Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (2024)


About the Tier List

This tier list is NOT FINAL; it will change and will be updatedas often as necessary prior and during The War Within Mythic+ Season 1. There areoften moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes andsecondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs.

I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushingthe boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first andEurope first rankings among past seasons on multiple classes. I have workedhard on preparing for Season 1 of The War Within, spending numerous hours per dayexamining each and every spec in a dungeon environment on Beta. This Tier listwill continue to be updated as much as it requires over the course ofThe War Within and it will also focus on what the "meta" will look likeas it stabilizes. Along the way, this Tier list will also be supported byvarious professional Mythic+ players with high credibility in the community,theorycrafters across all specializations, and my own empirical evidence.

To begin with, this Tier list will exclusively focus on the firstSeason of Mythic+ in The War Within. There will be noWarcraft Logs rankings addednor simulation data for the majority of the classes and specs. As a result, thisTier list will be solely based on empirical evidence of the current state of theclasses' performance in Mythic+ from my own point of view and the point ofview of the group of players testing those classes who are among the bestrepresentatives of the specs in the community. Moreover, this Tier list willtake into consideration every impactful class change and tier set tuning beforeand after the start of the season.

It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay,but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose ofthis tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alteach season.


Criteria of the Tier List

This tier list was created based on the strength of each DPS specializationthroughout the entirety of our Beta testing. The rankingsare determined by the toolkit and raw damage each class provides to Mythic+ groups.To fully understand the rankings, it's important to understand thedifference between each damage profile and the significance/sync of each class's toolkitwith other party members. Lastly, different dungeons require different sets of damage patterns;some require more single-target, while others require you to have much morefocused AoE damage; all of this can bump some classes higher than others:

  • Damage is the most important major factor to rank the DPS classes: mass AoE,burst AoE, sustain AoE, single-target, 2-target, 3-target, and spread-cleavedamage are among the types of damage profiles we examine.
  • Classes with unique party-wide buffs will always be rewarded. an exampleof such is Druid's Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (1) Mark of the Wild.
  • Classes with high survivability, self-sustain, or immunities will addan additional value to the rankings.
  • Another feature worth mentioning is the importance of priority-target damage andfunnel damage, often undervalued in Mythic+, which speeds up the whole dungeon ifexecuted correctly. Specs can earn extra "points" by having such a damage profile.


A Final Warning

  • It is incredibly important to emphasize that just because a DPSspecialization is low in the tier list; it does not mean that you should ignoreit completely. Any class can perform well if you put the time to learn it,some just do it with less effort.
  • For the vast majority of cases, you should choose to bring the better player,not the better specialization. That does not mean you never need to think aboutyour Mythic+ group composition or disregard the meta, just that most of thetime, player skill will be more important than the difference between classes
  • Remember that this tier list is based on casual/intermediate key levels as the average;some specializations gain significantly more value on the higher-end bracket compared to thelower-end bracket because of their damage profile.
  • This tier list, unlike many others, is constant; someclass's placements will go up or down depending on key level, group composition,affix combinations or dungeon differences. We will continue toupdate this tier list every time there is a change;


DPS Tier List for Season 1 of Mythic+ in The War Within

Below, you can find the full rankings for DPS slots in Season 1of The War Within. We encourage you to read further and understandwhy some classes are placed lower or higher than expected, with severalfactors taken into consideration, such as having a 4-piece tier-set active at all times.

  1. Assassination Rogue (Top-Tier)
  2. Augmentation Evoker (Top-Tier)
  3. Frost Death Knight (Top-Tier)
  4. Arcane Mage (Best-Candidates)
  5. Elemental Shaman (Best-Candidates)
  6. Enhancement Shaman (Best-Candidates)
  7. Frost Mage (Best-Candidates)
  8. Affliction Warlock (Best-Candidates)
  9. Demonology Warlock (Impressive)
  10. Fury Warrior (Impressive)
  11. Havoc Demon Hunter (Impressive)
  12. Unholy Death Knight(Impressive)
  13. Shadow Priest (Impressive)
  14. Feral Druid (Impressive)
  15. Windwalker Monk (Impressive)
  16. Subtlety Rogue (Impressive)
  17. Arms Warrior (Impressive)
  18. Survival Hunter (Impressive)
  19. Marksmanship Hunter (Good)
  20. Devastation Evoker (Good)
  21. Outlaw Rogue (Good)
  22. Retribution Paladin (Good)
  23. Balance Druid (Good)
  24. Destruction Warlock (Good)
  25. Beast Mastery Hunter (Underperforming)
  26. Fire Mage (Underperforming)


Healer and Tank Class Rankings

If you are interested in our other rankings for Mythic+ in The War Within,Season 1, please click the links below.

Mythic+ Healer RankingsMythic+ Tank Rankings


Full DPS Class and Specialization Rankings




Assassination Rogue

Patch 11.0.2: Assassination Roguereceived a healthy amount of changes leading up to the The War Withinexpansion, along with two brand-new but disappointing Hero Talents - Deathstalker/ Fatebound and a new tier-set. Their 2-piece bonus will trigger once theirbleeds deal damage, granting a chance to gain Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (2) Vile Tincture for 8 sec,increasing poison damage by 1% per stack (up to 10 stacks). Additionally,the 4-piece bonus will trigger once they have 5 or more stacks ofMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (3) Vile Tincture, causing Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (4) Garrote, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (5) Rupture, andMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (6) Crimson Tempest to deal 10% increased damage.

Assassination Rogue currently has one of the strongest damage profilesacross all DPS specs. Their priority/single-target damagewill continue to be great going into the The War Within expansion. Theirutility remains excellent, and they will have an even stronger defensive profile.Overall, we believe Assassination Rogue will perform better in higher-level keys,where mobs live longer, but still not to be underestimated in lower-level keys,where they will do better than before. To conclude, one of the highest damage profilesin the game, combined with great utility and durability.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (7) Iron WireEnables Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (8) Garrote to silence for 6 secwhen used from Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (9) Stealth and enemies that are silencedby Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (10) Garrote deal 15% reduced damagefor 8 sec.
CoreWeapon PoisonsMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (11) Numbing Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (12) Atrophic Poison,Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (13) Crippling Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (14) Wound Poison,Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (15) Instant Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (16) Amplifying Poison andMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (17) Deadly Poison
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (18) Gouge / Airborne IrritantYou have the choice between AoE stop orpowerful short cooldown single-target stop.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (19) BlindDisturb effect, useful for crowd-control.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (20) Kidney ShotSingle-target stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (21) SapNon-combat crowd-control.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (22) Cheap ShotSingle-target stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (23) ShivEnrage-effect dispel.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (24) Shroud of ConcealmentMass-invisibility effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (25) Tricks of the TradeRedirects all threat you cause to a selected party memberlasting 6 sec.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (26) DistractWhen used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredibleuseful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning.


Augmentation Evoker

Patch 11.0.2 update: Augmentation Evokerreceived a fair share of changes leading to the The War Within expansion,along with two brand-new Hero Talents - Chronowarden /Scalecommander and a new tier-set. The 2-piece bonus will increaseMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (27) Upheaval damage by 30%, which further increases your nexttwo Eruption casts by 30%. Additionally, the 4-piece bonusallows Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (28) Ebon Might to increase your primary stats by an additional0.4% of your own every 2 sec it remains active, up to 2%.

Augmentation Evoker is looking fantastic leading to the expansion launch,as it seems developers are sacrificing some of their "overpowered"support capabilities (buffing allies) to enhance personal damage. Yes, you will bejust as useful to your allies, with great utility, good mob control, and furtherbolstering their DPS/defensive profiles, but this time, you will do moredamage yourself. On top of this, they have gained a few more defensiveoptions, depending on the choice of Hero Talents, and maintain excellent mobility.Overall, we are delighted with the spec's current performance and expectit to be one of the strongest DPS choices in Season 1 of The War Withinexpansion.





Utility Package

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (29) Blessing of the Bronze-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (30) Ebon Might-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (31) Chrono WardExtra Shielding effect triggered afterMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (32) Breath of Eons cast.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (33) PrescienceCan be further bolstered by the Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (34) Fate Mirrortalent.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (35) Tail SwipeAoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (36) Wing BuffetAoE knockback effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (37) ExpungeRemoving all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (38)Poison effects from an ally.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (39) UpheavalExtra knock-up effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (40) TimelessnessReduces the threat to 1 friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (41) Oppressing RoarIncreasing the duration of all crowd-controleffects on the affected enemies by 50%. You canfurther talent into Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (42) Overawe, removing 1Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal).
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (43) Terror of the SkiesAfter using Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (44) Breath of Eons, you willstun all enemies by 3 sec affected by your breath.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (45) Sleep WalkSingle-target crowd-control effect that forcesthe enemy to move towards you.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (46) Bestow WeyrnstoneEnables one party/raid member to teleport to yourlocation within 100 yards.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (47) Blistering ScalesIncreases the armor and gives damage to the selectedmember.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (48) Spatial ParadoxIt enables your Healer of choice to move freely whilecasting and increasing the range of most spells by 100%for 11 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (49) Source of MagicCan be further bolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (50) Potent Mana
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (51) ZephyrArea-of-effect damage reduction (party only).
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (52) Cauterizing FlameMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (53)Bleed removal
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (54) RescueYou can further bolster it withMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (55) Twin Guardian talent for extra durability.

Augmentation Evoker Mythic+


Frost Death Knight

Patch 11.0.2 update: Frost Death Knightreceived significant attention at the start of Beta testing and, like every specializationso far, inherited 2 brand new Hero Talents - Deathbringer /Rider of the Apocalypse and a new tier set. The 2-piece enables all Runic Powerspending abilities to deal 8% more damage, while the 4-piece triggers whenconsuming Runic Power, giving a chance to increase your Strength by 10% for8 sec.

Frost Death Knight is already much stronger compared to its Dragonflightversion. Not only do they have a much stronger burst, but their sustained damage also appearsto be in better shape. In addition, their Hero Talents further bolster their already strongdefensive profile, while the most recent rework of the Death Knight class talenttree allows them to add even more unique party-wide utility (e.g., Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (56) Vestigial Shell). Overall,we are quite happy with the performance of Frost Death Knight, and we considerthem to be one of the current best melee choices.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (57) Anti-Magic ZoneProvides extra durability against heavy magical damage.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (58) Death GripRepositions an enemy of your choice.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (59) Raise AllyCombat-resurrection.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (60) Abomination LimbEvery 1 sec, an enemy is pulled closeto you.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (61) Blinding SleetAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (62) Insidious ChillReduces the auto-attack speed of your target by5% stacking up 4 times.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (63) Control UndeadMind-control an undead enemy to fight on your side.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (64) Asphyxiate5 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (65) Vestigial ShellAdding Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (66) Anti-Magic Shell on 2 nearbyallies.

Frost Death Knight Mythic+


"Best" Candidates


Arcane Mage

Patch 11.0.2 update: Arcane Magereceived a massive amount of changes, 2 brand new Hero Talents -Spellslinger and Sunfury, as well as a new tier-set.The 2-piece increases the damage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (67) Arcane Blast and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (68) Arcane Barrageby 6%, while the 4-piece enables Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (69) Arcane Blast or Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (70) Arcane Barrageto have a 5% chance to make your next Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (71) Arcane Barrage deal20% increased damage and generate 4 Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (72) Arcane Charges.

Arcane Mage received a lot of changes going from Dragonflight toThe War Within, luckily leaving them in a much better state compared to howthey were Dragonflight (even easier than before!).Their burst and sustained single target is amazing, as well as retaining theirunique damage on demand AoE profile. Just like any Mage spec, they have some of the bestparty-wide utility and mob control, and on top of this, they are one of the mostdurable specs in the game. The rankings of Arcane can fluctuate depending onthe key level, as well as being one of the key features of creating the "god-comp"together with Augmentation Evoker.



This spec goes to the Top-Tier once you play with a "God-Comp."

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (73) Arcane Intellect5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (74) Time WarpAlternative of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (75) Bloodlust.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (76) PolymorphSingle-target crowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (77) Mass Barrier / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (78) Mass InvisibilityGives a shield that absorbs damage ormass invisibility to the entire party.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (79) SpellstealSteals a beneficial magic effect fromthe target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (80) Remove CurseRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (81)Curses from afriendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (82) Ring of FrostAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (83) Ice NovaAoE Immobilize effect. This can be cast separatelyfrom Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (84) Frost Nova.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (85) Blast WaveAoE knockback.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (86) Dragon's BreathAoE disturb effect.


Elemental Shaman

Patch 11.0.2 update: Elemental Shamanreceived a much-needed rework, new raid utility, two new Hero Talentschoices - Farseer and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (87) Stormbringer, as well as a new tier set.The 2-piece bonus increases Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (88) Elemental Blast and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (89) Earthquake damage by 25%,while the 4-piece bonus rewards you with a chance of 5% increased critical strike chanceand 10% increased critical damage every time you spend maelstrom.

The complete rework of Elemental Shaman combined with the introduction of the brandnew Hero Talent choices in The War Within and unique raid utility - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (90) Skyfury,transformed the specialization sadly one of the best DPS specs on Beta. Your damage profileholds an immensely strong AoE damage profile, frankly one of the best. The ability to havemajor cooldowns in each pack due to cooldown reduction in your toolkit, helps you solidifythe top spot for now. While their single target is not their strongest asset, the spec receivedbetter defensiveness - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (91) Stone Bulwark Totem, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (92) Seasoned Winds and brand new utilitywhich fits perfectly for Mythic+ content - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (93) Elemental Resistance and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (94) Jet Stream.Overall, we believe that Elemental Shaman is one of the best Ranged option leadingto the first season of Mythic+.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (95) Skyfury-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (96) Bloodlust-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (97) Earth ElementalA powerful elemental summon that helps you survive.It can also tank non-boss-enemies.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (98) EarthquakeHas a chance for a knockdown effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (99) Wind Rush TotemOn-demand extra movement speed, which can befurther bolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (100) Jet Stream - removing all snareson all targets interaction with Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (101) Wind Rush Totem(it is like a massive Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (102) Blessing of Freedom).
Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (103) Earthgrab TotemAoE root effect. It replaces Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (104) Earthbind Totem.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (105) Ancestral GuidanceProvides extra off-healing to your party.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (106) Capacitor Totem3 sec AoE stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (107) HexSingle-target crowd-control ability.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (108) Cleanse SpiritRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (109)Curse effects from a friendlytarget.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (110) PurgeRemoving 1 beneficial Magic effectfrom an enemy.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (111) ThunderstormAoE disturb effect that can either knock awayor knock up (Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (112) Thundershock).
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (113) Poison Cleansing TotemRemoves all poison effects on a nearby party membereach 1.5 sec for 6 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (114) Elemental ResistanceSmall group-wide school of magic damage reduction.


Enhancement Shaman

Patch 11.0.2 update: Enhancement Shamanreceived a minor amount of changes, two new Hero Talent choices - Totemicand Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (115) Stormbringer and a brand new tier-set leading to the Season 1 ofMythic+ in The War Within. The 2-piece bonus will increase the damage ofMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (116) Stormstrike, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (117) Lava Lash, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (118) Ice Strike and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (119) Crash Lightningby 15%. In addition, the 4-piece trigger once you activate Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (120) Feral Spirits,summoning one extra Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (121) Feral Spirit. At last, the old Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (122) Windfury Totem will beretired for a brand new raid-wide utility - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (123) Skyfury.

Enhancement Shaman has finally received the changes they were hoping for,with 3 extra spec-specific talents and much-needed quality-of-life changes broughtto them. Their damage profile is now in a much better state but with a much better AoE damage package(especially against more targets) thanks to their Stormbringer Hero Talents - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (124) Tempest.Their single-target is also in great shape, as previously addressed.In addition, a previous weakness of theirs - durability - has been further bolstered following the newexpansion as they have several new ways to tackle dangerous encounters in any scenario:Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (125) Seasoned Winds, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (126) Stone Bulwark Totem and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (127) Elemental Resistance.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (128) Skyfury-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (129) Bloodlust-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (130) SunderingAdditional AoE stop.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (131) Earth ElementalA powerful elemental summon that helps you survive.It can also tank non-boss-enemies.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (132) Wind Rush TotemOn-demand extra movement speed, which can befurther bolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (133) Jet Stream - removing all snareson all targets interaction with Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (134) Wind Rush Totem(it is like a massive Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (135) Blessing of Freedom).
Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (136) Earthgrab TotemAoE root effect. It replaces Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (137) Earthbind Totem.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (138) Ancestral GuidanceProvides extra off-healing to your party.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (139) Capacitor Totem3 sec AoE stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (140) HexSingle-target crowd-control ability.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (141) Cleanse SpiritRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (142)Curse effects from a friendlytarget.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (143) PurgeRemoving 1 beneficial Magic effectfrom an enemy.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (144) ThunderstormAoE disturb effect that can either knock awayor knock up (Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (145) Thundershock).
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (146) Poison Cleansing TotemRemoves all poison effects on a nearby party membereach 1.5 sec for 6 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (147) Elemental ResistanceSmall group-wide school of magic damage reduction.

Enhancement Shaman Mythic+


Frost Mage

Patch 11.0.2 update:Frost Mage enjoyed several rounds of changes, paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Frostfire /Spellslinger and a new tier set. The 2-piece increasesMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (148) Ice Lance damage by 8%, while the 4-piece enables thedamage dealt by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (149) Fingers of Frost's enhanced Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (150) Ice Lances toinvoke a Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (151) Frigid Pulse, dealing Frost damage to nearby targets(reduced damage beyond 8 targets).

Frost Mage is currently in a sweet spot between"fun-to-play" and overall decent shape, as the balance between all powersseems equal. Not only are you one of the most durable DPSspecializations, but you also have one of the best Mythic+ utilities from a DPS.Depending on the key levels and group composition, your rankings will fluctuate butwill be well high in the rankings. Overall, we like how this spec plays, and if castersare back on the "menu" to be part of the meta club, then most definitely a Mage'sMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (152) Arcane Intellect will be a MUST.



If you pair this with a "god-comp" (Augmentation Evoker/Vengeance Demon Hunter/X), theywill climb the rankings all the way to the top tier.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (153) Arcane Intellect5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (154) Time WarpAlternative of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (155) Bloodlust.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (156) PolymorphSingle-target crowd-control effect.
CorePermanent slow effects.-
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (157) Mass Barrier / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (158) Mass InvisibilityGives a shield that absorbs damage ormass invisibility to the entire party.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (159) SpellstealSteals a beneficial magic effect fromthe target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (160) Remove CurseRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (161)Curses from afriendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (162) Ring of FrostAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (163) Ice NovaAoE Immobilize effect. This can be cast separatelyfrom Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (164) Frost Nova.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (165) Blast WaveAoE knockback.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (166) Dragon's BreathAoE disturb effect.

Frost Mage Mythic+


Affliction Warlock

Patch 11.0.2 update: Affliction Warlockreceived a complete rework, paired with 2 brand new Hero Talent choicesin Hellcaller/Soul Harvester, and a new tier-set. The 2-piece willincrease the damage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (167) Malefic Rapture by 5% and its critical strikechance by 10%, while the 4-piece enables Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (168) Malefic Rapture to have a chanceto increase the damage dealt by your Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (169) Agony, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (170) Corruption andMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (171) Unstable Affliction by 15% for 8 sec.

The complete overhaul of Affliction Warlock has made them a menace,consisting of great single-target, fantastic burst and sustainedAoE damage. Previously one of the weakest specs, they are now in a much better shape, withmuch more flexibility in builds — a strong single-target build, amazing hybrid options,and heavy AoE if needed. Additionally, they are now more durable and have better utility(especially if you choose Hellcaller's Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (172) Curse of the Satyr 2-in-1Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (173)Curse) and overall have a new rotation that replaces the boringMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (174) Seed of Corruption spam. Overall, we believe Affliction Warlockto be one of the best casters this season.



Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (175) Vile Taint windows are not covering the full duration of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (176) Agony, makingit harder to maintain all DoTs on the targets. You have to manually extend them ordrop the stacks of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (177) Agony and wait for Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (178) Vile Taint cooldown to return.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (179) Create HealthstoneHelps your team to survive deadly pulls.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (180) SoulstoneCombat Resurrection.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (181) Demonic Gateway
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (182) Curse of TonguesUseful against caster targets. It can be furtherbolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (183) Amplify Curse talent.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (184) Curse of WeaknessUseful against physical damage dealers. It can be furtherbolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (185) Amplify Curse talent.
CoreDemon SummoningMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (186) Summon Imp can help you with Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (187) Singe Magicdispel while Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (188) Summon Felhunter can be useful with anextra interrupt - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (189) Spell Lock.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (190) BanishUseful on some boss encounters for an extracrowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (191) ShadowfuryAoE Stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (192) Mortal CoilSinel-Target disturb effect.




Demonology Warlock

Patch 11.0.2 update:.Demonology Warlock received a healthy amount of changes, paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Diabolist /Soul Harvester and a new tier set. The 2-piece bonus increases the primarydemon's damage by 5% and your Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (193) Shadow Bolt damage by 50%.The 4-piece bonus enables Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (194) Shadow Bolt to have a chance to enrage yourprimary Felguard, increasing the damage of their nextMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (195) Legion Strike by 300%.

Demonology Warlock received a good amount of changes leading tothe The War Within expansion, making its current Mythic+ performance great. Theirdamage profile did get a big hit and is now more in-line with the rest of thespecialization. They will retain their good sustain single-target/AoE damagebut will no longer be in the category of "overpowered". In terms of utility, theywill keep their unique Mythic+ package while being one of the most durable Ranged DPS.




Utility package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (196) Create HealthstoneHelps your team to survive deadly pulls.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (197) SoulstoneCombat Resurrection.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (198) Demonic Gateway
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (199) Axe TossYour baseline interrupt also stuns the targetfor 4 sec.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (200) Curse of TonguesUseful against caster targets. It can be furtherbolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (201) Amplify Curse talent.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (202) Curse of WeaknessUseful against physical damage dealers. It can be furtherbolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (203) Amplify Curse talent.
CoreDemon SummoningMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (204) Summon Imp can help you with Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (205) Singe Magicdispel while Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (206) Summon Felhunter can be useful with anextra interrupt - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (207) Spell Lock.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (208) BanishUseful on some boss encounters for an extracrowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (209) ShadowfuryAoE Stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (210) Mortal CoilSingle-Target disturb effect.

Demonology Warlock Mythic+


Fury Warrior

Patch 11.0.2 update:Fury Warrior received a ton of positive changes, a brand newHero Talents - Slayer and Mountain Thane and a new tierset. The 2-piece bonus will enable Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (211) Bloodthirst to increase the damage ofyour next Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (212) Rampage by 10%. In addition, the 4-piece bonus willtrigger once Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (213) Raging Blow resets its cooldown to buff the damage of the nextMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (214) Bloodthirst by 10%, stacking up to 2 times.

Fury Warrior is looking fantastic leading to the first season ofThe War Within. Not only do they have one of the strongest bursts among all meleespecs, but they also have a great sustained damage profile. With several sets of offensivecooldowns, they allow for amazing frontload bursts across all key levels. Sadly, their Mythic+toolkit remains mostly the same, with Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (215) Shockwave now being easier to talent, whichcan help with further mob control. Overall, we are happy with the performance ofFury Warrior, from having short offensive cooldowns, to amazing frontload burst,and at the same time being one of the easier specs to learn, it is a great pickup forthe upcoming TWW expansion.



Outside of their strong Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (216) Battle Shout buff, their Mythic+ toolkit is oneof the weakest compared to the rest of the DPS specializations.

Utility package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (217) Rallying CryTemporary increasing the health of your raid/party.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (218) Battle ShoutExtra 5% Attack Power.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (219) Spell ReflectionUsable in niche situations.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (220) Intimidating ShoutAoE disturb effect capped at 5 targets.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (221) Storm Bolt4 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (222) ShockwaveAoE Stun

Fury Warrior Mythic+


Havoc Demon Hunter

Patch 11.0.2 update:Havoc Demon Hunter received minor changes paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Aldrachi Reaver /Fel-Scarred and a new tier set. The 2-piece will increase the damageof Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (223) Blade Dance by 20%, while the 4-piece enablesMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (224) Chaos Strike to deal 20% increased damage and to have25% chance to reset the cooldown of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (225) Blade Dance.

Havoc Demon Hunter has awaited their time to receive the much-neededdamage buffs, as their early Beta performance was dreadful. With that in mind,their damage output will improve (for both single-target and AoE) and so will their rankings.The spec will retain its great utility and a good defensive profile, whichfits better with a caster-orientated group composition due to Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (226) Chaos Brand debuff,but would also be fantastic as a standalone spec. Overall, we believe thatHavoc Demon Hunter has come a long way since the first iterations of beta andcontinuously improved within the rankings following the release of the first Seasonof Mythic+ in The War Within.



The playstyle of Havoc Demon Hunter is still one of the most unenjoyable oneseventhough their current performance is great.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (227) Chaos Brand5% extra Magical damage
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (228) Darkness% chance to avoid all damage from an attack.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (229) Fel EruptionSingle-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (230) Chaos NovaAoE stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (231) ImprisonSingle-target out of combat crowd-control.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (232) Consume MagicRemove 1 beneficial Magic effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (233) Sigil of MiseryAoE disturb effect.

Havoc Demon Hunter Mythic+


Unholy Death Knight

Patch 11.0.2 update: Unholy Death Knightreceived massive changes since the start of the Alpha/Beta testing, alongsidebrand new Hero Talents - Rider of the Apocalypse / San'layn,and a new tier set. The 2-piece will passively increase the damage of your minionsby 8%, while the 4-piece will trigger once you summon a minion, furtherincreasing your Haste by 2% up to 8% for 8 sec.

After many rounds of changes, both buffs and nerfs, Unholy Death Knightis still in good shape, with great single-target damage, retaining its signaturestrong AoE burst and a good sustained damage profile off-cooldowns. Although for ashort while they were considered one of the most "overpowered specs" in Beta, aftera few rounds of nerfs, they have now dropped a tier on our rankings.Still, they will benefit from the general Death Knight tree rework, addingbrand new utility under their belt (Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (234) Vestigial Shell) and further increasingtheir strong defensive profile. Overall, we are happy with the performance ofUnholy Death Knight and we will monitor for further changes.



The biggest drawback of this specialization is that you can only fully unleash*ts maximum potential by perfectly managing your big cooldowns, which is onlypossible when playing with a pre-made group. The ramp-up for the exceptionallystrong AoE profile must be planned to get the most out of the specialization.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (235) Anti-Magic ZoneProvides extra durability against heavy magical damage.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (236) Death GripRepositions an enemy of your choice.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (237) Raise AllyCombat-resurrection.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (238) GnawHaving an extra stun effect for 1 sec fromyour Ghoul pet.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (239) Abomination LimbEvery 1 sec, an enemy is pulled closeto you.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (240) Blinding SleetAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (241) Insidious ChillReduces the auto-attack speed of your target by5% stacking up 4 times.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (242) Asphyxiate5 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (243) Vestigial ShellAdding Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (244) Anti-Magic Shell on 2 nearbyallies.

Unholy Death Knight Mythic+


Shadow Priest

Patch 11.0.2 update: Shadow Priestreceived barely any changes since the start of the Beta testing and, like everyspecialization so far, inherited two brand-new Hero Talents - Archon /Voidweaver and a new tier-set. The 2-piece will increase the durationof Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (245) Devouring Plague by 1 sec, while the 4-piece enables Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (246) Devouring Plagueto increase your damage done by 2% for 10 sec (multiple applicationsmay overlap).

For the majority of Dragonflight, Shadow Priest has been consideredone of the most dominant DPS specializations, primarily for their incredibledamage profile, which excels in both AoE and single-target/priority-target damage.This will continue to be the case, although not to the same extreme performancethey had in the last few seasons. Their utility and defensiveness remain strong,which is positive for the spec as both factors are considered valuable. Overall, weexpect their performance to only improve the higher the key goes, as the"ramp-up" playstyle of voidform requires the non-boss enemies to live longerthan a few short seconds.



Not as competitive of a DPS on the lower level keys due to a "ramp-up"playstyle, but if the key is high enough and gives the right group composition,this spec will rise to one of the best Ranged candidates this season.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (247) Power InfusionYou must always have Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (248) Twins of the Sun Priestesstalented.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (249) Power Word: FortitudeA raid-wide 5% Stamina buff.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (250) Psychic ScreamAoE disturb effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (251) Mind SootheIt reduces the range at which the target/s willattack you. Incredibly useful for trash mob skips.It can be used on multiple enemies.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (252) Mass DispelIncredible useful where Mass Dispelling is needed.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (253) Vampiric EmbraceExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (254) Leap of FaithHelps with repositioning.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (255) Dominate MindMindcontrols an enemy, allowing you to simultaneouslyexecute your rotation while having full controlover them and their abilities.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (256) Shackle UndeadCrowd-controls a undead target for 50 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (257) Purify DiseaseOn top of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (258) Dispel Magic you will be ableto further bolster it by allowing the spell to remove1 Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (259)Disease on a friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (260) Psychic HorrorA single-target 4 sec stun effect.

Shadow Priest Mythic+


Feral Druid

Patch 11.0.2 update: Feral Druidreceived a good amount of changes throughout the Beta cycles, paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Druid of the Claw /Wildstalker and a new tier set. The 2-piece will enableMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (261) Tiger's Fury to increase your chance to critically strike for10 sec, starting at 6% and increasing by 1% every 2 sec.In addition, the 4-piece will trigger once you critically strike with your combopoint-generating abilities to increase the direct damage of your nextMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (262) Ferocious Bite, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (263) Rampant Ferocity, or Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (264) Primal Wrathby 15%, stacking up to 3 times.

Feral Druid is entering the The War Within expansion witha fresh overhaul of the general Druid talents, as well asspec-specific ones, leaving them with a better flow of rotation (less spammy/floodedin AoE compared to the previous expansion). The specialization will have great AoEdamage profile and decent single-target, which is still an improvement of how theirperformance was from the last season of Dragonflight. They will have better defensive optionsand retain their great party-wide utility. This leads us to believe that Feral Druidwill be in a great spot for the first season of The War Within.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (265) Mark of the WildIncreasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (266) Entangling RootsSingle-target root effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (267) Nature's VigilExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (268) InnervateAllowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (269) Stampeding RoarIncreasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (270) Remove CorruptionRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (271)Curse and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (272)Poison effectsfrom a friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (273) SootheDispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (274) HibernateSingle-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (275) Incapacitating Roar / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (276) Mighty BashYou have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (277) TyphoonAoe knockback.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (278) Mass Entanglement / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (279) Ursol's VortexYou have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location.

Feral Druid Mythic+


Windwalker Monk

Patch 11.0.2 update: Windwalker Monkreceived a complete overhaul leading to the The War Within expansion,followed by 2 brand-new Hero Talents - Conduit of the Celestials /Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (280) Shado-Pan and a new tier set. The 2-piece will enable Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (281) Tiger Palmto increase the damage of your next melee ability by 5%. In addition, the4-piece allows any other melee ability to increase the damage of your nextMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (282) Tiger Palm by 25%, stacking up to 6 times. 15%of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (283) Tiger Palm's damage is dealt to nearby enemies, reduced beyond5 targets.

The complete overhaul of Windwalker Monk specific talents for The War Within,left them in a much better spot than they were in the previous expansion. They will retain theirpowerful burst damage (both single-target and AoE), which has been a key featureof the specialization since its inception. It is important to note thatthe utility package of this specialization is among the best in Mythic+, and it hasone of the highest survivability rates. In addition, Haste scaling was added,which should dramatically help Windwalker Monk scale as gear improves,something the spec has always struggled with later in the expansion. Overall, the spec isversatile enough with high-burst capabilities,good single-target damage, and most importantly one of the best party-wide utility(both offensive and defensive) to tackle any Mythic+ situation.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (284) Mystic Touch5% extra Physical damage for your raid.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (285) Leg Sweep3 sec stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (286) Tiger's LustRemoves all roots and snares.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (287) Ring of PeaceIt can be used to help your tank kite and as aAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (288) DetoxRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (289)Poison and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (290)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (291) ParalysisSingle-target disturb effect.

Windwalker Monk Mythic+


Subtlety Rogue

Patch 11.0.2: Subtlety Roguereceived minor changes leading to the The War Within expansion,followed by two brand-new but disappointing Hero Talents - Deathstalker /Trickster and a new tier-set. The 2-piece allows Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (292) Symbols of Deathto increase the damage of the next Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (293) Secret Technique by 20%, whilethe 4-piece enables Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (294) Secret Technique to increase the damage of any otherfinishing move by 16% for 7 sec.

Aside from the impressive Rogue's utility package, Subtlety Roguealso delivers consistent damage with great on-demand bursts. Sadly, the rotation has not changedmuch as the newly introduced Hero Talents are quite disappointing. After the most recentbuffs, Subtlety Rogue damage performance has increased significantly. Do not sleep onSubtlety Rogue; if they tune their Hero Talents or spec-specific talents correctly,they would be in phenomenal shape.



Lack of interesting Hero Talents that change the rotation/gameplayand introduce a breath of freshness. There are still quite a few bugs surrounding thespec, making it hard to have an accurate picture of its true performance.

Utility Package
CoreWeapon PoisonsMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (295) Numbing Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (296) Atrophic Poison,Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (297) Crippling Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (298) Wound Poison orMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (299) Instant Poison
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (300) Gouge / Airborne IrritantYou have the choice between AoE stop orpowerful short cooldown single-target stop.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (301) BlindDisturb effect, useful for crowd-control.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (302) Kidney ShotSingle-target stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (303) SapNon-combat crowd-control.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (304) Cheap ShotSingle-target stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (305) ShivEnrage-effect dispel.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (306) Shroud of ConcealmentMass-invisibility effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (307) Tricks of the TradeRedirects all threat you cause to a selected party memberlasting 6 sec.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (308) DistractWhen used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredibleuseful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning.

Subtlety Rogue Mythic+


Arms Warrior

Patch 11.0.2 update: Arms Warriorreceived a healthy amount of changes through the Alpha and Beta cycles, brand-newHero Talents - Slayer / Colossus, and a new tier set.The 2-piece will enable Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (309) Mortal Strike and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (310) Cleave to increase thedamage of your next Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (311) Overpower by 10%. The 4-piece will trigger onceMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (312) Overpower has its cooldown reset by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (313) Tactician, the nextMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (314) Mortal Strike or Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (315) Cleave has its damage increased by 10% andcritical strike chance increased by 10%, stacking up to 2 times.

The Rage changes combined with the Arms Warrior specific talentadjustments have put the spec in a much better position compared to the previousexpansion. Their damage profile is their strongest asset as they currentlyhave great single-target, 2-target, low-count, and mass-AoE damage. Although theirutility will remain mostly the same, we believe that if this spec can be pairedwith melee physical damage-oriented classes, it can climb the ladder even further.Overall, we are happy with how Arms plays so far and we are looking forward tosee them develop through the Season 1.



Outside of their strong Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (316) Battle Shout buff, their Mythic+ toolkit is one of theweakest compared to the rest of the DPS specializations.


Utility Package

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (317) Rallying CryTemporary increasing the health of your raid/party.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (318) Battle ShoutExtra 5% Attack Power.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (319) Spell ReflectionUsable in niche situations.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (320) Intimidating ShoutAoE disturb effect capped at 5 targets.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (321) Storm Bolt4 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (322) ShockwaveAoE Stun


Survival Hunter

Patch 11.0.2 update: Survival Hunterreceived a massive number of changes, a brand new Hero Talent options -Pack Leader / Sentinel and a new tier-set. The 2-piece increasesyour Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (323) Wildfire Bomb's damage by 5%, while the 4-piece boosts the damageof Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (324) Raptor Strike by 10% if targets are affected by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (325) Wildfire Bomb.

Survival Hunter is currently a great choice for DPS spec in Mythic+,with an impressive DPS profile for both single-target and AoE. On top of this, the most recent Huntersurvivability buffs will help them against the heaviest incoming damage. As always,damage is one of the major factors to consider for specs, so look no further; thisclass will not disappoint with both sustained damage and burst damage. Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (326) Explosive Shot'suncapped damage capabilities are exceptional while maintaining amazing single-target output.All in all, one of the most rounded specs in the current Beta iteration, and we are hopefulthey will retain their strength throughout the Season 1 of Mythic+ in The War Within.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (327) Primal RageAlthough not unique, it can help in somerare cases.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (328) Hunter's MarkIncreases all damage dealt to targets above 80%health by 5%.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (329) Tar TrapAoE Slow.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (330) Tranquilizing ShotRemoves 1 Enrage and Magic effectfrom an enemy target.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (331) Freezing TrapA powerful single-target crowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (332) Binding ShotAoE root effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (333) Scatter ShotSingle-target disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (334) IntimidationStun effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (335) Implosive TrapAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (336) MisdirectionHelpful in cases where there are spreadnon-boss-enemies and your tanks need help withcollecting the aggro.

Survival Hunter Mythic+




Marksmanship Hunter

Patch 11.0.2 update: Marksmanship Hunterhas gotten its fair share of changes, two brand new Hero Talents -Sentinel / Dark Ranger and a brand new tier-set. The 2-piecewill increase the damage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (337) Arcane Shot and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (338) Multi-Shot by 20%,while the 4-piece triggers once you consume Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (339) Precise Shots, further increasingthe damage of your next Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (340) Aimed Shot by 10%, stacking up 2 times.

Although your rotation will remain mostly the same, Marksmanship Hunter alreadyfeels much better compared to its previous version in Dragonflight mainly due tohow durable Hunter as a spec has become following the most recent class-tree revamp.They will now have 2 charges of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (341) Survival of the Fittest and a self-disease/poisondispel which can help in critical situations. Although their AoE damage is great, you lack thesingle target to compete with the specs placed above you. Overall, the spec will retain its signature mark,which is burst/on-demand damage for both AoE and single-target while still maintaininga presentable damage package even off cooldowns.



Lack of strong single-target damage; perhaps further tuning focusing on it will bring the speca lot closer to the top of the bracket.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (342) Primal RageAlthough not unique, it can help in somerare cases.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (343) Hunter's MarkIncreases all damage dealt to targets above 80%health by 5%.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (344) Tar TrapAoE Slow.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (345) Tranquilizing ShotRemoves 1 Enrage and Magic effectfrom an enemy target.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (346) Freezing TrapA powerful single-target crowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (347) Binding ShotAoE root effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (348) Scatter ShotSingle-target disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (349) Intimidation + Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (350) Territorial InstinctsStun effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (351) Wailing ArrowAoE interrupt/silence for 3 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (352) Implosive TrapAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (353) MisdirectionHelpful in cases where there are spreadnon-boss-enemies and your tanks need help withcollecting the aggro.

Marksmanship Hunter Mythic+


Devastation Evoker

Patch 11.0.2 update: Devastation Evokerreceived a decent amount of changes leading to the The War Within expansion,followed by 2 brand-new Hero Talents - Flameshaper /Scalecommander and a new tier-set. The 2-piece will increase thedamage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (354) Disintegrate and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (355) Pyre by 10%, while the 4-pwill reduce the Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (356) Eternity Surge's cooldown by 5 sec, further allowingit to grant an Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (357) Essence Burst.

The performance of Devastation Evoker has been consistent throughoutthe entirety of Beta, leading to the first season of Mythic+ in The War Within,with quite a few rotational differences compared to how itwas in Dragonflight (depending on which Hero Talents you are going for+ during Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (358) Dragonrage window). They have retained their unique Evokerutility, strengthening their defensiveness thanks to the brand-new Hero Talents.Their damage profile will retain its burst-orientated window, which will help your performanceacross different key levels. At the same time, also, unfortunately, keeping its maindisadvantage present - having 25 yards ability range as an offensive castercan be quite punishable. Overall, we believe that its sibling spec will take the majorityof the attention, and we will hardly see much playtime, but if anyone chooses to optfor them, they will still perform great as its damage can be competitive to the majorityof the DPS specs.



Having 25 yards as an offensive DPS is quite punishable. Further damage buffsare needed to strengthen their sustained damage profile.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (359) Blessing of the Bronze-
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (360) Tail SwipeAoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (361) Wing BuffetAoE knockback effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (362) ExpungeRemoving all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (363)Poison effects from an ally.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (364) Sleep WalkSingle-target crowd-control effect that forcesthe enemy to move towards you.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (365) Source of MagicCan be further bolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (366) Potent Mana
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (367) Oppressing RoarIncreasing the duration of all crowd-controleffects on the affected enemies by 50%. You canfurther talent into Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (368) Overawe, removing 1Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal).
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (369) Terror of the SkiesAfter using Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (370) Breath of Eons, you willstun all enemies by 3 sec affected by your breath.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (371) Spatial ParadoxIt enables your Healer of choice to move freely whilecasting and increasing the range of most spells by 100%for 11 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (372) ZephyrArea-of-effect damage reduction (party only).
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (373) Cauterizing FlameMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (374)Bleed removal
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (375) RescueYou can further bolster it withMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (376) Twin Guardian talent for extra durability.

Devastation Evoker Mythic+


Outlaw Rogue


Outlaw Rogue

Patch 11.0.2: Outlaw Roguereceived their fair share of changes leading to the The War Within expansion,with two brand-new, yet disappointing Hero Talents - Fatebound /Trickster and a new tier set. The 2-piece bonus will enable Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (377) Sinister Strike,Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (378) Pistol Shot, and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (379) Ambush to have a 20% chance to trigger Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (380) Ethereal Rampage,dealing 15% increased damage as Shadow. In addition, the 4-piece bonus, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (381) Ethereal Rampage, additionally increases the damage of your nextMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (382) Between the Eyes by 6%, stacking up to 3 times.

The current Outlaw Rogue has improved following the weeksleading to the Season 1 of Mythic+ in The War Within. While they will retaintheir great consistent damage, unfortunately, they are still one of thefew specs that are target-capped. Their single-target will remain competitive,as well as their priority-target damage while doing AoE. The lack of burst is alsoanother issue the spec is suffering from, as that can be quite offsetting on thelower level keys where burst is important to capitalize on the lower health mobs.Their defensive profile will remain unchanged, and so will their amazing group-wideutility and mob control.



Outlaw Rogue will still struggle in heavy AoE scenarios due toits damage target cap being present. In addition, the lack of a strongburst profile can hurt them on the low/to mid-level keys while beingmuch better on the high-end keys.


Utility Package

Utility Package
CoreWeapon PoisonsMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (383) Numbing Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (384) Atrophic Poison,Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (385) Crippling Poison, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (386) Wound Poison orMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (387) Instant Poison
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (388) Gouge / Airborne IrritantYou have the choice between AoE stop orpowerful short cooldown single-target stop.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (389) BlindDisturb effect, useful for crowd-control.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (390) Kidney ShotSingle-target stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (391) SapNon-combat crowd-control.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (392) Cheap ShotSingle-target stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (393) ShivEnrage-effect dispel.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (394) Shroud of ConcealmentMass-invisibility effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (395) Tricks of the TradeRedirects all threat you cause to a selected party memberlasting 6 sec.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (396) DistractWhen used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredibleuseful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning.

Outlaw Rogue Mythic+


Retribution Paladin


Retribution Paladin

Patch 11.0.2 update: Retribution Paladinreceived a dozen notable changes leading to the The War Within expansion, including brand-newHero Talents - Templar / Herald of the Sun, and a newtier-set. The 2-piece will increase the damage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (397) Blade of Justice by15% and the damage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (398) Wake of Ashes by 10%.In addition, the 4-piece grants you 8 sec of 10% increased damageonce you use Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (399) Wake of Ashes.

Retribution Paladin has seen a fair share of changes throughoutthe Beta cycles, with one of the most notable changes being a reworkof how their Mastery works. Their current AoE burst damage profile is great,just like the last couple of seasons in Dragonflight; theyretain their signature group-wide utilities for a DPS (though no more Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (400) Retribution Aura),which is an invaluable asset for anyone who wants to play this spec. The issuecomes from the lack of a competitive single target, which leads to a diminishingin their performance in Mythic+. Although they posses excellent defensive optionsin case of danger, the only way for Retribution Paladin to climb the rankingsis to add more raw damage, specifically targeting their single target.



Further buffs on behalf of their single-target while playing hybrid Mythic+builds.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (401) Devotion AuraPermanent 3% group/raid-wide damage reductionaura.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (402) Hammer of JusticeA powerful single-target 6 sec stun effect.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (403) Lay on HandsHeals a member of your party/raid to full health.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (404) IntercessionCombat-resurrection
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (405) Blessing of SacrificeHelps a single member of your raid in acritical situation. This can be further improved by talentingMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (406) Sacrifice of the Just.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (407) Blessing of ProtectionPhysical immunity, which can help you withsome boss encounters.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (408) Blessing of FreedomImmunity to movement impairing effects.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (409) Repentance / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (410) Blinding LightYou have the option between single-target crowd-controleffect or a powerful mass AoE stop.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (411) Cleanse ToxinsRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (412)Poison and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (413)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (414) Turn EvilBe able to fear any Undead, Aberration orDemon, which is an additional form of crowd control.

Retribution Paladin Mythic+


Balance Druid

Patch 11.0.2 update: Balance Druidreceived a massive amount of changes through the Beta cycles, paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (415) Elune's Chosen /Keeper of the Grove and a new tier set. The 2-piece will increasethe damage of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (416) Starsurge by 10% and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (417) Starfall by14%. In addition, the 4-piece will grant Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (418) Eclipse (Lunar) /Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (419) Eclipse (Solar) to increase the Astral Power thatMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (420) Wrath generates by 2 and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (421) Starfire by 5.

Balance Druid is one of the specs that has seen the most changesthroughout Alpha/Beta leading to the Season 1 of Mythic+ in The War Within.Although this spec may not appear impressive in lower-end keys, it becomes increasinglyformidable as the key level increases. If you use your cooldowns effectively in Mythic+,you can achieve exceptional damage, primarily in AoE scenarios. In addition,you will have better survivability in the The War Within expansion while retainingyour valuable utility. Overall, we do expect more tuning on behalf of Balance Druids,as we believe the current single-target damage profile is a lackluster.



It takes some time for the spec to ramp up before it can cause significant damage.This means that the performance of the Balance Druid will improve asthe mobs live longer. In addition, their single-target is among the lowest comparedto the rest of the DPS specs, hence why we believe further damage adjustments in thatdepartment are needed.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (422) Mark of the WildIncreasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (423) Solar Beam8 sec AoE silence.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (424) Entangling RootsSingle-target root effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (425) Nature's VigilExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (426) InnervateAllowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (427) Stampeding RoarIncreasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (428) Remove CorruptionRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (429)Curse and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (430)Poison effectsfrom a friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (431) SootheDispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (432) HibernateSingle-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (433) Incapacitating Roar / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (434) Mighty BashYou have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (435) TyphoonAoe knockback.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (436) Mass Entanglement / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (437) Ursol's VortexYou have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location.

Balance Druid Mythic+


Destruction Warlock

Patch 11.0.2 update:Destruction Warlock received a complete rework, paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Hellcaller /Diabolist and a new tier set. The 2-piece will focus onMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (438) Incinerate, increasing its critical strike chance by 20%,as well as increasing Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (439) Conflagrate critical strike chance by25%. In addition, the 4-piece will offer Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (440) Conflagratecritical strikes to trigger 5% increased Fire damage for6 sec.

Destruction Warlock received quite a lot of attention leading to the firstseason of Mythic+, going from the worst DPS spec, to the best, to being nerfed and nowconsidered more of a "mid" pick. Their AoE damage profile, especially during theirmajor cooldown - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (441) Summon Infernal, is still going to be their strongest asset.Single-target and sustained damage are both going to be ok and more in live with therest of the specializations. In addition, every Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (442) Warlock spec is quite durableand has a great party-wide utility, which fits perfectly for Mythic+.




Utility package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (443) Create HealthstoneHelps your team to survive deadly pulls.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (444) SoulstoneCombat Resurrection.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (445) Demonic Gateway
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (446) Curse of TonguesUseful against caster targets. It can be furtherbolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (447) Amplify Curse talent.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (448) Curse of WeaknessUseful against physical damage dealers. It can be furtherbolstered by Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (449) Amplify Curse talent.
CoreDemon SummoningMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (450) Summon Imp can help you with Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (451) Singe Magicdispel while Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (452) Summon Felhunter can be useful with anextra interrupt - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (453) Spell Lock.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (454) BanishUseful on some boss encounters for an extracrowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (455) ShadowfuryAoE Stun.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (456) Mortal CoilSinel-Target disturb effect.

Destruction Warlock Mythic+




Beast Mastery Hunter

Patch 11.0.2 update: Beast Mastery Hunterreceived a ton of changes leading to the The War Within expansion,including brand new Hero Talents - Dark Ranger / Pack Leader,and a new tier-set. The 2-piece bonus will allow Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (457) Barbed Shot to furtherincrease your pet's attack speed by 5%, while the 4-piece bonus willenable your pet's attacks to have a 10% chance to increase all pet damageyou deal by 10% for 10 sec.

Leading to the first season of Mythic+ in The War Within, Beast Mastery Hunterwill retain similar playstyle as before, which will disappoint some and delight others.They now have much better survivability, thanks to the general Hunter'stree redesign, and a better utility package allowing you to haveMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (458) Intimidation, Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (459) Scatter Shot and Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (460) Binding Shotactive at the same time. In addition to that, any Hunter spec can benefitfrom having an AoE disturb effect spell - Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (461) Implosive Trap.While their single-target damage is decent, their sustained damage, especiallyAoE, is lackluster. We are hopeful that those issues will be addressed in the coming weeks.



Lack of raw consistent AoE damage. Pet interaction is still an issue, given thefact that almost all of your damage comes from pet attacks; it is something that shouldbe permanently fixed.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (462) Primal RageAlthough not unique, it can help in somerare cases.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (463) Hunter's MarkIncreases all damage dealt to targets above 80%health by 5%.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (464) Tar TrapAoE Slow.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (465) Tranquilizing ShotRemoves 1 Enrage and Magic effectfrom an enemy target.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (466) Freezing TrapA powerful single-target crowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (467) Binding ShotAoE root effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (468) Scatter ShotSingle-target disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (469) IntimidationStun effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (470) Implosive TrapAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (471) MisdirectionHelpful in cases where there are spreadnon-boss-enemies and your tanks need help withcollecting the aggro.

Beast Mastery Hunter Mythic+


Fire Mage

Patch 11.0.2 update: Fire Magereceived a massive amount of changes, 2 brand new Hero Talents -Frostfire and Sunfury, as well as a new tier-set. The 2-pieceincreases the damage of your Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (472) Phoenix Flames by 10%, which increasesto 25% on its primary target. In addition, your 4-piece bonus triggers afterdealing damage, giving Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (473) Phoenix Flames a 10% chance to return to you,refunding 1% of the cooldown on Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (474) Phoenix Flames and granting you6% increased spell damage for 10 sec.

Fire Mage is one of the specs that has received a lot of attention leading upto the first season of The War Within and ended up being historically in theworst state (damage output) wise they have ever been. Your single target is among the lowest,and your AoE damage is now competing with the tanks. Although, just like every Magespec so far, has one of the best group-wide Mythic+ utilities, numbers need to be tuned upfor us to consider you anywhere higher on our rankings.



Further buffs are needed as the spec is in one of its worst position ever.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (475) Arcane Intellect5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (476) Time WarpAlternative of Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (477) Bloodlust.
CoreMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (478) PolymorphSingle-target crowd-control effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (479) Mass Barrier / Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (480) Mass InvisibilityGives a shield that absorbs damage ormass invisibility to the entire party.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (481) SpellstealSteals a beneficial magic effect fromthe target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (482) Remove CurseRemoves all Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (483)Curses from afriendly target.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (484) Ring of FrostAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (485) Ice NovaAoE Immobilize effect. This can be cast separatelyfrom Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (486) Frost Nova.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (487) Blast WaveAoE knockback.
OptionalMythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (488) Dragon's BreathAoE disturb effect.



  • 01 Sep. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Fully Updated for Season 1 of The War Within.
  • 02 Jun. 2024: Reviewed and updated based on the most recent class changes.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed and update dfor 10.2.7 Patch.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 4.
  • 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.6 Patch.
  • 12 Mar. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfixes.
  • 28 Jan. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.5 Patch.
  • 18 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 04 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 25 Nov. 2023: Further class adjustments.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 05 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.2. Patch.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.1.7 Patch.
  • 22 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 09 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 25 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 17 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 13 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 27 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 06 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 23 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 07 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 01 May 2023: Fully Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.7 Patch.
  • 04 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent round of changes.
  • 14 Feb. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 25 Jan. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.5 Patch.
  • 04 Jan. 2022: Minor update based on the further testing.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Further Adjustments based on the latest class changes.
  • 30 Nov. 2022: Adjusted Frost Mage's position.
  • 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with the initial iteration for Season 1 of Dragonflight.

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Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (2024)


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