al. 2004). Their function has been found not only to block thespermatozoa motion apparatus but-as is the case with the tench – to restoreenergy supplies. Moreover, when stored in immobilising solutions (10 hours,0–4oC), milt can be successfully used to fertilization of gametes fish of the samespecies (RODINA et al. 2004).

Reproduction of cyprinids under controlled conditions is based on availablehormonal preparations (KUCHARCZYK et al. 1997, 2008, BRZUSKA, BIAŁOWĄS

2002, KREJSZEFF et al. 2008, 2010, ŻARSKI et al. 2009, TARGOŃSKA et al. 2010).When used, they affect not only gamete maturation, but also their biologicalvalue (YARON 1995, ZOHAR, MYLONAS 2001). Milt quality is sometimes regardedas being of marginal importance in fish reproduction, although a significanteffect of its parameters (motility and concentration of spermatozoa in milt) onthe fertilisation process has been shown (GLOGOWSKI et al. 1999, KUCHARCZYK

et al. 2005, TARGOŃSKA et al. 2008). Hormonal stimulation in the tench iscarried out mainly with carp pituitary hom*ogenate (CPH) and gonadoliberineanalogues. They have an impact on the volume of milt and the amount ofspermatozoa produced by males fish (LINHART et al. 1995b, GELA et al. 2006,CAILLE et al. 2006).

As many hormonal preparations are commercially available which are usedin cyprinid reproduction, the aim of this study was to compare the effective-ness of CPH and two synthetic, complex preparations, i.e. Ovopel [(D-Ala6,Pro9 NEt)-mGnRH]+metoklopramide and Ovaprim [(D-Arg6, Pro9 NEt)-sGnRH]+domperidon. Their effectiveness was evaluated by taking the totalvolume of milt (TVM, ml) and the volume per kg of the males’ body weight(VOM, ml kg–1 b.w.), total number of spermatozoa in billions (TSP, ×109) andtheir number per kg of males; b.w. (TNS, ×109 kg–1 b.w.). Moreover, an attemptwas made to show the effect of hormonal preparations on motility of spermato-zoa (%) and their concentration in milt (×109 ml–1) as well as total proteincontent in seminal plasma (mg ml–1). In order to check whether the miltsamples were contaminated with urine, seminal plasma osmotic pressure(mOsm kg–1) was also determined.

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Materials and Methods

Origin and transport of fish

Wild brood male tench with body weights of 0.28–0.98 kg were caught withan electric generator in Lake Sasek Wielki during a spawning period, i.e. inJune, 2008. The fish were transported on the same day in bags with oxygen tothe aquarium hall of the Department of Lake and River Fisheries of theUniversity of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. After being brought to thehatchery, they were put into 1.000 dm3 tanks in water at a temperature of 17oC(KUJAWA et al. 1999).

Hormonal stimulation and manipulations with spawners

Following three-day adaptation, the fish were divided into four experi-mental groups and intraperitoneal hormonal stimulation was carried outwith the three hormonal preparations. Group I (n=9) was given CPH at2.0 mg kg–1 of b.w. (Argent, USA), group II (n=8) Ovopel at 1 pellet kg–1

of b.w. (Unic-trade, Hungary, HORVATH et al. 1997), and group III (n=9)Ovaprim at 0.5 ml kg–1 of b.w. (Syndel, Canada). Group IV, control (n=6),consisted of fish which were not stimulated hormonally but were givenphysiological saline instead. Following the stimulation, the fish were put intothe tanks and the water temperature was raised to 19oC. Since female tenchusually lay spawn 16 hours after being stimulated, the male fish were caughtafter that time, their body weight was determined and milt was collected bydelicately massaging the abdominal parts. All the brood fish procedures werecarried out after they were anaesthetised with 2-phenoxyethanol at 0.5 ml l–1

(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).

Determination of the volume of milt collected and numberof spermatozoa

The total volume of milt produced (TVM) was measured while it was beingcollected, using sterile syringes, calibrated every 0.01 ml. The volume of milt(VOM) was calculated using the males’ body weights and TVM. The values ofTVM and concentration of spermatozoa in milt (×109 ml–1) were used tocalculate the total number of spermatozoa (TSP). The latter TSP and themales’ b.w. were used to calculate the number of spermatozoa per kg of thebrood fish b.w. (TNS).

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Determination of motility and concentration of spermatozoa in milt,total protein content in seminal plasma and the seminal plasma

osmotic pressure

Motility of spermatozoa in milt (%) was determined by a subjective method,using a light microscope and 400x magnification. Spermatozoa were activatedwith hatchery water, and the value was given with an accuracy of ±10%(GLOGOWSKI, CEJKO 2008). Concentration of spermatozoa in milt was deter-mined using the spectrophotometric method (CIERESZKO, DĄBROWSKI 1993),after the milt was diluted 500x with 0.7% NaCl (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).Absorbance of the samples was measured on a Specol 11 spectrophotmeter(Carl Zeiss Jena, USA) at α = 530 nm. The concentration values were sub-stituted in the equation of the standard curve, prepared earlier for the tench(the cytometric method, BIELAŃSKI 1979). Seminal plasma was obtained bycentrifugation milt samples and the supernatatn was decanted to test tubes; itsosmolality (mOsm kg–1) was measured using a Vapor Pressure Osmometer5520 (WESCOR, Logan, UT, USA). The total protein content in seminalplasma (mg ml–1) was determined by the method presented by LOWRY et al.(1951), after diluting it 40× with 0.85% NaCl (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).

Statistical analysis

The results were characterised using the arithmetic average (x) andstandard deviation (±SD); the significance of the differences in the miltparameters analysed was checked with the Tukey’s test (One-way ANOVA,α = 0.05). In order to show the relationship between osmolality of seminalplasma and motility and concentration of spermatozoa in milt, Pearson’slinear correlation was determined. All the analyses were performed using theGraphPad Prism 4 software (GraphPad Software Inc., USA).


The smallest amount of milt (TVM) was extracted from the fish which werenot stimulated hormonally (0.26 ml), whereas much larger amounts of miltwere collected from the males which were given hormonal preparation, al-though the TVM values for the groups under examination did not differsignificantly (P > 0.05; Table 1). The volume of milt per kg of brood fish b.w.(VOM) was similar in groups I and III (1.42 and 1.48 ml kg–1 b.w. respectively).The VOM values in the other groups did not exceed 1 ml kg–1 b. w., but no

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significant differences were found between the parameter values (P > 0.05;Table 1). The total number of spermatozoa collected from the fish (TSP) wassimilar in the milt from fish which had been given CPH and Ovaprim(3.82 · 109 and 3.36 · 109, respectively). The values in the other groups weremuch lower, but they did not differ significantly from those found in the othertwo groups (P > 0.05; Table 1). The most similar values were found in thegroups which had been given CPH and Ovaprim (group I: 6.68 · 109 kg–1 b.w.and group III: 6.28 · 109 kg–1 b.w.), whereas the TNS values were much lower inthe control group and in the one which had been given Ovopel (Table 1).Significant differences between TNS values were found between group I andgroup IV (P < 0.05).

Table 1Arithmetic average and standard deviation (±SD) of the total volume of milt (TVM, ml) and thevolume per kg of body weight (VOM, ml kg–1 b.w.), total number of spermatozoa (TSP, ×109) and thenumber of spermatozoa per kg of body weight (TNS, ×109 kg–1 b.w.) of the tench Tinca linca (L.)obtained after stimulation of spermation with CPH (group I), Ovopel (group II) and Ovaprim (group

III); non-stimulated male fish (group IV)



VOM[ml kg–1 b.w.]


TNS[×109 kg–1 b.w.]

I(n = 9) 0.84 ± 0.97a 1.42 ± 1.03a 3.82 ± 3.74a 6.68 ± 3.98a

II(n = 8) 0.46 ± 0.24a 0.91 ± 0.43a 1.37 ± 1.23a 2.53 ± 1.74ab

III(n = 9) 0.83 ± 0.50a 1.48 ± 0.63a 3.36 ± 2.45a 6.28 ± 4.07ab

IV(n = 6) 0.26 ± 0.14a 0.53 ± 0.42a 0.82 ± 0.90a 1.80 ± 2.42b

Mean values with the some letters do not differ significantly (P > 0.05)

The percentage of motility spermatozoa in each of the groups was low andit did not exceed 22%, with no significant differences between average valuesof motility (P > 0.05; Table 2). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were alsofound between concentrations of spermatozoa in milt, although the highestvalues were found in milt samples from fish in group I, i.e. from the malefish stimulated with CPH (5.0 · 109 ml–1), whereas the lowest ones were foundin milt samples from group II, i.e. from male fish stimulated by Ovopel(2.9 · 109 ml–1). The total protein content in seminal plasma from the fishwhich had been given CPH, Ovopel or Ovaprim was similar (0.72; 0.58;0.62 mg ml–1), whereas it was nearly twice as high (1.2 mg ml–1) in group IV(control), but the differences were not significant as compared with theothers (P > 0.05; Table 2).

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Table 2Arithmetic average and standard deviation (±SD) of spermatozoa motility (%), seminal plasmaosmotic pressure (mOsm kg–1), concentration of spermatozoa in milt (×109 ml–1) and total proteincontent in seminal plasma (mg ml–1) of the tench Tinca linca (L.) obtained after stimulation ofspermation with CPH (group I), Ovopel (group II) and Ovaprim (group III); non-stimulated male fish

(group IV)

Motilityof spermatozoa


Seminal plasmaosmotic pressure

[mOsm kg–1]

Concentrationof spermatozoa

[×109 ml–1]

Total proteincontent

[mg ml–1]


I(n = 9) 20.56 ± 17.93a 119 ± 28.90a 5.05 ± 1.40a 0.72 ± 0.30a

II(n = 8) 21.25 ± 18.07a 100 ± 48.34a 2.88 ± 1.74a 0.58 ± 0.21a

III(n = 9) 17.22 ± 21.38a 98 ± 36.85a 4.03 ± 2.18a 0.62 ± 0.31a

IV(n = 6) 9.17 ± 12.81a 79 ± 38.55a 3.26 ± 2.33a 1.2 ± 0.64a

Mean values with the same letters do not differ significantly (P > 0.05).

y x= 0.5279 – 34.586

R2 = 0.8279






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180

seminal plasma osmotic pressure [mOsm kg ]-1









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180

seminal plasma osmotic pressure [mOsm kg ]-1














y x= 0.345 – 16.233

R2 = 0.9829

Fig. 1. Relationship between motility of spermatozoa (%) and seminal plasma osmotic pressure(mOsm kg–1) in tench Tinca tinca (L.) stimulated hormonally with Ovaprim (a) and in the

control group (b)

Osmotic pressure in seminal plasma did not exceed 120 mOsm kg–1 in any ofthe groups under study, with the highest values determined for plasma samplesfrom fish in the control group (79 mOsm kg–1). The values of osmolalitydetermined for various groups of fish did not differ significantly (P > 0.05; Table 2).A significant correlation was found between motility of spermatozoa in milt,and osmolality of seminal plasma in group III (R2 = 0.828; P < 0.001; Figure 1a)and group IV (R2 = 0.983; P < 0.001; Figure 1b). The correlation for the othertwo groups was not significant, with the R2 coefficients adopting the value of:R2 = 0.280 in group I and R2 = 0.066 in group II. A significant relationship wasfound between concentration of spermatozoa in milt and osmolality of seminal

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plasma in each of the groups under study, with Pearson’s coefficients equal to:R2 = 0.447 (P < 0.05; group I; Figure 2a), R2 = 0.964 (P < 0.001; group II;Figure 2b), R2 = 0.768 (P < 0.001; group III; Figure 2c) and R2 = 0.924(P < 0.001; group IV; Figure 2d).

y x= 0.0324 + 1.2051

R2 = 0.4474






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180

seminal plasma osmotic pressure [mOsm kg ]-1














0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180

seminal plasma osmotic pressure [mOsm kg ]-1
























0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180

seminal plasma osmotic pressure [mOsm kg ]-1














0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180

seminal plasma osmotic pressure [mOsm kg ]-1



















y x= 0.0362 – 0.558

R2 = 0.9641

y x= 0.0519 – 1.0614

R2 = 0.7676

y x= 0.0623 – 1.9321

R2 = 0.9244

Fig. 2. Relationship between concentration of spermatozoa in milt (×109 ml–1) and seminal plasmaosmotic pressure (mOsm kg–1) in tench Tinca tinca (L.) stimulated hormonally with CPH (a), Ovopel

(b), Ovaprim (c) and in the control group (d)


The effectiveness of spawning is impacted by many factors on whichreproduction success depends; hence it is very important to optimise theprocedures used in reproduction biotechniques. These include: the way broodfish are obtained and their origin (KUCHARCZYK et al. 2007, KREJSZEFF et al.2008, 2009, 2010), thermal conditions and the possibility of controlling them(TARGOŃSKA et al. 2010, ŻARSKI et al. 2010, CEJKO et al. unpublished;TARGOŃSKA et al. unpublished), as well as the types and doses of hormonalagents (YARON 1995, KUCHARCZYK et al. 2005). The economic profitability of anundertaking is also very important (TURKOWSKI et al. 2008, HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA

et al. 2009, 2010).

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A small number of hatched larvae is a bottleneck for controlled tenchreproduction and it largely determines the profitability of production andrearing of the fish. One of the reasons for this is poor quality of the milt used forspawn fertilisation, frequently contaminated with urine (LINHART et al. 2003).Spermatozoa motility in salmonids and acipenserids is controlled mainly by theconcentration of K+, ions, whereas the proper osmotic pressure of seminalplasma plays a decisive role in cyprinids and in marine fish (ALAVI, COSSON

2006). Due to its low osmolality, below 100 mOsm kg–1, urine which gets intomilt is the major factor which prematurely activates spermatozoa motility intench (LINHART et al. 2003). The average values of osmotic pressure, which weredetermined in each of the groups, correspond to low values of spermatozoamotility, which indicates that milt is contaminated with urine when collected bythe traditional method. This is corroborated by a significant correlation, whichhas been found between osmolality of seminal plasma and spermatozoa motilityin groups III and group IV as well as high values of Pearson’s coefficients.The highest values motility of spermatozoa and seminal plasma osmolality ingroup I and II and the absence of significant correlations between those valuesprobably indicates that contamination with urine might be very small in thosegroups. The tench milt is especially susceptible to contact with urine due to thevicinity of spermatic ducts and urine bladder (LINHART et al. 2003), butcontamination with urine has also been observed in milt of other species, e.g. incarp Cyprinus carpio L. (PERCHEC et al. 1995), pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.)(CEJKO et al. 2008) and rainbow trout Oncorrhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)(GLOGOWSKI et al. 2000).

The results presented in this paper do not point to any hormonal preparationwhich, when used, would be more or less effective in inducing tench spermation.This is corroborated by the absence of any significant differences between theparameters analysed in this study, both in terms of the volume of milt collectedfrom a male fish (TVM, VOM), the number of spermatozoa (TSP, TNS),concentration and motility of spermatozoa in the fish groups under examin-ation. Concentration of spermatozoa in milt ranges from 1 to 20 · 109 ml–1

(ŻUROMSKA 1981, MOCZARSKI, KOŁDRAS 1982, LINHART, BILLARD 1995a), andalthough the values of the parameters do not usually exceed 10 · 109 ml–1, theirlow values in the tench are not a coincidence (LINHART et al. 1986). The lowconcentration of spermatozoa in milt collected from the male fish underexamination may have been caused by poor quality of the brood fish or lack ofa positive effect of the selected hormonal preparations on the last stages ofspermatozoa maturation in spermatic ducts. However, it is more probable thatthe urine which reached the milt caused not only premature activation ofspermatozoa motility, but it also reduced its concentration by dilution. Theseassumptions may be confirmed by the low concentration values and by the

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results of Pearson’s correlations (high values of R2) between the concentrationand osmolality of seminal plasma in each of the groups under examination.A similar situation of a decrease concentration of spermatozoa in the tench milt,which results from its contamination, was described by ŻUROMSKA (1981) andCAILLE et al. (2006).

The intensity of spermatozoa maturation in spermatic ducts in naturalconditions is determined largely by environmental conditions (temperature,light); however, hormonal stimulation is also important under controlled condi-tions. Although stimulation by properly selected hormonal preparations posi-tively affects the volume of milt collected from male fish (TVM, VOM) as well asthe amount of spermatozoa (TSP, TNS), (CAILLE et al. 2006, CEJKO et al. 2010),the spermatozoa quality, expressed as the percentage of their motility, is alsoaffected by the procedure of milt collected (GLOGOWSKI et al. 2000, LINHART et al.2003). This has been corroborated by literature reports, but also by the results ofexperiments presented in this paper, where the spawning of brood fish by thetraditional method resulted in contamination of milt samples with urine,causing the percentage of motility spermatozoa to decrease.

Seminal plasma osmotic pressure is one of important indicators of the tenchmilt quality. Despite proper handling of brood fish and properly conductedhormonal stimulation, it is often difficult to obtain good quality milt. Althoughcontamination of milt with blood does not disqualify it for being used for spawnfertilisation (WŁASOW et al. 1999, CIERESZKO et al. 2004), contamination withurine makes the use of such samples for fertilisation impossible, and all the moreso for short-term storage or cryopreservation of milt. Catheterisation of broodfish may be an alternative to the traditional method of tench milt colection. Themethod has been successfully applied by GLOGOWSKI et al. (2000) in rainbowtrout, thereby minimising the risk of contamination. This method can be usedwith success in bigger male fish, so it is difficult to draw conclusions about itseffectiveness in small brood fish. Testing immobilising solutions (RODINA et al.2004) in order to improve the milt quality is also recommended.

Translated by JERZY GOZDEK

Accepted for print 12.07.2010


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POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCESAbbrev.: Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 25(3): 299-312, Y. 2010

DOI 10.2478/v10020-010-0027-5




Krzysztof Kupren, Andrzej Mamcarz, Dariusz KucharczykDepartment of Lake & River Fisheries

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

K e y w o r d s: incubation temperature, hatching success, abnormalities, Leuciscus leuciscus, Leucis-cus idus, Leuciscus cephalus.

A b s t r a c t

Experiments were conducted to determine full range of tolerated and optimal water condition foreggs incubation of three species from genus Leuciscus i.e: dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L.), ide Leuciscusidus (L.), and chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.). Spawners were caught from rivers of the northern(Pasleka River drainage) and central (Pilica River drainage) parts of Poland. Fertilized eggs wereincubated under controlled conditions at ten different constant temperatures ranging from 4.5 to29.0oC. The optimal temperature ranges for the incubation of dace, ide and chub eggs were 7.5 to12.3oC; 15.7oC and 19.0 to 23.0oC, respectively (considering hatching percentage, incidenceof abnormalities and size of hatched larvae), which are close to the water temperature duringspawning season. This study also reveals that embryos of studied species can adapt to increasingwater temperature due to global warming up to 23.0oC (dace and ide) and 27.5oC (chub). Besides,some inter-population differences in the response to temperature were observed.



Krzysztof Kupren, Andrzej Mamcarz, Dariusz Kucharczyk

Katedra Rybactwa Jeziorowego i RzecznegoUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: temperatura inkubacji, procent wyklucia, deformacje rozwojowe, Leuciscusleuciscus, Leuciscus idus, Leuciscus cephalus.

Address: Krzysztof Kupren, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Oczapowskiego 5, 10-957 Olsztyn,Poland, phone: +48 89 523 44 36, e-mail: [emailprotected]* This study was supported by Project No. 2PO4F07727 financed by State Committee for ScientificResearch.

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A b s t r a k t

Przeprowadzono badania określające zakres temperatur tolerowanych i optymalnych dla in-kubacji ikry trzech gatunków należących do rodzaju Leuciscus: jelca Leuciscus idus (L.), jaziaLeuciscus idus (L.) i klenia Leuciscus cephalus (L.). Tarlaki pozyskano z Polski północnej (rzekdorzecza Pasłęki) oraz centralnej (rzek dorzecza Pilicy). Zapłodnioną ikrę inkubowano w warunkachkontrolowanych, w szerokim zakresie stałych temperatur wynoszącym od 4,5 do 29.0oC. Biorąc poduwagę procent wyklucia, odsetek zdeformowanych larw oraz ich rozmiar optymalnymi warunkamiinkubacji dla ikry jelca i klenia okazały się zakresy odpowiednio 7.5–12.3oC i 19.0–23.0oC. Dla jaziabyła to temperatura 15.7oC. Uzyskane wartości temperatur optymalnych są zbliżone do temperaturwystępujących podczas tarła. Przeprowadzone badania ujawniają również, że rozwijające się em-briony badanych gatunków są w stanie tolerować temperaturę wody sięgającą 23.0oC (jelec, jaź) oraz27.5oC (kleń). W trakcie doświadczenia zaobserwowano również pewne międzypopulacyjne różnicew badanych parametrach.


Among the inland freshwater fish species of Europe, rheophilic cyprinidsare one of the most sensitive to changes in the environment that stemprimarily from constructions on rivers and pollution (SAUNDERS et al. 2002).Systematic studies of the rivers of Poland indicate there are permanent accesslimitations for many rheophilic fish including ide, Leuciscus idus (L.), dace,Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) and chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) (WITKOWSKI et al.2004, PENCZAK et al. 2004). This is why interest is growing in the restorationof this species to European waters, and, consequently, efforts in the fieldof aquaculture are intensifying. Most of research aimed at developing repro-ductive biotechnologies (e.g.: KUCHARCZYK 2002, KREJSZEFF et al. 2008, 2009,ŻARSKI et al. 2009, CEJKO et al. 2010, HAKUĆ-BŁAŻOWSKA et al. 2010,TARGOŃSKA et al. 2010), and nursery techniques for dace, ide and chub (i.e.SHIRI HARZEVILI et al. 2003, 2004, KUJAWA 2004, KUPREN et al. 2008a, ŻARSKI etal. 2008). One of the main aspects of these researches are determination of thethermal conditions of incubation and rearing of fish embryos and larvae. Dataconcerning the thermal preferences of the different fish species is also veryimportant in the context of overall warming of the water due to climaticchanges (DAUFRESNE and BOET 2007).

Temperature directly influences the developmental rate and developmentis faster at increasing temperature (KOKUREWICZ 1969, HERZIG and WINKLER

1986, KAMLER 1992, KUCHARCZYK et al. 1997, DAS et al. 2008, KORWIN--KOSSAKOWSKI 2008). However increase in temperature beyond tolerates ther-mal limits may also elevate the mortality and the percentage of abnormalembryos. In general, thermal limits are narrower for early stages of develop-ment (embryonic and larval). Later stages (juvenile and adults) are clearly lessstenothermal (ELLIOTT 1981, COSSINS and BOWLER 1987, KUCHARCZYK et al.

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1998, BERMUDES and RITAR 1999, ŻARSKI et al. 2010). Thermal history oracclimation temperature may also affect the temperature tolerance of embryosand larvae (KOKUREWICZ 1971, KUJAWA et al. 1997).

The influence of water temperature on chosen aspects of egg incubationfor dace or ide has been studied by KENNEDY (1969), FLOREZ (1972), MILLS

(1980), RECHULICZ et al. (2002), KUPREN et al. (2008a). Data on chubare presented by PENAZ (1968), PENAZ and STERBA (1969), ECONOMOU etal. (1991), CALTA (2000), ELLIOTT (1981) and KUPREN et al. (2008a). Mostof these reports are incomplete because in most cases these data do notshow full range of tolerated temperatures, in which normal developmentof embryos is possible, or they are limited to information concerning fishfrom given specific populations. However many fish species have a widegeographical range of occurrence, and the thermal conditions to whichthe particular populations are adapted may differ considerably (KOKUREWICZ

1971, MANN 1996, KUCHARCZYK et al. 1997). Besides data concerning thermaltolerance of developing eggs together with information concerning hatchedindividuals (i.e. abnormalities, size of body) would allow determine rangeof optimal temperatures for incubation (KOKUREWICZ 1969, KAMLER 1992).These information are very important not only for practical purposes butalso from the physiological and ecological point of view.

This study investigated the effect of incubation temperature conditions onmortality, abnormalities of newly hatched larvae and body size parameters ofnewly hatched larvae of three rheophilic cyprinids from the genus Leuciscus,important species for European conservational aquaculture.

Materials and Methods

Spawners of dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L.), ide Leuciscus idus (L.) and chubLeuciscus cephalus (L.) were caught at different times before natural spawning(between February and June) from two parts of Poland: rivers of central Poland(Pisa River drainage) (dace: 10 females with body weight of 250–345 g and12 males with body weight of 70–300 g; ide: 25 females of 820–1200 g and 14 malesof 320–760 g; chub: 20 females of 290–365 g and 16 males of 136–350 g) andnorthern part of Poland (Pasleka River drainage) (dace: 13 females with bodyweight of 240–295 g and 10 males 80–280 g; ide: 12 females of 780–1150 gand 14 males of 300–650 g; chub: 14 females with body weight of 300–390 g and12 males with body weight of 160–350 g). After collection the fishes weretransported to the hatchery of the Department of Lake and River Fisheryof the University of Warmia and Mazury and placed in 1000 dm3 separatetanks with the possibility of thermal regulation, aeration and controlled

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photoperiod (KUJAWA et al., 1999). For the purpose of spawning synchroniz-ation all obtained females and males of each species were subjected tohormonal stimulation. In the case of all the species Ovopel (Unic – Trade,Hungary) (HORVATH et al. 1997), in two doses of 0.2 and 1.0 granules per kgwas used as the preparation stimulating maturation. All handling procedurewas made using the methods described by KUCHARCZYK et al. (2005) forcommon bream (A. brama L.). The interval between the injections was 24 h fordace and ide and 12 h for chub. Following the second hormonal injection thewater temperature in the tanks with spawners was increased to 12.0oC fordace, 14.5oC for ide and 18oC for chub (KREJSZEFF et al. 2008, 2009, KUCHAR-

CZYK et al. 2008, ŻARSKI et al. 2009). That temperatures occur during spawning(MANN 1996) and are recommended for reproduction conducted under control-led conditions (KUPREN et al. 2008a, KUCHARCZYK et al. 2008, TARGOŃSKA et al.2008). Before manipulations, spawners were anaesthetized in a solution of2-phenoxyethanol (0.5 mg dm–3) (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany). Milt was collectedwith plastic syringes and kept at 4oC before further treatment. Females werechecked every three hours between 20 and 48th hours after resolving injec-tions. Eggs were collected to plastic vessel end were next fertilized using drymethod with pooled sperm collected from at least a few males.

Conditions of incubation

Fertilized eggs of the three studied species were incubated next at tenconstant temperatures (4.5; 7.5; 9.5; 12.3; 15.7; 19.0; 23.0; 25.0; 27.5 and29.0oC). The time of thermal adaptation to the given constant temperature was1.5oC h–1. Each experimental variant consisted of two lighted and aerated40 dm3 aquaria submerged in the 1000 dm3 tank with water. The bath (1000 dm3

tank) was equipped with controllable heater adjusting water temperature withan accuracy up to 0.1oC. In each of the aquaria the eggs were incubated on twoPetri dishes (150–180 eggs/dish). The dishes were additionally placed inbaskets of fine mesh. Water temperature during incubation was measuredwith the accuracy of 0.1oC four times a day. For secure stable and goodconditions of incubation (oxygen saturation > 80%, ammonia and nitrite < 0.1and 0.05, respectively) the water in the aquaria were changed daily (min 50% ofvolume). A fixed photoperiod of 12L:12D (Light: Dark) was maintained withlight exposure from 7.00–19.00 h.

Hatching success in individual experimental groups was expressed as theratio of hatched, normal developed embryos to the number of incubated eggs.The percentage of hatched, deformed embryos (abnormalities) (i.e.: a curva-ture of the spine, shortened body, shortened yolk sac, deformed skull, de-formed eyes and cardiac edema) was also recorded.

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Morphological measurements after hatching

At the moment of mass hatching (about 50% embryos hatched) 30 individ-uals were sampled from each replicate for morphological measurements.Larvae were scanned using DP-Soft software from SZ CPV Olympus stereo-scopic microscope mounted with Olympus DP 12 digital camera connected toa computer. The total length, height and length of the yolk sac were measuredwith the accuracy of 0.01 mm. The measurements of the yolk sac were used fordetermination of its volume (BLAXTER and HEMPEL 1963).

Statistical analysis

Differences between groups regarding mean diameter of hydrated eggs (50eggs from each group were tested), survival, embryonic total length andvolume of yolk sac were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) andTuckey’s post hoc test (α = 0.05). Survival and abnormalities percentages werenormalised using arcsine transformation (SOKAL and ROHLF 1969). The dif-ferences were regarded as significant at p < 0.05.


Mean diameter of hydrated eggs of dace, ide and chub were clearlydiferentiated. Mean diameter of eggs of each species which were originatedfrom two populations located in different parts of Poland did not differsignificantly (Table 1).

Table 1Mean diameter of hydrated eggs of dace, ide and chuboriginated from northern (N) and central (C) Poland.Means (± SD) with different letters are significantly dif-

ferent (Tukey test P < 0.05)

Species Eggs diameter [mm]

Dace (N) 2.23 + 0.12a

Dace (C) 2.19 + 0.06a

Ide (N) 2.28 + 0.12b

Ide (C) 2.26 + 0.12b

Chub(N) 1.89 + 0.06c

Chub(C) 1.89 + 0.07c

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Hatching success and abnormalities

The water temperature range the incubated eggs were exposed to wasfound to affect the hatching success and incidence of abnormalities (Figure 1and Figure 2, Table 2). Dace embryos from northern part of Poland hatched attemperatures from 7.5 to 23.0oC. Incubation temperature of 23.0oC was lethalfor embryos from central part of Poland. Generally the best results of daceincubation (to 61.3% of survival) were observed in temperatures from 9.5 to15.7oC (Figure 2, Table 2). Survival rate in others treatments was significantlylower. Significant highest incidences of abnormalities (ranging 11.4%) were atsublethal temperatures (19.0 and 23.0oC for fish from central and northernPoland, respectively) – Table 2.

4.5 9.5 12.3 15.7 19 23 25 27.5 29

temperature [ C]o

dace [N+C]

ide [N+C]

chub [N+C]

















Fig. 1. The hatching success of dace, ide and chub larvae. Means (± SD) from two studiedpopulations (N+C)







4.5 7.5 9.5 12.3 15.7 19 23 25 27.5 29

temperature [ C]o

dace [N+C]

ide [N+C]

chub [N+C]abn





Fig. 2. Abnormalities of newly hatched dace, ide and chub larvae originated from hatching in differenttemperatures. Means (± SD) from two studied populations (N+C)

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Table 2The hatching success and abnormalities of newly hatched dace, ide and chub larvae originated fromnorthern (N) and central (C) hatching in different temperatures (treatments with viable embryos).

Means (± SD) in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05)

Temperature Hatching success Abnormalities[oC] [%] [%]


7.5 29.0 ± 2.2c 1.2+ 0.3c

9.5 54.4 ± 10.7a 2.0 ± 0.13d

12.3 54.5 ± 2.1a 2.1 ± 0.2cd

Dace (N) 15.7 52.8 ± 7.5ab 2.4 ± 0.7cd

19.0 55.5 ± 5.8a 2.0 ± 0.1d

23.0 13.8 ± 3.2d 11.4 ± 1.1a

7.5 38.7 ± 7.9b 2.7 ± 0.2cd

9.5 57.6 ± 3.7a 1.9 ± 0.3d

Dace (C) 12.3 61.3 ± 5.5a 2.0 ± 0.3d

15.7 57.0 ± 4.4a 2.8 ± 0.3cd

19.0 43.9 ± 5.5b 4.7 ± 0.5b

9.5 28.5 ± 3.4e 4.4 ± 0.6b

12.3 39.2 ± 1.7d 2.0 ± 0.3bcd

Ide (N) 15.7 86.8 ± 5.0a 1.3 ± 0.2cd

19.0 75.1 ± 4.2b 1.9 ± 0.3bcd

23.0 60.7 ± 7.3c 10.7 ± 1.6a

9.5 4.5 ± 2.7f 3.4 ± 0.3b

12.3 20.0 ± 1.5e 2.7 ± 0.2bc

Ide (C) 15.7 42.4 ± 1.9d 0.8 ± 0.3d

19.0 45.3 ± 2.9d 2.4 ± 0.1bcd

23.0 22.0 ± 2.6e 3.8 ± 0.6b

12.3 57.4 ± 2.4c 6.8 ± 0.5c

15.7 90.0 ± 1.4a 3.2 ± 0.8d

Chub (N) 19.0 93.3 ± 0.7a 2.9 ± 0.2d

23.0 90.9 ± 0.9a 3.5 ± 0.4d

25.0 58.1 ± 2.9c 20.0 ± 2.1b

27.5 31.6 ± 3.8d 28.4 ± 2.7a

12.3 62.6 ± 3.3c 9.3 ± 0.5c

15.7 87.9 ± 3.2a 7.4 ± 0.8c

Chub (C) 19.0 87.3 ± 2.0a 2.7 ± 0.2d

23.0 86.3 +1.7a 4.0 ± 0.12d

25.0 77.4 ± 2.2b 7.1 ± 0.4c

27.5 9.8 ± 4.5de 7.4 ± 0.9c

Hatching of ide originating from two parts of Poland was observed inalmost identical temperatures, as in dace (9.5–23.0oC). The highest mean eggssurvival was observed at 15.7 and 19.0oC (75.1–86.8% for fish from north partof Poland and 42.4%–45.3% for fish from central part), lowest was at 9.5oC(28.5% and 4.5% for fish from north and central Poland) – Table 2. Level ofmorphological abnormalities was highest at 23.0oC. For ide originating fromnorth part of Poland mean percent of abnormalities reached 10.7% and wasalmost three times higher than registered in fish from central Poland at the

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same temperature. This rate was also significantly different from that ob-served in other treatments (Table 2).

Chub embryos from two studied part of Poland had the same range oftolerated temperatures ranging from 12.3 to 27.5oC. The highest survivals(86.3 to 93.3%) were at temperatures from 15.7 to 23.0oC (Table 2), significant-ly different from others treatments. The favourable incubation temperatures(survival > 50%) ranged from 12.3 to 25.0oC (Table 2). The highest incidence ofabnormalities reaching 28.4% (27.5oC, northern population) was noted at two(highest and lowest) limits temperature. Differences in percent of abnormalembryos were clearer among treatments of northern population (Table 2).

Total length and yolk sac volume of hatched embryos

Larval total length and yolk volume were related to temperature at hatch(Figure 3, Figure 4, Table 3). Total length of dace at hatching time ranged indifferent temperatures from 5.78 to 8.30 mm in northern population, and from6.37 to 7.42 mm in central population (Table 3). Their yolk sac volumesreached 0.33–0.92 mm3 and 0.26–0.49 mm3, respectively). The highest meantotal length was recorded in the larvae hatched from eggs incubated at 9.5 and12.3oC. Embryos incubated in these regimes showed also the lowest yolk sacvolume (Table 3).

The total length of ide larvae from northern population ranged from 6.01 to7.23 mm, and their yolk sac volumes varied from 0.66 to 1.13 mm3. The totallength of ide from central Poland ranged from 5.89 to 7.52 mm, and their yolksac volumes varied from 0.63 to 0.97 mm3. The highest mean total length was

4.5 7.5 9.5 12.3 15.7 19 23 25 27.5 29

temperature [ C]o

dace [N+C]

ide [N+C]

chub [N+C]
















Fig. 3. Mean total length of dace, ide and chub larvae at the moment of hatching (50% individualshatched). Means (± SD) from two studied populations (N+C)

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4.5 7.5 9.5 12.3 15.7 19 23 25 27.5 29

temperature [ C]o

dace [N+C]

ide [N+C]

chub [N+C]













Fig. 4. Mean volume of the yolk sacs of dace, ide and chub larvae at the moment of hatching (50%individuals hatched). Means (± SD) from two studied populations

recorded in the larvae hatched from eggs incubated at 9.5 and 15.7oC. Thelowest yolk sac volume was recorded in the individuals hatched from eggs keptat 15.7oC (Table 3).

The total length of chub from northern Poland reached from 4.20 to6.28 mm at hatching time, with yolk sac volumes varied from 0.38 to 0.80 mm3.In fish from central Poland respective size ranged from 5.24 to 6.22 mm, withyolk sac volumes ranged from 0.59 to 0.77 mm3. Generally larvae obtainedfrom 27.5oC were the smallest, while the fish hatched from eggs kept at 19.0oCand 23.0oC showed the highest mean total length. and the smallest yolk sacvolume (Table 3).

Generally there were a significant decline of both hatching success andtotal length (P < 0.05) in all tested groups in extreme (sublethal) temperatures(Figure 1, Figure 3, Table 2, Table 3). The volume of yolk and incidence ofabnormalities at hatching showed inverse but usually less clear tendency(Figure 2, Figure 4,Table 2 and Table 3). Inter-population differences inhatching success after incubation at the same water temperature were themost visible in the case of young ide (Table 2). Besides newly hatched ide andalso chub from two different parts of Poland were characterized by very similarmean total length and yolk sac volume. Dace from north and central Polandwere far more differentiated (Table 3).

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Table 3Mean total length and volume of the yolk sacs dace, ide and chub larvae at the moment of hatching(50% individuals hatched). Means (± SD) in the same column with different letters are significantly

different (Tukey test P < 0.05).

Temperature Total lenght Yolk sac volume(oC) (mm) (mm3)


7.5 6.94 + 0.20c 0.62 + 0.22b

9.5 8.06 + 0.36a 0.45 + 0.15c

12.3 8.30 + 0.41a 0.33 + 0.07c

Dace (N) 15.7 7.66 + 0.11b 0.61 + 0.14b

19.0 6.63 + 0.28d 0.65 + 0.08b

23.0 5.78 + 0.25e 0.92 + 0.08a

7.5 6.76 + 0.10c 0.37 + 0.03c

9.5 7.42 + 0.14b 0.33 + 0.06c

Dace (C) 12.3 7.39 + 0.41b 0.26 + 0.07c

15.7 6.99 + 0.20c 0.49 + 0.11bc

19.0 6.37 + 0.27d 0.48 + 0.13bc

9.5 7.23 + 0.37ab 0.78 + 0.22b

12.3 6.33 + 0.49c 1.13 + 0.12a

Ide (N) 15.7 7.13 + 0.26b 0.66 + 0.13c

19.0 6.01 + 0.15d 0.90 + 0.18b

23.0 6.18 + 0.20cd 0.96 + 0.07b

9.5 7.52 + 0.24a 0.76 + 0.27b

12.3 6.39 + 0.29bc 0.97 + 0.15b

Ide (C) 15.7 6.95 + 0.20b 0.63 + 0.24c

19.0 6.50 + 0.29bc 0.87 + 0.09b

23.0 5.89 + 0.42d 0.85 + 0.12b

12.3 5.01 + 0.15d 0.78 + 0.08a

15.7 5.60 + 0.17c 0.80 + 0.08a

Chub (N) 19.0 5.90 + 0.23b 0.62 + 0.07b

23.0 6.28 + 0.22a 0.38 + 0.07c

25.0 5.29 + 0.19d 0.68 + 0.13b

27.5 4.20 + 0.06e 0.63 + 0.13b

12.3 5.26 + 0.32d 0.71 + 0.09ab

15.7 5.73 + 0.19c 0.77 + 0.11ab

Chub(C) 19.0 6.18 + 0.20a 0.65 + 0.04b

23.0 6.22 + 0.22a 0.59 + 0.07b

25.0 6.01 + 0.14b 0.62 + 0.10b

27.5 5.24 + 0.17d 0.77 + 0.09ab


The results presented in this paper are the first data showed full range oftolerated temperatures for embryonic development of dace, ide and chubconnected with data described hatched embryos after incubation conductedunder the same condition. These results showed that embryos from genusLeuciscus have similar range of tolerated temperatures (about 15oC) but theyare shifted towards higher or lower temperatures with different lower and

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upper temperature limit for incubation. Chub embryos tolerated treatmentswith highest water temperature (up to 27.5oC), while dace embryos with thelowest (up to 7.5oC). It is undoubtedly correlated with different temperatureswhich occur during time of spawning (KOKUREWICZ 1971, MANN 1996). Daceusually beginning reproduction during early spring (February – April) asa one of first cyprinid species. Chub can reproduce one or few times in theyear but usually started when water temperature is about 18.0oC(KOKUREWICZ 1971, MANN 1996, KREJSZEFF et al. 2008, 2010). The resultsobtained in the present research generally agree with previous data whichindicated ranges of tolerated temperature for ide (FLOREZ 1972) but not fordace (MILLS 1980, KUCHARCZYK et al. 2002) and chub embryos (ELLIOTT

1981). The lowest tolerated temperature (7.5oC) for dace embryos was similaras observed in nature at spawning grounds (KENNEDY 1969, MILLS 1980).Upper tolerated thermal conditions (19.0 and 23.0oC) were few degreeshigher than registered for dace originated from English (MILLS 1980) andPolish (KUCHARCZYK et al. 2002) waters. For the chub embryos ELLIOTT

(1981) set the lower boundary temperature at 16.0oC while in our study it was12.3oC. These evident differences occurred among fish from various popula-tion (in our experiment also between embryos of dace originating from twoparts of Poland) may be caused by adaptation to their particular habitat,especially to the different thermal conditions experienced by the parentsbefore and during spawning season (KOKUREWICZ 1971, KUCHARCZYK et al.1997, KUJAWA et al. 1997, BERMUDES and RITAR 1999). Another reason may bea significant methodological differences used in cited papers like exposure offertilized eggs on extremely low or high temperatures without no adaptationperiod (e.g. KUCHARCZYK et al. 2002).

Incubation of fish eggs in not favourable conditions may also result inpremature hatching of smaller less developed larvae (KOKUREWICZ 1969,KAMLER 1992, RECHULICZ et al. 2002, KORWIN-KOSSAKOWSKI 2008). Newlyhatched dace, ide and chub larvae were generally the largest at temperatures,which were similar to thermal water conditions during spawning. In othertreatments the individuals leaving the egg shells usually were relativelysmaller and had larger yolk sac. BLAXTER (1969) and KOKUREWICZ (1969)suggested that ideal incubation conditions (optimal temperatures) resulted inrelatively large larvae, which are expected to be stronger and better swimmers.At optimum temperatures morphogenesis, growth of hatching glands, activa-tions of their enzymes are the most harmonious (KOKUREWICZ 1969, KAMLER

1992). Differences observed in morphological parameters between studiedspecies and also dace populations at hatch (the largest body size of dace larvaeand the smallest of the chub) were positively correlated to their eggs (Table 1)size and time of incubation (KUPREN et al. 2008a). These differences are

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connected with different behavioural strategies of young fish during few firstdays of life (MANN 1996, KUPREN et al. 2008b).

The poor hatching percentage (< 50 %) and formation the highest level ofmalformed larvae at sublethal temperature (7.5 and 23.0oC for dace, 9.5 and23.0oC for ide, 12.3 and 27.5oC for chub) suggest that this rearing temperatureis well above the tolerance limit for development of their eggs or may be due tothe lack of adequate enzymes involved in hatching (REDDY and LAM 1991).Higher hatching rate at others treatments suggest that these temperatureranges are most suitable for incubation.


Overall results suggest that 9.5–12.3oC, 15.7oC and 19–23.0oC are theoptimal temperatures recommended for eggs incubation of dace, ide and chub,for better hatching percentage, lowest incidence of abnormalities, best develop-ed larvae and harmonious embryonic development. These results also mayhelp optimizing and reduced costs of production of stocking material. Thisstudy also reveals that embryos of studied species can adapt to increasingwater temperature due to global warming up to 23.0oC (dace and ide) and27.5oC (chub).

Translated by AUTHORS

Accepted for print 23.06.2010


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Krzysztof Kupren et al.312

Polish - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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