Love Life with a Witch Wife - Chapter 3 - Lewd_Semprini (2024)

Chapter Text

Actions have consequences. This is a simple lesson that you and Marisa happily ignored.

Gensokyo is more than simply a place where youkai roam. It is the heart of magic itself. It is a living, breathing realm where the bizarre can happen at any moment, and thus Gensokyo had to be capable of changing to accommodate any major incidents.

90% of the women within it being suddenly and dramatically bred to the point of immobility? That counted as an incident, and Gensokyo had to do something about it.

This would normally constitute punishing the one responsible, but there was a problem with that. None of the women in Gensokyo that you had pinned down under your heavy bulk and emptied entire lakes worth of creamy, bubbling breed-seed into wanted to see you punished for it. In fact, they thought your impossible virility was worthy of a reward. Each and every co*ck-addled beauty that you had used as a convenient cumdumpster thought you had done such a wonderful job at turning them into broodmares that they wanted to praise you and thank you and worship you for doing it.

Gensokyo sensed their desires. Gensokyo realized that you didn’t need to be punished for what you had done.

You needed to be aided in order to become better at it. You needed your women to be able to handle you. You needed to become the Prime Breeder of Gensokyo.

Actions have consequences. Sometimes those consequences are very fun. 💖

The changes began only shortly after you and Marisa had finished up brood-pounding every single bitch in your lovenest following her initial pregnancy. Your body began to shift and change, reflecting your newly designated status as the Prime Breeder. Your body began to grow taller and sturdier, making you larger and more imposing than any human or youkai in history. Over time your already large frame grew to 4 metres tall…then 6 metres tall…it kept going until you were standing at a full 10 metres tall, a towering spectacle of otherworldly dominance that caused the wide-eyed youkai around you to drop to their knees with awe.

Naturally, your already behemoth-sized co*ck changed to accommodate your new size. Your trusty meat-pillar had already done such a good job in f*ck-pounding every screaming whor* it came across into a lovey-dovey pile of musk and sweat, but now it was going to be even better at it. The unwieldy rod stretched out beyond reason, going from several feet long to multiple puss*-gaping metres that were as thick as your own muscular thigh. Even more virile than ever, it constantly produced a steady stream of drain-clogging pre-cum that was pumping out in heavy spurts every few seconds, thanks in no small part to the oversized balls that you were dragging around behind you, each of them as big as a truck and as heavy as one too.

No co*ck conceived of in history, from those written about in legend to those scrawled on cave walls, could compare to the obscene length you now wielded. The youkai around you grew dizzy just being near you, and their bodies were constantly in heat before you even deigned to slap your co*ck down in front of them. You had developed into something truly incredible at this point. Gensokyo had chosen you to produce the next several generations of its populace, and you were now more capable than ever of doing just that…

…in fact, you were almost TOO good at it now. Your body had grown too huge! The women of Gensokyo would break in half if you tried to enjoy them for too long…unless they changed too.

So they did. 💗

The first to feel the effects of your newly developed “aura” was none other than Marisa herself. She absolutely adored the changes, not at all concerned about the implications of what they meant. She grew from an adorably full-bodied shortstack wifey to a staggering 9 metre tall amazon…with the proportions of a full-bodied shortstack. Yes, she had grown in height for sure, but her body had grown along with her to ensure she was as plump and meaty and obscenely proportioned as ever.

It was unfathomable how thick and luscious Marisa became. She had gained an excess of weight in all the best possible parts. Her milky tit* had ballooned out and rested on her deliciously plump belly chub, and her legs had filled out to the point where the concept of a thigh gap was utterly laughable. Not only that, her already legendary booty grew even thicker and juicier. Her overdeveloped wobble-spheres swelled up to the point where she couldn’t take even the slightest step without setting off a chorus of clapping and jiggling that could rock Gensokyo’s foundations to their core.

Marisa was so huge and wobbly and lewdly shaped, there was no doubt her body had been altered purely for the purposes of handling your own earth-shattering co*ck. Her entire body had to be changed so she could handle the rough, primal f*cking that you put her though…and Marisa absolutely LOVED IT! ❤❤ How could she not? It was as if Gensokyo itself had read her mind and given her the impossible-shaped figure that she had always wanted. It was as if her own body had seen the changes that you’d gone through and adapted to keep up with them, growing and developing into this idol of primal sexuality just to match your own impossible figure. Not only that, but much to her delight Marisa was also still a comparative shortstack when compared to you. She loved being at headpat height when next to you~

It happens rather suddenly. You and Marisa wake up next to each other and realized quickly that something has dramatically changed. You both scramble to your feet in a state of confusion…then just stare gormlessly at one another. You drink in the sexuality of each other’s new forms, and your brains begin to fizzle as just looking at one another’s overdeveloped, p*rn-shaped bodies is enough to overwhelm you. Your arousals peak within seconds, and as your newly grown hyper-co*ck rises up and pushes against the soft, flabby meat of Marisa’s belly…you look into each other’s eyes and grinn.

Several metres of burly, impossible stud-co*ck blast out shots of pre-cum that are as thick and potent as your org*sms used to be before undergoing this sudden growth. The unprecedented size of your balls means you simply never stop cumming, and Marisa ogles your indecent co*ck with abject wonder as her breathing goes ragged. Marisa is drooling, her eyes turning into crazed pinpricks as she scans your body up and down without talking. You do the same, your jaw hanging down as the abundance of feminine meat on display turns your brain to mush. You both simply stand there and take in the spectacle of your new bodies, your lusts growing by the second to the point of bubbling over. Two idols of fertility, two beings solely created to breed and mate in an endless cycle, both of whom were so overwhelming in love that that you are stunned that you can actually find each other more attractive than you already do. It was a miracle of perversion, and when you reach the peaks of your lusts…you both lunge at each other. 💕💕

What you and Marisa do next can’t be described as “sex” or “f*cking” or even “breeding”. It’s pure animalistic worship of one another. Marisa gets her hands all over your co*ck as she jerks and strokes and studies every single inch of it. She slurps on the musky shaft and snorts down your rich, virile scent as if trying to drown herself in it. She leaves kiss-marks all along your length, speed-jerking you off as she begins to press her newly grown body down onto your co*ck to anoint herself in your thick juices. Her tit*, her ass, her belly. You claim every part of Marisa’s new body with your seed, drenching her in steamy ropes of ball-batter. She licks at your body as you roughly grope hers, forcing streams of milk to pump from her sloshing titt*es with your grip.

Marisa moans with delight as you lean down and suck on her thick, puffy nipple. You develop an instant addiction to her milk that has undergone a change of its own. It’s so rich and creamy, and drinking it seems to make your balls swell up even fuller. Marisa’s entire body is now designed to force you into heat, to make you f*ck her even harder. The smell of her sweat combined with the rich aroma of her milk…you see red. You need to f*ck her. You need to be inside of her. Your life isn’t complete without having her angelic puss* wrapped around your girthy womb-bruiser. She can sense your need for her, your overwhelming love for her coming out as you bury your face in her tit* and grope her ass-flesh, enveloping her plump form in your muscular arms. Marisa grins with delight. She’s more than ready. She wants to become yours all over again.

“Do it…do it…I don’t know what the f*ck is going on and I don’t care, f*ck me now and make me yours completely. This new body…it’s so perverted and lewd…like a fresh new form for you to corrupt and claim…fufufu…it’ll be like taking my virginity all over again, won’t it? 💖💗💞 f*ck me, you beast! Seed me pregnant again! Right here and now! We’re not waiting another day, YOU ARE BREED-SLAMMING MY WIFE-WOMB RIGHT NOW AND YOU ARE MAKING ME YOUR f*ck-BROKEN co*ck-COZY! 💕💖💞❤ DO IT! DO IT! NO MERCY! USE MY CERVIX AS A f*ckING ONAHOLE! IT'S WHAT A MEATY, GRAVID TOP-CLASS WIFE LIKE ME DESERVES! I’M YOUR PERFECT PUMMEL-PUMP QUEEN WHO LOVES TO MAKE YOUR co*ck FEEL GOOD AND YOUR BALLS FEEL DRAINED! USE ME LIKE THE PERVERT I LOVE TO BE ONLY FOR YOU! ❤💔💗💞💕”

Marisa is going into a frenzy of her own, her womb throbbing as it pushes against her belly as if trying to get closer to your co*ck. You lose your footing and tumble down to the floor, pinning Marisa under you as you feel the softness of her obscenely plump body push against your rigid muscles. You mash your lips against hers, sucking on her tongue as you rear your hips back and try to shift your body so your co*ck can even fit into her. You’re just too huge and hung at this point, it takes effort to even position yourself so you can ram balls deep into your horny wife! But you will make it work. It’s your duty to make it work!

You hold Marisa’s legs in your arms as you loom over her, giving your wife the chance to gawp at your vein-encrusted bitch-breaker as it pumps out fresh pre-cum all over her flabby belly. She squirts out a stream of cloudy puss* juice just from staring at your thick meat-rod, and a throaty groan of desire escapes her lips before you slam your co*ck down into her gooey, wet depths without mercy. Marisa screams your name as you thrust into her, rewiring her body to accept your new co*ck in an instant. You begin to thrust, entering a feral breeding haze as Marisa desperately tries to wrap her thick thighs around you and keep you locked inside of her forever. Her puss* is so impossibly wet that frothing bubbles stream from the tight gaps of Marisa’s hole as it wraps around your god-co*ck in a loving embrace. Speckles of sweat and cum fly around as you impact down against her body, forcing Marisa’s lewd shape to jiggle and bounce with every brutal slam-f*ck you give her.


Marisa howls out desperately, her body being shaken around as you rut away at her, veins bulging on your strong arms as you hold yourself over her and ram your hips back and forth at a rapid, breakneck pace. You spread your legs and drop your weight, your quick puss*-pummels shifting into a certain-pregnancy mating press that pins your wife down and ensures escape is all but impossible. This is the kind of hold that ensures pregnancy. No womb is safe when you have them in a mating press, especially not one as ridiculously fertile as Marisa’s.

Your balls are filled up with so much backed-up cum-slurry that they’re trembling with the strain. You know you currently hold enough seed in your balls to birth a civilization. Whatever limits your body had before have been obliterated, and you’re ready to offer up every single drop to your beloved wife. You mash your lips against Marisa’s, the two of you passionately kissing as your hip-swings turn into shallow, rapid thrusts. The lewd plapping of your bodies colliding with one another becomes louder by the second, and Marisa’s luscious fat jiggles more erotically with the intensity of your pounding.

Marisa wraps herself around you as best she can in her current state, feeling a desperate need to be as close to you as possible as you race towards your org*sm. Her body craves yours so much that it makes her heart ache, her desire to feel as much of you as possible causing your body to shiver and shake with pure, unmatched love. That shaking is the sign that you’re reaching your climax. Marisa pants breathily into your mouth, begging for your cum and telling you she was born to be the mother of your children. You whisper back at her that you knew she was your soulmate the second you laid eyes on her, and that will never change no matter how much your body does. 💕💕 With one last kiss between you both, your balls stop spasming and instead rise up in a tense explosion of release.

The most womb-drenching creampie to ever be known on the planet begins to erupt endlessly into Marisa, her greedy baby-room guzzling down as much of the studly load as it could. The constraints of Marisa’s body don’t seem to apply whatsoever as her already plump body begins to cumflate from the sheer amount of your seed being blasted into her, your ji*zz-tanks emptying into the fertile goddess before you in an endless flood of pearl-white f*ck-cream. Marisa’s womb was filled up to full with every shot, and it just keeps going! Again and again you unleash your co*ck-cream into Marisa, and whatever doesn’t go into her is splashing out of her puss* and drenching the bedroom in sticky, overwhelming ji*zz. 💖

Marisa’s body keeps growing, endlessly and ceaselessly as you continue to pummel-pound her puss* with your ji*zz-spewing f*ck-pillar. As your gurgling spunk-factories endlessly produce sperm to blast into her, Marisa squeals like a broken whor* and continues to beg for more. No matter how much you fill your wife up, it seems like she’s desperate for more! Fortunately, your co*ck has reached a level of impossibly virility at this point that you can just keep pounding away brainlessly, your co*ck remaining eternally hard as your rampage inside of Marisa’s sperm-flooded puss* again and again. At this point a single shot of your cum is now thicker and more potent than even your aphrodisiac-laced mega-org*sms from before!

The day turns to night as you repeatedly cum and f*ck and cum and f*ck in a mindless haze, both you and Marisa reverting to your most primal senses as you grind together like beasts and continuously unleash egg-seeking wrigglers to knock her up repeatedly. Her ovum is bulging as your aggressive sem*n hits their mark in repeated succession. Ten kids. Forty kids. Eighty kids. Over a hundred? Is it possible? Yes, it is possible. Because you deem it to be possible. If you want Marisa to be carrying so many of your babies that it goes into the triple digits, then it will happen. Hell, you’ll give her several hundred at once if she wants it! Nothing is too good for your baby-brained wife~~💖❤💖

But while you’re planning out all the fun things you’re going to do with your darling Marisa, she’s planning what she’s going to do with you! While at first your sexual battle for dominance puts you ahead, Marisa is able to turn the tables on you before too long and level the score. She pins you down to the floor and rides you like a bucking bronco, fountains of cum blasting out of your co*ck in rapid succession as you watch her meaty body bouncing on top of you. She presses herself against your rugged muscle and grinds against it, clapping and shaking her extra meaty figure like she’s trying to overwhelm your senses with a singular desire to knock her up all over again. You and Marisa battle it out to claim the top spot…but inevitably, that battle fades away into a mutual, messy lovemaking session as you both worship and relish each other, seeking out ways to give one another endless pleasure regardless of who is on top or on bottom. 💞

Several days pass by, the very area around Marisa’s house being changed by the force of your copulation. The house is cumflooded within the first 24 hours, and by the end several acres of cum have poured out into the surrounding area. The forest has been painted white thanks to the explosions of errant sperm that you’ve unleashed, and if Marisa could think straight she would be thankful that she had increased the size of her own home recently. Otherwise the sheer size of her heavily cum-stuffed body would have smashed the walls down. Marisa is a groaning, mewling giantess by the time your load is finally beginning to subside, a behemoth of curves and feminine softness. Her breasts, her ass, her hips, her belly. Everything has grown to ridiculous proportions thanks to your impossible, never-ending load.

Even with the house being larger than it was, your rampage has left the entire room in destroyed shambles. The walls are crumbling, the furniture is in pieces, and by the time your brains are back in working condition you realize you’ve been f*cking like barnyard animals out in the yard for days on end!

As the crimson haze falls from your eyes, you and Marisa look around the ji*zz-stained mess you’ve made in the forest with surprise. You glance down at one another and can’t help but break into giggles, the post-f*ck glow washing over you both as your mountain-smashing giant of a co*ck lies on the floor and twitches with satisfaction. You pull Marisa in for a steamy make-out session, as if you’re thanking your wife for keeping up with you and giving you the incredible pleasure that she has over the past few days. She kisses you back just as much in mutual adoration, giggling into your mouth and blushing like a newlywed as her milky tit* rub against you.

“Haaah…mmph…w-well…when I can actually moooooooove…I-I’ll have to look into what’s going on around here, huh? 💗💗” Marisa giggles, extending her “Moooo” as if to symbolize her current status as a milk-sloshing baby-headed breeder. You chuckle and give Marisa’s butt a quick smack to make her “MOOOO” even louder, while telling her that you’d better get moving before you both end up getting too horny again and suddenly the entire week is gone in a sex-fuelled daze!

It takes some time for Marisa’s body to revert back to a form she can actually move in. She looks 14 months pregnant even by the time she’s able to stand on her own two feet again, but she absolutely relishes the feeling that her body is going through. She’s never felt sexier! She’s so squeezable and f*ckable that she was constantly turning herself on! She had to run some experiments pronto to find out the reason for this sudden change.

You continue to enjoy yourself while Marisa is working on an explanation, visiting your lovenest and leaving it absolutely soaked to the ceiling with endless blasts of goopy breed-slurry. The broodmare pump-slu*ts that saunter enticingly into the lovenest come crawling out as overbred baby-rooms, their bodies all going through similar changes to become more ripe and fertile than ever. It doesn’t take long for Marisa to realize that the reason for these changes to the women nearby…is you! 💕💕

It's clear to Marisa that anyone coming near you is put under some strange effects that result in their body becoming more suited for endless baby-making. You have to admit you’re not sure what Marisa is talking about, but she’s more than excited to explain. Putting on a pair of smart-looking glasses, Marisa takes the time to explain what this “aura” surrounding you is.

“Baaaaasically, something super weird has happened to you, hun.” Marisa taps a ruler in her hand, acting something like a sexy teacher to her unruly, breeding-happy student. She’s even put on a cute pair of glasses to really fit in with her teacher vibe. You sit down and listen to your wife with a wide smile on your face. You always find it adorable when Marisa takes the time to info-dump something she’s researched onto you, though her current topic of interest is notably more alluring than usual. “You’ve grown in size, in bulk, and of course in co*ck-size~ At this point you can’t be left on your own for too long before you start pumping out enough pre-cum to flood whatever room you’re in! It’s like you’ve become singularly designed to breed, breed, breed and breed some more! What’s even crazier though is that the effects aren’t limited to just you! If I may use my own sizzling-hot body as a prime example…💖”

Marisa lifts up her milky tit* and thrusts her ass towards you, letting you ogle the effects of her new appearance. You lick your lips and reach out to roughly grope your fat-assed teacher, and she squeals with excitement before jumping away and waggling her finger at you. What a naughty student you are!

“Hee hee…as you can see, just being near you is making girls turn into seriously meaty breeding-bimbos! ❤❤ With tit* and hips like these, we’re practically designed for popping out babies. Not just one or two, but dozens upon dozens of them! Our bellies are now ready to carry your offspring into the triple digits…I mean, I’m the perfect example of that right here! I’ve looked into my current state, and I’m set up to be carrying roughly…hmm…739 babies when I hit my latest stages! Wow, who would have guessed I’d be using magic to look into this kind of thing, huh?”

Your eyes nearly bug out of your head at that. 739??? That’s impossible! Isn’t it? You think it should be, but for some reason when you hear Marisa say that she’s pregnant with 739 of your kids at once, it doesn’t sound ridiculous. It sounds…right. It sounds correct. It sounds like the way things are meant to be.

“I bet that number is gonna go up considering you seem to have the unique ability to knock girls up even after you’ve seeded their wombs. It’s like your sperm tracks down any remaining eggs and just goes to town on them, even if a girl is already 6 months pregnant! f*ck, I bet some of the girls like me and Tewi could go into quadruple digits! That would be insaaaaaane! Further research is totally needed there, I wanna see that rabbit-slu*t get bred to the point of BREAKING! 💗💕” Marisa giggles wickedly, shivering with pleasure as she rubs her abdomen and imagines just how huge and gravid she’s going to become. She can hardly even picture it in her own mind right now.

“Thing is though, this aura you’re pumping out isn’t just affecting the girls near you. It’s reaching out and affecting the whole of Gensokyo!” Marisa reveals in an excited voice, “I’ve checked out the perimeters of the region and I’m seeing girls you haven’t even f*cked yet growing plumper and meatier, as if they’re getting ready for the inevitable moment you decide to come and make them yours. Hee hee, you can bet they’re all a little confused…but honestly, everyone kinda seems to be enjoying their sweet broodmama bodies. 💖”

You can’t help but ask if the few men around Gensokyo are aware of the changes too. Marisa’s eyes narrow and she suddenly looks intensely perverted. “Oh I’m getting to that…” She sings out softly, booping you on the nose with her finger as if to tell you to be patient and listen. She turns to her whiteboard and begins drawing some stick figures to show the differences in sizes between regular women and those affected by your newly discovered aura.

“By the end of the month, I’d reckon every woman in Gensokyo will be completely changed by you. The average height seems to be set at about 7 to 8 meters, judging from how your broodmares have been affected in the lovenest…so they’ll be shorter than me! Hee hee, that’s gonna be fun…gonna rub that in all the faces of those girls who called me a shortass…but the REAL changes will be happening in here!” Marisa circles the lower body of one of her stick figures and even gives it a little ahegao face to give you a proper idea of what was to come.

“Their fertility will skyrocket, their bodies will grow more ready for birthing, and they’ll go into a frenzied, f*ck-hungry heat every day until their need to breed has been sated! Not only will their wombs grow to accept more of your seed, but they’ll also start to grow resistant to inferior men! The cum of other guys will just…not work on them anymore. 💕💞 So if any of these poor girls decide to find themselves a man and f*ck him into the dirt trying to satiate their heat, they’ll be woefully disappointed. Those men could try all they want, their weak and watery spunk won’t be able to so much as scratch one of your bitch’s eggs, let alone pierce one!”

Marisa adjusts her glasses with a big smirk on her face. “Until the girls being affected manage to track you down and make you breed them stupid, they’ll be constantly frustrated to the point of going crazy! You’re gonna be the only man in Gensokyo capable of calming these girls down when they go into their breeding frenzy. ❤💖” Marisa explained, pointing her ruler right at your face as if chiding you for turning all these girls into snarling, cum-crazed savages. It’s not your fault! Well, not completely your fault at least!

Marisa was more excited by the curious effects than anything else, scribbling down pages of notes in a frenzy. “This is absolutely amazing stuff! Their wombs are going to become so resistant that only your ultra-virile seed will be able to affect them! I’ve taken some samples of your cum, the stuff is so insanely potent that I don’t think I even have the equipment capable of recording it. I’m talking about your cum being a centillion times more potent than a regular man at this point, and it’s still increasing in raw virility by the day!”

You tell Marisa that sounds absolutely absurd.

“I know it does! That’s the best part! 💗” She replies in a giddy voice, “The changes you’re going through are absolutely insane! This is going beyond just being affected by the magic around here, you’re changing into something new! Something wonderful!” Marisa leans in close to you, her face red with excitement and lust as she sniffs in the scent of your pheromones. She lets out a throaty moan and staggers backwards, steadying herself a little. You wonder if she’s under the effects of that intense heat that she mentioned before, but she continues to speak regardless of her current desire to jump on the desk, spread her legs and order you to smash her horny puss* into the floor.

“Soooo…that’s what’s gonna happen to the girls who aren’t even near you…so the girls who ARE near you? Oh, they’re f*cked~” Marisa giggled mischievously, “Us naughty, cum-hungry bimbos who can’t help but cling onto you all day long…we’re gonna be going into crazed, near-feral heats alllll the time…mmph…our fat titt*es will be constantly lactating, our wombs will be ordering us to seek out your sperm, we’ll be so sensitive that even the touch of our own clothes will make us squirt like bitches. The poor girls will be too f*cking horny and lost in their heat to do anything but obsess over breeding and mating and making babies! Haahn…they’ll become broodmares in the truest sense of the word, haplessly begging to be dicked down by you at every moment of the day, their brains turned to mush and their bodies aching with an overwhelming primal desire to get pregnant”

Marisa points to herself with a smug look on her blushing face. “Of course, if they had the iron will of yours truly they’d be able to resist the auras mental effects…mmph…t-though I gotta admit, the idea of just giving in to it and turning into a naughty, f*ck-drunk sem*n-junkie sounds kinda fun…”

Marisa’s “iron will” was being tested as she grins up at you with a sexy, perverted look on her face. It was certainly true that she was unaffected by even the most powerful forms of hypnosis magic, but the aura you’re exuding seems to be something entirely different from that and your stunning blonde wife is looking quite affected by it! She keeps going with her explanation though, filing the idea of intentionally letting the aura affect her away for later.

“The effects of any girl who hadn’t…mph…r-reached the full level of growth would be astounding…they’d instantly experience their full growth period upon coming into contact with you! Hee hee hee…mmgn…must feel reaaaaaaal good to be you right now, huh? Watching every girl around growing even thicker and hornier just to please you? 💕Watching a total 11 out of 10 hottie like me get even sexier right in front of ya? I was already soooo plump and breedable, but now it’s like I’ve seriously been designed from the ground up to handle your co*ck! Sweet, isn’t it~~? ❤💖❤” Marisa was now openly rubbing her puss*, leaving her fingers slick with her love-juices as she straddles the desk before her and spread her meaty thighs wide for you. You stare at her puffy, syrupy puss* as it twitches with desire at you, but Marisa keeps speaking as she finishes her explanation nonetheless.

“The pregnancy times are gonna be real weird for each girl…it’s not gonna be the same nine months for everyone. Some girls are gonna take less time, some are gonna take way more. Mmm-hmm-hmm…I’d wager some poor girls are gonna be carrying around your babies for nearly twice as long as a regular pregnancy period! That’s just what happens when a guy comes along and pumps over 100 kids into you at once. You bad, bad boy…💕💕”

Marisa shifts forward, sitting herself down on your lap as best she can with her voluptuous body. Her naked tit* pop out from her shirt and press against your chest, squirting streams of milk out as her body prepares itself for breeding once more. “Here’s the craziest part that you’re not gonna believe…this aura of yours? It doesn’t just affect girls. Even the guys are starting to get affected. It’s like Gensokyo itself has just realized that other men aren’t even needed anymore, so it’s turning them all feminine~ I’ve never seen anything like it, but as soon as any of those guys gets close to ya, they turn into ji*zz-hungry bimbos as well. A bunch of extra-thick BBW’s who have realized that their co*cks aren’t necessary anymore so they’re gonna grow plump titt*es and fresh wombs instead, just so you have a few more girls to f*ck up with your nasty, stinking co*ck~”

You gulp, your co*ck grinding up against Marisa as you hold onto her wide hips and stare into her eyes with a horny desire. She leans in close so she’s whispering into your ear and giggles coquettishly.

“Basically…every single woman in Gensokyo is going to be adapted to suit your needs. ❤❤❤ We’re growing larger, chubbier, several times more fertile, and so f*cking horny that we’ll happily spread our legs and beg you to breed us as soon as we’re in a close enough radius to your co*ck. Not only that, but we’re going to seek you out too. Your co*ck is a beacon that every woman in Gensokyo will be tracking, getting more frustrated and pent-up as they realize the loser men in their life can’t even begin to satisfy them anymore. A mass of enraged, horny BBW’s are gonna come and find you, demanding you forcef*ck their gushing puss*es until they’re carrying enough babies to populate a city!”

“You’ve become more than just the most superior male in Gensokyo, you’re becoming the ONLY male in Gensokyo. The only co*ck we’ll ever need…our Prime Breeder…now doesn’t that sound fun? 💖” Marisa asks in a teasing, husky voice.

You let out a low growl as you lift up Marisa and drop her down onto your co*ck in response. She squeals as an explosive blast of girl-cum sprays onto the floor, and within seconds she’s riding up and down on your dick while the chair creaks below you. By the time you’re blasting your load deep into Marisa’s womb, the chair you’re sat on is in pieces and the entire room you’re in is being smashed into bits. No one building is safe from you anymore, your hip-swinging f*ck-sessions are a threat to structure in Gensokyo! As much as Marisa squeals out loud that you’re going to be the sole male allowed in Gensokyo from now on, it seems like you’ve as much chance of destroying the place rather than repopulating it!

Marisa informs Sakuya that she thinks it’s time to drop the distortion field around the lovenest. For one thing, she’s very curious to see the effects of your aura influencing the various residents of the lovenest in real time. For another thing, the scale of the situation has grown to such lengths that she reckons it would be impossible to keep Reimu from finding out about it by now. Marisa knows she’ll need to talk to her directly, maybe when she has some more concrete evidence to show how it’s affecting the Gensokyo residents…

…though Marisa would likely have to start by explaining why her husband is treating every woman he comes across like his personal co*ck-draining bimbo. You’ve gone beyond simply locking in magic collars around your favourite girls, you’ve started decking them out in lewd cowprint bikinis, including leather gloves and thigh-high stockings to mark them as your personal breeding-sows. Marisa can’t help but find the cowbells you’ve added onto their collars very fitting, and she almost feels a pang of jealousy when she sees her husband lovingly applying them to the starry-eyed breeding-stock of your harem. But when she glances down to see the ring you yourself placed around her finger that no one else in the whole world has, she quickly remembers who your one true wifey is and starts giggling to herself like a newlywed.

You’re hardly discriminating at this stage. Every woman in Gensokyo, no matter their status or stature or incredible power, is free to become your f*ck-broken mating-tool. The weight of your broodmare’s grows exponentially over time, and Marisa gets more evidence for her theories about the “aura” you’re exuding as their meaty bodies grow so big and tall and heavy that regular humans simply couldn’t handle them anymore. Despite your conquests growing as tall as giants and packing the kind of luscious, soft, overly fertile meat that would crush a regular man, you’re still able to lift them up into your huge arms with ease and carry them around. After all, it simply wouldn’t do to have them grow to that extent and not be able to f*ck them senseless hundreds of times a day. 💞💞

You’re becoming more like a God of Fertility at this point, a specimen designed to f*ck and mate without limits or restraint. Your body has adapted to become the ideal tool for relentless, ceaseless babymaking and now you were actively changing the bodies of the women around you to suit that function even better. The ease with which you handle the giggling, mooing harem-whor*s you’ve collected leaves Marisa in awe, and her own belly can’t help but swell up merely being in the presence of such overabundant male potency. She bites on her lip and whines softly when she sees you waving at her while you plow Nue into the ground and breed her full of at least 100 kids in a single messy cumblast. The scent and heat of your cum has likely forced Marisa’s body to prepare for another breeding just by standing there and watching you work your magic. ❤💖

The fact that there are still some men seeking out the lovenest in the hopes of finding a potential wife is so darkly hilarious that Marisa can’t help but find it amusing. No matter how strong or powerful or masculine the man is as he strolls up to the lovenest, a single glance at you holding two or three voluptuous baby-maker’s in your arms while your co*ck is being worshipped by at least 30 lashing tongues at once leaves each of them shrivelled up and begging for mercy. Your towering co*ck is long enough to stretch across the plains, and your balls are so huge and heavy that they constantly drag along the ground, leaving indents in their wake.

But Marisa starts to note that the shame on the men’s faces as they see your perfectly designed form only lasts for a moment before being replaced by coquettish giggling. Before long their masculine bodies shift into feminine, curvaceous figures. Soon they’ve joined the harem, becoming newly developed giantesses that have recognized your impossible potency. Each and every one of them succumb to your aura, and Marisa notes that it is happening faster with each man that haplessly strolls into the lovenest. The superiority you hold over other men has Marisa giggling like a lovestruck schoolgirl every time she sees some snorting challenger turn into a doe-eyed, breed-brained ji*zz-dumpster right before her eyes. 💗

Those balls though…Marisa has dedicated page upon page to studying them and she’s still hopelessly enamoured with them. They’re growing fuller and huger by the day, the increase in your virility on show as your bloated seed-tanks swell up to truly obscene proportions on a constant basis no matter how many oceans worth of hot cum you blast into and over your mewling f*ck-pets. Each blast of your load either turns a woman into a sloshed-out storage of sem*n, or it can totally whitewash whatever part of Gensokyo you’ve deemed to breed in that day!

Already your wife’s claims of you being centillions of times more virile than a regular man seem to be underselling your abilities. Day by day your potency is skyrocketing, your sperm more capable of severe multi-pregnancies that go well into the triple digits. Marisa’s attempts to calculate the sheer scale of your c*mshots at this point are proving near impossible as it seems like your ability to produce cum grows exponentially every day, and she makes sure to tell you this in person one morning when she barges in on you just outside the lovenest.

“Hun, we may have a problem brewing. I mean, we have about 20 different problems brewing but this is a new one!” Marisa explains as she looked over her notes, “Your balls! They just aren’t stopping growing! Day after day after day I keep thinking you’ve hit your peak and you just shoot past it! ❤💕At this point I’m worrying that you’ll be totally uncontrollable when I reach the point where I’m too pregnant to help satisfy you. Every woman in Gensokyo at once might not be enough to handle your physics-breaking f*ck-cannon soon! I need to speak to Sakuya about sorting out some kind of multi-dimensional solution to this, maybe see if we can find girls from entirely separate timelines to help us deal with…oh, hey Sanae~”

Marisa peeks down and flashes a winning smile at a ji*zz-addled sem*n-junkie who isn’t in the right state of mind to even realize she’s being talked to. Sanae Kochiya is slurping on your co*ck diligently, bobbing her head back and forth as her jaw stretches out to accommodate your inhuman girth when she finally notices Marisa staring down at her. Sanae’s eyes sparkle with friendliness as she waves at Marisa and begins to mumble and gulp and choke like she’s trying to say something. Marisa gives you a light pat on the shoulder and you roll your eyes with a hint of frustration before grasping Sanae by her long, luscious green hair and dragging her backwards off your co*ck. Her tight lips pop off the head of your co*ck as she laps up your overflowing pre-cum like it’s a sweet nectar and attempts to catch her breath.

“Haaah…hhaaaahn…mmppgh…t-thank yoooou~ 💕💕” Sanae pants out as her head spins around. You huff down at her impatiently as if telling her to hurry up and say what she wanted to say to Marisa so you can get back to ramming your dick down her gullet. “Ghee hee…my new master is really impatient, huh? He’s snorting like a bull!”

“He is, isn’t he? It’s adorable really, he just can’t help himself when he finds a cutie like you to knock up with a couple hundred brats.” Marisa responds happily, “But what was it you wanted to say, Sanae? You’ve been here a few days now, I thought you’d managed to…uhh…”establish diplomatic relations” by this point.”

“Yeah, well, my investigation into the sudden surge of faith around here ended up leading me to your hubby pretty fast. Then one look at his co*ck and now I’m down here drinking down his creamy cum-globs like everyone else, all plump and huge and ripe for a rough multi-day breeding session like your other big-bodied lovenest residents! That’s the thing though, the collective worship of all these round-bellied bitches you’ve gone and turned into your wives-“

“Breeding-sows, Sanae, breeding-sows. I’m the wife. 💖” Marisa reminded Sanae with a wink.

“Hee hee! The worship of the breeding-sows you’ve collected is basically acting like holy women presenting before a divine being. You’ve gone beyond just being adored by your harem at this point, they’re basically worshipping you as a god…and Gensokyo can sense that kind of thing. It can have…mmph…an effect on…shrlp…the world itself…”

As if to prove her own point, Sanae begins to suck and lick at your co*ck in the middle of her explanation, unable to stop herself from seeking out the tangy taste of your thick dollops of pre-cum. She’s rapidly going into heat once again right in front of you and Marisa. Sanae’s puss* is getting ridiculously wet, her breathing is getting ragged, and she’s even shivering as every fibre of her being starts to crave your creamy load. “If this keeps up…mph…you and your hubby are gonna likely turn into half-gods…shrlp…no, scratch that, you could end up ascending to full godhood! You’ll end up becoming the God and Goddess of Fertility itself!”

You look rather impressed with yourself, not realizing the gravity of the situation one bit. Marisa rubs her chin thoughtfully. “Woah…that sounds wild! Becoming divine beings through the act of endless womb-flooding breeding sessions…sounds like my man alright! Sure, let’s go for it! Any other gods start to cause any trouble over it, he’ll just f*ck them too!” Marisa raises her hand for a high-five that you enthusiastically give her. The concept of becoming deities doesn’t seem to be changing the way you’re acting with one another.

Sanae swirls her tongue around the twitching tip of your co*ck, her eyes looking up at Marisa with excited amusem*nt.

“Mmmph…mmmgh…paaaah! 💕❤ You’re kind of not that far off, you know that? See, the role of the God of Fertility has never actually been filled before. Across allll the possible realities, no one has ever stepped up to the plate to truly claim the role, it’s only ever had echos representing the concept. You’d think that someone across infinite dimensions and timelines would have stepped up to the plate by now, huh?”

“Heh. I always knew my hubby was one of a kind, and now I know that even includes across infinity itself!” Marisa puffs up her chest with pride about you, leaving you blushing slightly at her praise. “So why is this particular role so hard to fill then?”

“That’s because the role has to be filled by an ascended human, and none of them have ever been up to the task until you two horny idiots came charging into Gensokyo and turned it into your personal brothel!” Explains Sane, “There are legions of divine beings out there that have been holding themselves back, waiting for the TRUE God and Goddess of Fertility to rise to prominence! So…uhh…you might literally just be able to f*ck the gods themselves until they agree to let you do whatever the hell you want? Pump a few thousand babies into a deity and they’ll probably let you run as wild as you like~ 💗💗💕”

This was all going way over your head at this point. Marisa was just about keeping up, and she sure liked the sound of that last part. “When you say there are LEGIONS of holy beings out there waiting for a real stud to ascend to becoming a God of Fertility, how many are we talking here? Cause I’m just warning you now if there’s only, like, two or three thousand then my hubby here is gonna leave them groaning under the weight of their hyper-pregnant bellies within a week. No God-slu*t up there in the heavens can handle what he’s packing!”

You flex dramatically at Marisa’s praising, and she lets out an adorably exaggerated “Kyaaaa~” as she feels your muscles. Sanae’s eyes narrow as she almost gets annoyed at you two acting so lovey-dovey when something this serious is being discussed, but she can’t help but wonder if that attitude is the reason you and Marisa are being considered as potential Fertility Deities in the first place.

“Well we’ve got a term for the “8 Million Gods” but honestly that’s a bit of a misnomer. I mean, we’re talking about multiple realities here.” Sanae attempted to explain, “Potential realities, alternate realities, impossible realities. There are gods ruling every single one of them, and they’re all horny as f*ck! 💖💖 There could be octillions upon centillions of them out there, all frustrated and lonely and wishing some handsome breeding-beast could barge through the walls of reality itself to give them a proper dicking down!”

Your monster-co*ck throbs aggressively at Sanae’s words, spurting out a massive rope of pre-cum that coats her entire meaty body in a slick sheen of glistening f*ck-sauce. Sanae squeaks in surprise, looking over her shoulder to see the rest of your errant pre-cum splatter down on the cumflated forms of Momiji and Takane behind her. Marisa rubs her hands together with excitement, very interested in finding out more about these far-flung realities and this horny god-squad. She begins scribbling down yet more notes into her overflowing notebook as she writes down what she’s been told.

“Damn, you sure do know how to make a magician curious, Sanae!” Giggles Marisa with scholarly excitement before she slams her notebook shut. “But we can’t get ahead of ourselves just yet. We need to think about the here and the now. I want to see every single girl in Gensokyo take up residence in the lovenest before we move onto new horizons. By the time we’re done here, the lovenest is gonna cover over half of Gensokyo considering how big and busty and huge every girl gets taking a hubby-powered creampie now!”

Sanae tilts her head to the side curiously. “Oh, then you’ve managed to get permission from Reimu to keep this going then? I can’t imagine how THAT conversation went.”

Marisa’s excited face freezes up, her body going rigid as a cold sweat drips down her back. Sanae’s curious expression shifts into one of horror as she realizes that Marisa has not, in fact, gotten Reimu’s permission.

“Oh wow Marisa…” Sanae gulps, “Uhh…like, I know you two have a good thing going here but Reimu is Reimu, remember? If she decides that this whole lovenest thing is a no-go…are YOU going to be the one to say no to her?”

You can’t help but wonder if Sanae is exaggerating what Reimu is capable of. You’ve met Reimu before and she didn’t seem particularly threatening. Marisa slowly shakes her head.

“If anything she’s underselling it…she’s seriously powerful and very strict! You’ve only ever met her when she was in a good mood, so you don’t know what we’re dealing with here. Come to think of it, she’s pretty much always been in a good mood when I’ve brought you around to see her…we could use that! We’ll need to use every trick in the books to stay on her good side!”

You can’t help but be amused by how cute your wife is when she’s all overwhelmed like this. You rub her shoulders gently and assure that everything will be just fine, and that you’ll be there when she meets up with Reimu to talk. Marisa takes a few breaths of air and calms down, looking up at you with a nervous smile. “She’s a real good friend of mine for sure but…we really do need to go have a chat with her sharpish. If she goes Incident-Resolver mode over this, I don’t wanna know what’ll happen.” Marisa sighed, scratching at her long blonde hair and letting out a weary sigh.

“Honestly I can’t believe you’ve gone this far and not talked to her yet. It’s funny to see such a prolific incident resolver like you go and CAUSE an incident, especially one of this grand a scale. For someone so smart, you can be real stupid Marisa~” Giggled Sanae with a mischievous grin on her face. Marisa huffs at Sanae with an embarrassed blush.

“Hmph…hubby, you can finish Little Miss Backtalk off now.” Marisa informs you, “If she thinks you’re ready to become a god, go ahead and make her pray~ 💖”

You salute Marisa loyally and dive down at the surprised Sanae, lifting her legs up and pinning her down into a brutal mating press as you begin to rapid-fire slam your f*ck-length into her tight, gripping puss*. Sanae’s cheeky words are soon turned into howling screams of org*smic bliss as you begin to flood her womb with your viscous load, forcing the brat to howl your name to the heavens and praise her new god’s unending potency as you fill her up and make her grow into a round-bellied BBW brood-mare just like the others. The sound of your colossal balls slapping against Sanae’s overdeveloped ass ring out across the forest like warning bells informing Reimu that you’re going to be coming to visit her. 💗❤

Marisa had put off meeting Reimu so she could research the strange changes your body had been going through ever since you first conquered your entire lovenest. Since then though you’d gone on to effectively cause a Gensokyo-wide incident, breeding so much of its female population that it was going to change the face of Gensokyo forever. Marisa had been putting off talking to Reimu about this, but now that over 90% of the women in Gensokyo had been bitched so thoroughly...and even the women that you hadn’t bred were being affected…and now even the few men in Gensokyo were becoming plump ji*zz-dumpsters as well…it was probably time that Reimu was brought up to speed on what was going on.

“It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s totally fiiiiine.” Marisa explains to you in a way that you feel is more an attempt to comfort herself. You’re both strolling through the Forest of Magic on your way towards Reimu’s place, sharing a moment with just each other after you’d spent so much time tending to your lovenest. “Seriously, me and Reimu are good buddies. She’ll understand! I mean, heck, if I really smooth talk her, maybe we can even help her out with the “heirs” issue that Yukari keeps bringing up.”

You tilt your head curiously and urge Marisa to continue. “Oh, Reimu is always bitching to me about Yukari bothering her with constant teasing about getting shacked up with a husband. Yukari is crazy about Reimu continuing the Hakurei lineage, but she’s never really been all that keen to go out and look for a lover…maybe that’ll change when she gets a look at you, big guy~”

You scratch your chin, telling Marisa you just hope things go well whether you end up breeding Reimu or not. Marisa agrees with you. If there was anyone in Gensokyo who could stop Marisa’s goal of seeing every girl in the place turned into one of your broodmares, it would be Reimu. She’s Gensokyo’s peacekeeper, after all. She’s also Marisa’s regular sparring partner, and the only person who could reliably beat her in a proper fight. She’s not someone to be trifled, and certainly not someone you’d want angry at you!

If you were both lucky, she would be willing to listen to your side of things. If you were REALLY lucky, she’d be curious to get involved in some way. If you were SUPER EXTRA lucky…then Reimu would already be enjoying the treats that Marisa had sent her in preparation for your visit~~ 💕💕


Reimu lay on her side, her head resting on her palm as she lazily snacks on the treats that Marisa had sent her earlier. The bored shrine maiden simply can’t help herself around these tasty little bastards. She might have put a little bit of extra chub on from her regular snacking, but she didn’t think it was anything she couldn’t work off quickly enough.

Truthfully, Reimu was rather underestimating her recent growth. Her lithe and slender body had grown to a chubby and full-figured form, and even her height had increased to compensate for the added weight of her figure. With her breasts swollen and heaving, her hips thickening up to handle her voluptuous floor-creaking ass, and her belly getting all round and soft and extra squishy, it was surprising that Reimu hadn’t really noticed the changes herself. Her miko outfit was tearing at the seams, and one errant flex could end up shredding it to pieces and leaving the bountiful maiden exposed and indecent! 💗

But then, Reimu was so used to her current routine that she wasn’t taking note of the gradual changes in her body. She had no way of knowing that the aura that you’re currently pumping out miles away from her location had managed to reach her and do its wicked work remarkably well within her. Reimu had transformed into a jaw-dropping, boner-baiting BBW within mere weeks! It was like she had a natural chemistry with you to be able to change so swiftly despite being so far away from you.

Reimu suddenly frowns, her body tingling with heat out of nowhere. She growls in frustration as she feels her thighs getting slick from a rushing flow of puss* juices. This was something that certainly wasn’t lost on Reimu: these inexplicable and sudden heats that her body keeps going through. She rolls over onto her back and shifts her miko outfit aside, spreading her meaty thighs as she reaches her fingers out towards her needy, steaming-hot puss*. This has been her life for the past couple weeks. A cycle of lazing around, snacking on treats, and furiously masturbating whenever she gets the sudden and overwhelming urge to f*ck herself silly!

The sopping wetness of Reimu’s juicy puss* is astounding. She gets turned on so damned quickly, and it always makes such a mess. Her naughty puss* obviously starts overflowing, but now even her massively swollen tit* begin to lactate during these heats as well. Reimu reaches a hand up to roughly grope at her tit* while she finger-f*cks herself. If she was in her right state of mind she’d realize that something weird was happening, considering her breasts were now cow-sized milk-tanks that certainly never spurted out fresh streams of creamy milk like this before…

…but Reimu was just TOO DAMNED HORNY! 💞❤💞 Her brain was all foggy and dull, and she couldn’t put two and two together while her need to be f*cked stupid was so overwhelming. Beyond the brain-melting pleasure of masturbation in this state, Reimu’s constant spikes in arousal were so embarrassing to her that she simply never considered it to be any kind of “incident” that needed solving. She didn’t realize the changes were due to the presence of a newly crowned, ultra-dominant Prime Breeder that had taken up residence in Gensokyo.

While rubbing her finger around her throbbing cl*t in quick circles, Reimu c*ms over and over again in a frenzy of squirting and squealing that offers her no true relief at all. Her mind is cast back to a few weeks prior, and she remembers the smug look on Yukari’s foxy face as the two once again discussed the possibility of Reimu bearing “heirs” in the near future. Reimu closes her eyes and remembers the conversation they had that day…or more precisely, the bickering match they had.

“Reimu dear, you’re not getting any younger.” Yukari said in her typically aloof manner, “Not to mention that shrine maidens don’t tend to have particularly long lives. You’re already a big exception to that, still working hard on protecting Gensokyo at 33 years old. Isn’t it high time you settled down a bit and gave some thought to the next generation?”

Reimu scoffed, glaring sideways at Yukari with her nose upturned with clear disdain. “Hmph. I’m not looking to shack up with just any guy or girl that can knock me up, you know that.”

Yukari beamed casually and nodded. “Of course not, that’s why I brought you my little black book of some of the finest co*cks in all of Gensokyo. I guarantee any name on that list will be one you’ll be screaming long into the night~ 💞”

Reimu groaned, turning red as she threw the black book Yukari had given her away. A gap appeared in the path it was flying, and then another appeared right behind Reimu. The book flew through and bonked her on the back of the head, making the shrine maiden curse and grumble. Yukari sighed with a shake of her head.

“Honestly…if you’re that against my suggestions, why not try reaching out to Marisa and that tasty husband of hers? I’ve seen you making eyes at him, maybe your best friend is willing to share~?”

Reimu gulps, and Yukari takes special note of the fact that she didn’t outright refuse the rather absurd suggestion. But soon Reimu begins to stammer out an excuse. “I-I’m not gonna intrude on them! They’re newlyweds! I’m not gonna waltz up and ask to borrow Marisa’s damned husband like that!”

Yukari’s eyes narrowed as she leaned forward towards Reimu. “Then I suppose you’ll just have to pick someone else, won’t you? Don’t worry. Whoever you end up choosing, I won’t tell them that you’re thinking about Marisa and her husband while they bang you~”

Reimu threw her book at Yukari who vanished with a giggle, her lingering laughter being carried off by the wind and out of the shrine.

Reimu is brought back to the present when her hips violently buck into the air, her body convulsing with multiple mini-org*sms as she grinds her thumb against her aching cl*t and gropes her sloshing milkers as hard as she can. Reimu is moaning, practically mooing like a cow as she can’t help but think about HIM. The husband. Marisa’s goddamn husband with the broad shoulders and the big smile and the fat f*cking dick-bulge threatening to tear his stupidly tight pants to pieces! 💗💗

Yesssss…he could do it, couldn’t he? He would be able to sate her frenzied needs. A man that could even hold down Marisa, tame her and make her all doe-eyed and lovestruck…Reimu knew he’d be able to f*ck this infernal heat out of her!

Clenching her eyes shut tightly, Reimu lets out a throaty sigh which shifts into a low moan. She starts panting out the name of Marisa’s husband under her breath, relishing the feeling of shame that came with lusting over her best friend’s husband but still being totally unable to stop herself. 💖

Meanwhile, several hundred metres in the sky, you curse to yourself as you feel your clothes straining against your body. Your significant increase in size did seem to have a few downsides in regards to clothing. Even your super-stretchy, absurdly-huge fitted pants that had been designed with your overwhelming co*ck-size in mind could barely fit around you now. They were stretched out to the point where even twitching too hard could cause them to rip into teeny tiny pieces. Marisa had done her best to make them fit around you, but when you’re packing a co*ck that could stretch out acres long at its full hardness, it was difficult to make clothing work at all.

Not that Marisa wasn’t dealing with her own issues. All her previous clothing was practically useless to her now. She had been forced to conjure up new clothing that left startlingly little to the imagination, and even they were barely able to fit around her massive, voluptuous figure. Her dress is stretched to the point of groaning, and she can’t even cover the full size of her rapidly swelling belly with it.

“Urgh…I didn’t think I would ever need to research the highest levels of Clothing Magic of all things, but we’re gonna be walking around in the nude all day if I don’t come up with a solution…” Marisa sighs to herself. You offer her a big thumbs up and a supportive nod at the idea, and she smirks at you with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah I know YOU’D be fine with us abandoning clothing altogether, you big perv! But I happen to have a very keen and particular eye for fashion, one that isn’t much use when any piece of clothing I wear rips into pieces around my pregnant belly! Honestly, you and your stupidly-potent sperm…what am I gonna do with you? 💕” Marisa gives you a kiss on the cheek as you both descend down, reaching the outside of Reimu’s shrine to find door to the inner sanctum shut.

Marisa takes in a deep breath, adjusting her stretched-out clothing and puffing up her hair. She turns to look at you. “How do I look? Presentable? Professional?”

You tell her she looks absolutely stunning as always, and she shoots you a blushing smile. “Oh you dummy…I’m trying to make sure I look all proper and serious today, this is a big deal! You wait out here for a little bit, alright? I’m gonna ease Reimu into the whole thing before introducing you.”

You nod in agreement and give Marisa a comforting pat on the back, stepping away to make sure Reimu wouldn’t see you when she opens the door.

“Okay Marisa…let’s get this done…”

Psyching herself up, Marisa reaches out to knock on the shrine door.

Reimu’s eyes, previously closed in a state of euphoric self-love, snap open as she hears the sound of knocking at her door. She jumps to her feet, nearly falling back down onto her ass from how wobbly her legs are.

“sh*tsh*tsh*tsh*tsh*t…” Reimu repeats to herself, grabbing a mop and towels and desperately trying to clean up in the hall. The obscene amount of squirt and juices that were staining the entire building at this point was way too much to clean up within the few seconds she had, but Reimu did her best job. When she thought she’d cleaned up to some kind of an acceptable level, Reimu took in a deep breath to calm her raging, incessant lust as best she could…breath in…breath out…breath in…breath out…

…nope, it wasn’t working one bit. URGH! Who the hell was it at the door?! Didn’t they care that they were interrupting Reimu’s alone time?! She stomped to the front door and threw it wide open.

Reimu saw Marisa.

Marisa saw Reimu.

There’s a long, stunned pause as the two women take in what they’re looking at, their eyes glancing up and down in awe at the voluptuous states they were both in. They were both just…so…BIG!

“Wooooah…” Marisa finally whistles out in amazement, “So…uhh…you liked the treats I sent you, huh?”

Reimu’s new figure was a buffet of curves and plumpness, her entire body wrapped up in squishable chubby meat that made her look like an idol of fertility. Though she wasn’t on the same level that Marisa was on, Reimu was still an absolute BBW bombshell through and through. Marisa found herself whistling with approval, nodding slowly as she took in Reimu’s shape and very much liked what she saw. Damn, Reimu was always kind of sexy but…right now, Marisa was actually getting a bit turned on just looking at her! 💖

Reimu was in a similar state, her eyes bugging out of her head as she looked at her best friend. What a figure she had now! It was obscene just how much meat there was on Marisa’s perfectly breedable body, but it was so damned beautiful at the same time. Marisa was seriously a work of art, one that had been clearly hand-crafted by some absolutely depraved deity to produce the single most fertile woman on the planet!

“Y-You’re really making a crack about me when you’re looking like that? Damn Marisa, your husband did a number on you, huh? You look so…maternal…you’re practically glowing with it!” Reimu declares in awe. Marisa smiles sheepishly, her hand pressing against her gravid belly with a soft look in her eyes.

“I know, right? Hee hee…my man knows how to do a thorough job, huh? You won’t believe the sheer numbers we’re gonna be hitting with this session. Going to be blasting past my first pregnancy by a wide margin!” Marisa can’t help but start going into detail, her delight over her own pregnancy coming out with the excited way she talked. She couldn’t stop herself from pulling out a photo for Reimu to see. The snack-loving shrine maiden took it and gasped, seeing the state Marisa was in at the end of her last pregnancy. She was MASSIVE! ❤❤❤ She was the ideal mama in every way, from the sheer size of her belly to the warm glow of her smile. Marisa was an angel, that was all Reimu could think of when she saw her in that picture.

“Y-You say you think you’re having more kids this time around? Just how many are you having right now?” Reimu asked, her curiosity quite apparent. Marisa showed off a bragging grin and winked at Reimu.

“Watch this, I’ve come up with a spell that actually shows a girl how many kids she’s carrying at once when she’s pregnant…your jaw is gonna hit the floor! 💕” Declared Marisa before snapping her fingers. Reimu’s eyes somehow managed to get even wider than they already were when she saw the flashing number reading out “700” above Marisa’s massive, round belly.

“S-S-S-S-S-“ Reimu couldn’t even say it, she had been left a sputtering mess. “SEVEN HUNDRED?! How?! When!? W-What!!? Just how did your husband leave you carrying triple digits worth of babies at once?!”

Marisa burst out laughing, overjoyed with Reimu’s explosive reaction. She had secretly been hoping her best friend would be this flabbergasted when she showed up at the front door like this!

“Ha ha ha! Ohh come on now, Reimu! You’re a big girl, you know exactly what a man does to give a girl some babies~ Do I need to come in and give you The Talk or something?” Marisa winks at her friend, who blushes and pouts at the teasing.

“I…oh, you idiot, you know damn well what I mean! Come in, come in. We’ll sit in the usual spot and catch up on everything!” Reimu moved aside to let Marisa squeeze past her…and it was a squeeze indeed! Both of their bellies were rubbing against each other as Marisa moved into the main hall. Reimu pulled out her kotatsu for them to sit under, and quickly realized that they were both way too big to use it now!

It finally clicked in Reimu’s mind that Marisa wasn’t just bigger in terms of her belly. She was way taller than she had been before as well! It was amazing it had taken until Marisa was ducking down under the ceiling of the shrine for Reimu to realize it, but then again Marisa’s big preggo-belly was a very big distraction.

“Umm…wow, we’re actually getting a bit big for the old shrine, huh? I never really noticed how much bigger I’d gotten lately and you’re even taller than me. Wonder if we can use some donations to raise the roof up…” Reimu pondered, looking up at the ceiling as she now realized it was so much closer than it ever used to be. Marisa let out a giggled before shooting her best friend a big wink.

“Ah, yeah. I had the same issue. Lemme do something about that.” Marisa lifts her hand up and it begins to glow with a magical aura. Suddenly the shrine begins to shine and move around, Reimu watching as on as it’s pulled apart and put together even bigger. New wood and stone is created seemingly out of thin air as the shrine is reconstructed several times larger than it was before. Though considering their current sizes, it’s almost proportional to how the shrine used to be for Reimu and Marisa.

“There we go, that’s a bit more cozy.” Marisa admires her work before turning back to the rather stunned Reimu, “Umm…you can consider this something of an advance apology. There’s something I kind of need to talk to you about…”

“Oh yeah?” Reimu asks, still taking in the new size of her shrine.

“Yeah, I didn’t just come here to catch up. I need to confess that…me and my husband maaaaaay have caused something of an incident…” Admits Marisa, pressing her fingers together nervously as she looks down at the shorter powerhouse shrine maiden.

Reimu suddenly snaps back to attention when she hears the word “incident” mentioned. “Go on.” She orders Marisa as her eyes narrow suspiciously. Marisa gulps as she begins to explain the situation in as gentle a manner as possible.

Marisa begins by telling Reimu about her darling husband’s rather insatiable appetite for the ladies, even before the current changes his body was going through. She tells Reimu about the lovenest and how so much of Gensokyo’s female population had come strutting up to the massive construct and offered themselves up as fresh breeding-sows, and that at this point it seemed likely that her husband had effectively bitched over 90% of the women in Gensokyo. To make things even crazier, the remaining 10% were now being actively affected by the aura that her husband was pumping out, and the male population was in fact becoming the female population as they were being affected too! 💞❤

Reimu stares in confusion at Marisa, but she isn’t even done yet. Marisa then has to explain about the “aura” that’s been affecting men and women across the whole of Gensokyo. Marisa has even ordered her husband to stand outside as direct contact with him causes the changes to rapidly accelerate. It leads to a sudden fertility spike that turns even the most serious and strict of women into tongue-lashing, leg-spreading perverts who exist purely to service her husband’s co*ck! Reimu’s eyes narrow curiously as she looks over her own body, taking particular note of the immense growth of her breasts and hips and ass. As Marisa is explaining the more technical side of things, Reimu suddenly puts two and two together.

“YOU!” Reimu shouts out, pointing a finger accusingly at Marisa who is so surprised by the sudden outburst that she practically leaps into the air. “Ooooooh! I should have known you had something to do with this! I thought I was getting a little bigger than usual from those darn snacks, now I know why! You and your husband are up to no good, aren’t you? Making me grow like this and making me have those constant periods of heat…n-no, never mind about that! Well now that I know that you two are the cause of all of this…”

“Waitwaitwaitwait!” Marisa waves her hands in front of Reimu, trying to keep her from going all Incident Resolver Mode over this. “Hold on now, don’t fly off the handle yet! I know things are getting a little bit out of hand right now but-“

“Do you know how to fix all of this, Marisa?” Reimu asks with a pouty look on her face, crossing her arms over her voluptuous chest.

“…not really…” Marisa admits.

“Would you try and fix it even if you did, Marisa?” Reimu asks another piercing question, and Marisa looks down at her feet with a blush on her face.

“…no, I wouldn’t…I really don’t wanna turn things back, even if I knew how…” Marisa might be a 9 metre tall giant right now but she feels like she’s 9 inches tall in the face of Reimu’s glare.

Reimu huffs and puffs, her face getting redder by the minute as she realizes the constant state of arousal she’s been in is purely down to the influence of one man. Him. That damned husband of Marisa’s that Reimu’s not been able to stop thinking about since she met him. The muscular oaf with the kind smile and the large hands and the frankly indecent bulge constantly throbbing against his tight pants…it was his fault…it was all his fault…💖

“Hmph. Well, I’m about thiiiiiis close to deciding I should deal with your mess by myself. But I suppose I should meet the real cause of all this before doing that. Go bring your husband in here so I can ask him some questions.” Reimu demands, looking off to the side and trying not to smile at the thought of seeing Marisa’s husband again.

Marisa’s eyes twinkle curiously at Reimu’s demand. “You sure? I mean, you did just hear me right? Just being in front of my big brute causes girls to finish up whatever growth period they had left, and you’re still not-“

“Don’t make me repeat myself, Marisa. Get him in here stat so I can give him a good going over.” Reimu orders. Marisa shrugs, sidestepping past Reimu and calling out to her husband from the front door. To You.

Ducking underneath the door frame, you lurch into the newly grown room and still find yourself feeling a little cramped. You rub the back of your head awkwardly and greet Reimu, telling her it’s a pleasure to see her again. Reimu may not even hear your words though. As soon as she sees you, Reimu is staring up at you with wide, stunned eyes as her jaw drops down. She takes in your ridiculously huge size, making sure to note every curve of muscle and bulge on your adonis-like body as she feels her heart beating faster in her chest. Reimu starts to pant, her eyes almost flashing red as her body instantly reacts to the presence of a Prime Breeder standing in front of her.

Marisa had tried to warn Reimu that she still had some weeks left of her growth period before she had finished the changes caused by your aura. Now entire weeks’ worth of changes began to occur within Reimu in the span of a single minute! Reimu suddenly grows another few meters into the air, her already luscious body plumping and thickening from her toes to her head. Her miko costume had already been fighting for its life, but now it couldn’t hold on any longer as it rips to pieces around Reimu’s meaty form. Her massive tit* fill out even larger, drooping down across the rolls of soft belly fat across her midriff. Her body becomes so pillowy and soft in every aspect, especially around her thighs which grow to an insane degree in order to hold up overly plump, constantly-jiggling ass-meat! Like Marisa, Reimu is now cursed to clap her ass-cheeks whenever she walks, the meaty drumbeat acting like a warning to her Prime Breeder that she was heading his way for her daily dose of womb-flooding stud-cum, though it still fell woefully short when compared to Marisa’s otherworldly stacked Goddess-booty. 💗💗

Reimu’s fertility ascends to such ridiculous levels that even the gods above Gensokyo would find it ludicrous. At the mere sight of you standing before her, Reimu’s womb begins to swell up and press against the soft meat of her belly, desperately reaching out to what it knows instinctively is the most potent source of baby-making seed in existence. Reimu’s eyes flutter and her body tenses up as a wave of overwhelming lust hits her all at once, and she moans loudly before you and Marisa as she begins to ovulate on the spot, org*sming obscenely and uncontrollably as her body prepares for a rough, instant-pregnancy breeding session that she knows in her heart is now her fate. 💞

You and Marisa watch with awe as one of Reimu’s hands slaps against her leaking, milky tit* while the other falls down between her legs so she can pathetically rub her needy puss* while groping her fat udders. Reimu starts squealing like a sow, rapidly humping the air as she grinds her fingers against her hot puss* in a state of brainless masturbation. She can’t think straight, she can’t talk properly. The only errant thought passing through her mind is the belief that the man in front of her has the god-given right to breed her. To claim her. To possess her. It’s not just his right, it’s his sworn duty. Reimu recognizes you as the Prime Breeder of Gensokyo within a single glance and knows damn well that means you are going to claim her as yours no matter what. She’s already another ji*zz-brained breeding-sow who belongs in your lovenest, collared up and dressed out in a milk-sodden cowprint bikini that will signify her promotion from shrine maiden to co*ck-worshipper.

You and Marisa watch Reimu splashing puss* juices all over and howling like a beast in heat, wordlessly waiting for the pheromone-corrupted maiden to regain some semblance of sanity. This is a reaction you’ve both seen before from various women…but seeing it from Reimu is a particularly illicit treat. ❤ She’s so damned gorgeous and looks even more so in a state of perverted f*ck-frenzy. Normally you might just lift a girl like this up into your arms and ram your dick balls-deep into her right away, since she is quite clearly your possession now…but you and Marisa came to the shrine to ask Reimu for her forgiveness and to let her know what was going on. It was only right to respect that and solve that issue first…

…maybe THEN you could lift her up into the air and plow her meaty sow-puss* with your world-shattering f*ck-pole!

“OoooOOOOoogGGGGhnnn…mmMMOOOGgghhnnn…mmMMMMPPPGgghnnn…mmooooooof*ckf*ckf*ckf*ck that felt so goooooooood…💕💖❤” Reimu sucks in lungfuls of air as she tries to calm down. Her body is tingling from the pleasure of her sudden org*sm…and yet…the sense of satisfaction that Reimu so desperately seeks just isn’t there. Even now it isn’t there. What will it take for her to be truly satisfied, she wonders as she stares up at you with needy eyes. Her cheeks are flushed red with embarrassment as her brain simmers down and she realizes just what kind of lewd show she’s put on for you and Marisa. Taking a gulp of air and a few ragged breaths, the milk-soaked shrine-pervert steadies herself and tucks her hair behind her ear, attempting to regain her composure.

“Umm…t-thank you for waiting…a-and I’m sorry you had to witness that…” Reimu apologises carefully.

“I’m not, damn…” Marisa whispers under her breath, her own face rather red after witnessing her beautiful best friend in such a lewd position.

Reimu pouts softly as her fingers touch against her abdomen. She hisses as she feels her trembling womb push back against her hand. She looks over herself and confirms that she has indeed undergone a sudden, rapid transformation. So this was what had happened to the other girls in Gensokyo…and what would happen to them all eventually if Reimu didn’t stop it…

IF Reimu didn’t stop it…meaning if she just left things to progress as they were…nothing would be able to stop Marisa’s husband from conquering all the wombs in Gensokyo…💗

Despite being totally naked and so hot that musky steam was rising up from every fold of her lusciously plump body, Reimu managed to compose herself to the point she could sit down on her knees in an elegant sitting position. She motions for you and Marisa to join her, and you both do so. Sitting in front of Reimu, she keeps her eyes closed for a long moment before giving you a piercing glare.

“Is it true that you’ve conquered most of Gensokyo’s men and women at this point?” Reimu asks you. You nod firmly. There’s no point in denying it at this stage, you’ve hardly been subtle about it.

“Are you aware that you bitching nearly every single person in Gensokyo is going to cause untold levels of havoc and alter the very face of Gensokyo itself, likely permanently?” You scratch the back of your neck and nod humbly. You’re a little embarrassed to have it said to you so plainly, and even offer an apology for turning so many on Gensokyo’s residents into your cum-addicted baby-makers.

“Mmm. Are you truly prepared to face the consequences of your actions? Are you aware of what being Gensokyo’s Prime Breeder really entails?” Reimu asks with an intense gaze. You’re a little surprised by this question but you slam your fist on your chest and tell her that you’re more than ready to deal with the consequences. Hell, you’re looking forward to!

Reimu is taken aback by your enthusiasm, blinking as the thud of your fist hitting your chest sends out a shockwave that makes her hair lift up…and then she smiles. No, it’s less of a smile and more of a hungry leer. She lifts her head up and looks down her nose at you, despite being much shorter than you. You feel like a piece of meat being sized up.

“Hmm…so you’re looking forward to taking responsibility? Good, good…I wish all the people who caused incidents were so willing to clean up after themselves like that…” Reimu says in a rather sultry voice, “Well if you’re willing to take responsibility, let’s see the cause of all the trouble. Show me your co*ck. Right now. 💕💕”

Marisa coos from behind Reimu, her face glowing with excitement as you ask Reimu if she’s positive about what she’s asking. After all, exposing your co*ck so openly might have an effect on any girls sitting so close to it…

Reimu sighs and shakes her head playfully. “Didn’t you say you’d take responsibility? How are we supposed to solve anything without seeing the cause of the trouble? Come on, whip it out. Let me see the troublesome co*ck that’s seeded so many wombs and birthed so many little ones. I need to know if it’s something I need to step in to resolve or not…”

Marisa gulps from behind Reimu, stepping a little closer to the horny shrine maiden. “You wanna see it, huh? You wanna see my husband’s huge co*ck? The nasty beast that’s threatening the very state of Gensokyo itself?”

Marisa presses her massive frame up against Reimu’s back, their voluptuous bodies squishing together. You can feel your co*ck throbbing and twitching intensely as you see the two meaty beauties pressing their luscious bodies together, and you can tell at this point you won’t be able to resist the allure of their breedable bodies for long. 💗💗Marisa’s heaving tit* rub up and down Reimu’s back as the sultry shrine maiden purrs.

“I do~ In fact, I demand to see it. Pull it out for me, right now. Or would you rather I drag it out into the open myself? I warn you…I don’t play gentle~” Reimu winks at you, and that seals the deal. Neither you nor Reimu even get the chance to pull your co*ck out before it decides to come out by itself.

With a mighty RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP, your pants are torn to shreds as your towering breed-pole swings out, smashing down against the floor of the shrine from the force with which it destroyed your special clothing. It’s huge beyond measure, an unfathomable monument to virility that leaves Reimu slack-jawed and dumbstruck. It’s difficult for her mind to even comprehend the several metres of turgid f*ck-meat that is throbbing angrily before her, steaming up the room and twitching with pent-up puss*-pounding aggression.

“Hh..hhwha?” Reimu mutters out, her brain frying from the impact of witnessing the god-co*ck that’s turned Gensokyo into its personal pleasure-toy. It casts a long shadow over her, making even her newly grown, extra-voluptuous body seem woefully incapable of handling it. Reimu’s pupils shrink into pinpricks as your co*ck lowers down towards her face, and her tongue slips out of her mouth purely by instinct to lash at the bloated shaft. Her eyes scan the full magnificence of your co*ck, and then she realizes that’s only one part of the inhuman spectacle that stands in front of her as she sees your humungous balls swelling up with an ocean of swirling co*ck-cream, each of them large enough smash her shrine to pieces if you swung them around! The smell of your cum frothing and churning within your balls is enough to make the shrine maiden’s brain start to frazzle. 💗❤💞

Reimu had always heard from Marisa that you were packing a huge co*ck, but the word “huge” seems laughably inadequate to describe what you’re wielding now. It’s absolutely ridiculous!!! No man, woman, youkai, divine spirit or god above can compare to this! Reimu is being converted to a new religion as she stares at your co*ck, one that she would be happy to be the shrine maiden for. Her main duties will naturally include copious amounts of ball-slobbering, co*ck-worshipping, ji*zz-guzzling, and endless amounts of belly-swelling mating sex! 💖

Reimu’s heavy tit* begin to lactate, her body growing more convinced by the second that pregnancy is inevitable. Her puss* drools as slick streams of juices soak her plump thighs, and her body is demanding that she stop pretending to be a decent member of society and accept her role as a sperm-sucking breeding-sow right now! But Reimu holds firm, her body literally shivering with arousal as she reaches a hand up to stroke the underside of your massive, shrine-smashing co*ck.

“Gods above…this is…fuuuuuuuuuck…💞💔” Reimu can’t tell whether she should speak reverently or swear like a sailor in the face of your f*ck-meat. “No wonder most of Gensokyo fell to this thing…no. No, no, no, I wouldn’t dream of interfering with its sacred work. A co*ck like this has to be allowed to do whatever it wants. I’d be a failure as a shrine maiden if I tried to stop this heaven-blessed breeding-pillar from conquering Gensokyo.”

Marisa looks on in awe, struggling to drag her eyes away from your massive co*ck as she looks towards Reimu. “Then…does that mean-“

“I won’t stop you both. Why would I? A Gensokyo altered by this wonderful, divine co*ck…it can only be a better one, can’t it? No, this incident doesn’t need resolving. It’s gonna lead us to the best possible future Gensokyo could ever ask for~” Reimu declares with a grin, happily accepting you as the Prime Breeder of Gensokyo itself.

You and Marisa let out sighs of relief, happy to know you have Reimu’s permission to continue without having to worry about her crashing down from above and putting a stop to your fun. But Reimu isn’t done yet. She’s given you permission to continue your very important work, but she wouldn’t be fulfilling her duties if she just ended it there. The new Gensokyo will need a chief shrine maiden, and Reimu is already looking to audition for that role. 💗💕💗

Reimu begins to squat down low, her meaty legs spreading wide as she lifts up the meaty folds of her lusciously chubby belly. Strings of juices drip down onto the floor, forming a lewd puddle under Reimu as a glowing pink womb tattoo suddenly starts to form on her abdomen. It was a mark that appears on the body of any woman that you turn into your bitch, signifying their total submission and subservience to you. You and Marisa both gawp at the sudden appearance of this mark as it’s crystal clear evidence that Reimu hasn’t just accepted your new vision for Gensokyo, she’s submitted to being part of it!

“Now then…if I’m going to be the Hakurei Shrine Maiden for your new, improved Gensokyo…I need to experience the changes you’re going to bring.” Reimu purrs out in a devilishly sultry voice, one that Marisa has never heard come from her lips before. It’s a voice dripping with ripe sexuality. No one could hear it and not think the speaker was a wanton, horny pervert!

“Come on Master…how can I protect my Prime Breeder’s Gensokyo if I’ve not been bred myself? Do your duty…take responsibility like you said you would and birth the next generation of Hakurei…I desire heirs, Master. So many heirs, enough to guarantee our lineage continues for another thousand years! So please…use your divine f*ck-rod that turned my best friend into a overly-bred broodmare…the majestic womb-crusher that’s conquered all of Gensokyo…AND B-R-E-E-D ME…💖💗💖💗” Reimu growls out, her eyes flashing a bright pink as she squeezes her puffy nipples with her final demand. You and Marisa are panting, your eyes nearly bugging out of your heads as you take in the raw sexuality of the horny shrine maiden. Reimu glances over at Marisa, a sly smile dancing on her lips.

“That is…if you’re okay with it, Marisa? You are my Master’s wife, after all. You get to say which breeding-sows he gets to claim…I hope you’ll accept my proposal to become his shrine-slu*t.” Reimu asks in a playful voice, licking her soft lips as she eye-f*cks Marisa’s pregnant body.

Marisa is feeling so insanely turned on that her head is spinning around. She’s panting, clutching at her own chest as an excited grin breaks out on her face. She’s seen Reimu naked before. She’s even thought about how pretty she was. But this…the way she’s presenting herself now was so alluring and sexual. Marisa gulps, sucking in a lungful of pheromone-laced air as she tries to compose herself. If she’s this turned on from just looking at Reimu, then what state is her darling husband in?

Marisa looks at your co*ck, and lets out a soft “Eep~” as the overdeveloped hyper-shaft pulses and shakes with raw desire. Enough precum to cumflate a giantess is pumping out from your sensitive tip in thick waves, and the floor is beginning to be totally covered in a gooey layer of ball-juice. Your eyes are practically bloodshot at you look down at Marisa, begging for approval with a needy, hungry look.

“Y-Yeah…go nuts, Reimu. I dunno if I could even stop you anyway, you look…mmph…” Marisa bites her lip and blushes.

“Say it. 💕” Reimu demands.

“…you look like a naughty, co*ck-loving bitch…” Marisa giggles, getting drunk on the lewd atmosphere that’s growing in the shrine. “Honestly, we’ve known each for sooo long that you might as well be his honorary wife. Mmph…if there’s anyone I’d want being his second wife, it’s you…”

While Marisa plays with her swollen breasts and softly begins to pleasure herself, the show begins. Namely, you reach your absolute limit and let a beastly roar that shakes the foundations of the shrine itself. Reimu gasps as you shove her down, mounting her from above and pinning her mega-fat breeding-ready body to the floor. Held in place by your muscular arms, Reimu can do little more than gawp in awe as you rear your hips backwards and slam your full, throbbing length deep inside of her gushing puss* in a single visceral thrust.

Reimu’s meaty puss* lips spread wide as her folds shift and constrict around your hyper-sized co*ck, her puss* quickly being reshaped to better suit the needs of your illustrious bitch-claimer. With seconds, Reimu’s body is changed so that it can only ever be pleasured by your singularly powerful co*ck. Nothing lesser will ever have the chance to claim the beautiful shrine maiden now. Reimu’s eyes go wide as she sees a colossal bulge jut up from her belly, her already shapely figure looking even more round and full with your giga-hung breed-length ramming up into her.

“GGG---GGGGGGGGO---OOGGGHHHHHIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!~~~~!!!!! 💕💖❤💔💗” Reimu’s eyes roll back into her head as she lets out the loudest bitch-moan she possibly can. You press your body down against the lush softness of Reimu’s belly, the air around you practically sizzling from how hot and sweaty you both are. Reimu’s hands claw at your back, and her legs snap around your hips as she locks you in her grasp like a cobra wrapping around its prey. Considering your massive size it’s difficult for Reimu to effectively cling onto you, but if anyone in Gensokyo besides Marisa had the strength to do, it’s Reimu!

While you hold Marisa’s horny leg-lock as the strongest one you’ve ever felt, Reimu’s is nearly as tight and inescapable. You let out a long groan as you tense up, your body battling with Reimu’s as you cling to each other and ride out your mutual pleasure-highs. Reimu’s long, horny moan sounds even more perverted as her womb sucks on your leaking co*ck-tip, the rushing flow of your pre-cum pumping into her ceaselessly.

As Reimu’s moan begins to fade into the distance, she focuses her gaze on you intensely. Reimu stares up into your eyes, and you stare down at hers as she reaches a hand from your back and up to your grizzled cheek to gently rub it.

“I’ve been waiting for you all this time… 💖” Reimu whispers in a hot voice, “I’ve been waiting for a man like you, and I didn’t even know it. Please…make me as big as Marisa. I want to be your shrine maiden, your devoted breed-bellied second wife…to devote myself to bearing your children, to ensure that you truly claim the title of Prime Breeder of Gensokyo…that’s all I want. That’s all I need! SO PLEASE! SHOW ME NO MERCY! f*ck ME HARD ENOUGH TO BREAK ME! YOU’VE MADE ME YOURS IN BODY AND SOUL, NOW FULFILL YOUR SWORN DUTY AND KNOCK! ME! UUUUUUUUUUUUP! 💗💗❤💖❤”

And so you do. 💞

You begin to swing your hips in a frantic, crazed manner. Your co*ck seeks out Reimu’s innocent womb, teaching it the forbidden pleasures of submitting to your god-worthy co*ck one thrust at a time. Over and over again your co*ck rams against the back of Reimu’s puss*, forcing her breed-ready body to jiggle and shake as the ground itself is indented from the force of your mating press. Your colossal, seed-stuffed balls slap against Reimu’s ass as she continues to lock her legs around you, exposing her dumptruck wobble-globes to your heavy sperm-tanks. Reimu is being spanked with each thrust of your co*ck, your balls forcing the meaty cheeks to ripple and shake as they slam against them over and over again.

Reimu is a screaming mess, her body unable to comprehend the pleasure its feeling. Only hours ago Reimu was a snack-munching loafer who didn’t even realize she’d developed a perverted breeding-sow body, and now she was being introduced to the primal delights of being f*cked into the ground by a co*ck larger than any other in Gensokyo’s history. Her moans echo across the shrine, blaring out into the open as she squeals out for more. Her introduction to raw, steamy, mind-fogging sex was also Reimu’s introduction to some very flowery language.

“f*ck ME! f*ck ME! OOOGGGHGHHHHHH!!! I CAN’T TAKE IIIIIIT! THIS SEARING HOT TOWER OF BREED-MEAT…THIS BRUTE-DICK IS TEACHING MY BODY TO SUBMIT! METRES OF HOT DICK-FLESH, EVERY INCH OF THIS GOLIATH f*ckPILLAR…IT’S ALL SOOOOOOOO f*ckING GOOOOOOOD!! MAKING ME INTO YOUR f*ck-PET, THRUST AFTER THRUST!! IT’S SO FAT AND THICK, HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KEEP ACTING LIKE A DECENT SHRINE MAIDEN?! YOU’RE USING ME TO JACK YOURSELF OFF! SO f*ckING DOMINANT…MMPPOGGGHHH!! G-GENSOKYO’S MILK-LADEN f*ck-SOWS ARE ALL IN SUCH GOOD HANDS WITH YOU IN CHAAAAAARGE~~~” Reimu screams out, her face twisting into a lewd smirk as she sticks her tongue out at you playfully. You grin down at her, steam snorting from your nostrils as you relish the tight warmth of the shrine-sow’s juicy puss*. It’s seriously flowing like crazy, lubing up your immense co*ck from the base to the tip. You’re amazed just how much co*ck you’re able to shove into Reimu so quickly…she really was built to take your co*ck, wasn’t she? Someone put her in Gensokyo to become your co*ck-cozy f*ck-wife~

Marisa doesn’t even seem to register the shrine shaking around her from the force of you breeding Reimu. She’s staring so intensely on the action and groping herself so openly that nothing could possibly drag her attention away from the action. Watching her best friend submit to being a broodmare for her own husband, seeing her pretty face twisting into an eye-rolling ahegao…it’s a lewd fantasy come to life!

PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! The sounds of your rough breeding session are so loud that they even reach over to your lovenest, the familiar sounds of you breeding a squealing bitch tickling the ears of your gravid breed-beauties. Their reactions vary from moaning with jealousy to giggling with lust to lewdly squeezing their own gravid bodies as the impact of your breed-slams remind them of the moment you bred them. It’s as if the land itself is holding its breath with anticipation, recognizing that you breeding Reimu in particular is going to change Gensokyo forever. This is more than just you claiming a willing breed-bitch. It’s you staking your claim on the entirety of Gensokyo by removing the last obstacle that would potentially stand in your way…and doing so by turning your potential foe into your devoted wife of all things!

Marisa sees you grinding your hips against Reimu, plapping her with shallow strikes as you bulge her belly upwards repeatedly. Marisa takes an inbreath of air, recognizing your speed picking up as your body heads towards an org*sm. Even though pre-cum is flooding out of Reimu’s puss* in waves, Marisa knows the real load is going to be something truly monumental. 💞❤

Your erratic, frantic pounding makes your body heat up beyond measure. Your balls pulse with raw desire, tensing up and loudly sloshing as cum piles up within them multiple times over. Pink love-hearts flash in Reimu’s eyes as she buries her face against you and moans into your shoulder. She knows full well that what’s coming next will change her life forever, and she whines against you to beg you to get to it even faster! She can’t wait for what’s to come.

Rearing your head back and letting loose a mighty roar that shakes Gensokyo itself to the core, you feel your body tensing up as if it’s surprised by its own potency. Your ballooned-up seed-tankers gurgle as you feel your org*sm rushing through the length of your massive co*ck. Your shaft swells up as the tsunami of lava-hot ball-cream pushes through, ramming its way out of your co*ck and into Reimu’s waiting womb without any hesitation! The obscene splurt of cum explodes in showers that drench the shrine and Marisa herself in overwhelming bouts of gluey sperm, and the backwash pours from the shrine and out into Gensokyo without delay.

Reimu herself is locked underneath you, her body’s transformations having forced her fertility to skyrocket to incalculable levels. In the presence of such a naturally perfect broodmare, your own cum is somehow even thicker and more potent than usual. The result is that Reimu is thoroughly pregnant before the first blast of your cum is even done reaching the back of her womb~


Whatever sense Reimu had left in her head vanishes as her body swells up from the bulging force of your climax. The shrine maiden screams out into the air, her vision going cloudy as wave after wave of bubbling f*ck-juices blast into her. A barrage of virile seed assaults her womb relentlessly as she deliriously begs for more. Every divine being that has ever existed in Gensokyo would hang their head in shame at the display you’re putting on, realizing that their presence is entirely pointless when a co*ck like yours exists in their realm.

Reimu’s belly bulges up to a truly indecent size, excess deluges of creamy ji*zz pouring out of her puss* in overwhelming amounts. She’s more than merely pregnant, Reimu is certifiably BRED. You have more than done what your duty, and ensured that the ji*zz-addled shrine maiden is pregnant with over one hundred of your children before your first org*sm has finished pumping into her…

…but that’s not enough. That’s not nearly enough. No, you growl as you order your balls to keep pumping out seed, well beyond the amount that any woman would ever need to become pregnant. You won’t stop producing ji*zz until Reimu is thoroughly bred with at least double the amount of offspring she already is. You rear your hips backwards and slam it into Reimu, a blast of cum and puss* juices splattering everywhere. Reimu’s haggered voice lets out a shrill squeal as you begin to rut into her again, keeping her pinned down under the weight of your muscles as her body swells and jiggles and shudders beneath you. You’re not stopping, not for an instant. You need to sear the concept of what being the wife of a Prime Breeder means into Reimu. You won’t ever let her forget the feeling of submitting to you, to offering up her fertile womb as a seedbed for your co*ck. She will understand what it means to be CLAIMED. 💗💕

So you start again, thrusting away like a mindless animal into Reimu as she screams your name and tries to drag your body closer to her. Soon your over-worked balls begin to churn and shudder, and a fresh batch of womb-drowning stud-sem*n is produced. You don’t bother to warn Reimu it’s coming. You don’t need to. At this point, f*cking and cumming is simply as natural to you as eating and breathing. Reimu lets out a perverted wail of bliss into the air as she feels the first blast of your second org*sm rampage inside of her, her belly struggling to fill up even fuller when the pressure of your rugged chest is holding her down. You don’t show mercy though. Why would you? Reimu doesn’t want any. 💖

So much excess sem*n is flooding out of the shrine at this point that the room is becoming unrecognizable. Washed out with goopy, thick sem*n from the walls to the ceiling, Marisa is left in awe at the state of the place and wonders if her magic is going to be able to put it back together when you and Reimu are done. You let out a grunt as you pick Reimu up in your massive arms, easily manhandling the BBW broodmare and carrying her off to a different room of the shrine to start all over again.

You slam Reimu up against the wall, nearly bringing the building down around you as you roughly ram yourself up into her womb. Marisa has to jump in and magically reinforce the place to keep it from collapsing, but at this point you and Reimu likely wouldn’t stop f*cking even if the you were just standing in a pile of rubble that was once her shrine. Reimu moans and whines as she stares into your eyes, her arms clinging around your neck as she sticks her tongue out and wiggles it around enticingly. You shove your head forward and kiss Reimu, twirling your tongue around hers as you share a heated smooch. ❤❤ She sucks on your lips and drags her nails across your rugged neck, her puss* clenching up around your colossal co*ck as the taste of your mouth makes her body even more excited. Marisa watches her husband and her best friend making out and loves every second of it. But it does make her feel a tad left out…so she drops to her knees and shoves her pretty face up against your sperm-soaked balls, her tongue stretching out to lap up your musky cum and worship your gurgling spunk-spheres.

You let out a gasp into Reimu’s mouth as Marisa joins in on the fun, and your co*ck swells up from just being in the presence of your wife. Reimu’s toes curl as she tries to cling onto you, and you hold onto her massive ass to keep her in place as you keep swinging your hips like a brainless chimp. You and Reimu are lost in your rutting while Marisa noisily slurps on your balls and leaves pink kiss-marks all over the leathery exterior.

“Hee hee hee…look at you two, totally losing your minds like this~” Marisa giggles teasingly, “I knew you two were gonna go crazy but even I didn’t expect things to get this wild! I like it though~ I’d be kind of disappointed if I went and offered Reimu the chance to be my hubby’s second wife and you both didn’t take full advantage of that! Just to let you know Reimu, but this lovey-dovey slosh-session isn’t something he does with every girl. He must really like you…almost as much as I dooooo~ God, you’re so cuuuuuute! 💞💕”

Reimu bites at her lower lip and hides her face in your shoulder again, this time to hide the blush growing on her face as Marisa dares to call her “cute” of all things.

“Mmmp-mmoggghn-oo-ooggghnn…s-shut uuuuuuuup! Ghhhoooggghh…I-I can’t…mmpggghh…t-tell you off when your damn husband is…t-turning my poor puss* to mush like thiiiiiiiis! 💔💗 S-Seriously, how much does he cum?! Is he really j-just a bottomless tank of raw ji*zz? H-How have you been keeping up with this guy!?” Reimu groans out, her tit* pumping out milk over your chest as her body reminds her of her now rather overabundant pregnancy.

Marisa grins up at Reimu, standing up and moving in close to her while she’s still pinned against the wall. “Seriously, I think we were just kind of made for one another. I’ve always been kind of insatiable but ever since I met my hubby, it’s been ramped up to eleven! I swear I can only feel satisfied when his massive balls are emptying out into my womb…and we’ve had a looooong time to get used to one another by now. Honestly I kind of love being the only girl who can actually handle him, the only woman that can take him when he goes all out…”

Marisa tickles Reimu under the chin in a cheeky manner, grinning down at her. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t love seeing him absolutely WRECK a girl or two or a thousand. 💖❤ There’s so many pretty little bimbos like you around who are always willing to spread their legs and take his loads~ It really does help when I’m so deep into my pregnancy that I can’t handle the big guy. None of them have looked as hot as you do taking his dick though…I’m sooo glad you approved of my little plan to improve Gensokyo!”

How could she not? Reimu was being taught how a wonderful future awaited Gensokyo with every brutal slam of your co*ck. Her heavy tit* continued to spray out milk, her body stuck in a state of post-pregnancy confusion as it simply wasn’t designed to be so thoroughly bred that quickly. As such it was compensating for the sudden womb-bloating by going into overdrive, pumping out enough milk for a hundred babies and forcing Reimu’s puss* into a serious heat. The overflowing honey-pot was totally prepared for a rough night of hardcore breeding…not realizing yet that a breeding session with you was often several nights long. 💗

As Marisa joined in on the fun, you make sure to give her as much attention as Reimu is getting. After your co*ck let loose a barrage of egg-seeking wrigglers into Reimu another five times, leaving a waterfall of white cum spraying down the walls, you leave her to catch her breath in a pool of ankle-high cum and proceed to lift Marisa up into your arms. She giggles with delight, peppering you with kisses as you aim your co*ck right at her slick, glistening puss*. You bring her down onto your dick, and relish the sight of your wife’s eyes rolling backwards from the impact of your co*ck ramming against the back of her puss*.

“OoooGGGGHHHNnnnNNMMMmmppGGGHHnnnn… f*ck, it feels like y-you’re f*cking me for the first time whenever you slam your dick into me…I love it, I love it, I love it…now come on, darling! Show Reimu what happens when your first wife gets serious! I want her to be sitting in a pool of cum that’s coming up to her titt*es by the time we’re do- OHGGHN?!! 💕💞💞❤” Marisa lets out a shrill squeak as you spank her massive ass, forcing the oversized globes of perfect mage-meat to bounce around and clap by themselves. Marisa’s booty was always a heaven of face-smothering goodness but now her ass is massive to the point of impossibility! Reimu watches Marisa’s booty jiggling around like fresh jelly and bites her lip with arousal, managing to sneak a hand between her legs to rub herself even in her post-breeding daze. Marisa was just too damned hot to resist!

You swing your hips up into Marisa, and her heavy tit* bash against your face with every thrust. You open your mouth wide in the hopes of catching one of her puffy nipples, and you manage to latch on and suck the hell out of her leaking udders. Marisa lets out a “MOOOOOOO~~~” of delight, her head falling backwards as you suck on her tit* like you’re trying to drain them. But like the way your balls have a neverending amount of spunk in them, Marisa’s tit* will never run dry. Reimu’s hips start to lift up as she watches you and Marisa f*cking like animals, her own body starting to climax already. She’s amazed that she’s already this horny after being made to cum so many times, not realizing yet that the effects of your aura will also be affecting her sex drive. Whenever you’re stood near her, Reimu’s body will now be instantly ready to get f*cked. 💖💗

More cascading blasts of breed-seed fire out of your co*ck, flooding Marisa’s thirsty womb with colossal blasts of cum that could fill an entire lake. The dick-addled mage screams in bliss, barely holding onto you as you f*ck her so hard that your strong hips are just a blur. You lower Marisa down to the ground and keep rutting away at her, and she keeps her legs locked around you to make sure you don’t try and get away. Not that there was any chance of you doing that. If you only came once in Marisa, she’d be scared something was wrong with you!

While you’re pinning Marisa down and ramming your dick into her, Reimu finds herself crawling over and drooling over Marisa’s other breast that you haven’t been sucking on. She suddenly latches onto it, and Marisa lets out a shrill cry as both of her tit* start getting slurped up by a pair of hungry lips! She grabs the back of both of your heads and eagerly floods your mouths with her milk, her fingers entwining with your hair thanks to her strong horny grip. Her womb clenches down around the head of your massive, bloated co*ck as her body prepares itself for a very long f*ck-rutting session.

You, Marisa and Reimu move around in a lewd dance, constantly shifting positions and moving to different rooms as whatever one you’re in becomes so full of lumpy, custard-thick cum that it starts to limit your movements. You place Reimu on top of Marisa as you f*ck them both, your face mashing against their plump bodies as you endlessly spurt thick bouts of cum into them and onto them. When you slam your co*ck between their fat bellies and spray the underside of their tit* with your load, you hear the wonderful sound of both of your wives crying out in excited pleasure as they roughly massage your cum onto each other like lotion. 💞

Reimu learns how to properly worship co*ck as Marisa grasps her by the head and uses her as a deepthroat tool, testing how far she can push Reimu along your co*ck until she’s choking and spluttering. The sticky drool from Reimu’s throat ends up being used as lube for when you bend Marisa over and roughly f*ck her ass, gripping onto her love-handles as she sways around from the force of your pounding. The thunderous clap of Marisa’s ass-cheeks twerking as you bang her is so loud that it shakes the shrine around you, and soon you’re forced to drag both of your f*ck-drunk wives into another room as the ceiling threatens to tumble down on top of you all!

Marisa and Reimu both lie on the floor as you let them each slobber and slurp on one of your balls. Even with their larger bodies it’s difficult for them to truly pleasure your colossal balls, each of them so huge that they’d fill up a regular sized room by themselves. But the efforts they take to drag their tongues along your cum-covered nuts and whisper lewd promises to spend the rest of their lives committed to draining them entirely leaves you snorting and hungry for more sex. Their dirty ball-pleasing is enough to drive you into another breeding frenzy as you lift Marisa up with one arm and Reimu with the other, alternating your thrusts so you’re slamming your co*ck into them both over and over again, ropes of thick cum blasting up into their ultra-fertile wombs as their bellies swell up to ludicrous, reality-stretching sizes!



You and Marisa’s “visit” to the Hakurei Shrine stretches on day after day after day, your endless breeding session stretching over to nearly a week of messy mating. Reimu submits to your dominance, barely being given a moment to rest before she’s dragged back onto your dick and filled up to the brim with so much cum she feels like it might come pouring down her chin…and Reimu loves every second of it! The horny shrine maiden had clearly been carrying a lot of pent-up frustration as she relishes the chance to spend a week f*cking without pause.

Day after day Reimu’s already pregnant womb is seeded full of aggressively potent sperm, and her already sky-high fertility results in her scoring a triple digit pregnancy before the end of the very first day of breeding, never mind the following days of wanton puss*-flooding debauchery! Reimu’s body changed instantly when she first stood in your presence, but so much time being directly subjected to your co*ck leads to her changing even further. She becomes plumper and chubbier, her entire body becoming more suited for childbearing. She grows even fuller titt*es and a monumentally stacked ass that is only outdone by Marisa’s own.

The more cum that is pumped into Reimu, the curvier her body becomes. She’s entirely delighted by the changes, and during one rare moment of peace she leans back against the wall and watches you lustfully making out with Marisa while she bounces on top of you. She has her fingers entwined with yours as you hold hands gently, and a warm smile crosses Reimu’s face as she rubs her heavily knocked-up belly with quiet delight.

“If I was going to let any man give me some heirs…I’m so glad it was you…” Reimu whispers under her breath as she looks at you, a serene look shining in her clear eyes. “To become the wife of the man my best friend married…I really couldn’t be any happier. Damn ridiculous though he is, I don’t think there’s any other man I’d want but him…”

“Hee hee hee hee…you’re soooo cute, Reimu. 💗💕”

Reimu gasps as she sees you and Marisa looking at her, smiling at her quiet confession. Reimu blushes and grunts, but you and Marisa both reach out a hand towards her.

“Come on now, you ultra-level cutie! We’re not done with you yet~” Marisa declares, winking at Reimu as you grin at her in turn. Reimu smirks and rolls her eyes, reaching out to you both and clasping hold of your hands.

“Honestly, you’re both totally ridiculous.” Sighs Reimu, “But I guess I am too, huh? 💖”

Love Life with a Witch Wife - Chapter 3 - Lewd_Semprini (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.