Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

I I I I 1934 FIRST AND BEST- AS USUAR MARION, CHRONICLE MONDAY, JUNE 11, SIX Camping Time- Dash Off An Ad, Cash For Used. Ice Boxes, Splash! Its MERCHANDISE Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers CHOPPED FEED, per cwt. $1.20 CRACKED CORN -Per cwt. $1.30 Polley's. Feed Store.

Phone 944. Scratch Feed, per cwt. $1.75 Cracked Corn, per cwt. GRANT COAL FEED CO. E.

Bradford St. Phone 3022. PRICES lowest now. We recommend baying Winter a Coal now. Wilkinson Coal Cos Phone 454.

Household Goods COMPLETE LINE--Of oll stores and ranges, $14.95 and MONTGOMERY Third WARD St. 4'CO. 117 East BARGAINS In Used Washers and Used Refrigerators, $1 week. Broyles Electric W. Fourth St.

son Loan Realty 211 WashFURNITURE- -Extra good. Davidington Bldg. GOOD Used Caldwell ice Exchange, boxes, as 3115 low So. Washington St. Phone 513.

GULBRANSEN Player trunk; Piano recondi- and wardrobe tioned ice boxes. MARION OUTFITTERS, INC. 513-15 S. Phone 832 GREEN thin chiffonier, 421 S. mat- Gartress; other field.

ICER-75 lb. green enamel, rood condition, for $8.95. Bargain Basem*nt, Johnston 'Furniture Company. RUG-9x12, fine condition, $15; electric sweeper, like new, $10. 508 South Gallatin St.

WE HAVE- -No rent to pay, employ fancy trimmings. Just good usable merchandise at prices you can afford to pay. Drive few blocks and convince yourself that your savings will be worth We bay, sell or trade used furniture and stoves. General Supply 1727 Wast Nelson St. Phone 232.

Musical Merchandise BARGAINS--In used and new. Radios. Large trade-in allowance; E-Z- terms. Marion Hawe. Co.

PHILCO The ideal Radio for your car. Guarantee Tire Rubber Company. SMALL--Kimball upright piano, excellent shape; $35. Butler Music Company, Fifth Wash. Sta.

Seeds, Planta, Flowers: BEAUTIFY-Your lawn. Use Ford Ammonium Sulphate "Fertilizer." 4c per lb. One pound will cover 250 square feet. Book and instructions with each purchase. TRIANGLE MOTORS, 209-13 W.

Second St. Phone 375. HARDY PLANTS -Tritonas, double Hollyhocks, Delphinium, Carallar. dia, Coreopsis and Fox Glove, 10c each, or $1 dozen. Munday's, Florists, 3347 Lincoln Boulevard.

Phone 1860. SPECIAL- -Sale on all plants this week only. Ageratum, heliotrope, labelia, petunias, salvia, Salyssum, 1c each or 10c dozen. Coleus, asparagus, dusty, miller, fuschsias, geraniums, ivies, veerbenia, 2c each or dozen, geran-iums 5c esob. Free delivery anywhere.

Munday's Florists, 3347 Lincoln Blvd. Phone 1860. Specials at the Stores A COMPLETE LINE of Oil Stoves and Ranges, $14.95 and up. USED BED ROOM SUITE Bed, dresser and chest, mahogany, Colonial style, $34.95, Montgomery Ward 117 East Third St. BUY--Your Crosley Shelvador Refrigerator here; $99.50 up.

Broyles Electric 119 W. Fourth St. DUPONT HOUSE P. PAINT White $2.55 gallon Colors $2.40 gallon OATESS STRICLER Third Boots. Phone 058.

ELECTRIC IRONS per Hot Point, American Beauty and Westinghouse. Broyles Electrie Company, West Fourth St. FLORHIDE ENAMEL Use this on your porch doors, around your rugs, porch swings and window sashes, etc. Dries bard as rock in four hours. L.

J. MeATEE CO. 312 So. Boots St. Phone 1387.

I GASOLINE STOVES -Prices treatly reduced. Swanger McClain. WALLPAPER AND PAINTS Just in; a new supply of wallpaper popular prices. Wear- -Rite paint for houses, rarages, etc. Guaranteed.

$2.75 gallon. Headquarters for "Capital City" Goods" paints, varnishes, enamels, etc. SOUTH MARION FURN. CO. 3106-10 8.

Wash. St. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM OR CITY PROPERTY? THERE I8 NO BETTER or quicker way than through an ad in the "Real Estate" column on this page. Home seekers are watch. ing this column daily for an opportunity to buy farm or 'city property.

Perbape there' is someone waiting to buy the very property you wish to sell. MARKED INCREASE in rental prices and scute shortage of houses for rent are creating greater. demand for home owner. ship. "Tell and Sell" Through the Want Ads! An ad-taker will gladly assist in writing your ad.

Give a full description of the property for sale, and you'll find you will get much better results. 1 PHONE 244 or 234 MERCHANDISE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RIGHT NOW The Buying Power of Cash is High Now is the Time To Bay the Things You Need! THE STATE LOAN CO. Invites You To Investigate PERSONAL LOAN SERVICE Loans up to $150 may be secured on personal property and ture. Liberal weekly, or monthly repayment plan will please you. Come in and get the complete details.

State Loan Co. PHONE 2780 307 Marion National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Houses for Rent 3-room house, 1412 McClure; $9. rooms, 210 E. 1st $10.

5 rooms, 1411 McClure; $10. 5-r. house, 18th Brownlee; $10. 7-r. house, 617 E.

Harrison; $10. 3 4-room mod. west; $8, $10, Phone 1558. Shugart, 820 S. Bran.

Wanted- To Rent FARM-5 to 20 acres. Good buildings. Can furnish good references. Box 857 Galveston. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers in Real Estate General Insurance Agency, Inc.

307 Iroquois Building. Phone 880. INDIANA INS. REALTY CORP. Insurance, Real Estate, Rentals.

110 West Third St. Phone 1477. KEIM INSURANCE REALTY CO. "For results list your properties and rentals with St. Phone 1082 Farms 'and Land for Sale 83 THINK -Act.

12 acres 4 miles of Marion, state road; $550 cash, or best offer; no buildings, George F. Ring. Houses for Sale APARTMENT HOUSE, of 4 rooms each, 2 baths, rent $36 month, for $1,850 cash. George F. Ring.

GOOD Modern and semi-modern homes, all parts of the city. Easy payments. Phone 364. SIX-ROOM DWELLING Lights, inside -toilet and two lots, squares from postoffice, Fairmount. $400 cash.

S. E. Haisley, Fairmount. SOUTH-7-room house, garage, good location. Price $1250.

Will make terms. Heflin-Rudolph, 203 Glass Block. To Exchange- -Real Estate 88 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FIVE ROOMS--And bath, attractive home, fine condition, well located; good rental. For sale, or six or more rooms. A mighty nice little home.

100 FARMS And more, for sale or trade. A -Farms for city properties. 100 CITY PROPERTIES- And more, for sale or trade. A number for farms. NO PROPERTIES -Listed and no deal encouraged unless the prices and terms are fair to both sidesto both owner and purchaser.

deal or no deal. SANDERS, 735 West Fifth St. 60 ACRES- -In Michigan, improved, clear, for business property. Holmes. Phone 1802." 90 ACRES Close to town, good buildings; for town property.

Chronicle, Box 115. Wanted- Real Estate 89 LOT- -On Wabash Ave. Must be priced right. Phone 1315-J. The assessed valuation of all the real state in New York City is 362,061,510.


Matthews and Wabash Street Evangelical churches are backing the school, and is the second that the: two 'churches' have beld such school. More than a hasdred were enrolled- last year- and it is expected a larger umber will en. roll this year. Rev. D.

Schlinkman of the St. Matthews. church will be in active charge of the school, and teachers will be Mrs. George Harden, Mrs. Karl Kuldau, Elizabeth Schlemmer, Rev.

Ray Schlinkman and Rev. R. W. Loose of the Wabash Street church. TWO.

DIVORCES GRANTED BY COURT AT WABASH WABASH, June Tyner was granted divorce from Mabel Tyner court here today when the defendant was called and defaulted. Anna Metzger was granted divorce from Charles Metzger after the defendant had fled an in denial to ber charges. KIWANIS HEARS PROGRAM HARTFORD CITY, June 11. The Choral club, composed of eight young women here, gave program before the Kiwanis club at its meeting this' noon. The organiration was only recently formed, but its program was well worth while.

DR. BECK MOVES State of "Indians, Orant County, Buperior Court of Orant County, April Term. 1034. AnDe M. Collette vs.

Glen Collette. Mo. 10441. Complaint for Divorce. 1t known, that the 24t day of MAJ, A.

D. 1934. the abore named by Clerk her attorney, in Court the office said of Grant the of the Superior of County complaint aralnat said defendant in the above entitled cause, together with an of a competent person that the following named defendant, Glen H. Collette, not resident of the State of Indians. Bald defendant la therefore hereby notided of the Aline and pendency of said complaint against bim and that unless he pear and answer or demur thereto the calling of said cause on the 16th day of July, A.

D. 1934, the same being the judicial day of the April Term, 1034. of said Court, to be be run and held at Courthouse in Marion on the Ind Monday in April, 1934, said complaint, and the ters and things therein contained sad alleged, will be determined in his absence. Witness, the Clerk and the Seal of said Court, this 26th day of May. 1934.

LANDERS WHITE Clerk of the Grant Superior Court. M. Bell, Attorney for Plaintia. HARTFORD CITY, June 11. -Dr.

Charles W. Beck of Upland, well known dentist, is moving his office to this city, where he will begin practicing about the middle of the week. He has been practicing in Upland for the past eight years. AUCTIONS- LEGALS NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS 28; June 4-11. Notice of Final Settlement No.

4065. Notice la hereby Given to the creditors. heirs and leratees of Ross 0. Powell, deceased, to appear in the Grant Circuit Court, held Marion, Indiana, on the 38th day of 1934, and show cause, if any. FINAL SETTLEMENT ACCOUNTS with the estate of said decadent should not be proved; and said heirs are nottied to then and there make proof of heirship and celve their distributive shares.

Witness, the Clerk of said Court, this 4th day of June, 1934. LANDERS LA WHITE Clerk of Grant Circuit Court. June 4-11-10. CREDITORS WILL PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTICE the Distrist Court of the United Northern Distriat of Indla Wayne Division, In the Matter af Robert Washington Bradford, Bankrupt. No.

2005. To the Creditors of -Robert Washington Bradford, of Van Burro, la the County of Grant and State of Indiana: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that on the Kh day June, Robert Washington Bradford was duly bankrupt, and the meeting of his ereditors will be held at Room Paderal Building In Fort Wayne, Indiana, in said District 10:10 m. on Monday, June 10, 1034. at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the bankrupt, appoint trustee and transect such further business may properly come before said meeting. In order to receive consideration, all must be prepared according to the form prescribed by Jaw and properly endorsed on the outer aide thereof, with the name of the bankrupt, name ADd address of the creditor, amount claimed and name and address of counsel, If aDJ.

Dated at Fort Wayne, Indiana, this day of June, 1034. B. Referee in Bankruptcy. June 11. J.

SWAIN GARAGE Standard ou Products, Auto Repairing. Storage, Al Accessories and Battery Charting. Phone 105-J. das City, Indiana. Inne 1014 E- June 11-10.

Notice Settlement of Estate, No. 6017. Notice is hereby given KILLER, Gas City, Indiana, and ali others concerned that Ford Coupe Model 1920. Motor No. AT3502.

will be sold on the 11th day of July, 1934, by the GARAGE Gas City, Inat their place of business, Last Mela Birect, Gas City, Indiana, to satisfy claim held by said Swain's Garage amounting to Seventy-Nine Dollars. Notice been given by registered letter to last den of address Section in accordance Chapter with 113, the provi: 1926, Indiana Motor Vehicle Law. SWAIN'S GARAGE, By J. R. Swain, Prop.

Notice bereby given to the creditora, heirs and legatees of James Edward Ham, deceased, to appear In the Great Circuit day Court, of held June, at 1994. Marion, and show Indiana. on the 30th cause, if any, why the FINAL SETTLEMENT ACCOUNTS with the estate of said decedent should not be then and there and mate said heirs are notined to proof of beirship and receive their distributive shares Witness, the Clerk of said Court, this 11th day of June, 1994. LANDESS LA WHITE. Clerk of Grant Circuit Court.

June 11-18-25. CONVERSE BRIEFS CONVERSE, Ind, June 11-Mrs. Bert Alwine entertained recently at birthday party of in her honor son, of Bob. the fifth anniversary A large birthday cake formed the centerpiece of the table: Refreshments were served to Carl Hodson, Larry Jimmy Hyman, and Hilton Junior Paver, Slaughter, HarFredrie Thrasher, Betty, Bob and Donnabelle Alwine, Mark Carey, Orval and Elwood Donaldson, Mrs. Tolly Donaldson, Mrs.

Carey, Mrs. Hyman, Mra. Slaughter, Miss Bogand Mrs. Alwine. M.

D. Crowell, Pence Marion, Wednesday. called on Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Summers is spending several days with her brother, Paul Summers, and family, Indianapolis. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Barrett came home Thursday after spending the winter in Kokomo with their daughMr. and Mrs. Name and chiltar, Mary. dren, Ruth Ellen and Margaret Evelyn, and Mrs.

Sarah Name, all of Mishawaka, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Daily and Charley Name. Mrs. Marie Winger, Galveston, and Mrs.

Chancy Walker were called to Dayton, 0., Wednesday by the death of nephew, Emmit Miller. Mri. Clara Bryant returned home Monday after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rswearand Mrs.

Harry Rody, near inger, Plevna. Greentown, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Froelich. They were accompanied home by their son, Earl, who had spent the weekend at the Froelich home.

Miss Margaret, Louise Cable and Rev. H. M. Thrasher were, the M. Armond J.

Rogers married E. church. The ceremony took place at the home of the parents of the bride, with Rev. and Mrs. Thrasher and the parents as witnesses.

The bride is the only, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cable. She is member of the Converse high school graduating class of 1934. The groom son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Rogers, former residents of Converse. He is a graduate of Kokomo high school and has had two years of college work in drafting. At present. they will make their home bride's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Cable, near here. WHAT CONGRESS HAS UP TODAY (By the Press) MONDAY Senate Considers silver bill under debatelimitation agreement. Banking committee works on housing Appropriations sub bill. committee considers deficiency appropriation bill and drouth relief measure.

Rexford G. Tugwell questioned by agriculture committee, considering his appointment as undersecretary of agriculture. House to act on conference report on bank deposit insurance bill. he Military affairs investigation. committee of holds army hearing truck purphases.

HEADS SUPERVISED PLAY HARTFORD CITY, June 11. -Miss Elizabeth Haynes, who has been in charge of the kindergarten class here during past term, will have charge of supervised play for children between the ages of five and nine years here this summer. AUTO KILLS CLERK FORT WAYNE, Ind. June George Lake, New Haven, grocery clerk, was dead today from injuries received when his automobile was in collision with another machine on U. S.

Route 30, 'east of here. BOYS TAKE HIKE Members of the Boys Department of the Marion C. A. hiked to Lugar Creek today. They left the at 9:30 m.

under the leadership of Henry Miller. DROWNS IN RIVER EVANSVILLE, June 11. (INS) -George Dickman, 16, lost his life from drowning in the Webash River near New Harmony when he stepped from a ledge into water 35 feet deep. LAFONTAINE. The INDIANA: Cloudy, scattered showers tonight and possibly in south and extreme east portions Tuesday morning; cooler Tuesday and extreme northwest portion tonight.

ILLINOIS: Partly, cloudy, scattered showers tonight and possibly in south portion Tuesday morning; cooler in extreme north portion tonight and in north and central portions Tuesday. LOWER MICHIGAN: Partly cloudy, scattered showers tonight and possibly in extreme southeast portion Tuesday morning: cooler Tuesday and in north portion tonight. OHIO: Cloudy with occasional showers and thunder storms beginning late tonight or Tuesday, somewhat warmer in north and central portions tonight; cooler KENTUCKY: probably occasional showers and thunder storms tonight and Tuesday; not much change in temperature. Wearing Apparel 65 WE BUY--And sell men's used clothing. Witcoff.

Phone 6043. The continuation of this and other unusual bargains and buys will be found in today's Want Ads! Chronicle LeaderTribune Want ad Replies WE HAVE REPLIES WE HAVE REPLIES to Box Numbers 88, 90, 94,. 102, 107, 115 and 118. Funeral Directors SHAWLEY FUNERAL HOME Phone 120 Quality at Reasonable Prices. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 PAIR Of hedge shears.

W. P. Lane, R. R. 1, Box 266.

Reward. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cards of Thanks HALL, DONALD LEROY- We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and help during the illness and death of our little son and brother; Mr. Needham, the undertaker, for his consoling words and kind services; Rev. Whitecotton for his beautiful ser. mon, and for the lovely floral and Mrs.

Raymond Hall and Sons, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin. AUTOMOTIVE Automoblies for Sale 11 CLARENCE BREWER Now in charge of our Service Department. MARION MOTORS, INC.

509-13 So. Adams St. HOUSE TRAILER wheel, like new, built in features, all newly accommodate to .6 people. John Matthews, Marion Motors or 809 W. 10th St.

SEE THE SENSATIONAL NEW DODGE SIX In three models, Coupe, Sedan and Coach, at lower prices. On display at our show rooms. We invite you in for demonstration. GLEN ROBINSON, INC. 2nd Wash.

Sts. Phone 162 1927 BUICK Standard Series Coupe. Chevrolet four 1927 Dodge four-door Sedan. WYANT MOTOR SALES 104-06 S. Wash.

Phone 106. 1932 FORD V-8 Deluxe Coach, $375. STOKES, 221 West Second St, Phone 1081. 1929 FORD TUDOR, $125. AMERICAN GARAGE, INC.

812 W. Second St. Phone 1034. 1932 FORD Coupe. An unusually nice car.

Pulley's, 417 N. Washington St. Phone 2715. 1928 CHEVROLET-4-door Sedan, 22,167 miles. Priced reasonable.

GLEN ROBINSON'S LOT Phone 162. On Boots Between Second Third. 1933 3 PLYMOUTH COUPE- Excellent condition, balloon tires; bargain. Glenn A. Scott, 307 E.

3rd. 1931 WILLYS Coupe, new tires, -fenders newly painted, excellent condition. Must sell. $225. Box 119, care Chronicle.

1931 truck, flat bottom, mechanically good. MARION TIRE BATTERY 716-18 South Adams St. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parta 13 AUTO PAINTING -See Tom Pence at Glenn A. Scott's Oldsmobile Agency, 807 East Third St. USED TIRES If we have your size.

Bargains. Hartley Auto Wrecking 29th and Adams. WRECKED CARS Rebuilt like new. Klaus Auto Service, 303 West Second St. There are about 278 8 lepers in the government leper colony at Carrville, Louisiana.

124 BUSINESS SERVICE Beauty Parlors 18A FREE Waves with all $2.50 Permanents during summer months. 5th. Phone 260. REDUCED PRICES Permanents, 65c and up. Maude Lees, 201 Iroquois Building.

Phone 2551. 215 Heating, Plumbing, Rooting 22 ROLL ROOFING-1 ply, 2 ply, 8 ply, $1.76, State Roofing 115 E. 6th St. SOFTER- R--Than rain water, and sanitary. "Unifow," "Duro" A Softeners.

Howard Swanger Company. Phone 894. Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 Insure with dependable agency. KEIM INSURANCE REALTY CO. "The Responsible Agency" Adams at 5th Sts.

Phone 1082 UNDERWRITERS Insurance is BROKERS, not side line. Phone 500 or 501. Moving, Trucking Storage 25 AVAILABLE STORAGE And Moving. Padded van. Marion Outfitters, Inc.

Phone 832. STORAGE -Furniture, stoves; moving. Hazel Lemon. Phone 1698-W. Typewriters and Supplies 27A TYPEWRITERS -ADDERS Cleaned Overhauled All Work Guaranteed.

TYPEWRITER SUPPLY CO. E. Fifth St. Phone 138. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted- -Female 32 WANTED -White girl for general house work.

Apply in person, 1146 W. 6th St. Help Wanted- Mate NIGHT COOK- Wanted. Apply in Good Eats Cafe, Fourth Adams Sts. WANTED -Man to sell new vacuum cleaners.

Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co. 305 S. Boots St. Situations Wanted- Female 36 RELIABLE- Woman wants housekeeping. Can take full charge.

615 South St. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 GROCERY--Store in small town, A-1 business. All fresh stock. Chronicle Box 117. TWO--Young men, assist manager on local routes.

Pay starts at once. Mr. Fuller, DeSoto Hotel, 7 to 8 p. m. Bonds 39 WE BUY SELL--Indiana General Service preferred stock.

John Diggs Company, McCleery Building. Phone 289. Money to Loan Mortgages 40 MONEY TO LOAN On conservative first mortgages on well located improved real estate. John H. Diggs de Company, McCleery Building.

Phone 289. INSTRUCTION Local Instruction Classes 45 HOURS, SUBJECTS And program can be varied in summer school at Marion Business College. Progress is individual. "Ask for "Bulletin." PRIVATE TUTORING -By experienced primary and elementary teacher. Reasonable rate, Emma Williams Shippy.

911 W. 4th St. Phone 8341. SUMMER SCHOOL- June 18th, for grade remedial and advanced work; $1.50 per week; 9 to 12. Room 1, Washington School.

LIVE STOCK Dogs, Other Pets 47 PERSIAN KITTENS- Pure bred, 6 weeks. Little beauties. 1834 Jetfras Ave. Horses. Cattle.

Vehicles TWO Heavy draft horses, weight about 1850 each. Lugi Marcuccilli, 2 miles east Soldiers Home. ONE -Used side rake, 1 used hay loader, 1 used two-row cultivator, 1 used 12-7 drill for sale. KepnerMart 229 W. 2nd Marion, and Swayzee.

Poultry and Supplies FANCY DRESSED POULTRY-All weights; free delivery. Marion Produce 405 East Fourth St. SPRING FRIES--From 2 to 3 dressed delivered free. Quality Produce Co. Phone 1329-W.

MERCHANDISL Articles for Sale A HOUSE OF A THOUSAND BARGAINS--Ofers motors, air compressors, belting, pulleys, shaftings, new steel in all forms, at prices you can afford. to pay. General Supply 1727 West Nelson St. Phone 232. LARGE- -Field water tank, 1 small beer dispensary outfit; 1 ice chest.

Inquire Elks Club or phone 272. TENT-10x12 9x12 rug, $10 each. 927 So. Branson. WAGONS Swanger McClain.

Building Materiais 53 USED LUMBER 2x4, 2x8 drop siding; flooring, windows, doors, etc. 'Phone 147 after 7 p. m. Specials at the LOWE BROTHERS HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINT The finest Paint money can buy. Do not fail to investigate this Paint before you buy.

HENDEY 'S 509 S. Wash. St. Phone 346. "OLD RELIABLE PAINT The perfect white, all colors.

New 4-hour Enamel, quart, 85c. "Elastic" Waterproof four -hour Varnish Stain, quart, 75c. New door sander for rent. MARION PAINT COMPANY "The Old Reliable Store." Opposite Paramount. Raw Linseed Oil Boiled Linseed oil 93c gal.

Pure Gum Turpentine 90c gal. Painters' Naptha 40c Sold with or without Paints these prices. White Lead, $11 per 100-1b. keg. J.

MeATEE CO. 312 So. Boots St. Phone 1387. WE BU sell men's used clothing.

Witcoff. Phone 6043. Wanted- To Buy WANTED- To rent or trade for baritone or bass saxophone. Butler Music Company, 5th Wash. WANTED TO BUY- Used Stoves.

Phone 2453. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms without Board 68 COZY- Mod sleeping room, private home. Phone 1474-J. LOVELY- -Modern sleeping West First room St. in 813 ROOMS -With board if desired, in private home.

4206 So. Landess. TWO Lovely furn. cool sleeping for girls; private home. 823 West Third St.

Phone 2036. Living rooms, $2.50 per month, close in; 5 room house, 85th Race Sts. Eli Coats. Rooms for Housekeeping EIGHTH 116 Two furn. first door rooms; $3.50.

Where to Cat SPECIAL Chicken, Fried Steak, Tuesday at Barney's Cafe, opposite Postonice. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats BRANSON 709-3-room mod. apartment, ground floor. COZY Newly furnished modern apartment. Phone 1474-J.

CLOSE IN- Unfurn. 3-room modern apartment. Phone 2046-M. COMFORTABLY Furn. strictly modern laundry, hot water service; south.

Phone 6022. ONE Of finest apartments in city, strictly modern, five rooms, tile bath, laundry, bot water service. Phone 2750. SMALL Apartment; also office rooms. Phone 796.

THIRD 424-Furn, apartment; downstairs; private. WHITES 409-5-room modern apartment. Phone 1443. 6th furn. apartment; private bath." Phone 2906: Farms and Land for Rent 76 FOUR LOTS Rent on shares.

412 North Illinois St. Houses for Rent BOOTS 709-9 room modern home; furnished $50; unfurnished $40. Inquire Butler Music Company. FIRST 311-Modern lower duplex, 5 rooms, bath. Inquire 814 West Fourth St.

or 1625 South Meridian St. SECOND W. 612-6 rooms modern, $20. M. G.

Gotschall Agency, 201 Custer Block. Phone 2537. LAFONTAINE, June Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, ant Lake, and Mrs.

E. J. Haggery, Lafontaine, spent few days of last week visiting relatives in Indianapolis and visiting Turkey Run and the Shades. Mr. and Mrs.

-Robert Derricks and J. P. Sumpter attended the Republican convention at Indianapolis, Tuesday. Mrs. L.

S. Nell was hostess to tables the Tuesday Bridge Club, Two were formed. Those playing Mrs. Ovid Mrs. G.

U. Geyer, Mrs. Lee Daugherty, Mrs. Ben Howard, Mrs. G.

B. Sailors, club Charlotte members, and Martha Scott, Scott Louise Stults, Fort Wayne, guests. Miss Mildred Crawford entertained the So and Sew Club, Tuesday night. The members present were Joanna Cooper, Alpha Speicher, Helen Hardman, Elizabeth Hammond, Edith Thompson, Mary Hester Clark Mauldred Stremmel. Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Meyers and children of Yale, were honor guests at family dinner at the Harry Davis home on State Road 15 north, June 3. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Pennington, Swayzee; Mrs.

Mollie Datough and Elsie Ann Darough, Van Buren; Med and Mrs. Fred Ebbinghouse, North Manchester; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kissinger and children, Lincolnville; Mr. and Mrs.

William Sleeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Garl Pilgrim and fam. ily of near Treaty. Mrs.

E. T. Martin, assisted by Miss Anna Mrs. Estella Lo-: gan and Mrs. Clarence Mickel, entertained the I.

W. T. Sunday school class of the M. E. church, Wednesday afternoon, Refreshments were served Miss Etta Emerick, Mrs.

Lloyd Green and Glenna, Mrs. Clara B. Harper, Mrs. J. F.

Lutey, Mrs. Clare Weir and Marilyn, Mrs. Hugh Howard, Mrs. O. T.

Cain and Betty, Glenn Duffey and Bonnie Mrs. H. A. Covalt, Mrs. Fred Ste.

vens, Mrs. J. L. Walker and children, Mrs. Rose Miller, Mrs.

R. D. McKay, Mrs. S. T.

Parker, Mrs. Maxine Ulshaffer, Mrs. William Sil. vers, Mrs. Forrest Harnish, Mrs.

Clarence Stuber, Mrs. S. P. Sailors, Mrs. Herbert Dalrymple, Mrs.

0. W. Clark, Mrs. Emon Roof, Mrs. Crea Whitcraft and children, and hostesses.

Mrs. Ross Daugherty, Mrs. Merlin Clupper and Mrs. Lester Stuber entertained at a three-course bridgeluncheon Thursday, afternoon at the Community club house at Treaty. Roses and peonies were used in the decorations.

Rose buds were placed on the small luncheon tables. The hostesses were assisted" in serving by Mrs. Cyril Clupper, Mrs. Her-, man Gray and Pauline Cecil. The guests 'were Mrs.

Lillie Wallace, Mrs. Lawrence Wallace, Mrs. A. N. McCracken, Mrs.

John Kyser, Avis Clark, Wabash; Mrs. A. F. Ferguson, Mrs. Lloyd Green, Mrs.

L. Morris, Mrs. G. U. Geyer, Mrs.

G. B. Sailors, Mrs. L. S.

Neff, Mrs. Harold Thomas, Martha Scott, Mrs. Walter Stands, Mrs. Ben Howard, Mrs. Ovid Miller, Mrs.

Lee Daugherty, Mrs. Glenn Duffey, Mrs. Fred Pullen, Mrs. Milo Gruwell, Mrs. Tom prion; Mrs.

Clarence Stuber, Mrs. Daugherty, Mrs. Harold Rapp, 3 MaEmond Roof, Mrs. 0. W.

Clark, Mrs. Oliver Clark, Mrs. J. Blood and Mrs. O.

T. Cain. Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Morris and Mrs.

Cain received prizes for high scores. Mrs. Rose Miller was given a surprise honoring her birthday anniversary, Wednesday night by the following ladies: Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess and guest, Charles Burgess of Banquo; Mrs. L.

F. Lutey and guests, Mrs. Clare Weir and Marilyn, Lima, Mrs. Anna Boys and guest, Wanda Davis, Anderson; Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mrs.

Harold Goff, Mrs. Cris Gruwell, Mrs. S. P. Sailors, Mrs.

Harry Edwards, Mrs. Reginald Wintrode, Mrs. K. A. Parker and Janet June' Miller.

FILES ESTATE CLAIM WABASH, June Bidwell today filed claim against the estate of Train C. McClure, Civil War veteran, who died, asking $300 for services alleged given during a period of several weeks prior Ito his death, CHRONICLE PATTERN MARIAN MARTIN PLANNED THIS FORSLIMNESS Complete, Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart Included PATTERN 9002 James Martin as sureties. In a frock like this for the larger figure, every little thing is done with an object. The panel in the front makes 1 woman look taller'and the point at the top is planned for slimness. So as a matter of.

fact are the short raglan sleevesfor slimness and chic as well. Even the soft little jabot is more than just becoming it softens and breaks the lines of the figure If you select your print with care and discretion this will make a flattering frock as you ever had on your back. Send 15c in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to write plainly your name, address, the style number and size of each pattern. A beautiful, complete collection of Summer Clothes is shown in the new summer edition of the Marian Martin pattern book.

This book will you plan stunning vacation wardrobe. Clever beach ensembles, charming costumes for the gardener, style suggestions for the summer bride and her attendants and sun suits for children are among the special features. Send for your copy today. Price of book, 15c, book and pattern together, 25c. Send order to The Marion Chronicle Pattern Department, 610 South Adams Street, Ind, EXECUTOR IS NAMED June Joel Martin today was named executor the estate of Levi Martin and filed bond of $3,400, with himself and 9002 James Martin as sureties.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.