Miraculous Guardian In Hell (Various Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel Series x Musa) - Chapter 5 - CrazyImaginationGirl (2024)

Chapter Text

A/N: Even if Viviziepop confirm the Helluva Boss pilot is not cannon to the series. I still like the Helluva Boss Pilot episode and think to myself that the Helluva Boss Pilot episode is cannon to the series

The episode opens with a shot of Imp City. Cars could be heard honking and the exterior of a building is shown. A door is then seen with a note that reads: Meeting In Progress , where 4 people sat at a long gray table, along with a slender tall imp next to a bulletin board.

"Alright, now I know business has been a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I’m not naming any names here. Moxxie." He states quietly to himself while looking at Moxxie, who gave him an offended glare. "Now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again?"The tall imp asked his employees.

Ever since Musa landed in Hell, and joined with I.M.P, she made friends with the employees at I.M.P and the employees at Hazbin Hotel and opened up her own bakery in Hell called: Musa’s Hell Bakery. The bakery became very famous in Hell. All the demons across the rings of Hell enjoyed eating Musa’s baked goods. At I.M.P, Musa works as an assistant, more specially, Blitzø’s personal assistant.

Musa was sitting next to Loona, listening to her music through her headphones while all the kwamis sat on Musa or on the table.

Millie spoke up. "What about a car wash?" She excitedly suggested.

“I am not gonna wear a bikini to wash cars just to attract horny demons. Plus most of them like crashing their cars instead of cleaning them.” Musa said.

“Musa is right. This is hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being cleaned here, okay? Though I wouldn’t mind seeing Musa in a bikini washing cars.” Blitzø said as his mind wandered to inappropriate thoughts about Musa, the Fairy of Music.

“If we have enough money, I would do a fun animation ad to draw customers' attention to I.M.P.” Musa said.

“Wonderful idea Musa!” Blitzø hugs Musa tightly and begins rubbing against her with his cheek making Musa throw her head back with her eye squeeze shut in annoyance and her teeth gritted together while she growls, clearly not liking his affection, resulting in Musa shoving Blitzø off of her. “6 feet apart or 6 feet deep Blitzø.” Musa said.

“Ooh! What about a billboard?” Blitzø held his hands up, doing jazz-hands and literal stars appeared in his eyes.

“With what money?” Musa asks.

Moxxie rolls eyes. "We can't afford a billboard, sir."

“Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now.” Blitzø shoved Moxxie away, and a crash was heard. “Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?”

Musa passed Blitzø the remote and he turned on the tv, which shows the I.M.P. crew brutally murdering people from the overworld as they are paid to do. Blitzø whacks a man in the face with a mallet, Moxxie is blown away firing a shotgun through the mouth of a man tied to a chair, Loona swings a man back and forth in her mouth, and Millie decapitates someone with a harpoon and laughs.

Then, it zooms out to everyone watching the TV. All the employees were watching while eating popcorn. Millie and Moxxie were sitting next to each other, Loona was on the other side, and Blitzø was handing out the popcorn that Musa made. "Ah, those were the good times..." Blitzø sat down with Musa as he put his arm around her. All the kwamis dived into the bowl of popcorn and popped their heads out from the bowl while each was holding a popcorn and eating it. Musa ate some popcorn too.

"I don't need any reminding, sir, considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel nobody watches..." Moxxie stated in frustration as Millie happily ate some popcorn.

Blitzø got up. "Uh, hey, excuse me! What's 'obnoxious' about a super-fun jingle, all right? It's a fun distraction when an advertisem*nt's spittin' bullsh*t!" All the employees had sat down on the table while he talked.

"People love musicals, sir!" Millie told her boss.

“I thought musicals were last century.” Plagg said as he ate his camembert cheese.

Blitzø ignored Plagg's comment. "Exactly, Millie! And we're basically doing a musical! Are you gonna crush my musical theater dreams like my dad did?" Blitzø said as he raised his fist and looked down. "Sir-" Moxie was cut off by Blitzø’s continuation.

"'Cause right now, all I see is just my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside."

Millie leaned in. "Are you trying to crush his dreams Moxxie?" "I‐- What?" "I thought I knew you..." Millie flirted towards her husband.

Musa looked away because Millie flirting reminded her of Cat Noir and Adrien flirting when flirting with Ladybug and Marinette and it brings Musa back more painful memories on how she lost her two best friends.

"I can't believe you Moxxie!” Blitzø said. He tearfully holds up an employee of the month plaque with a beautiful picture of Musa on it and drops it to reveal an ugly picture of Moxxie on it in its place. The photo of Moxxie was taken when Plagg decided to play a prank on Moxxie and poured hot coffee on Moxxie’s crotch area. When Moxxie screamed in pain, that was when Loona took the photo.

“After I replaced Musa and made you employee of the month instead!” Blitzø cried.

"Okay, sir! I'm sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theatre. Nobody actually likes the jingles!", Moxxie tells him.

"Well what do you expect? When you assigned me to create the commercial you gave me a low budget salary to work with. And because you gave me a low budget, I couldn't make the commercial be more presentable, more attractive as you wanted Moxxie. I wanted to add good music to the commercial but couldn't because you gave me not that money to work with. You give me a low budget money to work with, you get a low budget commercial. Deal with it." Musa said and all the kwamis nodded their heads in agreement with Musa.

"I liked it", Millie claims.

Moxxie started to grow tense. "Do not-- Do not agree with him in front of me." Moxxie pointed at Millie.

The scene then cuts to the I.M.P commercial.

“Hi, there! I'm Blitzø! The "o" is silent, and I'm the founder of I.M.P.!” Blitzø said.He gestures to the logo as it appears on screen, then disappears.

Two pictures of Blitzø in different scenarios show while he speaks. The first shows him wearing two top hats through his horns, a monocle, and twiddling a fake mustache, while standing outside of a burning building with a sign that reads "Orphanage for Elderly Blind Newborn Dogs" appears. The second shows Blitzø wearing an angel costume at a coffeehouse happily throwing an empty coffee cup in a trash can, instead of the recycling bin right next to it. "Are you a piece of sh*t that got yourself sent to hell, or are you an innocent soul who got f*ckED over by someone else?!"

The commercial cuts to a demon guy wearing an Ohio sports jersey, giving a testimonial, while Plagg, Sass, Longg, and Wayzz holds up a cardboard sign in frame but because Plagg, Sass, Longg and Wayzz are magical creatures, they can't be seen or heard on screen or in photographs. So they didn’t show up in the commercial when holding up the cardboard sign. Making it look like the cardboard sign was floating in the air in the commercial. The cardboard sign reads: “Some guy who hired us!!!”

"After lovingly killing my wife for f*ckING A DELIVER MAN! You could imagine my surprise when I wound up here, after the state of Ohio killed me! I really wish I could stick to that YAPPY JOGGER who saw me hiding the body!"

Blitzø is speaking to the camera and holding a grimoire, while Moxxie and Millie are arranging lit candles on the floor in a pentagram. While he speaks, his eyes narrow as he does a magical gesture with his hand and a flaming portal appears on the floor. Moxxie and Millie run off in surprise. He tosses the grimoire aways as he walks up to the portal.

"Well, luckily for you, thanks to our company's special access to the living world", his eyes narrow as he does a magical gesture with his left hand and a flaming portal appears on the floor. Moxxie and Millie are blown out of shot as he walks up to the portal. "we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!" He falls backwards into the portal, like a mosh pit.

The scene transitions to a person with their arms crossed and a thought bubble appears depicting another person being crossed out as the commercial jingle plays in the background.

♫ When you want somebody gone, ♫

A dead body falls near the person as they notice and look up.

♫ And you don't want to wait too long ♫

Moxxie, Blitzo, and Millie are shown in a circle logo. Blitzø holds his arms out as Moxxie holds up his rifle and Millie holds up her spear. A letter "I" appears to the left of them, while a letter "P" appears on the right of them. The trio together form a letter "M", thus spelling the initials I.M.P.

♫ Call the Immediate Murder Professionals!♫

Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie are inside of their building and Moxxie throws a grenade out the window. The trio cover where their ears would be as an explosion goes off. A severed arm goes flying.

♫ Hand grenade or cyanide, ♫

Blitzø is shown hanging someone with a rope as Millie finishes writing a suicide note.

♫ We'll make it look like suicide ♫

Blitzø is shown electrocuting someone, Millie is shown hitting someone on the head with a mace, and Moxxie is shown strangling someone.

♫ The Immediate Murder Professionals! ♫

The I.M.P. logo spins around quickly as the scene transitions to Blitzø creating a portal to the living world in a wall, then jumping through it. He is followed by Millie and then Moxxie, who trips over the grimoire and falls into the portal.

♫ We do our job so well, ♫

The trio come up through the other end of the portal and adjust themselves.

♫ Because, we come straight out from Hell! ♫

The I.M.P. trio suddenly look shocked as it appears they have accidentally teleported to a church in the middle of a service. A female preacher and the congregation look back at the demons in confusion and/or fear. One bearded man, however, has his head laid back as he sleeps with earbuds in.

Millie is shown struggling to remove a knife from a naked couple who are in 69 position, while Moxxie tries to look away, and Blitzø examines a pair of panties.

♫ We'll kill your husband or your wife ♫

Blitzø stabs someone tied to a chair repeatedly in the head while sporting a goofy expression.

♫ We'll even let you keep the knife ♫

A quick sequence then shows the trio assassinating their targets in numerous horrific ways, such as with a medieval torture chamber, riding a shark, burning someone alive, suffocating someone with a pillow, playing on a grand piano after it crushed someone, and using an electric chair. In the final scene, the trio are hiding in a bush in a park and Moxxie is about to shoot a blonde woman looking at her phone from behind.

♫ We're the Immediaaaaate... Murderrrrrr... Profession-- ♫

Moxxie accidentally shoots a boy passing by, eating an ice cream cone.

“AUUUGH!” Eddie crie out in pain

The boy collapses as Moxxie looks on in shock. Blitzø and Millie turn their eyes to Moxxie in surprise.

Cuts to a hospital operating room. The boy is wheeled in on a hospital bed by a doctor, a pink-haired nurse, and a blue-haired nurse.

So they took him to a hospital. One of the nurses brought him to the emergency room. "Doctor, he's not responding!" The female pink hair nurse said with an oddly deep voice.

"More water stat!" Another nurse with blue hair exclaimed.

The female nurse threw a bucket of water, but all the nurse did was hurt the kid even more. "That didn't do anything!"

The blue nurse panicked. Until the doctor brought out 6 paddles to give the kid an electric shock.

" Damn it! I'm not losing another one!" He said as he gave the other nurses a pair of paddles as well. "Clear!" The doctor shouted as the three gave him an electric shock, which resulted in the kid reviving. "Holy sh*t, it actually worked." The doctor said, astonished.

Outside of the Infirmary

Blitzø, Millie, and Moxxie are waiting outside the boy's hospital room. Blitzø is reading a magazine, while Millie comforts Moxxie, who looks devastated. The doctor comes out of the room with a clipboard

"He appears to be in stable condition, but he'll need surgery. What insurance provider do you freaks have?" All three of the demons looked confused. "The f*ck is insurance?!" Blitzo asked in confusion.

A shot of the outside of the hospital is shown, as a window breaks and the boy's hospital bed flies out. The boy is unconscious in the bed, while Millie, Moxxie, and Blitzø are holding on for dear life as they plummet screaming to the ground. The bed is stopped by a rope that has become tangled around Blitzø's foot. Blitzø slams his face into the bed, the rope snaps, and they all continue to fall.

Kids die for free~

The scene cuts back to the boardroom. Millie and Moxxie are sitting across from Loona and Musa, who has her feet up and is watching a video on her phone of Moxxie getting hurt.

“Is that what happened when I came back into the office with boxes of macaroons for the company, and I saw you three with a kid strapped to life support? All because you shot a kid Moxxie? Well now that explains why there is a human kid here and what happened to him.” Musa said.

“Little sh*t got caught in the crossfire and I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target. It's very simple.” Moxxie expressed condescendingly.

Loona rolled her eyes. "Oh, sit on a dick, Moxxie."

"You sit! Sit on...a-- and the d-- Do your job!" He said, trying to form a comeback.

“That was a pretty lousy insult.” Musa said.

Blitzø stood up. "Hey, now we don't blame our screwups on Loona! She didn't do anything wrong!"

Musa looks at Moxxie slightly looking upset and places her hand on Loona's shoulder, which she doesn't feel bothered by. "You know, blaming Loona for that is stupid since sometimes you guys don't even know how to do your jobs right and screw up worse than her. And by the way, you know you can't make a comeback to what she said." Musa said.

"Exactly Musa, we don't blame our screw ups on Loona. She didn't do anything wrong!" Blitzø hugs and nuzzles Loona, who appears to not like his affection.

"Are you kidding me, sir? She's awful", Moxxie complains.

Flashbacks to Loona’s moments

The scene cuts to a flashback of Loona at her desk, reading a magazine called "Hellhound Monthly."Her desk phone rings with the sound of a cute puppy barking as the ringtone. Loona answers.

"Hello, I.M.P." She says in a monotone voice. Millie was on the other line, frantically telling her something. "Loona, I got stabbed! Call Mox-" Loona hangs, obviously disinterested in helping her. Duusu, who heard Mille’s phone call to Loona, went to get Moxxie.

Another flashback appears, with Blitzø about to give Loona a gift.

"Happy Adoption Anniversary, Loonie! I got you a little somethin'."

"Is it a cure for syphilis?", Loona asks.


Loona snatches the present and throws it on the floor. "Then I don't want it!". A swarm of spiders suddenly emerge from the present box and cover Loona up to her neck. "Ugh!"

Blitzø is suddenly hiding outside of the office window. "I'm sorry, you love spiders."

"God dammit."

Loona is then shown at her desk, watching an online video of Charlie Magne performing "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow" along with all of the kwamis which Loona didn’t mind of them sitting on her.

Moxxie approaches her with a flyer for 'Chub B Gone'. "Um, excuse me, did you just fax me an ad for weight loss?"

“No” Loona answered, not taking her eyes off the online video on her computer screen. “Plagg wanted to use the fax machine.”

"Wha-- Why-why would he send me this?" Moxxie, a little unhinged, spoke.

"Come on, you know why." Loona told Moxxie as she looked up from her computer.

Later, it cuts to Loona looking through the break room fridge.

"Whoever left the avocado salad and this cake in the fridge. I'm taking them because I have the worst hangover right now!" Loona turns around to face Millie with a red box in hand as she shuts the fridge door with her foot. While the kwamis sat on the counter beside the fridge eating from the boxes of donuts. Loona rips off the lid and drinks the salad, which for some reason, is in liquid form. And quickly ate the cake in one bite.

"Why would you drink on a work night?" Millie asked her.

Loona swallows the cake. "I'm hungover from this morning, dumbass!"

Moxxie then came in with Musa and noticed Loona with his lunch box and the cake box Musa put the cake in. "Isn't that my lunch?"

"Hey! That cake was for a customer who ordered it!" Musa said.

Loona drops the boxes on the floor. "You know what! I can't handle this assault right now, I need to blow off some f*ckING steam!" Loona shouted as she kicked Moxxie's lunch box and the cake box right in the face, luckily Musa dodged the boxes so it didn’t hit her in the face like Moxxie.

Loona runs out of the break room and out into the street to a demon lady passing by, pushing her baby in a stroller. She kicks the stroller high into the air and storms off, while the demon lady stands there in disbelief.

Loona is then at her desk, telling Blitzø about a caller. "Blitzø, that clingy rich asshole is on the phone. Says it's urgent and wants to talk to you. Sounds a little DTF-y".

Cut to Blitzo, Musa, the kwamis and Moxxie standing by a water cooler.

Blitzø throws his cup of water on the floor. "Oh, God, it was one time! And if I hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, none of us would have access to the living world".

“What?” Musa said after a moment of silence with her mouth agape along with Moxxie and the kwamis.

“What does Blitzø mean? Did he have a sleepover with someone?” Stompp asked.

“And what does DTF mean?” Orikko asked and all the kwamis questioned it along with what Blitzø meant by “slept with that privileged asshole.”

"It's more complicated than that." Blitzø. "This is why I need the power of the Horse Miraculous so I wouldn't keep sleeping with the clingry rich asshole but with Musa instead. But Musa won't let me use it because she thinks I'm gonna use it irresponsibly, which I won't." Blitzø thought to himself.

Flashback to Stolas’s house

Stolas is sleeping naked in bed, hooting like an owl and there are feathers everywhere. Blitzø, who is partially nude, walks away quietly with the grimoire in hand.

"Got the book, got the book! Got this f*cking heavy book!", he whispers to himself.

Blitzø heads to Stolas' balcony and lays the grimoire on the ledge. He tries to step up on the ledge too. "Oh... oh sh*t!" he lands on a cake that Stolas' wife and her friends are having, splattering pieces of it all over them.

"Sorry I f*cked your husband.” Blitzø confesses.

Flashback over

Cuts back to the office.

"Blitzø!!" Loona yells.

"I HEARD YOU ALREA--!" Blitzø yelled back but it cut off.

Blitzø is in his office, talking with Stolas, and playing with a bobblehead of Moxxie. "So, what can I do you for this time, Stolas?"

Musa is with him since she is his personal assistant. She sat next to Blitzø doing her nails, filing them and putting on nail polish.

Stolas is talking on his phone from a fancy mansion. "There's a political candidate causing trouble on earth for a few of my associates. He's trying to convince people global warming exists!"

"Doesn't it?"

"Well, yes, but more people die if nothing is done about it. And it gets lonely here.”

"Okay, well, yeah, that makes sense."

"You know what happens when I'm lonely, Blitzy?"

Blitzø pulls his phone away and talks to himself. "Oh, God f*cking damnit."

Barkk came in and held his mug in hand. “Hey Blitzø. Here is the coffee you want.”

“Thanks Barkk.” Blitzø smilied.

Sass came with papers in hand. “Hey Blitzø, I have the report for the company’s fund. I want to talk about the ones you spend, did you really buy a horse and model it after Kaalki? Is that where all the money went too?” Soon all the kwamis entered Blitzø’s office and listened to his conversation with Stolas which was on speaker.

"When I'm lonely, I become hungry...and when I become hungry, I want to choke on that red **** of yours! **** your ***** and lick all of your ***** before taking out your ***** and **** with more teeth until you're screaming ******** like a f*cking baby!"

Blitzø just stayed silent, and clearly disturbed from what he heard.

Musa looked shocked when listening to what Stolas said. She knocked her nail polish down from disgust. Meanwhile the kwamis all looked in horror at what they had just heard. They finally understood what Blitzø meant by “slept with Stolas” which they learned from Angel Dust. All the kwamis flew out of the room in disgust, horror, and being disturbed.

Blitzø just hangs up the phone with no words. He breaks his cellphone in half, smashes it with his desk phone, pulls out a blender, puts the pieces in it, and blends them. Looking at Plagg who was flying beside him, Blitzø holds up his blender full of red phone substance.

“Eat this!”

Upon hearing the word “eat,” Plagg gleefully tipped his head back and opened wide, allowing Blitzø to pour the cellphone mixture into Plagg’s mouth. Blitzø directs his attention to Loona who stood besides his desk.

“And then you know that bridge over the freeway?"


“Make Plagg sh*t off it! ”Blitzø stated, visibly angry.

When Loona left, Musa said as she cleaned up the nail polish she spilled. “You’re disgusting, you know that? Was there a better way to get to earth then by sleeping with this “Prince Stolas” guy?”

“You’re just saying that because you are just flustered and wet and want me to get under the covers with you.” Blitzø squeezed her cheeks. “But perhaps there is another way for me to not sleep with Stolas. If you lend me Kaalki and use her power of teleportation.” And Musa just punched him hard in the face, painfully hard. So hard he flew off his desk he was sitting on.

Flashback ends

Then the flashback ended, and Blitzø was standing by Loona. "Look, the point is Loona's a valued member of our family, and you don't get rid of family." Loona looks up from her phone and smiles, touched by Blitzø's words. "We aren't a family, sir! You are the boss! We are the employees! You treat Loona like she’s some troubled teenager and Musa like your girlfriend!” Moxxie exclaimed.

“At least he has a family Moxxie. You've been married to Millie for how many years? And you still don’t have children. So you don't know what it's like to have children. Meanwhile I just babysit when I was a teenager.” Musa shot back with a glare causing Loona to snicker as Moxxie glares back. “Maybe you shouldn’t get clipped, and have your cherries whacked off. Whack! Whack! That way you and Millie can have babies and realize the struggle to raise and care for them. It's no wonder your parents and in-laws always ask when you and Millie are gonna have babies.” Being in Hell changed Musa not by a lot but a little.

“This is proof that you sir are being a bad influence on Musa! You are starting to change her into a different person! As Loona is like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones!” Moxxie insults, as Loona continues looking at her phone, she slowly gives the middle finger to Moxxie.

"That is offensive! Without homeless people, I wouldn't have half the joy and laughter I do in this life!" Blitzo puts his face up against the window, cracking it, and sees a homeless demon, looking sad and holding up a sign that reads 'Monee helps. Satan bless.' A female demon is on her cell phone and ignores the hobo.

Blitzø smugly waves at him, before lowering the window. "While we're on the subject of 'family', can you both stop finding me and Millie outside of work?" Millie tried to console her husband. "Come on, Sweetie! It's not that big a deal!" He was about to crack. "Excuse me, what?!"

It eventually cuts to a flashback of Moxxie and Millie preparing dinner in their kitchen.

"Honey, can you get me the butter?" Millie turned towards the fridge as she replied sweetly. "Sure, Sweetie!" Millie opens the fridge door and finds Blitzo, he hands her the butter.

"Spoiler alert: the butter's spoiled!"

Millie giggles at her boss. "What's funny, Honey?" It revealed that Blitzø was sitting in their fridge and said "Really impressive word play." Moxxie was shocked at this. "What the?! Why are you in our fridge?!"

Later that evening, Moxxie and Millie are asleep in bed. Moxxie is tossing and turning as the sound of a cat purring can be heard. Moxxie opens his eyes and sees Blitzø standing on him, looking him right in the eyes. "Whatcha dreamin' about?" Blitzø playfully questioned. "I was dreaming about my parents being murdered, but now, I'd like to go back to that.”

It switches again and Moxxie is singing the end of "Oh, Millie", as Millie joins in on some parts.

Of all the imps in hell! It's for her that I fell!♫

♫It's for him that I fell!♫

♫Oh, Millie!

They close their eyes for a tender kiss, but Moxxie notices Blitzø outside the window with a camcorder. "Are you f*cking filming us right now?!"

The flashback ends as we cut back to the board room. "Just. Stop. Doing. That! Why don't you stalk someone else for a change?!"

Musa rolled her eyes. "Trust me, Mox, he's two steps ahead of you. He does the same thing to me too."

Moxxie's jaw would have hit the floor if it were possible. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

Flashback to Musa’s Moments

Musa returned to her hotel room at Hazbin Hotel after finishing her shift at her bakery she owned when she heard stuff being knocked around. Scared that it might be a thief trying to steal the miraculous she kicked the door down. And it wasn’t a thief. But instead was Blitzø . Harassing the kwamis, more specially Kaalki. Musa saw the window was broken and glass shattering everywhere.

"Come on Kaalki I just want to get along well with you. Get to know each other! Have a chance to use your powers of teleportation!” Blitzø said as he chased Kaalki around inside Musa’s hotel room.

“Get away from me! Get you filthy hands off me! I don’t want to be part of your weird fantasies you have with horses!” Kaalki shrieks as was being chased around by Blitzø.

As they ran around Musa’ hotel room, they knocked down objects Musa bought, the hotel room decor and everything all around them.

Musa took off her shoes and threw them at Blitzø to get his attention. Blitzø felt the shoe hit him hard on the head. “OW! What hit me?” He looked down and saw and recognized it was Musa’s shoe. Kaalki also saw the shoe.

They looked up and saw Musa tapping her foot on the ground, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed at them, expressing that she is angry right now at the mess Kaalki and Blitzø created in her hotel room.

“Sorry about the state room Musa, your boss broke in through the window and wants to use me for who knows what. Probably to fulfill those sexual fantasies Angel Dust talks about. Please mind the glass on the floor.” Kaalki said. Musa didn’t say anything.

“Hey Musa, listen this may look bad but I have a reason for being here. See Loony locked me out of the house so I was wondering if….” Blitzø didn’t get to finish as Musa pulled him by his horn and was thrown at the window he used to break into Musa’s room.

“Charlie! Can you get Alastor to help rebuild my window, my boss Blitzø broke it when getting into my room. Can you also get Niffty to clean up the class from my hotel room floor?” Musa calls out for Charlie.

The next scene shows Blitzø holding a video camera. He slowly approaches the bathroom and opens the door. A melodic voice can be heard singing behind the shower curtain. It was Musa unaware of anyone else’s presence in the room.

♫Ahh, ahhh, ahhh♫

♫Ahh, ahhh, ahh, ahh♫

♫ Ahh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh♫

♫Ahh, ahhh,ahh, ahh♫

♫You are the melody and I am the beat♫

♫ Together we're a symphony♫

♫ I hear your voice and I know deep in my heart♫

♫ We are one, we'll never part♫

♫And when I need your help, I don't need to speak♫

♫Cause you read my silent tears♫

♫And when I think of all the things we've been through♫

♫I know I believe in you♫

♫A friend is more precious than gold, than gold, than gold♫

♫This is a challenge, it can be so rough baby♫

♫Yeah, we're gonna fight, fight, fight and never ever give up♫

♫From all this chaos and noise, girl, we gotta step up♫

♫Together we'll fight, fight, fight and hold onto what we got♫

♫When you jump, I'll jump too, if you fall, I'll catch you♫

♫With you all along, one hundred percent♫

♫The game is getting tough, we're gonna have some fun♫

♫And we're gonna shine so bright like a magic rainbow light♫

♫You are the melody and I am the beat♫

♫Together we're a symphony♫

♫I hear your voice and I know deep in my heart♫

♫We are one, we'll never part♫

♫A friend is more precious than gold♫

♫This is a challenge, it can be so rough baby♫

♫Yeah, we're gonna fight, fight, fight and never ever give up♫

♫From all this chaos and noise, girl, we gotta step up♫

♫Together we'll fight, fight, fight and hold onto what we got♫

♫When you jump, I'll jump too, if you fall, I'll catch you♫

♫With you all along, one hundred percent♫

♫The game is getting tough, we're gonna have some fun♫

♫And we're gonna shine so bright like a magic rainbow light♫

♫Ahh, ahhh, ahhh,♫

♫Ahh, ahhh, ahh, ahh♫

♫ Ahh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh♫

♫Ahh, ahhh,ahh, ahh♫

Suddenly, Blitzø pulls back the shower curtain catching Musa off guard and causing her to abruptly stop singing. Fortunately the video camera Blitzø carried focused solely on Musa’s face sparing any unnecessary exposure.

“AHHH! BLITZØ! GET OUT!” Musa shrieked, quickling shielding the camera with her hand before grabbing a full body of body wash and throwing it at Blitzø which hit him on the head causing him to drop to video camera.

"Come on! Just continue with your showering and pretend I'm not here!" Blitzø said as he grins pervertedly and wiggle his eyebrows.

But Musa just grabbed a towel, wrapped herself with it, got out and started to beat Blitzø before throwing him out of the bathroom.

Flashback over

“But I miss seeing your face everytime you leave Musa! Can’t believe you decided to stay at the Hazbin Hotel which is far from Imp City and where I lived.” Blitzø whined.

“That does not give you the excuse to stalk and film me in the shower!” Musa scolded.

“Musa is right sir, what you say and how you act is totally inappropriate!”

Moxxie stands from his chair and Millie lays her hand on Moxxie's shoulder. "Calm down, Mox. You're gonna have another panic attack!"

"I AM CALM!!" Moxxie starts whimpering in anger while looking back at Blitzø as Millie comforts him. "Shh. Shh. There, there."

“Look, I don't judge the boring couple stuff you do outside work hours. So, don't... judge me!” Blitzø motions his hands to imply sexual activity.

"Oh, I do judge you, sir! Quite a lot actually!"

"Mox, he's our boss!", Millie said, now getting upset.

"No no no, it's fine Mills, your husband is just...How do I say this without being offensive...Retarded". Blitzø said.

Moxxie, once again, tried to make a comeback.

"Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life?"

"It actually does", Blitzø leans towards Moxxie, being smug.

Loona looks away from her phone, looking at Moxxie and joining the fight. "The only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage!"

“Does anyone have popcorn? ” Plagg asked, receiving a harsh slap from Gita.

“Oh I know where this is going. In 5, 4, 3, 2.” Musa said to herself, while shaking her head.

Millie slams her hands against the table, looking at Loona with anger, and gestures at her with two middle fingers. "No he's not, you bitch!"

Loona growls at Millie. "Do not talk to my receptionist that way! She's sensitive!" Blitzo said.

Loona snaps her jaws at Millie. "Yes, I am!"

The kid started to talk. "You guys are all f*cking assholes."

Blitzø, Musa , Moxxie, Millie, Loona and all the kwamis look at Eddie, the boy Moxxie accidentally shot earlier during the I.M.P. commercial flashback. Eddie is lying on a table with three wires from a heart monitor attached to his stomach.

“The kid is still alive?” Wayzz asked.

“Would this be considered a miracle or not?” Trixx asks. “Cause I’m confused and getting mixed emotions here.”

"Oh shut up, kid. You're lucky to witness this,” Blitzø tells him.

"Ugh, this company is such a mess!" Moxxie pinches his nose in frustration.

"Alright, let's go back to talking about my outfit", Blitzø says.

"Nobody was talking about that!" Loona clarifies.

"Which is why I'm trying to get that ball rolling. So, how does it look? It's good, right?"

Eddie points at Blitzø and detaches the tubes of the heart monitor from himself. "It's been a literal hell having to pretend to be paralyzed, so you f*cksh*ts wouldn't kill me! But now, I want that. I want death!" He once again points at Blitzø. "You are a selfish, greedy clown. And I'm a kid. We're supposed to like clowns, even the creepy ones!"

"Hey now, that's not very-" Moxxie got cut off by Eddie. "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass, I'd rip out your spine and ask you some sh*t!"

"That's my husband you're talking to!", Millie defends him.

Eddie laughs, "That's your husband?!"

Moxxie and Millie snarl at him.

"I figured you for a slu*t, but I didn't know you needed dick that bad!" Then Eddie points at Loona. “YOU!”

"What? What about me?" Loona asked, looking up at her phone.

Eddie crossed his arms "Nothing. I don't talk to dogs. I'm a cat person." Eddie smirked evilly. Loona gives a wide-eyed glare, whines at Eddie with anger, and goes back to looking at her phone.

“AND YOU!” Eddie finally points at Musa.

“What?” Musa asked in an unenthusiastic, no energy and monotone voice. She was done with Eddie’s sh*t already.

“With the way you dressed and how you style your hair I figured you were a hooker! You look like a prostitute! Shouldn’t you be out in the streets sucking dicks and having sex for a living? And what ugly creatures accompany you?’ Talking rats?! I bet you only have them as your campaigns because you have no friends!” Eddie said.

Musa just stood in shock at what Eddie said and immediately got angry.

“Did that kid call us ugly creatures?!” Pollen asked angrily.

“We are not ugly creatures! We are divine, spirit-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. We give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed superpowered beings who use their powers to protect the world from evil! We are not even close to rats!” Tikki said angirly.

“I’m not an ugly rat! I am a noble steed. I was the faithful companion of the most glorious heroes!” Kaalki argued back.

All Musa did was stare at Eddie when she heard his insult to her. She growled, her eyelids narrowed, eyes glaring, her hands clenched into a fist and grinded her teeth. She then slammed her hands onto the table. When the kwamis saw Musa getting angry, they immediately started to get scared.

“Mount Musa! Is about to blow!” Ziggy shriek.

“Everyone take cover!” Roarr said as all the kwamis began to hide in random places, cabinets, plants, drawers, even in Millie, Moxxie and Loona’s hair and in Millie, Moxxie, Loona and Blitzo’s clothes.

“Is everything all right?” Millie asked.

“You don’t want to mess with Musa when she is angry! Especially when trash talking about her friends! Her anger is something you never see before.” Longg said.

“I haven’t seen someone that angry ever since Alice was my holder and she failed to capture the serial killer of New Orleans, Louisiana. Not knowing it was her husband, Alastor all along.” Gita said.

“Excuse me what you just said?” Musa asked through her teeth. “ If this kid thinks he can get away smack talking to me and my friends. Then I’m gonna have to teach this kid some manners.” Musa thought to herself.

“You heard me!” Eddie said confidently with a wide smile on his face.

“Oh! It’s going down now!” Musa said touch her treble clef brooch and tap into the abilities of all former akumatized villains.

After her fight with Gamer 2.0 along with Ladybug and Cat Noir where he challenges them all in a fighting video game that he created that uses former akumatized villains as fighting characters. That got Musa thinking, if people used the miraculous for good, can it be the same for former akumatized villains? Can former akumatized villains be good guys in battles?

So with Max’s help, was able to create a brooch in the shape of a treble clef which would grant her the ability to transform into any former akumatized villains and use their powers for good. For example Musa can transform into Stormy Weather giving her the ability to control weather, transform into Vanisher giving her the ability to turn invisible and disappear, and many more.

So Musa tapped on her treble clef brooch, focusing on a specific former akumatized villain drawing it directly from the field and transforming into the akumatized villain she is thinking of /focusing on. And the villain she chooses is Befana .

Befana has bright red eyes, pale green skin, and long, brushed-back red hair with two white streaks. She wears a black mask with red edges on the sides of the face. Her outfit is a black short-sleeved bodysuit with jagged pink edges to the arm and leg sleeves and a large jagged pink-tipped collar above a regular black collar. She also sports a pink and black bow resembling a wrapped candy on the chest. She wears black fingerless driving gloves that reveal long fingernails painted with red nail polish, spiked black cuffs, black shoes, and two thin black belts around her hips. One belt has a circular red-orange pouch attached to it, and it has a black symbol on it based on its bow. For a weapon, she holds a black gun-like object with a dark gray horn-like barrel, a jagged red stripe around the barrel, a blue rectangle on each side, and a semi-cube end of the handle with colorful objects inside.

Everyone was shocked at Musa transformation, but it wasn’t with the use of the miraculous.

“♫ La Befana comes at night, on her shaky broom in flight. She gives out candy to those who are dandy. And only gives coal to brats with no soul. ♫” Befana singing "La Donna è Mobile.” She then walks up to Eddie.

“You were a very rude little boy. Saying those rude things like that to your elders and using that kind of language to adults! You are very disrespectful and need to learn some manners!” Befana laughed and waved her candy gun. “Do you know what naughty boys get?” Befana spins the cylinder of her gun and fires at Eddie turning him into coal. “Coal!” Befana laughs as she turns Eddie into coal.

The blast was so quick, Eddie barely had any time to scream when being turned into coal. Befana spins her candy gun and blows the barrel of the gun before putting the gun away. Befana then transforms back into Musa.

Meanwhile Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie and Loona stare in shock at what they just witnessed. Musa transforms into some sort of green skinned woman, aims her gun at Eddie and turns him into coal instantly.

“Oh…. my ….!” Blitzø couldn't finish his sentence, he felt completely overwhelmed. He won’t tell anyone but he got hard and got a boner when he saw Musa transform into Befana and turned Eddie into a coal with a special gun.

“Yeah go Musa! You punish that kid for having bad manners and for insulting my Moxxie!” Millie cheered.

“I’m impressed,Musa. I see you have advanced your fighting techniques skills.” Moxxie said.

“I have to admit, that was pretty cool.” Loona said with a smile on her face.

Musa got close to Eddie's cold, lifeless body encased in coal. “Never insult my friends ever again.” Musa said while panting as she looked at Eddie's body encased in coal.

Once Musa calms down, fixes her hair and returns to seat,“So where were we?” Musa asked in a cheery voice and acted like nothing happened. Seeing Musa calm down, all the kwamis got out of their hiding spot and returned back to Musa.

“Okay all in a favor to piss off Musa, say I.” Moxxie said.

Blitzø, Millie, Moxxie and Loona said “I” at the same time.

“That was pretty awesome Musa. The kid deserves it.” Loona said.

“You never cease to amaze me Musa. This is what I love about you Musa. But you do have a point, that kid was a piece of sh*t.” Blitzø said

Millie and Moxxie agreed with Blitzø “Yeah.”

"Yeah, after all. He's kind of a piece of sh*t", Moxxie whispers.

Then Loona received a text message that made her go shocked. "Oh, f*ck! Guys, I just got a text from our client. Guess he was the right target after all." "Who?" Blitzø asked.

"The kid Musa turned into coal." Loona pointed towards Eddie being encased in coal.

“So did we a good job and would this be considered a mission accomplished? I’m confused right now.” Roarr asked.

“Yup, your guardian Musa did a good job and this would be considered a mission accomplished.” Loona responded.

“They wanted us to kill an actual child?” Blitzø asked.

"That's what they're sayin’ and it looks like Musa did the job." Loona responds.

"Well, Christ on a stick, I guess there is a god! Nice work Musa!" Blitzø said.

“My pleasure. sh*t heads and little grunches like him don't deserve to live. Plus the kid said he wanted death.” Musa responded. “But to make sure the kid is “dead dead.”” Musa pulls out hammers and chisels while the kwamis hold up an urn jar giving Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie and Loona an idea of what Musa is saying.

Soon Blitz along with Moxxie, and Millie started to use the hammers and chisels to smash Eddie's body encased in coal into pieces. To speed up the process Muse pulled out an auto-chipper which is essentially a big, noisy, automatic drill. So Musa put on her headphones, turned on the drill and got to work smashing Eddie's body encased in coal into pieces. The kwamis even set Eddie's coal body on fire which turned into ashes. All while Loona records everything on her phone.

Blitzo: [voiceover] You know, folks, with this company, I really wanted to prove that we're capable of doing the same things anyone else can! Like killing people! [The scene switches to the group by the dumpster putting Eddie’s ashes in an urn jar.] So, from us here at the Immediate Murder Professionals group, we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money...is gone and you're never getting it back and you can write us a bad review, [Blitzo hugs Moxxie, Millie, Musa, all the kwamis, and Loona, whose phone flies out of his hands.] but we'll play dumb to it, because it's hell and no one f*cking cares.

“Hate to break the moment but now what? What do we do with the urn jar containing this kid's ashes?” Fluff asks.

“Yeah, do we keep it?” Daizzi asks.

"You know, even though this kid was a target, he's still a child. And it's important that we handle this going forward respectfully." Blitzø says as he wraps his tail around Millie, Moxxie Loona, Musa, and the kwamis. Millie, Loona, Musa, and Moxxie all smiled while the kwamis stared at each other with confused looks on their faces.

It then cuts to a newscast, showing Eddie's mother tearfully holding up a drawing of her son. A male news reporter holds a microphone up to her, looking disinterested. The headline on screen says "Mom sucks at drawing own kid", while the ticker bar reads 'There is a missing boy! Yet another missing kid!' "Please! If anyone has seen my little Eddie, please contact us at--" Eddie's urn jar is suddenly dropped into her arms. "Ohh!" Eddie's mother and the news reporter look up, as the camera follows their gaze. Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Musa are shown looking down on them through a portal. Blitzø waves. "You're welcome!"

"Your son was a douche bag and an ass hole by the way!" Musa exclaimed. Then the quadrio disappears in the portal.

“Now that it's finished, Blitzø, I need to talk to you about something.” Musa pulls some papers. “Mind explaining to me you spent 100 soul-dollars on a tiny house toy and a custom plush of me? Don't tell this that you've been using the company money for your own personal needs instead of using it to upgrade the businesses?” During Musa's time in Hell, she learned the currency in Hell are soul dollars.

Blitzø looked at Musa and chuckled. “Research?” He shrugs.

Musa groaned and said "I'm tired of this sh*t." Musa walked away from Blitz as he said: "Musa baby don't be mad at me. I even got one of you as Music Lady!” He runs after her.

"That doesn't help!" Musa yelled back and the episode ended.


A/N: Blitzø and Musa relationship is gonna be like Riven and Musa from Winx Club, a love-hate relationship.

Miraculous Guardian In Hell (Various Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel Series x Musa) - Chapter 5 - CrazyImaginationGirl (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.