Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons - [PDF Document] (2024)

Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons - [PDF Document] (1)

Arm yourself with expert advice! In Gun Digest® Buyer’s Guide

to Assault Weapons, Editor Phillip Peterson provides valuable, hard-to-fi nd data on military-styled semi-automatic fi rearms, popularly known as assault weapons, to assist you in making your assault weapon purchase.

Features include:• Details about receivers,

muzzle brakes, grips, calibers, barrels, fi nishes, stocks, magazines and available options

• Easy-to-use layout, arranged by manufacturer• Color and black and white photographs to aid in identifi cation• Up-to-date values given for various condition grades

It’s all here: the guns – the prices – the cartridges – the law. From obscure models from the 1960s to today’s hottest off erings from America’s largest manufacturers, you’ll fi nd it in Gun Digest® Buyer’s Guide to Assault Weapons!

About the AuthorPhillip Peterson, a federally-licensed fi rearms dealer, is Editor of Krause Publications’ best-selling Standard Catalog of ® Military Firearms and a featured contributor to Gun Digest® the Magazine.

Your One-Stop Guide toAmerica’s Hottest Firearms!

Phillip Peterson

Assault WeaponsBuyer’s Guide to




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US $24.99Z2209 (CAN $27.50) ISBN-13: 978-0-89689-680-2 ISBN-10: 0-89689-680-3

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Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons - [PDF Document] (2)

Phillip Peterson

Assault WeaponsBuyers Guide to


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Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons - [PDF Document] (3)

© 2008 By Krause Publications

Published by

Our toll-free number to place an order or obtain

a free catalog is (800) 258-0929.

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced

or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval

system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a

reviewer who may quote brief passages in a critical article or review to

be printed in a magazine or newspaper, or electronically transmitted on

radio, television, or the Internet.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008925112

ISBN-13: 978-0-89689-680-2

ISBN-10: 0-89689-680-3

Designed by Marilyn McGrane

Edited by Dan Shideler

Printed in the United States of America

Gun Digest BooksAn imprint of F+W Publications



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Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons - [PDF Document] (4)


4 Foreword

10 Introduction

14 How to Use Th is Book

13 Condition Ratings

15 Th e Romance of Retail Pricing

17 Assault Weapons Listings by Manufacturers

265 Assault Weapons Cartridges

284 Appendix 1: Pertinent Federal Laws

289 Appendix II: Military Weapons Commonly Considered “Assault Weapons”

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FOREWORD Gun Digest Buyers Guide to Assault Weapons includes a variety of

fi rearms that might be categorized as an “assault weapon” by those

that have knowledge or interest in fi rearms.

The main criteria for inclusion in this guide are that the fi rearm be

semi-automatic and accept detachable magazines that hold more

than ten rounds of ammunition. A few, such as the Barrett M-82 and

SVD Draganov sniper rifl e, have ten-round magazines but due to

their design they are still included. While military type features such

as a pistol grip, fl ash hider, bayonet mount or folding stock are found

on many rifl es, there are some guns found herein that have a more

traditional “sporting” appearance. Some of this is due to legislation

that dictates legality based on the appearance of the fi rearm.

Th e ClassicsMany semi-automatic AW designs manufactured over the last forty

years are based on existing select-fi re models being used in actual

military service. Some are made by the original manufacturer while

others are copies made by commercial companies wishing to cash

in on the U.S. civilian arms market. The “original manufacturer-built”

fi rearms are what I refer to as classics.

During research for this book I was surprised to fi nd out how many

of the makers of the world’s true assault weapons have offered semi-

automatic versions on the U.S. market. This began in 1964 with the

introduction of the Colt AR-15. This legendary rifl e is still made in a

cosmetically altered form by its original manufacturer today (and by

many, many others).

Most of the other classic designs were made in other countries.

The FN-FAL, HK G-3, CETME, Valmet, Galil, Steyr AUG, FAMAS, SIG

AMT and more were legally imported to the U.S. in the 1960s and

‘70s. When these models were fi rst on the open market they were

not great sellers. Most were too expensive to appeal to the aver-

age shooter. Some of these classic models were imported in limited

quantities; in some cases only 100 or so ever came to the U.S.


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In addition to the classics, there were several independent designs

that were manufactured by small companies. Many of there were de-

signed by fans of the classics and incorporated desirable features in

new models. Guns that might fi t in this category include the Ruger

Mini-14, Bushmaster ARM pistol, Holloway HAC-7, Wilkinson Arms

Terry carbine and Leader Mk5. Some of these were made in small

quantities and the companies folded quietly without much notice.

Others, such as the Ruger Mini-14, continue to be popular models.

In the mid 1980s the demand for these military lookalike fi rearms

began to grow faster than it had in the previous twenty years. This

might be attributed to a new generation of shooters coming of age,

one whose members had grown up viewing these type fi rearms on

the news and in movies. The generation of WWII-era shooters had

mostly favored traditional steel and walnut fi rearms. The younger

group of enthusiasts was more accepting of the alloy and stamped

construction with synthetic stocks. The American fi rearm press and

industry began using the term “assault weapon” to identify this

evolving class of fi rearms.

Unfortunately, the 1980s saw a growth in the criminal misuse of

fi rearms. When a criminal used a semi-automatic UZI carbine to mur-

der twenty people in a fast food restaurant in San Ysidro, California,

in 1984, the national media focused much negative attention to the

type of fi rearms used. Other mass shootings followed. Despite the

fact that few of this type of fi rearm were ever used in everyday street

crime, the media and antigun politicians jumped on the band wagon

to demonize this class of fi rearms and those who owned them.

Subsequently, California passed a ban on the sale of or import

into the state of new semi-automatic assault weapons. Those who

had them could register and keep them but no new ones could be

brought into the state. This California legislation was the fi rst large-

scale effort to ban guns by model name and physical characteris-


The big change occurred in 1989 when the Reagan administration

banned the import of fi rearms that did not meet a “sporting use” cri-

teria set forth in Federal law. The sporting-use rules had been on the

books since the Gun Control Act of 1968 but the defi nition was re-

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vised to ban import of fi rearms previously deemed acceptable. See

the legal chapter for the text of the sporting use criteria and banned


The import ban affected foreign fi rearms but domestic production

continued as before. Unfortunately, in 1989 there were not that many

domestic designs on the market. Prices for the pre-ban imported

guns shot through the roof. The period from 1989 to 1994 saw an

increased demand for many models that had been slow sellers be-

fore the ban. Ever eager to fulfi ll the wants of American buyers, some

U.S. manufacturers had begun building new fi rearms using Ameri-

can made receivers with imported parts. The government moved

to close this “loophole” by imposing the parts count rules listed in

Federal regulation 922r.

As they observed with horror the growing demand for assault

weapons among American shooters, the anti-gun forces were re-

lieved when a like-minded president was elected in 1992. The Clin-

ton administration joined with members of congress to push through

the infamous Assault Weapon ban of 1994. This law was one of

the least effective pieces of fi rearm legislation ever passed. First, it

“grandfathered” all existing fi rearms and allowed them to be freely

owned and transferred as before. Next, it defi ned “Assault Weapon”

by the external characteristics of the fi rearm, listing several features

that were found on pre-ban models: pistol grip, fl ash hider, folding

stock, etc. See the Legal section for a copy of this law. A fi rearm

could be legal if it had any one of these characteristics. If it had two

or more it was banned. Finally, in order to get the legislation past

some pro-gun factions they added a ten-year sunset provision. This

meant that unless congress voted to renew the law, it would expire

after ten years.

So from 1994-2004, the American fi rearms industry built guns that

complied with the defi nitions set forth by the law. This resulted in

oddities such as AR-15s with pinned collapsible stocks, permanent

recoil compensators and American-made AKs without bayonet lug

and fl ash hider. Of course, many of the anti-gun congressmen who

fought for the law complained that these things were violating the

“spirit” of the law. Some small manufacturers that had begun busi-


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ness in the late 1980’s grew rapidly when they began shipping new

ban-compliant versions. But tell an American shooter he can’t have

a gun today that he could have had yesterday, and that shooter will

suddenly desire the gun he previously didn’t want. People used their

ban-compliant fi rearms for a decade, all the while nursing their de-

sire for pre-ban models.

While much of America saw that the ban was meaningless and

ineffective, many gun owners were quietly waiting for the ban to ex-


Th e Dam Breaks When the assault weapons ban sunset in September of 2004,

there were many manufacturers and retailers waiting to begin sup-

plying the models they had been unable to sell for a decade, and

there was an unprecedented demand for this type of gun that had

been building for a decade. 2004 was the dawn of a new age for the

American fi rearms industry.

While other facets of the fi rearm market were static or slowly

shrinking, the demand for assault weapons is expanding to this day.

Much can be attributed to the fact that the anti-gun forces continue

to fi ght for a renewal of the assault weapons ban – but this time with-

out a sunset clause. Additionally, they want to close any loopholes

that allowed any confi guration of the banned fi rearms to remain legal

to manufacture. Thus, manufacturers and their customers feel that

“the clock is ticking,” and this naturally fuels a huge demand for this

type of fi rearm.

As of early 2008 there are several new manufacturers fi lling de-

mand in the assault weapons market. There are currently more than

twenty companies that make versions of the AR-15. The only dif-

ference in these lies in the quality of the parts used and a few pro-

prietary features that some are offering. Most makers of AR-style

weapons are fi lling orders as fast as they can ship them. With some,

production is three months or more behind. The same is true for AK-

47/AKM series. There are at least a dozen U.S. manufactures that

build new Kalashnikov rifl es using new American receivers along

with domestic and imported parts.

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Heavy IronAnother growing segment of the market is the semi-automatic ver-

sions of true machine guns and submachine guns. The U.S. Brown-

ing Model 1919 belt fed was one of the fi rst models to be offered.

They have been available for over a decade from a few small manu-

facturers. After 2004 there have been several new models added to

the list. If you want a new semi automatic German MG-34, British

Bren, Russian RPD, DP-28, PPSH, U.S. M-60, 1918 BAR and several

others, all you need do is fork over the cash. These fi rearms are built

with new semi-automatic receivers along with some original parts

that have been modifi ed to function only in semi-automatic mode.

Home GunsmithingFinally, I must mention another signifi cant trend that started back

in the 1990s. I call it “rolling your own.” This is when a new receiver

is purchased by the end user, who builds a functional fi rearm around

it using new custom or used surplus parts.

There have been AR-15 lower receivers available on the market

since the late 1970s but since 2004 the number of models being

assembled by the end user has grown. One can currently purchase

fi nished semi-automatic receivers for the CETME, G-3, FN FAL, M-

14, AK Series, U.S. M-1 carbine, M 1917mg, M-2 .50 mg, and oth-

ers. Due to the fact that each non-factory fi rearm is unique, this book

does not list pricing for these “kit” guns.

When examining an unfamiliar “home built” fi rearm it is important

to consider the skills of the builder and the quality of the parts used.

This is especially true for the countless AR-15 type fi rearms out there

on the market. With all the major companies selling their lower re-

ceivers and any combination of upper assemblies it is impossible to

know for sure which guns are factory assembled and tested or one

assembled by a hobbyist in his garage. There are also small compa-

nies that buy receivers and assemble custom guns for resale.

Be careful when buying, and enjoy your assault rifl e responsibly.

Phillip Peterson

Albion, Indiana

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Introduction:What’s in a Name?

Assault Weapon.

Those words, on the cover of this book, are probably what drew

you to pick it up. “Assault weapon” is a term that causes arguments

within the pro-gun community. Any use of the terms “assault weap-

on” or “assault rifl e” by media or politicians is attacked by some pro-

gun writers, organizations and many fi rearm owners. Long wordy de-

bates take place on internet message boards arguing the defi nitions

and usage of terms.

Why is that?

The main reason seems to be that the term has gained use by the

anti-gun movement and media. Whenever a crime is committed with

a semi-automatic military pattern fi rearm, the mainstream media will

quickly jump in with headlines like “assault weapon used in killing

spree” or “drug sweep nets assault weapons.” The only time many

in the non-gun owning public are exposed to this class of fi rearms is

through negative media exposure.

If you use the historically applied terminology, an assault weapon

must be capable of full-automatic fi re, i.e., a machine gun. The term

assault rifl e had its beginning with the Germans during WWII and

was applied to a new class of fi rearm: the “SturmGewehr,” or storm

rifl e, properly known as the MP-44.

This is generally considered to be the fi rst true assault rifl e. It was

a select-fi re rifl e that used an intermediate-sized rifl e cartridge called

the 8x33mm Kurz (short).

The intermediate cartridge concept helps defi ne an assault rifl e in

military circles. The intermediate cartridge is smaller than the rifl e car-

tridges used in belt-fed machine guns and larger than the pistol car-

tridges used in submachine guns. Intermediate cartridges are what

many semi-automatic assault weapons chamber. These include the

5.56mm (.223), 7.62x51mm (.308), 7.62x39mm, and 5.54x39mm.


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What is an assault weapon? If one were to use a strict defi nition,

it could be ANY object that is used against another individual to

cause bodily harm. That can be a fi rearm, a rock or a feather poked

in the eye. The military defi nition was discussed in the last para-

graph. In the context of this book, however, “assault weapon” refers

to a semi-automatic fi rearm that accepts high capacity magazines

(10+ rounds) and is patterned after military issue select-fi re weap-

ons. This can mean an exact copy of an existing design, minus the

components that allow full-automatic fi re. Or it can be a new design

that utilizes similar characeristics.

The popularly-held idea that the term “assault weapon” originated

with anti-gun activists, media or politicians is wrong. The term was

fi rst adopted by the manufacturers, wholesalers, importers and deal-

ers in the American fi rearms industry to stimulate sales of certain

fi rearms that did not have an appearance that was familiar to many

fi rearm owners. The manufacturers and gun writers of the day need-

ed a catchy name to identify this new type of gun.

The fact that some of the semi-automatic versions of the military-

style fi rearms retained their bayonet lugs, extended pistol grips, high

capacity magazines, folding stocks and even threading for muzzle

brakes and grenade launchers has been used to erroneously defi ne

“assault weapons.” But these design features were part of the at-

traction to this kind of fi rearm. All of these features are merely cos-

metic and there is little if any evidence that their inclusion on a gun

has been essential to some specifi c criminal use.

Look in many 1980s-era editions of Gun Digest and you will fi nd

listings of several makes and models of guns that were categorized

as assault rifl es or assault pistols. There were also some issues of a

magazine called The Complete Book of Assault Rifl es published in

the 1980s. Guns & Ammo magazine published at least one issue of

a magazine with the title Assault Rifl es: The New Breed of Sporting

Arm. And the truth is that many gun owners have used and still use

the term in everyday conversations about fi rearms.

Some alternate monikers suggested by the never-call-them-as-

sault-weapons crowd include paramilitary fi rearms, military pattern

semi-automatics, homeland defense rifl es, tactical fi rearms, sports

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utility rifl es, EBRs (Evil Black Rifl es), or simply fi rearms. I tend to fa-

vor the term neat guns, but that could be just about any gun. There

needs to be a commonly understood name for this type of fi rearm

that does not require a drawn out defi nition. It really should not be

that complicated.

Whatever arguments can be made about what terminology to use,

the name assault weapon has been defi ned by law with the passage

of several state and local AW laws and by the Federal Assault Weap-

on Ban, also known as the Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act

of 1994. This law, and most of the others, regulate these fi rearms by

model name and characteristics. (See the chapter on legal issues to

read the exact wording of the currently expired Federal AW law.) By

using the term “assault weapon” throughout the text of the law, they

have forever added this name to the American dictionary.


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HOW TO USE THIS BOOKThe fi rearm entries in this book are listed in alphabetical order.

Most entries are listed by manufacturer. Some foreign fi rearms are

listed under an importer’s name if that name is more commonly as-

sociated with the model that the actual company that manufactured

it. A few are listed by model name if the gun is usually known by that.

We also try to include cross references for some obscure items, in

case the reader knows the model name but the actual manufacturer,

or if the importer is not apparent.

Condition RatingsThis guide uses fi ve condition categories: MSRP, NIB, Excellent,

Very Good, and Good.

MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)If a manufacturer lists a suggested retail price in their catalogs

or on a web site that price is included here. The price listed is for

the base model fi rearm as described in company sources. Please

remember that many current production fi rearms are offered with a

variety of options that can change the actual price to be paid. While

the price of a few of these add-on options might be mentioned, it is

not possible to list every feature in this book.

Another thing to bear in mind when reading a MSRP is that guns

rarely sell at MSRP. The retail markup in the fi rearms business var-

ies by seller. With a lot of wholesale pricing available to the public,

few retailers can expect to charge full MSRP. There is a great deal

of competition among retailers and any who insist on charging full

MSRP may be sitting on inventory for a while. However, with the na-

ture of supply and demand, some hard to get models may actually

bring more than MSRP, especially if there is any legislation pending

that could ban or limit future manufacture.

NIB (New in Box)This term refers to unfi red, pristine-condition currently-manufac-

tured merchandise that is not advertised with a MSRP. The NIB price

refl ects the trend in price at retailer outlets. We have decided not to

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list out-of-production items with a NIB price. The reason is that there

are too many variables in pricing this way that can ot be refl ected

in this sort of guide. For instance, consider a 30-year-old FN FAL

that is unfi red in the box, along with all the items that originally were

shipped with the rifl e. These items would likely add $250-$1000 to

the price for a collector who wants the best possible example of

this model. But what about lightly used but still in the box? What is

a box worth? On the FAL, it would still add quite a bit to the price

with some buyers. With a Norinco AK-47/s, maybe not so much.

One must also consider what items originally were included in the

box with the fi rearm. How much to subtract from a price for miss-

ing magazines, cleaning kits or instruction manuals? That’s a tough

question, and one that depends entirely on the buyer.

ExcellentCollector quality fi rearms in this condition are highly desirable. The

fi rearm must retain at least 98 percent of the factory original fi nish.

Synthetic stocks, forearms and pistol grips should have no apprecia-

ble wear or scratches. The fi rearm must also be in 100 percent original

factory condition without refi nishing, repair, alterations, or additions

of any kind. Sights must be factory original as well. The price listed

includes one standard capacity original magazine. Prices for extra

magazines and add-ons such as optics are not included in pricing.

Very GoodFirearms in this category are also sought afte,r both by the collector

and the shooter. Firearms must be in working order and retain approx-

imately 90 percent metal and wood fi nish. Synthetic stocks, forearms

and pistol grips can have minor cosmetic scratches and surface wear.

It must be 100 percent factory original, but may have some small re-

pairs, alterations, or non-factory additions. No refi nishing is permitted

in this category. The bore should remain bright and shiney with no sign

of wear or corrosion.

GoodFirearms must retain at least 80 percent metal and wood fi nish.

Synthetic stocks, forearms and pistol grips might have obvious


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surface wear or scratches. They should not have cracks or pieces

chipped off. Small repairs, alterations, or non-factory additions are

sometimes encountered in this class. Factory replacement parts are

permitted. The overall working condition of the fi rearm must be good

as well as safe. The bore may exhibit wear or some corrosion.

Semi-automatic assault weapons are rarely found in a condition

that rates below good. The oldest of these fi rearms is just over 40

years old and most were made for the civilian market and have not

seen much actual use.

Th e Romance of Retail PricingThe fi rearms prices listed in this book are RETAIL PRICES. Any

fi rearm can bring more or less depending on many variables. If you

choose to sell your gun to a dealer, you will not receive the retail

price but instead a wholesale price based on the markup that par-

ticular dealer needs to operate.

Also, in certain cases there will be no price indicated under a par-

ticular condition but rather the notation “N/A” or the symbol “—”.

This indicates that there is no known price available for that gun in

that condition or the sales for that particular model are so few that a

reliable price cannot be given. This will usually be encountered only

with very rare guns, and with newly introduced fi rearms.

The prices listed here come from a variety of sources: retail stores,

gun shows, individual collectors, and auction houses. Due to the na-

ture of business, one will usually pay higher prices at a retail store than

at a gun show. In some cases, internet auctions will produce excellent

buys or extravagant prices, depending on any given situation.

In recent years, internet sales of semi-automatic assault weap-

ons fi rearms has become a major factor in this market. Auction sites

such as or have over

taken storefront or gun show purchases for many buyers.

In my own business, I fi nd that the auction sites bring me more

buyers with more money than I ever had from traditional venues.

I usually set up at gun shows to buy merchandise and then sell it

online so as to reach more buyers. The better quality fi rearms I fi nd

rarely get displayed on my gun show table, they sell on line fi rst,

frequently for more than they will bring locally. The downside of this

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for those not participating in the internet revolution is that they are

missing out on a lot of interesting fi rearms that will never be offered

in any other venue. This internet selling has levelled out the market.

Any pricing found online is going to refl ect a nationwide trend.

In the “old days” one could fi nd seasonal and regional differences in

the prices of fi rearms. A small gun or pawn shop in the middle of farm

country might have had a Poly Tech Legend AK-47 priced at $650

sit on the shelf for years. The local buyers purchase their fi rearms for

hunting, not casual shooting or collecting. Now these local dealers

need only offer these slow selling guns on the internet and they sud-

denly have the entire country as potential customers. Throw that Poly

Tech up on an internet auction and it would easily bring $1200-1800.

Collectors will sometimes pay higher prices for a fi rearm that they

need to fi ll out their collection, when in other circ*mstances they

will not be willing to pay market price if they don’t have to have the

gun. Then there is also a number of persons or companies that buy

up of assault weapons in speculation that future legislation will drive

the prices up. Their primary goal is to make a large profi t in times

of panic buying. The point here is that prices paid for fi rearms is

an ever-changing affair based on a large number of variables. The

prices in this book are a GENERAL GUIDE as to what a willing buyer

and willing seller might agree on. You may fi nd the item for less, and

then again you may have to pay more depending on the variables of

a particular situation. There is a saying among collectors that goes “I

didn’t pay too much for this gun, I bought it too soon.” This refl ects

a solid trend with fi rearms that the prices continue to rise with each

year. This is especially true with semi automatic assault weapons.

With the likelihood that future Federal, State or Local leglislation will

restrict or completely stop the manufacture or import of these type

of fi rearms the prices can rapidly fl uctuate. If news of any signifi cant

change in the status of these guns reaches the public watch out for a

buying panic that will drive prices through the roof. It has happened

before and will undoubtedly occur again in the future.

In the fi nal analysis, the prices listed here are given to assist the

shooter and collector in pursuing their hobby with a better under-

standing of what is going on in the marketplace. If this book can

expand one’s knowledge, then it will have fulfi lled its purpose.


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(dba Calico Light Weapons System of Sparks, Nevada)

◼ CALICO M-100A .22LR semi-automatic carbine. It has a 16-1/8 inch barrel that ends

in a fl ash hider. Synthetic hand guards. Folding steel stock. The Calico

fi rearms utilize a unique high capacity helical magazine that holds 100

rounds. Manufactured 1989-98. Re-introduced in 2004, after expiration

of the assault weapon ban.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 637 550 475 400

Note: add $100-150 for each functional 100 round magazine.

◼ MODEL 100P/M-110A pistol version of the M-100. It has a 6 inch barrel that ends with a

muzzle brake. No shoulder stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 688 500 425 375


◼ MODEL 100S SPORTER/M-105A Model 100 carbine with solid walnut stock and forearm.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 525 450



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A ◼ MODEL 101 SOLID STOCK CARBINEIntroduced shortly after passage of the 1994 assault weapon ban, this is

a Model 100 with a fi xed stock made from synthetic material.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ MODEL 900 / LIBERTY 1A 9mm semi-automatic carbine. It uses a unique retarded blowback

method of operation. 16 inch barrel. Fixed rear sight. Adjustable front

sight. Collapsible shoulder stock. 50 or 100 round helical magazine. Man-

ufactured 1989-90 and 1992-93. Re-introduced after 2004 as the Liberty

series. Top photo shows 50 round version; bottom shows 100 round.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 700 625 550

◼ MODEL 900-S / LIBERTY IIAs above with a fi xed synthetic shoulder stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 650 575 500

◼ MODEL 950 PISTOL / LIBERTY III PISTOLA handgun version of the model 900. It has a 6 inch barrel. Shipped with

a 50 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 872 600 525 450

◼ MODEL 951T TACTICAL RIFLEA Model 950 with the addition of a muzzle brake and a hand grip on the

forearm. Manufactured 1990-94.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 675 600

Note: There are .40 S&W caliber versions of Calico products slated for

introduction in 2008.

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Imports a rifl e made by German Sports Guns.

◼ GSG-5A .22LR semi-automatic carbine patterned after the Heckler and Koch

MP-5 sub-machine gun. 16-1/4 inch barrel covered with an outer tube to

simulate a suppressor. Total length 33-1/2 inches. Fixed stock, 22 round

magazine. The fi rst shipment cleared BATF approval in January, 2008.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 475 425 375


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ARMALITECosta Mesa, California

In business 1959 through the 1970’s.

◼ AR-180 5.56mm/.223 semi-automatic. 18-1/4 inch barrel. Side folding stock.

Originally designed to be a low cost alternative to the M-16, the fully

automatic AR-18 used steel stampings for major components instead of

machined parts. No major military contracts were placed for the select

fi re version but the semi-automatic AR-180 found some success on the

civilian market. It was manufactured by three makers under the Armalite



▶ Armalite 1969-72 EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1200 900

▶ Howa, Japan 1972-74 EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1100 800

▶ Sterling, England 1976-1979 EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 900 750

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ARMALITE, INC.Geneseo, Ill.

Current manufacturer. Formed in 1995, after Eagle Arms purchased the

old Armalite name.

◼ 7.62X51MM/.308 RIFLES

▶ AR-10A2 The 7.62mm equivalent of the famed M16A2. 20 inch chrome lined

double lapped barrel. A2 style upper receiver. Weight 9.8lbs. The AR-

10 series uses modifi ed M-14 20 round magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1506 1250 1100 950



▶ AR-10A2 Carbine The AR-10 A2 Carbine is the compact companion to the Infantry Mod-

el, with the convenient 16 inch long barrel. The handy intermediate

length handguards provide more fl exibility in hand position than the

shorty handguards and the 12 inch intermediate gas tube improves

reliability over the shorter gas tube.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1506 1250 1100 950


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A ▶ AR-10A4 SPR Combining the tactical build of the AR-10 A2 rifl e with the MIL STD 1913

(Picatinny rail) receiver and gas block of the AR-10(T) rifl e, the AR-10 A4

model provides the tactical fl exibility of removable conventional sights

with ArmaLite’s sturdy telescopic sight mounts. The barrel is a double-

lapped barrel to retain better accuracy and chrome lined to provide cor-

rosion resistance. At home, on the range or in the fi eld, the AR-10 A4

model is a serious rifl e for tactical or sport purposes.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1506 1250 1100 950

▶ AR-10A4 Carbine


The AR-10A4 Carbine offers the same sighting choices as the AR-10A4

SPR in a handy compact format. Hard hitting and rugged, at home, on

the range or in the fi eld. All our AR-10A4 and AR-10(T) rifl es feature our

clamping gas block, allowing the removable front sight to be rotated to

zero. This assures that the rear sight is centered and full left and right

windage movement is available when shooting in strong winds. Post-

ban model available.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1506 1250 1100 950


▶ AR-10B The .308 caliber AR-10B is the perfect rifl e for those collectors who

could only wish for an ArmaLite in its early days. The AR-10B repre-

sents ArmaLite’s return to some of the early features that captured the

imagination of millions. A closer copy of the original AR-10 produced

in the 1960’s. The AR-10B features the unique charging handle in the

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carry handle of the fi rst AR-10 rifl es, brown Sudanese style furniture,

elevation scale window, and the famed ArmaLite Pegasus Logo. 20

inch barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1699 1500 1300 1100



▶ AR-10 Super SASS Rifl e The Latest Evolution in the Era of AR Innovation, the Armalite AR-10

SuperSASS is the ultimate suppressed, long range rifl e system avail-

able. Engineering innovations include the adjustable gas system to

optimize rifl e function with suppressor as well as the AR designed en-

hancements that our engineers have made standard on every Armalite

AR-10; improved reliability of feeding, extraction and ejection.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2999 2500 2100 1700

▶ AR-10 (T) Rifl e The AR-10(T)TM offers outstanding accuracy and reliability for both

competition and tactical use. The triple lapped stainless steel barrel

fl oats within a rugged fi berglass handguard. The Mil Standard sight

base (Picatinny rail) on the upper receiver and the gas block allow for

rapid and repeatable interchange of removable iron or scope sights.


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A Featuring the famed ArmaLite machined, tool-steel National Match two

stage trigger group, the AR-10(T) is Armalite’s top of the line rifl e.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2126 1800 1600 1400



◼ 5.56MM/.223 RIFLES

▶ M14A4 Carbine with M203 Step Down Barrel The same model carried by the

Illinois State Police is now commercially available. 16 inch barrel. Flat

top receiver with picatinny rail and removable carrying handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1040 900 750 600

▶ M14A4 Carbine with A4 Front Sight The 15A4CBA2 combines the fl exibility of the MIL STD 1913 upper receiv-

er with the strength of the fi xed A2 front sights, and ArmaLite’s exclusive

mid-length handguards provide the handiness of a 16 inch barrel, fl exibil-

ity in grip position and optimal gas pulse to power the operating system.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1040 900 750 600

▶ M15A2 Rifl e Service Model The M-15A2 Rifl e is ArmaLite’s semi-automatic civilian version of the

famed M-16A2 service rifl e. Durable and reliable for long fi eld ser-

vice, its superb accuracy is based on the 20 inch double-lapped and

chrome lined barrel. Includes ArmaLite’s front sight base with bayo-

net lug and fl ash suppressor.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 900 750 600

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▶ M15A2 Carbine The carbine version of the M-15A2 rifl e, the .223 caliber twin to the

popular AR-10A2 Carbine, featuring ArmaLite’s exclusive mid-length

handguards provide the handiness of a 16 inch barrel, fl exibility in grip

position and an optimal gas pulse to power the operating system.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 900 750 600



▶ M15A2 National Match ArmaLite’s National Match rifl es are specifi cally designed to meet the

requirements of CMP (formerly DCM) sanctioned competition. More

national-level military shooters have chosen ArmaLite rifl es than any

other brand. The M-15 A2 National Match rifl es feature a special, triple-

lapped barrel, National Match 1/4 windage - 1/2 elevation sights with

clear digits and the strongest fl oating barrel sleeve in the industry.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1472 1200 1000 800

▶ M15A4 SPR Rifl e The M-15 A4 model offers the fl exibility of the Picatinny rail applied to a

standard grade .223 caliber rifl e. Light recoiling and accurate, this is a

fi ne, fl exible rifl e for Law Enforcement. All of ArmaLite’s fl at-top models


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A accept ArmaLite’s removable front sights and carry handles, and other

devices conforming to MIL STD 1913 (Picatinny) rail.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 900 750 600


▶ M15A4 Carbine Handy and good looking, this rifl e is compact, lightweight and maneu-

verable. This is the .223 caliber model comparative to the famed AR-

10A4 Carbine. The M-15A4 carbine provides the benefi ts of ArmaLite’s

economical fl at-top fl exibility in a short barreled, light recoiling format.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 900 750 600


▶ M15A4 SPR II National Match Rifl e ArmaLite’s National Match Rifl es are unsurpassed. More national-leve

military shooters have chosen ArmaLite rifl es than any other brand. Na-

tional Match rifl es feature a special, triple-lapped stainless steel barrel,

and the strongest fl oating barrel sleeve in the industry. The ArmaLite

A4 National Match rifl e allows for additional sight system fl exibility by

featuring a forged fl attop receiver while still remaining competitive by

including a removable carry handle with National Match sights.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1472 1200 1000 800


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▶ M15A4 (T) Rifl e The M-15A4(T) Rifl e offers outstanding accuracy and reliability for both

competition and tactical use, and features the same confi guration

as the famed AR-10(T) Rifl e in .308 but in the accurate, light recoil-

ing smaller .223 caliber. The 24 inch triple-lapped stainless steel bar-

rel fl oats within a rugged fi berglass handguard and the Military Stan-

dard sight base (Picatinny rail) on the upper receiver and gas block

allow rapid and repeatable interchange of removable iron or scope

sights. The M-15A4(T) features the Armalite National Match two-stage


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1504 1250 1050 850


▶ AR-180B Rifl e With the best features of the .223 caliber M-15 and the 1st Generation

AR-180 rifl es, the lower on the new ArmaLite AR-180B is made of a

high strength polymer and features the trigger group and magazine

well of the AR-15 so that magazines and repair parts are readily avail-

able. The AR-180B upper is formed sheet metal like the 1st Generation

AR-180 and features the AR-180 gas system to keep operating gas-

ses outside the receiver. The chrome moly barrel features an integral

muzzle brake and our exclusive adjustable front sight base. The new

AR-180B upper and lower receiver groups are interchangeable with

those of the 1st Generation AR-180, so earlier models may now be

repaired by replacing the upper or lower half.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 700 650 600



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ARMI JAGERMilano, Italy

Manufacturer of a series of .22LR rifl es copied from famous assault

rifl es. They have been imported by Bingham Ltd., Mitchell Arms and


◼ AP-74 /M-16A copy of the U.S. M-16 rifl e. Upper and lower receivers are made from

cast alloy. The early models have triangular hand guards. The newer ver-

sions have round hand guards. 15 round magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 325 250 200

Note: There was a 7.65mm/.32 automatic version of this rifl e. A few were

imported, although sales were slow because of the price of ammunition.

10 round magazine. Values are as follows:

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300

◼ AK-22A .22-caliber copy of the Soviet AK-47. The receiver is made from cast

alloy. Sheet steel top cover. 15 and 30 round magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300

◼ GALIL-22A .22-caliber copy of the Israeli Galil. It uses the same action as the

AK-22 with a different bolt handle and rear sight. 15 and 30 round maga-


EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300

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◼ MAS-22A .22-caliber copy of the French FAMAS rifl e. Bull pup design. Same ac-

tion as the AK-22. 15 and 30 round magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ PPS-50A .22-caliber copy of the Russian WWII PPSH sub-machine gun. 16 inch

barrel within a perforated barrel jacket. 30 round stick or 50 round drum

magazine. Price for rifl e with one 30 round stick magazine. Add $100-200

for each functional drum magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300


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◼ SCARAB SKORPION PISTOLA 9mm semi-automatic based on the Czech Model 61 Skorpion machine

pistol. It has a 4-5/8 inch barrel with threaded muzzle. Black fi nish. Maga-

zines hold 12 or 30 rounds. Approximately 600 were manufactured 1989-

90. This model was recently put back in production by Leinad.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400


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ARMSCOR Marikina City, Philippines

Manufacturer based in the Philippines. Maker of a line of low cost .22LR

rifl es that resemble the M-16 and AK. Has been imported under several

names over the years, including Armscor Precision, KBI and Squires


◼ MODEL 1600 A copy of the U.S. M-16 rifl e with an 18 inch barrel. Plastic stock. 10 or

15 round magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 200 150 125

◼ MODEL 1600R As above with collapsible wire stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 225 170 140

◼ MODEL 1600W As above with mahogany stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 200 150 125

◼ MODEL AK22 A .22LR copy of the Soviet AK-47. 18 inch barrel. 10 or 15 round maga-

zines. Mahogany stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 225 190 150

◼ MODEL AK22F As above with folding wire stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 250 200 175


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ARMSCORP OF AMERICABaltimore, Maryland

Manufacturer and importer 1982-94. They have offered custom built M-14

rifl es assembled to customer specifi cations. Since each one is a unique item

it is not practical to list all variations in this guide.

◼ M-14 R RIFLE 7.62mm/.308 Excellent condition USGI M-14 parts set assembled on a

new U.S. made semi-automatic receiver. Introduced 1986.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1000 800

◼ M-14 BEGINNING NATIONAL MATCH Built with excellent condition USGI parts and an air gauged premium

barrel. Made 1993-96.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1100 950

◼ M-14 NM (NATIONAL MATCH) Offered with three barrel weights, NM sights, op rod and other parts. In-

troduced 1987.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1250 1000

◼ M-21 MATCH RIFLENM rear lugged receiver. Custom barrel, stock and sights.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2000 1750 1500

◼ T-48 FAL ISRAELI PATTERN RIFLE7.62mm/.308 manufactured with U.S.-made receiver and Israeli parts in

original metric dimensions. Parts are interchangeable with FN Belgium

made parts. Offered 1990-92

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 800

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◼ T-48 FAL L1A1 PATTERNCopy of English L1A1. Add $200 for wood furniture.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 900 750

◼ T-48 BUSH MODELSimilar to Israeli pattern but with 18 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 800

◼ FRHBAssembled with Israeli parts. Heavy barrel with bi-pod. Offered 1990


EXC. V.G. GOOD 1800 1500 1100

◼ FALNew Armscorp manufactured receiver with Argentine made parts. 21 inch

barrel. Offered 1987-90

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 800

◼ FAL BUSH MODELAs above with 18 inch barrel with fl ash hider. Offered 1989 only.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1100 900

◼ FAL PARATROOPER MODELA Bush Model with side folding metal stock. Offered 1989 only.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1600 1250

◼ M36 SNIPER MODELA 7.62mm/.308 bullpup type rifl e that used a M-14 receiver. 22 inch free

fl oating barrel with integral fl ash hider. Folding bipod. Copied from an

Israeli design. According to some sources only 10 pieces were made in


EXC. V.G. GOOD 5000 4500 4000


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ARSENAL, INC.Las Vegas, Nevada

This is the current importer for AK type rifl es made in Bulgaria. Several ban

era variations have been discontinued. Not every variation is listed here.

Pricing is in the same range as those listed.

◼ 7.62X39MM RIFLES

▶ SLR-107F Stamped receiver. 7.62x39 with a 16-1/4 inch barrel. Black or desert

tan synthetic stocks. Left-side folding butt stock. Total length is 36-

7/8 inches with stock open or 27-3/8 with stock folded. Flash hider,

bayonet lug, accessory lug, stainless steel heat shield, 2 stage trigger,

and Russian type scope rail on the Left side. Also available as a “ban”

model without muzzle threads and bayonet mount. New for 2008.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 879 750 700 650

▶ SLR 107CFStamped receiver, 7.62x39 with a 16-1/4 inch barrel. Front sight block

/ gas block combination, 500m rear sight, cleaning rod. Stainless steel

heat shield. Black or desert tan polymer stocks. Left-side folding butt

stock, Total length is 34-1/2 inches with stock open or 25 inches with

stock folded. 2 stage trigger and scope rail.


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MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 979 850 775 700

▶ SLR-107UR Stamped receiver, 7.62x39 caliber, short gas system, front sight block

/ gas block combination, cleaning rod, black polymer furniture, stain-

less steel heat shield, left-side folding polymer stock, 2 stage trigger

and scope rail.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 979 850 775 700

▶ SLR-108Stamped receiver. Standard AK type rifl e in 7.62x39mm. 16-1/4 inch

barrel. Slant muzzle compensator. Fixed black polymer stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 600 550 500

▶ SA M-7RA milled receiver AK rifl e in 7.62x39. Black polymer fi xed stock. Avail-

able with or without threaded muzzle and bayonet lug.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 970 850 775 700

▶ SA M-7 ClassicAs above fi tted with blond wood furniture. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 800 725


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▶ SAS M-7Milled receiver, front sight block with bayonet lug. 16 1/4 inch barrel

with fl ash hider. Black polymer furniture, with collapsible underfolding

buttstock. New in 2008.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 900 800

▶ SAS M-7 ClassicAs above made with blond wood forearm and pistol grip.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1275 1000 900 800

▶ SLR-101/SLR-96A assault weapon ban era AK rifl e with polymer thumb hole stock. Cali-

ber 7.62x39mm. Milled receiver. Pinned muzzle break. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 550 450

▶ SA RPK-7US made milled receiver. Caliber 7.62x39mm. 21 inch RPK heavy bar-

rel, 14mm muzzle threads, muzzle nut, folding bipod, cleaning rod in-

side bipod, no bayonet lug, blond wood furniture, paddle style butt

stock. Limited production. No pricing information available.

◼ 5.56MM/.223 RIFLES

▶ SLR-106FStamped receiver, 5.56 NATO caliber, Left side folding polymer stock.

16-1/4 inch barrel with muzzle brake, bayonet lug, accessory lug, stain-

less steel heat shield and 2-stage trigger.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 799 700 625 550

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▶ SLR-106F With Metal StockStamped receiver, 5.56 NATO caliber, original metal left-side folding

stock, 16-1/4 inch barrel with muzzle brake, bayonet lug, accessory lug,

stainless steel heat shield and 2 stage trigger.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 749 675 600 525

▶ SLR-106URStamped receiver. Cal. 5.56mm NATO. 16-1/4 inch barrel. Short gas

system. Black polymer furniture. Left side folding stock. Replica dum-

my suppressor.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1179 1000 N/A N/A

▶ SA M-5US made milled receiver. Caliber 5.56mm Nato. 16-1/4 inch barrel.

Muzzle brake, cleaning rod, bayonet lug, black polymer furniture. NATO

pact buttstock. Discontinued

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

▶ SA RPK-5 US made milled receiver. 21 inch RPK heavy barrel, cal 5.56mm. Fold-

ing bipod, cleaning rod inside bipod, no bayonet lug, blond wood fur-

niture, paddle style buttstock. Limited production. No pricing informa-

tion available.



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AUTO ORDNANCEWest Hurley, New York

A manufacturer of the Thompson submachine guns through 1986, they

also made several semi-automatic versions of the classic sub gun. Be-

came a division of Kahr Arms in 1999. Add 20% for pre-Kahr Arms/AOC

West Hurley, NY production.

Note: Kahr Arms offers variants of its Thompson M1 and 1927 models in

“SB” (short barrel) variations modeled after the original 10.5 inch, full-auto

Thompson submachine guns. These short-barreled rifl es are subject to

the same ownership restrictions as submachineguns. See www.tommy- for more information.

◼ THOMPSON 1927A-1 STANDARD CAL. 45 ACP 16 inch plain barrel. Horizontal forearm. Shipped with a 30-rd stick maga-

zine. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 850 700

◼ THOMPSON 1927A-1 DELUXEAll the classic details of the time honored original 1928 are re-

produced in this semi-auto Thompson. The frame and receiv-

er are machined from solid steel. The wood is genuine Ameri-

can walnut. Pistol grip forearm. This .45 caliber carbine features a

16-1/2 inch fi nned barrel, compensator and is available with a blued steel


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1221 1100 950 850


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As above but has a detachable buttstock similar to that on the 1928 SMG.

Introduced in 2007.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1675 1400 1200 1000



◼ THOMPSON 1927 A-1C LIGHTWEIGHT DELUXESame as the deluxe model but with an aluminum alloy receiver.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 986 850 750 600

◼ THOMPSON 1927 A-1 COMMANDOA replacement for the standard model. Horizontal forearm. 16-1/2 inch

fi nned barrel with compensator. Has a parkerized fi nish on the steel and a

black fi nish on the stocks. Introduced in 1998.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 950 800 700


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◼ THOMPSON 1927 A-4 Pistol version made with an alloy receiver, 13 inch barrel, pistol grip fore-

arm. No provision for mounting a stock. Discontinued in 1994. Reintro-

duced with 10.5 inch barrel as Model T5 by Kahr Arms in 2008.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 900

Note: Add $300 for 50 round drum magazine or $100 for 39 round drum

XL magazine that accompanied many Thompson 1927 models. For 100

round drum add $300.

◼ THOMPSON M-1A semi-automatic version of the WWII era M-1 A-1 sub-machine gun. 16

inch barrel, horizontal forearm. co*cking knob is on the right side of the

receiver instead of on top as the 1927 models. Does not accept the drum


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1148 950 800 700

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◼ THOMPSON 1927-A3 .22 CAL. Has a 16 inch fi nned barrel with compensator. Alloy frame and receiver.

Walnut stock. Pistol grip forearm. 30 round curved magazine. Discontin-

ued 1994.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950

◼ AUTO-ORDNANCE M-1 CARBINEA close copy of the classic U.S. Carbine Cal. .30 M-1. New manufacture.

Has walnut or synthetic stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 777 600 450 350


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BARRETT F.A. MFG CO.Murfeesboro, Tennessee

◼ MODEL 82 RIFLEA .50 Browning semi-automatic rifl e. 37 inch barrel with a muzzle compen-

sator. 11 round detachable magazine. Parkerized fi nish. Approx weight 35

lbs. Manufactured 1985-87.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 7000 6000 5000

◼ MODEL 82A1 /M107Updated version of the Model 82. Offered with 29 or 20 inch barrel. Weight

approx 30 lbs. Currently issued to the U.S. military as the M107.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 8050 7500 7000 6500


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BERETTA, PIETROGardonne, Italy

◼ AR-70A 5.56mm/.223 semi-automatic rifl e. 17.7 inch barrel. Black epoxy fi nish

with a black plastic stock. Sold with 8 and 30 rd magazines. Weight 8-1/2

lbs. Mfg in Italy by Beretta. Imported by the Berben Corp. NY, NY. Impor-

tation discontinued in 1989.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2000 1750 1500



◼ BM-59 A 7.62mm/.308 version of the M-1 Garand that takes detachable 20 round

magazines. A few were imported by Springfi eld Armory in the 1980s.

Springfi eld Armory also manufactured their own version of this model.

(Bottom illustration shows receiver markings.)

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2300 2000 1700


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BERETTA U.S.A.Acco*keek, Maryland

◼ CX4 STORMA semi-automatic carbine with a 16-5/8 inch barrel. Offered in 9mm,

.40S&W or .45ACP. Uses the same magazines from Beretta handguns in

these calibers. Synthetic stock. Introduced in 2003.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 700 625 500

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◼ BUSHMASTER ARMS PISTOL A 5.56mm semi-automatic pistol built in a bull pup confi guration. 11-1/2

inch barrel. Alloy or steel frame. Operating handle is on top, later changed

to the side. Pistol grip housing can be adjusted sideways to allow for left

or right hand operation. Parkerized fi nish. Uses AR-15/M-16 magazines.

Discontinued in 1988.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 800 700

◼ BUSHMASTER RIFLEA rifl e built with the same operating mechanism as above, but not a bull

pup. 18-1/2 inch barrel. Side folding stock. Fixed wood stock was avail-

able as an option. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600



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This company was formed in 1986 when Ouality Parts Co. bought the old

Bushmaster trade mark. They currently manufacture a variety of AR-15

type rifl es. Bushmaster recently purchased Professional Ordnance and

has added the Carbon 15 series of fi rearms to their offerings. Owned by

Cerberus Capital, which also owns Remington and Marlin.

◼ BUSHMASTER O.R.C. (Optics Ready Carbine) This top quality Bushmaster Carbine was devel-

oped for the shooter who intends to immediately add optics (scope, red

dot or holographic sight) to the rifl e - as it is shipped without iron sights.

Various add-on rear iron sights can be easily attached to the fl at-top up-

per receiver, and Bushmaster’s BMAS front fl ip-up sight for V Match rifl es

(Part # YHM-9360K) can be mounted over the milled gas block. The pre-

mium 16 inch M4 profi le barrel is chrome lined in both bore and chamber

to provide Bushmaster accuracy, durability and maintenance ease.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1085 950 825 700


◼ BUSHMASTER MODULAR CARBINEThe B.M.A.S. Modular Carbine incorporates a number of Bushmaster’s

popular Bushmaster Modular Accessories into a unique, lightweight,

feature packed carbine that will stand out at any range. Features popu-

lar Bushmaster modular accessories such as B.M.A.S. four rail tubular

forend which free-fl oats the barrel from the barrel nut forward to avoid

any possibility of barrel defl ection or accuracy degradation. Molded rub-

ber Sure-Grip rail covers snap over the rail sections on the handguard to

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add ergonomic comfort and rail protection. The rear sight is a detachable

dual aperture B.M.A.S. Rear Flipup unit with windage calibrated to 1/2

M.o.A.The front sight is our B.M.A.S. clamp-on designed to fi t directly

over the milled front gas block. It folds down with the touch of a button to

allow scope use, and incorporates an elevation adjustable M16A2 front

sight post. The ergonomic pistol grip is an ambidextrous design, molded

of urethane with a stipple fi nish to provide a solid non-slip grip and fi rm

control. The 5.56 mm/.223 Rem. Chrome-lined 16 inch chrome-moly va-

nadium steel barrel is fl uted for lighter weight and enhanced cooling ca-

pabilities, and includes the A2 “birdcage” fl ash suppressor. The modular

carbine is available with either a lightweight skeleton stock or a six-posi-

tion telescoping stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1745 1400 1250 1000



◼ BUSHMASTER CARBON 15 9MM CARBINEThe Bushmaster Carbon 15 9mm Carbine combines durable carbon fi ber

receivers, the familiarity of AR15 type operating controls, a six-position

telestock and a receiver length picatinny optics rail into a light weight,

powerful, and compact fi rearm ideal for law enforcement or personal pro-


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1050 950 850 750


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CARBINE The unique Carbon 15 “top loading” model has been developed specifi -

cally for the California market (and other states with similar restrictions).

It offers traditional AR-15 type features, rugged carbon fi ber composite

molded receivers for light weight and durability, and a 10 round inter-

nal magazine - loaded by simply pushing in the receiver takedown pin

and then pivoting open the receivers. This exposes the internal magazine

components – which are permanently fi xed in position within the lower re-

ceiver. Cartridges can then be inserted into the magazine feed lips in the

same manner as any removable AR-15 type magazine. Shipped in Bush-

master’s lockable hard case with black web sling, safety block, sighting

in target, operation and safety manual - one year warranty. To comply

with California state statutes, and for other states with similar restrictions,

the Carbon 15 top loading rifl e has a 10 round internal magazine that is

loaded by simply pushing in the receiver takedown pin and then pivoting

open the upper and lower receivers. This exposes the internal magazine

components – which are permanently fi xed in position within the lower re-

ceiver. Then cartridges can be inserted into the magazine feed lips in the

same manner as any removable AR-15 type magazine. Internal magazine

capacity is limited to 10 rounds, and the bottom of the magazine well is


MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1070 950 850 7 50


The Bushmaster C15 M4 type carbines are a unique hybridization of tra-

ditional AR-15 type features with space-age carbon 15 composite mold-

ed receivers for light weight and rugged durability. Lightweight carbon 15

composite receivers, 40% stronger and 40% lighter than comparable air-

craft aluminum receivers, unaffected by moisture, will not corrode. Matte

black throughout (no surface fi nish to wear off). Upper receiver includes

anodized aluminum picatinny rail for unlimited sight, scope or optics

mounting. 16 inch M4 profi le barrel chambered for 5.56mm NATO/.223

Rem. Caliber, – chrome-lined in both bore and chamber for long wear and

ease of maintenance – standard threaded muzzle. Fitted with izzy fl ash

suppressor. Barrel fi nish is mil-spec manganese phosphate for protection

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against corrosion and rust. Front sight is AR type base with post – adjust-

able for elevation. Rear sight is a B.M.A.S. dual aperture fl ip-up, adjust-

able for windage. Six-position telestock offers light weight, carrying ease

and quick handling. Carbine length handguards have internal aluminum

shields to protect against heat build-up in rapid fi re sequences.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1155 1000 900 800

◼ BUSHMASTER “AK” CARBINESBushmaster AK carbines offer compact size, balanced swing weight,

and great accuracy from their chrome-lined, chrome-moly vanadium

steel barrels. Bushmaster forged aluminum receivers, six position tele-

stocks, and carbine length handguards complete the shared features of

these versatile carbines. Chrome-moly vanadium steel barrels in various

lengths as indicated - all manganese phosphate fi nished to insure pro-

tection against corrosion or rust. The 16 inch heavy barrel has a threaded

“birdcage” fl ash suppressor. AK47 type muzzle brake and 5.5 inch sup-

pressors are permanently pinned and welded onto barrels to achieve

legal length barrel units. Dual aperture rear sights on A2 models have 1

MOA elevation adjustments and 1/2 MOA windage adjustments with a

300-800 meter range. The A3 type carbines (removable carry handle in-

cluded) have 1/2 MOA adjustments for both elevation and windage with

a 300-600 meter range. The A3 upper has a picatinny rail for the attach-

ment of sights, scopes, or night vision optics. A2 front post type sights

are adjustable for elevation. Six position telescoping stocks are fi tted to

all models - other stocks are available as optional installations.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1180 1000 875 750

◼ BUSHMASTER CARBON 15 R97S RIFLEWith many parts molded of Carbon 15 Composite, these rifl es are the

lightest in the Bushmaster lineup.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1265 1050 900 775

◼ BUSHMASTER CARBON 15 R4 RIFLEThe Bushmaster C15 Model 4 Carbines are a unique hybridization of

traditional AR-15 type features with space-age Carbon 15 composite

molded receivers for light weight and rugged durability. Upper and lower


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receivers are molded of durable, water resistant Carbon 15 composite

with operational controls same as any AR15 type fi rearm. Color-coded

safety lever markings on both sides of receiver for quick visual check of

fi ring condition. 14.5 inch M4 profi le barrel – chrome lined chrome-moly

steel – includes an “izzy” fl ash suppressor pinned and welded in place to

achieve 16 inch overall barrel length. Barrel and other critical steel parts

are manganese phosphate fi nished for corrosion and rust protection. Up-

per receiver includes a receiver length raised picatinny optics rail with

integral dual aperture rear sight (windage adjustable). Front sight is stan-

dard A2 post type gas block adjustable for elevation. Six position tele-

stock reduces overall length by 4 inch when retracted.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1155 1000 875 750

◼ BUSHMASTER CARBON 15 R21 RIFLE With many parts molded of Carbon 15 Composite, these rifl es are among

the lightest in the Bushmaster lineup.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 990 850 775 700

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◼ BUSHMASTER SUPERLIGHT CARBINES Bushmaster SuperLights feature a 16 inch barrel design adapted from

the original G.I. “pencil barrel” profi le. When combined with a six-posi-

tion telestock or a “stubby stock,” it is Bushmaster’s lightest aluminum

carbine ever.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950 800



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◼ BUSHMASTER DISSIPATOR CARBINE This versatile carbine has features that are unique to the AR-15 Type fi re-

arm including a carbine length barrel, full length handguards and the sight

radius of the original rifl e design.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1205 1050 875 750


◼ BUSHMASTER M4 TYPE “POST BAN” CARBINE This model offers features that make it legal for sale in states where re-

strictions similar to the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 are still in place. A

14.5 inch chrome lined M4 type barrel with a permanently attached “izzy”

brake yields a 16 inch overall length (BATF legal) barrel. The buttstock is

a fi xed length “tele-style” unit, but it is not collapsible in order to conform

with those regulations. Magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds, and the

bayonet lug is milled off on this “Post-Ban” model.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1265 1100 950 800

◼ PREDATORBuilt as a result of numerous requests by the hunters who wanted a

slightly shorter barrel and lighter swing weight in a carry rifl e for predator

hunting/calling, this 20 inch barreled version of the Varminter will deliver

all the accuracy you’ve come to expect from a Bushmaster. The New

“Camo” version features “RealTree© Max1” camoufl age, and the fi nish is

applied over almost the whole rifl e (excepting barrel and a few small metal

parts - ejection port cover, etc.).

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1310 1100 950 800

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◼ STAINLESS VARMINT SPECIAL Similar to the Predator but with a 24 inch stainless steel barrel and lacking

the camo fi nish.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1325 1100 950 800


◼ CARBON 15 .22 LR RIMFIRE Designed for the indoor range and the youth shooter, this Carbon15 .22

LR rim fi re is a lightweight AR style rifl e.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 790 700 625 550


◼ BUSHMASTER .450 RIFLE AND CARBINE An AR style rifl e chambering the .450 Bushmaster. This powerful cartridge,

developed in affi liation with Hornady, is tamed by the AR type gas operating

system so that recoil is reduced to a heavy thump, and second shot control

is retained. The cartridge is adapted from a 6.5mm – .284 case with necking

cut off to accommodate the 250-grain Hornady SST Flex Tip .450-caliber

bullet. AR type magazine boxes are utilized in the Bushmaster .450, and are

fi tted with a blue, single stack follower due to the diameter of the cartridge.


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B With bullet velocity of 2200 fps, accuracy out to 200 yards is exceptional with

stopping power ample to take any North American large game. Ballistics ap-

proximate the traditional 405-grain .45-70 factory load. The chromoly steel

barrels are rifl ed 1 turn in 24 inches and chrome lined in both bore and cham-

ber for exceptional durability and ease of maintenance. Free Floating Alumi-

num Forends help deliver optimum accuracy – rifl e length is vented for cool-

ing. Forged aluminum receivers; A2 pistol grip and solid A2 buttstock with

trapdoor storage compartment are standard features. All operating controls

are the same as any AR type rifl e, and the Bushmaster .450s are shipped

with one 5 round magazine, a black web sling, operators safety manual, and

orange safety block in a lockable hard plastic carrying case.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 1050 900

◼ BUSHMASTER GAS PISTON RIFLEThe Bushmaster Gas Piston System Rifl es bring new levels of reliability to

the “AR” type rifl e platform by eliminating carbon build up, gas leaks and

heat within the upper receiver. The gas piston system operates by tap-

ping gas pressure off the barrel much like the systems found on AK-47s

and FALs. Functions with a wider range of ammunition. Offers improved

reliability and control - with cleaner operation and reduced recoil. Keeps

carbon build up and powder residue from reaching and fouling the upper

receiver and bolt carrier. A detented plug in the gas block allows easy

cleaning of the system’s hard chrome plated piston. Offered in basic M-4

confi guration with a 16 inch barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1745 1450 1200 1000

◼ BUSHMASTER 6.8 SPC RIFLEThis gas operated semi-automatic packs a bigger punch than the

5.56mm/.223 models – a .270 cal. 6.8mm SPC (Special Purpose Car-

tridge) specifi cally developed for the military, but now available commer-

cially. Velocity averages a bit over 2600 FPS (with Hornady 115 Gr.V-Max),

and the heavier bullet weights deliver excellent terminal energies. The 6.8

mm SPC was developed from a .30 Remington case, which is shortened

slightly to fi t the AR15 type magazine. Due to the “fatter” case diameter,

magazine capacity in a 30 round AR type shell is reduced to 26 rounds,

and 6.8 specifi c springs and followers are used. The bolt is also different -

due again to case diameter. 6.8 mm SPC caliber 16 inch M4 profi le barrel

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with “izzy” brake. Six-position telescoping stocks are fi tted to rifl es ; other

stocks are available as optional installations. 26 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1295 1100 1000 850


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◼ BUSHMASTER M17SA bullpup style rifl e in 5.56mm/.223. It has a 20 inch barrel. The receiver is

made from machined aluminum. Uses AR-15 magazines. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 675 600


▶ Carbon 15 Type 21S PistolThe newest generation of Bushmaster Carbon 15 Pistols - the “S” Se-

ries - feature full length picatinny rails with integral iron sights, and cool,

comfortable forends for stable fi ring control. Receivers, forend and oth-

er parts are molded of durable, water resistant Carbon 15 composite.

Operating controls are similar to any AR15 type fi rearm, and safety lever

markings are color coded for quick, easy identifi cation. The 7-1/4 inch

5.56mm / .223 caliber stainless steel match grade barrel includes an

A2 fl ash suppressor. The total length of the pistol is only 20 inches.

The bolt carrier is black oxide fi nished, and other critical steel parts are

manganese phosphate fi nished for corrosion and rust protection. Up-

per receiver includes a full length picatinny optics rail with integral dual

aperture rear sight (windage adjustable), and an A2 type square post

front sight adjustable for elevation. Uses AR-15 magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1050 850 750 650

▶ BUSHMASTER Carbon 15 Type 97 PistolFeatures receivers and other parts molded of durable carbon fi ber

composite, and match grade stainless steel barrels with operating

controls similar to any AR-15 type fi rearm. Receivers and other parts

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are molded of durable, water resistant Carbon 15 composite. Oper-

ating controls are similar to any AR15 type fi rearm, and safety lever

markings are color coded for quick and easy identifi cation. The rear

sight is a ghost ring type, and the front sight is a blade machined into

the gas block. 7-1/4 inch 5.56mm/.223 caliber stainless steel match

grade barrel fl uted for lighter weight and improved cooling capabil-

ity. Includes a quick detach compensator for control of muzzle rise in

rapid fi re sequences. Fitted with Hogue® overmolded pistol grip for

ergonomic hand comfort. Uses AR-15 magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 990 850 750 650


▶ Bushmaster Carbon 15 Type 97S PistolThe newest generation of Bushmaster Carbon 15 pistols, the “S”

Series, feature full length picatinny rails with integral iron sights, and

cool, comfortable forends for stable fi ring control. Receivers, forend

and other parts are molded of durable, water resistant Carbon 15

composite. Operating controls are similar to any AR15 type fi rearm,

and safety lever markings are color coded for quick, easy identifi ca-

tion. 7-1/4 inch 5.56mm/.223 caliber stainless steel match grade

barrel includes an A2 fl ash suppressor. Upper Receiver includes a

full length picatinny optics rail with integral dual aperture rear sight

(windage adjustable), and an A2 type square post front sight adjust-

able for elevation. The forend features an additional picatinny ac-

cessory mounting rail for lasers or fl ashlights, and the pistol grip is

a Hogue® overmolded unit for ergonomic comfort. Uses AR-15



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MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1095 900 800 700


▶ Bushmaster Carbon 15 9mm Pistol9x19mm NATO caliber AR type pistol. With a full length picatinny rail

including integral iron sights, an M203 type foregrip, and a comfort-

able neoprene sleeve over the buffer tube, this pistol is ideal for law

enforcement, personal protection and unique fun at the range.Re-

ceivers, forend and other parts are molded of durable, water resistant

carbon fi ber composite. Operating controls are similar to any AR-15

type fi rearm, and safety lever markings are color coded for quick, easy

identifi cation. 7-1/4 inch chrome moly steel barrel includes a birdcage

fl ash hider for control of muzzle rise. Bolt carrier, and other critical steel

parts are manganese phosphate fi nished for protection against corro-

sion or rust. Upper receiver includes a full length picatinny optics rail

with integral dual aperture rear sight (windage adjustable). The A2 front

post sight is adjustable for elevation. Two quick-detach sling swivel

studs are fi tted. Carbon 15 pistols are shipped with a 30 round maga-

zine, operating and safety instruction manual.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1025 850 750 650

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Georgia, Vermont

Century Arms has been known for years as the largest importer of mili-

tary surplus fi rearms for the U.S. market. As the overseas supplies of

surplus fi rearms legal for importation has dwindled, Century Arms has

expanded their offerings to include a wide variety of semi-automatic

versions of classic assault rifl es.

◼ AKMCentury currently has several variations of the Automat Kalishnikov series

available. These are manufactured by Century Arms using U.S. made receiv-

ers and barrels and other parts necessary to comply with U.S. code 922(r),

along with original AK parts imported from over seas. These are offered with

both Draganov style thumbhole stocks as well as standard military pattern

stock sets. Some models only accept a 10 round single column magazine

and lack the recoil compensator and bayonet mount in order to comply with

laws in several states and cities. Others accept the original high capacity

magazines but lack the features banned by some laws. The Century catalog

numbers are listed to help identify specifi c models.

Note: AKM Type rifl es that accept a 10 round low capacity magazine will

not accept standard AK magazines.

▶ Cut Away GP WASR-10



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C As above but a cut away rifl e for training gunsmiths and others. Allows

viewing of internal parts and their functional relationship. Still requires

paperwork as any modern fi rearm. Includes a cut away 10 round mag-

azine. Product ID: RI1071C

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 425 350 325 300

▶ WASR-2Semi-auto rifl e low capacity rifl e with military style stock, cal.

5.45x39mm. Product ID: RI1172

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 350 325 300 275


▶ WASR-3 Semi-auto rifl e, low capacity w/ military style stock, cal. .223. Shipped

with two 10 round magazines. Product ID: RI1174

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 350 325 300 275

▶ WASR-2 Semi-auto rifl e, low capacity with Dragunov stock, cal. 5.45x39mm.

Shipped with two 10 round magazines. Product ID: RI1158

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 350 325 300 275

▶ GP WASR-10 LO-CAPSemi-auto rifl e with Dragunov style stock, cal. 7.62x39mm. Shipped

with one 5 and one 10 round magazines. Product ID: RI1171D

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 350 325 300 275


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▶ WASR 22 Semi-auto rifl e with Dragunov style stock, cal. .22LR. Shipped with one

10 round magazine. Product ID: RI1160

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 350 325 300 275


▶ GP WASR-10 HI-CAPSemi-auto rifl e with Dragunov style stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm. 16-1/4

inch barrel. Weight is 7-1/2 lbs. Shipped with two 30 round magazines.

Product ID: RI1164

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 375 325 300 275

▶ WASR-2 HI-CAPSemi-auto rifl e with military stock, Cal. 5.45x39mm. No recoil compen-

sator or bayonet lug. Shipped with two 30 round magazines. Product

ID: RI1167

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 400 375 350 325

▶ WASR-3 HI-CAP Semi-auto rifl e with military style stock, Cal. .223. No recoil compensa-

tor or bayonet lug. Shipped with two 30 round magazines. Product ID:


NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 400 375 350 325

▶ GP WASR-10 HI-CAP SIDE FOLDSemi-auto rifl e with side folding composite stock and original Roma-

nian pattern wood forward pistol grip, Cal. 7.62x39mm. Has recoil



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C compensator and bayonet lug. Shipped with two 30 round magazines

and a bayonet. Product ID: RI1203

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 475 450 525 400

◼ M70AB2Sporter with under-folding stock, cal. 7.62x39mm. Based on the Yugoslavi-

an Model 70AB paratrooper rifl e with under folding stock. Original parts are

refi nished to like new condition. Has recoil compensator and bayonet lug.

Shipped with two 30 round magazines and a bayonet. Product ID: RI1216

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 550 500 475 450

▶ GP WASR-10 HI-CAP SLIDE STOCKSemi-auto rifl e with CAR-15 style collapsible stock, cal. 7.62x39mm.

Wood forearm. Has recoil compensator and bayonet lug. Shipped with

two 30 round magazines and a bayonet. Product ID: RI1209

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 450 425 400 375




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◼ GP WASR-10 HI-CAP Galil handguard and CAR-15 type collapsible stock, cal 7.62x39mm. Has

recoil compensator and bayonet lug. Shipped with two 30 round maga-

zines and a bayonet. Product ID: RI1230

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 450 425 400 375

◼ M72 HEAVY BBL SEMI-AUTO SPORTERCal. 7.62x39mm. 21-1/4 inch barrel. Based on the Yugoslavian M72 light

machine gun. Folding bi-pod. Has recoil compensator. Shipped with two

40 round magazines. Product ID: RI1233

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 650 600 575 550


◼ M70B1 SEMI-AUTO SPORTERCal. 7.62x39mm. Same as the Yugoslavian Model 70 rifl e. Original wood

stock has the issue rubber recoil pad. 16-1/4 inch barrel features a recoil

compensator. No bayonet mount. Weight 8-1/2 lbs. Shipped with two 30

round magazines. Product ID: RI1285

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 525 500 475 450



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C ◼ AMD65Hungarian AMD65 pattern semi-auto sporter with side folding stock and

pistol grip forearm. Cal. 7.62x39mm. Product ID: RI1298

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 600 550 500 425

◼ CENTURY GP 1975 RIFLECal. 7.62x39mm. It has a T6 adjustable collapsible stock for perfect length

adjustment. Top and bottom handguard from Fobus. Accepts 30 round

mags. 16-1/4 inch barrel (without compensator). Overall length 34 inches

(37.5 inches with fully extended stock). Weight: 6.9 lbs. Product ID: RI1382

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 575 550 525 500

◼ GP WASR-10 ROMANIAN UNDER FOLDER RIFLECal. 7.62x39mm. Has recoil compensator and bayonet lug. Shipped with

two 30 round magazines and a bayonet. Product ID: RI1405

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 475 450 425 400



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◼ AES-10B HI-CAP SEMI-AUTO RIFLECal. 7.62x39mm. Basically an AES-10 with a heavy barrel and bipod to

make it look almost exactly like the famous RPK. Comes with two 40

round mags. Barrel: 21-1/4 inches; overall length 40 inches. Weight 10.75

lbs. Product ID: RI1407

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 500 475 450 425

◼ 1975 AK BULLPUP RIFLECal. 7.26x39mm. An AK type rifl e reconfi gured in bullpup design. Comes

with two 30 round magazines. Barrel: 16-1/4 inches, Overall length 27

inches. Weight: 7 lbs. Product ID: RI1420

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 525 500 475 450


◼ ROMANIAN DRAGUNOV SEMI-AUTO RIFLECal. 7.62x54R. A copy of the classic Russian sniper rifl e from the Cold

War. 26-1/2 inch barrel. Overall length 45-1/2 inches. Weight 9 lbs. Comes

with LPS 4x60 TIP2 scope and mount, compensator and two 10 round

magazines. Product ID: RI1342

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 900 850 800 750



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◼ M-76 SNIPER RIFLECal. 8x57mm. A semi-auto-only version of the famous Yugoslavian M76;

has a brand new US-made receiver and barrel. 21-1/2 inch barrel (w/o

fl ash hider), Overall: 44.5 inches. Weight 11.3 lbs. Comes with original

scope, mount, and 10 round magazine. Product ID: RI1383

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 2250 2100 1950 1800



◼ CETME Semi-Auto Sporter, Cal. .308 WIN. Built with original CETME parts kit on

a Century Arms receiver. Originally offered with wood stock and forearm.

Current model has a synthetic black or camoufl age stock and forearm.

Product ID: RI1189

Note: Some owners have reported function issues with early Century

Arms CETME sporters. It took them a while to fi ne tune production and

assembly procedures. It is also reported that Century has willingly fi xed or

replaced affected guns.

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 600 550 500 450

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◼ VZ58 SPORTER SEMI-AUTO RIFLECal. 7.62x39mm. Based on the Czechoslovakian Model Vz-58. The ac-

tion is not Kalishnikov based. 16 inch barrel. Overall length 35-1/4 inches.

Weight 6.9 lbs. 10 round magazines are designed for this model. Stan-

dard AKM magazines will not work. Shipped with two 10 round maga-

zines, sling and cleaning kit. Product ID: RI1309

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 775 725 675 625

◼ M53 BELT FED SEMI-AUTO RIFLECal. 8mm. Based on the German WWII issue MG-42 machine gun. Comes

with 100 round belt and can. Barrel: 21 inches, overall length 48 inches.

Weight: 25.5 lbs. Limited production. Product ID: RI1399

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 2600 2250 2000 1750




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C ◼ GOLANI SEMI-AUTO SPORTER RIFLECal. .223. A copy of the Galil rifl e. New receiver and barrel with original

Galil parts. Comes with a spare 35 round magazine. 21 inch barrel. Over-

all: 29 inches (folded), Weight: 8.13 lbs.

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 950 900 850 800



◼ L1A1 SPORTERA semi-automatic version of the FN FAL rifl e in 7.62mm/.308. Plastic

stock and forearm. Some were made with a thumbhole stock during the

1994 AWB. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 500 400

◼ G-3 RIFLE A copy of the Heckler and Koch G-3. cal. 7.62mm/.308. Synthetic stock

and forearm. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 550 4 75

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Importer: Mars Equipment, Chicago, Illinois

◼ CETME CETME was actually the name of a Spanish government design organiza-

tion from the 1950s. They designed the CETME rifl e using the roller lock-

ing system fi rst tried by Germany during WWII in the experimental Mauser

StG45. After the war, Mauser engineer Ludwig Vorgrimmler came to Spain

and helped design a new rifl e. The rifl e ended up bearing the name of the

design group. Spain adopted the Cetme select fi re rifl e in 1957. It was

chambered in 7.62x51mm. The design was licensed by Heckler and Koch

and was adopted by West Germany as the G-3 rifl e in 1958. In the early

1960s the semi-automatic CETME Sport rifl e was imported to the U.S. by

the Mars Equipment Co. of Chicago, Ill. These are the only true Spanish

made CETME ever imported. See CETME listings under Century Arms.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3000 2600 2200



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CLARIDGE HI-TECNorth Hollywood, California

◼ MODEL S9 PISTOLA 9mm semi-automatic pistol. It has a 5 inch barrel. 16, 20 and 30 round

magazines. Manufactured 1990-93. This design was based on the Goncz

pistol and the owner of that design reportedly successfully sued Claridge

for patent infringement. The company was forced to cease operations.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350


◼ MODEL L9 PISTOLAs above with a 7-1/2 or 9-1/2 inch barrel with a ventilated shroud. Some

variations exist. None signifi cantly affects price.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350

◼ C9 RIFLEA rifl e version using the Claridge action. 16-1/8 inch barrel. Wood stock

and forearm.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 500 450

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Atlanta, Ga.

This company was one manufacturer of the MAC-10 pattern semi-auto


◼ M-11 PISTOLA 9mm semi-automatic pistol. Made from steel stampings. Fires from a

closed bolt. Parkerized fi nish. 12 and 32 round magazines. Guns made

until 1994 have a threaded muzzle.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 300 250 200

◼ M-12 PISTOLAs above but chambered in .380 ACP.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 300 250 200

◼ TM-11 CARBINEA 9mm semi-automatic rifl e. Constructed from steel stampings. 16-1/4

inch barrel. Back half is covered with a shroud. Metal shoulder stock that

can be removed. 12 and 32 round magazines. Factory made steel maga-

zines bring a premium over the more common zytel (plastic) magazines.

Based on the M-11 semi-auto pistol. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 350 300 250

◼ TM-12 CARBINE As above, but chambered in .380 ACP.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300


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Hartford, Connecticut

◼ AR-15When Eugene Stoner submitted the early M-16 rifl es for government test-

ing in 1958, no one had any idea that it was the beginning of a signifi cant

chapter in U.S. gun making history. The fi rst M-16 select fi re rifl es were

made by Armalite on contract for the U.S. Air Force in 1961. When a

fl ood of contracts overwhelmed the Armalite Company the manufacturing

rights were transferred to Colt. Colt began fi lling military orders in 1964.

For those interested in learning more about the history and development

of this fi rearm I recommend the book The Gun Digest Book of The AR-15

by Patrick Sweeney, available from Gun Digest publications.

Colt began offering a semi-automatic version of the new rifl e on the

civilian market in 1964. This was dubbed an AR-15, which was the name

that Armalite had used for the design until the government adopted it as

the M-16. It should be noted that while the name “AR-15” has become

synonymous with semi-automatic versions of the M-16, Colt holds the

trademark on that name.

Pricing for pre ban Colt AR-15 rifl es peaked in the 1990s due to demand

for rifl es with the then-banned features such as the collapsible stock, bayo-

net lug and fl ash hider. Since the 2004 expiration of the AWB, the demand

for pre-ban rifl es has dropped as many buyers can now get new rifl es made

by several other manufacturers with whatever features they want. Those

who insist on owning a Colt made gun are still willing to pay extra for the


▶ AR-15 Sporter (Model #6000) Receivers marked SP-1 until 1985

Introduced into the Colt product line in 1964. Similar in appearance and

function to the military version, the M-16 but no capability for automatic

fi re. Chambered for the .223 cartridge. It is fi tted with a standard 20 inch

barrel with no forward assist, no case defl ector, but with a bayonet lug.

Weighs about 7.5 lbs. The fi rst production rifl es had the three prong fl ash

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hider. This was soon changed to the birdcage fl ash hider. Dropped from

production in 1985. Bottom photo shows receiver markings.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1150 900


▶ AR-15 Sporter w/Collapsible Stock (Model #6001)Same as above but fi tted with a 16 inch barrel and sliding stock. Weighs

approximately 5.8 lbs. Introduced in 1978 and discontinued in 1985.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 1000

▶ AR-15 Carbine (Model #6420)Introduced in 1985 this model has a 16 inch standard weight barrel. All

other features are the same as the previous discontinued AR-15 mod-

els. This version was dropped from the Colt product line in 1987.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 900

▶ AR-15 9mm Carbine (Model #6450)Chambered for the 9mm cartridge. Has the collapsible stock. Weighs

6.3 lbs.

EXC. V.G GOOD 1500 1250 900



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C ▶ AR-15A2 (Model #6500)Introduced in 1984, this was an updated version with a heavier barrel

and forward assist. The AR sight was still utilized. Weighs approxi-

mately 7.8 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1100 900 800

▶ AR-15A2 Govt. Model Carbine (Model #6520)Added to the Colt line in 1988, this 16 inch standard barrel carbine

featured for the fi rst time a case defl ector, forward assist, and the im-

proved A2 rear sight. This model is fi tted with a four-position telescop-

ing buttstock. Weighs about 5.8 lbs. Colt restricts this model from civil-

ian sales.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1250 1000 800

▶ AR-15A2 Gov’t. Model (Model #6550)This model was introduced in 1988; it is the rifl e equivalent to the Car-

bine. It features a 20 inch A2 barrel, forward assist, case defl ector,

but still retains the bayonet lug. Weighs about 7.5 lbs. Discontinued in


EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 800

▶ AR-15A2 H-Bar (Model #6600)Introduced in 1986, this version features a special 20 inch heavy barrel.

All other features are the same as the A2 series of AR15s. Discontinued

in 1991. Weighs about 8 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 800

▶ AR-15A2 Delta H-Bar (Model #6600DH)Same as above but fi tted with a 3x9 Tasco scope and detachable


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cheekpiece. Dropped from the Colt line in 1990. Weighs about 10 lbs.

Equipped with a metal carrying case.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1800 1500 1250

▶ Sporter Lightweight Rifl eThis lightweight model has a 16 inch barrel and is fi nished in a matte black.

It is available in either a .223 Rem. caliber (Model #6530) that weighs 6.7

lbs., a Model #6430 w/A1 sights, 9mm caliber weighing 7.1 lbs., or a Mod-

el #6830 7.65x39mm that weighs 7.3 lbs. The .223 is furnished with two

fi ve round box magazines as is the 9mm and 7.65x39mm. A cleaning kit

and sling are also supplied with each new rifl e. The buttstock and pistol

grip are made of durable nylon and the handguard is reinforced fi berglass

and aluminum lined. The rear sight is adjustable for windage and eleva-

tion. These newer models are referred to simply as Sporters and are not

fi tted with a bayonet lug and the receiver block has different size pins.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 850 750 600

▶ Sporter Target Model Rifl e (Model #6551)This 1991 model is a full size version of the Lightweight Rifl e. The Tar-

get Rifl e weighs 7.5 lbs. and has a 20 inch barrel. Offered in .223 Rem.

caliber only with target sights adjustable to 800 meters. New rifl es are

furnished with two 5 round box magazines, sling, and cleaning kit.

Same as the Model 6550 except for a rib around the magazine release.

Bottom photo shows receiver markings.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 850 700


▶ Sporter Match H-Bar (Model #6601)This 1991 variation of the AR-15 is similar to the Target Model but has a

20 inch heavy barrel chambered for the .223 caliber. This model weighs


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C 8 lbs. and has A2 sights adjustable out to 800 meters. Supplied with

two fi ve round box magazines, sling, and cleaning kit.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 850 700



▶ Sporter Match Delta H-Bar (Model #6601 DH)Same as above but supplied with a 3x9 Tasco scope. Has a black

detachable cheekpiece and metal carrying case. Weighs about 10 lbs.

Discontinued in 1992. Deduct $150 if there is no scope or hard case.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 1000

▶ Match Target H-BAR Compensated (Model MT6601C)Same as the regular Sporter H-BAR with the addition of a compensator.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 850 700

▶ Sporter Competition H-Bar (Model #6700)Introduced in 1992, the Competition H-Bar is available in .223 cali-

ber with a 20 inch heavy barrel counterbored for accuracy. The carry

handle is detachable with A2 sights. With the carry handle removed the

upper receiver is dovetailed and grooved for Weaver-style scope rings.

This model weighs approximately 8.5 lbs. New rifl es are furnished with

two 5 round box magazines, sling, and cleaning kit.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 1100 950 850

▶ Sporter Competition H-Bar Select w/scope (Model #6700CH)

This variation, also new in 1992, is identical to the Sporter Competition

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with the addition of a factory mounted scope. The rifl e has also been

selected for accuracy and comes complete with a 3-9X Tasco rubber

armored variable scope, scope mount, carry handle with iron sights,

and nylon carrying case.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 850 700

▶ Match Target Competition H-BAR Compensated (Model MT6700C)

Same as the Match Target with a compensator.

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 850 700

▶ AR-15 Carbine Flat-top Heavyweight/Match Target Competition (Model #6731)

This variation in the Sporter series features a heavyweight 16 inch barrel

with fl at-top receiver chambered for the .223 cartridge. It is equipped

with a fi xed buttstock. Weight is about 7.1 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 850 700

▶ AR-15 Tactical Carbine (Model #6721)This version is similar to the above model with the exception of the

buttstock which is telescoping and adjusts to 4 positions. Chambered

for the .223 cartridge with a weight of about 7 lbs. A majority of these

guns were for law enforcement only.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1850 1600 1300 1100

▶ Colt Accurized Rifl e CAR-A3 (Model CR6724)This variation was introduced in 1996 and features a free fl oating 24

inch stainless steel match barrel with an 11-degree target crown and

special Tefl on coated trigger group. The handguard is all-aluminum

with twin swivel studs. Weight is approximately 9.26 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1150 1000 900 850



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COMMANDO ARMSKnoxville, Tennessee

Formerly known as Volunteer Enterprises. The name was changed in


◼ MARK III CARBINEA semi-automatic rifl e that resembles a Thompson sub-machine gun. 16-

1/2 inch barrel with a simulated recoil compensator. .45 ACP caliber. The

early versions have an pistol grip/ trigger housing made from metal alloy.

Wood stock. Vertical pistol grip in front of magazine. Blued fi nish. Uses

M3 grease gun 30 round stick magazines. Manufactured 1969-78.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400

◼ MARK 45An improved version of the Mark III. The pistol grip/trigger housing is made

from plastic. Wood or synthetic stock. Offered with vertical pistol grip or

horizontal forearm. Blued or nickel fi nish. Uses modifi ed 20 and 30 round

Thompson SMG magazines. Will not take a drum magazine. Manufactured

from 1978 through the early 1990s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 525 450


◼ MARK 9As above but chambered in 9mm. Uses modifi ed Sten SMG magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400

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CZ USAKansas City, Kansas

The U.S. importer for Ceska Zbrojovka products.

◼ VZ-58 MILITARY SPORTERA semi-automatic version of the Czechoslovakian Vz-58 service rifl e.

Caliber 7.62x39mm. It has a 16-1/8 inch barrel. Total length is 36 inch-

es. Weight is 7-1/2 lbs. 30 round magazine, not interchangeable with AK


MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 970 875 800 725



◼ VZ-58 TACTICAL SPORTERAs above but fi tted with a synthetic “sporter” stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 990 900 825 750


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The Sa vz. 58 was developed by Ing. Jiri Cermak in 1956 and

1957, adopted by the Czechoslovakian army in 1958 and was pro-

duced by Ceska Zbrojovka in Uhersky Brod, Czechoslovakia until

1983. Approximately one million Sa vz. 58 rifl es were produced dur-

ing its 20-year production run. As of 2007, it is still the standard is-

sue service rifl e in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The new Tactical and Military Sporter models are manufactured

by combining original Sa vz. 58 components with a new semi-auto

only milled receiver, a new trigger mechanism and new fi re control

parts. While the appearance of the VZ 58 looks similar to the AK-47,

it was inspired by the German StG 44 and initial development was

actually based on the 7.92 x 33. Mechanically, the VZ 58 is com-

pletely different from the AK-47, and no parts including magazines

are interchangeable.

Differences between the VZ 58 Sporter and the AK-47:

• The VZ 58 has a milled receiver, the AK-47 is stamped.

• Even with the milled receiver the VZ 58 is almost one pound

lighter than a stamped AK-47.

• The bolt of the VZ 58 stays open after the last round in the

magazine has been fi red.

• The VZ 58 has a more natural point of aim and is faster han-


• The safety is more ergonomic making a faster fi rst shot pos-

sible with the VZ 58.

• The ejection port is HUGE. There is no chance of an empty

case getting stuck in the action of the VZ 58.

• The VZ 58 gas piston can be removed or exchanged without


• The alloy magazine of the VZ 58 is half the weight of the steel

AK-47 magazine (.42 lb. vs. .84 lb.).

• VZ 58 is easier to fi eld strip.

• The VZ 58 is striker fi red unlike the hammer fi red AK-47. This

reduces the number of parts and possible points of failure.

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DAEWOOPusan, Korea

Imported by several companies including Stoeger and Kimber.

◼ MAX I AR-100 (K2) 5.56MM RIFLEThe action is a combination of AR-15 type lock up with the gas

system of a Kalasnikov. Has an 18 inch barrel. Side folding synthetic

stock. Imported 1985-86. Uses AR-15 magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 900

◼ MAX II (K1A1) This Daewoo has a different gas system from the MAX I. Made with

a retractable wire stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 900

◼ DR200 Introduced in 1996 this is a version of the MAX I with a thumbhole

stock. Made to comply with the AWB 1994. Discontinued in 1997.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 600 500


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DOUBLESTAR CORPWinchester, Kentucky

Current maker of AR-15 type rifl es that began business after the expira-

tion of the AWB in 2004.

◼ STAR EM-4Chambered for the .223 cartridge and fi tted with a 16 inch barrel. Rifl e is

supplied with A2 or fl at top upper and Colt M4 handguard.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 915 775 725 650

◼ STAR-15 This model has a 20 inch barrel, A2 buttstock, and A2 handguard. Sup-

plied with A2 or fl at top upper.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 700 650 600

◼ STAR LIGHTWEIGHT TACTICAL RIFLEFitted with a 15 inch fl uted barrel with permanently attached muzzle–

brake. Fitted with a short tactical buttstock. Supplied with an A2 or fl at

top upper.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 880 775 725 675

◼ STAR CARBINEThis model has a 16 inch match grade barrel. Supplied with either an A2

buttstock or non-collapsing CAR buttstock. Upper receiver is A2 style or

fl at top.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 700 650 600

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◼ STAR DS-4 CARBINEThis model features a 16 inch M-4 barrel with six-position buttstock, oval

handguard, and A2 fl ash hider. Weight is about 6.75 lbs. Choice of A2 or

fl attop upper receiver.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 800 750 675

◼ STAR SUPER MATCH RIFLEChoice of match grade barrel lengths of 16, 20, 22, or 24 inches. Rifl e

supplied with fl at top upper or tactical Hi-Rise upper.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 800 750 675

◼ STAR CRITTERSLAYERThis model is fi tted with a 24 inch fl uted super match barrel with a fl at top

upper and free fl oating handguard. Match 2 stage trigger. Fitted with a

Harris LMS swivel bipod and Ergo grip with palm swell.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1300 1100 1000 900

◼ DSC EXPEDITION RIFLEOffered with a 16 or 20 inch lightweight barrel with integral muzzle-brake.

Stock, sights, and receiver are A2 confi guration.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 825 725 675 625

◼ DSC STAR-15 CMP SERVICE RIFLEFitted with a 20 inch chrome lined heavy match barrel. National Match

front and rear sights. CMP free fl oat handguard. National Match trigger.

A2 upper receiver.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 900 825 750

◼ DSC STAR CMP IMPROVED SERVICE RIFLESimilar to the above model but with 20 inch Wilson Arms premium grade

heavy match barrel. McCormick single- or two-stage Match trigger and

Tippie Competition rear sight.


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D MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1299 1100 1000 900

◼ DSC STAR 15 LIGHTWEIGHT TACTICALThis model is fi tted with a 16 inch fl uted heavy barrel with tactical “shorty”

A2 buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 880 800 725 650

◼ DSC STAR DISSIPATORThis model features a 16 inch barrel with full length handguard. Available

with A2 or fl attop upper receiver.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 800 725 675

◼ DSC STAR 15 9MM RIFLEChambered for the 9mm cartridge and fi tted with a 16 inch heavy barrel.

A2 or fl attop upper receiver. Available with A2 or CAR buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 995 900 825 750

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Current manufacturer of AR-15 type rifl es that was established in 1996.

They offer complete 5.56mm rifl es in several confi gurations. Also avail-

able are rifl es chambered in .204 Ruger, 6.8 Remington SPC, 7.62x39mm,

.243 and .308 Winchester, .260 Remington, .300 Remington SAUM and

more. Their current catalog lists over 43 separate variations. DPMS also

sells complete kits to build most models as well as stripped lower re-

ceivers and upper/lower receiver sets.

◼ PANTHER BULL A-15This AR-15 type rifl e is chambered for the .223 cartridge and fi tted with a

20 inch stainless steel bull barrel. A2-style buttstock. No sights. Barrel has

1:9 twist. Flat top receiver. Handguard is aluminum free fl oat tube. Upper

and lower receivers are hard coated black. Weight is about 9.5 lbs. Each

rifl e comes standard with two 7 round magazines, sling, and cleaning kit.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 750 700 650

◼ PANTHER BULL 24Similar to the model above but fi tted with a 24 inch bull barrel. Flat top

receiver. Weight is about 10 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 800 750 700

◼ PANTHER DELUXE BULL 24 SPECIALThis model is fi tted with a 24 inch stainless steel fl uted bull barrel. Adjust-

able A2 style buttstock. Flat top receiver. Adjustable sniper pistol grip.

Weight is about 10 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1150 900 850 775


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D ◼ PANTHER EXTREME SUPER BULL 24This model is fi tted with a 24 inch stainless steel extra heavy bull barrel

(1.150 inch dia.). Skeletonized stock. Flat top receiver. Weight is about

11.75 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 925 875 800

◼ PANTHER BULLDOGFitted with a 20 inch stainless steel fl uted bull barrel with black synthetic

A2-style buttstock. Flat top receiver. Adjustable trigger. Weight is about

10 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 925 875 800

◼ PANTHER BULL SWEET 16This model is fi tted with a 16 inch stainless steel bull barrel with fl at top

receiver. Weight is about 7.75 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 800 750 700

◼ PANTHER BULL SST 16Similar to the model above but with stainless steel lower receiver. Weight

is about 9 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 800 750 700

◼ PANTHER BULL CLASSICThis model is fi tted with a 20 inch 4150 steel bull barrel. Square front post

sight, adjustable A2 rear sight. Weight is about 9.75 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 800 750 700

◼ PANTHER ARCTICThis model is similar to the model above but with 20 inch fl uted bull bar-

rel and fl at top receiver. Black A2-style buttstock with white coat fi nish

on receiver and handguard. Black Tefl on fi nish on barrel. Weight is about

8.25 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1075 900 825 750

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◼ PANTHER CLASSICFitted with a 20 inch 4150 steel heavy barrel with square front post sight

and A2 rear sight. A2 round handguard. Weight is about 9.5 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 700 625 575

◼ PANTHER DCMThis model is similar to the model above but with 20 inch stainless steel

heavy barrel and NM rear sight. DCM free-fl oat handguard. Adjustable

trigger. Weight is about 9.5 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1075 800 725 675

◼ PANTHER CLASSIC 16 POST BANThis model is fi tted with a 16 inch 4150 steel heavy barrel. A2-style sights.

Round handguard. Weight is about 7.25 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 625 575 525

◼ PANTHER FREE FLOAT 16 POST BANSimilar to the model above with 16 inch barrel but fi tted with a vented

free-fl oated barrel and vented free-fl oat tube handguard. Weight is ap-

proximately 7.25 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 825 675 600 550

◼ PANTHER SOUTHPAW POST BANThis model is fi tted with a 20 inch 4150 steel heavy barrel with A2-style

sights. Upper receiver has been modifi ed for left-hand ejection. Weight is

about 9.5 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 875 725 675 600

◼ PANTHER RACE GUNSimilar to Panther Bull but with 24 inch fl uted bull barrel. Sights: JP Micro

adjustable rear, JP front sight adjustable for height. Includes Lyman globe

and Shaver inserts.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1719 1450 1300 1050


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D ◼ PANTHER TUBERSimilar to Panther Bull 24 but with 16 inch barrel with cylindrical aluminum


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 650 600 550

◼ SINGLE SHOT RIFLEAR-15-style single-shot rifl e with manually-operated bolt, no magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G . GOOD 775 675 600 525

◼ PANTHER PARDUSSimilar to Panther Post-ban but with 16 inch bull barrel, telescoping butt-

stock and tan Tefl on fi nish. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 1000 875 800

◼ PANTHER 20TH ANNIVERSARY RIFLESimilar to Panther Post-ban but with 20 inch bull barrel and engraved,

chrome-plated lower receiver. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2000 1700 1500

◼ PANTHER 6.8 RIFLESimilar to Panther DCM but with 20 inch chrome-moly barrel and cham-

bered for 6.8x43 Remington SPC. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 875 800 725

◼ PANTHER MARK 12Similar to Panther but with fl ash hider and other refi nements. Introduced


MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1300 1100 950 875

◼ PANTHER SDM-RSimilar to Panther but with stainless steel barrel and Harris bipod. Intro-

duced 2007.

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MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1200 1000 900 825

◼ LRT-SASSSemi-automatic rifl e based on AR-15 design. Chambered in .308 Win-

chester. 18 inch stainless steel barrel with fl ash hider, collapsible Vitor Club-

foot carbine stock and 19 round detachable magazine. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1700 1500 1200

◼ LR-260Similar to LRT-SASS but with 24 inch stainless steel barrel and cham-

bered in .260 Remington. Also available with 20 inch chrome-moly barrel

as LR-260H. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 975 900 825

◼ LR-243Similar to LR-260 but with 20 inch chrome-moly barrel and chambered in

.243 Win. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 975 900 825

◼ LR-204Similar to LRT-260 but chambered in .204 Ruger. Introduced 2006.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 975 900 825

◼ PANTHER A-15 PUMP RIFLEThis model has a 20 inch 4150 steel heavy barrel with A2-style sights.

Fitted with an A2 compensator and modifi ed to slide-action. Weight is

about 8.5 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1000 900 800

◼ PANTHER A-15 PUMP PISTOLSame as above but fi tted with a 10.5 inch barrel. Weight is about 5 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1450 1100 950 825


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DSA INC.Barrington, Illinois

DSA, Inc. began selling its rifl es to the public in 1996. Based on actual

blueprints of the famous FN/FAL rifl e, DSA rifl es are made in the US.

All SA58 rifl es are fi tted with fully adjustable gas system, Type I, II, or III

forged receiver, hand-lapped barrel, muzzlebrake, elevation adjustable

post front sight, windage adjustable rear peep sight with 5 settings from

200 to 600 meters, detachable metric magazine, adjustable sling and

hard case.

◼ SA58 24 INCH BULLFitted with a 24 inch stainless steel barrel with .308 match chamber.

Overall length is 44.5 inches. Weight is approximately 11.5 lbs. 20 round

magazine. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 1000


◼ SA58 FAL BULL BARREL RIFLE .308 cal. chrome moly, 21 inch premium match grade bull barrel, alloy

free fl oat tube with texture fi nish, standard synthetic or X-series buttstock,

standard synthetic pistol grip, type I receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1745 1500 1250 1000


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◼ SA58 FAL MEDIUM CONTOUR RIFLE .308 cal. 21 inch medium contour barrel with threaded Belgian short fl ash

hider, standard synthetic handguard and pistol grip, standard synthetic or

X-series buttstock, type I or type II receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1595 1250 1000 850


◼ SA58 CARBINE SA58 FAL carbine rifl e, .308 cal. 16.25 inch premium bipod-cut barrel

with threaded Belgian short fl ash hider, standard synthetic handguard

and pistol grip, standard synthetic or X-series buttstock, type I or type II

receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1595 1300 1150 1000


◼ SA58 FAL STANDARD RIFLE .308 cal. 21 inch premium bipod-cut barrel with threaded Belgian short

fl ash hider, standard synthetic handguard and pistol grip, standard syn-

thetic or X-series buttstock, type I or type II receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1595 1300 1150 1000



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D ◼ SA58 FAL STANDARD PARA RIFLE.308 cal. 21 inch premium bipod-cut barrel with threaded Belgian short

fl ash hider, standard synthetic handguard and pistol grip, folding para

stock, type I or type II receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1845 1700 1600 1500



◼ SA58 FAL CARBINE PARA RIFLE.308 cal. 16.25 inch premium bipod-cut barrel with threaded Belgian short

fl ash hider, standard synthetic handguard and pistol grip, folding para

stock, type I or type II receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1845 1700 1600 1500

◼ SA58 FAL TACTICAL CARBINE.308 cal. 16.25 inch fl uted medium contour barrel with threaded A2 fl ash

hider, shortened gas system, short military grade handguard, standard

synthetic or X-series buttstock, standard synthetic pistol grip, type I or

type II receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1595 1350 1250 1150


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◼ SA58 FAL PARA TACTICAL CARBINE .308 cal. 16.25 inch fl uted medium contour barrel with threaded A2 fl ash

hider, shortened gas system, short military grade handguard, folding para

stock, standard synthetic pistol grip, type I or type II receiver. 20 round


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1845 1600 1450 1300

◼ SA58 FAL PARA ELITE COMPACT RIFLE .308 cal. 13 inch barrel with permanently attached long browning fl ash

hider making this a 16 inch barrel semi-auto rifl e. Shortened gas system,

short military grade handguard, folding para stock, standard synthetic

pistol grip, type I or type II receiver. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1845 1600 1450 1300

◼ SA58 SPR (SPECIAL PURPOSE RIFLE)New for 2008. This model was submitted to the U.S. Army for SASS rifl e

trials. It features a 19 inch fully fl uted premium barrel. Rail interface hand

guard. Extended Duty Scope Mount. SPR side folding adjustable stock.

Dura coat fi nish. 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 4795 4000 3500 3000

◼ SA58 FAL G1 FAL COLLECTORS EDITION.308/ 7.62mm rifl e. 21 inch premium US-made barrel with quick detach

long fl ash hider, bipod cut steel handguard with fl ush folding g2 bipod,

hardwood humpback with proper large sling swivel and steel buttplate,

standard synthetic pistol grip, original G1 steel lower receiver. Duracoat

black fi nish on all steel surfaces.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1850 1600 1450 1300



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D ◼ SA58 FAL CONGO RIFLE .308 cal. 18 inch premium bipod-cut barrel with Belgian short fl ash hider,

standard synthetic buttstock and pistol grip, type I or type II receiver with

carry handle, Duracoat black fi nish.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1850 1600 1450 1300


◼ SA58 FAL PARA CONGO RIFLE .308 cal. 18 inch premium bipod-cut barrel with Belgian short fl ash hider,

folding para stock, standard synthetic pistol grip, type I or type II receiver

with carry handle. Duracoat black fi nish.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2095 1800 1600 1400

◼ SA58 FAL T48 COLLECTOR SERIES RIFLE Based on the T-48 that was tested by the U.S. military in the 1950s.

.308 cal. 21 inch premium barrel with long fl ash hider, European walnut

handguard, buttstock and pistol grip, type I receiver with carry handle.

Duracoat black fi nish.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1995 1800 1600 1400


◼ SA58 FAL PREDATOR RIFLEOffered in .308, .260 Rem., or .243. 16 inch premium medium carbine

or 19 inch medium contour barrel with target crown, standard synthetic

or X-series buttstock, standard synthetic pistol grape, OD green hand-

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guard, grip and stock. Type I receiver no carry handle cut. Scope mount


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1695 1500 1350 1200


◼ SA58 FAL GRAYWOLF RIFLE.308 Win cal. 21 inch premium match grade bull barrel with target crown,

alloy free fl oat tube with texture fi nish, standard synthetic or x-series butt-

stock, FN saw pistol grip, type I receiver no carry handle cut. Versa-pod

model 1 bipod included. Duracoat graywolf and black fi nish included.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2120 1900 1750 1600



▶ S1 Rifl eIntroduced in 2004 this 5.56 caliber rifl e features a 20 inch or 24 inch

bull barrel with Picatinny gas black sight base. Flattop receiver. Free

fl oating aluminum handguard. A2 stock. Ten round magazine. Discon-


EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 725 650


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D ▶ CVI CarbineSimilar to the model above but with a 16 inch barrel with forged front

sight base and integral muzzlebrake. D-4 handguard. Fixed CAR butt-

stock. Ten round magazine. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 725 650

▶ DS-AR S Series Rifl eIntroduced in 2005 this rifl e is chambered for the .223 cartridge and

fi tted with a choice of 16 inch, 20 inch, or 24 inch stainless steel match

grade bull barrel. A2 stock with free fl oating handguard. Flattop re-

ceiver, National Match 2 stage trigger. Magazine capacity is 10, 20, or

30 rounds.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1154 850 775 700

▶ DS-AR CarbineChambered for the .223 cartridge and fi tted with a 16 inch D4 barrel

with fl ash hider. Choice of fi xed or collapsible stock. Choice of forged

fl attop or A2 upper receiver. Magazine capacity is 10, 20, or 30 rounds.

Introduced in 2005.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1054 750 700 650

▶ DS-AR Rifl eAs above but with 20 inch heavy barrel with fl ash hider and fi xed stock.

Introduced in 2005.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1054 750 700 650

▶ DS-AR DCM Rifl eChambered for the .223 cartridge with Wylde chamber. Fitted with a

20 inch match grade Badger barrel. DCM free fl oat handguard system.

National Match two-stage trigger. National Match rear sight. A2 upper

receiver. Introduced in 2005.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1520 1250 1100 1000

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▶ DS-AR CQB MRPIntroduced in 2005 this model features a 16 inch chrome lined barrel

with A2 fl ash hider. Collapsible stock with MRP quad rail. Monolith-

ic rail platform upper. Flattop upper receiver. Supplied with 30 round


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2420 1750 1500 1200

▶ DSA Z4 Gas Trap Carbine (GTC)Introduced in 2005. The AR Gas Trap Carbine features a C.R.O.S., 5.56

NATO, 16 inch M4 profi le 1:9 twist chrome lined barrel. A2 fl ash hider.

Flattop upper receiver. Six-position collapsible stock. Z4 mil-.spec

forged 7075T6 lower receiver. Mil-spec fl attop upper receiver with bil-

let charging handle. Chrome lined picatinny gas block with removable,

fi xed front sight. Silicone nickle plated gas plug and gas piston. Silicon

nickle plated Young bolt carrier. Silicone nickel plated bolt and extrac-

tor, cam and fi ring pin. Flip up rear battle sight. Predator P4X free fl oat

tactical rail with sling/bipod mount. Magazine capacity is 10, 20, or 30


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1800 1500 1350 1200

◼ TP-9 PISTOL A 9x19mm semi-automatic pistol based on the Steyr TMP machine pis-

tol. Made in Switzerland by Brugger and Thomet for DSA. 6-1/2 inch bar-

rel. Picatinney rail on top and underneath.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950 800



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Rockledge, Florida

EAA was formerly an importer of the Izhmash Saiga series of rifl es. See:

Russian American Armory Co.

◼ P.A.P. 7.62 RIFLEAn AK type rifl e made by Zastava. 7.62x39mm. 16-3/4 inch barrel. Monte

Carlo sporter-type stock. New in 2008. No pricing information available.



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EAGLE ARMSCoal Valley, Illinois

From 1990 to 1995 Eagle Arms manufactured a line of AR type rifl es.

In 1995 they bought the old Armalite name and continue operations as

Armalite. For post 1995 models see the Armalite listing.

◼ EA-15 E-1 RIFLE A-2 type upper receiver with fi xed carry handle. Cal. 5.56mm/.223. 20

inch barrel. Manufactured 1990-93.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 650 600

◼ M15 A2 H-BAR RIFLEAs above with a heavier barrel. Manufactured 1990-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 725 675

◼ M15 A2 CARBINE16 inch barrel. Features a CAR type collapsible stock. Changes to fi xed

stock in 1994. Manufactured 1990-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 700 650

Note: Deduct $100 for fi xed stock version.

◼ M15 A4 EAGLE SPIRITDesigned for IPSC competition shooting. Flat top receiver. National match

16 inch premium air gauged barrel. Fixed stock. Tubular full length alumi-

num hand guard. Manufactured 1993-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 800 700


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E ◼ M15 A2 GOLDEN EAGLESimilar to the M15 A2 with an extra heavy stainless 20 inch barrel. Na-

tional Match sights. Manufactured 1991-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 800 700

◼ M15 A4 EAGLE EYEDesigned for silhouette shooting. Flat top receiver. One inch diameter 24

inch free fl oating barrel. Tubular aluminum hand guards. Weighted butt-

stock. Manufactured 1993-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 900 800

◼ M15 ACTION MASTERA match rifl e. National match sights and trigger. 20 inch free fl oating bar-

rel. Solid aluminum hand guard tube. Fixed stock. Manufactured 1992-


EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 825 750

◼ M15 A4 SPECIAL PURPOSE RIFLERifl e with fl at top receiver with removable carry handle. 20 inch barrel.

Manufactured 1994-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 700 650

◼ M15 A4 PREDATORFlat top receiver with removable carry handle. National match trigger. 18

inch barrel. Fixed stock. Manufactured 1995 only.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 825 750

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◼ MP-45A blowback operated semi-automatic pistol that resembles a submachine

gun. Barrels were offered in 4-1/2, 6, 8, 10, or 18 inches. All observed

specimens have the shorter barrels. Steel shroud protects the barrel.

Parkerized fi nish. 10, 30, 40 or 50 round magazines. Manufactured 1985

only. Some catalogs also mention a 9mm version. Prices are the same.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350



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ENTREPRISE ARMSIrwindale, California

This company currently offers a line of FN/FAL type rifl es in 7.62mm/.308.

They also sell stripped receivers and parts, so not all Entreprise Arms

rifl es seen are factory assembled.

◼ IMBEL RIFLEEntreprise Arm Type 03 steel receiver. 21 inch barrel. Zero Climb muzzle

brake. Bolt hold open on last shot, adjustable gas system and carry han-

dle. US legal components. Built with Entreprise Arms US made parts and

Brazilian Imbel parts. Parkerized fi nish.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 850 800 750

◼ STG58 STANDARD RIFLE21 inch barrel with muzzle brake. Stamped steel handguards with folding

bipod. Black synthetic stock. Carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 850 800 750

◼ STG58C CARBINEEntreprise Arm Type 01 receiver. Machined aluminum free-fl oating hand

guards. 16 inch barrel with Zero Climb muzzle brake. Bolt hold open on

last shot. Adjustable gas system. No carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1399 1200 1100 1000

◼ STG58SC SCOUT CARBINE18 inch barrel with Zero Climb muzzle brake. Stamped steel handguards

with folding bi-pod. Black synthetic stock. Bolt hold open. Carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1199 1050 975 900

◼ STG58-G2T TARGET RIFLEEntreprise Arm Type 01 receiver. Machined aluminum free-fl oating hand

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guards. 21 inch barrel with Zero Climb muzzle brake, legal confi gured

pistol grip, bolt hold open on last shot, adjustable gas system and no

carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1399 1200 1100 1000

◼ STG58 C-LW LIGHTWEIGHT CARBINEEntreprise Arm Type 01 receiver. 16-1/2 inch barrel with Zero Climb muz-

zle brake. Integral bipod. Bolt hold open on last shot. Adjustable gas sys-

tem and carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1199 1050 975 900

◼ MATCH TARGET STG58CEntreprise Arm Type 01 receiver. Crosshair front sight. 24 inch barrel. No

muzzle break. Bolt hold open on last shot, adjustable gas system. Alum-

nium free fl oat hand guards. No carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1999 1700 1500 1250


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Herstal, Belgium

One of the world’s largest manufacturers of fi rearms. U.S. importers in-

clude Browning Arms Co., Steyr, Howco and others

◼ FN FAL “G” SERIES (TYPE 1 RECEIVER)The fi rst FAL to be imported to the U.S. The receivers are capable of ac-

cepting select fi re parts. These rifl es are subject to interpretation by the

BATF as to their legal status. A list of BATF legal serial numbers is shown.

This information should be utilized prior to a sale in order to avoid the

possibility of the sale of an illegal rifl e. There was a total of 1,848 legal “G”

Series FN FAL rifl es imported into this country. All were “grandfathered”

and remain legal to possess. “G” series FAL rifl es have a wood buttstock

and forearm.

▶ Standard EXC. V.G. GOOD 6500 5000 4000

▶ Lightweight EXC. V.G. GOOD 6500 5000 3000

▶ EXEMPTED FAL RIFLES Following is the fi nal revised listing of FAL rifl es, caliber 7.62mm, that

are exempt from the provisions of the National Firearms Act.


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G SERIESSerial Numbers Units Manufactured

G492 through G494 3

G537 through G540 4

G649 through G657 9

G662 through G673 12

G677 through G693 17

G709 through G748 40

G752 through G816 65

G848 through G1017 170

G1021 1

G1033 1

G1035 1

G1041 through G1042 2

G1174 through G1293 120

G1415 through G1524 110

G1570 through G1784 215

G1800 through G1979 180

G1981 through G1995 15

G3035 through G3134 100

G2247 through G2996 750

Total: 1,815GL SERIESSerial Numbers Units Manufactured

GL749 1

GL835 1

GL1095 through GL1098 4

GL1163 through GL1165 3

GL2004 through GL2009 6

GL3135 through GL3140 6

Total: 21STANDARD FALSerial Numbers Units Manufactured

889768 1

889772 through 889777 6

Total Manufactured: 7 PARATROOP MODELSerial Numbers Units Manufactured

889800 through 889801 2

889803 1

889805 1

889809 1

Total Manufactured: 5 TOTAL EXEMPTED FAL RIFLES: 1,848


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F ◼ FN-FALA gas-operated, semiautomatic version of the famous FN battle rifl e. This

weapon has been adopted by more free world countries than any other

rifl e. It is chambered for the 7.62 NATO or .308 and has a 21 inch barrel

with an integral fl ash suppressor. The sights are adjustable with an aper-

ture rear, and the detachable box magazine holds 20 rounds. The stock

and forearm are made of wood or a black synthetic. This model has been

discontinued by the company and is no longer manufactured.

The models listed below are for the metric pattern Type 2 and Type 3 re-

ceivers, those marked “FN MATCH.” The models below are for semi-au-

tomatic rifl es only. FN-FAL rifl es in the “ inch pattern” are found in the Brit-

ish Commonwealth countries of Australia, India, Canada, and of course,

Great Britain.

▶ 50.00 21 inch Rifl e Model EXC. V.G. GOOD 3000 2500 2000

▶ 50.63 18 inch Paratrooper Model EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3000 2750

▶ 50.64 21 inch Paratrooper Model EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3000 2750

▶ 50.41 Synthetic Butt with Heavy Barrel EXC. V.G. GOOD 2800 2500 2000

▶ 50.42 Wood Butt with heavy barrel EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3000 2750


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◼ FNCA lighter-weight rifl e chambered for the 5.56mm cartridge. It is a gas-op-

erated semiautomatic with an 18 inch or 21 inch barrel. It has a 30 round

box magazine and is black, with either a fi xed or folding stock. This model

was also discontinued by FN.

▶ StandardFixed stock, 16 inch or 18 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 2750 2200

▶ Paratrooper ModelFolding stock, 16 inch or 18 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3700 3000 2500


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FAMAS (GIAT)St. Etienne, France

◼ F1This bull pup design was adopted by France as a battle rifl e. Fewer than

100 of a semi-automatic version were imported to the U.S. by Century

Arms in the late 1980s. Caliber 5.56mm/.223. 25 round magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 8000 7000 6000


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◼ AT-22A blowback operated rifl e in .22LR. Removable 17 inch barrel. 20 rd mag-

azine. Collapsible metal stock. Manufactured 1986-95. Rifl es made the

fi nal year of production had the collapsible stock altered so it could not

slide into the retracted position. Late production guns were sold through

Mitchell Arms.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 375 300 250

◼ F-2 Similar to the AT-22 but has a fi xed synthetic stock. Made to comply with

some state “assault weapon” laws. Manufactured 1992-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 300 250 200

◼ AT-9 A blowback operated 9mm rifl e. Has a 16 inch barrel and collapsible

metal stock. Magazines offered in 10, 25 and 30 rounds. Manufactured


EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 450 350


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FEATHER USAEaton, Colorado

A new corporation. They bought rights to the old Feather Industries de-

signs. Currently offering a series of fi rearms based on the AT-22 and AT-

9 design available with many optional upgrades and accessories.

◼ RAV-22LR Basically the same rifl e as the AT-22 listed above. The wire stock does not

slide to a shorter position. It can be removed easily. There are several op-

tions in fi nish, stocks and accessories. Price listed is for the base model.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 399 350 300 250

◼ RAV-22HA As above but features a tapered bull barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 549 475 425 375

◼ RAV-22HF A bull barrel model featuring a CAR-15 style sliding buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 695 600 550 500

◼ RAV-9MM A new version of the AT-9 listed above. Several options available. Price is

for the base model.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 599 500 450 400

◼ RAV-9HA As above with a tapered bull barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 759 650 600 550

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◼ RAV-40S&W Similar to the base model but in .40 S&W.


◼ RAV-45ACP Similar to base model but in .45 ACP.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 759 650 600 5 50

◼ RAV-45ACPHASimilar to above but with tapered bull barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 750 700 650


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◼ XC-220 A .22LR semi-automatic rifl e. Tubular construction. 16-1/2 inch barrel. 28

round magazine. Manufactured 1984-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 450 400

◼ XC-450 As above but in .45 caliber. 30 round magazine. Manufactured 1984-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 600 500

◼ XC-900 As above but in 9mm. 32 round magazine. Manufactured 1984-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 550 450

FEDERAL ORDNANCESouth El Monte, California

◼ M-14 A semi-automatic version of the U.S. service rifl e. New manufactured

receiver assembled with USGI surplus parts. Wood or fi berglass stock.

Chambered in .308/7.62 NATO. Manufactured 1986-91.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

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Budapest, Hungary

Imported by Kassnar Imports of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

◼ SA 85MThis is an AK-47 variation produced in Hungary. Caliber 7.62x39mm.

Black laquer fi nish. Light colored wood stocks. Both fi xed and folding

stock versions were made. Imported 1987-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 1000

◼ SA-2000-MIntroduced in 1999, this FEG-made AK was imported with a thumbhole


EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 625 500



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FNH USA INC.McClean, Virginia

The U.S. importer for FN Herstal in Belgium. They are the current incar-

nation of the classic manufacturer Fabrique National.

◼ PS-90 A semi-automatic version of the P-90 submachine gun. Chambered for

the 5.7x28mm cartridge. 30 and 50 round magazines. Black or green syn-

thetic stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1300 1200 1100 950

◼ FS2000 A bullpup style rifl e in 5.56mm/.223. 17-3/8 inch barrel. Uses AR-15/M-16


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2100 1850 1700 1600



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FULTON ARMORYSavage, Maryland

This company manufactures a line of precision M-14 and AR-15 type

rifl es. They manufacture their own receivers. Most products are custom

built to order and pricing changes with each feature. The base model

prices are listed here.

◼ M-14 SERVICE RIFLEA new Fulton armory receiver assembled with the customer’s choice of a 22

or 18-1/2 inch barrel. Chambered for 7.62mm/.308. The rest of the steel parts

are original USGI. Parkerized fi nish. New military contour walnut stock. Op-

tional feature available for an additional price include: national match trigger,

various pattern scope mounts and even a non-functional selector switch for

those who want to mirror the full appearance of the military M-14. Uses 10

and 20 round M-14 magazines. Rifl e shipped with one 10 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2200 2000 1800

◼ M-14 SUPER SCOUT RIFLEA new Fulton armory receiver assembled with either a 22 or 18-1/2 inch bar-

rel. Chambered for 7.62mm/.308. The rest of the steel parts are original USGI.

Parkerized fi nish. Includes new Fulton Armory Super Scout Rail Handguard.

The new walnut stock is made to original specifi cations. Uses 10 and 20

round M-14 magazines. Rifl e shipped with one 10 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2800 2500 2250 2000

◼ M-14 SOCOM MARK 14 MODEL 0 RIFLETested by the U.S. military. 18- or 22 inch military contour barrel. Cham-

bered for 7.62mm/.308. Includes Sage collapsible stock/accuracy rail sys-

tem with all Sage stock accessories, tritium front night sight, vortex direct

connect fl ash suppressor, tactical extended bolt release. Uses 10 and 20

round M-14 magazines. Rifl e shipped with one 10 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3250 3000 2750


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M-14 PEERLESS MATCH/TARGET RIFLEA new Fulton Armory match grade receiver assembled with a Fulton 22

inch national match stainless steel barrel. Chambered for 7.62mm/.308.

Includes National Match trigger modifi cation, national match front and

rear sights, and national match operating rod spring guide. The new

National Match walnut stock features Includes glass bedding, front end

mod, and handguard mod. Uses 10 and 20 round M-14 magazines. Rifl e

shipped with one 10 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 3300 3100 2800 2500

◼ TITAN FAR 308 RIFLEAn AR-10 based system. Dual-fi nished (hard coat anodized and black

Tefl on coated) 6066T6 slick-side, no-snag Titan fl at top upper receiver.

20 inch or 22 inch stainless steel four groove one-in-ten Heavy barrel,

genuine Smith Enterprises USGI Vortex® direct connect fl ash suppres-

sor. Titan fl oat tube with steel locking ring. The lower assembly begins

with a dual-fi nished (hard coat anodized and black Tefl on coated) forged

6061T6 Titan lower receiver. A2 buttstock or an optional Magpul Titan

PRS buttstock. Titan SPR hand-fi lling pistol grip. Fulton Armory-tuned

two-stage match trigger. Shipped with a 10 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1500 1250 1000


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◼ TITAN FAR 308 CARBINEDual-fi nished 6066T6 slick-side no-snag Titan upper receiver. 16 inch

or 20 inch stainless steel four groove one-in-ten medium weight barrel.

Genuine Smith Enterprises USGI Vortex® direct connect fl ash suppres-

sor. Titan fl oat tube with steel locking ring. Optional 3 inch to 12 inch rails

for all four sides; top rail co-registers with receiver rail. Optional fold-

ing/detachable front and rear sights; requires at least one 2 inch top rail.

Hard chrome bolt carrier. The lower assemble starts with a Dual-fi nished

(hard coat anodized and black Tefl on coated) Forged 6061T6 Titan lower

receiver. Command Arms “Fifth Generation” collapsible stock with ambi

QD swivel sockets standard. Optional Magpul Titan PRS buttstock. Titan

SPR pistol grip. Fulton Armory-tuned two-stage match trigger. Shipped

with a 10 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1500 1250 1000

◼ FAR-15 LEGACYNear-exact replica of the Viet Nam era M16. The Legacy Service Rifl e

features new, genuine USGI M16A1 chrome lightweight 20 inch bar-

rel in 5.56mm/.223 with 1:12 twist. Original pattern 3-prong M16-type

fl ash suppressor. Military-contractor M16-type “Slick Side” forged up-

per receiver with no forward assist or case defl ector. Forged steel

M16 front sight base. M16 front and rear Sights. M16-type triangu-

lar handguards. M16-type buttstock with early-type solid buttplate (no

door)—CAR stock optional at no extra cost. Chrome plated slick side

bolt carrier has no forward assist serrations. Fulton Armory forged

lower receiver. Hand-Polished and hand-fi tted military trigger. A1

pistol grip.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 900 800 750 700

◼ FAR-15 CLASSIC SERVICE CARBINEBased on the military issue M-4 carbine. Features a choice of fl at top or

A-2 type upper receiver. Fulton Armory 1:9 heavy contour or M4 contour

(chrome lined bore and chamber standard) or 16 inch barrel with Fulton

Armory 5.56MM match chamber. (Chrome lined bore and chamber op-

tional) A2 fl ash suppressor. Forged military numbered fl attop or A2 upper

receiver. Forged steel front sight base with exclusive windage adjustment.

Military-contract forged upper receiver. D-Fender extractor enhancer. Ful-


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F ton Armory forged lower receiver. Hand-polished and hand-fi tted military

trigger. A2 pistol grip. Six-position collapsible stock. Choice of Black

(standard, or optional Olive Drab (OD) or Tan furniture.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 750 700 650

◼ FAR-15 CLASSIC SERVICE RIFLEBased on the military issue M-16A2, the FAR-15 Classic Service Rifl e

features a choice of forged fl at top or A-2 type upper receiver. Fulton Ar-

mory 1:9 heavy contour 20 inch barrel with Fulton Armory 5.56MM match

chamber, or Fulton Armory 1:8 heavy contour barrel. A2 fl ash suppres-

sor. Forged steel front sight base with exclusive windage adjustment. D-

Fender extractor enhancer. Fulton Armory forged lower receiver. Hand-

polished and hand-fi tted military trigger. A2 pistol grip and buttstock.

Choice of Black (standard) or optional Olive Drab (OD) or Tan (with A1

buttstock) furniture.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 750 700 650


AR-type rifl e with round and fl uted full-fl oat tube; optional 3, 4, 7 or 12

inch Swan/Weaver rails may be mounted on any or all of the four sides.

Ambi sling swivel, side or bottom mount. Flip up front sight gas block.

Choice of 16 inch Barrels, 1:9 twist heavy or 1:9 twist M-4 contour, all with

Fulton Armory 5.56mm match chamber. A2 fl ash suppressor. D-Fender

extractor enhancer. Fulton Armory forged lower receiver. Hand-tuned

two-stage Rock River National Match trigger. Ergo tactical grip. Six-posi-

tion collapsible stock. MagPul fully adjustable buttstock available for an

additional $250.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 950 900 850

◼ PHANTOM FAR-15 EBR RIFLEAs above but features a choice of a 20 inch 1:8 or 1:9 twist heavy contour

barrel and an A2 buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1050 950 900 850

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◼ LIBERATOR FAR-15 SOCOM EBR CARBINEAR-style rifl e with Liberator fl oat tube with four full-length Swan/Weaver

rails and ambidextrous QD swivel sockets (with one QD swivel). Flip up

front sight gas block. Choice of 16 inch barrels: 1:9 twist heavy or 1:9

twist M-4 contour, all with Fulton Armory 5.56mm match chamber. A2

fl ash suppressor. D-Fender extractor enhancer. Fulton Armory forged

lower receiver. Hand-tuned two-stage Rock River NM trigger. Ergo tacti-

cal grip. Six-position collapsible stock. MagPul fully adjustable buttstock

available for an additional $250.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 1000 950 900

◼ LIBERATOR FAR-15 EBR RIFLEAs above but features a choice of a 20 inch 1:8 or 1:9 twist heavy contour

barrel and an A2 buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G GOOD 1050 1000 950 900

◼ FAR-15 NATIONAL MATCH SERVICE RIFLEAR-style rifl e with Fulton Armory stainless steel 1:8 National Match 20 inch

Heavy Match barrel (or add $320 for a Krieger Stainless Steel 1:7.75 NM 20

inch Heavy Match Barrel). National Match A2 fl ash suppressor with “Safety

Locking” set screw. Heavy steel handguard fl oat tube system with full cir-

cumferential welds. Northern Competition NM rear sight, 1/4-moa windage

and elevation adjustments at no extra cost. Rear sight hooded aperture

that will accept lenses. User windage-adjustable PowerWedge front sight

base. NM sight with front sight post capture system. Fulton Armory barrel

extension/receiver extension fusion. Carpenter steel (not commercial repro)

with milled G.I. extractor headspaced bolt carrier group. D-Fender extrac-

tor enhancer. Fulton Armory forged lower receiver. Hand-tuned two-stage

Rock River NM trigger.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1200 1100 1025 950

◼ ACCUTRON FAR-15 MATCH RIFLEThe Accutron Match Rifl e includes Fulton Armory 24 inch stainless steel

.812 inch match barrel, 1:8 twist. Accutron reinforced fl attop upper re-

ceiver. Round fl oat tube handguard with handstop slot. Sculpted gas


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F block. D-Fender extractor enhancer. Hand-tuned two-stage Rock River

NM trigger. Accutron SPR match pistol grip. A2 buttstock. Sights and

sight bases not Included; sight bases optional, extra.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 910 850 800 750

◼ FAR-15 PREDATOR VARMINT/PRECISION RIFLEThe Predator Varmint Rifl e includes Predator reinforced fl attop upper re-

ceiver. Fulton Armory 1:8, 1:9, or 1:12 20 inch stainless steel or 1:8 NM

Heavy Barrel. Optional 24 inch .812 inch stainless steel barrel or Krieger

1:7.75, 1:9, or 1:10 20 inch stainless steel NM heavy barrel or Krieger

1:7.75 24 inch stainless steel .812 inch, or 1:7.75 26 inch .920 inch stain-

less steel barrel for additional charge. Sculpted gas block. Round and

knurled aluminum fl oat tube. D-Fender extractor enhancer. Hand-tuned

two-stage Rock River NM trigger. Predator match pistol grip. Lower front

sling swivel stud (suitable for bipods).

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 850 800 750

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See IMI.



GRENDELRockledge, Florida

◼ P-30 PISTOLA 22 Magnum semi-automatic pistol. Frame constructed mostly of nylon.

Matte black fi nish. It has a 5 inch barrel. 30 round magazine. Manufac-

tured 1990-95.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 3 00

Note: add $50-80 for each functional 30 round magazine.

◼ R-31 CARBINEA semi-automatic rifl e in .22 Magnum rimfi re. It has a 16 inch barrel with

muzzle brake, synthetic frame and forearm. Telescoping buttstock. Mag-

azine holds 30 rounds. Discontinued in 1994.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1100 800


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GONCZ ARMAMENTNorth Hollywood, California

◼ MODEL GA A 9mm semi-automatic pistol. This was a new design, not based on any

other existing fi rearm. This small manufacturer built these on a prototype

and special order basis from 1984-90. There were several minor varia-

tions listed in factory listings but it is unclear how many of any type were

ever made. The company was taken over by Claridge Hi Tec who went

on to produce another model based on this design. The designer Lajos

J. Goncz reportedly sued Claridge over patent infringements and forced

Claridge to discontinue production.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2000 1500


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HECKLER AND KOCHOberndorf/Neckar, Germany

◼ HK41The Heckler and Koch model HK41 is a semi-automatic rifl e that was fi rst

produced in 1966. It is the civilian version of the renowned military and

law enforcement G3 automatic rifl e that was manufactured by Heckler

and Koch, GmbH during the mid to late 1950s, and is the precursor to

the HK91 semiautomatic rifl e. The HK41 employs the same G3 “roller de-

layed blowback system” that is known for its strength, reliability and low

recoil. At the time the HK41 was produced, the fi rst digit “4” in Heckler

and Koch’s model numbering system signifi ed that it is a paramilitary-

type semiautomatic rifl e, while the second digit “1” identifi ed the type of

ammunition the rifl e is chambered for as 7.62mm x 51 NATO or .308 cali-

ber Winchester. All HK41s were manufactured at the Heckler and Koch,

GmbH plant located in Oberndorf am Neckar, Germany. Only a limited

number were produced for and imported into the United States. Factory

records indicate fewer than 400 model 41s were ever made.

◼ HK41 (1966)Imported in 1966 only by the Sante Fe Division of the Golden State Arms

Co in Pasadena, California. These are desirable by collectors as the clos-

est copy of a true G-3 and many were converted to full automatic opera-

tion before 1986. This has reduced the already limited numbers available

on the civilian market.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 6000 5000 3800

◼ HK41 (1974)Imported 1974 by SACO (Security Arms Co.) of Arlington, Virginia. The

1974 version of the 1966 HK41 had some internal changes to the receiver

and trigger group due to requirements imposed by the BATF, because the

1966 version used some full automatic components.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 5000 3750 3000


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HECKLER AND KOCH INC.Arlington, Virginia

Exclusive U.S. importer for H&K products. Formed in 1976.

◼ MODEL 91This rifl e is recoil-operated, with a delayed-roller lock bolt. It is chambered

for the .308 Winchester/7.62 NATO cartridge and has a 17.7 inch barrel

with military-style aperture sights. It is furnished with a 20 round detach-

able magazine and is fi nished in matte black with a black plastic stock.

This model is a semi-automatic version of the select fi re G3 rifl e. Some ar-

eas of the country have made its ownership illegal. Approximately 48,000

were imported 1975-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2200 1850

◼ MODEL 91 A3This model is simply the Model 91 with a retractable metal stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2200 1850

◼ MODEL 93This model is similar to the Model 91 except that it is chambered for the

.223 cartridge and has a 16.4 inch barrel. The magazine holds 25 rounds,

and the specifi cations are the same as for the Model 91. This is a semi-

automatic version of the select fi re HK33 rifl e. Approximately 18,000 were

imported 1975-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2700 2500 2100

◼ MODEL 93 A3This is the Model 93 with a retractable metal stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2800 2550 2200

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◼ MODEL 94This is a carbine version of the Model 93 chambered for the 9mm Parabel-

lum cartridge, with a 16.5 inch barrel. It is a smaller-scaled weapon that

has a 15-shot magazine. Many have been converted to full automatic.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3800 3200 2700

◼ MODEL 94 A3 This model is a variation of the Model 94 with the addition of a retractable

metal stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3900 3400 2800

◼ SP-89A large frame semi-automatic pistol in 9mm. Based on the H&K MP-5

submachine gun. 4-1⁄2 inch barrel. Imported 1991-1994.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3000 2500

◼ PSG-1A precision sniping rifl e based on the HK91 with a 25-5/8 inch heavy bar-

rel. Fine tune trigger group. Adjustable buttstock. Sold with a Hensoldt

6x42 scope. Shipped in a fi tted case. Discontinued in 1989.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 15,000 12,500 9500

◼ MODEL SR9A sporter version of the HK91 made to comply with U.S. law. 19-3/4 inch

barrel without fl ash suppressor. Synthetic stock with thumbhole pistol

grip. Imported 1990-94.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1750 1400

◼ MODEL SR9 T (TARGET)SR9 with adjustable MSG90 buttstock, PSG-1 trigger group and hand

grip. Imported 1992-94.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3000 2500 2000


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H ◼ SR9 TC (TARGET COMPETITION)SR9 with PSG-1 stock, trigger group and pistol grip. Imported 1993.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 7000 5500 4000

◼ SL-8-1A new generation .223/5.56mm rifl e based on the Model G36. Gas op-

erated action. Most parts are made from poly carbon fi ber. Gray color.

Thumbhole stock with cheek rest. 20-3⁄4 inch barrel. 10 round magazine.

Introduced in 2000.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1400 1250 1000


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◼ MODEL USCA semi-automatic blowback operated carbine in .45 ACP. It is based

on H&K’s UMP submachine gun. 16 inch barrel. Skeletonized synthetic

stock. Gray or black color. 10 round magazine. Introduced in 2000.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1300 1100 950 800


◼ SL-8-6As above with a redesigned stock and sight confi guration. Black color.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1300 1100 900



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HESSE ARMSInver Grove Heights, Minnesota

This company is no longer in business under this name. The resale mar-

ket in Hesse fi rearms is extremely soft, so no values are cited here.

◼ FAL-H RIFLESAll FAL-H rifl es include these features: military spec internal parts, new or

as new barrel, military fi nish, post ban legal muzzlebrake, one magazine,

new metric pattern Type 3 receiver, adjustable gas system, refi nished

or new pistol grip, hard case, carry handle, sling, and manual. All rifl es

chambered for .308 Winchester cartridge. Additional calibers in .22-250

and .243 are also available. Weights are from 8.5 to 14 lbs. depending on


▶ FALO Tactical Rifl eThis model features a free fl oating handguard assembly.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 800 700

▶ FALO Heavy BarrelThis model features a heavy barrel and is based on the Israeli FALO

rifl e.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 650 550

▶ FAL-H High GradeThis model is available in any confi guration and features a new walnut

stock, pistol grip, and hand guard. Trigger is gold plated.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1050 950 800

This is standard model that is similar in appearance to the original


EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 600 500

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▶ FAL-H Congo Rifl eThis model features a 16 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

▶ FALO Congo Rifl eSimilar to the model above but fi tted with a 16 inch heavy barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

◼ HAR-15 RIFLESAll of the HAR-15 rifl es have these features: military spec internal parts,

heavy match grade barrels, post ban legal muzzle-brake, A2 upper re-

ceiver, A2 round handguards with heat shields, A2 stock, A2 lower receiv-

er. Each rifl e comes with hard case, manual, and sling. Rifl es are cham-

bered for .223 Remington but can be chambered in other calibers as well.

These are: .17 Rem. add $145, 9mm NATO add $85, 6mm PPC add $145,

6mmx45 add $95, .300 Fireball add $195; 7.62x39 add $45.

▶ Omega MatchFitted with a 1 inch diameter stainless steel barrel, adjustable match trig-

ger, E2 stock, fl at top receiver, free fl oating handguard.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

▶ HAR-15A2 Standard Rifl eThis model has all of the standard features offered for HAR-15 rifl es.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 575 500 450

▶ HAR-15A2 National MatchThis model is fi tted with special bolt carrier, adjustable match trigger.

Designed as Match grade rifl e.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

▶ HAR-15A2 Bull GunThis model is fi tted with a 1 inch stainless steel barrel with special front

sight base.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 600 550


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H ▶ HAR-15A2 DispatcherFitted with a 16 inch barrel with full length handguard.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 550 500

▶ HAR-15A2 CarbineFitted with a 16 inch heavy barrel and a non-collapsing stock with short


EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 475 450

▶ M14-H Standard Rifl eThis is a semi-automatic version of the M14 rifl e chambered for the

.308 cartridge. It is fi tted with a new receiver, walnut stock or synthetic

stock. Each rifl e is sold with a sling, annual, and 10 round magazine

and an extra original M145 stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

▶ M14-H Brush Rifl eThis model has the same features as the standard rifl e but with an 18

inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600

◼ MODEL 47 RIFLEThis is a copy of the AK-47 and it is chambered for the 7.63x39 car-

tridge. It is also available in .223 caliber.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350

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Houston, Texas

This company offers the Mil-Spec series of AR-type rifl es.

◼ HSA-15 RIFLE A2Military pattern A2 style. Chambered in 5.56mm/.223. 20 inch barrel.

Fixed carry handle. Fixed stock. Has a fl ash hider and bayonet lug.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 943 800 700 600

◼ HSA-15 CARBINE A2Ar-type rifl e with CAR-15 style handguard. 16 inch barrel. Fixed carry

handle. Six-position telescoping buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 943 800 700 600

◼ HSA-15 FLAT TOP RIFLE A2Flat top receiver for scope mounting or adjustable sight. Carry handle;

standard front sight. 20 inch barrel. Has a fl ash hider and bayonet lug.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 920 800 700 600

◼ HSA-15 FLAT TOP CARBINE A2AR-type rifl e with A2-style fl at top receiver for scope mounting or adjust-

able sight carry handle. Standard front sight. 16 inch barrel. Has a fl ash

hider and bayonet lug. Six-position telescoping buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 920 800 700 600


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◼ MODEL 995 CARBINE Introduced in 1996, this economy priced semi-automatic rifl e is available

in 9mm or .40 S&W. It has a 16-1/2 inch barrel and an overall length of

32-1/2 inches. Weight is 7 lbs. Features include an all-weather black or

camo polymer stock. Grip mounted magazine release, quick on/off thumb

safety, fully adjustable sights with “Ghost Ring” rear sight and front post.

Scope base to allow mounting of a regular rifl e scope or red dot scope.

10 round magazines.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 225 200 175 1 50


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◼ HAC-7A 7.62mm semi-automatic rifl e. An interesting design that has features

adopted from the FN FAL, AKM and AR-10. It has a 20 inch barrel. Of-

fered in right or left hand versions. Side folding stock. Uses modifi ed Ar-

malite AR-10 magazines. Approximately 350 were made 1984-85.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3000 2500



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The small arms manufacturer for the Israeli military. They have also exported

several models to the U.S. IMI products are imported by several companies

including Action Arms, Springfi eld Armory and Magnum Research.

◼ UZI CARBINEA 9mm semi-automatic version of the legendary submachine gun. It has

a 16 inch barrel and a collapsible steel stock. Sold with a dummy 10 inch

barrel that simulates the appearance of the original SMG.

▶ Model A (Imported 1980-83) EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1200 1000

▶ Model BAs above with minor internal changes due to BATF requirements that

it not accept the original UZI submachinegun bolt. Also offered in .45

ACP. Imported 1983-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950


◼ UZI CONVERSION KIT FOR .22LRWith one 12 round magazine. Installs on the B model.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 325 275

Note: Also see UZI listings under Norinco and Vector Arms.

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◼ UZI MINI CARBINEA scaled down version of the Uzi Carbine. 19-3⁄4 inch barrel. Steel stock

folds to the side. Imported 1988-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2000 1750 1500

◼ UZI PISTOLA 9mm or .45 ACP pistol that resembles the micro UZI submachine gun.

4-1⁄2 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 800 650



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I ◼ GALILAn Israeli designed rifl e using a refi ned Kalishnikov (AK-47) action.

▶ Galil Model 386 AR 5.56mm 16-1/8 inch barrel. Side folding stock. 35 round magazine. Importation

discontinued in 1989.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2100 1750

▶ Galil Model 329 AR 7.62mm19 inch barrel. Side folding stock. 12- and 25 round magazines. Impor-

tation discontinued in 1989.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2600 2200 1850

▶ Galil Model 372 ARM 5.56mmHeavier version of the AR with a folding bipod.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2750 2500 2200

▶ Galil Model 332 ARM 7.62mm.308/7.62 NATO version of the AR with a folding bipod.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2700 2550 2300

▶ Hadar II SA 7.62mmSporter version of the Galil AR featuring a walnut stock with thumbhole

pistol grip. Imported in 1989-90.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1150 850

Note: Also see Galil entries under Ohio Rapid Fire and Elite Firearms.


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◼ KG-9A 9mm semiautomatic handgun with a machine pistol appearance. It has

a fi ve inch barrel protected by a perforated steel shroud. The muzzle is

threaded. 32 round magazine. Fires from an open bolt. The BATF ruled

this model to be illegal to manufacture because it was too easy to modify

to full automatic. Manufactured 1981-83.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 750 600

◼ KG-99A redesigned version of the KG-9. Striker fi red from a closed bolt. Also

was available in stainless steel. Manufactured in 1984.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ KG-9 MINIAs above but has a 3 inch barrel. The muzzle is threaded. Made without

the barrel shroud.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350


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INTRATEC Miami, Florida

This was Interdynamics reorganized under a new name. They were forced out

of business in the late 1990s after lawsuits over misuse of their products.

◼ TEC-9 OR TEC-DC9A 9mm semiautomatic hand gun with a machine pistol appearance. It has a

fi ve inch barrel protected by a perforated steel shroud. The muzzle is thread-

ed. 32 round magazine. Matte black or stainless steel fi nish. Manufactured


EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ TEC-9 MINIAs above but has a 3 inch barrel. The muzzle is threaded. Made without

the barrel shroud.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ TEC-22 OR SKORPION A 22LR semi-automatic pistol similar to the Tec-9. 4 inch barrel with

threaded muzzle. Does not have the barrel shroud. 30 round magazine.

This pistol uses a magazine that is interchangeable with that of the Ruger

10-22 rifl e. Manufactured 1988-94

EXC. V.G. GOOD 350 300 250

◼ AB-10This is simply a post-ban Tec-9 Mini without the threaded muzzle. Shipped

with a 10 round magazine, but also accepts the earlier 32 round version.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 300 250 200

◼ SPORT-22Post-ban version of the Tec-22 without the threaded muzzle. Sold with a 10

round rotary magazine but also accepts the earlier high-capacity versions.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 275 250 200

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J AND R ENGINEERINGSouth El Monte, California

◼ MODEL 68A 9mm semi-automatic rifl e. It has a 16-1/4 inch barrel that ends with a

cone shaped fl ash hider. Wood buttstock and forearm. 31 round maga-

zine. This design fi rst appeared in the 1960s. It was later manufactured by

Wilkinson Arms as the Terry carbine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350


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◼ SUB-2000 RIFLEA 9mm or .40 S&W semi-automatic rifl e. It has a 16-1/8 inch barrel. The

rifl e can be folded closed with a length of 16 inches. They offer different

grip assemblies that can use different magazines. The standard one takes

S&W type magazines. Other grip options include Glock, SIG or Beretta.

Introduced 2001.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 406 350 300 275


◼ SU-16AA semi-automatic rifl e in 5.56mm. 18 inch barrel. Picatinny rail for sight

mounting. The nylon forearm splits open and folds down to become a bi-

pod. The stock can be rotated for storage. Two 10 round or one 30 round

magazines can be stored in the buttstock. Accepts AR-15/M-16 series


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 665 550 500 425



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◼ SU-16 B The “B” model retains all the features of the original SU-16, such as inte-

grated bipod, Picatinny rail, and rotating stock with magazine storage. 16

inch barrel. The rear sight is hard coat anodized aluminum and adjustable

for windage. The front sight, also aluminum, is removable and accepts

standard M-16 posts. Note: The “B” type sights can be purchased as a

retrofi t for SU-16 owners preferring the M-16 system.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 718 600 500 500


◼ SU-16C Retains most features of the original SU-16, such as integrated bipod,

Picatinny rail, and M-16 magazine compatibility. The sights are similar to

the “B” inch model, but with the front sight integrated into the gas block.

The SU-16C has a true folding stock and can be fi red with the stock fold-

ed. An reciprocating dust cover and a case defl ecting operating handle

are also integrated into the rifl e. The barrel is 16 inch long and of medium

weight. The muzzle is threaded 1/2x28 to accept standard attachments.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 770 650 575 500



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K ◼ SU-16 CAThe SU-16CA Is a hybrid of the SU-16C and SU-16A rifl es. The receiver, 16

inch barrel with 1/2-28 threads, bolt carrier, dust cover, sights, and case de-

fl ecting operating handle of the C model are combined with the stock of the

A model. The SU-16CA will come with two 10 round magazines that store

in the stock just like the A model and has all the same parkerized parts as

the C model. Just like the A model the SU-16CA can be folded for storage

and it will not fi re in the folded position. This allows for it to be purchased in

most states that still have an "assault weapons ban."

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 770 650 575 500


◼ PLR-16A gas operated, semi-automatic pistol chambered in 5.56 mm NATO cali-

ber. The PLR-16 has a conventional gas piston operation and utilizes the

proven M-16 breech locking system. The rear sight is adjustable for wind-

age. The front sight is of M-16 type. An integrated MIL-STD-1913 Pica-

tinny rail will accept a multitude of standard accessories. The muzzle end

of the barrel is threaded to accept standard attachments such as a muzzle

brake. Except for the barrel, bolt, sights, and mechanism, the PLR-16 pis-

tol is made entirely of high-impact glass fi ber reinforced polymer.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 665 575 500 425

◼ PLR-22A .22LR blowback operated pistol based on the PLR-16. It has a 10 inch

barrel. The total length is 18-1/2 inches. Weight is 2-3/4 lbs. Accepts many


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◼ SU-22Based on the popular SU-16 series. .22LR blowback operated. 16.1 inch

barrel with threaded muzzle. Total length is 40 inches. Fixed stock. Weight

is 4 lbs. 27 round magazine. Also accepts Atchison M-16 .22LR conver-

sion magazines. New for 2008.

Note: No pricing information available.

◼ RFB HIGH EFFICIENCY RIFLEThis bullpup design was introduced at the 2007 SHOT show as the SRT-8,

(Sniper Rifl e Tactical). The name has been changed to RFB (Rifl e Forward

ejection Bullpup) but as of early 2008 no RFB carbines have been shipped.

Factory announcements promise delivery by late 2008. The RFB is cham-

bered in .308. It has a 18 inch barrel. The total length of the RFB is 26 inch-

es. Weight is 8 lbs. No sights. Picatinny rail on top. Uses FAL magazines.

Note: No pricing information available.

◼ RFB TARGETAs above with a 32 inch barrel and a folding bipod. The total length is 40

inches and it weighs 11.3 lbs.

Note: No pricing information available.



of the accessories for the PLR-16 and SU-16 series. 27 round magazine.

Also accepts Atchison M-16 22LR conversion magazines. New for 2008.

Note: No pricing information available.

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KIMEL INDUSTRIESMatthews, North Carolina

◼ AP-9 PISTOLA 9mm semi-automatic pistol with a machine pistol look. Five inch bar-

rel with vented shroud. Magazine inserts in front of trigger guard. Black

matte fi nish. Manufactured 1989-94.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300


◼ MINI AP-9As above except with a three inch barrel without shroud. Made with a

matte black or nickel fi nish.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 425 375 325

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This company was established in 1993 by Reed Knight. AR-15 inventor

Eugene Stoner was involved in the design of their products. As of early

2008 Knights has suspended most civilian production so they can fi ll gov-

ernment orders.

◼ STONER SR-15 RIFLEA 5.56mm/.223 fl at top rifl e with a 20 inch standard weight barrel. Two

stage target trigger. Proprietary RAS (rail accessory system) hand guard

has accessory rails on four sides. Shipped without fi xed sights. A2 type

fi xed stock. Introduced in 1997.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1200 1000 800

◼ STONER SR-15 M-4 CARBINEAs above with a 16 inch barrel. Flip up rear sight included. RAS hand

guard. Choice of fi xed or collapsible buttstock.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1750 1400 1200 1000

◼ STONER SR-25 SPORTERA modernized version of the AR-10 rifl e chambered in 7.62mm/.308. It has

a fl at top receiver with removable carry handle. 20 inch lightweight barrel.

Round hand guard. 5, 10, or 20 round magazines. Manufactured 1993-97.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3000 2750 2500




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K ◼ STONER SR-25 CARBINE (OLD VERSION)As above but with a 16 inch free fl oating barrel. Flat top receiver with a

removable carry handle. Fixed stock. Introduced in 1995.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3000 2750 2500


Features a fl at top receiver including fl ip sight. 16 inch free fl oat barrel and

URX hand guard with accessory rails. Two stage match trigger. Fixed or

Collapsible buttstock.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 3700 3250 2750 2200

◼ STONER SR-25 MATCH RIFLEFlat top receiver shipped without any sights. Fitted with a 24 inch target

contour free fl oating barrel. Round hand guard with folding bi-pod. Fixed


EXC. V.G. GOOD 3200 3000 2750

◼ STONER SR-25 MK-11 MOD 0This is a version of the SR-25 that has been adopted as a sniper rifl e by

the U.S. Marine Corp and the U.S. Army. It features a fl at top receiver,

20 inch free fl oat barrel and URX hand guard with accessory rails. Fixed

buttstock. Civilian sales have been suspended. Current production goes

to fi ll government orders. No examples found for sale.


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LANCASTER ARMSGoodyear, Arizona

This company produces a series of AK-type rifl es and pistols. These are

built with a U.S. made receiver and the required number of U.S. made

parts combined with original AK parts. The AK series is offered in three

receiver thicknesses.

◼ AKM-47ARifl e with a 1mm thick receiver. Cal. 7.62x39mm. Wood stocks. Features

Romanian type pistol grip forearm.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 549 500 450 400

◼ AKM-47ARifl e as above with a 1.6mm thick receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 629 575 500 450

◼ AKM-47A RIFLEAs above, with milled steel receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 825 700 600

◼ AKM-47 WITH BULGARIAN STOCK OPTION Offered with black synthetic, blond wood and red wood furniture. Listing

prices for synthetic version. Wood furniture is slightly higher. 1 mm receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 619 550 500 450

◼ AKM-47 As above with 1.6mm thick receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 679 600 550 500


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L ◼ AKM-47 As above with milled steel receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 825 725 625

◼ AKM 47T TACTICALHas a six-position sliding CAR style stock. Synthetic forearm available in

black, green or tan. 1mm thick receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 659 600 550 500

◼ AKM 47T As above with a 1.6mm receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 719 650 600 550

◼ AKM 47T As above with milled steel receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 929 825 750 675

◼ CLASSIC POLISH UNDERFOLD AKM type rifl e in 7.62x39mm. Underfolding stock. Wood forearm. 1mm


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 769 700 650 575

◼ CLASSIC POLISH UNDERFOLDAs above with 1.6mm receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 819 750 675 600

▶ Classic Polish Underfold As above with milled steel receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700

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◼ POLISH TANTALCal 5.45x39mm. Side folding stock. Synthetic forearm. Wood available at

higher cost.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 689 625 550 500

◼ POLISH TANTAL Fixed stock. Choice of blond or red wood.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 769 700 625 550

◼ POLISH TANTAL As above with underfolding stock. Choice of synthetic or wood forearm.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 799 725 650 575

◼ AK PISTOLCal. 7.62x39mm, 11-1/2 inch barrel. Wood or synthetic pistol grip and

forearm. Price listed is for base model.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 619 575 525 475

◼ AK PISTOL 7.62x39mm, 9-1/2 inch barrel. Wood or synthetic pistol grip and forearm.

Price listed is for base model.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 739 675 625 575


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LEADER DYNAMICSTasmania, Australia

Imported by World Public Safety of Culver City, California

◼ MODEL T2 MK. 5A 5.56mm/.223 semi-automatic rifl e. Many action parts are made from

stamped steel. Similar to the Armalite AR-180. 16-1/4 inch barrel. Syn-

thetic stocks. A small quantity was imported 1986-89.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950


◼ SAP PISTOLA handgun using the same action as the Leader rifl e. It has a 10-1/2 inch


EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950


Another name for the maker of the M-11 semi-automatic pistol series.

Pricing on all these is about the same. See: SWD.

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LES BAER CUSTOMHillsdale, Illinois

This company is a well regarded maker of precision 1911-A1 type pistols

as well as their line of AR-15 type rifl es.

◼ ULTIMATE AR.223 SUPER VARMINT MODELAR-type rifl e with LBC forged and precision machined upper and lower

receivers (available with or without forward assist upper), picatinny style

fl at top rail, LBC ultimate national match carrier (chromed), LBC ultimate

bolt (chromed), LBC ultimate extractor (chromed), Jewell two-stage trigger

group, LBC precision machined adjustable free fl oat handguard with lock-

ing ring, LBC aluminum gas block with picatinny rail top, LBC bench rest

416 R stainless steel barrel with precision cut rifl ing (1:9 twist standard, op-

tional twists available including 1:12, 1:8, 1:7) 20 inch length standard (18

inch, 22 inch and 24 inch optional), newly designed LBC custom grip with

extra material under the trigger guard corner, Versa Pod, 20 round maga-

zine, LBC ultimate AR .223 rifl e soft case, stainless steel barrel, coated on


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1989 1750 1600 1450

◼ ULTIMATE AR SUPER VARMINT .204 RUGERAs above but chambered in .204 Ruger.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2330 2250 2050 1850

◼ ULTIMATE AR.223 SUPER MATCH MODELFeatures include LBC forged and precision machined upper and lower

receivers (available with or without forward assist upper), picatinny style

fl at top rail, LBC ultimate national match carrier (chromed), LBC ultimate

bolt (chromed), LBC ultimate extractor (chromed), Jewell two-stage trigger

group, four-position free fl oat handguard with integral picatinny rail system,

LBC aluminum gas block, LBC bench rest 416 R stainless steel barrel with

precision cut rifl ing (1:9 twist standard, optional twists available including

1:12, 1x8, 1:7) 20 inch length standard (18 inch, 22 inch and 24 inch op-

tional), newly designed LBC custom grip with extra material under the trig-


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L ger guard corner, Versa Pod Installed, 20 round magazine, LBC ultimate AR

.223 rifl e soft case, stainless steel barrel, coated on request.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2144 1800 1650 1500



◼ ULTIMATE AR SUPER MATCH .204 RUGERAs above, but chambered in .204 Ruger.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2410 2200 2000 1800

◼ ULTIMATE AR.223 M-4 FLAT TOP MODELFeatures include LBC forged and precision machined upper and lower

receivers (available with or without forward assist upper), picatinny style

fl at top rail, LBC ultimate national match carrier (chromed), LBC ultimate

bolt (chromed), LBC ultimate extractor (chromed), LBC bench rest 416 R

stainless steel barrel with precision cut rifl ing (1:9 twist standard, optional

twists available including 1:12 or 1:8) 16 inch length standard, four-posi-

tion free fl oat handguard with locking ring and with integral picatinny rail

system (12 inch standard) with aluminum gas block covered by rail sys-

tem, Versa-Pod installed, 20 round magazine, LBC ultimate AR .223 rifl e

soft case, stainless steel barrel, coated on request.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2195 1850 1700 1550

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◼ ULTIMATE AR.223 IPSC ACTION MODELFeatures include LBC forged and precision machined upper and lower

receivers with or without provision for forward assist, picatinny style fl at

top rail, LBC ultimate national match carrier (chromed), LBC ultimate

bolt (chromed), LBC ultimate extractor (chromed), LBC bench rest 416

R stainless steel barrel with precision cut rifl ing (1:9 twist standard, op-

tional twists available including 1:12, 1:8, 1:7) 20 inch length standard,

Jewell two-stage trigger standard (ultra single stage trigger substituted

on request), LBC precision machined aluminum free fl oating handguard

with locking ring, LBC aluminum gas block, Versa-Pod installed, 20 round

magazine, LBC ultimate ar .223 rifl e soft case.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2310 2000 1850 1700



◼ THUNDER RANCH RIFLEFeatures include: LBC forged and precision machined upper and lower

receivers, picatinny style fl at top rail, LBC ultimate national match carrier

(chromed), LBC ultimate bolt (chromed), LBC ultimate extractor, Les Baer

custom bench rest 16 inch barrel of 416 R stainless steel with precision cut

bench rest rifl ing and 1:8 twist, barrel is precision fl uted in front of gas block

for better heat dissipation, Jewell two-stage trigger tuned to 4-1/2 pound

pull (total pull weight), special thunder ranch free fl oat handguard with lock-

ing ring, sling stud mounted front of free fl oat handguard, nylon weather

proof sling and lockable front sling swivel, special detachable carry handle.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2499 2200 2000 1 800


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L ◼ ULTIMATE CMP COMPETITION RIFLE CMP legal for service rifl e matches. Features LBC forged and precision

machined upper and lower receivers, National Match rear sights with

hooded aperture, 1/4-minute clicks both windage and elevation, LBC na-

tional match carrier (chromed), LBC bolt carrier, LBC extractor, 20 inch

LBC precision cut bench rest style 416 R stainless steel barrel, 1:8 twist,

Jewell two-stage trigger set at 4-1/2 lbs., special DCM/CMP style free

fl oat tube, precision machined front sight housing (drilled and tapped for

barrel clamping), lead weight in both stock and forend (total weight is 17

lbs. with lead added), two) 20 round magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2840 2600 2400 2200

◼ ULTIMATE NRA MATCH RIFLEFeatures include LBC forged and precision machined upper and lower

(available with or without forward assist upper), picatinny style fl at top

rail, LBC ultimate national match carrier (chromed), LBC ultimate bolt

(chromed), LBC ultimate extractor (chromed), Jewell two-stage trigger

group, LBC precision machined adjustable free fl oat handguard with

locking ring, hand stop with sling swivel, LBC aluminum gas block, LBC

bench rest 416 R stainless steel barrel with precision cut rifl ing (1:8 twist

standard, optional twists available including 1 :7) 30 inch length standard

(18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch and 24 inch optional), newly designed LBC cus-

tom grip with extra material under the trigger guard, LBC ultimate AR .223

rifl e soft case, one 20 round magazine. Sold without sights.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2230 2000 1800 1600


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L ◼ ULTIMATE AR 6.5 GRENDEL M4 STYLEExcept for being chambered in 6.5 Grendel, this model is essentially the

same as the .223 caliber, medium weight M4 described above, with the

following exceptions:

• It has the same handguard as the Thunder Ranch model;

• Its gas block will include a rail on top to allow mounting add-on sights.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2260 2100 1900 1700

◼ ULTIMATE AR 6.5 GRENDEL SUPER VARMINT MODELSimilar to the Ultimate .223 model described above but chambered in

6.5mm Grendel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2135 1950 1750 1550


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MARLIN FIREARMS CO.New Haven, Connecticut

This old-line gun maker has discontinued production of the two models

they had that fi t in this book. Despite the fact that they were sold with tra-

ditional looking wood stocks, the Camp 9 and Camp 45 are included due

to the fact that they accept high capacity magazines. Additionally, there

are some assault type stocks available from other manufacturers; these

have pistol grips and folding stocks.

◼ CAMP 9A semi-automatic rifl e in 9mm. Simple blow back operation. 16-1/2 inch

barrel. Open sights. Receiver is drilled to allow scope mounting. Marlin

made magazines in 4-, 10- and 12 round capacity. The rifl e also accepts

S&W 59 series magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300

◼ CAMP 45As above but chambered in .45 ACP. Uses 1911-A1 type magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400

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Bradford, Pennsylvania

◼ STG-556This is basically a copy of the STEYR AUG Rifl e chambered in 5.56mm/.223.

The STG-556 Sporting Model rifl e is a gas-operated semi-automatic

bullpup rifl e featuring a quick interchangeable barrel available in 14, 16

and 20 inch lengths. The weight is 7-1/2 lbs. The STG-556’s innovative

design features include a forward assist and last round bolt hold open

release. 10, 20, 30 and 42 round magazines.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 2100 1850 1750 1650


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MITCHELL ARMS INC.Santa Ana, California

Note: Mitchell Arms imported a series of .22LR semi-automatic copies of

assault rifl es. These were made in Italy by Armi Jager or Adler. See Armi

Jager. Mitchell Arms also imported some Zastava-made Kalashnikov rifl es

from Yugoslavia in the late 1989. Importation was banned in 1989.

◼ AK-47Typical pattern. Cal. 7.62x39mm. 16-1/2 inch barrel. Wood stocks. Im-

ported 1989 only. The single shipment of these AK inchs was held in cus-

toms for over a year due to the just enacted import ban. BATF required

the bayonet lug be removed and the muzzle cap be welded in place be-

fore they were released.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 900

◼ AK-47 WITH FOLDING STOCKAs with the standard AK-47 above, the folding stock version was also

held up by U.S. customs. Mitchell Arms was forced to have a plastic

thumbhole stock made for these. The original folding stock was left intact

but was welded in the closed position. It was common for these stocks to

be restored to functional condition by subsequent owners. Such a resto-

ration would be a violation of 922r regulations unless enough U.S. made

parts were added to the rifl e.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1150 950

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◼ AK-47 IN 7.62X51MM/.308 Similar to above. Fixed stock only. 20 round magazine. Scarce.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1750 1500 1250

Note: add $200 for each additional 20 round magazine.

◼ M-76 SNIPER RIFLEA Kalashnikov rifl e chambered in 8x57mm Mauser. Side rail scope mount.

10 round magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2000 1750 1500

◼ RPKPatterned after the Soviet RPK light machine gun. Chambered in

7.62x39mm or 7.62x51/.308. Heavy barrel with cooling fi ns. Folding bi-

pod. Scarce.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2000 1750


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Kahr/auto-ordnance model m1sb short-barreled semi-auto rifle.

Kahr/auto-ordnance model T1-C commando.

Kahr/auto-ordnance model T1 with 50-round drum.

Kahr/auto-ordnance model T1 with 30-round stick magazine.

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Kahr/auto-ordnance model T1SB Short-barreled semi-auto rifle.

Kahr/auto-ordnance model tm1.

Kahr/auto-ordnance model m1.

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Armalite model M15 A4T in .223 remington.

Armalite AR10 super s.a.s.s. in .308 winchester.

Armalite AR10A2 carbine in .223 remington.

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Armalite AR10 A4 RIFLE in .223 remington.

Armalite AR10 A2 rifle in .223 remington.

Armalite AR10 A4 carbine with adjustable stock in .223 remington.

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Armalite AR10 a4 carbine with fixed stock in .223 remington.

Armalite AR10B in .308 winchester.

Armalite AR10T in .338 federal.

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Beretta Cx4 Carbine in 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP.

BUSHMASTER bfi carbon 15 r21 IN .223.

BUSHMASTER bfi carbon 15m4 IN .223 REMINGTON.

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BUSHMASTER bfi dissipator IN .223 REMINGTON.

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enfield mp45 IN .45 ACP.

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HI-POINT MODEL 995 Camo with 4x Scope, 9MM.

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Mitchell ak47 folder IN 7.62X39.

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Mitchell ak47 FIXED STOCK IN 7.62X39.

Norinco AK Sporter IN 7.62X39.

Norinco type 86 IN 7.62X39.

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Ohio OrdNANCE BAR IN 30-06.



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In the 1970s this company manufactured new M-1 carbine receivers and

assembled complete rifl es with USGI parts.

◼ M-1 CARBINEA basic pattern M-1 carbine. Will be seen with a variety of stock confi gu-

rations. Caliber .30 M-1.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350

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This is a commercial front for the Chinese military arms production fac-

tories. The fi rst Norinco products were imported in the mid 1980s. They

offered semi-automatic variations of AKM rifl es as well as the SKS. These

were imported by several companies. Importer names observed include

Clayco, CSI, KSI, Labanu, and Sile.

After the 1989 ban on imported “assault weapons” the Norinco product

line was altered to comply with “sporting use” criteria in the GCA 1968.

This was when the thumbhole stocks appeared on AK type rifl es. In 1994,

President Clinton banned further import of Norinco produced fi rearms

with rifl ed barrels. Some sporting shotguns are still imported.

◼ NORINCO AKM VARIATIONSPre-1989 imports. Rifl es with stamped sheet steel receivers were usually

made at factory 66. The factory mark is a triangle with 66 in the center.

There were a few model markings found on these. The following entries

indicate models observed. There were probably more models imported.

▶ AKS The earliest Norinco AKS were imported by Clayco Sports in 1984.

Caliber 7.62x39mm. They have red synthetic stocks. Originally boxed

with three 30 round magazines and a bayonet.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1200 1000

▶ AKM/47S, Type 56S As above. Later import. Light colored wood stocks.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 800

● Type 56S-1 As above but with a under folding stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 900


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N ● Type 84S An AKS chambered in 5.56mm/.223.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 950 850

● Type 84S-1 As above, with an under folding stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 900

● Type 84S 5As above with a side folding stock. Black synthetic forearm. Imported

in 1989 only.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1200 1000

● Type 86S A 7.62x39mm AKS in bull pup confi guration. Imported in 1989. Only

one shipment came in before the ban. Fewer than 2000 imported.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1800 1500 1250


◼ POST 1989 IMPORT BAN AK MODELS The 1989 ban on imported “assault rifl es” caught several importers

unprepared. There had been little discussion of such an executive action

before it occurred. Some shipments were stuck in customs warehouses

while others were on ships that had to be turned back to China. A few im-

porters were allowed to modify rifl es already paid for to remove offending

characteristics such as the bayonet lug and threaded muzzles. This was

when they came up with the thumbhole stocks that eliminate the sepa-

rate pistol grip. There were even some folding stock versions that had

the stock welded in the closed position and a thumb hole stock installed

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behind it. Others had the folding stock removed, leaving the hole in the

receiver where it was.

It did not take long before Norinco began producing rifl es that com-

plied with the characteristics imposed by the ban. Model names found

on the thumbhole stocked models include MAK-90, NHM-90 or 91. The

name “Sporter” will also appear on these.

Warning: It is common to encounter a post-1989 imported Norinco AK

type rifl e that has had a standard pistol grip stock set installed. If you are

examining a AK type gun that is marked MAK-90, BWK-90, NHM-91, or

Sporter be aware that it might be an illegal rifl e. According to BATFE

regulations, it is not legal to modify an imported rifl e to a confi guration that

cannot be imported, unless enough U.S. made parts are installed. This is

a very confusing law.

▶ MAK-90 Standard AKM type rifl e in 7.62x39mm with a thumbhole stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350


▶ BWK-90 As above but in 5.56mm with a thumbhole stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

▶ NHM-90 7.62x39mm with a 16 3/4 inch barrel. Thumbhole stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

▶ NHM-91AK type rifl e in 7.62x39mm with a 23 1/4 inch barrel and a folding bi-

pod. Thumbhole stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400


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N ▶ AK HunterAn AKM action with a traditional sporting type stock installed.

7.62x39mm. 19 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 325 275

▶ NDM86 A copy of the Soviet SVD “Dragonov” sniper rifl e. Chambered for

7.62x54Rmm or 7.62x51mm/.308. 24 inch barrel. Skeletonized stock

made from laminated wood. 10 round magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1200 900

◼ MODEL 320 A semi-automatic copy of the Israeli UZI submachine gun. Cal 9mm.

16 inch barrel. The only shipment of Model 320s was stopped by the

1989 import ban. The folding metal stocks were replaced with a thumb-

hole stock and the barrel nut was welded so the barrel could not be


EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 550 450

◼ M-14 A copy of the U.S. M-14 service rifl e. Chambered for 7.62mm/.308. No

fl ash hider. Rubber recoil pad.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 575 500

◼ SKSThe standard SKS rifl e is chambered in 7.62x39mm and has a fi xed 10

round magazine. As such it is not in the purview of this book. However,

since hundreds of thousands were imported in the 1980s and 1990s un-

der the Norinco name they are included here. They do not always have

Norinco stamped on them but that does not affect the price. SKSs were

frequently sold with the folding bayonet attached. After a few years the

BATF ruled that it was not legal to have a bayonet on an SKS unless the

rifl e was imported as a Curio and Relic under defi nitions listed in the GCA

1968. Of course the fact that they had already issued import licenses for

thousands of rifl es with the bayonets on them did not seem to matter. The

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offi cial view is that a bayonet is not allowed on new rifl es imported under

the “Sporting Use” criteria.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 250 190 150


◼ SKS CARBINE This is a SKS that was made with a 16 inch barrel. Some may have been

shortened here in the U.S. by the importers. They were sometimes called

a “paratrooper” carbine, although there is no indication that any were ever

used by any Chinese paratroop forces.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 300 250 200

◼ NORINCO SKS WITH DETACHABLE MAGAZINE This version was made to accept AK-47 type detachable magazines.

There are three variants. The fi rst was a standard pattern SKS with a 16

inch barrel, with or without the bayonet.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 600 500

◼ NORINCO SKS “SPORTER”After the ban on importation of “assault rifl es,” the Norinco SKS was

made in a “sporter” confi guration. One variation has a Monte Carlo stock;

the other has a thumbhole stock. There is no provision for a bayonet.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 450 400


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This manufacturer builds semi-automatic versions of famous machine guns.

◼ BAR MODEL 1918A3 SELF LOADING RIFLEA semi-automatic version of the legendary Browning Automatic Rifl e. Cal-

iber .30-06. 20 round magazines. Introduced in 1996. Offered with walnut

or synthetic stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 3800 3000 2500 2000



A semi-automatic version of the famous belt-fed machine gun. Offered in

.30-06, 7.65mm or .308. Parkerized fi nish. Sold with a tri-pod, wooded ammo

box, water can and hose and one 250 round cloth belt. Introduced in 2001.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 5000 4700 4200 3500

Note: The .308 version is worth approximately $250 more.

◼ M240 SLRThis is a semi-automatic version of the FN MAG M 240 machine gun cur-

rently used by the U.S. military. Cal. 7.62mm/.308. Uses disintegrating

metal links. Introduced in 2007. Limited production.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 13,500 12,000 10,000 8500

◼ VZ-2000A semi-automatic version of the Czechoslovakian Vz-58 rifl e. Caliber

7.62x39mm. Synthetic stocks. Shipped with four 30 round magazines,

bayonet, sling, cleaning kit, manual and extra folding stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 1000 850


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OLYMPIC ARMSOlympia, Washington

This company manufactures several versions of AR-15 type fi rearms.

They are listed here with their Olympic Arms product numbers.


▶ K4BThe same dimensions as the U.S. Military M-16-A2. Semi-automatic. Cal

5.56mm/.223. 20 inch barrel. A2 upper receiver with adjustable sight.

Fixed stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 839 750 700 650

▶ K4B-A4 An AR-15 model with a 20 inch barrel, fl at top upper receiver, FIRSH quad

rail free fl oating handguard and fi xed A2 buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 941 850 775 700

▶ K8 Targetmatch This Targetmatch model features a fl at top upper receiver and gas block that

have picitinny rails. 20 inch stainless steel bull barrel with satin bead blast fi n-

ish. Aluminum free fl oating handguard with knurled surface. Fixed A2 stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 839 750 700 650


▶ K8-MAG Targetmatch MagnumThe Targetmatch Magnum is chambered for Winchester Super Short

Magnum (WSSM) cartridges. Features a fl at top upper receiver and

gas block that have picatinny rails. 24 inch bull barrel. Aluminum free

fl oating handguard with knurled surface. Fixed A2 stock.


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O MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1182 1000 900 800





▶ Plinker Plus 20This model is an entry level AR-15 rifl e. 20 inch standard weight barrel.

All of the same features as Olympic’s other AR-15 models but the rear

sight is changed to an A1 and no factory installed options are allowed.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 779 700 650 600

▶ SM-1 ServicematchA2 upper and lower receiver are premium quality. 20 inch stainless

steel barrel. Free fl oating hand guard.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1099 950 850 750

▶ SM-1P Servicematch Premium As above but with AC4 pneumatic recoil buffer, Bob Jones inter-

changeable sight system. Two-stage match trigger. Front sight post is

attached using set screws.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1493 1100 1000 900

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▶ UM-1 Ultramatch 20 inch Ultramatch broach-cut bull barrel coupled with a free fl oating

handguard and forged receiver for target and competition shooting.

Flat top upper receiver and gas block that have picitinny rails. Alumi-

num free fl oating hand guard with knurled surface.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1150 950 850 750




▶ UM-1P Ultramatch PremiumHIgh-end target shooting model. 24 inch free fl oating bull barrel. Pneu-

matic recoil buffer. Williams set trigger. Harris S series bipod installed.

MSRP EXC. V.G GOOD 1599 1200 1000 850


▶ GI-16 Identical to our Plinker Plus model. The GI-16 features an A2 forged upper

with A1 rear sight, 16 inch button rifl ed barrel and M4 collapsible stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 743 675 625 575

▶ K10 Pistol Cal. 10mm 10mm in an AR-15 platform with a 16 inch barrel. Uses standard AR-

15 lower receivers that accept modifi ed pistol caliber magazines. CAR


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O type collapsible buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 869 800 750 700

▶ K16 Features a 16 inch bull barrel, fl at top upper, free fl oating handguard,

rail gas block and fi xed A2 buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 714 675 625 575

▶ K30R 7.62x39mm New in 2007 is the K30R model featuring 7.62 x 39mm in an AR-15

platform. A2 upper receiver with adjustable sight. 16 inch barrel. Six-

position collapsable buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 846 800 750 700

▶ K3BBase model AR-15 carbine. Available in four variants along with a ton

of options.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 815 750 700 650



◼ K3B-CAR This K3B variant has an 11.5 inch barrel with a permanently attached 5.5

inch fl ash suppressor.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 839 775 750 700

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◼ K3B-FAR FEATHERWEIGHT CARBINE As above but with the Featherweight (FAR) barrel which lightens the weight

of the carbine signifi cantly without compromising accuracy or quality.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 880 800 750 700




◼ K3B M-4Variant of the K3B model and features an M4 contoured barrel and M4


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 825 775 725

◼ K3B M-4 A3-TC Sometimes called the “alphabet gun.” The A3-TC variant takes the K3B-

M4 and adds a detachable carry handle and FIRSH quad rail free fl oating


MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1079 900 850 800

◼ K40 Pistol caliber .40 S&W in an AR-15 platform with a 16 inch barrel. Olympic

Arms pistol caliber models use standard AR-15 lower receivers that ac-


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O cept modifi ed pistol cal magazines. CAR type collapsible buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 869 800 750 700


◼ K40GL Pistol caliber .40 S&W in an AR-15 platform with a purpose-made lower

receiver that uses Glock® magazines. CAR type collapsible buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 869 800 750 700

◼ K45 Pistol caliber 45 ACP in an AR-15 platform with a 16 inch barrel. Olympic

Arms pistol cal models use standard AR-15 lower receivers that accept

modifi ed pistol cal magazines. CAR type collapsible buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 869 800 750 700

◼ K68 New model that uses the 6.8 Remington SPC cartridge in an AR-15 plat-

form. Featured with an M4 barrel and collapsible stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 905 825 775 725

◼ K7 ELIMINATORThe K7 eliminates the gap between 16 inch and 20 inch AR-15 models.

This model has a 16 inch barrel with the sight radius of a 20 inch model.

A gas block is hidden under the handguards to accomodate the 16 inch

barrel gas operating system.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 844 800 750 700

◼ K9 GLPistol caliber 9mm in an AR-15 platform with a purpose-made lower re-

ceiver that uses Glock® magazines. CAR type collapsible buttstock.

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MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 959 875 825 775




◼ LIGHTWEIGHT TACTICAL FLUTED The LTF model has fl uting along the full length of the barrel increasing

heat dissipation. Other options are also included standard: Flat top up-

per receiver and gas block with picitinny rail. FIRSH quad rail free fl oating

handguard. ACE FX Skeleton stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1235 1075 950 825

◼ LIGHTWEIGHT TACTICAL M4 The LT-M4 model has an M4 barrel. Other options are also included stan-

dard: Flat top upper receiver and gas block with picitinny rail. FIRSH quad

rail free fl oating handguard. ACE FX Skeleton stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1175 1000 900 800

◼ MULTIMATCH ML-1 The Multimatch model ML-1 is basically an enhanced standard AR-15

with an Ultramatch barrel, free fl oating aluminum handguard and M4 col-

lapsible stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1026 950 900 800


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O ◼ MULTIMATCH ML-2 The Ultramatch features fl at top upper receiver and gas block with pici-

tinny rail. Bull barrel, free fl oating aluminum handguard and an A2 trapdoor

buttstock put the ML-2 model in a class above standard AR-15 carbines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1026 950 900 800



◼ OA-93-CAR This AR-15 model features the OA Operations System upper receiver

which incorporates a gas piston recoil system into a fl at top upper. This

allows us to add an aluminum side-folding stock. Discontinued as of Sep-

tember of 2007.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 925 850

◼ OA-93-PTUsing the OA Operations System upper receiver incorporates the recoil

system into a fl at top upper allowing the OA-93-PT model to have a de-

tachable aluminum stock. Discontinued as of September of 2007.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 975 900 825

◼ PLINKER PLUS A .22 rimfi re version of the AR-15, the Plinker Plus model has all the fea-

tures of Olympic’s current AR-15 models but has an A1 rear sight and

does not allow any factory installed options.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 629 575 525 475

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▶ K23 PAR-15 pistol model featuring a 6.5 inch barrel, no buttstock and a pad-

ded receiver extension tube.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 869 800 750 700




▶ K23P-AT-3C Tactical PistolAR-15 pistol model featuring a 6.5 inch barrel, no buttstock and a padded

receiver extension tube. The A3-TC variant adds a fl at top upper with de-

tachable carry handle and FIRSH quad rail free fl oating handguard.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1018 925 850 775

▶ OA-93Unique to Olympic Arms, the OA Operations System incorporates the

recoil system into a fl at top upper receiver eliminating the need for a

buttstock. The OA-93 was the fi rst AR-15 pistol on the market.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1079 975 900 800

▶ OA-98A skeletonized, extremely lightweight version of the OA-93. Discontin-

ued as of September of 2007.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 875 800


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P.A.W.S. INCSalem, Oregon

This company manufactured some copies of the English Sterling sub-

machine gun.

◼ ZX6 CARBINEA semi-automatic carbine chambered for 9mm or .45 ACP. It has a 16

inch barrel. Folding metal stock. Matte black fi nish. 10 and 32 round mag-

azines. Introduced in 1989.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 750 600

◼ PAWS PISTOLA short version of the ZX6 without the stock. 4 to 6 inch barrel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 750 600

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POF manufactures a line of AR-15 type rifl es that use a gas piston operat-

ing system.

◼ P-415 SPECIAL PURPOSE RIFLECal. .223. Features an 18 inch heavy contour barrel, fl uted to reduce weight

and heat. A3 fl attop upper receiver, forged 7075-T6 aircraft aluminum alloy.

Gas piston operated, rotating bolt (short stroke system). Reversible piston/

gas trap design (adjustable: two modes of fi re). C.R.O.S. (corrosion resistant

operating system); chrome plated barrel, gas block/tube (billet machined), gas

plug (billet machined), gas piston (billet machined), bolt carrier assembly (in-

tegral keyed billet machined), silicone nickel plated A3 fl attop upper receiver

and charging handle.Predator P-12SX tactical rail (slim, extended, full-length

rail, w/ urethane spray) or predator P-12X. Timney drop-in 4-lb. single stage

trigger group. Ergo pistol grip. Vltor EMOD buttstock. Weight is 8.2 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2095 1850 1700 1550


◼ P-415 RECON CARBINECal. .223. Features a 16 inch heavy contour barrel, fl uted to reduce weight

and heat. A3 fl attop upper receiver, forged 7075-T6 aircraft aluminum al-

loy. Gas piston operated, rotating bolt (short stroke system). Reversible

piston/gas trap design (adjustable: two modes of fi re). C.R.O.S. (corrosion

resistant operating system) chrome plated: barrel, gas block/tube (billet

machined), gas plug (billet machined), gas piston (billet machined), bolt

carrier assembly (integral keyed billet machined), silicone nickel plated

A3 fl attop upper receiver and charging handle. Predator P-12SX tactical

rail (slim, extended, full-length rail, with urethane spray) or predator P-

12X. Timney drop-in 4-lb. single stage trigger group. Ergo pistol grip. Vltor

clubfoot buttstock with mil-spec tube. Weight is 7.8 Lbs.


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P MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1995 1800 1650 1500



◼ P-415 CARBINE, M-4 TYPECal. .223. Features a 16 inch heavy contour barrel, fl uted to reduce weight

and heat. A3 fl attop upper receiver, forged 7075-t6 aircraft aluminum alloy.

Gas piston operated, rotating bolt (short stroke system). Reversible piston/

gas trap design (adjustable: two modes of fi re). C.R.O.S. (corrosion resis-

tant operating system) chrome plated: barrel, gas block/tube (billet ma-

chined), gas plug (billet machined), gas piston (billet machined), bolt carrier

assembly (integral keyed billet machined), silicone nickel plated A3 fl attop

upper receiver and charging handle. Mil-spec semi-auto trigger. Mil-spec

six-position retractable stock. Tango down battle grip. Weight is 6.9 lbs.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1595 1450 1300 1150

◼ P-308 CARBINEChamber: 7.62X51mm/.308. Features a heavy contour 14.5 inch fl uted

barrel with permanently attached muzzle device. Gas piston operated,

rotating bolt (short stroke system). Reversible piston/gas trap design (two

modes of fi re). C.R.O.S. (Corrosion resistant operating system) upper is a

modular railed receiver. Billet machined 7075-T6 aircraft aluminum alloy.

Silicone nickel and black hard coat anodized per mil spec and tefl on coat-

ed black and charging handle. Timney mfg. Drop-in 4-lb. single stage trig-

ger group. Ergo pistol grip. Vltor, six-position retractable buttstock with

mil-spec tube. Ergo ladder rail covers. POF-USA: modular railed receiver,

continuous/monolithic top rail, tactical rail system. Uses DPMS, Knight

Armament, or original AR-10 “waffl e” magazines. Weight is 8.5 Lbs. Also

available with a 16-1/2 or a 20 inch barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2400 2200 2050 1900

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A maker of new production M-1 carbines. No longer in business.

◼ SUPER ENFORCERA handgun based on the M-1 carbine action. 12 inch barrel. Caliber .30M-

1. Blued fi nish with a walnut stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 450 350

◼ M-1 CARBINE EXC. V.G. GOOD 475 400 375

◼ M-1 PARATROOPER CARBINEAs above with a telescoping wire buttstock

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 450 400


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This is another name used by the Chinese arms production network. It

might have been a separate branch from Norinco. Poly Tech produced

variations of the AK series as well as an M-14 type rifl e. Imported by

Kengs Firearms Specialists (KFS) of Atlanta, Georgia.

◼ AKSThis is a standard AKM rifl e chambered in 7.62x39mm and it was made

with a stamped receiver. It has a folding bayonet and is the same confi gu-

ration of the Chinese military issue Type 56.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950


◼ M AKS SIDE FOLDING STOCKThis version takes a standard blade bayonet. Stocks are made from red

plastic or light colored wood. It features a side folding stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1250 1000

◼ LEGEND SERIES MODEL AK-47/SThis is the closest copy of the original AK-47 that was imported. It has a

milled steel receiver, instead of the stamped receiver found on the later

AKM. Poly Tech made two versions.

▶ Fixed Stock EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1175 1050

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▶ Under Folding Stock EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 1100

▶ Post Import Ban LegendKFS had some rifl es caught in customs when the import ban was im-

posed. These were fi tted with a thumbhole stock and the bayonet lug

and barrel threads were removed. Later, there were some Poly Tech

made milled receiver sporter rifl es imported that had the name MAK-

90 added to them.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 625 500


◼ M-14/SThis is a copy of the U.S. M-14 rifl e. Chambered in 7.62 NATO/.308. Wood

stock. It has a cosmetic fl ash hider that was made without venting slots.

No bayonet mount.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 800 700 600


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Note: This company has been purchased by Bushmaster.

◼ CARBON-15 PISTOL—TYPE 97Introduced in 1996 this semi-automatic pistol is built on a carbon fi ber

upper and lower receiver. Chambered for the 5.56 cartridge it has a 7.25

inch fl uted stainless steel barrel. Ghost ring sights are standard. Maga-

zine is AR-15 compatible. Quick detach compensator. Furnished with a

10 round magazine. Weight is approximately 46 oz.

NOTE: This pistol has several options which will affect value.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 450 325

◼ CARBON-15 RIFLE—TYPE 97Similar to the above model but fi tted with a 16 inch barrel, quick detach-

able buttstock, quick detach compensator, Weaver type mounting base.

Overall length is 35 inches. Weight is about 3.9 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 625 500 400

◼ CARBON-15 RIFLE—TYPE 97SIntroduced in 2000 this rifl e incorporated several new features. Its foregrip is

double walled and insulated with a sheet of ultra-lightweight amumina silica

ceramic fi ber. The recoil buffer has been increased in size by 30 percent for

less recoil. A new ambidextrous safety has been added, and a new multi car-

ry silent sling with Hogue grip is standard. Weight is approximately 4.3 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 700 550

◼ CARBON-15 PISTOL—TYPE 21Introduced in 1999 this model features a light profi le stainless steel 7.25

inch barrel. Ghost ring sights are standard. Optional recoil compensator.

A 30 round magazine is standard. Weight is about 40 oz.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 450 325

◼ CARBON-15 RIFLE—TYPE 21This model is fi tted with a 16 inch light profi le stainless steel barrel. Quick

detachable stock, Weaver mounting base. Introduced in 1999. Weight is

approximately 3.9 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 600 500

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Mesa, Arizona

◼ ATR-1Based on the FN FAL platform. 16-1/4 inch barrel. Caliber 5.56/.223 1-9

twist. Weight is 8 lbs. Aircraft grade, 7075 T6 aluminum receiver is ma-

chined from a solid bar to exacting specifi cations in the U.S. Design spe-

cifi cally to accept AR-15 (M-16) magazines. Last round hold open and

paddle magazine release. Original FN FAL gas operated piston breech

block unlocking system, proven, reliable fi eld history in Military and Law

enforcement applications. Buttstock, forend and grip molded from glass

fi lled nylon for added impact strength and thermal stability. The lower,

including the fi re control mechanism and all components thereof, are

original FN FAL components. Semi-automatic ONLY. The receiver is NOT

slotted to accept an auto sear. All primary exterior metal surfaces, except

the magazine, are painted with Duracoat brand coatings. Minor parts are

fi nished in black oxide.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1250 1175 1100

◼ BW5 FSA RIFLEBased on the H&K MP-5 SMG. Caliber 9mm. Features: High-grade steel

receiver is stamped, formed and welded to exacting specifi cations in the

U.S. Paddle magazine release. Delayed blowback operated, roller lock

bolt system has a proven, reliable fi eld history in military and law enforce-

ment applications. Button rifl ed, stainless steel, 9 inch, 3-lug barrel, rifl ed

with 1:10 twist rate and fl uted chamber. Billet machined, aluminum, per-

manently attached, fake suppressor is black anodized and extends the

barrel length to 16.5 inches (rifl e only). Fixed buttstock and forend molded

from glass fi lled nylon for added impact strength and thermal stability.

Pistol polymer buttcap w/ D-ring. The fi re control mechanism is housed

in a polymer Navy/FBI style lower/grip and has ambidextrous selection

for safe and semi-automatic fi re. All exterior metal surfaces, except the

magazine, are epoxy coated for exceptional durability and fi nish.


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R MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1500 1400 1300

◼ BW5 FSA PISTOLBased on the H&K MP-5 SMG. Caliber 9mm. Features include: High-

grade steel receiver is stamped, formed and welded to exacting speci-

fi cations in the U.S. Paddle magazine release. Delayed blowback oper-

ated, roller lock bolt system has a proven, reliable fi eld history in Military

and Law Enforcement applications. Button rifl ed, stainless steel, 9 inch,

3-lug barrel, rifl ed with 1:10 twist rate and fl uted chamber. Forend molded

from glass fi lled nylon for added impact strength and thermal stability.

Pistol polymer buttcap w/ D-ring. The fi re control mechanism is housed

in a polymer Navy/FBI style lower/grip and has ambidextrous selection

for safe and semi-automatic fi re. All exterior metal surfaces, except the

magazine, are epoxy coated for exceptional durability and fi nish.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1500 1400 1300

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REMINGTON ARMS CO.Madison, North Carolina

In 2008, this old line manufacturer of sporting arms added a few AR-15

based rifl es.

◼ R-15 VTR PREDATOR RIFLE CAL. 204 RUGERA new semi-automatic AR-15-style rifl e developed with the predator

hunter in mind. It features a 21 inch free-fl oating button-rifl ed 0.680 inch

muzzle OD ChroMoly barrel with recessed hunting crown for superior ac-

curacy. The fl uted barrel design reduces weight and promotes rapid bar-

rel cooling. Clean-breaking single-stage hunting trigger. Receiver-length

picatinny rail for adding optics. Ergonomic pistol grip. Fore-end tube

drilled and tapped for accessory rails. Full Advantage® MAX-1 HDTM

camoufl age coverage. Includes a 5 round magazine. Legal for hunting in

most states. Compatible with aftermarket AR-15 magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700



◼ R-15 VTR PREDATOR RIFLE CAL. .223As above but chambered in 5.56mm/.223 Remington.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700

◼ R-15 VTR PREDATOR CARBINE CAL. .204 RUGERAs above with an 18 inch barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700


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R ◼ R-15 VTR PREDATOR CARBINE CAL. .223As above chambered for 5.56mm/.223 Remington.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700


A Predator carbine featuring a CAR style collapsible stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700

◼ R-15 VTR PREDATOR CARBINE CS CALIBER .223As above but chambered in 5.56mm/.223 Remington

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 999 850 775 700

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◼ XCR SERIESThe XCR was originally designed for military trials in the SOCOM program.

Civilian sales began in 2006. The XCR employs a Kalashnikov type gas sys-

tem. The rifl e uses an upper and lower receiver. The upper receiver features

picitinny rails on all four sides. The top rail is 17 inches long, providing am-

ple room for any available sighting system. Many features of the XCR can

be special ordered. Consult a factory catalog to see the options. The XCR

is a multi-caliber weapon system. The base platform is chambered in 5.56

NATO. Other caliber offerings include 6.8SPC, 6.5 Grendel, 7.62x39. The

conversions are easily achieved by changing to the appropriately cham-

bered barrel and bolt. Conversions can be done in two-three minutes.

The base model rifl e in 5.56mm/.226 has a barrel length of 16 inches.

Side folding or fi xed stock. The weight is 7-1/2 lbs. The XCR uses M-16

series magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1300 1200 1100 1000

Note: For XCR in calibers other than .223 add 200 to MSRP.


◼ M96 EXPEDITIONARY RIFLEThe M96 is based on the Stoner 63 Weapon System designed by Eu-

gene Stoner and used by the U.S Navy Seals in Vietnam. The Stoner

63 inchs receiver, using a variety of modular components, could be

confi gured as a rifl e, carbine, a top fed light machine gun, a belt fed

squad automatic weapon, or a vehicle mounted weapon. The M96 has

been designed with similar modularity in mind but has been simplifi ed

for easier maintenance. It is chambered for 5.56mm/.223. The barrel

is 20 inches long and included a built-in muzzle brake. The barrel can


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R be quickly changed. Total length is 40 inches. The weight is 8-1/2 lbs.

The action is piston driven gas operation. Stainless steel receiver with a

matte black fi nish. Picatinny rails can be added on top of receiver and

sides of fore-arm. Front and rear sights are adjustable for windage and

elevation. Black, green or tan synthetic stock and forearm. Uses M-16

magazines and drums.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1350 1200 1050


◼ M96 RECON CARBINEAs above with a 16 inch barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1350 1200 1050

◼ M96 RECON CARBINE WITH TOP FEED A M96 carbine that features a Top Feed or “BREN” type magazine sys-

tem. The top cover features an off set rear sight.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1600 1400 1200

◼ VEPR SERIESThese Russian made rifl es were imported by Robinson Armament. The

line has been discontinued. The VEPR Rifl es and Carbines are sporting

arms based on the famous Soviet designed RPK machine gun. VEPR

rifl es are manufactured in Russia at the historic Vyatskie Polyany Machine

Building Plant (a.k.a. “MOLOT”).

◼ VEPR II A 7.63x39mm rifl e with a 20-1/2 inch barrel. The total length is 39-3/4

inches. Weight is 9 lbs. Open sights. Russian type scope mount on Left

side of receiver. Synthetic stocks. Accepts AK magazines and drums.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 850 700

Note: add $50 for muzzle brake.

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◼ VEPR II .223As above but chambered for 5.56mm/.223.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 850 700


◼ VEPR II .308A VEPR rifl e chambered in 7.62mm/.308. It has a 20-1/2 inch barrel. Avail-

able magazines hold 5 or 10 rounds.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 975 850

◼ VEPR K 7.62X39MM, 223 OR 5.45X39MM A VEPR II with a 16-1/2 inch barrel. Other features are the same as listed

above. EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 850 700

◼ SUPER VEPR .308A deluxe version of the original VEPR rifl e. It has a 21-1/2 inch barrel. Total

length is 41 inches. It weighs 8-1/2 lbs. One piece walnut stock with am-

bidextrous grip and recoil pad. Adjustable sights as well as Weaver Rail.

5 and 10 round magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1100 950

◼ VEPR .308 RIFLEThis rifl e features a 23-1/4 inch barrel. Total length is 39-3/4 inches. The

rifl e weighs 8.3 lbs. Checkered walnut stock and forearm. 5 and 10 round

magazines. EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 975 850

◼ VEPR .308 CARBINEThis rifl e features a 20-1/2 inch barrel. Total length is 39-3/4 inches. The

rifl e weighs 8.3 lbs. Checkered walnut stock and forearm. 5 and 10 round

magazines. EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 975 850


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ROCK RIVER ARMS, INC.Colona, Illinois

RRA makes a variety of AR-15 type rifl es and pistols. The basic models

are listed. All can be factory ordered to be assembled with different op-

tions. Price will be based on options selected. They also offer lower and

upper receiver assemblies.

◼ .223/5.56MM RIFLES

▶ CAR A2This is an AR-15-style rifl e chambered for the .223 cartridge. Fitted

with a 16 inch barrel with CAR handguards. Two stage trigger. Choice

of A2 or non-collapsible buttstock. Choice of black or green furniture.

Weight is about 7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 925 750 700 650

▶ CAR A2MSame as above but with mid-length handguard.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 925 750 700 650

▶ CAR A4Similar to the models above but with fl attop receiver and CAR hand-


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 890 725 700 650


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▶ CAR A4MFlattop receiver with mid-length handguard.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 890 725 700 650

▶ Standard A2The AR-15-style rifl e is fi tted with a 20 inch barrel and chambered for

the .223 cartridge. Two stage trigger. Fixed stock and full-length hand

guard. Weight is about 8.2 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 945 750 700 650

▶ Standard A4 FlattopSame as Standard A2 but with fl attop receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 925 725 700 650

▶ National Match A2This model features a .22 Wylde chamber with a 20 inch Wilson air-

gauged match stainless steel barrel. A2 receiver. Two stage trigger.

Free fl oat high temperature thermo mold handguard. Match sights.

Weight is about 9.7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1165 950 875 800

▶ National Match A4As above but with a fl at top receiver and removable carry handle.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1215 1050 925 850

▶ Varmint Rifl e A4This fl attop model is fi tted with a 16 inch, 18 inch, 20 inch and 24 inch

stainless Wilson steel barrel without sights. Fixed stock. Two-stage

trigger. Weight is about 9.5 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1055 900 825 750

Note: Add $10 for each barrel length from 16 inch.


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R ▶ Varmint EOP (Elevated Optical Platform)Chambered for the .223 with a Wylde chamber and fi tted with a Wil-

son air-gauged bull stainless steel barrel. Choice of 16 inch, 18 inch,

20 inch, and 24 inch barrel lengths. Free fl oat aluminum handguard.

National Match two stage trigger. Weight is about 8.2 lbs. with 16 inch

barrel and 10 lbs. with 24 inch barrel.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1080 950 875 800

Note: Add $10 for each barrel length from 16 inches.

▶ Pro Series Government ModelChambered for the .223 cartridge and fi tted with a 16 inch Wilson

chrome barrel with A2 fl ash hider. National Match two stage trigger. A4

upper receiver. Flip-up rear sight. EOTech M951 light system. Surefi re

M73 Quad Rail handguard, and 6 position tactical CAR stock. Weight

is about 8.2 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 2290 1950 1800 1700


▶ Tactical CAR A4This .223 caliber rifl e has a 16 inch Wilson chrome barrel with A2 fl ash

hider. A4 upper receiver with detachable carry handle. Two stage Na-

tional Match trigger. R-4 handguard. Six-position tactical CAR stock.

Weight is about 7.5 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1015 900 800 700

▶ Elite CAR A4As above but with mid-length handguard. Weight is about 7.7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1015 900 800 700

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▶ Tactical CAR UTE (Universal Tactical Entry) 2This .223 caliber rifl e has a 16 inch Wilson chrome barrel with A2 fl ash

hider. It has a R-2 handguard. The upper receiver is a UTE2 with stan-

dard A4 rail height. Two stage trigger and six-position CAR tactical

stock. Weight is about 7.5 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 900 800 700



▶ Elite CAR UTE 2As above but with mid-length handguard. Weight is about 7.7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 900 800 700

▶ Entry TacticalThis .223 model features a 16 inch Wilson chrome barrel with a

R-4 profi le. A4 upper receiver with detachable carry handle. National

Match two stage trigger. Six-position tactical CAR stock. R-4 hand-

guard. Weight is about 7.5 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 900 800 700

▶ TASC Rifl eThis rifl e features a 16 inch Wilson chrome barrel with A2 fl ash hider. A2

upper receiver with windage and elevation rear sight. R-4 handguard.

A2 buttstock. Weight is about 7.5 lbs.


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R NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 850 775 700




◼ 9MM RIFLES ▶ 9mm CAR A2These are AR-15-style rifl es chambered for the 9x19mm cartridge.

Fitted with a 16 inch barrel with CAR handguards. Two stage trigger.

Choice of A2 or non-collapsible buttstock. Choice of black or green

furniture. Weight is about 7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1075 975 900 825

▶ 9mm CAR A4As above with a fl at top receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1075 975 900 825

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▶ AR 6.8 SPC CAR A2 Fitted with a 16 inch barrel with CAR handguards. Also available with

mid length hand guards. Two stage trigger. Choice of A2 or non-col-

lapsible buttstock. Choice of black or green furniture. Weight is about

7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 935 825 775 700



▶ AR 6.8 SPC CAR A4As above with a fl at top receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 935 825 775 700


▶ LAR-458 CAR A4Fitted with a 16 inch barrel with free fl oat aluminum handguards. Two

stage trigger. Choice of A2 or non-collapsible buttstock. Choice of

black or green furniture. Weight is about 7 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1065 975 900 800


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R ◼ .308/7.62 NATO RIFLES

▶ LAR-8 A2 Rifl eFitted with a 16 inch Wilson barrel. Mid length hand guards. A2 type

upper receiver. Two stage trigger. Six-position CAR tactical stock. Uses

FAL metric or inch magazines.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1150 1050 975 875



▶ LAR-8 A4 Rifl eAs above with a fl at top receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 1000 925 850

▶ LAR-8 Standard Rifl e A2Fitted with a 20 inch Wilson barrel. A2 type buttstock. Uses FAL metric

or inch magazines.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1145 1050 950 850

▶ LAR-8 Standard Rifl e A4As above with a fl at top receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 1025 925 850

▶ LAR-8 Varmint A4Fitted with a 26 inch Wilson stainless steel bull barrel. Free fl oat alumi-

num handguard. Match trigger. A2 buttstock. Uses FAL metric or inch


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NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1200 1075 950



▶ LAR-15 A2 Pistol .223/5.56Offered with a Wilson 7 or 10-1/2 inch barrel.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 920 850 775 700


▶ LAR-15 A4 PistolAs above with a fl at top receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 955 850 775 700

▶ LAR-9 A2 Pistol 9mmOffered with a Wilson 7 or 10-1/2 inch barrel.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 1000 925 850

▶ LAR A4 Pistol 9mmAs above with a fl at top receiver.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 1000 925 850


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This company is the current importer for the Saiga series of rifl es. These

are based on the Kalashnikov design and are the only Russian made AK’s

currently imported. They are made in Russia by Izhmash. EAA and others

have imported these as well. Pricing is the same.

◼ SAIGA .308A semi-automatic rifl e based on the Kalishnikov design. Caliber .308.

Barrel length is 16-1/4 or 21-3/4 inches. Total length is 37-1/4 or 43-1/4

inches. The weight is 8-1/2 lbs. Wood or synthetic stocks. Magazines

hold 8 rounds.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 395 375 325 275

◼ SAIGA .308 VER 21As above fi tted with a wooden thumbhole type stock. 21-3/4 inch barrel.

New in 2007. No pricing information available.

◼ SAIGA RIFLEAvailable as a rifl e with 20-1/2 inch barrel or a carbine with 16-1/4 inch

barrel. Offered in 5.56mm/.223, 5.45x39mm and 7.62x39mm. Black syn-

thetic stocks. Factory magazine capacity is fi ve and ten rounds. Higher

capacity magazines are available. The importer has added thumb hole

type stocks to the available options for the Saiga. Price for base model

rifl e in 7.62x39mm.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 325 275 250 200

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Sabre manufacturers a line of AR-15 type rifl es.

◼ A2 NATIONAL MATCH Sabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-t6 forgings,

cal. 5.56mm/.223. 20 inch barrel. A2 stock, National Match handguards,

A2 grip, two-stage match trigger, forged front sights/NM rear sight.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1699 1400 1200 1000



◼ A4 RIFLEAs above with a fl at top upper receiver.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1309 1100 950 800

◼ COMPETITION DELUXE Sabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-t6 forg-

ings, fi ve position stock, tactical handguards, ergo grip, match trigger,

fl ip-up sights, Sabre competition gill-brake. Available with a fl uted 16, 18

or 20 inch barrel. Chambered in 5.56 or 6.5 Grendel (add $200).

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2299 2000 1850 1700


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S ◼ COMPETITION EXTREMESabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forgings,

CTR Stock, tubular free-fl oat handguards, ergo grip, match trigger, 45 degree

fl ip up sights. Cal. 5.56mm. Available with a fl uted 16, 18 or 20 inch barrel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1999 1850 1700 1550

◼ COMPETITION SPECIALSabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-t6 forg-

ings, A2 stock, tubular free-fl oat handguards, ergo grip, match trigger,

gas block. Available with a fl uted 16, 18 or 20 inch barrel. Chambered in

5.56 or 6.5 Grendel (add $200).

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1799 1650 1500 1350

◼ FLAT TOP CARBINESabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forg-

ings. 16 inch barrel. CAR round handguards, fl ip-up sights, ergo grip,

single stage mil trigger, six-position collapsible stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1319 1200 1100 1000

◼ HEAVY BENCH TARGETSabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC Machined from 7075-T6 forg-

ings, tubular free-fl oat handguards, fl ip up sights, ergo grip, single stage

adjustable trigger, A2 stock, sling swivel stud and bipod. Fitted with a 24

inch 410 stainless steel fl uted match-grade heavy barrel, 11-degree tar-

get crown. Calibers: 5.56, .204 Ruger or 6.5 Grendel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1829 1700 1550 1400


◼ M4 CARBINESabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forgings,

M4 oval handguards, forged front sights, A2 grip, single stage mil trigger,

six-position collapsible stock. 16 inch or 14-1/2 inch barrel with perma-

nent A2 fl ash hider. Available in 5.56mm, 6.5 Grendel and 7.62x39mm.

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Price for base model 5.56mm.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1149 1000 850 700

◼ M4 FLAT TOPAs above, fi tted with fl ip up sights.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1349 1175 1000 825


◼ M4 TACTICALSabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forg-

ings, multi-rail handguards, CTR mil-spec tube, fl ip-up sights, ergo grip,

single stage mil trigger. 16 inch or 14-1/2 inch barrel with permanent A2

fl ash hider. Available in 5.56mm, 6.5 Grendel and 7.62x39mm. Price for

base model 5.56mm.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1969 1750 1600 1450

◼ M5 CARBINESabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 Forg-

ings, six-position collapsible stock, mid-length hand guards, ergo grip,

single stage mil trigger, forged front sights. 16 inch or 14-1/2 inch bar-

rel with permanent A2 fl ash hider. Available in 5.56mm, 6.5 Grendel and

7.62x39mm. Price for base model 5.56mm.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1299 1175 1000 825

◼ M5 FLAT TOPAs above, fi tted with fl ip up sights.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1259 1150 1000 850

◼ M5 TACTICALSabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forg-

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S ings, CTR mil-spec tube, multi-rail handguards, fl ip-up sights, EOTech

552, ergo grip, single stage mil trigger. 14-1/2 inch barrel with permanent

A2 fl ash hider. Available in 5.56mm, 6.5 Grendel and 7.62x39mm. Price

for base model 5.56mm.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2999 2750 2500 2250

◼ PRECISION MARKSMAN RIFLESabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forg-

ings. Fluted 20 inch barrel. Cal. 5.56mm. Mid-length gas system, rail

handguards, ergo tactical deluxe grip with palm rest, match trigger, Le-

upold 6.5 - 20x50 Mark 4 LR/T M1 Illuminated tactical scope, Magpul

PRS stock. Add $200 for 6.5 Grendel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 3599 3250 3000 2750

◼ SPRSabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forgings,

16, 18 or 20 inch fl uted barrel. Five-position stock, tactical handguards,

ergo grip, match trigger, fl ip up sights, bipods. Add $200 for 6.5 Grendel.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 2499 2250 2000 1750

◼ VARMINTSabre A3 upper and matched lower CNC machined from 7075-T6 forg-

ings, 20 inch fl uted barrel, tubular free fl oat handguards, ergo grip, match

trigger, A2 stock, sling swivel stud.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1709 1550 1400 1250

SAIGAIzhmash, Russia

See Russian American Armory



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SIG ARMS AGNeuhausen, Switzerland

◼ PE-57A semi-automatic version of the Stgw57 Swiss service rifl e. Chambered

in 7.5x55mm. 18-3/4 inch barrel. Folding bipod. Wood stock. Approxi-

mately 4000 were produced. Discontinued in 1988.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 5000 4500 4000

◼ SIG AMTA version of the PE-57 but chambered in 7.62mm/.308. Fewer than 3000

were produced. Discontinued in 1988.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 6000 5250 4500


◼ SIG 550A semi-automatic version of the current Swiss service rifl e. The 550 has

an 18 inch barrel. Synthetic side folding stock and forearm. One small lot

was imported in 1988, just before the import ban.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 8500 7500 6500

◼ SIG 551A semi-automatic version of current Swiss service rifl e. The 551 has an 16

inch barrel. Synthetic side folding stock and forearm. One small lot was

imported in 1988, just before the import ban.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 10,000 8500 7500


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◼ SIG556A U.S. produced version of the SIG 550, chambered for 5.56mm/.223. It

has a 16 inch barrel. Gas piston operation. Flat top receiver with picatin-

ney rail and fl ip up sights. CAR-15 type sliding buttstock. Uses AR-15/M-

16 series magazines.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1565 1250 1100 975

◼ SIG 556 SWATAs above with a Magpull CTR adjustable buttstock and a quadrail fore-


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1800 1400 1200 1050

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SMITH & WESSONSpringfi eld, Massachusetts

In 2006 S&W entered the par military rifl e market with the release of the

Military and Police (M&P) line. These are based on the AR-15 pattern.

◼ M&P 15 RIFLECal. 5.56mm/.223. 16 inch barrel. A2 upper receiver. Six-position tele-

scoping buttstock.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1304 1000 925 850



◼ M&P 15A RIFLEAs above with a fl at top receiver. Rear folding sight.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1320 1000 925 850


Flat top receiver. Folding rear sight. Free fl oat handguard has picatinny

rails on four sides. Six-position collapsible stock. M15FT version has the

stock fi xed in the extended position, to comply with some state laws.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1754 1250 1100 950


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S ◼ M&P 15PC RIFLECal. 5.56/.223. 20 inch heavy barrel. Free fl oat round hand guard. Flat top

receiver. Fixed stock.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 2173 1900 1750 1500


◼ M&P 15XThe M&P15X is designed with a new four-rail drop-in tactical hand guard

for easy accessory insertion and removal. The black anodized rifl e mea-

sures 35 inches in length when fully extended and measures a compact

32 inches with the stock collapsed. The rifl e is standard with an A2 post

front sight, a rear Troy folding battle sight, and a 30 round detachable


Note: Pricing not yet available.

◼ M&P 15 ORThe M&P15OR (Optics Ready) rifl e features a gas block with integral Pica-

tinny-style rail for additional sight mounting. The rifl e is without standard

sights, providing users with a broad platform for additional optics, lights

or other aiming devices. The black anodized rifl e measures 35 inches in

length when fully extended and measures a compact 32 inches with the

stock collapsed. The M&P15OR is standard with a 30 round detachable


Note: Pricing not yet available.

◼ M&P 15 FTThe M&P15FT (Fixed Tactical) features a fi xed-position stock and a 10

round detachable magazine making it compliant for sale in Connecticut,

Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey and New York. The rifl e is stan-

dard with a front and rear Troy folding battle sight.

Note: Pricing not yet available.

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SPITFIRE MFG COPhoenix, Arizona

◼ SPITFIRE CARBINEThis was probably the fi rst .45-caliber semi-automatic rifl e made to look

like a submachine gun. It resembles the Model 1928 Thompson. It fi res

from an open bolt, just like real SMGs. In fact, it was so easy to convert

these to full-automatic that in 1968 the BATF ruled that they were machine

guns. This means that they had to be registered just like a machine gun. If

a Spitfi re was not registered by the close of the 1968 amnesty it is consid-

ered “contraband” today. Values below are for registered examples.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1200 925 850


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Note: In January of 1993, Springfi eld Inc. purchased the inventory, name,

patents, trademarks, and logo of the Springfi eld Armory Inc. and intends

to carry on the tradition of quality products and service in the future. Prod-

ucts, services, and distribution patterns remain unchanged. They are cur-

rently using the name Springfi eld Armory U.S.A.


▶ M1A Basic Rifl eChambered for .308 Win. and fi tted with a painted black fi berglass

stock. Barrel length is 22 inches without fl ash suppressor. Front sights

are military square post and rear military aperture (battle sights). Maga-

zine is a 5, 10, or 20 round box. Rifl e weighs 9 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1050 900 800



▶ M1A Standard Rifl eThis model is chambered for the .308 Win. or .243 cartridge. Also fi tted

with a 22 inch barrel but with adjustable rear sight. Fitted with a walnut

stock with fi berglass hand guard, it comes equipped with a 20 round

box magazine. Weighs 9 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 1050 900

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▶ M1A-A1 Bush Rifl eChambered for .308 or .243 cartridge with choice of walnut stock, black

fi berglass, or folding stock (no longer produced). Fitted with 18.25 inch

barrel. Rifl e weighs 8.75 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1200 1000 900

Note: Add $250 for folding stock.

▶ M1A Scout Squad Rifl eThis .308 model is fi tted with an 18 inch barrel and a choice of fi ber-

glass or walnut stock. Military sights. Supplied with 10 round maga-

zine. Weight with fi berglass stock is about 9 lbs., with walnut stock

about 9.3 pounds. Camo fi nish

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1350 1200 1000



▶ M1A National MatchChambered for .308 as standard or choice of .243 cartridge. Fitted with

a medium weight National Match 22 inch glass bedded barrel and wal-

nut stock. Special rear sight adjustable to half minute of angle clicks.

Weighs 10.06 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 2050 1750 1400 1250

▶ M1A Super MatchThis is Springfi eld’s best match grade rifl e. Chambered for .308 as

standard and also .243 cartridge. Fitted with special oversize heavy

walnut stock, heavy Douglas match glass bedded barrel, and special

rear lugged receiver. Special rear adjustable sight. Weighs 10.125 lbs.


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S NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2000 1750 1500

Note: For walnut stock and Douglas barrel add $165. For black McMil-

lan stock and Douglas stainless steel barrel add $600. For Marine Corp.

camo stock and Douglas stainless steel barrel add $600. For adjustable

walnut stock and Douglas barrel add $535. For adjustable walnut stock

and Krieger barrel add $900.



▶ M1A Model 25 Carlos Hathco*ckIntroduced in 2001 this model features a match trigger, stainless steel

heavy match barrel, McMillan synthetic stock with adjustable cheek

pad, Harris bipod, and other special features. Chambered for the .308

cartridge. Weight is about 12.75 lbs. A special logo bears his signature.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 4650 3500 2800 2200

▶ M21 Law Enforcement/Tactical Rifl eSimilar to the Super Match with the addition of a special stock with

rubber recoil pad and height adjustable cheekpiece. Available as a

special order only. Weighs 11.875 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 2400 1750 1350 900

▶ M1A SOCOM 16This M1A1 rifl e features a 16.25 inch barrel with muzzlebrake. Black fi -

berglass stock with steel buttplate. Forward scout-style scope mount.

Front sight post has tritium insert. Weight is about 9 lbs. Introduced in


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1525 1250 1100 1000

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▶ M1A SOCOM IIIntroduced in 2005 this model features a full length top rail and short

bottom rail for accessories. Weight is about 11 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1450 1250 1100

▶ M1A SOCOM Urban Rifl eSimilar to the SOCOM but with black and white camo stock. Intro-

duced in 2005.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1725 1475 1250 1100

▶ SAR-48This is a semi-automatic copy of the FN-FAL rifl e. Chambered for the

.308 Win. cartridge. It is fi tted with a 21 inch barrel and has a fully ad-

justable rear sight. Weight is approximately 9.5 lbs. Made in Brazil by

Imbel. Import stopped by the 1989 ban.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1250 1000

▶ SAR-48 Heavy BarrelAs above with a heavier barrel and folding bipod. Based on an Israeli

pattern FAL light machine gun.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1750 1400 1150

▶ SAR-4800 SporterThis is a post ban version of the SAR-48 with a thumbhole stock. Made

in Brazil by Imbel. Imported by Springfi eld Armory.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 900 750

▶ SAR-4800 Match 5.56 SporterA version of the FAL chambered in 5.56mm/.223. Made in Brazil, by

Imbel. Imported briefl y in the 1990s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1200 1000


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S ▶ SAR-8This semi-automatic rifl e is similar in appearance to the HK-91. It is

chambered for the .308 Winchester and is of the recoil operated de-

layed roller-lock design. It was assembled by Springfi eld Armory using

a cast aluminum receiver made by DC Industries in Bloomington, Min-

nesota. Barrel length is 18 inches and the rear sight is fully adjustable.

Weight is about 8.7 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 750 600

▶ SAR-8 SporterThis is a copy of the HK G-3 that uses a stamped steel receiver, as

found on the original HK made guns. Manufactured in Greece by EBO

and imported by Springfi eld Armory. Synthetic thumbhole stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 1000 800

▶ SAR-8 TacticalSimilar to the above model but fi tted with a heavy barrel. Synthetic

Draganov type stock with adjustable cheek rest. Round handguard

with folding bipod. Fewer than 100 imported into US.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1350 1100 900

◼ M-60 SA 1 SEMI AUTOMATICA semiautomatic version of the M-60 machine gun. Cal 7.62 NATO. Belt

fed. Limited production in the late 1980s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 7500 6000 4500

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STAG ARMSNew Britain, Connecticut

Note: All Stag rifl es are available in left hand confi guration. The prices are

approximately $25-$40 higher than the right handed models listed here.

◼ STAG-15 MODEL 1 PRE-BANBasic M-4 Carbine pattern. Cal. 5.56mm/.223. 16 inch M-4 barrel with

fl ash hider and bayonet lug. A2 upper receiver with adjustable rear sight.

Six-position collapsible buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 949 875 825 750



◼ STAG-15 MODEL 2 PRE-BANAs above but with a fl at top upper receiver. Includes MI ERS fl ip type rear

sight assembly.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 925 850 800 750


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S ◼ STAG-15 MODEL 2 TAs above but with a A.R.M.S. sight system and Samson MRFS-C four

sided hand guard.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1125 950 875 800

◼ STAG-15 MODEL 3 PRE-BANM-4 type carbine featuring a fl at top receiver and gas block with picatinny

rails. Six position collapsible buttstock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 895 825 775 725



◼ STAG-15 MODEL 4 PRE-BANAn A-2 type rifl e featuring a 20 inch barrel. Flash hider and bayonet lug.

MSRP EXC V.G. GOOD 1015 875 800 725

◼ STAG 6.8 MODEL 5 PRE-BANCal. 6.8 SPC. 16 inch barrel. Flat top receiver with picitinny rail. Six posi-

tion collapsible buttstock. 25 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1045 900 825 750

◼ STAG-15 MODEL 6 PRE-BAN SUPER VARMITER24 inch heavy barrel. No fl ash hider. Flat top receiver with picatinny rail.

Two stage trigger. Free fl oat round hand guard. A2 type fi xed stock.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1055 950 875 800

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◼ MARK VI CARBINEA 9mm semi-automatic carbine based on the Sterling sub machine gun.

16 inch barrel. Folding stock. 10 and 32 round magazines. Limited impor-

tation until 1989, when it ceased altogether.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2200 1700

◼ PARAPISTOL MK7A pistol version of the Sterling SMG. It was made with a 4 inch or 9 inch

barrel. No stock. 10 and 32 round magazines. Limited importation until


EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1200 900


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◼ AUGA 5.56mm semi-automatic rifl e. Bullpup confi guration, with magazine lo-

cated in front of hand grip. 20 inch barrel. Integral Swarovski 1.5x scope.

Green composite stock. Import discontinued in 1989.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 3500 3000 2500

◼ AUG POLICE MODELA shipment of AUGs with a 16 inch barrel and black stock was stopped

by the 1989 import ban. The importer, Sports South, was eventually al-

lowed to sell them to law enforcement offi cers only. Many have found

their way into civilian hands.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 4000 3500 3000

◼ AUG USRA post-1989 import ban version of the AUG. The only difference from the

original AUG is a stock piece behind the pistol grip as well as in front, and

the 20 inch barrel has no fl ash suppressor. About 3000 were imported in

the early 1990s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2750 2250 1800


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STURM, RUGER AND CO.Southport, Connecticut

◼ MINI-14A 5.56mm/.223 semi-automatic carbine. Basically a scaled-down M-14

rifl e. 18-1/2 inch barrel. Blued or Stainless steel. Introduced in 1975. Now

discontinued. Originally sold with a birch stock and handguard. Hand-

guard was later changed to a synthetic material with steel liner. 5, 10, 20

or 30 round magazine.

Note: Ruger has a long standing corporate policy not to sell high capac-

ity magazines for the Mini-14 series to the public. Ruger factory 20 and

30 round magazines are restricted to law enforcement sales only. Many

end up on the civilian market anyway. Add $30-$60 for each high capacity

magazine with Ruger trademark on the base.

▶ Blued EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 400 3 00

▶ Stainless Steel EXC. V.G. GOOD 575 475 400


◼ MINI-14 GB MODELThis is a Mini-14 shipped from the factory with a folding stock with pistol

grip, fl ash hider and bayonet mount. There are also restricted, by Ruger,

to law enforcement sales only. Many have fi ltered onto the civilian mar-


EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 950 800


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S ◼ GB MODEL 5829This is a recent addition to Ruger’s restricted line. It has a CAR-15 slid-

ing stock and the forearm has integral picatinny rails. Receiver is marked

“Restricted Law Enforcement Govt Use Only.”

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 950 850 750

◼ MINI-14 RANCH RIFLEA Mini-14 with scope mounting bases machined into the receiver. Birch

stock. Ruger 1 inch rings are included.

▶ Blued NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 830 600 500 400

▶ StainlessAs above, but also offered as the All Weather model with a black syn-

thetic stock.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 894 650 575 500

◼ MINI-14 TARGET RIFLEIntroduced in 2008 this Mini 14 has a 22 inch barrel. Offered with a Hogue

black synthetic stock or a laminated thumbhole stock. Comes with Ruger


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1035 875 750 600

◼ MINI-30A Mini-14 Ranch rifl e chambered in 7.62x39mm. 18-1/2 inch barrel. Sold

with Ruger rings. Introduced in 1987.

▶ Blue NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 730 500 450 325

Stainless, with black synthetic All Weather stock

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 894 650 575 500

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◼ MINI 6.8A Mini-14 Ranch rifl e chambered in 6.8mm Remington SPC. Black All

Weather stock.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 894 775 650 575

◼ POLICE CARBINEA 9mm or .40S&W semi-automatic rifl e. 16-1/4 inch barrel. Synthetic black

stock. 10 and 15 round magazines. Introduced 1998. Discontinued.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400



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S.W.D. INC.Atlanta, Georgia

◼ COBRAY M/11A 9mm pistol based on the MAC-10 SMG pattern. Sheet metal construc-

tion. Parkerized fi nish. Pistols made before 1994 have a threaded muzzle.

three round synthetic magazine.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 375 300 250 200

◼ M/11 CARBINEAs above with a 16-1/4 inch barrel. Removable steel stock. Discontinued

in 1995.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 375 300

◼ COBRAY M/12A .380 version of the M/11.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 350 300 250

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TENNESSEE GUNSLouisville, Tennessee

◼ SKORPION VZ-61A semi-automatic copy of the Czechoslovakian Vz-61 machine pistol. Cal-

iber 7.65mm/.32 automatic. It has a 4-1/2 inch barrel, with a total length

of 10-1/2 inches. Unloaded weight is under 2-1/2 pounds. 10- and 20

round magazines. Made in the Czech Republic. Imported by TN Guns.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 850 800 725 650



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TNW FIREARMSVernonia, Oregon

This company manufactures semi-automatic versions of famous machine


◼ SEMI-AUTO M2HB Based on the legendary Browning M-2 machinegun in .50 caliber. The

modifi ed original Browning M2 heavy-barrel has been remanufactured

using genuine G.I. parts. Specs and design of this remanufactured weap-

on are very close to the original. Intended for sharpshooters, re-enactors

or military vehicle enthusiasts. Fires commercial ammunition or blanks.

All components internal and external are fi nished with a gray military type

parkerization process. The M3 tripod is fi nished in current mil spec coat-

ing. Each M2HB includes an original lM2 training manual, headspacing

gauge, 200 .50-caliber links, left and right hand feed mechanism and ATF

approval letter. Several mounting and barrel confi gurations are available.

Introduced in 1997.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 7000 6500 6000 5500


◼ SEMI-AUTO MG-34This modifi ed original German MG34 has been remanufactured using

genuine parts to shoot semi-auto only and cannot be converted to full

auto. It shoots closed bolt. Fires commercial 8mm ammunition. Includes

belts and BATF approval letter. This fi rearm will shoot semi-auto only and

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cannot be converted to full-auto. This fi rearm is BATF approved and may

be legally owned in all states except California.

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 3800 3600 3400 3200



◼ BROWNING 1919 SEMI-AUTOThe Browning Model 1919 was the workhorse of the U.S. and allied

armies. They were used in aircraft, tanks and front line infantry and saw

action from WWII through Vietnam. This modifi ed original Browning 1919-

A4 has been remanufactured using genuine G.I. parts to shoot semi-auto

only and cannot be converted to full-auto. This fi rearm is BATF approved

and may be legally owned like any other rifl e and in all fi fty states. Fires

commercial ammunition or blanks. All components internal and external

are fi nished with a gray military type parkerization process. The tripod is

fi nished in current milspec coating. Each 1919 comes with 250 links, a

training manual and BATF approval letter. 30-06 or .308 caliber. Also of-

fered in 1919A6 confi guration with shoulder stock and bipod.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1750 1600 1450


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(T.D.I.)Virginia Beach, Virginia

◼ KRISS VECTOR CRB/SOThis revolutionary design is based on a .45 caliber submachine gun of-

fered by the same company. Here is some text from the product an-


“The KRISS Vector CRB/SO is an ATF-approved, 38-State legal (folding

stock), 16 inch barrel semi-auto version of the KRISS Vector SMG. The KRISS

Vector CRB/SO shares the same milspec frame, Super V operating system,

materials and rugged housing as the KRISS Vector SMG. Same light weight.

Same maneuverability. Same simple and easy to maintain Super V mechanism

that reduces felt recoil by more than 60% and reduces barrel elevation by more

than 95%. Non-folding stock and California versions will follow in mid-2008.

Offering the same acclaimed shootability of its fully-automatic SMG (sub-ma-

chine gun) sibling, the new KRISS Vector CRB/SO (Special Ops) is the only

semi-automatic fi rearm that actually helps the operator dramatically improve

accuracy in the fi eld or on the range. By re-vectoring the forces of recoil and

signifi cantly reducing muzzle climb, the innovative KRISS Super V technology

provides a more compact and lighter-weight operating system creating a fi re-

arm that can be handled more effectively, more accurately and for longer peri-

ods of time, allowing the operator to put more rounds on target more often.”

.45 ACP caliber. 16 inch barrel. Total length is 34-3/4 inches with the stock

in open position. Weight is 5.0 pounds. Picatinny accessory rail on top. Uses

Glock 21 magazines with capacity of 10, 13 and 30 rounds.”

Note: Pricing not yet available.


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U.S. ORDNANCEReno, Nevada

This company is the licensed U.S. manufacturer of M-60 series of ma-

chine guns for military and law enforcement sales. They also offer a line

of semi-automatic versions of famous belt-fed machine guns.

◼ M-60 STANDARD SEMI-AUTOThe M60 is a gas operated, disintegrating link, belt fed, air-cooled ma-

chine gun in semi-auto confi guration. Chambered for 7.62mm Nato/ .308

Winchester. It fi res from an closed bolt and features a 22 inch quick-

change barrel. The barrel is Stellite-lined and chrome plated for long ser-

vice. Each gun comes with 200 links, manual, cleaning kit, sling, and a

one-year warranty.

NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 13000 12000 11000 10000

◼ M-60 E4 MODEL 1 SEMI-AUTOThe M60E4/Mk43 Mod1 features a redesigned machined aluminum top

cover with an integrated picatinny rail and an aluminum rail interface

system handguard provides for mounting optics, infrared laser systems

and other sensors giving the weapon 24 hour capability. Fail-safe revers-

ible piston, positive-lock gas cylinder extension. Barrel changing handle

eliminates need for heat mittens. Lightweight, one-hand operated receiv-

er mounted bipod eliminates the weight of a bipod on the spare barrel.

Lightweight forearm/pistol grip for improved control and protection during

fi ring. Feed cover eliminates charging jams and improves operator safety.

Lightweight trigger assembly with ambidextrous safety switch and winter

trigger guard allows gun to be fi red with winter gloves. New fl at spring on

trigger assembly prevents accidental detachment of the assembly. Light-

weight buttstock with hinged shoulder rest and improved buffer attach-

ment mechanism provides for fail-safe attachment of the buttstock to the

receiver. Each gun comes in a custom Storm i3300 case with 200 links,

manual, cleaning kit, sling, and a one-year warranty.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 13500 12000 10500 9000


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U ◼ M-60D ENHANCED SEMI-AUTOThe M60D is a gas operated, disintegrating link, belt fed, air-cooled ma-

chine gun. It fi res from an closed bolt and features a quick-change barrel.

The barrel is Stellite-lined and chrome plated for long service. Unlike the

earlier version, the M60D Enhanced does not require a mitten to change

barrels. The carrying handle is located on the barrel similar to the M60E3

and M60E4 versions to ease quick barrel changes. The M60D model dif-

fers from the standard M60 in that the buttstock and trigger grip assem-

blies are replaced with spade grips and a spade trigger assembly. The

rear sight is replaced with a ring sight to assist in acquiring and tracking

targets. This permits aimed fi re from a pedestal or other similar mount.

Other parts are required to adapt the gun to the ammunition feed system.

The M60D Enhanced incorporates a bipod mounted on the front of the re-

ceiver instead of mounted on the barrel. The bipod is the same one used

on the M60E4 therefore increasing interchangeability. The new bipod is

lighter but just as strong as the original and reduces the weight and bulk

of the spare barrels. The M60D Enhanced also incorporates some of trie

features found on the M60E4 feedcover, which permits the user to load

the weapon with the bolt in the closed position. Each gun comes with 200

links, manual, cleaning kit, sling, and a one-year warranty.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 14000 12500 11000 9500

◼ MODEL 1919A semi-automatic version of the Browning Model 1919 machinegun.

Manufactured in A4 or A6 confi guration. Recoil operated, semi-auto. Gray

parkerized fi nish. Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO/.308 Winchester. Weight: A4

approximately 31 lbs., A6 approximately 32.5 lbs., Length: A4 approxi-

mately 41 inches, A6 approximately 53 inches. Barrel Length approxi-

mately 24 inches. Sights: front fl ip-up blade, rear leaf adjustable. Stock:

A6 Israeli marked metal detachable.; Handgrip: A6 Israeli marked, wood

and metal detachable. Feed Device: Cloth or metal linked belts.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1750 1600 1450

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Jacksonville, Arkansas

This company has manufactured a version of the U.S. Carbine Cal. .30

M-1 since the 1960s. The early guns consisted of a new receiver with

USGI surplus parts. As the sources for original parts dried up they began

manufacturing their own parts. At some point they re-engineered the re-

ceiver, trigger housing, and slide. The newer guns only have partial parts

interchangeability with the G.I. M-1 Carbines. The factory model numbers

are listed; however, these numbers do not always appear on the fi rearms.

All can use U.S.G.I. M-1 carbine magazines.

◼ EARLY M-1 CARBINE Assembled with a Universal receiver and all U.S.G.I. carbine parts.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ MODEL 1000The base model G.I. carbine copy. 18 inch barrel. Blue fi nish. Birch stock.

Usually found with a steel handguard.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300

◼ MODEL 1010As above, but nickel plated.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 450 400 350

◼ MODEL 1015As above, but gold plated.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ MODEL 1005 DELUXEM-1 carbine with a polished blue fi nish and Monte Carlo style stock.


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U EXC. V.G. GOOD 425 375 325

◼ MODEL 1006 STAINLESS STEELM-1 carbine made from stainless steel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 450 400

◼ MODEL 1256 FERRETM-1 carbine chambered for 256 Winchester Magnum.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300

◼ MODEL 5000 PARATROOPERM-1 carbine with a folding or collapsible stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 475 425 375

◼ MODEL 5006 PARATROOPER STAINLESSAs above, made from stainless steel.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 525 475 400

◼ 1981 COMMEMORATIVE CARBINECommemorates the 40th anniversary of WWII, 1941-81. A limited produc-

tion carbine, sold in a case with accessories.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 400 350 300

◼ MODEL 3000 ENFORCER PISTOLA pistol version of the M-1 Carbine with an 11-1/4 inch barrel. Discontin-

ued in 1983.

▶ Blued fi nish EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400

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▶ Nickel fi nish

EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 550 500


▶ Gold fi nish EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 600 500

▶ Stainless Steel EXC. V.G. GOOD 650 550 450


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VALKYRIE ARMS, LTD.Olympia, Washington

◼ U.S. M-3A1 GREASE GUN, PISTOL VERSION.45 ACP semi-automatic. A faithful replica of this well-known U.S. subma-

chine gun. 8 inch barrel. Uses original M-3 magazines.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 800 700 600



◼ M-3 A1 CARBINE VERSIONAs above but has a 16-1/2 inch barrel and a collapsible wire stock. Dis-


EXC. V.G. GOOD 850 750 650

◼ M-3 A1 CARBINE OSS VERSIONAs above but with simulated suppressor over the barrel. Discontinued

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 800 700

Note: Valkyrie Arms discontinued its semi-automatic Browning M1919

belt fed replicas in January of 2008. No examples could be found to es-

tablish a price range.

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VALMET, INC.Jyvaskyla, Finland

Valmet semi-automatic rifl es were imported from 1968 until 1989. Import-

ers include Stoeger, Interarms, and Odin International. Valmet rifl es are

all variations of the AKM, but their quality is considered to be superior to

many other makers.

◼ M-62SA copy of the Finnish M-62 service rifl e in 7.62x39mm. Milled receiver. 16

5/8 inch barrel with fl ash hider and bayonet mount. Manufactured with a

walnut or tubular steel stock. 15 or 30 round magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 2200 1900

◼ MODEL 71SAs above but chambered in 5.56mm/.223. 16-1/4 inch barrel with fl ash

hider and bayonet mount. Walnut or synthetic stock. Synthetic forearm.

15-, 30- or 40 round magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1350 1200


◼ MODEL 76S 5.56A 5.56mm/.223 AKM type rifl e. 16-1/4 inch barrel with fl ash hider and

bayonet mount. Synthetic stock and forearm.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1350 1200


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◼ MODEL 76 FSAs above, with a side folding stock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1500 1300

◼ MODEL 76S 7.62A 7.62mm/.308 AKM type rifl e. Has a 20-1/2 inch barrel with fl ash hider

and bayonet mount. Synthetic stock and forearm.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1750 1500 1250

◼ MODEL 78Caliber 7.62 Nato/.308. 24-1/2 inch heavy barrel with folding bi-pod.

Wood or synthetic stock and forearm. 20 round magazines.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2000 1750 1500

Note: Add $100-200 for each original 20 round magazine.

◼ MODEL 78 5.56MMAs above but chambered in 5.56mm/.223.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 2000 1750 1500

◼ MODEL 82A bullpup style semi-automatic rifl e in 5.56mm/.223.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1700 1450 1200


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VECTOR ARMSNorth Salt Lake, Utah


▶ UZGI CarbineThis is a semi-auto 9mm version of the famous UZI rifl e produced

by IMI, using a U.S. made Group Industries receiver. Comes with an

16 inch barrel (an 18 inch barrel is available for Michigan residents).

Comes with a folding stock and black furniture. Takes the standard UZI

mags. Receiver is heat treated for durability. Parkerized fi nish. Comes

with one 25 round mag.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 650 600 550

▶ UZ FSP Full Size PistolThis is a 9mm, semi-auto pistol version of the full size rifl e. It has a 10

inch barrel and a sling loop on the butt instead of a stock. Parkerized

fi nish. Comes with one 25 round mag.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 675 625 575 525

▶ UZ GI GG Grease Gun Rifl eThis is the .45 ACP version of the 9mm rifl e above. Due to .45 UZI

mags not being available any more, this model has a converted lower

that allows this rifl e to accept 30 round Grease Gun mags instead. This

is a plus since the .45 UZI mags only held 16 rounds maximum and

these hold 30 rounds.

Note: This lower is designed for most grease gun mags although some

mags might require “tweaking” to work in this gun.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 725 675 625 600

▶ UZGIFXW Carbine with Fixed StockFor a more traditional look, this 9mm rifl e, with a fi xed wood stock is

great. It provides more stability and more comfort for your cheek. It


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V has an 16 inch barrel with black grips and a parkerized fi nish. Choices

of wood are walnut, gray laminate, and brown-stained poplar. These

stocks can be removed with a screwdriver and a folding stock installed

if wanted. Comes with one 25 round mag. Also available in .45 ACP for

an $85 upcharge. Comes with one 30 round grease gun mag.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 650 600 550

▶ UZMR Mini Rifl eThis custom order, 9mm mini carbine rifl e is made from a U.S. made

Group Industries receiver, shortened to make it mini length. It is then

heat treated for more strength. It comes with a side folding stock and

a 16 inch barrel, black furniture and parkerized fi nish. It takes the stan-

dard UZI mags. Comes with one 25 round mag.

NIB EXC. V.G GOOD 1100 1000 850 700

▶ UZMP Mini PistolThis custom order, 9mm mini is the pistol version of the mini carbine rifl e.

IMI did not make a mini pistol. The receiver is a U.S.-made, Group Indus-

tries receiver, shortened to mini length and then heat treated for durabil-

ity. It comes with the full-auto length ported barrel (7.75 inch), and has a

sling loop on the butt end. Comes with black furniture and a parkerized

fi nish. It takes the standard UZI mags. One 25 round mag is included.

Note: A stock cannot be legally added to this weapon without extending

the barrel to 16 inch and welding a stock bracket on the back of the gun.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 950 850 775 700


▶ V51 R Rifl eBased on the H&K Model 51. Caliber .308. Barrel extension added to

comply with 16 inch barrel laws. Comes with standard barrel thread,

M15x1.0, MP5 replica hand guard, SEF lower and full auto bolt carrier.

One 20 round mag included.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1100 1000 925 850

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▶ V51LSV51 Rifl e with 16 inch barrel and fake suppressor. Comes with stan-

dard barrel thread, M15x1.0, MP5 replica handguard, SEF lower and

full auto bolt carrier. One 20 round mag included.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 1050 975 900



◼ V51LV51 Rifl e w/16 inch barrel and fl ash hider. Comes with standard barrel

thread, M15x1.0, MP5 replica handguard, SEF lower and full auto bolt

carrier. One 20 round mag included.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 1050 975 900

◼ V51P V-51 PISTOLCal. 308 V51. Same specs as the V51 with no stock attachment provi-

sion. 8 1/2 inch barrel. Comes with standard barrel thread, M15x1.0, MP5

replica handguard. SEF lower and full auto bolt carrier.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1200 1050 975 900

◼ V53LBased on the H&K 53. cal. .223. V-53. With a 16 inch barrel with standard

fl ash hider. Comes with standard barrel thread, M15x1.0 and MP5 replica

handguard. One 40 round magazine included.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1475 1300 1200 1100


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V ◼ V53LSThe V-53LS is a V-53 with a 16 inch barrel and slip-on fake suppres-

sor. The fake suppressor is a copy of the SOCOM suppressor made for

the military. It screws on over the long barrel and has three set screws.

Comes with standard barrel thread, M15x1.0, MP5 replica handguard.

One 40 round magazine included.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1550 1400 1300 1200

◼ V53NSThis version features a plastic “Navy lower” trigger housing, original pad-

dle mag release and barrel extension to comply with the 16 inch barrel

rule. Comes with standard barrel thread, M15x1.0, and MP5 replica hand-

guard. Comes with a 40 round aluminum mag.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1400 1300 1200 1100

◼ V53 PISTOLCal. .223. Same specs as the V53 but no stock attachment provision. 8-

1/2 inch barrel. Comes with one 40 round aluminum magazine.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1425 1300 1200 1100



▶ AK 103U.S. made on a DC Industies 7.62x39 receiver using the 103 style

side-folding black polymer stock and Bulgarian parts kit. Blued fi nish.

Comes with one 30 round mag.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 850 750 650 550

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▶ Yugo Krinkov pistolThis pistol is made on a DC Industries or Global receiver using a Yugo

7.62x39 Krink parts kit. Finish is black Guncote paint. Beautiful Blonde

wood furniture.

NIB EXC V.G GOOD 900 800 700 600

▶ RPK-74Vector 5.45x39 semi-auto RPK made with Bulgarian Parts kits and a

1.6mm NODAK Spud precision receiver. Black paint fi nish. Comes with

bipod and fl ash hider on standard Ak threads.(M14x1.0 left-hand) Has

laminated wood furniture and a 40 round magazine. This rifl e does not

accept bayonets. Also available with poly furniture which is in good,

not excellent condition.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 900 800 700


▶ AKUPThis Vector AK47, in caliber 7.62x39, has an under-folder stock

and comes with black poly furniture. Standard threads on bar-

rel (M14x1.0 left-hand) and a slant break. Parkerized fi nish. Accepts

the older milled style bayonets, not the newer AKM style. Built from

Polish, Hungarian, or Bulgarian parts kits. Comes with one 30 round


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 700 650 600

▶ AKUWThis Vector AK47, 7.62x39, has an under-folder stock and comes

with medium blonde wood furniture. Standard threads on bar-


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V rel (M14x1.0 left-hand) and a slant break. Parkerized fi nish. Accepts

the older milled style bayonets, not the newer AKM style. Built from

Polish, Hungarian, or Bulgarian parts kits. Comes with one 30 round


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 750 700 650 600


▶ AKSWThis Vector AK47, 7.62x39, has a side-folding stock. Comes with

black poly handguards or medium blonde wood handguards. Stan-

dard threads on barrel and a slant break. Parkerized fi nish. Accepts

the older milled style bayonets, not the newer AKM style. Built from

Polish, Hungarian, or Bulgarian parts kits. The side-folder stock can

interchange with a fi xed stock if desired. Comes with one 30 round


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 550 500 450

▶ AKFPThis Vector AK47, 7.62x39, has a fi xed black poly stock and black poly

furniture. Standard threads on barrel and a slant break. Parkerized fi n-

ish. Accepts the older milled style bayonets, not the newer AKM style.

Built from Polish, Hungarian, or Bulgarian parts kits. The stock can

interchange with a side-folding stock if desired. Comes with one 30

round magazine.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 550 500 450

▶ AKFWAs above but with a blonde wood stock and hand guard.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 600 550 500 450

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▶ AMDThe AMD, 7.62x39mm rifl e. Made with the required U.S. parts includ-

ing the extended fl ash hider that is welded on to achieve the 16 inch

barrel length. Black poly furniture and parkerized fi nish. One 30rd mag


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 700 650 600 500

▶ RPD Semi-autoNow available from Vector, a drum/belt fed semi-auto RPD. Comes

with a 100 round drum mag (with belts) and bipod. Made from Bulgar-

ian parts kits on an American receiver. Fires 7.62x39 ammunition. ATF


NIB EXC V.G. GOOD 2100 1950 1800 1650



See: Robinson Armament.


See: Commando Arms.


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WALTHERUlm, Germany

Currently imported by Smith and Wesson.

◼ MODEL G22A 22LR semi-automatic rifl e. Bullpup design has the action located in the

buttstock. Adjustable sights and scope mount rails. 20 inch barrel. 10

round magazines.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 400 350 300 250

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WEAVER ARMS CORP.Escondido, California

◼ NIGHTHAWK CARBINEA 9mm semi-automatic rifl e that fi res from a closed bolt. It has a 16 inch

barrel. Collapsible shoulder stock. Magazines holding 25, 32, 40 or 50

rounds were available. Approximately 1500 were produced 1987-90.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 850 700



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WILKINSON ARMS CO.Covina, California/Parma, Idaho

Entrepreneur Ray Wilkinson manufactured a series of high capacity para-

military designs. He started in Covina, Ca. and later mover to Parma,

Idaho. His products were named after his daughters: Terry, Linda and

Sherry. (The Sherry is a Baby Browning-sized .22 LR pistol.)


◼ TERRY CARBINE 9mm semi-automatic rifl e. It has a 16-1/4 inch barrel that ends with a cone

shaped fl ash hider. Wood forearm. Synthetic or wood buttstock. 31 round

magazine. This design fi rst appeared in the 1960s and was manufactured

by J&R Engineering of S. El. Monte, California, as the Model 68. Ray

Wilkinson bought rights to the design and made some improvements.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 500 425 350

◼ LINDA PISTOLA 9mm semi-automatic pistol. A streamlined version of the Terry carbine

action. 8-3/8 inch barrel. Wood forearm.

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EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400



◼ LINDA CARBINEA 9mm semi-automatic rifl e. It has a 16-3/16 inch barrel with perforated

alloy shroud. Detachable tubular buttstock.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 550 475 400


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WILSON COMBATBerryville, Arkansas

This manufacturer of precision 1911-A1 pistols also offers a line of AR-15

type rifl es.

◼ UT-15 TACTICAL CARBINEFeatures include: forged upper (fl at top) and lower receivers. Premium

Wilson combat match-grade fl uted barrel, 16-1/4 inch OAL with Wilson

tactical muzzle brake. Free-fl oat ventilated quad rail aluminum hand-

guard. Ergo ergonomically correct pistol grip. Crisp 3-3.5-lb. trigger pull

with JP trigger/hammer group. Premium mil-spec bolt and bolt carrier,

NP-3 coated. Hard anodized fi nish on receivers and mil-spec black man-

ganese phosphate (parkerized) on barrel and steel components. Six posi-

tion mil-spec collapsible stock. Accepts all M-16/AR-15 style magazines.

Includes one 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1785 1500 1250 1000


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◼ M-4 T TACTICAL CARBINEFeatures include forged upper (fl at top) and lower receivers. 16-1/4 Inch

premium Wilson Combat match grade M-4 style barrel. Wilson tactical

muzzle brake. Ergo ergonomically correct pistol grip. Crisp 3-3.5-lb. trig-

ger pull with JP trigger group. Premium mil-spec bolt and bolt carrier.

Hard anodize fi nish on receivers. Mil-spec black manganese phosphate

(parkerized) on barrel and steel components or Armor-Tuff® fi nish. Six

position mil-spec collapsible stock. Accepts all M-16/AR-15 style maga-

zines. Includes one 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1785 1500 1250 1000

◼ SS-15 SUPER SNIPER TACTICAL RIFLEFeatures include forged upper (fl at top) and lower receivers. Premium

Wilson Combat match grade 20 inch super sniper barrel. Free fl oated

aluminum handguard. Ergo ergonomically correct pistol grip. Crisp 3-3.5-

lb. trigger-pull with JP trigger/hammer group, premium mil-spec bolt and

bolt carrier. Hard anodized fi nish on receivers. Mil-spec black manganese

phosphate (parkerized) or Armor-Tuff fi nish on steel components. Accepts

all M-16/AR-15 style magazines; includes one 20 round magazine.

MSRP EXC. V.G. GOOD 1799 1500 1250 1000


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WISE LITE ARMSFt. Worth, Texas

This company builds a series of semi-automatic only versions of famous

machineguns and submachine guns. All designs are BATFE approved.

Their models feature a newly made receiver as well as original parts that

have been re-built to function as a semi-automatic only. Most models are

built in limited quantities due to shortages of imported parts. Other mod-

els can be custom built if the customer supplies a parts kit. Contact the

manufacturer for a list of additional models.

◼ BROWNING MODEL 1919 .30-06 A semi-automatic version of the famous WWII era belt fed machine gun.

Sideplates are riveted, as on the original guns. Matte blue or parkerized

fi nish. Weight 35 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 1600 1400 1200 1000

◼ RUSSIAN DEGTYAREV DP28 LIGHT MACHINE GUNThese rifl es look and feel just the like the original but will function only in

a semi-automatic operation. The parts are of Polish origin. Each gun is fi t

with a patented semi-auto receiver and built to exacting standards with

over 50 hours of hand fi tting required for each gun. Each rifl e comes fully

assembled with four 47 round pan magazines, cover, sling, and wooden

shipping crate. These guns are now shipping but in very low quantity.

Only a limited number of rifl es will be built.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 2800 2600 2300 2000


◼ RUSSIAN PPSH-41 SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLESemiautomatic version of one of the most recognizable guns of WWII. The

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“papa-shaw” or burp gun was one of the best submachine guns ever pro-

duced, and saw extensive action from Stalingrad to the Chosin Reservoir.

This rugged gun is chambered in 7.62x25mm and accepts 36 round stick

or 50 round drum magazines. The barrel/shroud has been extended to 16

inch length to comply with ATF regulations. Includes one 36 round round

stick mag. Re-enactor’s version also available with removable blank fi ring

adapter. Weight is 12 pounds.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 899 800 700 600



◼ RUSSIAN PPS-43 SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOLThe WWII replacement to the PPSH-41, the model PPS-43 is made from

stamped steel. Caliber is 7.62x25mm. In order to maintain the original ap-

pearance of this model, the over top folding stock is welded in the closed

position. Accepts the 36 round stick magazines. Does not use the drum

magazines. Re-enactors version also available with removable blank fi r-

ing adapter.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 700 600 500

◼ FINNISH KP-44 SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOLThe Finnish KP-44 is chambered in 9mm Luger. It was copied from the

Russian PPS-43. Stamped steel construction. In order to maintain the

original appearance of this model, the over top folding stock is welded in

the closed position. The barrel is 10 inches long, with an overall length of

24 inches. Accepts 36 round stick or 50 round drum magazines.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD 775 700 600 500


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Assault Weapon Cartridges

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Assault weapons are chambered in a variety of cartridges, ranging from

the humble .22 rimfi re to the mighty .50 Browning Machine Gun (BMG).

The following section of this book is intended to acquaint the reader with

the most frequently-encountered cartridges that are chambered in today’s

assault weapons. The list is necessarily incomplete because every week,

new assault weapons are introduced that are chambered for “boutique”

or proprietary cartridges that have not yet achieved wide distribution. The

cartridges discussed below are arranged according to caliber, from the

smallest to the largest. Where calibers are identical, cartridges are listed

in order from least to most powerful.

The following data is from Cartridges of the World, 11th Edition, origi-

nally written by Frank C. Barnes and edited by Stan Skinner (Krause Pub-

lications, 2006) and is used with permission of the publisher.

204 RugerIntroduced in 2004 as a

joint Hornady-Ruger project

for varmint and target shoot-

ing, the 204 Ruger became

the fi rst 20-caliber cartridge to be produced on a large commercial scale.

The 204 Ruger is the fastest production cartridge ever offered. Remark-

ably, it also offers excellent barrel life. After shooting approximately 500

prairie dogs with the Ruger and Dakota rifl es chambered for the 204 Ru-

ger, the fi eld research editor found it to be an accurate, low-recoil round,

superbly suited for long-range varminting. The 204 Ruger received the

Academy of Excellence 2004 Cartridge of the Year Award.

22 Long Rifl eInformation available indicates that the 22 Long

Rifl e was developed by the J. Stevens Arms & Tool

Co. in 1887. It is the 22 Long case with a 5.0-grain blackpowder charge

(likely with a granulation similar to what we would now call FFFFg) and a

40-grain bullet instead of the original 29-grain. The Peters Cartridge Co.

is supposed to have fi rst manufactured it, especially for Stevens. If this is

true, then why does the 1888 Stevens catalog refer to a UMC 22 caliber

Long rimfi re rifl e cartridge? This would be a gross ingratitude at best. This

1888 catalog lists the No. 1, 2, 9 and 10 model break-open rifl es as avail-

able in the new chambering with increased rifl ing twist. The New Model

Pocket or Bicycle rifl e also chambered it. The 1888 Marlin-Ballard catalog

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recommends the new 22 Long “Rifl e” cartridge for its No. 3 Gallery rifl e as

being more accurate than the common 22 Long or Extra Long.

At one time, the 22 Long Rifl e was available in black, semi-smokeless

and smokeless-powder loads. Remington introduced the fi rst high-ve-

locity type in 1930. Both the 40-grain solid and a 35/38-grain hollow-

point bullet have been available for many years. The original case was not

crimped, a feature that did not appear until 1900. Space does not permit

a discussion of the different loads and types of 22 Long Rifl e cartridges

or the rifl es and handguns that chamber it. Suffi ce to say, it is the most

accurate and highly developed of any rimfi re cartridge ever.

The 22 Long Rifl e is the most popular match cartridge in existence, and

also the most widely used small game and varmint cartridge. The high-ve-

locity hollowpoint is the best fi eld load and will do a good job on rabbit-sized

animals out to 75 yards. Beyond that, it is unreliable. The Long Rifl e is a

great favorite of poachers for killing game out of season with close-up head

shots. The modest report does not alarm or alert passersby or offi cials. At

close range, the high-velocity load with the solid-lead bullet will penetrate 6

inches of soft pine and has a maximum range of nearly two miles. Maximum

range is achieved at the relatively low angle of between 25-30 degrees, so

one must be very careful. Humans shot with the 22 Long Rifl e often show

little immediate distress, survive without complications for several days,

then die very suddenly. This is mentioned because many individuals regard

22 rimfi res as playthings, not powerful enough to be dangerous. Careless

shooting with the 22 rimfi re has probably led to the closure of more areas to

hunting and caused more trouble than any other cartridge. Use your head

and be careful! There is also a 22 Long Rifl e shot cartridge, loaded by most

companies and useful mostly for rat and other pest control.

22 Magnum/22 Winchester Magnum Rimfi re/22 WMRThe 22 Magnum Rimfi re was intro-

duced in 1959 by Winchester, but they

didn’t market a gun to shoot it until well

into the following year. However, Ruger

and Smith & Wesson advertised revolv-

ers for the new round before the end of 1959 and Savage chambered their

Model 24, a 22-410 over/under combination gun, for the Magnum Rim-

fi re shortly thereafter. The discontinued slide-action Winchester Model 61

was the fi rst rifl e of their manufacture available for the new round. At pres-

ent there is a wide variety of single shot and repeating rifl es, pistols and

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revolvers of American and European manufacture available in 22 Magnum

Rimfi re caliber. Standard bullet is a jacketed 40 grain type although Fed-

eral introduced a 50 grain bullet in 1988 and CCI has recently introduced

a hyper-velocity loading with a 30-grain bullet and Federal soon joined

the “hyper-velocity” fray with their similar loading.

The 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfi re is an elongated and more powerful

version of the older 22 WRF. Case dimensions are the same except for

length, and the WRF can be fi red in any gun chambered for the Magnum

Rimfi re. It is not a safe practice to rechamber older guns for the new

round. The 22 WRF is loaded with outside lubricated lead bullets while

the 22 WMR is loaded with jacketed bullets. With a 40-grain thin-jacketed

bullet at about 1900 fps, this is the most potent rimfi re cartridge currently

available. It is more powerful than the 22 Winchester Centerfi re, forerun-

ner of the 22 Hornet. Claimed ballistics in a 6 inch pistol barrel exceed any

other rimfi re fi red from a rifl e. Thus it is a very effective 125-yard varmint

or small game cartridge, although overly destructive of animals intended

for the pot unless solid bullets are used. CCI also loads a shot version.

5.45 SovietThis is a Russian cartridge intro-

duced about 1974 for use in the

new AK-74 assault rifl e. There are

both fi xed-stock and folding-stock

versions and the 5.45mm rifl e has a redesigned fl ash reducer/muzzle

brake that distinguishes it from the earlier AK-47. The cartridge has a

more slender case and a thicker rim than the 7.62x39mm (M43) car-

tridge. The bullet is 0.221- to 0.222 inch in diameter and weighs from

53 to 54 grains. This bullet is almost 1 inch long and has a very sharp

spitzer point, a boattail base, a mild steel core and a short lead fi ller on

top and an air space in the nose. The bullet is designed to be unstable

in tissue, producing a more severe wound. The British used somewhat

the same idea in the design of their MKVII 303 bullet used in World

War II. Casualty reports from Afghanistan, where the new 5.45mm car-

tridge and rifl e fi rst appeared, tend to confi rm the lethality of the bullet.

Muzzle velocity is approximately 2950 fps.

The fi rst 5.45mm Soviet cartridges publicly available to western mili-

tary intelligence were brought out of Afghanistan by Galen Geer while

on assignment for Soldier of Fortune magazine in 1980, and the fi rst

information made public was in the October 1980 issue of Soldier of

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Fortune. Until that time, the existence of a new Russian military car-

tridge was mostly rumor. Later, the round was withdrawn from service

in Afghanistan. Cases are lacquered steel with Berdan primers.

The Russians apparently designed this cartridge as the result of ex-

perience on the receiving end of the U.S. M-16 rifl e and 5.56mm round

in Vietnam. The 5.45mm Russian is a well-designed cartridge for its

intended purpose. The long, thin boattail bullet reduces aerodynamic

drag to the minimum and results in higher-retained velocity at long

range. The bullet is designed to be stable in fl ight and provide good

accuracy at all ranges out to maximum, but unstable on contact so

as to tumble easily, which enhances lethality. It is a better-designed

military bullet than the original bullet used in the United States. M193

5.56mm cartridge. However, the new 5.56mm SS109 (M855) NATO

standard round with its heavier bullet and improved shape probably

has an edge over the Soviet bullet.

.223 Remington/5.56 NATOThe 223 Remington fi rst appeared in 1957 as an experimental military

cartridge for the Ar-

malite AR-15 assault

rifl e. In 1964, it was

offi cially adopted by the U.S. Army as the 5.56mm Ball cartridge M193. It

is used in the selective-fi re M16 rifl e which is based on the original AR-15

design. The cartridge was the work of Robert Hutton, who was techni-

cal editor of Guns & Ammo magazine and had a rifl e range in Topanga

Canyon, California. One of the requirements for the cartridge was that the

projectile have a retained velocity in excess of the speed of sound (about

1,080 fps at sea level) at 500 yards, something you could not achieve with

the [earlier] 222 Remington. Working with Gene Stoner of Armalite, Bob

Hutton designed a case slightly longer than the 222 and had Sierra make

a 55-grain boattail bullet. This combination met the design requirements.

All this was documented in the 1971 issue of the Guns & Ammo Annual.

Originally an alternative military cartridge, the 223 (5.56x45mm) is now

the offi cial U.S. and NATO military round. We should note here that NATO

forces, including the United States, have standardized a new 5.56x45mm

round with a heavy bullet and the M193 is no longer standard.

Shortly after the military adopted this cartridge, Remington brought out

the sporting version, which has largely replaced both the 222 Remington

and Remington Magnum in popularity. Practically every manufacturer of

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bolt-action rifl es has at least one model chambered for the 223. In addi-

tion, there are a large number of military-type semi-auto rifl es available

in this caliber. At one time, the Remington Model 760 pump-action was

available in 223.

5.7x28Developed in the late 1980s by

FN for its new P90 personal de-

fense gun, this cartridge is intend-

ed to replace the 9x19mm Para-

bellum pistol cartridge. Claimed

ballistic performance is much

superior to the 9mm cartridge. As

yet, no major country has adopted

this new chambering.

The 5.7x28mm cartridge is somewhat similar in shape to the commer-

cial 221 Fireball cartridge. However, the two are not interchangeable. A

sharply pointed Ball bullet weighing only 23 grains is used, as intended

range is limited. Despite this, this bullet has been designed to penetrate

helmets and body armor at 50 meters without breaking up.

243 WinchesterThe 243 Win-

chester was intro-

duced by Winchester in 1955 for their Model 70 bolt-action and Model

88 lever-action rifl es. The 243 was quickly adopted by Savage for their

Model 99 lever- and Model 110 bolt-action rifl es. All of the British and Eu-

ropean manufacturers began chambering bolt-action rifl es for this round.

In fact, even Remington, who developed their own 6mm, had to recognize

the popularity of the 243 and start chambering their rifl es for it. The 243

(6mm) Winchester is nothing more than the 308 Winchester case necked-

down. Original development and publicity was due largely to the efforts of

gun writer, the late Warren Page, who along with other wildcatters worked

out a similar version before Winchester. The 243 is probably chambered

in more different rifl es than any other cartridge, except possibly the 30-06

Springfi eld. All other manufacturers of rifl es offer this caliber.

260 RemingtonInclusion of this cartridge presents us with a bit of a problem. Along

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about 1996, A-Square––a bona fi de member of SAAMI––submitted draw-

ings, chambering specifi cations, chambering reamers, sample cartridg-

es and all other necessary materials and data describing a new factory

chambering to be adopted into the SAAMI fold. A-Square requested that

the chambering be named “6.5-08 A-Square,” as specifi ed on the sample

cartridge headstamp. Many months later, Remington submitted a memo

to SAAMI wherein it mentioned that it intended to eventually standardize a

6.5mm version of the 308 Winchester as the 260 Remington. Since SAA-

MI subsequently chose to christen this chambering as “260 Remington,”

a disinterested observer would have to conclude that something was a bit

rank, somewhere. [Editor’s note: Ballistics for this cartridge, which even-

tually became standardized as the 260 Remington, approximate those of

low-end 6.5x55 Swedish loads but in a medium-length case, as opposed

to the much longer case of the Swedish. Bullets for the 260 Remington,

however, are generally much shorter than thiose for the 6.5x55 Swedish

because of the former’s shorter case.]

6.8 Remington SPCThe 6.8 mm Rem-

ington SPC (or

6.8x43mm) is a new

rifl e cartridge that

was developed with collaboration from individual members of US SO-

COM (United States Special Operations Command).

Based on the .30 Remington cartridge, it is midway between the

5.56x45mm NATO and 7.62x39mm in bore diameter and velocity with

more energy than both. It is particularly adaptable to current 5.56 mm

NATO fi rearms the cartridge overall length being the same.

Though ballistics similar to the 1950’s era .280 British, improved pow-

ders allow the 6.8 mm to have a smaller case. The 6.8 mm SPC (Special

Purpose Cartridge) has a muzzle velocity in the 2,400 feet per second

(730 m/s) range from a 16 inch (406 mm) barrel using a 115-grain bullet.

The 6.8 mm Remington SPC is designed to deliver 44% greater energy

than the 5.56 mm NATO at 100-200 meters.

30 Mauser/7.63 MauserThe 30 Mauser cartridge was developed by American gun designer

Hugo Borchardt for the fi rst successful commercial, automatic pistol of

the same name. The Borchardt pistol was made by Ludwig Loewe & Co.

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(later DWM) of Berlin, Germany. Both pistol and

cartridge were introduced in 1893. The Bor-

chardt automatic pistol was later redesigned

and emerged as the well-known Luger pistol.

This cartridge was adopted by Paul Mauser for

his famous Model 1896 pistol with increased

power for his more rugged design. It has been

used mainly in the Mauser M1896 military au-

tomatic pistol and various imitations or copies

manufactured in Spain and China.

Until the 357 Magnum cartridge came along, the 30 Mauser was the

high-velocity champion of the pistol world. It has a fl at trajectory that

makes long-range hits possible, but lacks stopping power because of

the light, full-jacketed bullet. However, it has been used successfully for

hunting small game and varmints at moderate ranges. Handloading with

softpoint or hollowpoint hunting bullets improves performance consider-

ably. At one time, both Remington and Winchester loaded this cartridge,

but it has been dropped. Fresh supplies of this cartridge were recently

imported from Portugal by Century International Arms.

7.62x25 TokarevThe 7.62x25mm Tokarev

was the offi cial Soviet pistol

cartridge adopted in 1930 for

the Tokarev Model TT-30 and

modifi ed Model TT-33 auto-

matic pistols. The pistols are

a basic Browning-type design

similar to the Colt 45 Auto

pistol. However, these incor-

porate many original features, to simplify manufacturing processes, and

must be considered an advance over Browning’s original patented de-

sign. These pistols often have a crude fi nish, but are well made and of

excellent design. These have a 4 1/2 inch barrel and a magazine capac-

ity of eight rounds. Large quantities have been sold as military surplus.

Some were made in Communist China and Hungary, as well as in Russia.

The Hungarian-made Tokarev, in a modifi ed form called the Tokagypt, is

chambered for the 9mm Parabellum cartridge. The Chinese began ex-

porting both pistols and ammunition to the United States in 1987 at very

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reasonable prices.

The cartridge is very similar in dimension to the 7.63mm (30) Mauser

and most brands of Mauser ammunition can be fi red in the Tokarev pistol.

The 7.62mm Tokarev is a fair fi eld cartridge for small game with good

velocity and fl at trajectory, but needs softpoint bullets for maximum ef-

fectiveness. The handloader can use loading data for the 7.63 Mauser.

The Speer 30-caliber Plinker bullet of 100 grains makes a good hunting

bullet, but because it is slightly heavier than the standard weight, it must

be loaded to lower velocity.

Chinese and Russian ammunition are steel-cased and Berdan-primed

with corrosive primers. Such ammunition is not reloadable. Recently,

Hansen Cartridge has imported quantities of 7.62x25mm ammunition

with reloadable cases and non-corrosive Boxer primers.

30 CarbineIn 1940, the

U.S. Ordnance

D e p a r t m e n t

concluded that

a light carbine

would have ad-

vantages over

the 45-caliber

pistol in many

combat situa-

tions. Various

designs were

submitted by a

number of pri-

vate manufacturers and, in the end, Winchester’s offering was selected.

The semi-auto 30 M1 Carbine was offi cially adopted in 1941. The car-

tridge, a modifi cation of the 32 Winchester Self-Loading round of 1906,

was hardly a revolutionary new design, but it served the purpose. At about

the same time, the Germans developed their StG 44 assault rifl e and the

7.92mm Kurz cartridge. The M1 Carbine is not an assault rifl e. The military

insists it was designed to fulfi ll a different purpose.

For a few years, starting in 1966, the Marlin Model 62 Levermatic was

available in 30 Carbine caliber. Iver Johnson, Plainfi eld and others manu-

factured several versions of the M1 carbine for the sporting trade. Fed-

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eral, Remington and Winchester load softpoint sporting ammunition. One

version of the Ruger Blackhawk single-action revolver is available in 30


7.5 SwissThe fi rst Swiss 7.5mm cartridge was adopted in 1889 for the Schmidt-

Rubin straight-pull rifl e of the same year. The original loading used a 0.299

inch diameter, 213-grain paper-patched lead bullet and a charge of 29

grains of semi-smokeless powder. Muzzle velocity was 1970 fps. Later, a

steel-capped, hollow-base lead bullet was used, followed by a 190-grain

copper or iron-jacketed, round-nose bullet with a smokeless powder

loading (Model 90/03). In 1911, the 174-grain spitzer boattail bullet was

adopted and the diameter increased to 0.308 inch. Golden State Arms

Corp. once imported Japanese-made cases with Boxer primer pockets

for loading sporting ammunition. Both unprimed cases and loaded rounds

are available from Norma.

The 7.5mm Swiss military cartridge is another of the surplus items that

has become well known to American shooters only since the end of the

war. The Swiss army made a number of improvements in the straight-pull,

Schmidt-Rubin rifl e and the older, less desirable, models were sold off as

obsolete surplus. The original Model 89 with rear-locking lugs, a very long

receiver and a protruding box magazine was one of those. The improved

Model 1911 with shorter receiver, forward-located locking lugs and a less

conspicuous magazine is another. The 190-grain load develops about

37,000 psi breech pressure and the 174-grain load about 45,500 psi, and

uses a slightly larger-diameter bullet. The 1911 cartridge, considerably

more powerful than the older loading, should not be used in the Model

89 rifl e. In a suitable action, the 7.5mm Swiss cartridge can be loaded to

deliver performance equal to the 308 Winchester and is suitable for the

same range of applications. Reloadable cases can be readily made by

necking-up 284 Winchester brass. The 284’s rebated rim works just fi ne

in the Schmidt-Rubin rifl e.

7.62x39Anecdotal reports from U.S. forces involved in combat in Iraq and Af-

ghanistan in recent years indicate the six-decade old 7.62x39 cartridge

and AK47 rifl e may be more effective in combat than the U.S. M4 carbines

fi ring the 5.56x45 cartridge. In 2003, Steve Holland and Cris Murray, indi-

viduals associated with special forces and marksmanship units, developed

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a special pur-

pose cartridge to

improve combat

effectiveness in

shor t-bar re led

(16.5 inch) M4

carbines used

for special op-

erations. The re-

sulting 6.8 SPC

(Special Pur-

pose Cartridge)

achieved favor-

able results in actual usage, but has not been offi cially adopted by the

U.S. Army as of 2005. The cartridge is under review by the U.S. Marine

Corps and FBI.

This cartridge is the standard military chambering for the Russian

armed forces. It has become a modern favorite of U.S. sportsmen by

virtue of the thousands of new and used SKS and AK 47-type carbines

being imported and sold at very low prices. Ruger, Sako, and others are

now making sporting rifl es in this chambering. For example, the Ruger

Mini Thirty semi-auto carbine and bolt-action M77 rifl e are both offered

in 7.62x39mm.

All major American ammunition manufacturers now offer this cartridge

with a softpoint bullet, brass case, and non-corrosive Boxer primer. Im-

ported, low-cost, surplus military ammunition from present and former

Communist countries is usually steel cases with corrosive Berdan prim-


While previous military cartridges generally made suitable hunting

rounds with proper bullets, many writers condemn the 7.62x39 out of

hand as being unsuited for hunting anything beyond small game. In short,

they claim it is very much like the M1 Carbine cartridge — fi ne for military

use, but useless for hunting. However, best 125- and 150-grain spitzer

loads in this cartridge typically match best 30-30 FP or RN load energy

at 100 yards, and at 200 yards, there is no comparison — this little round

bests the 30-30 by 20 percent.

Still, the 7.62x39 is defi nitely a close-range number suitable for deer,

javelina and the like. With the best handloads and the proper bullet, it can

do even better. It can be loaded to good advantage with 150-grain bullets

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and then becomes a very good 30-30 class deer rifl e. Youthful shooters

and women will appreciate its low recoil and mild report. Aftermarket bul-

let manufacturers now offer suitable bullets. Bore diameter is nominally

.311 inch but .308 inch diameter bullets can be used with good results

and most reloading dies will accommodate this by including expander

balls for both bullet sizes.

308 Winchester/7.62 NATOIntroduced by Winchester as a new sporting cartridge in 1952, the 308

is nothing more than the NATO 7.62x51mm military round. This was a very

smart move, to tack the Winchester name on what was sure to become a

popular sporting number. Practically every manufacturer of high-powered

sporting rifl es chambers the 308, since it will work through medium- or

standard-length actions. The Model 70 bolt-action and 88 lever-action

Winchester were the fi rst American sporting rifl es so chambered. It was

adopted as the offi cial U.S. military rifl e cartridge in 1954, although guns

for it were not ready until 1957.

In power, the 308 Winchester is superior to the 300 Savage and almost

equal to the 30-06. It delivers about 100 fps less muzzle velocity than

the larger 30-06 with any given bullet weight. Most authorities consider

the 308 suitable for most North American big game, although it’s on the

light side for moose or brown bear. This chambering is a favorite of target

shooters and has a reputation for excellent accuracy. It is the basis for a

number of wildcat cartridges that have been adopted as factory cham-

berings: 243 Winchester, 6.5-08, 7mm-08 Remington, 358 Winchester

and the rimmed versions 307 Winchester and 356 Winchester. All major

domestic and foreign ammunition companies offer this cartridge.

7.62x54Rmm RussianThis cartridge was adopt-

ed in 1891 with the Model

1891 Mosin-Nagant bolt-

action rifl e. Its 150-grain

spitzer bullet was adopted

in 1909. This cartridge was

standard issue in the Rus-

sian army during World War

II. It is still standard issue

for medium machineguns

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and the SVD sniper rifl e. It was also adopted by Finland, China and most

ex-satellite nations. It remains one of the few rimmed military cartridges

still in standard issue.Early in World War I, Winchester made M95 lefer-ac-

tion muskets and Remington made rolling block rifl es for imperial Russia.

Later, Russian Nagant rifl es were manufactured in the United States by

New England Westinghouse Co. and also by Remington and Winchester.

After the war, a large number of surplus rifl es were sold commercially and

Remington loaded a 150-grain bronze-point hunting round. Additional

Russian Nagant rifl es and carbines have been sold in surplus stores since

the end of World War II. Many of these rifl es were captured during the

Korean confl ict. Surplus Moisin rifl es are being imported from China, Fin-

land, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Russia.

The 7.62x54Rmm Russian cartridge has been kicked around since

about 1919 and is fairly well known to American shooters. Remington

discontinued loading this round about 1950. It was recently offered by

Norma and Lapua. Various surplus military ammunition (corrosive Berdan

primed, steel-cased) has recently been imported into the United States.

Russian military cartridges use Berdan primers, usually of 6.45 mm (0.254

inch) diameter.

With the 150-grain bullet, the 7.62mm Russian is in the same class as

the 30-06. However, since the rifl e has a shorter magazine, it will not do

as well as the 30-06 when loaded with heavier bullets. Although military

bullets measure 0.309- to 0.311 inch in diameter, rifl es with tighter bores

will shoot 0.308 inch bullets just fi ne. However, many rifl es have grossly

oversized bores (the editor owns a pair with 0.316 inch groove diameter).

In such rifl es, 0.308 inch jacketed bullets are hopelessly inaccurate; 0.311

inch bullets will shoot with a modicum of accuracy. Properly sized cast

bullets will shoot with impressive accuracy (minute-of-angle groups are

no problem). Unfortunately, there is no ready source of appropriate com-

mercial jacketed or cast bullets sized large enough for these specimens

and others with bores running larger than about 0.313 inch. Standard

working pressure is about 45,000 psi.

32 ACP/7.65 Browning/32 AutomaticDesigned by John Browning for his fi rst success-

ful automatic pistol, this cartridge was fi rst manufac-

tured by FN in Belgium, and introduced in 1899. It

was marketed in the United States when Colt turned out a pocket auto-

matic on another Browning patent in 1903. The 32 Automatic is one of

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the more popular pistol cartridges ever developed. In the United States,

Colt, Remington, Harrington & Richardson, Smith & Wesson and Sav-

age chambered pistols for this cartridge. In Europe, every company that

made automatic pistols chambered the 32 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol).

It was also used in the German Pickert revolver. In Europe, it is known

as the 7.65mm Browning, while in the United States it is designated 32

Automatic or 32 ACP.

This cartridge uses a semi-rimmed cartridge case and a 0.308 inch

diameter bullet. The 32 Automatic is the minimum cartridge that can be

seriously considered for self-defense. In the United States, it is used ex-

clusively for small pocket-type guns and is not considered adequate for

police or military use. However, in Europe it is often used in police pistols

and as an alternative but unoffi cial chambering for military sidearms. As a

hunting cartridge, it is not powerful enough for anything larger than small


Loading tables generally give bullet diameter of the 32 Automatic as

0.312 inch or 0.314 inch. It is actually closer to 0.308 inch, and this is

important if you handload. Effective small game loads can be made by

using 100-grain 30-caliber rifl e bullets intended for light loads and plink-

ing, such as the Speer 30-caliber Plinker. All major ammunition makers

offer this cartridge. Winchester recently introduced a load with a jacketed

hollowpoint bullet. Other makers have followed suit.

338 FederalIn collaboration with Sako Rifl es, Federal Cartridge’s engineers and

ballisticians have developed the 338 Federal, which necks up the proven

308 Winchester case to accept a .338 caliber bullet. This design, which is

the fi rst to bear the name “Federal” on the headstamp, is intended to pro-

vide big-bore wallop with moderate recoil for today’s light weight, short

bolt-action rifl es. The 338 Federal was made available in 2006 in Federal’s

Premium line of ammunition.

380 ACP/380 Auto/9mm KurzThis cartridge was designed by John Browning

and introduced in Europe by FN of Belgium in 1912

as the 9mm Browning Short, and was added to the

Colt Pocket Automatic line in 1908. Several governments have adopted

it as the offi cial military pistol cartridge. These include Czechoslovakia,

Italy and Sweden. It is also much used by European police. Colt, High

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Standard, Remington and Savage have made pistols in this chambering

in the United States. In Europe, Browning, Beretta, Bayard, CZ, Frommer,

Astra, Star, Llama, Walther and others made or make 380 Automatic-

chambered pistols. This cartridge is also called 9x17mm.

This is another cartridge that has been very popular because of the

light, handy pistols that are chambered for it. The 380 Auto has more

stopping power and is a far better cartridge for almost any purpose than

the 32 Auto. It is about the minimum pistol cartridge considered adequate

for police or military use. For self-defense it is not as powerful as the 9mm

Luger, 38 Auto and a few others, but this is offset to a certain extent by

the reduced size and weight of the arms it is used in. For hunting or fi eld

use, it will do a good job on rabbits, birds or other small game. It offers

high velocity, as compared to most light handguns, which is an advantage

for fi eld use. With cast or swaged half-jacketed bullets of hunting type, it

will do a good job on small game, but not many shooters want to bother

handloading it.

9mm Luger/9mm Parabellum/9x21The 9mm Luger, or 9mm Parabellum, was

introduced in 1902 with the Luger automatic

pistol. It was adopted fi rst by the German Navy

in 1904 and then by the German Army in 1908.

Since that time, it has been adopted by the military of practically ev-

ery non-Communist power. It has become the world’s most popular and

widely used military handgun and submachinegun cartridge. In the United

States, Colt, Smith & Wesson, Ruger and many others chamber the 9mm,

as do many foreign-made pistols. In 1985, the 9mm Luger was adopted

as the offi cial military cartridge by U.S. Armed Forces, along with the Be-

retta Model 92-F (M-9) 15-shot semi-auto pistol.

Although the 9mm Luger delivers good performance for police, military

or sporting use, it was not popular in the United States until fairly recently.

The principal reason was that no American-made arms were chambered

for it initially. In 1954, Smith & Wesson brought out its Model 39 semi-

automatic in this chambering and Colt chambered its lightweight Com-

mander for the 9mm Luger in 1951. This, plus the infl ux of military pistols

chambered for the 9mm greatly increased both popularity and accep-

tance in this country. Currently the 9mm Luger is the most widely used

cartridge in the United States. A principal complaint has always been that

the 9mm Luger lacks stopping power as a defensive cartridge. However,

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the only automatic pistol cartridge with proven stopping power is the 45

Automatic. For hunting use, the 9mm Luger is adequate for most small

game if hollowpoint bullets are used. Modern premium type JHP loads

can dramatically improve performance. A variety of 9mm loadings are of-

fered by every major U.S. ammunition maker.

40 Smith & Wesson/40 S&WThis cartridge was developed as an in-house joint venture between

Winchester and Smith & Wesson within six months from the time it was

fi rst discussed in June 1989. Mr. Bersett at Winchester and Mr. Melvin

at S&W were primarily responsible for this cartridge’s development and

standardization. At that time, the FBI had been working with the 10mm

Automatic, developing a load that met its criteria for bullet diameter,

weight and velocity. The folks at Winchester and Smith & Wesson realized

that the power level the FBI had settled on could easily be achieved using

a much shorter cartridge. This would facilitate accuracy and allow use of

a smaller, more comfortable grip frame.

Until quite recently, none of the factory loads available actually took full

advantage of this cartridge’s potential. Several now offered actually generate

about 500 fpe in typical guns. This is serious power for such a small package

and rivals the best the 45 Automatic can offer. However, such a powerful and

compact package requires comparatively high pressures. High peak pres-

sure and a short barrel equate to high noise and muzzle blast. Nevertheless,

for its purpose, this has to be considered a superior cartridge design. It has

already completely eclipsed the similar 41 Action Express.

45 ACP/45 AutomaticThis cartridge was developed by John

Browning in 1905 and adopted by the United

States Ordnance Dept., with the Colt-Brown-

ing automatic pistol, in 1911. It has also been

made the offi cial military handgun chambering by several other govern-

ments, notably Argentina, Mexico and Norway. The 45 Automatic is the

most powerful military handgun cartridge in use today. It is also one of the

most diffi cult to master. The Colt Government Model auto-pistol and its

copies, as well as the Colt and Smith & Wesson Army Model 1917 revolvers

are the principal arms chambered for the 45 Automatic in the United States.

Ruger, S&W, Springfi eld Armory, Glock, Numrich and many other compa-

nies now also offer guns in this chambering. Several submachineguns have

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used it. About 1943, a number of Reising semi-automatic rifl es were mar-

keted in this chambering. Imitations of the Colt auto pistol have been made

in Argentina, China, Korea, Norway, Spain and the United States. It was

replaced as of 1985 as the offi cial U.S. military handgun cartridge by the

9mm Parabellum. However, it remains in U.S. Marine Corps service and

has proven increasingly popular with police agencies in the United States.

The 45 Automatic has been proven in combat all over the world as

having excellent stopping power. It has also developed into a fi rst-class

match cartridge with accuracy equal to the best. It requires practice for the

average person to develop skill with this cartridge, particularly when fi red

in some untuned semi-automatics. It is used far more for target shooting

than hunting, its curved trajectory limiting its effective range. Despite this,

it is quite adequate for any small or medium game. Like all the other semi-

auto pistol cartridges, it is a better hunting round with softpoint and hol-

lowpoint bullets. A number of police departments have switched from the

38 Special to the 45 Automatic in the last few years. All major and minor

commercial ammunition manufacturers offer this cartridge. After several

years of declining sales, it is enjoying a resurgence of popularity.

450 BushmasterNote: The following description is taken from the Hornady website (www.

“Nicknamed “The Thumper,” the new 450 Bushmaster is the most radi-

cal cartridge ever chambered in production AR-15 type fi rearms. Hornady

has brought big bore performance to the most popular semi-automatic rifl

e in America — and this innovation will open a whole new world of hunting

to the battleproven platform. Hornady engineers, working closely with the

design team from Bushmaster, built the cartridge to wring every last ounce

of performance from the AR-15 platform without sacrifi cing strength or re-

liability. The NEW 450 Bushmaster is well suited to hunting any game in

North America and it bear country. By simply switching uppers, the shooter

can go from the prairie dog towns of South Dakota to Kodiak country in

Alaska! The 450 Bushmaster fi res Hornady’s 0.452" 250 gr. SST (now fea-

turing our Flex Tip™ technology). The overall cartridge matches the 223

Remington at 2.250". Its sleek profi le makes for surprisingly fl at trajec-

tories and tremendous downrange energy. The new, soft polymer tipped

SSTTM bullet eliminates tip deformation and also initiates expansion over a

wide range of impact velocities. Put it all together, and you have a cartridge

that will give your AR series rifl e a serious attitude adjustment!”

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458 SOCOMAfter a bloody 1993 battle in Mogadishu, Somalia, several individuals

addressed the opportunity to increase single-hit stopping power from

U.S. military’s M-16 and M-4 family of rifl es and carbines. Maarten ter

Weeme (Teppo Jutsu LLC) developed the 458 SOCOM cartridge to pro-

vide the equivalent of 45-70 fi repower from M-16 rifl es. The 458 SOCOM

hurls big chunks of metal at substantial velocity from unaltered lower re-

ceivers and magazines––in full auto, and suppressed if desired. During

testing, the cartridge defeated Level IIIa protective vests.

The 458 SOCOM uses the 50 AE as the parent case, lengthened to

1.575 inches (40mm), necked to accept .458 inch bullets, and featuring

a rebated .473 inch rim. It accepts readily available 458-caliber bullets

ranging from 250 grains to 600 grains, and in a wide variety of bullet styles

and construction. Using standard M-16 lower receivers and unmodifi ed

magazines, ten 458 SOCOM rounds will fi t into a military 30 round M-

16 magazine; the 20 round magazine will hold seven rounds. In 16 inch

barreled rifl es, the 600-grain subsonic load works well with a 1:14 rifl ing

twist. The 300-grain bullets do better with a 1:18 twist. Cor-Bon supplies

loaded 458 SOCOM ammunition; Starline offers new brass cases, CH

Tool and Die list reloading dies and Teppo Jutsu LLC provides reloading


50 BeowulfIn 1999, Bill Alexander (Alexander

Arms) designed the 50 Beowulf to

be the biggest possible cartridge

that could be chambered in the AR-

15 family of rifl es and carbines. No

contemporary cartridges existed

when Bill reworked the 50 AE parent

cartridge case, extended it slightly

and rebating the rim to fi t an AR-15 bolt face. For close range and brush

hunting, the 50 Beowulf is superbly suited for wild hogs and even larger

game. Over 5000 rifl es have been chambered for the 50 Beowulf.

The 50 Beowulf delivers exceptional stopping power at short-to-me-

dium ranges using 1/2 inch diameter bullets, ranging in weight from 325

grains to 400 grains at velocities from 1900 to 2050 feet per second.

The 50 Beowulf shares the .445 inch case rim dimension with the mili-

tary 7.63x39 cartridge case. Seven cartridges will fi t into an Alexander

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Arms-supplied magazine dimensioned to fi t into the magazine well in the

AR15’s lower receiver. The cartridge performs well in a 16 inch barrel us-

ing a 1:19 twist. Factory loads do not exceed 33,000 psi. Alexander Arms

supplies rifl es, magazines, ammunition, reloading dies and brass.

50 Browning Machine Gun/50 BMG

The 50 BMG was invented by its namesake and adopted into United

States military service in 1918 for John M. Browning’s famous heavy ma-

chinegun. Browning’s attentions in this area were prompted by a bat-

tlefi eld need recognized during World War I. There have been other de-

velopments and at least once the Pentagon was considering dropping

the 50 BMG in favor of more modern and generally bigger chamberings.

However, the 50 BMG has remained. The advent of saboted loads, gen-

erating 4,500 fps muzzle velocities with devastating armor-penetration

capabilities, and its performance in the Gulf War has seemed to cement

its continued existence as a stable part of NATO’s arsenal.

Battlefi eld use is against light-armored vehicles to ranges of a mile or

more, and used against the unprotected, it is effective to several times

that range.

There has long been interest in the 50 BMG as a quasi-sporting round.

Today, the most signifi cant sporting use for this chambering is long-range

accuracy shooting with some competitions exceeding one mile. The 1000-

yard 50-caliber record, as of this writing, is a fi ve-shot group of just under

3 inches on centers. Several bolt-action rifl es are currently available for

the big fi fty. The 50 BMG easily launches the 750-grain bullets available

for it at 2,700 fps. The lighter 647-grain bullets available can be launched

at 3000 fps. For obvious reasons, sporting rifl es chambered for the big

fi fty uniformly feature muzzlebrakes and weigh 20 pounds or more. Recoil

is a bit harsh until the rifl e’s weight approaches 30 pounds.

The only commercial ammunition that has ever been available for the

50 BMG is from PMC. Components and specialized tools and equipment

to handload this cartridge are available to the advanced reloader.

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Below is the text of major laws that affect this

type of fi rearm. The fi rst, the infamous Assault

Weapon Ban of 1994, is no longer in effect. How-

ever, several states and cities have bans in effect

that mirror these defi nitions.

Note also that the law addressed the assembly

of assault-style fi rearms from aftermarket com-

ponents. These restrictions are still in effect. This

is an area of considerable importance given the

great number of aftermarket suppliers.





(a) RESTRICTION- Section 922 of title 18, Unit-

ed States Code, is amended by adding at the end

the following new subsection: `

(v)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to manu-

facture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic as-

sault weapon. `

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the pos-

session or transfer of any semiautomatic assault

weapon otherwise lawfully possessed under Fed-

eral law on the date of the enactment of this sub-

section. `

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to-- `(A) any of

the fi rearms, or replicas or duplicates of the fi re-

arms, specifi ed in Appendix A to this section, as

such fi rearms were manufactured on October 1,

1993; `(B) any fi rearm that-- `(i) is manually oper-

ated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; `(ii) has

been rendered permanently inoperable; or `(iii) is

an antique fi rearm; `(C) any semiautomatic rifl e

that cannot accept a detachable magazine that

holds more than 5 rounds of ammunition; or `(D)

any semiautomatic shotgun that cannot hold more

than 5 rounds of ammunition in a fi xed or detach-

able magazine. The fact that a fi rearm is not listed

in Appendix A shall not be construed to mean that

paragraph (1) applies to such fi rearm. No fi rearm

exempted by this subsection may be deleted from

Appendix A so long as this subsection is in effect.

(4) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to-- `(A) the

manufacture for, transfer to, or possession by the

United States or a department or agency of the

United States or a State or a department, agency,

or political subdivision of a State, or a transfer to

or possession by a law enforcement offi cer em-

ployed by such an entity for purposes of law en-

forcement (whether on or off duty); `(B) the transfer

to a licensee under title I of the Atomic Energy Act

of 1954 for purposes of establishing and main-

taining an on-site physical protection system and

security organization required by Federal law, or

possession by an employee or contractor of such

licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for

purposes of licensee-authorized training or trans-

portation of nuclear materials; `(C) the possession,

by an individual who is retired from service with

a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise

prohibited from receiving a fi rearm, of a semiauto-

matic assault weapon transferred to the individual

by the agency upon such retirement; or `(D) the

manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiau-

tomatic assault weapon by a licensed manufactur-

er or licensed importer for the purposes of testing

or experimentation authorized by the Secretary.’.


Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is

amended by adding at the end the following new

paragraph: `(30) The term `semiautomatic assault

weapon’ means--

(A) any of the fi rearms, or copies or duplicates of

the fi rearms in any caliber, known as-- `(i) Norinco,

Mitchell, and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalash-

nikovs (all models); `(ii) Action Arms Israeli Military

Industries UZI and Galil; `(iii) Beretta Ar70 (SC-70);

`(iv) Colt AR-15; `(v) Fabrique National FN/FAL,

FN/LAR, and FNC; `(vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9,

and M-12; `(vii) Steyr AUG; `(viii) INTRATEC TEC-9,

TEC-DC9 and TEC-22; and `(ix) revolving cylinder

shotguns, such as (or similar to) the Street Sweep-

er and Striker 12;

(B) a semiautomatic rifl e that has an ability to

accept a detachable magazine and has at least 2

of-- `(i) a folding or telescoping stock; `(ii) a pistol

grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the ac-

tion of the weapon; `(iii) a bayonet mount; `(iv) a

fl ash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to

accommodate a fl ash suppressor; and `(v) a gre-

APPENDIX IFederal Firearms Regulations Th at

Address Assault Weapons

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nade launcher;

(C) a semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to

accept a detachable magazine and has at least 2

of-- `(i) an ammunition magazine that attaches to

the pistol outside of the pistol grip; `(ii) a thread-

ed barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender,

fl ash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer;

`(iii) a shroud that is attached to, or partially or

completely encircles, the barrel and that permits

the shooter to hold the fi rearm with the nontrigger

hand without being burned; `(iv) a manufactured

weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is

unloaded; and `(v) a semiautomatic version of an

automatic fi rearm; and

(D) a semiautomatic shotgun that has at least 2

of-- `(i) a folding or telescoping stock; `(ii) a pistol

grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the ac-

tion of the weapon; `(iii) a fi xed magazine capacity

in excess of 5 rounds; and `(iv) an ability to accept

a detachable magazine.’.


922(v)- Section 924(a)(1)(B) of such title is amend-

ed by striking `or (q) of section 922’ and inserting

`(r), or (v) of section 922’. (2) USE OR POSSES-


TRAFFICKING CRIME- Section 924(c)(1) of such

title is amended in the fi rst sentence by inserting

`, or semiautomatic assault weapon,’ after `short-

barreled shotgun,’.



such title is amended by adding at the end the fol-

lowing: `The serial number of any semiautomatic

assault weapon manufactured after the date of the

enactment of this sentence shall clearly show the

date on which the weapon was manufactured.’.


(a) PROHIBITION- Section 922 of title 18, United

States Code, as amended by section 110102(a), is

amended by adding at the end the following new


(w)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), it

shall be unlawful for a person to transfer or pos-

sess a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

`(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the posses-

sion or transfer of any large capacity ammunition

feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed on or

before the date of the enactment of this subsec-


(3) This subsection shall not apply to--

(A) the manufacture for, transfer to, or pos-

session by the United States or a department or

agency of the United States or a State or a depart-

ment, agency, or political subdivision of a State, or

a transfer to or possession by a law enforcement

offi cer employed by such an entity for purposes of

law enforcement (whether on or off duty);

(B) the transfer to a licensee under title I of the

Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of estab-

lishing and maintaining an on-site physical protec-

tion system and security organization required by

Federal law, or possession by an employee or con-

tractor of such licensee on-site for such purposes

or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized

training or transportation of nuclear materials;

(C) the possession, by an individual who is re-

tired from service with a law enforcement agency

and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving am-

munition, of a large capacity ammunition feeding

device transferred to the individual by the agency

upon such retirement; or

(D) the manufacture, transfer, or possession of

any large capacity ammunition feeding device by a

licensed manufacturer or licensed importer for the

purposes of testing or experimentation authorized

by the Secretary.’

(4) If a person charged with violating paragraph

(1) asserts that paragraph (1) does not apply to

such person because of paragraph (2) or (3), the

Government shall have the burden of proof to

show that such paragraph (1) applies to such per-

son. The lack of a serial number as described in

section 923(i) of title 18, United States Code, shall

be a presumption that the large capacity ammuni-

tion feeding device is not subject to the prohibition

of possession in paragraph (1).’.


Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code,

as amended by section 110102(b), is amended by

adding at the end the following new paragraph:

`(31) The term `large capacity ammunition feeding


(A) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip,

or similar device manufactured after the date of

enactment of the Violent Crime Control and Law

Enforcement Act of 1994 that has a capacity of,

or that can be readily restored or converted to ac-

cept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition; but

(B) does not include an attached tubular device

designed to accept, and capable of operating only

with, .22 caliber rimfi re ammunition.’.

(c) PENALTY- Section 924(a)(1)(B) of title 18,

United States Code, as amended by section

110102(c)(1), is amended by striking `or (v)’ and

inserting `(v), or (w)’.



Section 923(i) of title 18, United States Code,

as amended by section 110102(d) of this Act, is

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amended by adding at the end the following: `A

large capacity ammunition feeding device manu-

factured after the date of the enactment of this

sentence shall be identifi ed by a serial number that

clearly shows that the device was manufactured

or imported after the effective date of this subsec-

tion, and such other identifi cation as the Secretary

may by regulation prescribe.’.

◼ SEC. 110105. EFFECTIVE DATE. This subtitle and the amendments made by this

subtitle-- (1) shall take effect on the date of the

enactment of this Act; and (2) are repealed effec-

tive as of the date that is 10 years after that date.

These laws deal with the importation of fi rearms

as well as the assembly of fi rearms from imported

parts. These rules remain in effect and any fi rearm

imported into or manufactured in the U.S. today

must comply with these rules. Assembly of Assault

Weapons with imported parts: US Code section

922 (r) It shall be unlawful for any person to as-

semble from imported parts any semiautomatic

rifl e or any shotgun which is identical to any rifl e or

shotgun prohibited from importation under section

925(d)(3) of this chapter as not being particularly

suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting pur-

poses except that this subsection shall not apply

to - (1) the assembly of any such rifl e or shotgun

for sale or distribution by a licensed manufacturer

to the United States or any department or agency

thereof or to any State or any department, agency,

or political subdivision thereof; or (2) the assembly

of any such rifl e or shotgun for the purposes of

testing or experimentation authorized by the At-

torney General.


Table of Contents Subpart G_Importation Sec.

478.112 Importation by a licensed importer.

(a) No fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or ammunition

shall be imported or brought into the United States

by a licensed importer (as defi ned in Sec. 478.11)

unless the Director has authorized the importation

of the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or ammunition.

(b)(1) An application for a permit, ATF Form 6--

Part I, to import or bring a fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or

ammunition into the United States or a possession

thereof under this section must be fi led, in tripli-

cate, with the Director. The application must be

signed and dated and must contain the informa-

tion requested on the form, including: (i) The name,

address, telephone number, and license number

(including expiration date) of the importer; (ii) The

country from which the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or

ammunition is to be imported; (iii) The name and

address of the foreign seller and foreign shipper;

(iv) A description of the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel,

or ammunition to be imported, including: (A) The

name and address of the manufacturer; (B) The

type (e.g., rifl e, shotgun, pistol, revolver and, in

the case of ammunition only, ball, wadcutter, shot,

etc.); (C) The caliber, gauge, or size; (D) The model;

(E) The barrel length, if a fi rearm or fi rearm barrel (in

inches); (F) The overall length, if a fi rearm (in inch-

es); (G) The serial number, if known; (H) Whether

the fi rearm is new or used; (I) The quantity; (J) The

unit cost of the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or ammu-

nition to be imported; (v) The specifi c purpose of

importation, including fi nal recipient information if

different from the importer; (vi) Verifi cation that if a

fi rearm, it will be identifi ed as required by this part;

and (vii)(A) If a fi rearm or ammunition imported

or brought in for scientifi c or research purposes,

a statement describing such purpose; or (B) If a

fi rearm or ammunition for use in connection with

competition or training pursuant to Chapter 401

of Title 10, U.S.C., a statement describing such

intended use; or (C) If an unserviceable fi rearm

(other than a machine gun) being imported as a

curio or museum piece, a description of how it

was rendered unserviceable and an explanation of

why it is a curio or museum piece; or (D) If a fi rearm

other than a surplus military fi rearm, of a type that

does not fall within the defi nition of a fi rearm under

section 5845(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of

1986, and is for sporting purposes, an explanation

of why the fi rearm is generally recognized [[Page

59]] as particularly suitable for or readily adapt-

able to sporting purposes; or (E) If ammunition be-

ing imported for sporting purposes, a statement

why the ammunition is particularly suitable for or

readily adaptable to sporting purposes; or (F) If a

fi rearm barrel for a handgun, an explanation why

the handgun is generally recognized as particu-

larly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting

purposes. (2)(i) If the Director approves the ap-

plication, such approved application will serve as

the permit to import the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or

ammunition described therein, and importation of

such fi rearms, fi rearm barrels, or ammunition may

continue to be made by the licensed importer un-

der the approved application (permit) during the

period specifi ed thereon. The Director will furnish

the approved application (permit) to the applicant

and retain two copies thereof for administrative

use. (ii) If the Director disapproves the application,

the licensed importer will be notifi ed of the basis

for the disapproval.

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(c) A fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or ammunition im-

ported or brought into the United States or a pos-

session thereof under the provisions of this sec-

tion by a licensed importer may be released from

Customs custody to the licensed importer upon

showing that the importer has obtained a permit

from the Director for the importation of the fi rearm,

fi rearm barrel, or ammunition to be released. The

importer will also submit to Customs a copy of the

export license authorizing the export of the fi rearm,

fi rearm barrel, or ammunition from the exporting

country. If the exporting country does not require

issuance of an export license, the importer must

submit a certifi cation, under penalty of perjury, to

that effect. (1) In obtaining the release from Cus-

toms custody of a fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or am-

munition authorized by this section to be imported

through the use of a permit, the licensed importer

will prepare ATF Form 6A, in duplicate, and furnish

the original ATF Form 6A to the Customs offi cer

releasing the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or ammuni-

tion. The Customs offi cer will, after certifi cation,

forward the ATF Form 6A to the address specifi ed

on the form. (2) The ATF Form 6A must contain

the information requested on the form, includ-

ing: (i) The name, address, and license number of

the importer; (ii) The name of the manufacturer of

the fi rearm, fi rearm barrel, or ammunition; (iii) The

country of manufacture; (iv) The type; (v) The mod-

el; (vi) The caliber, gauge, or size; (vii) The serial

number in the case of fi rearms, if known; and (viii)

The number of fi rearms, fi rearm barrels, or rounds

of ammunition released.

(d) Within 15 days of the date of release from

Customs custody, the licensed importer must: (1)

Forward to the address specifi ed on the form a

copy of ATF Form 6A on which must be reported

any error or discrepancy appearing on the ATF

Form 6A certifi ed by Customs and serial numbers

if not previously provided on ATF Form 6A; (2)

Pursuant to Sec. 478.92, place all required identi-

fi cation data on each imported fi rearm if same did

not bear such identifi cation data at the time of its

release from Customs custody; and (3) Post in the

records required to be maintained by the importer

under subpart H of this part all required informa-

tion regarding the importation. (Paragraph (b) ap-

proved by the Offi ce of Management and Budget

under control number 1512-0017; paragraphs (c)

and (d) approved by the Offi ce of Management

and Budget under control number 1512-0019)

[T.D. ATF-270, 53 FR 10498, Mar. 31, 1988, as

amended by T.D. ATF-426, 65 FR 38198, June

20, 2000] [Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 27,

Volume 2] [Revised as of April 1, 2006] From the

U.S. Government Printing Offi ce via GPO Access

[CITE: 27CFR478.39] [Page 36-37]


(a) No person shall assemble a semiautomatic

rifl e or any shotgun using more than 10 of the im-

ported parts listed in paragraph (c) of this section if

the assembled fi rearm is prohibited from importa-

tion under section 925(d)(3) as not being particu-

larly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting


(b) The provisions of this section shall not ap-

ply to: (1) The assembly of such rifl e or shotgun

for sale or distribution by a licensed manufacturer

to the United States or any department or agency

thereof or to any State or any department, agency,

or political subdivision thereof; or (2) The assembly

of such rifl e or shotgun for the purposes of test-

ing or experimentation authorized by the Director

under the provisions of Sec. 478.151; or (3) The

repair of any rifl e or shotgun which had been im-

ported into or assembled in the United States prior

to November 30, 1990, or the replacement of any

part of such fi rearm.

(c) For purposes of this section, the term import-

ed parts are: (1) Frames, receivers, receiver cast-

ings, forgings or stampings (2) Barrels (3) Barrel

extensions (4) Mounting blocks (trunions) (5) Muz-

zle attachments (6) Bolts (7) Bolt carriers [[Page

37]] (8) Operating rods (9) Gas pistons (10) Trigger

housings (11) Triggers (12) Hammers (13) Sears

(14) Disconnectors (15) Buttstocks (16) Pistol grips

(17) Forearms, handguards (18) Magazine bodies

(19) Followers (20) Floorplates [T.D. ATF-346, 58

FR 40589, July 29, 1993] 27 CFR 478.112

(d) The Attorney General shall authorize a fi re-

arm or ammunition to be imported or brought into

the United States or any possession thereof if the

fi rearm or ammunition - (1) is being imported or

brought in for scientifi c or research purposes, or

is for use in connection with competition or train-

ing pursuant to chapter 401 of title 10; (2) is an

unserviceable fi rearm, other than a machinegun

as defi ned in section 5845(b) of the Internal Rev-

enue Code of 1986 (not readily restorable to fi r-

ing condition), imported or brought in as a curio

or museum piece; (3) is of a type that does not

fall within the defi nition of a fi rearm as defi ned in

section 5845(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of

1986 and is generally recognized as particularly

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suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting pur-

poses, excluding surplus military fi rearms, except

in any case where the Attorney General has not

authorized the importation of the fi rearm pursu-

ant to this paragraph, it shall be unlawful to import

any frame, receiver, or barrel of such fi rearm which

would be prohibited if assembled; or (4) was previ-

ously taken out of the United States or a posses-

sion by the person who is bringing in the fi rearm

or ammunition. The Attorney General shall permit

the conditional importation or bringing in of a fi re-

arm or ammunition for examination and testing in

connection with the making of a determination as

to whether the importation or bringing in of such

fi rearm or ammunition will be allowed under this


(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this

title, the Attorney General shall authorize the im-

portation of, by any licensed importer, the follow-

ing: (1) All rifl es and shotguns listed as curios or

relics by the Attorney General pursuant to section

921(a)(13), and (2) All handguns, listed as curios

or relics by the Attorney General pursuant to sec-

tion 921(a)(13), provided that such handguns are

generally recognized as particularly suitable for or

readily adaptable to sporting purposes. (f) The At-

torney General shall not authorize, under subsec-

tion (d), the importation of any fi rearm the importa-

tion of which is prohibited by section 922(p).


Dear Mr. [ ]:

This refers to your letter of July 30, 1997, in which

you ask additional questions about the number of

imported parts contained in rifl es based on the AK

47 that are imported into the United States.

Title 27 CFR, Section 178.39(a) states that no

person shall assemble a semiautomatic rifl e or

any shotgun using more than 10 of the imported

parts listed in paragraph (c) of this section if the

assembled fi rearm (emphasis added) is prohibited

from importation under section 925(d)(3) as not

being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable

to sporting purposes. Firearms based on the AK

47 design are not approved for importation with

separate pistol grips, folding stocks, bayonet

mounts, threaded muzzles, fl ash suppressors,

grenade launchers, night sights or bipod mounts.

Therefore, if you assemble an AK type fi rearm us-

ing more than 10 imported parts listed in para-

graph (c), the assembled rifl e must have a one

piece thumb hole style stock and may not have a

separate pistol grip, folding stock, bayonet mount,

threaded muzzle, fl ash suppressor, grenade

launcher, night sight or bipod mount. If you plan

to assemble an AK type weapon using 10 or less

of the imported parts listed in paragraph (c), the

rifl e is not required to have a one-piece thumbhole

style stock. However such rifl e many not be in a

confi guration that meets the defi nition of semiau-

tomatic assault weapon as that term is defi ned in

18 U.S.C., Chapter 44, Section 921(a)(30).

2 - You also asked about marketing a parts kit

containing a combination of domestic and im-

ported parts. In order to respond to your inquiry

concerning the legality of using these parts on an

imported AK type rifl e, it is requested that a sam-

ple of the parts kit be submitted. We trust that the

foregoing has been responsive to your inquiry. If

we can be of any further assistance, please con-

tact us.

Sincerely yours,


Edward M. Owen, Jr. Chief, Firearms Technol-

ogy Branch

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Editor’s Note: This book defi nes “assault weapon”

as a military-styled weapon with a detachable

magazine of more than 10 rounds. However, many

imported military weapons are considered “as-

sault weapons” by the general public, so we have

included the following listings for many of these

rifl es. Note that, for certain items, prices may seem

to vary from those shown elsewhere in this book

due to a different grading system.

◼ ARGENTINE FN MODEL 1949Semi-automatic rifl e sold to Argentina after WWII.

Argentine crest on receiver. Originally, it was

chambered for the 7.65x53mm Mauser cartridge

and had a fi xed 10 round magazine. Later, nearly

all were converted for the Argentine navy. These

will be marked “ARA.” A new 7.62x51 Nato/.308

barrel was installed and a detachable magazine

system was added. The magazines held 20 rounds

and were unique to the design. Some Argentine

Navy FN 1949s were imported to the U.S. in the

1990’s and the magazines were shortened to 10

rounds to comply with the 1994 “Assault weapon”

law. After this law expired in 2004, some unaltered

20 round magazines appeared on the market.

FN 1949 rifl e, original confi guration, in 7.65x53mm

with fi xed magazine. Very rare.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2000 1700 1200 900 700

FN 1949 Rifl e, Argentine Navy Conversion to

7.62mm with one 20 round magazine. Deduct $30

for a 10 round magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1000 850 750 500 400

◼ AUSTRALIAN L1A1 RIFLEThis is the British version of the FN-FAL in the

“inch” or Imperial pattern. Most of these rifl es were

semi-automatic only. This rifl e was the standard

service rifl e for the British Army from about 1954

to 1988. The rifl e was made in Lithgow, Australia,

under license from FN. The confi gurations for the

L1A1 rifl e are the same as the standard FN-FAL

Belgium rifl e. Only a few of these rifl es were im-

ported into the U.S. They are very rare. This “inch”

pattern British gun will also be found in other

Commonwealth countries such as Australia, New

Zealand, Canada, and India.

NOTE: Only about 180 Australian L1A1s were im-

ported into the U.S. prior to 1989. These are rare

and in great demand.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 7500 6000 5000 — —

◼ AUSTRIAN STEYR AUG (ARMEE UNIVERSAL GEWEHR)Produced by Steyr-Mannlicher beginning in 1978,

this rifl e is chambered for the 5.56x45mm car-

tridge. It is a bullpup design with a number of dif-

ferent confi gurations. Barrel lengths are 13.6” in

submachine gun confi guration, 16.3” in carbine,

19.8” in rifl e, and 24.2” in a heavy barrel sniper

confi guration. Magazine is 30 or 42 rounds. Carry

handle is an optic sight of 1.5 power. Adopted by

Austrian army and still in production. Weight is 7.7

lbs. in rifl e confi guration. Rate of fi re is about 650

rounds per minute.

▶ Pre-1986 full-auto conversions of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. GOOD 15000 12500 10000

◼ AUSTRIANSTEYR AUG (SEMI-AUTOMATIC VERSION)As above but in semi-automatic only. Two models,

the fi rst with green furniture and fi tted with a 20”

barrel. The second with black furniture and fi tted

with a 16” barrel.

FIRST MODEL NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 5000 4250 3000 — — —

SECOND MODEL NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 5500 4500 3500 — — —

◼ BELGIAN MODEL 1949 OR SAFN 49A gas-operated semi-automatic rifl e chambered

for 7x57, 7.92mm, and .30-06. It has a 23” barrel

and military-type sights. The fi xed magazine holds

10 rounds. The fi nish is blued, and the stock is

walnut. This is a well-made gun that was actually

designed before WWII. When the Germans were

in the process of taking over Belgium, a group of

FN engineers fl ed to England and took the plans

for this rifl e with them, preventing the German

military from acquiring a very fi ne weapon. This

model was introduced in 1949, after hostilities had

ceased. This model was sold on contract to Egypt,

APPENDIX IIMilitary Weapons Commonly Considered

“Assault Weapons”

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chambered for 7.92mm; to Venezuela, chambered

for 7x57; and to Argentina, Colombia, Indonesia,

Belgium, and Luxembourg chambered for the

.30-06. Argentina models were chambered for the

7.65x53mm as well as the Argentina navy which

had its rifl es chambered for the 7.62 NATO car-

tridge. The FN 1949 bears serial numbers on the

receiver, top cover, bolt and bolt carrier. Deduct 25

percent for any MM parts.

▶ Belgium military issue. Cal. 30-06. Receiver marked “ABL”. EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 900 750 600 400 300

▶ Columbian contract. Cal. 30-06. Receiver marked with Columbian crest. EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1000 850 700 450 300

▶ Luxemborg contract. Cal. 30-06. Receiver marked “AL”. EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 900 750 600 400 300

▶ Venezuelan contract. Cal. 7x57mm. Receiver marked with Venezuelan crest.

The only FN-49 that was issued with a fl ash


EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 800 650 450 300 250

◼ BELGIAN FN-FALA gas-operated, semi-automatic version of the

famous FN battle rifl e. This weapon has been ad-

opted by more free world countries than any other

rifl e. It is chambered for the 7.62 NATO or .308 and

has a 21” barrel with an integral fl ash suppressor.

The sights are adjustable with an aperture rear, and

the detachable box magazine holds 20 rounds. The

stock and forearm are made of wood or a black

synthetic. This model has been discontinued by

the company and is no longer manufactured.

The models listed below are for the metric pat-

tern Type 2 and Type 3 receivers, those marked

“FN MATCH.” The models below are for semi-au-

tomatic rifl es only. FN-FAL rifl es in the “inch” pat-

tern are found in the British Commonwealth coun-

tries of Australia, India, Canada, and of course,

Great Britain. These rifl es are covered separately

under their own country headings.

▶ 50.00–21” Rifl e Model NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3500 3000 2500 2000 N/A N/A

▶ 50.63–18” Paratrooper Model NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4000 3500 3000 2750 N/A N/A

▶ 50.64–21” Paratrooper Model NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4000 3500 3000 2750 N/A N/A

▶ 50.41–Synthetic Butt H-Bar

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3250 2800 2500 2000 N/A N/A

▶ 50.42–Wood Butt H-Bar NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4000 3500 3000 2750 N/A N/A

NOTE: There are a number of U.S. companies

that built FN-FAL receivers and use military sur-

plus parts. These rifl es have only limited collec-

tor value as of yet.

▶ Belgian FN FAL “G” Series (Type 1 Receiver)

The fi rst FAL to be imported to the U.S. The

receivers are capable of accepting select fi re

parts. These rifl es are subject to interpreta-

tion by the BATF as to their legal status. A list

of BATF legal serial numbers is available. This

information should be referenced prior to a pur-

chase. There were 1,848 legal “G” Series FN

FAL rifl es imported into this country. All were

“grandfathered” and remain legal to possess.


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 7500 6500 5000 3000 N/A N/A


NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 7500 6500 5000 3000 N/A N/A

▶ Belgian FN FAL–Select Fire Assault Rifl eFirst produced in 1953, this 7.62x51mm select

fi re rifl e has been used worldwide. It is fi tted

with a 20.8” barrel and a magazine that holds

20 rounds. It is available in several different

confi gurations. Weight is about 9.8 lbs. Marked


will also indicate many other countries made

this rifl e under license from FN.

PRE-1968 (RARE) EXC. V.G. FAIR 18500 15000 12000


EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 12500 10000

◼ BELGIAN FN CALChambered for the 5.56x45mm cartridge and de-

signed with a rotary bolt. It is fi tted with an 18.2”

barrel and has a magazine capacity of 20 or 30

rounds. Weight is about 6 lbs. With folding stock.

Produced from 1966 to 1975 and is marked “fab-

rique nationale herstal mod cal 5.56mm” on the

left side of the receiver. This rifl e was not widely

adopted. A rare rifl e. Only about 20 of these rifl es

were imported into the U.S.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 7000 6500 5000 3000 — —


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ASSAULT RIFLEChambered for the 5.56x45mm cartridge and de-

signed with a rotary bolt. It is fi tted with an 18.2”

barrel and has a magazine capacity of 20 or 30

rounds. Its rate of fi re is 650 rounds per minute.

Weight is about 6 lbs. With folding stock. Pro-

duced from 1966 to 1975 and is marked “fabrique

nationale herstal mod cal 5.56mm” on the left side

of the receiver. This rifl e was not widely adopted.

▶ Pre-1968 (Rare) EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 12500 10000

◼ BELGIAN FNCA lighter-weight assault-type rifl e chambered for

the 5.56mm cartridge. It is a gas-operated semi-

automatic with an 18” or 21” barrel. It has a 30

round box magazine and is black, with either a

fi xed or folding stock. This model was also dis-

continued by FN.

▶ StandardFixed stock, 16” or 18” barrel.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3800 3500 2750 2000 N/A N/A

▶ Paratrooper ModelFolding stock, 16” or 18” barrel.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3800 3500 2750 2000 N/A N/A

NOTE: The above prices are for Belgian-made guns


◼ BELGIAN FN FNC–SELECT FIRE ASSAULT RIFLEThis model, introduced in 1979, took the place of

the CAL. Chambered for the 5.56x45mm cartridge

and fi tted with a 17.5” barrel, it weighs about 8.4

lbs. It has a 30 round magazine capacity. Rate of

fi re is 700 rounds per minute. Fitted with a metal

folding stock. This model will accept M16 maga-

zines. Marked “fnc 5.56” on left side of receiver.

This rifl e was adopted by the Belgian, Indonesian,

and Swedish militaries.

▶ Pre-1986 full-auto conversions of semi-automatic model EXC. V.G. FAIR 7500 6000 4500

◼ BELGIAN FN BAR MODEL D (DEMONTABLE)This was the FN version of the Browning automatic

rifl e. It is fi tted with a quick change barrel and pistol

grip. It was offered in a variety of calibers from 6.5

Swedish Mauser to the 7.92x57mm Mauser. It is fi t-

ted with a 19.5” barrel and has a rate of fi re of either

450 or 650 rounds per minute. Weight is about 20

lbs. Marked “fabrique nationale d’armes de guerre

herstal-belgique” on left side of receiver.

FN sold about 700 Model Ds to Finland in

1940 which the Finns used during their “Win-

ter War” with the Russians. These Finnish BARs

were chambered for the 7.63x54R cartridge. Also

a small number of FN guns were sold to China

(2,000) and Ethiopia in the 1930s. These BARs

were chambered for the 7.92x57mm Mauser car-

tridge. After World War II FN sold its Model 30 BAR

to a number of countries around the world.

▶ Pre-1968 (Very Rare) EXC. V.G. FAIR 37500 32500 27500

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 25000 20000 18000

◼ BULGARIAN AK-47This is an exact copy of the Russian AK-47.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 700 600 500 400 300

◼ BULGARIAN AKN-47This is an exact copy of the Russian AKS.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 800 700 600 500 400

◼ BULGARIAN AK-47-MIThis is a copy of an AK-47 fi tted with a 40mm gre-

nade launcher.


◼ BULGARIAN AK-74/AKS-74These are copies of the Russian models. They

were also exported in 5.56x45mm caliber.


◼ CANADIAN C1/C1A1 (FN FAL)Canada was one of the fi rst countries to adopt the

FN-FAL rifl e. This is a semi-automatic version with

21” barrel. Twenty round box magazine. The rear

sight on the C1 is a revolving disk with fi ve differ-

ent sized openings. Ranges calibrated from 200

to 600 yards; numbered 2 to 6 on the sight. The

sight may be folded when not in use. Weight is

about 9.5 lbs. About 1959 the C1 was modifi ed to

use a 2-piece fi ring pin and a plastic carry handle

replaced the wooden type. Both types of rifl es uti-

lize the long prong fl ash hider on the muzzle. The

author could fi nd no indication that any of these

were ever legally imported to the U.S. as a semi

automatic. It would have to be in the same class

as the FN FAL “G” series as the receiver is capable

of accepting select fi re parts.

For C1/C1A1 registered as NFA fi rearms:

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▶ Pre-1986 EXC. V.G. FAIR 18500 15000 10000

◼ CANADIAN C2/C2A1This is Canada’s version of the FN heavy barrel

Squad Light Automatic Rifl e. Select fi re with a

rate of fi re of about 700 rounds per minute. Bar-

rel length is 21”. Magazine capacity is 30 rounds.

Weight is approximately 15 lbs. Built by Long

Branch Arsenal, Ontario.

▶ Pre-1986 EXC. V.G. FAIR 18500 15000 12500

◼ CANADIAN C1/C1A1 (FN FAL)Canada was one of the fi rst countries to adopt the

FN-FAL rifl e. This is a semi-automatic version with

21” barrel. Twenty round box magazine. The rear

sight on the C1 is a revolving disk with fi ve differ-

ent sized openings. Ranges calibrated from 200

to 600 yards; numbered 2 to 6 on the sight. The

sight may be folded when not in use. Weight is

about 9.5 lbs. About 1959 the C1 was modifi ed to

use a 2-piece fi ring pin and a plastic carry handle

replaced the wooden type. Both types of rifl es uti-

lize the long prong fl ash hider on the muzzle. The

author could fi nd no indication that any of these

were ever legally imported to the U.S. as a semi

automatic. It would have to be in the same class

as the FN FAL “G” series as the receiver is capable

of accepting select fi re parts.

For C1/C1A1 registered as NFA fi rearms:

▶ Pre-1986 EXC. V.G. FAIR 18500 15000 10000

◼ CANADIAN C2/C2A1This is Canada’s version of the FN heavy barrel

Squad Light Automatic Rifl e. Select fi re with a

rate of fi re of about 700 rounds per minute. Bar-

rel length is 21”. Magazine capacity is 30 rounds.

Weight is approximately 15 lbs. Built by Long

Branch Arsenal, Ontario.

▶ Pre-1986 EXC. V.G. FAIR 18500 15000 12500

◼ CANADIAN C7/C8 (M16A2)In 1985 the Canadian fi rm of Diemaco began pro-

ducing a Canadian version of the Colt M16A2 rifl e.

There are differences between the Colt-built M16

and the Diemaco version. However, due to import

restrictions on Class 3 weapons, no Diemaco M16s

were imported into the U.S. for transferable civilian

sale. Therefore, no Diemaco lowers are available

to the civilian collector. There are Diemaco uppers

in the U.S. that will fi t on Colt lowers. The 20” rifl e

version is designated the C7 while the 16” carbine

version is called the C8. There are a number of

other Diemaco Canadian uppers that may be seen

in the U.S., such as the LMG and 24” barreled ver-

sions. Values should be comparable with those of

Colt uppers.

Chinese Type 56 Carbine (SKS)

A 7.62x39mm semi-automatic rifl e with a 20.5”

barrel and 10-shot fi xed magazine. Blued with oil

fi nished stock. The early Chinese military issue

Type 56 rifl es came with a blade bayonet. Later

models had the spike bayonet. Price listed is for

used Type 56 made for the Chinese military. Some

were brought back from Viet Nam, others were im-

ported in the late 1980s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 400 325 275 200 150

◼ NORTH KOREAN TYPE 56 CARBINE (SKS)Same overall design as the Chinese version but

with high quality fi t and fi nish. Has a gas shut off

valve on the gas block. This was to allow use of

a grenade launcher. Reddish-brown laminated

stock. Rare.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1400 1000 800 600 300

◼ CHINESE TYPE 56 RIFLEA close copy of the AK-47 and fi rst produced in

1958, this select fi re rifl e is chambered for the

7.62x39mm cartridge. It is fi tted with a 16” bar-

rel and has a magazine capacity of 30 rounds.

This model has a folding bayonet hinged below

the muzzle. Weight is about 8.4 lbs. Rate of fi re

is 600 rounds per minute. Markings on left side of

receiver. Still in production. This rifl e was adopted

by Chinese forces and was seen in Cambodia as


There are a number of subvariations of the Type 56.

Early guns had machined receivers with Chinese

characters for selector markings, some of which

are marked “m22” to designate export sales. An-

other style is fi tted with a folding spike bayonet as

well as a machined receiver. Still another style has

a stamped receiver, Chinese characters for selec-

tor markings, and a folding spike bayonet. All are

direct copies of the Soviet model AK-47.

Another variation of the Type 56 was the Type

56-1, which featured prominent rivets on a fold-

ing metal butt. No bayonet. Other variants of the

Type 56-1 are fi tted with a folding spike bayonet

and folding metal buttstock. The Type 56-2 has

a skeleton tubular stock which folds to the right

side of the receiver with no bayonet. There is also

the Type 56-C with plastic furniture, side folding

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butt with cheekpiece, and improved sights with no


NOTE: Type 56 rifl es manufactured by China North

Industries (NORINCO) will have stamped on the left

side of the receiver the number “66” in a triangle.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 32500 30000 28000

▶ Pre-1986 conversions EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 14000 13000

◼ CHINESE TYPE 56 (AK CLONE SEMI-AUTOMATIC VERSIONS)Imported from China in semi-automatic versions

and built by Poly Tech and Norinco in different

styles and confi gurations, some of which are listed


▶ Milled Receiver—Poly Tech EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1500 1200 800 N/A N/A

▶ Stamped Receiver—Poly Tech EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1100 800 500 N/A N/A

▶ Stamped Receiver—Norinco EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 950 700 450 N/A N/A

NOTE: For folding stock version add 20 percent.

◼ CHINESE TYPE 79A Chinese copy of the Soviet Dragunov SVD snip-

er rifl e.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3000 2500 1500 N/A N/A

◼ CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MODEL ZH29Introduced in 1929, this semi-automatic rifl e was

designed by Emmanuel Holek of CZ at Brno. It

is chambered for the 7.92x57mm cartridge and

is fi tted with a 21.5” barrel with aluminum cool-

ing jacket. Fitted with a bayonet lug. The detach-

able box magazine has a 10- or 25 round capacity.

Weight is about 10 lbs. Exported to Thailand and

Ethiopia. Very rare.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 13500 10500 7500 — —

◼ CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MODEL ZK420SChambered for the 7.92x57mm cartridge this rifl e

was fi rst introduced in 1942 but did not appear in

its fi nal form until 1946. It was also offered in 7mm,

.30-06, and 7.5mm Swiss. This was a gas oper-

ated semi-automatic rifl e with 21” barrel and up-

per handguard. The detachable magazine has a 10

round capacity. Front sight is hooded. Rear sight

is notched tangent with ramp. Weight is about 10

lbs. Not adopted by Czech military but tested by

many countries. Built by CZ Brno in limited num-

bers. Very rare.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 10500 9000 8000 — —

◼ CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MODEL 52Chambered for 7.62x45 caliber, this gas operated

semi-automatic rifl e is fi tted with a 20.5” barrel.

This model has a full stock with pistol grip. Folding

non-detachable bayonet. Hooded front sight and

notched tangent rear sight with ramp. Detachable

box magazine with 10 round capacity. Weight is

about 9.7 lbs. First produced in 1952.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 500 400 350 275 225

◼ CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MODEL 52/57Similar to the Model 52 except chambered for the

7.62x39 cartridge.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 600 500 425 300 250

◼ CZECHOSLOVAKIAN VZ58First produced in 1959, this select fi re assault rifl e

is chambered for the 7.62x39mm Soviet cartridge.

Its appearance is similar to an AK-47 but it is an

entirely different design. It is gas operated but the

bolt is locked to the receiver by a vertically mov-

ing block similar to the Walther P-38 pistol. Early

rifl es were fi tted with a plastic fi xed stock while

later rifl es used a folding metal stock. Barrel length

is 16”. Rate of fi re is about 800 rounds per minute.

Weight is approximately 7 lbs. Production ceased

in 1980. Made at CZ Brno and Povaske Strojarne.

The two versions of this gun are designated the

VZ58P with fi xed stock and the VZ58V for metal

folding stock.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 18000 15000 12000

▶ Czechoslovakian VZ 58 semi-automatic (new production)

Limited production by Ohio Ordnance Works.

Built from original parts on a U.S.-made semi-

automatic receiver.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1500 1250 N/A

◼ EAST GERMAN MPIKA copy of the AK-47 without a cleaning rod.


◼ EAST GERMAN MPIKSA copy of the AKS without cleaning rod.


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◼ EAST GERMAN MPIKMA copy of the AKM with a cleaning rod. Early mod-

els used wooden stocks while later ones used

plastic. Not fi tted with a muzzle compensator.


◼ EAST GERMAN MPIKMSCopy of a AKMS without shaped muzzle.


◼ EAST GERMAN KKMPI69A version of the MPiKM without the gas cylinder.

Chambered for the .22 caliber Long Rifl e cartridge

and used as a training rifl e.


◼ EGYPTIAN FABRIQUE NATIONAL MODEL 1949 OR SAFN 49A gas-operated semi-automatic rifl e chambered

for 7.92mm. It has a 23” barrel and military-type

sights. The fi xed magazine holds 10 rounds. Egyp-

tian crest on top of receiver.

EXC. V.G GOOD FAIR POOR 800 650 450 300 250

NOTE: Many Egyptian FN 1949s were restocked

and reblued by Century Arms in the early 1990s.

The new stock is a light colored wood that is

stained to resemble walnut. Brass or plastic butt-

plate. Deduct 25 percent for a restocked rifl e.

◼ EGYPTIAN HAKIMA semi-automatic rifl e chambered in 8x57mm

Mauser. It has a 24 inch barrel that ends with a

large recoil compensator. 10 round detachable

magazine. This is a copy of the Swedish AG-42b

rifl e and was designed with the help of Swedish

engineers. Made at the Maadi factory. Many were

imported in the late 1980s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 550 450 400 300 200

◼ EGYPTIAN HAKIM TRAINING RIFLE .22LRA semi-automatic rifl e chambered in .22LR that is

patterned after the Hakim. Marked “Made in Italy.”

A few came in with the regular Hakims.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 500 450 400 300 200

◼ EGYPTIAN RASHIDThis is a native Egyptian design; basically a scaled-

down Hakim chambered in 7.62x39mm. It uses a

10 round detachable magazine. A folding bayonet

is attached to the barrel, similar to the Soviet SKS.

About 8000 were made in the 1960s. Some were

imported to the U.S. in the 1990s.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 700 550 475 350 250

◼ EGYPTIAN AKMMaadi semi-automatic, pre-1994

A close copy of the Soviet AKM series. Chambered

in 7.62x39mm. Two semi-automatic versions have

been imported to the U.S. One was the fi rst semi-

automatic Kalashnikov offered on the U.S. market.

These appeared in the early 1980s and were im-

ported by Steyr.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1250 950 800 — —

◼ EGYPTIAN MAADI SEMI-AUTOMATIC, SPORTERThe second was imported after passage of the

1994 “assault weapons” law and had a thumbhole

sporter type stock installed to comply with the

terms of that law. The importer called these the

MISR. (Maadi Industries Sporting Rifl e).

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 600 500 400 — —

◼ FINNISH VALMET M62Based on the third model AK-47 but with internal

differences built by Valmet. SAKO also built many

of these rifl es. Machined receiver. Perforated plas-

tic forend and handguard. Tube butt. Barrel length

is 16.5”. Magazine is 30 rounds. Rate of fi re is

about 650 rounds per minute. Weight is about 9

lbs. Production in Finland began in 1965. Rifl es

produced from 1965 to 1969 were designated “M

62 PT.” PT stands for day sight. In 1969 Model

62s were produced with folding night sights. Be-

ginning in 1972 these night sights were fi tted with

tritium inserts.

NOTE: There are a number of different versions of

this rifl e: the M62-76–a Finnish AKM; the M62-

76M plastic stock; M62-76P wood stock; M62-76T

tubular steel folding stock.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic model EXC. V.G. FAIR 12000 9500 N/A

◼ FINNISH VALMET M62SA semi-automatic version of the M62 imported

for sale in the U.S. by Interarms. Offered in both

7.62x39mm and 5.56x45mm.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3000 2800 2300 900 750 500

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◼ FRENCH MAS 1949/56This model is a modifi cation of the Model 49. It is

fi tted with a 20.7” barrel. Principal modifi cation is

with NATO standard grenade launcher. A special

grenade sight is also fi tted. This model has pro-

visions to fi t a bayonet. Weight is about 8.5 lbs.

Many were imported in the 1990’s and are in unis-

sued condition.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 450 375 300 225 175

◼GERMAN MODEL G 41 RIFLE(M)First produced in 1941. Built by Mauser (code S42).

Not a successful design and very few of these rifl es

were produced. These are extremely rare rifl es to-

day. Chambered for the 7.92mm Mauser cartridge.

semi-automatic gas operated with rotating bolt. It

was full stocked with a 10 round box magazine.

Barrel length is 21.5” and weight is about 11 lbs.

The total produced of this model is estimated at

20,000 rifl es.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 9500 8000 6500 4000 1800

◼GERMAN MODEL G 41(W)Similar to the above model but designed by Wal-

ther and produced by “duv” (Berlin-Lubeck Ma-

chine Factory) in 1941. This rifl e was contracted

for 70,000 units in 1942 and 1943. Correct exam-

ples will command a premium price.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 7500 5000 4000 3000 1500

◼GERMAN MODEL G 43(W) (K43)An improved version of the G 41(W), introduced

in 1943, with a modifi ed gas system that was the

more typical gas and piston design. Built by Carl

Walther (code “ac”). Full stocked with full-length

handguard. Wood or plastic stock. Receiver has

a dovetail for telescope sight on the right side.

Barrel length is 22” and magazine capacity is 10

rounds. Weight is approximately 9.5 lbs. It is es-

timated that some 500,000 of these rifl es were

produced. Used by German sharpshooters dur-

ing World War II and also by the Czech army after


EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2000 1750 1000 800 500

◼GERMAN MODEL G 43(W) (K43) SNIPER RIFLEA G-43 or K-43 issued with a ZF-4 scope and


EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000

◼ FINNISH VALMET M71A different version of the M62 with solid plastic

butt and rear sight in front of chamber. Sheet metal

receiver. Chambered for the 7.62x39mm and the

5.56x45mm cartridges. Weight reduced to 8 lbs.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. FAIR 12000 9500 N/A

◼ FINNISH VALMET M71S NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1350 1000 850 650 450 300

◼ FINNISH VALMET M76This model has a number of fi xed or folding stock

options. It is fi tted with a 16.3” barrel and has a

magazine capacity of 15, 20, or 30 rounds. Its

rate of fi re is 700 rounds per minute. It is cham-

bered for the 7.62x39mm Soviet cartridge or the

5.56x45mm cartridge. Weight is approximately

8 lbs. Marked “valmet jyvakyla m78” on the

right side of the receiver. Produced from 1978

to 1986. There are a total of 10 variants of this


▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. FAIR 12000 9000 N/A

NOTE: For rifl es in 7.62x39mm caliber add a 20

percent premium. For rifl es chambered for .308

caliber deduct $2,500.

◼ FINNISH MODEL 78 (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)As above, in 7.62x51mm, 7.62x39mm, or .223

with a 24.5” heavy barrel, wood stock, and integral

bipod. Semi-automatic-only version.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1750 1350 1000 850 600 300

◼ FRENCH MAS 49Introduced in 1949, this model is a 7.5x54mm

gas-operated semi-automatic rifl e with a 22.6”

barrel and full-length walnut stock. It has a gre-

nade launcher built into the front sight. Fitted with

a 10 round magazine. No bayonet fi ttings. Weight

is about 9 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 600 500 425 275 225

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◼GERMAN MODEL FG 42 (FALLSCHIRMJAGER GEWEHR)This select fi re 7.92x57mm rifl e was adopted by the

Luftwaffe for its airborne troops. It was designed

to replace the rifl e, light machine gun, and sub-

machine gun. It incorporates a number of features

including: straight line stock and muzzle brake, re-

duced recoil mechanism, closed-bolt semi-auto-

matic fi re, and open-bolt full-auto fi re. Rate of fi re

is about 750 rounds per minute. It had a mid-barrel

bipod on early (1st Models, Type “E”) models and

front mounted barrel bipod on later (2nd Models,

Type “G”) models. Barrel attachment for pike-style

bayonet. First Models were fi tted with steel butt-

stocks, sharply raked pistol grips, and 2nd Models

with wooden stocks and more vertical pistol grips.

The 20 round magazine is left side mounted. Fitted

with a 21.5” barrel, the rifl e weighs about 9.5 lbs.

This breech mechanism was to be used years later

by the U.S. in its M60 machine gun.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 45000 35000 25000

NOTE: For rifl es fi tted with original German FG

42 scopes add between $5,000 and $10,000 de-

pending on model. Consult an expert prior to a


◼ HUNGARIAN AKM-63A close copy of the AKM but with plastic furniture.

Fitted with a vertical grip under the forend. Weighs

about 1/2 lb. less than the Russian AKM.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 18000 15000 13000

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic model EXC. V.G. FAIR 8000 7000 600

◼ HUNGARIAN AKM-63 SEMI-AUTOMATIC COPYThis semi-automatic version of the AKM-63 is in a

pre-ban (1994) confi guration.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1000 850 750 — —

NOTE: Add 20 percent for folding stock (AMD-65-


◼ HUNGARIAN AMD-65This model is an AKM-63 with a 12.5” barrel, two-

port muzzle brake, and a side folding metal butt.

Rate of fi re is about 600 rounds per minute. Weight

is approximately 7 lbs.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 25000 22500 20000

▶ Pre-1986 conversion of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 13000 11000

◼ HUNGARIAN NGMThis assault rifl e is the Hungarian version of the

AK-74 chambered for the 5.56x45mm cartridge.

Fitted with a 16.25” barrel. Magazine capacity is a

30 round box type. Rate of fi re is about 600 rounds

per minute. Weight is approximately 7 lbs.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

◼ IRAQI TABUKThis model is a copy of the Soviet AKM. An export

version was built in 5.56mm.


◼ ITALIAN BREDA MODEL PGChambered for the 7x57mm rimless cartridge,

this is a gas operated self-loading rifl e with an

18” barrel and 20 round detachable box maga-

zine. The particular rifl e was made by Beretta for

Costa Rica and is marked “GOBIERNO DE COSTA

RICA,” with the date 1935 and Roman numerals

XIII. Weight was about 11.5 lbs. Fitted for a Costa

Rican Mauser bayonet. Very rare. Price listed is the

author’s guess only. None found on the market.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

◼ ITALIAN BERETTA MODEL BM59-SELECT FIRE ASSAULT RIFLEThis select fi re rifl e closely resembles the U.S. M1

Garand rifl e. Chambered for the 7.62x51mm car-

tridge, it is fi tted with a 19” barrel and 20 round

magazine. It has a rate of fi re of 750 rounds per

minute. Weight is about 10 lbs. Marked “p beretta

bm59” on the top rear of the receiver. Produced

from 1961 to 1966. This rifl e did see service in the

Italian army. There are a number of variations to

this rifl e, including the BM59 Alpini with folding

stock short forearm and bipod for use by Alpine

troops, and the BM59 Parachutist Rifl e with 18”

barrel, folding stock, and detachable muzzle brake

(the Italians referred to it as a Tri-Comp).

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 8500 7000 5000

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. FAIR 5500 4250 N/A

▶ Italian Beretta AR70/.223 Select Fire

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Assault Rifl eChambered for the 5.56x45mm cartridge, this

select fi re rifl e was fi tted with a 17.5” barrel and

a 30 round magazine. Most were fi tted with a

solid buttstock while others were fi tted with a

folding stock. Weight was about 8.3 lbs. Marked

“p beretta ar 70/223 made in italy” on the left

side of the receiver. This rifl e was not widely ad-

opted. Produced from 1972 to 1980.

▶ Pre-1968 (Rare) EXC. V.G. FAIR 12000 8000 8000

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. FAIR 10000 7500 5000

◼ ITALIAN BERETTA SC 70 SELECT FIRE ASSAULT RIFLESimilar to the AR 70 and chambered for the

5.56x45mm cartridge. It feeds from a 30 round

magazine. The SC 70 has a folding stock and is

fi tted with a 17.5” barrel. Weight is about 8.8 lbs.

The SC 70 short carbine also has a folding stock

and is fi tted with a 13.7” barrel. Weight is about

8.3 lbs. Both of these rifl es are still in production

and used by the Italian army since approved for

service in 1990.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 12000 9500 8500

▶ Pre-1986 conversions of semi-automatic version EXC. V.G. FAIR 10000 8000 6500

◼ ITALIAN R-70A .223 caliber, semi-automatic rifl e with a 17.7”

barrel, adjustable diopter sights, and an 8- or 30-

shot magazine. Black epoxy fi nish with a synthetic

stock. Weight is approximately 8.3 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2500 2200 1900 1500 1000 —

◼ ITALIAN BM-59 STANDARD GRADEA gas-operated semi-automatic rifl e with detach-

able box magazine. Chambered for .308 cartridge.

Walnut stock. Barrel length is 19.3” with muzzle

brake. Magazine capacity is 5, 10, or 20 rounds.

Weight is about 9.5 lbs.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2200 1700 1200 700 400 —

◼ MEXICAN MODEL 1908 & MODEL 1915Firearms designed by Manuel Mondragon were

produced on an experimental basis fi rst at St.

Chamond Arsenal in France and later at SIG in

Neuhausen, Switzerland. The latter company was

responsible for the manufacture of the two known

production models: the Model 1908 and 1915.

The Model 1908 Mondragon semi-automatic rifl e

holds the distinction of being the fi rst self-loading

rifl e to be issued to any armed forces. Only about

400 of these rifl es were delivered to the Mexican

army in 1911 when the revolution broke out. The

rifl e was chambered for the 7x57mm Mauser

cartridge and featured a 24.5” barrel. It has an 8

round box magazine. Weight is about 9.5 lbs. SIG

had several thousand of these rifl es left after the

Mexicans were unable to take delivery. When WWI

got under way the Swiss fi rm sold the remain-

ing stocks to Germany. These rifl es were called

the Model 1915 and they were all identical to the

Model 1908 except for the addition of a 30 round

drum magazine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 7500 6000 4500 2750 1500

◼ NORTH KOREAN TYPE 58This model is a copy of the Soviet AK-47 solid re-

ceiver without the fi nger grooves on the forearm.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 20000 11000 8500

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 5500 5000 4500

◼ M NORTH KOREAN TYPE 68This is a copy of the Soviet AKM-S with lightening

holes drilled into the folding butt.


◼ POLISH KBKG MODEL 1960 OR PMK-DGM AND PMKMAll of these rifl es are copies of AK-47 variations.

Both the PMK and PMKM are sometimes equipped

with grenade launchers fi tted to the muzzle.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 30000 27500 25000

◼ ROMANIAN SKSA Romanian-manufactured version of the Russian

rifl e. Some were imported in the 1990s. Usually

found in well-used condition.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 400 350 275 200 150

◼ ROMANIAN AK-47 (SEMI-AUTOMATIC VERSION)Romanian copy of the Soviet AK-47. Current im-

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portation. Scope rail on left side of receiver. Has a

SVD type stock made from laminated wood.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 400 300 250 — —

◼ ROMANIAN AKMCopy of the Soviet AKM except for a noticeable

curved-front vertical foregrip formed as part of the


▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 8500 8000 7500

◼ ROMANIAN AKM-RThis is a compact version of the Soviet AKM with

an 8” barrel and side-folding metal butt. Maga-

zine capacity is 20 rounds. Chambered for the

7.62x39mm cartridge. Rate of fi re is about 600

rounds per minute. Weight is approximately 7 lbs.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 25000 20000 17500

◼ ROMANIAN AK-74Similar to the Soviet rifl e in 5.45x39mm. Current

importation. Scope rail on left side of receiver. Has

a SVD type stock made from laminated wood.

Also offered in 5.56mm/.223.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 400 300 250 — —

◼ SOVIET M1938 RIFLE (SVT)A 7.62x54Rmm caliber gas-operated semi-au-

tomatic or select fi re rifl e with a 24” barrel with

muzzle break and 10-shot magazine (15 rounds

in select fi re). Cleaning rod in stock. Blued with

a two-piece hardwood stock extending the full-

length of the rifl e. Upper handguard is 3/4 length

of barrel. Weight is about 8.5 lbs. Manufactured

from 1938 to 1940. Approximately 150,000 of

these rifl es were manufactured.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2000 1700 1200 750 500

NOTE: Add 300 percent for sniper variation with


◼ SOVIET M1940 RIFLE (SVT)An improved semi-automatic version of the M1938

with half stock and half-length slotted handguard

with a sheet metal handguard and muzzle brake.

Ten round magazine. Weight is about 8.5 lbs. Ap-

proximately 2,000,000 were produced.

CAUTION: All Tokarev SVT carbines (18.5” barrel)

encountered with “SA” (Finnish) markings were

altered to carbine confi guration by their importer

and have little collector value. It is believed that

few, perhaps 2,000, SVT 40 carbines were ever

made by the USSR.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 850 700 600 350 250

NOTE: Add 300 percent for Sniper variation with


◼ SOVIET SVD DRAGUNOV SNIPER RIFLEThis model, developed as a replacement for the

Mosin-Nagant Model 1891/30 Sniper rifl e, was in-

troduced in 1963. It is chambered for the 7.62x54R

cartridge. It is fi tted with a 24.5” barrel with prong-

style fl ash hider and has a skeleton stock with

cheek rest and slotted forearm. Semi-automatic

with an action closely resembling the AK series

of rifl es. A PSO-1 telescope sight with illuminated

reticle is supplied with the rifl e from the factory.

This sight is fi tted to each specifi c rifl e. Magazine

capacity is 10 rounds. Weight is about 9.5 lbs.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4000 3500 3000 — —

◼ SOVIET SIMONOV AVS-36First built in Russia in 1936, this rifl e is chambered

for the 7.62x54R Soviet cartridge. Fitted with a

24.3” barrel with muzzle brake and a 20 round

magazine. This automatic rifl e has a rate of fi re of

600 rounds per minute. It weighs 9.7 lbs. Produc-

tion ceased in 1938.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 10000 9000 8000

◼ SOVIET SIMONOV SKSIntroduced in 1946 this 7.62x39mm semi-au-

tomatic rifl e is fi tted with a 20.5” barrel and 10-

shot fi xed magazine. Blued with oil fi nished stock

and half-length upper handguard. It has a folding

blade-type bayonet that folds under the barrel and

forearm. Weight is about 8.5 lbs. This rifl e was the

standard service arm for most Eastern bloc coun-

tries prior to the adoption of the AK-47. This rifl e

was also made in Romania, East Germany, Yugo-

slavia, and China. Price listed if for Russian made

SKS only. See each country for other SKS pricing.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 400 325 275 225 150

◼ SOVIET AVTOMAT KALASHNIKOV AK-47Designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and fi rst pro-

duced in 1947, the Russian AK-47 is chambered

for the 7.62x39mm cartridge and operates on a

closed bolt principal. Select fi re. The standard

model is fi tted with a 16” barrel and a fi xed beech

or birch stock. Early rifl es have no bayonet fi ttings.

Magazine capacity is 30 rounds. Rate of fi re is 700

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rounds per minute. Rear sight is graduated to 800

meters. The bolt and carrier are bright steel. Weight

is 9.5 lbs. Markings are located on top rear of re-

ceiver. This model was the fi rst line rifl e for Warsaw

Pact. The most widely used assault rifl e in the world

and still in extensive use throughout the world.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 33000 30000 28000

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 13000 11000

◼ SOVIET AK-SA variation of the AK rifl e is the AK-S. Introduced

in 1950, this rifl e features a folding steel buttstock

which rests under the receiver.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 33000 30000 28000

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 13000 11000

◼ SOVIET AKMThis variation of the AK-47, introduced in 1959,

can be characterized by a small indentation on

the receiver above the magazine. Pressed steel

receiver with a parkerized bolt and carrier. Lami-

nated wood furniture and plastic grips. The forend

on the AKM is a beavertail-style. The rear sight is

graduated to 1,000 meters. Barrel length and rate

of fi re was the same as the AK-47 rifl e. Several

other internal production changes were made as

well. Model number is located on the top rear of

the receiver. Weight is approximately 8.5 lbs.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 38000 36000 34000

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 13000 11000

◼ SOVIET AKM-SIn 1960 the AKM-S was introduced which featured

a steel folding buttstock as seen on the AK-S.

Weight is approximately 8 lbs.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR 38000 36000 34000

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 13000 11000

◼ SOVIET AK-74 ASSAULT RIFLESimilar to the AK-47 but chambered for the

5.45x39mm cartridge. Magazine capacity is 30

rounds. Barrel length is 16.35”. Select fi re with

semi-auto, full auto, and 3-shot burst. Weight is

about 8.9 lbs. Rate of fi re is approximately 650 to

700 rounds per minute.

NOTE: There are no known original Soviet trans-

ferable examples in the U.S. Prices below are for

pre-1986 conversions only using AKM receiver

and original parts.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 15000 13000 11000

▶ Soviet AK-74 (Semi-automatic only)Introduced in 1974, this rifl e is chambered for

a smaller caliber, the 5.45x39.5mm, than the

original AK-47 series. It is fi tted with a 16” barrel

with muzzle brake and has a 30 round plastic

magazine. The buttstock is wooden. Weight is

approximately 8.5 lbs.

In 1974 a folding stock version was called the

AKS-74, and in 1980 a reduced caliber version

of the AKM-SU called the AK-74-SU was intro-

duced. No original military AK-74s are known to

exist in this country.


◼ SWEDISH LJUNGMAN AG-42BDesigned by Eril Eklund and placed in service with

the Swedish military in 1942—less than a year af-

ter it was designed. The rifl e is a direct gas-oper-

ated design with no piston or rod. It is chambered

for the 6.5mm cartridge and has a 24.5” barrel

with a 10 round detachable magazine. This rifl e

has military-type sights and a full-length stock and

handguard held on by barrel bands. Rear sight is

graduated from 100 to 700 meters. There are pro-

visions for a bayonet. There is also an Egyptian

version of this rifl e known as the “Hakim.” The U.S.

AR-15 rifl es use the same type of gas system.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 750 600 500 350 250

◼ SWISS SIG AMTThis is a semi-automatic rifl e chambered for the

7.62 NATO cartridge. Fitted with a 19” barrel and

wooden buttstock and forearm. Folding bipod stan-

dard. Box magazine capacity is 5, 10, or 20 rounds.

Weight is about 10 lbs. Built from 1960 to 1974.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4500 3850 3250 2500 1500 1000

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◼ SWISS SIG PE57Similar to the above but chambered for the 7.5x55

Swiss cartridge.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4500 4100 3500 2700 1700 1300

◼ SWISS BERN STG 51 ASSAULT RIFLEDeveloped after the end of World War II; the Swiss

wanted their own version of a true assault rifl e.

Waffenfabrik Bern was one of the companies in-

volved in this project. The result was the Stg 51

fi rst built in 1951. This rifl e was chambered for

the 7.5mm short cartridge, a special cartridge

made specifi cally for this rifl e and no longer pro-

duced. The rifl e is select fi re and does so in both

models in closed-bolt position. A 30 round box

magazine supplies the gun that has a rate of fi re

of about 800 rounds per minute. The barrel is

22.5” in length and is fi tted with a muzzle brake/

fl ash suppressor. A mid-barrel bipod is fi tted just

ahead of the forend. Weight is approximately

10.5 lbs.

A second model of this rifl e was also produced

with internal modifi cations and some small exter-

nal differences. Both models were issued to the

Swiss army, most likely on a trial basis. Extremely


NOTE: The fi rst model of this rifl e will interchange

some parts with the German FG 42. The second

model will interchange all of its parts with the Ger-

man FG 42.

▶ Bern Stg 51 (First Model)PRE-1968

EXC. V.G. FAIR 75000+ — —

▶ Bern Stg 51 (Second Model)PRE-1968

EXC. V.G. FAIR 75000+ — —

◼ SWISS BERN STG 54 (STURMGEWEHR W+F 1954)Introduced in 1954 and chambered for the 7.5mm

cartridge, this assault rifl e is fi tted with a 28.4” bar-

rel including muzzle brake. Weight is approximately

11 lbs. Rate of fi re is about 800 rounds per minute.

Select fi re. Magazine capacity is 30 rounds. Fitted

with a bipod. This was an experimental model and

it was produced in a number of different variants.

Extremely rare.

▶ Pre-1968Too Rare To Price.

◼ SWISS SIG STGW 57 ASSAULT RIFLEThis rifl e is a select fi re chambered for the

7.5x55mm Swiss cartridge. Barrel length is 23”.

Box magazine capacity is 24 rounds. Weight is

about 12.25 lbs. Adopted by the Swiss army with

about 600,000 of these rifl es produced between

1957 and 1983. It is based on the German StG

45. The rifl e has a pressed steel receiver, folding

bipod, wood butt, barrel jacket, and carry han-

dle. The muzzle is designed to act as a grenade

launcher and compensator. As with all standard

issue Swiss military rifl es, this rifl e will remain in

service for the lifetime of the soldier.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 22000 20000 18000

◼ SWISS SIG 550This semi-automatic rifl e is chambered for .223

cartridge and fi tted with an 18” barrel.

NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 9000 7000 5500 3000 — —

◼ SIG 551▶ Same as above but fi tted with a 16"

barrel. NIB EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 9500 7500 6500 4000 — —

◼ SWISS SIG SG510-4There are actually four different versions of this

rifl e. This version fi res the 7.62x51mm cartridge

and is fi tted with a 19.7" barrel. A military version,

adopted by the Swiss army, is called the Stgw

57(510-1). Magazine capacity is 20 rounds. Weight

is 9.3 lbs. Rate of fi re is 600 rounds per minute.

Produced from 1957 to 1983. Markings are on left

rear of receiver.

▶ Pre-1968 (Rare) EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ Pre-1986 manufacture with new receiver or re-weld EXC. V.G. FAIR 20000 18000 16000

◼ SWISS SIG 530-1This rifl e is a scaled-down version of the Stgw 57

assault rifl e chambered for the 5.56x45mm car-

tridge. Operated by a gas piston system instead

of a delayed blowback operation. Receiver is

pressed steel with synthetic butt and forend. Bar-

rel is 18” in length with compensator and grenade

launcher rings. Magazine capacity is 30 rounds.

Weight is about 7.5 lbs. Rate of fi re is 600 rounds

per minute. There is also a folding stock version

of this rifl e.

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▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

◼ SWISS SIG SG540Designed by the Swiss (SIG) and built in Switzer-

land, and also built in France by Manurhin begin-

ning in 1977. This 5.56x45mm rifl e is in service by

a number of African and South American coun-

tries. It is fi tted with an 18” barrel, 20- or 30 round

magazine and has a rate of fi re of 800 rounds per

minute. It is fi tted with a fi xed stock. Its weight is

7.8 lbs. Marked “manurhin france sg54x” on right

side of receiver. This rifl e is still in production.

There are also two other variants called the SG542

and SG543.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

◼ U. S. M1 CARBINEIntroduced in 1941, this is a semi-automatic, gas

operated carbine with a 18” barrel and a maga-

zine capacity of 15 or 30 rounds. Half stocked with

upper handguard and single barrel band. Bayonet

bar located on barrel. Flip up rear sight. Later pro-

duction has an adjustable sight. Chambered for

the .30 U.S. Carbine cartridge. Weight is about

5.25 lbs. Widely used by U.S. military forces dur-

ing World War II.

NOTE: Prices are for carbines in World War II fac-

tory original confi guration. Any M1 Carbine with

the earliest features such as “I” oiler cut stock, high

wood, fl ip rear sight, and narrow barrel band will

bring more than the later variations. Very few M-1

carbines survived the last sixty years with all the

original parts. Carbine parts bear unique makers

codes. Records were kept that state which coded

parts were installed on which makers guns. The

information on these codes is available from sev-

eral sources, including the book listed above. It is

common for “matching” carbines to be assembled

using the correctly marked parts. It will be up to

the buyer to decide weather a “restored” M-1

carbine has the same value as an original speci-

men. It is frequently impossible to tell if a gun has

been re-built using the correct parts or is originally


▶ Inland EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1500 1200 600 425 350

▶ UnderwoodEarly Underwood cartouche with large square

box with WRA over GHD.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1600 1250 600 425 350

▶ S.G. Saginaw EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1800 1300 600 425 350

▶ IBM EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1800 1100 600 425 350

▶ Quality Hardware EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1700 1100 600 425 350

▶ National Postal Meter EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1800 1100 600 425 350

▶ Standard Products EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1900 1200 650 450 375

▶ Rockola EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2000 1400 700 450 375

▶ Winchester EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2500 1800 900 450 375

▶ Irwin Pedersen-Rare EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4000 2200 950 650 500

◼ U. S. REBUILT M1 CARBINE, ANY MANUFACTUREMany M-1 carbines offered for sale should be con-

sidered to be rebuilt and may have mixed parts

from any of the manufacturers. This would be con-

sidered a “shooter” by most collectors. This cat-

egory includes any M-1 carbine that has an import

marked barrel. Several thousand carbines were

imported from Korea in the late 1980’s. These are

US. made guns that we gave them during the cold

war, they were not made in Korea. Other batches

of carbines have been imported from West Ger-

many, Israel and other nations. All post 1986 im-

ports will have an importer stamp on the barrel or

receiver. The most common are Blue Sky Produc-

tions and Arlington Ordnance. There is no longer

a major price difference with the import marked

rifl es, as this model is so much in demand. Bore

condition is the main factor to consider when ex-

amining an rebuilt carbine.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 700 575 450 350 N/A

◼ U. S. M1 CARBINE SNIPER (T-3)This is an M1 carbine with a M84 scope mounted

with forward vertical grip. Used in Korea.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1500 1000 800 500 350

◼ U.S. M1A1 PARATROOPER MODELThe standard U.S. M1 Carbine fi tted with a folding

stock. Approximately 110,000 were manufactured

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by Inland between 1942 and 1945. Weight is about

5.8 lbs. There are three variations of this carbine.

▶ Variation IEarliest variation with fl ip rear sight, narrow bar-

rel band, and high wood. These were produced

in late 1942 and 1943. Carbines in original con-

dition are very rare.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4500 3500 2250 — —

▶ Variation IIManufactured in 1944 with no bayonet lug and

low wood.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3500 2500 1250 — —

▶ Variation IIIManufactured in late 1944 and 1945 with bayo-

net lug.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3000 2400 1200 — —

NOTE: Original jump cases sell for between $150

and $300.

▶ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) REBUILT RIFLE, ANY MANUFACTUREMany of the M-1 Garands seen on the market to-

day fi t into this category. Value shown is for rifl es

with a majority of its parts mixed/replaced. De-

pending on the type of rebuilding that a rifl e went

through, rifl es could be completely disassembled

with no attempt to put parts together for the same

rifl e. Valued mainly for shooting merits. Bore con-

dition, gauging and overall appearance are impor-

tant factors.

NOTE: There were some M-1 Garands imported

from Korea in the 1990’s. These will be import

stamped on the barrel. Most are Blue Sky Produc-

tions or Arlington Ordnance. These import marked

rifl es fi t in the rebuilt category. There is no longer

a major price difference with the import marked

rifl es, as this model is so much in demand. Bore

condition is the main factor to consider when ex-

amining an imported rifl e.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 900 750 500

NOTE: Rifl es built by Winchester will bring a small


◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) CMP OR DCM RIFLESThe Civilian Marksmanship Program, formerly

known as Director of Civilian Marksmanship, is op-

erated by the U.S. government to promote shoot-

ing skills. It sells surplus rifl es to qualifi ed buyers.

CMP M-1 Garands are offered in several grades,

currently including some rifl es that were used and

rebarreled by Denmark. The Danish rifl es have

a crown mark on the barrel. These rifl es should

have the correct paperwork and shipping boxes

to receive the prices listed. Contact the CMP for

current pricing, availability and requirements for

purchase. Web site:

EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 800 600

◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) NAVY TROPHY RIFLESThe Navy continued to use the M1 rifl e as its main

rifl e far into the 1960s. They were modifi ed to shoot

the 7.62x51 NATO (.308 Winchester) round. This

was accomplished at fi rst with a chamber insert,

and later with new replacement barrels in the NATO

caliber. The Navy modifi ed rifl es can be found of

any manufacture, and in any serial number range.

As a general rule, Navy rifl es with new barrels are

worth more due to their better shooting capabilities.

Paperwork and original boxes must accompany

these rifl es to obtain the values listed.

▶ U.S.N. Crane Depot rebuild EXC. V.G. GOOD 1800 1000 900

▶ AMF rebuild EXC. V.G. GOOD 1150 1000 900

▶ H&R rebuild EXC. V.G. GOOD 1000 900 800

▶ Springfi eld Armory Production EXC. V.G. GOOD 1250 1000 900

◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) GAS TRAP SN: C. 81-52000Values shown for original rifl es. Most all were up-

dated to gas port confi guration. Look out for re-

productions being offered as original rifl es! Get a

professional appraisal before purchasing.

EXC. V.G. GOOD 40000 35000 25000

▶ Gas Trap/modifi ed to gas portThese rifl es should have many of their early

parts. Must be original modifi cations and not


EXC. V.G. GOOD 5000 3500 2500

▶ Pre-Dec. 7, 1941 gas port production sn: ca 50000-Appx. 410000 EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4000 2200 1300 750 650

NOTE: Rifl es built in 1940 in excellent and origi-

nal condition will bring a premium of $1,500+.


▶ SA/GHS Cartouche

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EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3500 1500 900 750 500

▶ U. S. M1 Rifl e (Garand) SA/EMF Cartouche EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3200 1500 900 750 500

▶ U. S. M1 Rifl e (Garand) SA/GAW Cartouche EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3100 1500 900 750 500

▶ U. S. M1 Rifl e (Garand) SA/NFR Cartouche EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2900 1200 900 750 500

◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) POST WWII PRODUCTION SN: C. 4200000-6099361▶ SA/GHS Cartouche

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2800 1200 650 500 400

▶ National Defense Stamp EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2500 1000 650 500 400

▶ Very Late 6000000 sn EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2500 1000 650 500 400

◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) WINCHESTER PRODUCTIONWinchester produced around 513,000 M1 rifl es

during WWII. Their fi rst contract was an educa-

tional order in 1939. This contract was for 500

rifl es and the gauges and fi xtures to produce the

rifl es. Winchester’s second contract was awarded

during 1939 for up to 65,000 rifl es. Winchester

M1’s are typifi ed by noticeable machine marks

on their parts, and did not have the higher grade

fi nish that is found on Springfi eld Armory produc-

tion. Watch for fake barrels, and barrels marked

“Winchester” which were produced in the 1960s

as replacement barrels.

▶ Winchester Educational Contract sn: 100000-100500 EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 10000 6000 4500 3000 2000

▶ Winchester sn: 100501-165000Rifl es of this serial number range were produced

from Jan. 1941 until May 1942.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 6500 4500 2000 1500 750

▶ Winchester sn: 1200000-1380000Rifl es in this serial number range were produced

from May 1942 until Aug. 1943.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 4500 2500 1800 1000 750

NOTE: Add a premium of $1,000 for earlier ri-

fl es.

▶ Winchester sn: 2305850-2536493Rifl es in this serial number range were produced

from Aug. 1943 until Jan. 1945.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3000 2000 1250 900 550

NOTE: Add a premium of $500 for earlier rifl es.

▶ Winchester sn: 1601150-1640000Rifl es in this serial number range were produced

from Jan. 1945, until June 1945. These are often

referred to as “Win-13’s” because of the revi-

sion number of the right front receiver leg.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3500 2500 2000 1500 850

◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE (GARAND) HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON PRODUCTIONBetween 1953 and 1956, Harrington & Richardson

produced around 428,000 M1 rifl es.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 1800 1200 900 500 350


Between 1953 and 1956, International Harvester

produced around 337,000 M1 rifl es. International

at several different times during their production

purchased receivers from both Harrington & Rich-

ardson and Springfi eld Armory. Always check for

Springfi eld Armory heat lots on the right front re-

ceiver leg.

▶ International Harvester Production EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2200 1500 800 450 350

▶ International Harvester/with Springfi eld Receiver (postage stamp) EXC. V.G. GOOD 2800 1500 900

▶ International Harvester/with Springfi eld Receiver (arrow head) EXC. V.G. GOOD 2800 1500 1000

▶ International Harvester/with Springfi eld Receiver (Gap letter) EXC. V.G. GOOD 2500 1300 900

▶ International Harvester/with Harrington & Richardson Receiver EXC. V.G. GOOD 1900 1200 850

◼ U. S. M1 RIFLE BRITISH GARANDS (LEND LEASE)In 1941 and 1942, the U.S. sent a total of 38,000

M1 Garands to England under the Lend Lease

program. These rifl es were painted with a red

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band around the front of the handguard with the

numerals “30” or “300” in black. The buttstock is

stamped with a U.S. Ordnance cartouche and the

initials “GHS” under “SA.” Most known examples

are found in the serial number range 3000000 to

600000. When these rifl es were sold and imported

back into the U.S., they were stamped with either

London or Birmingham proof stamps.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2250 2000 1500 1000 750

◼ M1 GARAND CUTAWAYUsed by factories and military armorers to facili-

tate training.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 3000 2500 1000 600 500

NOTE: For examples with documentation add 300


◼ YUGOSLAVIAN MODEL 59This is an exact copy of the Russian SKS made

under licence in Yugoslavia by Zastava. Only the

markings are different.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 350 250 150 125 100

◼ YUGOSLAVIAN MODEL 59/66This is a Yugoslavian copy of the Soviet SKS rifl e.

The major difference between the two is a gas

shut-off valve on the gas cylinder and an integral

grenade launcher fi tted to the barrel. Recently im-

ported by the thousands.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 300 200 150 125 100

◼ YUGOSLAVIAN MODEL 64This is a Yugoslavian copy of the Soviet AK-47, but

with a 19.7” barrel with built-in grenade launcher

sights that pivots on the barrel.

▶ Pre-1968t EXC. V.G. FAIR 16000 14000 12000

NOTE: Add 20 percent for folding stock.

◼ YUGOSLAVIAN ZASTAVA M70B1This Yugoslavian copy of the AK-47 rifl e was

fi rst produced in 1974. It is chambered for the

7.62x39mm cartridge and is fi tted with a 16.2”

barrel. Its rate of fi re is 650 rounds per minute.

Weight is about 8 lbs. This model features a fold-

ing grenade sight behind the front sight. When

raised, it cuts off the gas supply to the cylinder

redirecting it to the launcher. This is the standard

Yugoslav service rifl e. Still in production.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

▶ M70B1 (Semi-automatic version) EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2350 2150 1850 900 500

◼ YUGOSLAVIAN M76 SNIPING RIFLEThis is a copy of a Soviet AKM with a 21.5” bar-

rel and wooden butt. The rifl e is fi tted with iron

sights and a telescope mount. Semi-automatic

operation. Chambered for the 8x57mm cartridge.

Weight is about 9.5 lbs. Prices listed below are for

rifl es with correct matching military scope.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2500 2000 1500 — —

NOTE: For rifl es without scope deduct $1,500. For

rifl es with commercial scopes but marked M76B

deduct $1,000. For rifl es in .308 caliber without

scope deduct 70 percent.

◼ YUGOSLAVIAN M77B1 (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)Copy of the Soviet AKM with a fi xed wooden butt,

straight 20 round magazine, and 16.4” barrel.

Weight is about 8.5 lbs. Prices listed are for semi-

automatic version.

EXC. V.G. GOOD FAIR POOR 2250 1650 1100 800 300

◼ YUGOSLAVIAN M77 B1 ASSAULT RIFLECopy of the Soviet AKM with a fi xed wooden butt,

straight 20 round magazine, and 16.4” barrel. Rate

of fi re is about 700 rounds per minute. There are

examples in this country chambered for .308 and

.223. Weight is about 8.5 lbs.

NOTE: For rifl es chambered for .223 add 75 per-

cent premium.

▶ Pre-1968 EXC. V.G. FAIR N/A N/A N/A

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Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons - [PDF Document] (306)

Arm yourself with expert advice! In Gun Digest® Buyer’s Guide

to Assault Weapons, Editor Phillip Peterson provides valuable, hard-to-fi nd data on military-styled semi-automatic fi rearms, popularly known as assault weapons, to assist you in making your assault weapon purchase.

Features include:• Details about receivers,

muzzle brakes, grips, calibers, barrels, fi nishes, stocks, magazines and available options

• Easy-to-use layout, arranged by manufacturer• Color and black and white photographs to aid in identifi cation• Up-to-date values given for various condition grades

It’s all here: the guns – the prices – the cartridges – the law. From obscure models from the 1960s to today’s hottest off erings from America’s largest manufacturers, you’ll fi nd it in Gun Digest® Buyer’s Guide to Assault Weapons!

About the AuthorPhillip Peterson, a federally-licensed fi rearms dealer, is Editor of Krause Publications’ best-selling Standard Catalog of ® Military Firearms and a featured contributor to Gun Digest® the Magazine.

Your One-Stop Guide toAmerica’s Hottest Firearms!

Phillip Peterson

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