Free Vizio E321MV User Manual PDF | Manualsnet (2025)

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Free Vizio E321MV User Manual PDF | Manualsnet (2)

Vizio ManualVizio TV ManualVizio E321MV ManualVizio TV User Manual




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Summary of Content for Vizio E321MV TV User Manual PDF

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E321MV user manual


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Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby


This product qualifies for ENERGY STAR in the factory default setting and this is the setting in which power savings will be achieved. Changing the factory default picture settings or enabling other features will increase power consumption that could exceed the limits necessary

to qualify for ENERGY STAR rating.

SRS TruSurround HD and SRS TruVolume are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc. TruSurround HD and TruVolume technologies are incorporated under license from SRS

Labs, Inc.

HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI

Licensing LLC.

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Thank You for Choosing VIZIO

And congratulations on your new VIZIO HDTV.

To get the most out of your new VIZIO product, read these instructions before using your product and retain them for future reference. Be sure to inspect the package contents to ensure there are no missing or damaged parts.

Product Registration To purchase or inquire about accessories and installation services for your VIZIO product, visit our website at or call toll free at 1-888-849-4623.

We recommend that you either:


Extended Warranties For peace of mind, and to protect your investment beyond the standard warranty, VIZIO offers on-site extended warranty service plans. These plans provide additional coverage during the standard warranty period. To purchase an extended warranty service plan, visit

When Reading this Manual

When you see this symbol, please read the accompanying important warning or notice. It is intended to alert you to the presence of important operating instructions.

When you see this symbol, please read the accompanying helpful tip.

My Product Information

Enter your product information here for easy reference:




VIZIO recommends you attach your sales receipt to this manual for safekeeping.


Page 4




WhenmovingyourTVfromanareaoflowtemperaturetoanareaof hightemperature,condensationmayforminthehousing.Waitbefore turningonyourTVtoavoidcausingfire,electricshock,orcomponent damage.

AdistanceofatleastthreefeetshouldbemaintainedbetweenyourTV andanyheatsource,suchasaradiator,heater,oven,amplifieretc.Do notinstallyourTVclosetosmoke.OperatingyourTVclosetosmoke ormoisturemaycausefireorelectricshock.

Slotsandopeningsinthebackandbottomofthecabinetareprovided forventilation.ToensurereliableoperationofyourTVandtoprotectit fromoverheating,besuretheseopeningsarenotblockedorcovered. DonotplaceyourTVinabookcaseorcabinetunlessproperventilation isprovided.

NeverpushanyobjectintotheslotsandopeningsonyourTVcabinet. DonotplaceanyobjectsonthetopofyourTV.Doingsocouldshort circuitpartscausingafireorelectricshock.Neverspillliquidsonyour TV.

YourTVshouldbeoperatedonlyfromthetypeofpowersource indicatedonthelabel.Ifyouarenotsureofthetypeofpowersupplied toyourhome,consultyourdealerorlocalpowercompany.

DonotapplypressureorthrowobjectsatyourTV.Thismay compromisetheintegrityofthedisplay.Themanufacturerswarranty doesnotcoveruserabuseorimproperinstallations.

Thepowercordmustbereplacedwhenusingdifferentvoltagethanthe voltagespecified.Formoreinformation,contactyourdealer.

YourTVisequippedwithathree-prongedgroundedplug(aplugwith athirdgroundingpin).Thisplugwillfitonlyintoagroundedpower outlet.Thisisasafetyfeature.Ifyouroutletdoesnotaccommodatethe three-pronged,haveanelectricianinstallthecorrectoutlet,orusean adaptertogroundyourTVsafely.Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeof thegroundedplug.

Whenconnectedtoapoweroutlet,powerisalwaysflowingintoyour TV.Tototallydisconnectpower,unplugthepowercord.

Thelightningflashwitharrowheadsymbolwithinanequilateraltriangle isintendedtoalerttheusertothepresenceofun-isolated,dangerous voltagewithintheinsideofyourTVthatmaybeofsufficientmagnitude toconstituteariskofelectricshocktopersons.

Important Safety Instructions

Your DTV is designed and manufactured to operate within defined design limits. Misuse may result in electric shock or fire. To prevent your TV from being damaged, the following instructions should be observed for the installation, use, and maintenance of your TV. Read the following safety instructions before operating your TV. Keep these instructions in a safe place for future reference.

Toreducetheriskofelectricshockorcomponentdamage,switchoff thepowerbeforeconnectingothercomponentstoyourTV.







Donotblockanyventilationopenings.Installinaccordancewiththe manufacturersinstructions.

Donotinstallnearanyheatsourcessuchasradiators,heatregisters, stoves,orotherapparatus(includingamplifiers)thatproduceheat.

Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeofthepolarizedorgrounding-type plug.Apolarizedplughastwobladesandathirdgroundingprong. Thewidebladeorthethirdprongareprovidedforyoursafety.Ifthe providedplugdoesnotfitintoyouroutlet,consultanelectricianfor replacementoftheobsoleteoutlet.

Protectthepowercordfrombeingwalkedonorpinched,particularlyat plugs,conveniencereceptacles,andthepointwheretheyexitfromthe apparatus.


Useonlywith thecart,stand, tripod,bracket,or table specifiedbythemanufacturer,orsoldwiththeapparatus. Whenacartisused,usecautionwhenmovingthecart/ apparatuscombinationtoavoidinjuryfromtip-over.

Unplugthisapparatusduringlightningstormsorwhenunusedforlong periodsoftime.

Referallservicingtoqualifiedservicepersonnel.Servicingisrequired whentheapparatushasbeendamagedinanyway,suchaswhen thepower-supplycordorplugisdamaged,liquidhasbeenspilledor objectshavefallenintotheapparatus,theapparatushasbeenexposed

Page 5


Donotoverloadpowerstripsandextensioncords.Overloadingcan resultinfireorelectricshock.


OnlypowerofthemarkedvoltagecanbeusedforyourTV.Anyother voltagethanthespecifiedvoltagemaycausefireorelectricshock.

Donottouchthepowercordduringlightning.Toavoidelectricshock, avoidhandlingthepowercordduringelectricalstorms.

UnplugyourTVduringalightningstormorwhenitwillnotbeused forlongperiodoftime.ThiswillprotectyourTVfromdamagedueto powersurges.

DonotattempttorepairorserviceyourTVyourself.Openingor removingthebackcovermayexposeyoutohighvoltages,electric shock,andotherhazards.Ifrepairisrequired,contactyourdealerand referallservicingtoqualifiedservicepersonnel.

WARNING:KeepyourTVawayfrommoisture.DonotexposeyourTV torainormoisture.IfwaterpenetratesintoyourTV,unplugthepower cordandcontactyourdealer.Continuoususeinthiscasemayresultin fireorelectricshock.

DonotuseyourTVifanyabnormalityoccurs.Ifanysmokeorodor becomesapparent,unplugthepowercordandcontactyourdealer immediately.DonottrytorepairyourTVyourself.

Avoidusingdroppedordamagedappliances.IfyourTVisdropped andthehousingisdamaged,theinternalcomponentsmayfunction abnormally.Unplugthepowercordimmediatelyandcontactyour dealerforrepair.ContinueduseofyourTVmaycausefireorelectric shock.

DonotinstallyourTVinanareawithheavydustorhighhumidity. OperatingyourTVinenvironmentswithheavydustorhighhumidity maycausefireorelectricshock.

FollowinstructionsformovingyourTV.Ensurethatthepowercordand anyothercablesareunpluggedbeforemovingyourTV.

WhenunpluggingyourTV,holdtheAC/DCpoweradapter,notthe cord.Pullingonthepowercordmaydamagethewiresinsidethecord andcausefireorelectricshock.WhenyourTVwillnotbeusedforan extendedperiodoftime,unplugthepowercord.

Toreduceriskofelectricshock,donottouchtheconnectorwithwet hands.


causethebatteriestoleakwhichcandamagetheremotecontrolor injuretheoperator.Donotexposebatteriestoexcessiveheatsuchas sunshine,fireorthelike.

Ifanyofthefollowingoccurs,contactthedealer: -Thepowercordfailsorfrays. -LiquidspraysoranyobjectdropsintoyourTV. -YourTVisexposedtorainorothermoisture. -YourTVisdroppedordamagedinanyway. -TheperformanceofyourTVchangessubstantially.

Thisapparatusshallnotbeexposedtodrippingorsplashingand noobjectsfillwithliquids,suchasvases,shallbeplacedonthe apparatus.

Themainsplugorappliancecouplerisusedasthedisconnectdevice, thedisconnectdeviceshallremainreadilyoperable.

CAUTION-Theseservicinginstructionsareforusebyqualifiedservice personnelonly.Toreducetheriskofelectricshock,donotperformany servicingotherthanthatcontainedintheoperatinginstructionsunless youarequalifiedtodoso.

The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated DANGEROUS VOLTAGE within the products enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electrical shock to persons.


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Television Antenna Connection Protection

If an outside antenna/satellite dish or cable system is to be connected to the TV, make sure that the antenna or cable system is electrically grounded to provide some protection against voltage surges and static charges.

Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPSA 70, provides information with regard to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size of the grounding conductors, location of antenna discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements of the grounding electrode.

Lightning Protection For added protection of the TV during a lightning storm or when it is left unattended or unused for long periods of time, unplug the TV from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system.

Power Lines Do not locate the antenna near overhead light or power circuits, or where it could fall into such power lines or circuits. Remember, the screen of the coaxial cable is intended to be connected to earth in the building installation.

DTV Transition Advisory

The nationwide switch to digital television broadcasting was complete on June 12, 2009. Analog-only television sets that receive TV programming through an antenna now need a converter box to continue to receive over-the-air TV. Watch your local stations to find out when they will turn off their analog signal and switch to digital-only broadcasting. Analog-only TVs should continue to work as before to receive low power, Class A or translator television stations and with cable and satellite TV services, gaming consoles, VCRs, DVD players, and similar products.

For additional information, please contact the parties listed below, as appropriate:

FCC (US Federal Communications Commission) Web:

Phone: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)

TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322)

Fax: 1-866-418-0232


NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration) Web:

Phone: 1-888-DTV-2009 (1-888-388-2009)

List of US Television Stations:

Your TV comes with a built-in tuner capable of processing digital broadcasts. No extra converter box is needed.

Ground Clamp Antenna Lead In Wire

Antenna Discharge Unit (NEC Section 810-20)

Grounding Conductors (NEC Section 810-21)

Ground Clamps

Power Service Grounding Electrode System (NEC ART 250, part H)Electric Service Equipment

Page 7

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .....................................................................7

Installing the TV .......................................................................1 Inspecting the Package Contents ........................................................... 1

Installing the TV ....................................................................................... 1

Installing the TV Stand ......................................................................... 1

Installing the TV on a Wall .................................................................... 2

Controls and Connections ........................................................4 Rear Panel ............................................................................................... 4

Right Side Panel ...................................................................................... 5

Front Panel .............................................................................................. 5

Remote Control ....................................................................................... 6

Replacing the Batteries ........................................................................ 7

Connecting Your Devices ..........................................................8 Before You Begin .................................................................................... 8

Connecting Your Devices ........................................................................ 8

Completing the First-Time Setup ..............................................10

Adjusting the TV Settings .........................................................11 Navigating the On-Screen Menu ............................................................. 11

Changing the Input Source ..................................................................... 11

Customizing Input Names ................................................................... 12

Setting Up Channels ............................................................................... 12

Changing the Signal Source ................................................................ 13

Scanning for Channels ......................................................................... 13

Scanning for New or Additional Channels ........................................... 14

Removing Channels from the Master List ............................................ 14

Changing the Audio Language ............................................................ 15

Customizing Channel Names .............................................................. 15

Changing the On-Screen Menu Language ............................................. 16

Setting the TVs Date and Time ............................................................... 16

Setting the Time Zone .......................................................................... 16

Adjusting the Time for Daylight Savings .............................................. 17

Enabling or Disabling Automatic Date and Time Updates................... 17

Setting the Date and Time ................................................................... 17

Adjusting the TV Settings for Use with A PC .......................................... 18

Turning the VIZIO Light On or Off ............................................................ 18

Using the Other Menu Settings .................................................19 Navigating the On-Screen Menu ............................................................. 19

Setting the Sleep Timer ........................................................................... 19

Viewing a USB Photo Slideshow ............................................................ 20

Using the Photo Menu ......................................................................... 20

Using the Modify Photo Menu ............................................................. 21

Setting the Screen Aspect Ratio ............................................................. 21

Screen Aspect Ratio Table ................................................................... 22

Adjusting the Audio Settings ................................................................... 23

Enabling or Disabling SRS TruSurround HD ........................................ 23

Enabling or Disabling SRS TruVolume ................................................. 23

Adjusting the Equalizer Settings .......................................................... 23

Adjusting the Speaker Balance ............................................................ 24

Enabling or Disabling the Built-In Speakers ........................................ 24

Selecting the Digital Output Mode ....................................................... 24

Adjusting Bass and Treble Levels ........................................................ 25

Resetting the Audio Settngs ................................................................ 25

Adjusting the Picture Settings ................................................................. 25

Enabling or Disabling the Ambient Light Sensor ................................. 25

Changing the Picture Mode ................................................................. 26

Adjusting the Noise Reduction Setting ................................................ 26

Adjusting the Color Temperature ......................................................... 27

Enabling or Disabling Color Enhancement .......................................... 27

Enabling or Disabling Adaptive Luma .................................................. 27

Enabling or Disabling DCR (Dynamic Contrast Ratio) ......................... 28

Page 8


Resetting the Picture Settings ............................................................. 28

Using the Parental Controls .................................................................... 28

Accessing the Parental Controls Menu ................................................ 28

Locking and Unlocking Channels ........................................................ 29

Blocking and Unblocking Content by Rating ....................................... 29

Setting the TV Button Locks ................................................................ 30

Changing the Parental Control Passcode ............................................ 30

Resetting the Content Locks ............................................................... 30

Viewing System Info and Resetting to Factory Defaults ......................... 31

Displaying System Information ............................................................ 31

Restoring the TV to the Factory Default Settingss............................... 31

Restarting the Setup Wizard ................................................................ 31

Setting Up Closed Captioning ................................................................ 32

Changing the Appearance of Digital Closed Captions ........................ 32

Troubleshooting & Technical Support........................................33 The TV displays No Signal. ............................................................... 33

There is no power. ................................................................................ 33

The power is on, but there is no image on the screen. ........................ 33

There is no sound. ............................................................................... 33

The colors on the TV dont look right. .................................................. 33

The buttons on the remote arent working. .......................................... 33

The image quality is not good. ............................................................. 33

The picture is distorted. ....................................................................... 34

The display image does not cover the entire screen. .......................... 34

The TV has pixels (dots) that are always dark or always lit. ................ 34

I see noise or static on the screen. ................................................... 34

When I change input source, the volume changes. ............................. 34

When I change input source, the display image changes size. ........... 34

Specifications ..........................................................................35

Limited Warranty .....................................................................36

ON PARTS AND LABOR ......................................................................... 36

Parts and Labor ................................................................................... 36

Type of Service .................................................................................... 36

Limitations and Exclusions .................................................................. 36

Personal Data ...................................................................................... 36

Zero Bright Pixel Defect Guarantee ..................................................... 36

Legal & Compliance .................................................................37 FCC Class B Radio Interference Statement ........................................ 37

Notice ................................................................................................... 37

FCC warning ........................................................................................ 37

Caution ................................................................................................. 37

Open Source Software Notice ............................................................. 37

Page 9



Installing the TV

Inspecting the Package Contents

Before installing your new TV, take a moment to inspect the package contents. Use the images below to ensure nothing is missing or damaged.

When you have completed your inspection, install the TV.

Remote Control with Batteries

User Manual and Quick Start Guide


Installing the TV

After removing the TV from the box and inspecting the package contents you can begin installing the TV. Your TV can be installed in two ways:



Installing the TV Stand Your TV includes a stand designed to support the weight of the TV and keep it from falling over. However, the TV can still fall over if:




To install the TV stand:

1. Place the TV screen-down on a clean, flat surface. To prevent scratches or damage to the screen, place the TV on a soft surface, such as carpet, rug, or blanket.

2. Align the base with the stand neck. Gently push the base onto the stand neck. If the base is not joining with the stand neck, you may have it facing backwards.


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1 E321MV

Installing the TV on a Wall

To mount your TV on a wall, you will need a wall mount. Consult the information below to find the appropriate mount for your TV model:


Screw Size: M6

Screw Length: 15mm

Screw Pitch: 1mm

Hole Pattern: 200mm x 200mm

Installing a TV on a wall requires lifting. To prevent injury or damage to the TV, ask someone to help you.

Be sure the mount you choose is capable of supporting the weight of the TV. After you have determined that you have the correct mount for your TV, you can begin the installation.

To install your TV on a wall:

1. Disconnect any cables connected to your TV.

2. Place the TV face-down on a clean, flat, stable surface. Be sure the surface is clear of debris that can scratch or damage the TV.

3. Turn the attached thumbscrew until it is completely tightened. Fold down the thumbscrew tab so it is flat against the bottom of the base.

4. Move the TV with attached stand into an upright position and place on a flat, level, and stable surface.

5. To ensure proper ventilation, leave at least 1 of space between the back of the TV and any other objects (walls, etc).


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3. Turn the attached thumbscrew until it is completely loosened.

4. Gently remove the stand neck.

5. Attach your TV and wall mount to the wall, carefully following the instructions that came with your mount. Use only with a UL-listed wall mount bracket rated for the weight/load of this TV. See Appendix A - Specifications for the weight of this TV.

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Controls and Connections

USB: Connect a USB thumb drive to view photos.

HDMI (1,2,3): Connect HDMI devices.

Component: Connect component device.

Composite: Connect composite device.

3.5mm Stereo Out: Connect 3.5mm audio device.

Cable/Antennal: Connect RF/Coaxial connector from cable, antenna, or satellite box.

RGB PC: Connect RGB cable from computer. Use 3.5mm port to connect PC audio.

3.5mm PC Audio In:

Connect 3.5mm cable from PC audio out when using RGB PC port to display PC output.

Optical Digital Audio Out:

Connect SPDIF/Optical audio device (soundbar, receiver, etc).

Rear Panel

Rear Panel


Optical Digital Audio Out


HDMI (1,2,3)



3.5mm Stereo Out


3.5mm PC Audio In

Page 13




Right Side Panel

Right Side Panel



Channel Up

Volume Up

Channel Down

Volume Down


Power: Turn the TV on or off.

Menu: Display on-screen menu.

Channel Up/Down: Change the channel.

Volume Up/Down: Increase or decrease the loudness of the TV audio.

Input: Change the input device. Press once to display the Input menu. Continue pressing the button to highlight a different input source. Press Menu to confirm your selection.

Front Panel

Front Panel

Remote Control SensorVIZIO Light

Remote Control Sensor: When using the remote, point it directly at this sensor.

VIZIO Light: This light is white when the TV is on. When the TV is off, the light is orange.

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2 E321MV

Power/Standby: Turn the TV on or off.

Input: Change the input device.

A/V Controls: Control external device (CEC-enabled devices only).

Info: Display the Info Window.

CC: Open the Closed Captioning menu.

Menu: Display the on-screen menu.

Exit: Close the on-screen menu.

Arrow: Navigate the on-screen menu and episode guide.

OK: Select highlighted menu option.

Guide: Display the episode guide (digital channels only).

Back: Go to the previous on-screen menu op- tions.

V Button: Launch the USB photo viewer.

Channel Up/ Down:

Change the channel. With each press of the button, the channel will increase or decrease by one.

Volume Up/ Down:

Increase or decrease the loudness of the TVs audio.

Mute: Turn the sound off or on. When mute is activated, the TVs audio is turned off.

Last: Return to the channel last viewed.

Number Pad: Use the number pad to manually enter a channel.

Dash (-): Use with number pad to manually enter a digital sub-channel. (For example, 18-4 or 18-5.)

Wide: Switch between display modes.

Remote Control

Power/Standby A/V Controls Info



Channel Up/Down


Number Pad



Volume Up/Down

OK Exit



Dash (-)


V Button

Remote Control

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Replacing the Batteries

1. Remove the battery cover by pressing gently on the V and pushing the cover away from the remote.

2. Insert two AAA batteries into the remote control. Make sure that the (+) and (-) symbols on the batteries match the (+) and (-) symbols inside the battery compartment.

3. Replace the battery cover.

Use only good quality batteries. Inserting the batteries incorrectly may result in cracking or leakage that may cause a fire or result in injury. Dispose of old or dead batteries in accordance with local hazardous waste regulations. Keep batteries away from children and pets.

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Your HDTV can be easily connected to an external device:






Before You Begin

To connect a device to the HDTV:

1. Verify that the device has one of the following types of video ports available:





2. Ensure the TV has a matching port available.

3. Ensure you have a cable that matches the available port. For example, if you are connecting a Blu-ray player with an HDMI port, be sure you have an HDMI cable.

Connecting Your Devices

Once you have determined the best available connection type on both your device and the TV, ensure you have the corresponding cable.

To connect a device to the TV:

1. Ensure both the TV and your device are off.

2. Connect the device and the TV. Use the best available connection. See the Device Connection Chart on the next page. Ensure each end of the cable is securely connected.

3. Turn the TV on by pressing the Power/Standby button on the remote.

4. Turn your device on.

5. When you are ready to use your newly connected device, press the INPUT button on the remote and select the connection type (HDMI, RGB, etc) from the on-screen menu. Press OK.

6. Check the list of devices/connection types below for special instructions:

CableTV(withoutcablebox/directlyfromwall) Performachannelscan.SeeScanningforChannelsonpage13.

RGB MakesurethedesktopresolutiononthePCissetto1920x1080.Set theScreenModetoNormal.

Connecting Your Devices

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Select One:



















Usethecable(s)showntoconnect theTVtoyourdevice.

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The first time you turn on the TV, the Setup App will guide you through each of the steps necessary to get your TV ready for use.

Before you begin the first-time setup:

YourTVshouldbeinstalledandthepowercordshouldbeconnected toanelectricaloutlet.



To complete the first-time setup:

1. Turn the TV on by pressing the Power/Standby button on the remote. The Setup App is displayed. Use the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight your preferred language, then press OK.

2. Use the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight Home Mode, then press OK.

3. Use the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight your time zone, then press OK. Press the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight Off or On for daylight savings time, then press OK.

4. If the TV is connected to an external antenna, select Antenna, then press OK and go to step 5. If the TV is connected to a cable service without a set-top box (cable is connected directly from the wall outlet) select Cable, then press OK and go to step 5. If the TV is connected to a cable or satellite set-top box, press the EXIT button on the remote, then select the input to which your set-top box is connected (HDMI, COMP, or AV).

5. Use the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight Scan, then press OK. The TV begins a channel scan. Wait for the channel scan to finish.

6. When the channel scan is complete, the Congratulations screen is displayed.

The first-time setup is complete.

Completing the First-Time Setup

Page 19



From the TV Settings Menu, you can:

Changetheinputsourceor renameinputs


Changetheon-screenmenu language


AdjusttheTVsettingsforusewith aPC


Navigating the On-Screen Menu

To open the on-screen menu, press the OK or MENU button on the remote.

Use the Arrow buttons to highlight a menu option, and press the OK button to select that option.

Changing the Input Source

External devices such as DVD players, Blu-Ray Players, and video game consoles can be connected to your TV. To display one of these devices on your TV, you must first change the input source in the on-screen menu.

To quickly access the Input Source menu, press the INPUT button on the remote.

To change the input source from the TV menu:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV menu is displayed.

3. Highlight Input and press OK. The Input menu is displayed.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight the input source you want to display and press OK.

Adjusting the TV Settings

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5 E321MV

Customizing Input Names

When you have multiple devices connected to your TV, it can become difficult to remember the inputs to which they are connected. Your TV features the ability to customize the names of these inputs to make them easy to remember. (Custom names have a 10-character limit.)

For example, HDMI 1 could be renamed as My Blu-ray.

To customize an input name:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight TV and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Input and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Input Naming and press OK.

5. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the input source you wish to rename.

6. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Custom Label and press OK. The on-screen keyboard is displayed.

7. Use the Arrow and OK buttons to spell the custom input name. When you are finished, highlight OK and press OK.

8. Press EXIT.

Setting Up Channels

From the channel menu you can:




Removechannelsfromthemaster list



Page 21




Changing the Signal Source

Using this option, you can change the signal source for the coaxial (TV) input.

To change the signal source:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Channels and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Signal Source and press OK. The Signal Source menu is displayed.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to change the setting to Cable or Antenna.

6. Press EXIT.

Scanning for Channels

Before the TV can detect and display channels and their associated information, you must scan for channels. A channel scan may also be necessary when the TV has been moved to an area where different free-to-air broadcast television channels are available.

To scan for channels:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Channels and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Auto Channel Scan andpress OK.

5. Use the Number Pad to enter your parental control passcode. The channel scan begins.

6. Wait for the channel scan to reach 100%, then press EXIT. If you want to cancel the channel scan before it is completed, highlight Cancel and press OK.

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5 E321MV

Scanning for New or Additional Channels

When a new channel becomes available in your area, you do not have to rescan all channels to add the new channel. Using the add channel feature, you can restrict the scan to new channels only.

This is useful because your master channel list settings are preserved.

To scan for new channels:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Channels and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Additional Scan.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to change the option to On.

6. Perform a channel scan. See Scanning for Channels on page 13.

Removing Channels from the Master List

By customizing the master channel list, you can choose which channels can be displayed. Channels not in the list will not be available when watching broadcast television.

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Channels and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Skip Channel, then press OK. The master channel list is displayed.

5. To add a channel to the list, highlight the channel and press OK. When a channel is added, a check mark is displayed next to the channel. To remove a channel from the list, highlight the channel and press OK. When the channel has been removed, the checkmark is not displayed. To add all available channels to the list, highlight Mark All and press OK. To remove all available channels from the list, highlight Unmark All and press OK. To include only digital channels in the list, highlight Skip Analog Only and press OK.

6. Press EXIT.

Page 23




Changing the Audio Language

Some digital free-to-air and cable channels broadcast programs in more than one language. The TVs MTS (Multichannel Television Sound) feature allows you to listen to audio in your preferred language.

Not all programs are broadcast in multiple languages. The MTS feature only works when the program being viewed is being broadcast in the language you select.

To use the Analog MTS feature:

1. From the TV Settings menu, highlight Channels and press OK.

2. Highlight Analog MTS and press OK.

3. Select Mono, Stereo, or SAP (secondary audio programming). Press OK.

4. Press the EXIT button on the remote.

To use the Digital MTS feature:

1. From the TV Settings menu, highlight Channels and press OK.

2. Highlight Digital MTS and press OK.

3. Select your preferred language: English, French, or Spanish. Press OK.

4. Press the EXIT button on the remote.

Customizing Channel Names

Your TV features the ability to customize channel names, making them easy to identify. (Custom names have a 10-character limit.)

For example, KBOT-DT could be renamed as Favorite.

To customize a channel name:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Channels and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Channel Name Edit andpress OK.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Custom Label and press OK. The on-screen keyboard is displayed.

6. Use the Arrow and OK buttons to spell the custom channel name. When you are finished, highlight OK and press OK.

7. Press EXIT.

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Changing the On-Screen Menu Language

Your TV can display the on-screen menu in different languages.

To change the on-screen menu language:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Menu Language and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight your preferred language and press OK.

5. Press EXIT.

Setting the TVs Date and Time

From the Date & Time menu, you can:





Setting the Time Zone

To set the time zone:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Date & Time and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Time Zone and press OK.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight your time zone and press OK.

6. Press EXIT.

Page 25




Adjusting the Time for Daylight Savings

When enabled, this setting will automatically adjust the time for zones which recognize daylight savings time.

To enable or disable the daylight savings adjustment:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Date & Time and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Daylight Saving.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to change the setting to On or Off.

6. Press EXIT.

Enabling or Disabling Automatic Date and Time Updates

The current date and time is broadcast digitally in many areas. Your TV can automatically set the time and date using this information.

When this setting is On, you cannot manually set the date and time.

To enable or disable automatic updates:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Date & Time and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Auto Update.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to change the setting to On or Off.

6. Press EXIT.

Setting the Date and Time

Using this menu option, you can manually set the TVs date and time.

To manually set the time:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Date & Time and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Current Time.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight individual numbers in the date and time. Use the Number Pad to enter the current date and time.

6. Press EXIT.

To manually set the date:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Date & Time and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Todays Date.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight individual numbers in the date and time. Use the Number Pad to enter the current date and time.

6. Press EXIT.

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5 E321MV

Adjusting the TV Settings for Use with A PC

Your TV can be used to display output from a home computer using the RGB port.

These settings are only available when viewing content from the RGB port.

To adjust the PC settings:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight PC Settings and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow and OK buttons to adjust each of the following options: Horiz. Position - Adjust the horizontal (left/right) position of the picture. Vertical Position - Adjust the vertical (up/down) position of the picture. Fine Tune - Adjust the synchronization between the PC and the TV. Increase or decrease this setting if you see waviness or a blurry picture.

If you would like the TV to automatically adjust the picture for best quality, select Auto Sync and press OK.

Turning the VIZIO Light On or Off

This setting allows you to turn off the back-lit VIZIO logo on the front bezel of your TV.

To turn the VIZIO Light on or off:

5. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

6. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the TV icon and press OK. The TV Settings menu is displayed.

7. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight VIZIO Logo and press OK.

8. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons to select On or Off:

WhensettoOff,theVIZIOlogo willbrieflylightupwhentheTVis turnedon.Itwillremainoffwhile theTVison.

WhensettoOn,theVIZIOlogowill staylitwhiletheTVison.

Page 27



Your TV features an easy-to-use on-screen menu. Using this menu, you can:







Getsysteminfoorresetto factorydefaults


Navigating the On-Screen Menu

To open the on-screen menu, press the OK button on the remote.

Use the Arrow buttons to highlight a menu option, and press the OK button to select that option.

Setting the Sleep Timer

When activated, the TVs sleep timer will turn the TV off after a set period of time.

To use the sleep timer:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the Timer icon and press OK. The Timer menu is displayed.

3. Use the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the period of time after which you want the TV to power off (30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes).

4. Press OK, then press EXIT.

Using the Other Menu Settings

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Viewing a USB Photo Slideshow

Your player features a USB port where you can connect and share a USB thumb drive containing your photos.

The TV supports the following file types:

MediaType FileTypes


.jpeg .jpg

To play USB media, you must first save your images onto a USB thumb drive.






To play your USB media:

1. Load your photos onto a USB thumb drive using your home computer.

2. Insert the USB thumb drive into the USB port on the back of the TV.

3. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

4. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the Photo icon and press OK. The Photo screen is displayed.

5. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the photo you would like to be displayed first, then press the Play button. The slideshow begins.




Using the Photo Menu

The Photo menu has several options:

Browse Photos-Allows you to highlight and select a photo from the thumbnail gallery.

View Slideshow - Start a full-screen photo slideshow.

Sort by -Changethedisplayorder ofphotos.ChooseOriginal, Title A-Z, Title Z-A, Oldest First, or Newest First.

View-ChooseFolders(individual foldersandtheircontents), Favorites,orAll.

Slide Settings-Changethe slideshowsettings.Available optionsareRepeat,Shuffle,Full Screen (thismaydistortsome photostofillthescreen),and Speed (SloworFast).

Picture Settings-Changethe displaysettings.SeeAdjustingthe PictureSettingsonpage25.

Thumbnail Size-Movetheon-screenslidertochangethesizeof displayedthumbnailimages.ChooseLargeorSmall.

Page 29




Using the Modify Photo Menu

This menu allows you to zoom in and out, mark your favorite photos, rotate photos, and see your image metadata.

To open the Modify Photo menu:

1. When you are viewing a photo in fullscreen, press the OK button on the remote. The Modify Photo menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow and OK buttons on the remote to select one of the menu options:

Zoom In -Selectthisoptionupto 4timestozoomin.

Zoom Out -Selectthisoptionto zoombackout.

Pan-Selectthisoptionwhen zoomedintomovetheimage.

Favorite-Selectthisoptionto marktheimageasaFavorite.You canthenusetheViewFavorites optiontodisplayonlymarked photos.

Rotate Photo-Selectthisoptiontorotatethephoto90counter- clockwise.Thisoptioncannotbeselectedwhilezoomedin.

Info-Selectthisoptiontoopenaninfowindow.Thewindowdisplays imagemetadataincludingdate,resolution,andfilesize.Themetadata mayvaryaccordingtoyourcamerasettings.

3. When you have finished, use the Arrow buttons to highlight Done and press OK.

Setting the Screen Aspect Ratio

The TV can display images in five different modes: Normal, Wide, Zoom, Panoramic, and Stretch. Each mode changes the picture according to the contents original format.

Use the table on the next page to determine the best aspect ratio for your content type. Areas in red will not be visible on your TV screen.

To adjust the screen aspect ratio:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the Wide icon and press OK. The Wide menu is displayed.

3. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the screen mode you want to display, then press OK:

Normal preservesthecontentsoriginalaspectratio.Sincethe4:3 aspectratioisnotlargeenoughtofilltheTVsscreen,blackbarsare addedtotheleftandrightofthedisplayimage.

Wide stretchesa4:3aspectratiopicturetotheedgesofthescreen. Sincethepictureisbeingstretched,thedisplayimagemayappear distorted.Iftheprogramisalreadyformattedforwidescreenviewing (1.85:1or2.35:1),thenblackbarswillappearonthetopandbottomof thedisplayimage.

Zoom expandsimageswithblackbarstofitthescreen.

Panoramic expandsthedisplayimagetofillthescreen.Imagesmay appearwiderthanintended.Ifyouarewatchingwidescreen(1.85:1 or2.35:1)content,blackbarswillstillappearonthetopandbottom ofthedisplayimage.This option is only available when the TV is displaying a 480i/480p source.

Stretchexpandsthedisplayimagetofillthescreen.Imagesmay appearwiderthanintended.Ifyouarewatchingwidescreen(1.85:1 or2.35:1)content,blackbarswillstillappearonthetopandbottom ofthedisplayimage.This option is only available when the TV is displaying a 720p/1080i/1080p source.

You can also quickly access the Wide menu by pressing the WIDE button on the remote.

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Original Content Format











Screen Aspect Ratio Table

Page 31




Adjusting the Audio Settings Using the Audio Settings menu, you can adjust the following:

Enableordisable SRSTruSurroundHD




Enableordisablethebuilt-in speakers

Selectthedigitalaudiooutput mode



Enabling or Disabling SRS TruSurround HD

TruSurround HD is a robust multichannel virtualization technology developed by SRS Labs that provides an enhanced listening experience unlike any other technology offered for a two speaker playback environment.

To enable or disable SRS TruSurround HD:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight SRS TruSurround HD.

4. Press the Right/Left Arrow buttons to select On or Off and press EXIT.

Enabling or Disabling SRS TruVolume

TruVolume intelligently normalizes volume fluctuations during television commercials or channel changes.

To enable or disable SRS TruVolume:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight SRS TruVolume.

4. Press the Right/Left Arrow buttons to select On or Off and press EXIT.

Adjusting the Equalizer Settings

Your TV features six preset equalizer settings. These settings allow you to customize your TVs sound to match the type of programming you most often enjoy.

To adjust the equalizer settings menu, SRS TruSurround HD must be set to Off.

To adjust the equalizer settings:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Equalizer Settings and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight one of the following settings and press OK: Flat





5. Press EXIT.

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6 E321MV

Adjusting the Speaker Balance

The built-in speakers can be adjusted to distribute the sound between the left and right speakers.

To adjust the speaker balance:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Balance and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to adjust the speaker balance:

Toincreasetheloudnessoftherightspeaker,increasethebalance setting.

Toincreasetheloudnessoftheleftspeaker,decreasethebalance setting.

Enabling or Disabling the Built-In Speakers

Using this menu option, you can turn the built-in speakers on or off. This is often used when the TV is connected to a home audio system.

To enable or disable the built-in speakers:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Speakers and press OK.

4. Press the Right/Left Arrow buttons to select On or Off and press EXIT.

Selecting the Digital Output Mode

Using this menu option, you can force the TV to downsample unsupported audio formats to PCM audio. You may want to use this option if you have an older audio receiver connected to the TV.

If you are unfamiliar with audio formats, or your TV is not connected to an audio receiver, VIZIO recommends you set this option to Auto.

This option only affects audio output from the optical port.

To select the digital output mode:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Digital Audio Out and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Auto or Force PCM and press OK.

5. Press EXIT.

Page 33




Adjusting Bass and Treble Levels

The bass and treble levels for your TVs built-in speakers can be adjusted to your liking.

To adjust the bass and treble levels, SRS TruSurround HD must be set to Off.

To adjust the bass and treble levels:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Bass & Treble and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Bass or Treble and press OK.

5. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons to increase or decrease the level.

6. When you are finished, press EXIT.

Resetting the Audio Settngs

To reset the audio settings to the factory default settings:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Audio and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Reset Audio Mode and press OK.

4. The TV displays Are you sure you want to RESET Audio Settings to the factory defaults? Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Yes and press OK.

5. Press EXIT.

Adjusting the Picture Settings

Using the Picture menu, you can adjust the following settings:

Enableordisabletheambientlight sensor






EnableordisableDCR (DynamicContrastRatio)


Enabling or Disabling the Ambient Light Sensor

When enabled, the ambient light sensor detects the light levels in the room to optimize the brightness of the TVs backlight.

When the ambient light sensor is enabled, you will be unable to manually change the TVs backlight settings.

To enable or disable the ambient light sensor:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Ambient Light Sensor.

4. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons to change the setting to Off or On.

5. Press EXIT.

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6 E321MV

Changing the Picture Mode

Your TV display can be adjusted to suit your preferences and viewing conditions.

To change the picture mode:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture Mode and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight one of the following options, then press OK:

Home-Setsthevariouspicturesettingstovaluesthatwillproducethe bestpictureinthemostcases.Thisistherecommendedsetting.

Movie-Setsthepicturesettingstovaluesperfectforwatchingamovie inadarkroom.

Game-Optimizesthepicturesettingsfordisplayinggameconsole output.

Retail-Setsthepicturesettingstovaluesthatproduceabrighter, morevividpicture.


Backlight - Adjusts the LED brightness to affect the overall brilliance of the picture. This option is not available unless Ambient Light Sensor is set to Off.

Brightness - Adjusts the black level of the picture. When this setting is too low, the picture may be too dark to distinguish details. When this setting is too high, the picture may appear faded or washed out.

Contrast - Adjusts the white level of the picture. When this setting is too high, the picture may appear dark. When this setting is too low, the picture may appear faded or washed out. If the setting is too high or too low, detail may be difficult to distinguish in dark or bright areas of the picture.

Color - Adjusts the intensity of the picture colors. Tint - Adjusts the hue of the picture. This setting is useful in adjusting the flesh tones in the picture. If flesh appears too orange, reduce the level of color before adjusting tint.

Sharpness - Adjusts the edge sharpness of picture elements. It can be used to sharpen non-HD (high definition) content; however, it will not produce detail that does not otherwise exist.

Adjusting the Noise Reduction Setting

Noise reduction diminishes artifacts such as blockiness or pixellation. When activated, the resulting picture usually has softer edges.

To adjust the noise reduction setting:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Noise Reduction and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Off, Low, Medium, or High, then press OK.

5. Press EXIT.

Page 35




Adjusting the Color Temperature

Color temperature changes the warmness or coolness of the white areas of the picture.

To adjust this setting, Picture Mode must be set to Custom.

To adjust the color temperature setting:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight More and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Color Temperature and press OK. Select Normal, Cool, Warm, or Custom. If you choose Custom, you can change the individual Red, Blue, and Green gain settings.

5. When you are finished, press EXIT.

Enabling or Disabling Color Enhancement

Color enhancement reduces oversaturation of some colors and improves flesh tones.

To adjust this setting, Picture Mode must be set to Custom.

To enable or disable the color enhancement setting:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight More and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Color Enhancement.

5. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons to change the setting to Off or On.

6. Press EXIT.

Enabling or Disabling Adaptive Luma

Adaptive luma adjusts the average brightness of the picture to compensate for large areas of brightness.

To adjust this setting, Picture Mode must be set to Custom.

To enable or disable the adaptive luma setting:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight More and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Adaptive Luma.

5. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons to change the setting to Off or On.

6. Press EXIT.

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6 E321MV

Enabling or Disabling DCR (Dynamic Contrast Ratio)

Dynamic contrast ratio changes contrast according to displayed content for the best picture quality.

To adjust this setting, Picture Mode must be set to Custom.

To enable or disable the DCR setting:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight More and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight DCR.

5. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons to change the setting to Off or On.

6. Press EXIT.

Resetting the Picture Settings

To restore the TVs picture settings to the factory defaults:

1. Press the OK button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Picture and press OK.

3. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight More and press OK.

4. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight Reset Picture Mode, then press OK.

5. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight YES and press OK.

6. Press EXIT.

Using the Parental Controls

The TVs parental controls allow you to prevent the TV from displaying certain channels or programs without a password.

Accessing the Parental Controls Menu

To access the Parental Controls menu:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight Parental and press OK.

3. Enter your parental passcode. If you have not set a passcode, enter the default, 0000. The Parental Controls menu is displayed.

To set a custom parental passcode, see Changing the Parental Control Passcode on page 30.

Enabling or Disabling Program Ratings

To manage program content according to its rating, you must enable the Program Rating feature.

To enable or disable the Program Rating feature:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight Rating Enable and press OK. The Rating Enable menu is displayed.

2. Select On or Off and press OK.

Page 37




Locking and Unlocking Channels

When a channel is locked, it will be inaccessible. Locking a channel is a good way to prevent children from viewing inappropriate material.

To lock or unlock a channel:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight Channel Locks and press OK. The Channel Locks menu is displayed.

2. Highlight the channel you want to lock or unlock and press OK.

3. When a channel is locked, the Lock icon appears locked. The channel is not accessible unless the parental passcode is entered.

4. When a channel is unlocked, the Lock icon appears unlocked. The channel is accessible.

Blocking and Unblocking Content by Rating

A channel may sometimes broadcast programs that are meant for children, and at other times broadcast programs that are meant for mature audiences. You may not want to block the channel completely using a channel lock, but you may wish to block certain programs from being viewed.

When this is the case, you can use the TVs Rating Block feature to block content based on its rating.

For a list of content ratings and their definitions, visit

To block or unblock content by its rating:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight the content type you want to adjust and press OK: USA - TV - USA television program broadcasts. USA - Movie - USA movie broadcasts. CAN - English - Canadian English television program broadcasts. CAN - French - Canadian French television program broadcasts.

2. For each rating type you want to block or unblock, use the Up/Down and Left/Right Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the rating type and press OK.

3. When the rating type is blocked, the Lock icon appears locked. Content with this rating cannot be viewed.

4. When the rating type is unblocked, the Lock icon appears unlocked. Content with this rating can be viewed.

5. If you want to block all unrated content, highlight Block Unrated Shows and use the Arrow buttons on the remote to select On.

6. When you are finished adjusting the rating level blocks, press the EXIT button on the remote.

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6 E321MV

Setting the TV Button Locks

WARNING: If you set User Control Lock to On and you lose your TVs remote control, you will be unable to use the buttons on the TV. Please use caution when setting this lock.

You can lock the buttons on the side of the TV so that the TV can only be controlled by the remote.

To lock or unlock this setting:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight User Control Lock and press OK.

2. Highlight Off or On and press OK. When this setting is On, the buttons on the side of the TV will not function. When this setting is Off, the buttons on the side of the TV will function.

3. Press Exit.

Changing the Parental Control Passcode

If you use the parental controls, you should change the passcode to prevent children from accessing inappropriate material.

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight More and press OK.

2. Highlight Change PIN and press OK. The Change PIN menu is displayed.

3. In the New Pin field, use the Number Pad on the remote to enter your new 4-digit parental control passcode. If you have not yet set a passcode, enter the default, 0000.

4. In the Confirm Pin field, use the Number Pad on the remote to re-enter your new 4-digit parental control passcode.

5. Write down your new parental control passcode and save it in a secure location.

6. Press the EXIT button on the remote.

Resetting the Content Locks

To reset the content locks to the factory-default settings:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight More and press OK. The Change PIN menu is displayed.

2. Highlight RESET LOCKS and press OK. The TV displays, Are you sure you want to RESET ALL LOCKS SETTINGS to the factory defaults?

3. Highlight Yes and press OK.

Page 39




Viewing System Info and Resetting to Factory Defaults

You can use the TVs Help menu to:




Displaying System Information

To display a summary of the TV settings:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the Help icon and press OK. The Help menu is displayed.

3. Highlight System Info and press OK. The system information is displayed.

4. When you are finished reviewing the system information, press the EXIT button on the remote.

Restoring the TV to the Factory Default Settingss

All of the on-screen menu settings can be reset to the factory defaults.

If you restore the TV to the factory default settings, all changes you have made to the settings will be lost!

To restore the TV to its factory default settings:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the Help icon and press OK. The Help menu is displayed.

3. Highlight Reset All Settings and press OK. The TV displays, Are you sure you would like to Restore Defaults? This will erase any custom settings.

4. Highlight Yes and press OK.

5. Press EXIT.

Restarting the Setup Wizard

The TVs Setup App can be used to easily set up the TV tuner.

To access the Setup App:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the Help icon and press OK. The Help menu is displayed.

3. Highlight Start Setup Wizard and press OK.

4. Use the Number Pad to enter your parental PIN. If you have not yet set your PIN, enter 0000.

5. The TV displays, Are you sure you want to RESET SETUP WIZARD? Highlight OK and press OK.

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6 E321MV

Setting Up Closed Captioning

Your TV can display closed captions for programs that include them. Closed captions display a transcription of a programs dialogue.

If the program you are viewing is not being broadcast with closed captions, the TV will not display them.

To activate or deactivate closed captions:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is displayed.

2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the CC icon and press OK. The Closed Caption menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the type of closed captions you wish to see:

AnalogClosedCaptionfor analog(NTSC)TVchannels.

DigitalClosedCaptionfor digital(ATSC)TVchannels.

4. After highlighting the type of closed captions you wish to see, use the Arrow buttons on the remote to select the caption channel you wish to display, then press OK.

Caption channels usually display different languages. For example, CC1 may display English captions and CC2 may display Spanish captions.

Changing the Appearance of Digital Closed Captions

Digital closed captions can be displayed according to your preference.

To change the appearance of digital closed captions:

1. From the Closed Caption menu, use the Arrow buttons to highlight Digital Caption Style.

2. Use the Left/Right Arrow buttons on the remote to select Custom, then press OK. The Digital CC Style menu appears.

3. Use the Up/Down Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the setting you wish to change, then use the Arrow buttons to change the setting:

Caption Style-Chooseacustom presetcaptionstyle.

Text Size-Adjustthesizeofthe text.

Color-Changethecolorofthe text.

Opacity-Changethe transparencyofthetext.

BG Color-Changethe backgroundcolor.

BG Opacity-Changethe transparencyofthebackground.

Window Color -Changetheedge color.

Window Opacity-Changethe edgetype.

Reset Default-Restoreclosed captionsettingstofactorydefaults

4. When you are satisfied with the appearance of the closed captions, press the EXIT button on the remote.

Page 41



Products are often returned due to a technical problem rather than due to a defect. If you are experiencing a problem when using your TV, try to fix the issue using this troubleshooting guide.

If, after using this troubleshooting guide, you are still experiencing an issue with your TV, contact VIZIOs Support Department. Quality customer support and service are integral parts of VIZIOs commitment to service excellence.

The TV displays No Signal.

Press the INPUT button on the remote control to select a different input source.

If you are using cable TV, satellite, or antenna connected directly to the TV, scan for channels. See Scanning for Channels on page 13.

There is no power.

Ensure the TV is plugged into a working electrical outlet.

Ensure the power cable is securely attached to the TV.

Press the Power/Standby button on the remote or press the Power/ Standby button on the side of the TV to turn the TV on.

The power is on, but there is no image on the screen.

Ensure all cables are securely attached to the TV.

Ensure all devices are connected correctly. Devices differ; see your devices user manual for details.

Adjust Brightness, Contrast, or Backlight. See Scanning for Channels on page 13.

Press the INPUT button on the remote to select a different input source.

There is no sound.

Press Volume Up on the remote control.

Press the MUTE button on the remote to ensure mute is off.

Check the audio settings. Ensure the speakers are set to On.

Ensure no headphones are connected to the TV.

Check the audio connections of external devices (Blu-ray player, game console, cable/satellite box) that are connected to the TV.

If you are using an antenna, the signal strength of the channel may be low. Ensure your antenna is connected securely to the TV and move the antenna around the room or close to a window for the best signal.

The colors on the TV dont look right.

Adust the Color and Tint settings in the Picture menu. See Scanning for Channels on page 13.

Reset the picture settings.

Check all cables to ensure they are securely attached.

The buttons on the remote arent working.

Ensure you are only pressing one button at a time.

Point the remote directly at the TV when pressing a button.

Replace the remote batteries with new ones. See Replacing the Batteries on page 7.

The image quality is not good.

For the best image quality, view high-definition programs using digital sources. Connect your devices with HDMI cables.

If you are using an antenna, the signal strength of the channel may be low. Ensure your antenna is connected securely to the TV and move the antenna around the room or close to a window for the best signal.

Phone: (877) 698-4946

Fax: (949) 585-9563



Hours of operation:

Monday - Friday: 6 am to 9 pm (PST)

Saturday - Sunday: 8 am to 4pm (PST)

Troubleshooting & Technical Support

Page 42


A E321MV

The picture is distorted.

Nearby electrical devices may be interfering with the TV. Separate the TV from electrical appliances, cars, or flourescent lights.

Ensure all cables are securely attached.

The display image does not cover the entire screen.

If you are in RGB mode (computer), ensure that H-Size and V-Position in the on-screen menu are set correctly.

If you are using TV, AV1, AV2, or Component with 480i input, press the WIDE button on the remote to change the screen mode.

The TV has pixels (dots) that are always dark or always lit.

Your HDTV is precision-manufactured using an extremely high level of technology. However, sometimes pixels may not display correctly. These types of occurences are inherent to this type of product and do not constitute a defective product.

I see noise or static on the screen.

When your TVs digital capabilities exceed a digital broadcast signal, the signal is up-converted (improved) to match your TVs display capabilities. This up-converting can sometimes cause irregularities in the image.

If you are using an antenna, the signal strength of the channel may be low. Ensure your antenna is connected securely to the TV and move the antenna around the room or close to a window for the best signal.

When I change input source, the volume changes.

The TV remembers the volume level on each input source. If the volume level on the new input source is higher or lower than the level on the source you switch from, the difference may be noticable.

Use the Volume Up/Down buttons on the remote to adjust the volume.

When I change input source, the display image changes size.

The TV remembers the viewing mode on each input source. If the viewing mode on the new input source differs from the one on the input source you switch from, the difference may be noticable.

See Viewing a USB Photo Slideshow on page 19.

Page 43



Screen Size: 32 Class

Diagonal Viewable: 31.50

Dimensions w/ Stand: w/o Stand:

30.39 x 20.79 x 6.34 30.39 x 19.21 x 2.13

Weight w/ Stand: w/o Stand:

16.67 lbs 14.66 lbs

TV Type: Edge-Lit LED

Refresh Rate: 60 Hz

Maximum Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Pixel Pitch: 0.3635 mm x 0.3635 mm

Dynamic Contrast Ratio: 100,000:1

Viewing Angle: 178 (H) x 178 (V)

Response Time: 8.5 ms

Brightness: 400 nits

HDMI Inputs: 3

Component Video Inputs: 1

Composite Inputs: 1

RF/Coaxial Input: 1

USB Ports: 1

RGB Inputs: 1 (with 3.5mm Audio In)

OSD Language: English, Spanish, French

Audio Outputs: Optical Digital Audio Out, 3.5mm Stereo

Number of Speakers 2

Watts/Channel 10W

Simulated Surround: SRS TruSurround HD,

Dolby Digital

Sound Leveler: SRS TruVolume

Ambient Light Sensor: Yes


Energy Star FCC Class B


Power Consumption: 90W

Voltage Range: 120~240 VAC @ 50/60 Hz

Standby Power: <1W

Operating Temperature: 32 to 95 F

Non-Operating Temperature:

-4 to 140 F

Operating Humidity: 10 - 90% (Relative, Non-condensing)

Non-Operating Humidity: 10 - 70% (Relative, Non-condensing)


Page 44




Covers units purchased as new in United States and Puerto Rico Only.

VIZIO provides a warranty to the original purchaser of a new Product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year of non-commercial usage and ninety (90) days of commercial use. If a Product covered by this warranty is determined to be defective within the warranty period, VIZIO will either repair or replace the Product at its sole option and discretion.

To obtain warranty service, contact VIZIO Technical Support via e-mail: or via phone at 877 MY VIZIO (877.698.4946) from 6:00AM to 9:00PM Monday through Friday and 8:00AM to 4:00PM Saturday and Sunday, Pacific Time, or visit PRE-AUTHORIZATION MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE SENDING ANY PRODUCT TO A VIZIO SERVICE CENTER. Proof of purchase in the form of a purchase receipt or copy thereof is required to show that a Product is within the warranty period.

Parts and Labor There will be no charge for parts or labor during the warranty period. Replacement parts and Products may be new or recertified at VIZIOs option and sole discretion. Replacement parts and Products are warranted for the remaining portion of the original warranty or for ninety (90) days from warranty service or replacement, whichever is greater.

Type of Service Defective Products must be sent to a VIZIO service center to obtain warranty service. VIZIO is not responsible for transportation costs to the service center, but VIZIO will cover return shipping to the customer. PRE-AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED BEFORE SENDING ANY PRODUCT TO A VIZIO SERVICE CENTER FOR WARRANTY SERVICE.

Product returns to VIZIOs service centers must utilize either the original carton box and shipping material or packaging that affords an equal degree of protection. VIZIO Technical Support will provide instructions for packing and shipping the covered Product to the VIZIO service center.

Limitations and Exclusions VIZIOs one-year limited warranty only covers defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover, for example: cosmetic damage, normal wear and tear, improper operation, improper voltage supply or power surges, signal issues, damages from shipping, acts of God, any type of customer misuse, modifications or adjustments, as well as installation and set-up issues or any repairs attempted by anyone other than by a VIZIO authorized service center. Products with unreadable or removed serial numbers, or requiring routine

maintenance are not covered. This one year limited warranty does not cover Products sold AS IS, FACTORY RECERTIFIED, or by a non-authorized reseller.



Personal Data If your VIZIO product is capable of storing personal data and other information, ALL CONTENTS AND INFORMATION WILL BE DELETED IN THE COURSE OF SOME IN-HOME AND ALL SHIP-IN WARANTY SERVICE. If this occurs, your product will be restored to you configured as originally purchased. You will be responsible for restoring all applicable data and passwords. Recovery and reinstallation of user data is not covered under this Limited Warranty. In order to protect your personal information, VIZIO recommends that you always clear all personal information from the unit before it is serviced, regardless of the servicer.

Zero Bright Pixel Defect Guarantee This policy covers zero bright pixel defects for the duration of the limited ONE YEAR WARRANTY on select new product purchases. To determine if this guarantee applies to your product, refer to the DETAILS tab of the models product information page ( or look for the zero bright pixel guarantee on the box.

Limited Warranty

Page 45



FCC Class B Radio Interference Statement NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Notice 1. The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party

responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.

2. Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.

3. The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modification to this equipment. It is the responsibilities of the user to correct such interference.

FCC warning Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance with the FCC Rules could void the users authority to operate this equipment.

Caution Always use an AC/DC power adapter that is properly grounded. Use the AC cords listed below for each area.

USA: UL Canada: CSA Germany: VDE UK: BASE/BS Japan: Electric Appliance Control Act

Open Source Software Notice Your VIA device may contain GPL executables and LGPL libraries that are subject to the PL2.0/LGPL2.1 License Agreements. VIZIO offers to provide source code to you on CD-ROM for a processing fee covering the cost of performing such distribution, such as the cost of media, shipping and handling upon request made to VIZIO at

This offer is valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of the distribution of this VIA device by VIZIO.

You can obtain a copy of the GPL, LGPL licenses from:


You can also obtain a copy of gSOAP public license from:

Please visit for attribution of copyrights to any open source software on your VIZIO VIA device.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of any such software and associated documentation files (the Open Source Software), to deal in the Open Source Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Open Source Software, and to permit persons to whom the Open Source Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:


Legal & Compliance

Page 46



Page 48

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OF viZiO, inc. Other lOgOs And trAdemArks Are the prOperty OF their respective Owners. subject

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Manualsnet FAQs

If you want to find out how the E321MV Vizio works, you can view and download the Vizio E321MV TV User Manual on the Manualsnet website.

Yes, we have the User Manual for Vizio E321MV as well as other Vizio manuals. All you need to do is to use our search bar and find the user manual that you are looking for.

The User Manual should include all the details that are needed to use a Vizio E321MV. Full manuals and user guide PDFs can be downloaded from

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Free Vizio E321MV User Manual PDF | Manualsnet (2025)


Do Vizio TVs come with a user manual? ›

It does come with a user manual, but it's mostly a picture book.

How to get Vizio TV to work? ›

Press the INPUT button on the remote and select the input to which your device is connected (HDMI-1, Composite, Component, etc). Be sure the power cord is securely connected to the AC socket on the TV and to a working electrical outlet. Press the POWER button on the remote or on the side of the TV.

What model VIZIO do I have? ›

The System Info page will give you a lot of information about your TV. The first thing listed on this screen is TVSN. This is the serial number of your TV. The model number of the TV will be listed right below the serial number.

How do I use my VIZIO TV for free? ›

How can I watch Broadcast TV and antenna channels within WatchFree+?
  1. Connect an antenna to your VIZIO Smart TV.
  2. Select 'All Inputs' on your VIZIO Home Screen.
  3. Select the 'TV' input.
  4. Navigate to the WatchFree+ Guide.
  5. Select the 'Antenna' category.
  6. Don't forget to explore WatchFree+ while you're there!

What input should my Vizio smart TV be on? ›

For the best quality picture, we recommend using HDMI, DTV, RGB or Component inputs when possible. These are the only inputs capable of high definition (HD).

What are common problems with Vizio TVs? ›

No Power or Black Screen

One of the most frustrating issues you might encounter with your Vizio TV is when it fails to power on or displays a black screen. This problem can have several causes, but there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve it.

Do all Vizio TVs have manual buttons? ›

All Vizio televisions have buttons on the TV itself, but they may be in hard-to-find places. You'll typically find the buttons on the back of the TV, in the bottom right, or bottom left corners.

How do I navigate the menu on my Vizio TV without the remote? ›

What to Know
  1. Download the Vizio SmartCast app from Google Play or the iOS App Store. Open the app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the Control icon. Select Devices and choose your TV from the list that appears.
  3. The control menu that appears operates like a normal remote.
Oct 18, 2022

Can I use my Vizio TV without a remote? ›

Can't find your VIZIO remote? We have an exciting alternative for you! The VIZIO Mobile App allows you to control your TV right from your mobile device. Plus, with the VIZIO Mobile app, you can browse and discover movies, TV shows, music, live streams, and more across various apps all at once!


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.